Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 95: The Red Widow

After hearing Meris's story, Viserys learned that this "Webber" was also from Westeros, just like them. Webber hailed from Coldmoat in The Reach, and his lineage was tied to the infamous "Red Widow." This Red Widow earned her name by marrying five husbands in succession, with the last one being a Lannister. In fact, she was Tywin's grandmother. The Red Widow didn't die of old age; instead, she mysteriously disappeared, leaving even the Lannisters unable to find her.

Returning to the current Webber, Viserys recalled that three or four months ago, during the Battle of the Shield Lake, the Seventh Battalion, which Webber commanded, had suffered heavy losses. From over 200 men, their numbers had dwindled to just over 70. As a result, the leader of the Windblown, the Tattered Prince, was considering disbanding the battalion.

Viserys realized that if Webber wanted to command a battalion again, his only option might be the Seventh Battalion, which was primarily composed of Westerosi. Defeated by a formidable enemy, with his battalion in disarray, Webber had been assigned to lead it during this critical period. Viserys then thought of a certain handsome young man who was well-known in the countryside.


Regis's penetrating wound had miraculously avoided infection, leaving him with only a slight restriction in neck movement and no other lasting effects. Now, everyone on the ship affectionately calls him "Lucky Regis," a nickname he’s proud to have earned so early in his career.

After another three or four days of sailing, the group arrived in Tyrosh early one morning. From a distance, the black walls of Tyrosh nearly blended in with the rocky island on which the city sat. Surrounded by the sea, Tyrosh boasted several harbors, and from above, the large and small ships resembled tadpoles clustered around a mother frog. Viserys and the others docked at the port on the west side of the city. Unlike other cities, Tyrosh lacked grand statues of Titans but was home to the famous Topless Tower, a structure carved into the rock. The majority of the Topless Tower served as a "slave transit station," giving it its name. The top of the tower functioned as a lighthouse, guiding ships to the port.

The port of Tyrosh buzzed with an almost chaotic energy, the noise so pervasive that Viserys could feel the commotion even before their ship docked. Tyrosh was known for its flamboyant culture, often described as the city of many strange hair colors.

Viserys had thought Daario’s appearance at the festival was audacious, but when he saw Tyroshi, he realized Daario had been downright subdued.

Tyrosh was famous for its vibrant pigments, and the locals dyed their hair in vivid shades of scarlet, green, blue, chestnut, and cherry red. A strong, heady scent filled the air, and Viserys even spotted someone sporting a Mohawk-like hairstyle. The Tyroshi aesthetic was undeniably bold and unrestrained.

As soon as they disembarked, Dick engaged in conversation with a group of coachmen speaking a Valyrian dialect. Although Viserys was fluent in Valyrian, he could only grasp the general idea of what was being said. Tyrosh was one of the Free Cities, and it wasn’t uncommon to see slave owners unloading lines of slaves from ships. Some even conducted sales in crowded areas, where traders would lift the slaves, pull back their clothes to display their bodies to potential buyers, and even inspect their teeth as if they were livestock. Some slaves had a wild, fierce look in their eyes, barely covered by tattered animal skins, as though they had been captured from beyond the Wall.

The scene before her made Dany, who had recently left Braavos, feel a pang of discomfort, but she remained silent. She was no longer the timid girl she once was; she had become a warrior, fighting alongside her brother Viserys. Although she found the sight disturbing, she did not dwell on the idea of intervening. Jorah, however, appeared completely at ease, having been involved in such transactions before.

Viserys felt a subtle shift within himself. After listening to the Valyrian dialect for about half an hour, he noticed a new skill appear on his panel:

Valyrian (Dialect): Beginner (11/100) +

To navigate the city more freely, Viserys promptly upgraded the skill to "Ordinary." This would ensure that, as long as he avoided specialized trade jargon, he wouldn’t be easily deceived by locals.

Meanwhile, Dick arranged several wagons for the group and prepared to send them to the Windblown's office in Tyrosh. He stayed behind to oversee the loading and unloading of their goods and was also tasked with selling the pirate ship captured from the Iron Hook Pirates.

"Please get in the carriage, Lord," one of the attendants said.

Viserys and Meris shared a carriage, where she began explaining the customs of Tyrosh to him. "The people of Tyrosh are notoriously greedy. There's nothing they won’t sell if the price is right—even their wives. You'll find mercenaries and pleasure gardens on every corner."

Through the window, Viserys observed a man making a sales pitch, trying to sell a woman to another man. The woman cooperated, flaunting her charms. Whether she was actually his wife or merely someone he was pimping out, Viserys couldn’t be sure.

At Meris's prompting, Viserys turned his attention to a building with a large yellow door, adorned with several skulls strung together. "That’s tied to the Golden Company," she explained. "Because Tyrosh, Myr, and Lys are all part of the Disputed Lands, you’ll find mercenary headquarters in the Free Cities. Not just the Golden Company, but also the Stormcrows, the Long Lances, all top-tier mercenary groups."

Meris continued, "The supreme ruler of Tyrosh is called the Archon. Unlike the secretive dealings of the three houses of Braavos, here they openly engage in bribery. In fact, among the Tyroshi, it's believed that if you don't understand the art of bribery, you're unfit to rule."

"Look over there," she instructed, pointing out a massive statue of a three-headed god. Though Viserys hadn’t seen it in Braavos, the triangular tower next to the statue seemed familiar.

"That's a temple dedicated to the Three-Headed God. It's said that one head devours death, another spits out new life, and the third is a mystery."

"How long has this statue been here?" Viserys asked.

"I’m not sure," Meris replied. "It seems like it’s always been here, maybe even since the time of Valyria."

