Game of Thrones: The Prideful One

Chapter 46:

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have ten chapters ahead!

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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Defeating Drogo was a bit harder than I expected, he was so far the strongest fighter I had fought since I got here, he was powerful and had experience to back that power up.

His bloodriders on the other hand, were pretty average, my horses took care of them, it was both hilarious and somewhat disturbing seeing my horses beating the crap out of them, what really disturbed me was that one of my horses tried to tea bag one of the bloodriders.

My Ravens had taught them that, I was sure of it, which made me realize that sharing pop culture with my animals might have been a bad idea.

"Let's go back to the city," I sighed, as my bloodrider nodded clearly disturbed by how his horse brutally killed one of the bloodriders.


The news of Drogo's death brought some mixed emotions to his… now my Khalasar, like always I offered them two options, submission or death.

They choose submission.

Daenerys woke up soon after my absorption of Drogo's Khalasar, she had overslept, and I had left pretty specific orders to my men to not let anyone wake her up.

She was not happy at all, that I had left to duel with a very fearsome Dothraki warrior that was famous for being nearly invincible in battle, without even telling her.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" Daenerys was fuming, not angry but worried, touching the bandages in my abdomen, with tears forming on her eyes.

"You were sleeping, and it was kind of something of the moment," I shrugged as I hugged her, "He barely cut me, don't worry."

"I worry, that's all I can do!" Daenerys cried, "What would I do if you die? What would our kids do?!"

With a hand I brushed the tears of her face, as I kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry, I.. I just act… I fail to see how things can affect you, but don't worry, I will always come back to you, no matter what I have to face, besides if I get a scar I will look sexy," A promise I intended to keep.

"You better keep that promise, you stupid bear," Daenerys chuckled buring her face on my chest, as her last tears dropped down.

"What promise, coming back? Or being more sexy?" I chuckled.

"Both," Daenerys laughed, "I'm still mad at you,"

"Alright, I will always come back, sexier," I laughed with her.

"That works," Daenerys chuckled.

I stayed with Daenerys in my arms for hours talking, and chatting about normal stuff, I wasn't a King nor she was a Queen at that moment, we simply were a couple enjoying a nice talk.


Increasing my numbers so exponentially fast, made the logistics a tad complicated, I first had to kill some Ko that wanted to take this chance and become khals, after that I had to make sure we would have enough food, and stuff for fifty thousand men, and to add the cherry to the top, I had ensure all my new men knew my rules, my only two rules, we don't **** and we don't kill children.

They begrudgingly accepted, so to ensure they wouldn't betray the first chance they had, I made all their horses kneel, this in turn made them considerably more compliant to my orders.

To the point I now had six new bloodriders, whose names I had yet to learn, but who can blame, it was hard to memorize so many names.

So in the end, after absorbing such a big Khalasar, I decided to stay in the Vaes Dothrak for a couple of months, so that I could contact Ilryo with a new shipment with stuff like medical supplies and etc, and organize my plan.

*Hmmm. Big your army is, winning we are* Roda said as he landed on my shoulder.

"Yes, you are correct my little feathery fellow," I chuckled.


[Robert Baratheon POV - 2 MONTHS LATER]

Varys had informed me that the dragon bitch had married, to no other than the little backstabbing bastard of that kid, Ronard Mormont.

Not only that, but the bitch was pregnant, I knew all along I was making the right decision breaking the betrothal between those two, but even after the betrayal, I suffered, after the betrayal Ned suffered.

Ned refused to get the girl killed, nor the unborn bastards she would bring into the world.

"I won't dirty my hands that way Robert, not even for you," Ned growled, as left resigning his position as the hand of the king.

What a foolish honorable idiot, but I will make this right, with the help of Varys, I had hired many assassins to kill the girl and the brat, whoever succeeded would get a lord title and some lands.

"More wine my lord," My wine boy offered.

"Don't ask, just fill the damn cup!" I growled.


[Varys POV]

The game was starting to change from schemes to a path of violence and destruction, unfortunately for Ronard I couldn't keep his secret any longer, for I had to keep my cover as the master of whispers, but I had bought him more than enough time.

He had done so much during this year in Essos, that I frankly doubt the assassins will succeed or even reach him, that man is as hard to kill as they come.

But the young bear wasn't stupid, nor misinformed, I'm sure he will know about this before the assassins even start their job.

"I hope the young Dragoness succeeded in taming the bear," I sighed, when I offered him this betrothal was for one reason and one reason only, so when the day came to put Aegon in the throne he would support him, but if my plan didn't help I might had helped to create the biggest threat to the Aegon the rightful ruler.

I can help but wonder if the bear knows about Aegon, if so what are his plans.

"The Young Griff, and the Young Bear," I mused as a I wrote a letter to Illyrio about the situation of the realm, and, one with instructions to help the young griff should the need arise to, knowing full well who would win between a fight between young bear and the young griff, I was loyal, not stupid.

*My boy Ronard will put a new dick on you, just so he can cut it again, caw caw cawght! you bald dickless bitch!* Unbeknownst to him a raven was nearby, the same raven he intended to use.


[Ned Stark POV]

Ronard had married the Targaryen girl, both the iron islands and the bear island had stopped communications with us since the betrothal broke, and Robert wanted to start another fucking war.

I shouldn't have accepted this, ever. With Ronard married to Sansa the realm would be fine, but I had to let Robert once again do as he pleased.

Sansa hated me for it, hated me for marching her with what she called an entitled little bastard as a future husband, she hated me for pushing Ronard out of her life, she hated Cat even more.

"Prepare my things, we are leaving to winterfell in a week," I ordered my men, Sansa wanted to go home, so did Arya, and frankly so did I.


[Tywin Lannister POV]

The young lord had played beyond my expectations, I wanted to shackle him, and he took the chains and hit me with them.

He married someone with a powerful claim to the throne, he was gathering an army, he was getting ready for war, he had been for a long time. I just now realized.

But even the mightiest fall, and he will fall, for what is a bear to a lion.

"I wanted to use you, but I will have to end you now," I sighed as I took a sip of wine, "Maybe I should send Gregor Clegane to kill him, and **** the girl, it would be quite poetic to repeat that act once again,"

*..... caw?! Imma kill him… Lady Matecorn will give birth to two healthy ravens! And we the raven legion will ensure nothing happens to them, no overgrown monkey will stop us!* The raven that was listening to Tywin cawed in rage.

"What an annoying bird," Tywin sighed.

*You won't succeed Caw! My master will fucking end you!*

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