Gamer Reborn

Chapter 268

Goldmancer P.O.V.

The news of the altercation that happened earlier today is being suppressed from all sides, the royals don’t want to risk an incident that will gain them nothing, Ajax is being his usual reclusive self despite the fact that he could use attack to gain some concessions and the Empire is trying to get as far away from the whole thing as possible. It’s a good thing I had one of our own people follow the kid and just report on what happens.

“A pleasure to see you again, ambassador.” I greet the man visiting my mansion, despite the warmness in my voice we both know that all of it is more for show and because it is expected of me. “If you’ll join me.”

We both enter one of the secure and warded meeting rooms that are dotted around the estate, it is almost spartan with the expectation of two plain looking if extremely comfortable chairs. The other expectation of course being the two representatives of the royal families that are here to monitor the exchange.

“Are you any closer to lowering those ridiculous demands of yours?” he asks.

I can feel as his skills try to influence me, bargaining is a lot harshers in the Empire, it mostly stems from the fact that they are surrounded on all sides except from one by untamed wilds where monsters ruled. This gives them a more plentiful access to higher level monsters but it also makes their merchants a lot gruffer from dealing with the frontier scavengers as the vultures are called.

“I was actually leaning that way when I woke up this morning.'' This isn’t a lie as I really had been willing to lower my requests on the terms he deemed as ridiculous but I was also planning on asking for a lot in return by increasing the demands he thought weren’t ridiculous, just excessive. “However I’m sad to say that things have changed since then.”

“I’m sure they have.” he harrumphed, good, that reaction means he doesn’t have any skill that is able to detect lies strong enough to get my measure, his response wouldn’t have come like this otherwise. “Let's get on with it.”

I have to admit I do admire their sense of expediency, unlike most merchants in this kingdom who gained their starting fortunes from birth, the phrase time is money rings doubly true in the Empire.

“There is the small matter of today’s altercation to consider.” I say.

I feel myself pressured as both representatives lock their eyes on me and I feel the pressure of their skills push down on me. They do so for only a moment before they stop the pressure long enough to take each other’s measure, notice they are in agreement before redoubling their efforts on me.

Unfortunately enough for them whatever skills they have do nothing but alert me of their attention, all of the pressure is easily washed away by [Golden Opportunity] the first Epic skill I gained and the only Epic skill I have to surpass the second bottleneck and surpass level one hundred.

“Your men have tried to steal away the secrets of beekeeping without paying for them by going directly to the source, that is categorically against the spirit of this negotiation.” I exclaim in outrage.

The king has already informed me of the information he managed to get from the spies who targeted Ajax, not only that but one of them even happens to report directly to the ducal family I am trading with. The information didn’t come for free of course as the king traded it in exchange for some extra weight put on gaining some more cover for Ajax’s delve if at all possible.

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

“Or are you saying that isn’t why you targeted Baron Hearthbound?” I ask and feel my trap snap into place.

Despite their political skills I can clearly see the confusion that spreads across all three of the people in the room. All of them know that what happened earlier today had nothing to do with bees, not only that but they also know that I know it too. My only regret here is that I can’t have Anna with me in this meeting so she can learn from this.

It takes no more than a moment for the confusion to develop into something else, here however is where they each go down their own path. The crown’s representative’s look quickly turns to glee as his skill stops working on me and he turns to enjoy the look on the ambassador’s face. The Empire’s representative frowns but also turns to put more pressure on the ambassador whose face shows dread at what he knows is coming.

It would be all too easy for him to deny that this is the reason they target Ajax but by doing so he would risk a full blown political incident, not only that but he would effectively be forced to blame the Empire’s ruling family for the attempt.

“So what are your new terms?” he says with a sigh of defeat.

“In consideration for your earlier request I am willing to lower my end of the bargain to 20% of the honey harvested for the first ten years.” I say as I feel a greedy grin cross my face as I turn towards the royal representatives. “All I ask in return is that the delve inside your main dungeon come with an included booster to clear the final floor.”

This was one of the few times that people would willingly let someone above level one hundred and twenty enter the dungeon, so long as the contracts were well written he wouldn’t be allowed to attempt to delve past whatever floor the highest boostie could successfully reach on his own. It would also fully unleash Ajax to delve as far as he wants without exposing anything to the Empire.

The ambassador's look of defeat morphs into one of joy as not only had my demands of his House lessened but the Empire was taking the full brunt of the cost for my concession.

“That is unacceptable.” the representative’s voice slices through the offer.

I can’t fight the frown that works its way on my face, [Golden Opportunity] is still telling me I have a perfect deal that I can finalize here yet I can’t seem to see one.

“While the Empire is willing to compromise given the situation, the terms for the delve into our main dungeon are considered fixed.” the representative continues.

I find it most troubling as the finality of the statement doesn’t just not weaken the feeling coming from [Golden Opportunity] but it in fact makes it even stronger. There has to be something I am missing, an angle that not only lets me get what the King wants but now something that would also let me profit much more.

I feel as time slows down as my other Epic skills take effect, I know that this last offer from the crown is the key to figuring out the golden deal that is on the table. It’s time to break it down and analyze everything that I can gain from it.

Firstly it is clear that the Empire is very interested in Ajax, that doesn’t seem at all surprising considering their human supremacy rhetoric and the importance that Ajax would have in showing humanity's superiority. This also means that his other statement is also ironclad, the rules for this delve won’t change since they need them in place to evaluate Ajax.

Secondly, the representative said that the Empire as a whole is willing to compromise, this means that they see this deal going through as a national objective, surely it isn’t the taxes on the honey that has drawn them in so this once more comes around to Ajax. No, not only that but also into seeing if they can get any insight into king Gryndor’s plans and schemes.

The third and subtle part that comes across is the clear bribe offered to me specifically, trying to get me to use my newfound leverage in order to gain something for myself. A tempting offer, certainly one King Gryndor wouldn’t mind me taking seeing as his request is clearly beyond reach now. The thing that stops me is the simple question, would Ajax also see it that way? If he finds out I used the leverage of his ambush for my own family when he had already facilitated this deal. While I hope he would be open minded enough to do so he was also very young and unpredictable.

I feel all my skills fizzle out and time resumes its normal pace as an idea strikes me, not only that but I can feel [Golden Opportunity] gain a level and I know I have the perfect answer.

“What if I were to add another rule to the ones regarding the first delve without changing any already in place?” I ask, a glint of greed must be shining in my eyes but I simply can’t help it, the return on this deal is way too good, not only that but the Empire won’t be able to help themselves and they will have to take it.

“And what do you have in mind?” the representative asks.

“What if I request that the same team that delves the dungeon gets to do a second delve twenty years down the line.” I offer a chance not only to observe Ajax now but also compare it to twenty years down the line, they can’t pass this up.

“It’s acceptable.” the representative says, though his tone sounds a lot more like the words are ‘it’s a deal’.

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