Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 93: Just Out of the Novice Village

"Attention! Enemy ships approaching!"
"Attention! Enemy ships approaching!"

Some sailors with sharp eyes were the first to spot the approaching pirate longboats. They quickly lowered their voices to warn their companions. Soon, everyone could see the pirates through the gaps in the railings. As the sailors shifted positions, the sound of their armor quietly rustled.

"It's Iron Hook!" Meris muttered, recognizing the pirates.

"Iron Hook?" Viserys asked.

"These pirates don't just operate in the Narrow Sea; they also frequently plunder the lower Rhoyne," Meris explained.

The lower Rhoyne is under the control of Volantis, one of the nine Free Cities and among the most powerful. The fact that these pirates could operate so brazenly suggested they were no ordinary threat.

"I'll leave this to you. I'm heading to the port side," Meris said.

"Yes," Viserys replied, gripping his halberd. He had never imagined his first taste of battle would come at sea.

The approaching pirates were thrilled to find the ship eerily quiet, interpreting it as a sign of unpreparedness. As the distance closed, they hurled their grappling hooks over the railings.

Jorah glanced at Viserys and noted his steady breathing and calm demeanor. It was astonishing, especially for someone facing their first battle. Most men, even the bravest, often lost their nerve. Regis, standing nearby, was visibly trembling—an understandable reaction. But Viserys, seemingly unfazed, casually popped a piece of jerky into his mouth.

As the pirates prepared to board, the ship's archers silently drew their bows, ready to shoot at any moment. The ropes attached to the grappling hooks tightened as the pirates began to climb, clinging to the ship like cicadas on a tree. No one on board dared to move, waiting for Meris's command with bated breath.

Meris glanced at Dick, who was perched in a high position. When the time was right, Dick put his hand to his mouth and blew a loud whistle. The pirate leader sneered but soon realized it was too late to react. A hail of arrows rained down on them!

"Pull!" Meris commanded, and over 30 archers stood and fired.

The pirate leader, looking up from below, felt as if the ship's railing had suddenly grown taller. "Fire!" he ordered.

"We've been ambushed!" the pirate leader finally realized, but retreat wasn't an option. With nearly 200 men against fewer than 80 on the ship, he believed victory was within reach. Their armor would soon help them overrun the defenders.

"Keep boarding! Keep boarding!" the brown-skinned pirate leader shouted, determined to breach the ship's defenses.

The Windblown had fewer than 30 armored sailors, many only wearing leather armor. Though they initially held an advantage, the sheer number of pirates overwhelmed them.

"Armor is truly a treasure!" Baland exclaimed, his fists clenched in excitement. Vitus had told him he could keep 50 suits of armor, but Baland decided to keep them all.

He knew the difference a good suit of armor made. With these 200 suits, he would rise to be a first-class pirate, recruit more men, and take control of the Rhoyne. He couldn't wait.

However, he soon realized that there was one place where his men couldn’t break through. In the moonlight, he spotted a man wielding a strange long-handled weapon, keeping everyone at bay. In just the brief time he had been watching, seven or eight of his men had already fallen. He even saw one of them get knocked into the air by the force of the weapon.

Baland had no idea that the man he was observing was the Beggar King, Viserys. In his mind, since Viserys had won a swordsmanship championship, he must have been using a sword. But at that moment, Viserys had no opponents near him. No one dared to come within five or six meters of him.

Jorah, with his sharp battlefield instincts, quickly positioned himself behind Viserys, using him as a shield while also fending off numerous enemies. Meanwhile, Dany, recalling Viserys’s advice to "shoot and move," used her crossbow to take down at least three foes.

Viserys surveyed the scene and saw that the other directions were far more dangerous. They were at risk of being split up and surrounded by the pirates. If that happened, they wouldn’t be able to hold out until Jalifah’s reinforcements arrived. They couldn’t possibly take on nearly 200 pirates alone. Though Viserys was strong, he was still far from being a true king.

'We need to find a way to relieve some of the pressure,' Viserys thought. He pulled back his mask, removed his helmet, and shouted to the surrounding pirates, "I am Viserys Targaryen! You sons of bitches! Come if you’re not afraid to die!"

"Viserys!" Baland was shocked to see Viserys's silver hair fluttering in the wind. He had never expected Viserys to be so fierce. Despite Viserys winning the duel, as a battle-hardened pirate, Baland had always looked down on him, believing that duels were mere showmanship and that true combat was only found on the battlefield. Even his earlier warning to his men had been half-hearted.

But now, Viserys’s martial prowess far exceeded his expectations. And his roar had its effect—many pirates turned their attention to him. However, they paid a steep price. None had ever encountered a weapon like his before. It could chop, slash, stab, and even crush! When swung, it produced a menacing "woo-woo" sound, indicating its immense weight and the extraordinary strength required to wield it.

"Regis!" Suddenly, Viserys heard Jorah’s shout. He turned and saw a medium-sized pirate in a seal-skin cloak drive a dagger into Regis’s neck.

In his past life as a mercenary, Viserys had lost many comrades. The sting of such losses had dulled over time, to the point where he could forget after a good night’s sleep. But Regis was the first comrade he had lost since coming to this world, and the pain of losing a companion surged through him once more.

Dany, who had been lying in wait to take her next shot, also witnessed the scene. Although she had once been wary of Regis, she had grown to see him as a simple and straightforward man. Especially after being impressed by Viserys’s combat skills, Regis had almost become a fanboy, and he had always treated her with kindness. The crossbow she held had even been a gift from Regis.

For a moment, both Viserys and Dany were consumed by grief, their swings and shots coming faster and with greater force. But the pirates kept coming.

Just as everyone was fighting desperately, a long horn sounded in the distance. Baland turned to see that six large longships had suddenly surrounded them!

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