Gamer Reborn

Chapter 284

Ajax woke up the following morning after his first uneasy night’s sleep in a while. He had been keeping one ear open the entire night to ensure the wouldn’t be any attempts at having him identified by a spy in the night.

“I thought I told you to get a good night’s rest.” Lexi chastised him as he yawned while eating his breakfast.

“Kept tossing and turning in my sleep, more than a few times I felt like there was someone targeting me.” Ajax complained as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“He’s not wrong.” one of the guards that overheard them said. “We caught at least three spies trying to sneak in.”

“What do you mean at least three?” Ajax asked, confused.

“There is a question on if the forth was a spy or really as drunk as he acted.” the guard admitted with a good chuckle.

As they left the city Ajax had to admit that he could come around with the Empire architecture, there was practically no line at the gate for inspection and people were quickly getting checked and sent on their way. He couldn’t get a real appreciation for their efficiency however as something else grabbed his attention.

“What the hell is that?!” Ajax exclaimed as he almost stuck his head outside the window of the carriage .

Outside the carriage there was a fifty foot long, ten foot wide worm that was loaded with crates casually following the road after their convoy.

“Are those the still-worms?” Anna’s voice betrayed a bit of her excitement as she joined Ajax near the window.

“They are my lady.” the guard confirmed.

“What are still-worms?” Lexi asked just as confused as Ajax.

“They are a new monster that appeared not far from the Empire’s frontier.” The guard provided. “The worms are surprisingly docile and despite the somewhat large diet they will eat anything, meaning feeding them just becomes waste disposal.”

“That’s not even the best part.” Anna cut off the guard with excitement. “They keep on growing until their original set of back legs are cut off, so they can get longer and wider than the one following us. They move as fast as a horse of the same level would but because of their multitude of spider-like legs terrain doesn’t affect them. Best of all however is that their back stays perfectly level during movement!”

Ajax took another look at the monstrosity following them and realized that the few hundred pairs of spider legs were in fact maintaining the body of the worm in a steady position very much in the same way a chicken head would stay perfectly still on a boat in the sea.

“If trained properly they are some of the most reliable mode of transportation for a merchant besides a spacial ring.” Anna was keen to try and get her hands on one of them during their visit. “Do you think they will have any for sale?”

“They were only discovered five years ago, my lady.” the guard said. “Not only that but apparently while the common worms are tameable their matriarchs are not so there is no breeding program available for them.”

The entire caravan got a front and center look at the worm in action when the merchant behind them decided they were moving too slowly and the worm got off the road and simply moved past them. Despite the scary looking shell Ajax did have to agree that it made a very useful transport.

Following the excitement with the worm, Ajax actually got to catch up on some sleep for the reminder of the journey only being woken up as they got to the gate of the capital. Unlike their entrance in their last city however this time they were quickly welcomed by the royal guards and their entire convoy was quickly marshaled towards the imperial palace.

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Members of the imperial family were also waiting for them once they arrived. While Ajax hadn’t had a too in depth lesson on imperial nobility he knew enough to recognise their own crown prince, his wife, as well as their children who were waiting surrounded by guards to welcome them.

By the time Ajax’s carriage got to the gate the crown princes had both already entered along with the Xavier and the eldest son and daughter of the imperial crown prince. That did leave them with the prince’s wife as well as their youngest children, a set of twins a boy and a girl that were the same age as Lexi and Anna.

As far as Ajax was concerned the less members of the imperial family there were to greet him the better, more than that however Ajax was wondering what it is that Theron will be doing now since he doubted they would allow a beastkin to enter the palace.

Theron himself had taken to wearing a scarf around his neck to avoid drawing attention, not only that but he had actually managed to pick up the [Carriage driver] skill on their way here so he had no problem controlling the horses to drop off Ajax and company.

“Welcome, Lady Manashaper, Lady Goldmancer, Baron Hearthbound.” the imperial princess greeted them.

“Thank you, your Highness.” the three replied in unison.

