Game On: A World Reborn

Chapter Five

“Argh!” A young man awoke next to a crackling campfire, his pained scream suddenly ripping through the silent night. A man's hand reached out from beside him and pushed him back down. 


“Stop struggling, I'm trying to fix your damaged body. You should be thankful for my young miss’s kindness. If it were up to me, I'd have thrown you out into the forest as food for the woodland beasts,” the man reprimanded the screaming young man.


“What's your name, kid?” the man asked as he ground something in a bowl next to the young man.


“Argh! What do you... mean, kid? I'm... argh! I'm thousands of years your senior! Argh!” The young man was experiencing the worst pain in his life, yet he still tried arguing.


“Even while you're dying, you still haven't forgotten your lunacy.” The man shook his head and placed the bowl down. 


“Tell me your name, or I won't give you this medicinal remedy for your pain,” the man said with a toothy grin.


The young man attempted to reach for the bowl, but the man dragged it out of reach. “Argh!! Liang...! Argh! Liang Wu, my name is Liang Wu!” the young man yelled, desperately needing the pain relief, as the pain was only getting worse over time.


“That wasn't so hard, now was it?” the man said as he handed Liang Wu the bowl of medicine.


Liang Wu struggled to sit up. Once he sat up enough, he brought the bowl to his mouth, hands shaking from the pain. The bowl and its contents sloshed around. He slowly tilted the bowl upwards to deliver the medicine to his open mouth. It poured out much too quickly, and half of it rolled down his chin. The other half went down his throat, with a small amount entering his windpipe and nearly choking him. “Cough! Cough!” He choked the medicine down before coughing out the bit that went down the wrong way.


The medicine worked surprisingly fast and began numbing his pain shortly after he consumed it. However, it only numbed the pain and did not stop the pain at its source. Unfortunately, there weren't many methods to ease the pain from a damaged soul, which was what Liang Wu was currently suffering from.


He had attempted to sever his soul's connection with the clone body his soul was residing in; however, something went wrong, and his soul seemed to be locked to this clone. 


There were only two reasons that Liang Wu could think of that would result in his soul being unable to leave this clone. Either his true body had perished, which was almost impossible, as his true body was resting in his personal domain that no being, living or dead, could intrude upon unless they were stronger than himself. However, he had achieved a realm of cultivation that no other being had ever reached. The other possibility was that something or someone was blocking his connection with his domain. This was the most likely of the two, as it would only take someone or something at the peak of the God Realm to block his connection. Although Liang Wu had no idea why someone would block his connection with his domain unless they were going to attack this clone to try destroying his soul while it was locked into this weak clone.


But that couldn't be right either because if his clone's body was destroyed, his soul would be freed from its confines and regain its original power. Well, it would have regained its original power; however, he had severely damaged it when he tried to leave his clone. Now, it would be a wonder if he could even have half his original power when his clone's body perished. 


The only way to regain his power now would be to either find an incredibly rare herb that could heal souls or to cultivate his clone to the realm above the God Realm that he coined as the God Emperor Realm, with himself being the one and only Supreme God Emperor!


Liang Wu had been lost in his thoughts for a while as the medicine worked on numbing his pain. He stopped his wandering thoughts and glanced around to get a bearing on his surroundings.


It was the dead of night, and the moon was hidden by the clouds, so it was blacker than pitch. The only light came from the campfire he was lying next to. A short distance away, the horses that had been pulling the carriage were tied to a tree and were resting. A tent was set up on the opposite side of the campfire. The entrance opened as he looked over. A young woman, with her silky black hair tied up by an ornate jade hairpin, stepped out from inside while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She yawned as she asked, “What's all the noise? Did Liang Wu wake up?”


She locked eyes with Liang Wu. “Oh! You're awake! What happened? Why did you have blood pouring from your eyes? Are you sick? It's not contagious, is it!?” She asked a million questions a second as she hopped over to his side and stared at him in wonderment.


“I had tried to sever the connection of my soul to this clone; however, something blocked my connection with my true body, so now I'm locked in this clone,” he answered truthfully, but Chen Li Li looked at him as if he was insane. He was getting tired of people staring at him with looks of pity. So he shouted, “System, share Status Screen!” so that she could see for herself that he wasn't crazy.


“What is wrong with your Status Screen?” she asked a few seconds later, with a strange look of disbelief on her face.


“What do you mean? System, show Status Screen.” He didn't understand what she was asking until his Status Screen appeared before his eyes.

St@us Scr¥n 

Name: Li♤ng W▪︎

Nickname: Error Unavailable

Cultivation: None

Level: 0

Exp: 0/0

Skills: None

Physique:  €l●n~

Currency: Unable to calculate

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