Game On: A World Reborn

Chapter Nineteen

“Liang Wu, you’re a god or something, aren’t you!? Do something! I don’t want to die here! I still have to find my mother!” Chen Li Li was panicking.

WE HAVE TO FIND ITS WEAK—!” The Crystal Guardian grappled Liang Wu and threw him to the ground before he could finish his sentence. However, the two young women understood him, so they began to brainstorm ideas.

“We’ve only been hitting it with blunt force because that was its weakness before, so what if its weakness has changed and now it’s weak to blades?” Chen Li Li asked as she pulled a sword from her spatial pouch.

“Anything is worth a try,” Daiyu said, while keeping her eyes on Liang Wu’s fight.

“Here, you take a sword as well.” Chen Li Li took another sword from her pouch, handing it to Daiyu.

“Alright! Let’s go!” She stepped forward, but she stumbled on her exhausted legs.

“Are you okay?” Daiyu reached out to help balance her.

“I’m fine.” She shrugged Daiyu’s hands off. “We need to help Liang Wu.”

Chen Li Li stepped forward again, this time her legs held steady. She raised her sword, readying herself to face the Boss.

Daiyu positioned herself behind Chen Li Li, in case she had to catch her again. She tapped her back to signal that she was ready as well.

The two raced towards the right flank of the Boss. It was facing away from them for now. When they got close enough to strike with their swords, they split to opposite sides and each struck between the Boss’s knee joint.



Two separate immunity indicators appeared simultaneously.

“Damn it!” Chen Li Li struck again in desperation. Still, the same immunity indicator floated up from where she struck.

“I'M NEARLY OUT OF TIME!” Liang Wu's deep voice sounded from above the girls. He was nearly out of Qi, sustaining his Beast Transformation Technique was becoming difficult.

When the girls looked up, they could see Liang Wu’s crystal skin slowly peeling off. He seemed a few centimeters shorter than he was a moment prior as well.

“Yu Ling, do you have any idea what we can do?” Daiyu tried asking her System Helper.

“Daiyu, I apologize, but I cannot help you. I am placed under strict rules to never reveal an enemy's weakness.” Yu Ling couldn’t provide the weakness to the Boss because of the rules Liang Wu had placed on all System Helpers. “However, I've observed that no one has used an elemental attack yet.”

It took a second for Daiyu to realize what Yu Ling's meaning was. “Oh! Yu Ling! You're the best!”

“I don't know what you mean. It was only a simple observation.” Yu Ling said with a whistle. She was acting nonchalant.

“Li Li! Do you have an elemental attack?” She didn’t have a skill except Steel Hand, but it only made the skin on her hands harder.

“An elemental attack…? Um, I have two.” Chen Li Li thought about her techniques. Being the daughter of a clan leader meant she had access to many unique techniques. Though she hadn’t learned many of them.

“Great! Try using one. Let’s see if it can deal damage!” Daiyu cheered excitedly.

“Okay!” She raised her sword, placing it in front of her face. The Qi in her body surged to her mouth. She took a deep breath, then blew out icy air on the blade.

With her now ice covered sword, she circled around the Boss, aiming for the same leg joint she struck last. She swung the sword with the full force of her body.



She gaped at the damage number that appeared. “One…? It only did one damage!?”


Liang Wu fell onto his back from receiving a powerful punch from the Boss. His transformation finally unraveling.

“It’s because you used a blade against it. You need a technique that doesn't rely on a bladed weapon.” He said weakly, while trying to stand.

Daiyu placed his arm around her shoulder to help him stand. He was too weak to stand on his own from overusing his Qi, and the earlier blood loss.

“Thanks Daiyu.” He had a warm smile on his pale, still bloodless face.

“You two get your heads out of the clouds! The Boss is coming!”

The Boss was advancing with slow, heavy steps that shook the entire stone chamber, causing dust and stone debris to fall from the ceiling.

“I'm sorry Li Li, we can’t injure the Boss, so it's up to you.” Daiyu apologized as she stepped back with Liang Wu resting on her shoulder.

“I need Daiyu to stall it. My other technique takes time to activate.” She replied, already beginning to drive her Qi into action.

Daiyu set Liang Wu down near the entrance, so he was out of the way of the fighting. She hesitated before leaning down and kissing his cheek. “I'll be right back to continue where we left off earlier.” She gave him a cheeky grin and ran off to distract the Boss for Chen Li Li.

Liang Wu sat in stunned silence. How did their roles get reversed? He thought. It was normally his role to make the sly jokes.

Daiyu arrived in front of the Crystal Guardian, its hulking form dwarfing her small lithe body. She used the nameless technique Liang Wu taught her to maneuver gracefully around its feet, dodging between its legs as it tried stomping her flat.

Luckily, Liang Wu hadn’t given the Boss monsters high intelligence. If the Boss were smart, their strategy would have failed. Any enemy with a fraction of intelligence would have gone after the one who posed the highest threat first.

Daiyu continued to dodge the Boss’s attacks by a hair’s breadth for a minute before Chen Li Li finally exclaimed. “I’m ready!”

She had visible waves of Qi emanating from her body. Her hands placed in front of her chest, with the pointer fingers and thumbs pressed together, forming a triangle with the opening between her hands.

“Get out of the way, Daiyu!”

Daiyu hurriedly jumped back when she heard Chen Li Li’s shout. Not a second later, a massive teal dragon shaped pillar of water slammed into the Crystal Guardians chest. Blowing a hole straight through it.


“Yay! You did it Li Li!” Daiyu burst out. She was staring at the disintegrating body of the Crystal Guardian, but when she didn't receive a reply, she turned to find Chen Li Li collapsed on the ground. “Ahh! Li Li!”

She raced over to her, afraid that something terrible had happened. When she arrived at her side, she noticed that Chen Li Li was still breathing, but was unconscious. However, she didn't know why she had passed out.

“She exhausted all of her Qi. She will need to rest for a day, but should be fine afterwards.” Liang Wu said, as he stopped beside Daiyu, still unsteady on his feet.


???’s Crystal Guardian Defeated!

Reward: Unique-Grade Crystal Core x3 (Lucky Drop!) - 7500 EXP ÷3

Level Up - Level 5^

+ 10 Free Points!

“Question marks? What the hell is that? There should be no such monster in the dungeon system, unless the Dungeon Masters added it without my knowledge.” Liang Wu was very confused. His original system never had question marks in the place of monsters’ names. Even if this was a rare named monster, it would still have a readable name.

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