Game On: A World Reborn

Prologue: The Supreme God Emperor’s Game

The Supreme God Emperor stood atop his immortal palace and gazed up into the star-strewn expanse of the heavens. "I've now transcended the peak of cultivation, and yet the heavens still bar me from their secrets. But no longer! I shall breakthrough your barriers and see just what it is that you hide from me!"

The Supreme God Emperor gathered every last drop of his Qi into his hands and tore at the space in front of himself. He had reached the absolute peak of cultivation and no longer need to use any form of techniques to focus his energies, now every gesture he makes is filled with infinite power.

He tore through the very fabric of space and time, even reality itself had to bend to his will, and yet the heavens still hung above his head, as if mocking his efforts to unmask them.

"Aaaah!!! Break!!! Heed my commands!!! For I am the Supreme God Emperor!!!" With a shout so loud that it caused his immortal palace to disintegrate beneath him, he tore a hole through the vast expanse of space, and stepped through it into the heavens beyond.

In the void between his world and the heavens, the Supreme God Emperor stood at the edge of his realm, gazing into the vast, star-strewn expanse of space. He had now found himself beyond the boundaries of the world that once confined him. Yet, even here, beyond the heavens, the emptiness gnawed at him.

"Is this all there is?" His voice, deep and resonant, echoed in the void, a sound that no one could hear. The power that had once surged within him, the power that had made him a god, the supreme god, now felt... hollow.

He had conquered everything in his world. Every realm of cultivation, every powerful sect, every ancient secret—all lay beneath his feet. There were no more challenges, no more enemies worthy of his attention. Even time itself had bowed before him, rendering him ageless, truly immortal.

He wandered through the stars, a solitary figure clad in robes that shimmered like the night sky, until something caught his eye—a small, blue planet, teeming with life. Earth.

The Supreme God Emperor descended from the heavens, his presence unnoticed by the humans below. In his mind, he could crush this world with a mere thought, but curiosity held him back. He wanted to know what made this world so different from his own. Why were the humans here so... weak?

He roamed the streets of cities cloaked in invisibility, peering into the lives of these mundane people. It was then that he discovered their strange forms of entertainment—video games. He watched as humans engaged in battles, solved puzzles, and explored vast virtual worlds with a passion he hadn't seen in centuries, much like that of his own when he made his first step into the world of cultivation.

"Hmph," the Supreme God Emperor mused. "So this is what occupies their minds?"

But it didn't stop there. He found that these humans had a peculiar taste for stories—webnovels, they called them. Tales of heroes and villains, of magic and power, of love and betrayal. They were crude, compared to the epics of his world, but there was something... refreshing about them. Something that rekindled a long-forgotten flame within him.

Without a second thought, he collected every game and every story ever created on Earth, he brought them back to his world to study them. After a few hundred years, he had played every game, read every novel, hundreds if not thousands of times over. The thrill of competition, the joy of solving intricate puzzles, the satisfaction of defeating powerful foes—all of it flowed through him like a raging river.

But it didn't last. The more he played, the more he read, the more he realized that even these games and stories had limits. He began to anticipate every plot twist, every boss fight, every challenge. And soon, the excitement gave way to monotony.

"Boring," he muttered as he crushed the final boss of a game for the thousandth time. The vibrant colors of the screen faded to black, and the Supreme God Emperor found himself staring into nothingness once more.

His gaze shifted to the world below him, far away, where mortals continued to struggle and strive, unaware of his presence. They were still trapped in the endless cycle of cultivation, fighting for power, seeking enlightenment, never knowing that the pinnacle of it all was emptiness.

A thought struck him, one so audacious it made him chuckle—a sound that hadn't escaped his lips in millennia.

"What if... I made my world into a video game?"

The idea grew in his mind, like a seed taking root in fertile soil. He could see it clearly: a world where cultivation was no longer bound by the rigid laws of nature, but governed by the rules of a game. Levels, skills, experience points—he could mold his world into something new, something unpredictable.

And to guide the mortals through this new reality, he would need helpers. But who could fulfill such a role?

He stretched out his hand, and from the abyss, he summoned the souls of the departed—those who had refused the cycle of reincarnation, choosing instead to drift in the void. Their cries filled the air, but the Supreme God Emperor's will was absolute.

"You shall serve as my System Helpers," he declared. "Guide the living, aid them in their quests, and ensure that the game is always challenging. In return, you shall find purpose once more."

The souls shuddered but obeyed, reshaping themselves into ethereal beings, their forms translucent and shimmering like the interface of a game.

With a wave of his hand, the Supreme God Emperor cast his will across his world. Every living being, from the lowliest farmer to the mightiest cultivator, felt a strange energy course through them. Their vision filled with unfamiliar screens, numbers, and words.

[Welcome to the Game.]

The world had changed, and with it, the fate of all who dwelled within it. No longer were they bound by the old ways of cultivation. Now, they had levels to gain, skills to unlock, quests to complete.

And as the Supreme God Emperor watched his creation unfold, a smile crept across his face. Finally, something interesting.

"Let the game begin," he whispered, and the world obeyed.

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