Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 97: The First Head Devours the Dying, and the Reborn Emerges from the Third

Viserys’s suggestion met no opposition, and after leaving the office, the group headed straight for the Temple of the Three-Headed God. Tyrosh had a total population of around 300,000, over 200,000 of whom were slaves. As they walked through the city, they passed numerous naked slaves, many of whom were laboring as porters, miners, or performing other menial tasks. West of Tyrosh, in the copper mines alone, there were more than 30,000 enslaved workers. The more fortunate slaves might serve as waiters, clerks, or craftsmen.

Viserys reflected on the issue of slavery as they walked. While freeing all the slaves at once might seem noble, it would inevitably lead to the same challenges the Mother of Dragons faced in Slaver's Bay. However, perhaps a gradual approach—releasing their power slowly—could be more effective.

As these thoughts occupied his mind, the group arrived near the Temple of the Three-Headed God. From their previous vantage point, they hadn’t been able to see the statue clearly, but now, up close, its towering presence was undeniable. The statue, cast in bronze and standing five or six meters tall, featured three massive heads that dominated its structure, occupying nearly three-quarters of the entire figure. From a structural standpoint, it seemed improbable, but according to Meris, the statue was thousands of years old and possibly crafted through magic.

"There’s a legend that touching the toes of the Three-Headed God brings good luck," Meris said, pointing to the statue's toes. "According to the tale, those who touch the toes will become fortunate."

Looking in the direction Meris indicated, Viserys noticed that the toes of the statue were indeed smoother than the rest, worn down by countless touches over the centuries.

"Haha, then I don’t need to touch it!" Regis boasted, showing off the scar on his neck. These days, he often stretched his neck, as if trying to gain an extra inch.

"The first head devours the dying and the reborn emerge from the third, and the middle one… I’m not sure," Viserys mused as he examined the three-headed statue, trying to deduce the purpose of the third head based on his knowledge from his past life. From death to rebirth—perhaps resurrection? But simply being alive would make one a vegetable, right? It seemed that the third head might represent more than just life—perhaps it symbolized a soul-consuming force that then rebirths the soul into a new body.

Although he had several theories in mind, none could be confirmed. Determined to test his suspicions, Viserys approached the statue and placed his hand on its massive toe.

Suddenly, blue text appeared before his eyes:

[Contacting Valyrian magic tool, the skill ‘Skinchanger’ transforms into ‘Soul Binder.’]

'‘Soul Binder’? ‘Magic tool’?' Viserys repeated, surprised by the unfamiliar terms. Quickly, he opened his panel. Sure enough, the “Skinchanger” skill had vanished, replaced by “Soul Binder.”

— Soul Binder: Ordinary (300/300) +

It appeared that "Soul Binder" was a more advanced skill than "Skinchanger," as the latter had been downgraded from near-Expert level to Ordinary. Without hesitation, Viserys invested some proficiency points, advancing the skill to Proficient.

Suddenly, a vast sea appeared before Viserys’s eyes. He felt the surge of waves beneath him, and it was as if he were flying, looking down at the earth from a bird’s-eye view.

'No, I’m not flying… it’s the seagull!' Viserys realized, astonished that he could share the seagull’s vision without invading its consciousness. This meant he now had an extra pair of eyes at his disposal, and the implications were enormous.

He imagined that as his Soul Binder skill advanced, he might even be able to control animal companions without the need for a full mind invasion. If he could eventually bond with a more powerful creature, wouldn’t that mean he could command two bodies simultaneously?

‘I’m not controlling any beasts—I’m fighting alongside a dragon! I am the dragon!’ he thought with growing excitement. It also occurred to him that he could likely link with a second animal companion right now. Considering future battles on land, a seagull wasn’t exactly the fiercest of allies. But if he could bond with an eagle—or even a vulture—he’d have a formidable advantage. Vultures, with their ability to hover for extended periods, could provide continuous battlefield surveillance, and the keen eyesight of these birds meant that no enemy, whether hiding in barracks or fleeing, could escape his notice.

Elated by the discovery that this trip had been far from fruitless, Viserys looked at the statue before him with renewed interest. The system message had mentioned “Valyrian magic tool,” confirming that this was not just a statue but something deeply tied to magic.

What had the Valyrians used it for? As masters of dragons and magic, the Valyrians were atheists who considered themselves gods, so it made sense that they would create a “magic tool” rather than an idol of worship.

Given the transformation of his Skinchanger skill into Soul Binder, it was clear that this tool had something to do with the soul. Perhaps, as he had speculated earlier, it was used to create new life by combining a body with a soul—or possibly to do the reverse, separating a soul from its body.

For a moment, Viserys felt a deep curiosity about the ruins of Valyria. However, he quickly remembered the countless people throughout history who had ventured there only to disappear forever.

Even Aerea Targaryen, the third dragon rider of Balerion the Black Dread—Aegon the Conqueror’s dragon—had died after returning from Valyria. Balerion had suffered grievous wounds, and Aerea had succumbed to a fever, with tiny worms erupting from her body before her death. Before her, a Dragonlord who proclaimed himself the “Emperor of Valyria” had led 30,000 men into the ruins, never to return.

The only one known to have succeeded in plundering Valyria was Euron Greyjoy, who had returned with Valyrian steel armor, a dragon horn, and a dragon egg. Yet even thinking about Euron filled Viserys with unease. He decided to put aside any plans for exploring Valyria until he was stronger. Perhaps, when the time was right, he could even manipulate Euron into doing the dangerous work for him.

With thoughts of Valyria temporarily set aside, Viserys turned his attention back to finding new animals to use for warging or “soul binding.” Dany had only managed to warg a lark before, which hadn’t been particularly effective. So, the group decided to visit a circus that was preparing for a show.

There, Viserys’s eye was immediately drawn to a young golden eagle, about a meter in length. Though not yet fully grown, it already displayed the majesty and power of a bird of prey. Its feathers, a blend of dark brown and gold, shimmered with a metallic sheen in the sunlight. Although its body wasn’t as imposing as that of an adult golden eagle, its thin, bony frame exuded a wild beauty, with every bone seemingly infused with strength and tenacity.

‘With enough meat, it’ll soon grow into a powerful ally,’ Viserys thought, his mind made up. “You’re the one,” he declared, choosing the eagle as his next companion.

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