Viserys nodded, feeling a growing sense of anticipation. He decided he would investigate further after meeting the Tattered Prince. Valyrians were known to be atheists, seeing themselves as gods due to their control over dragons and magic. If this statue indeed dated back to the Valyrian era, it might hold unexpected significance.

As they traveled deeper into the city, the streets became congested with vendors and merchants haggling over prices, causing traffic delays. "That purple-haired one, give us some space! Hey, I'm talking to you!" Meris shouted, leaning out of the carriage. Her scarred face lent her words an intimidating authority, and the vendor quickly moved his stall out of the way. Despite her efforts, it still took nearly an hour to reach the Windblown's office.

Once they arrived, Viserys immediately felt the harsh sunlight, which made his eyes uncomfortable. Dany, too, shielded her eyes. Their light purple eyes were sensitive to bright light, and it became clear they would need to find a solution.

The office’s entrance was marked by a blue and white striped flag of the Windblown. As they stepped through the door, they found themselves in front of a three-story mansion. In the courtyard between the gate and the mansion, Windblown mercenaries stood guard, maintaining order.

"Hey, Meris!"

The mercenaries greeted Meris as soon as they spotted her, their smiles a mix of flattery and unease. As the Windblown's interrogator and the Tattered Prince's right-hand, Meris held a level of authority far beyond that of an ordinary mercenary. She responded with a brief nod, continuing to walk alongside Viserys.

"Hey, our 'beauty' has brought back a pretty boy. Looks like she's ditched that Dick guy," one of the mercenaries muttered.

"Silver hair and purple eyes—maybe he's from Lys? And what's he doing with that little dwarf?" another whispered as they pointed at the siblings. Dany, clad in leather armor and wearing a mask, went unnoticed as a girl.

The first floor of the mansion was crowded with mercenaries who had come to 'apply for a job.' They hailed from all corners of the world, their skin tones varying widely. Among them were two dark-skinned men who appeared to be from the Summer Isles.

Viserys, however, didn’t have to wait with the rest. Meris led him straight upstairs, leaving the other mercenaries to eye him with envy, though none dared voice it aloud. Viserys carried himself with a tall, steady gait, giving the impression of a seasoned warrior.

Soon, Viserys was ushered into a waiting room. The walls were adorned with short swords, scimitars, shields, and helmets, a display of the Windblown’s martial prowess.

"I'll go and find the captain. Wait here for a moment," Meris said before leaving the room.


The captain of the Windblown, known as the Tattered Prince, was a man in his sixties with silver-gray hair and heavy bags under his eyes, sagging like a rooster's wattles, giving him a perpetually mournful expression. He had founded the Windblown about twenty years ago, starting with a group of six men—now, he was the only one left. As the first and only leader of the Windblown, he had fled from Pentos to avoid being sacrificed, a decision that had tragic consequences for his family. His greatest desire over the years had been to return to Pentos and exact revenge on the nobles responsible for his family's slaughter.

Behind him hung a map of the Disputed Lands, covered in various markings, with Lys prominently marked by a large red cross. The Tattered Prince's true name was known only to himself. Those close to him addressed him as "Captain," while others used the more distant title of "Tattered Prince."

"Captain, you'll never guess who I've brought back with me this time!" Meris exclaimed eagerly as soon as she saw him.

"Qarro Volentin?" the captain guessed.

"No, but someone even better!" Meris replied, brimming with excitement.

The old captain's curiosity was piqued. The results of the Swordsmanship Tournament in Braavos had not yet been widely disseminated, so when Meris revealed that she had brought back the tournament champion, he was genuinely surprised. Upon learning that the champion was none other than Viserys, his reaction was difficult to describe. However, this didn't mean he hesitated to consider using Viserys—after all, the world of sellswords was filled with people from all walks of life. Even Aegor "Bittersteel" had joined the ranks after losing a power struggle. Viserys was no exception.

What concerned the captain more was the credibility of Viserys's victory. It initially sounded too far-fetched, but since the prize for the tournament winner was a Valyrian steel sword, he decided to see for himself.

"Three thousand gold dragons in payment, plus a sister, and only willing to sign a one-year contract..." the old captain murmured to himself. The demands were indeed excessive, but if Viserys proved suitable, it might be worth considering. He turned to Meris and asked, "By the way, how old is this Viserys?"


"Seventeen? He's too young," the captain said, shaking his head. Young men that age often had a dangerous misconception—they believed that only others would die on the battlefield, never themselves. When faced with defeat, they tended to spiral into depression, retreat into escapism, or even collapse entirely. In other words, while young men could be used as cannon fodder, putting them in command was tantamount to sending them to their deaths. This was why the captain preferred older, more seasoned commanders.

"Didn't you say he also brought Jorah Mormont? I've heard of him—he can stay. Tell Viserys that if he doesn’t want to start as an ordinary mercenary, he should find another path," the captain instructed.

"But Commander..." Meris began, but the Tattered Prince waved her off. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a handful of copper stars and coins, along with a few gold dragons. He intended to offer Viserys some compensation, acknowledging Meris's efforts in bringing him here. Originally, he had considered adding a gemstone, but the Windblown’s strained finances made him reluctant.

Sensing the captain's hesitation, Meris quickly recounted their recent battle at sea, piquing the captain’s interest further.

"You mean he volunteered to be bait to lure the pirates, and then you and House Zalyne wiped them out?" the captain asked.

"Yes! Exactly!" Meris confirmed, eager to convince him. "He used an unusual long spear, but it was incredibly effective. He could take on ten men at once!"

"Then bring him in," the captain said, stroking his eyebrows thoughtfully. 'If this young man was truly as formidable as Meris described, it might be worth giving him a chance.'

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