Ajax took a look back towards Theron unsure what to do about him. “Unfortunately your beastkin will have to leave along with most of your guards for today, Baron Hearthbound. My grandfather is already making quite the exception by allowing him to delve, he will not host him in the palace.” The young imperial princess said as she followed Ajax’s gaze.

“Not to worry my lord, we’ll take care of Theron for the evening.” A group of royal guards who didn’t follow the crown prince into the palace offered and Ajax felt more at ease leaving Theron with them.

From the looks Theron was receiving from the three imperials Ajax guessed that not all of the imperial family held such humanist views, that didn’t mean that they would go against their emperor’s word.


Theron P.O.V.

After lord Hearthbound entered the palace I followed the rest of the guards and stowed the carriage at the large inn that was reserved for our stay here. Thankfully it seems that my participation in the delve was already ensured through from the wording of it, It sounds like the imperial representative who forgot to mention not to include beastkin will be publicly lashed.

“Let's go to this one next.” I have a hard time remembering the name of the guards seeing as they all look so similar in their official armor however this has to be the fifth bar we’ve entered tonight. All of the others have sent us away not long after we entered but this one is a lot bigger.

Surprisingly this wasn’t because they insisted that I also be served a drink but because a group for twenty high level soldiers made short work of their supply of alcohol and moved to their next target.

“I pity the commander,” one of the guards said. “He has to stay on guard in the imperial palace while we all get the night off.” The bar seems to have a massive fighting arena built underneath it.

“No more bets, no more bets.” the announcer yells as we enter the bar and see two brawlers with their faces already swollen square up to one another in a ring. “Final round, FIGHT!”

For the next three minutes the brawlers take turns slugging at each other, it’s fairly clear that both have little left in them and they are both just about ready to fall over, the only question is who will get the lucky punch.

“And Ironjaw is your winner tonight!” the announcer exploded after one of the fighters collapsed. “The rookie has done it.”

While our entire group is being seated and taking up a whole quarter of the room I see the next two fighters being brought forward.

“And now for the main event. Will our reigning champion Toothy finally meet his match, or will he rack up his ninth consecutive win?” the announcer exclaimed.

Toothy seems to be a tiger beastkin, a rather old one but from the cold fury in his eyes one I certainly wouldn’t fight without a good reason. His opponent however is a speed based fighter, from [Measure Opponent] it seems like the human has a few levels on the beastkin.

“Place your best now, who will win?How many rounds? Remember that this fight’s biggest payout also leaves with our fabulous mystery prize.” the announcer tried to rile up the crowd.

Ajax made sure I have enough coins for myself and when I see how many people are betting on the human I can’t help but try and stick up for one of my own. I put down a whole two gold coins on Toothy winning the match in the first round. Unlike most feline beastkins tigers traded away most of their stealth and endurance for upfront power, if he is to win this fight despite the level disadvantage it will be by rushing him down in the first round.

“FIGHT!” the moment the words are out the beastkin launches himself at his opponent with ferocity. The quick rogue however manages to easily duck under one of the beastkin’s arms and tried to create some distance only to stumble over the beastkin’s tail.

It’s only a moment of vulnerability but that is already too much. Most beastkin fighters lean into their animal’s parts strength, I myself rely on the power and endurance that comes with a bull, so the tiger is quickie to pounce on the opening. Once he actually has a hold of him the fight ends in seconds as the beastkin’s claws leave the human with some nasty marks.

“Well now, nobody could have expected this!” the announcer says with glee. “Toothy wins in the first round!” boo’s sound from the entire bar as people curse out at the result, it seems this isn’t the first time this bar managed to pull one over on the ods using the beastkin fighter.

I can’t wipe the smug grin from my face as I walk to collect my winning, there was a ten to one odds on the beastkin winning in the first round and I was going to collect my twenty gold. “Congratulations to our big winner tonight!” the bookie says once I turn in my ticket, you walk away not only with your bet but also with tonight’s mystery prise, two infant still-worms!”

With that two foot-long worms with spider legs are also placed in my arms alongside the bag of gold. What am I going to do with those? Lord Hearthbound seemed interested in the one that went past us, maybe he’ll like them.

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