Gamer Reborn

Chapter 339

Unlike the previous night Ajax went to sleep alone, something he very much needed as the previous day had drained him both physically and mentally with the fight and the dinner after. While he was physically fully replenished after a good eight hours of sleep the same could not be said about him mental fatigue.

“Baron Hearthbound, if you have a moment…”

“Good morning Baron, about…”


Ajax hadn’t taken more than two steps inside the ballroom for breakfast when he was accosted by a number of high ranking nobles.

“Any discussion regarding the delve spots for the Deepwood dungeons are to wait until after the tournament.” the king’s voice boomed from the head of the table silencing all the nobles.

“Oh thank the gods!” Ajax was surprised to see his grandfather worn out for the first time ever. It seemed that haggling with multiple of the country's high nobility was too much even for the veteran merchant.

“Sorry about that.” Judy said as she looked just as haggard as her grandfather. “Telling them that you haven’t made any decision on the spots was the only way to get the more insistent of them to drop it.”

“Why are they in so much of a rush?” Ajax asked, surprised. “It's not like I’ll be going for at least a month, they have plenty of time.”

“You’re kidding right?” Judy asked.

“Your visit to Deepwood will be as official guests.” his grandfather explained. “Anyone you bring with you will be able to buy and bring back as many rare goods as they can afford and manage to carry back. Those were all merchants who will most likely sell the spot to another house with the condition that whoever they send acts as their merchant while there.”

Much the same as in the Empire Deepwood was speciest, this meant they exported very little, the opportunity for non-elves to enter and be welcomed was one no merchant wanted to pass on.

From there breakfast was a quiet affair and that let Ajax get his mind back on his upcoming fight, everything else could wait until this evening. But while everyone did let him focus and get himself ready for the fight, luck just wasn’t on his side that day. On the way to the arena he spotted an odd familiar looking object in the window of a store.

“Excuse me sir but what do you think you are doing?” The store clerk threw an accusing glare at Ajax as he had dashed in off the street and bee lined it for the display.

It was only with this interruption that Ajax realized what he had done, it couldn’t be helped however as that was simply the reaction the object produced, in an attempt to salvage what remained of his coin purse Ajax quickly picked up the mana core near the object and pretended to inspect it for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh.

“My apologies, I thought this was of a different mana type.” He said as he put the mana stone back. “How much is it for this?” He then picked up the item he wanted.

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“That came from a level seventy floor, it would have to be at least two hundred gold.” the merchant said.

Ajax knew he was overpricing the item, they clearly didn’t know what it was and despite his act he hadn’t managed to throw the merchant completely off. “I’ll take it.” He said as he produced the bag of gold coins and placed it in the merchant's open hand as he stared at him slack-jaw as he left the store without even trying to haggle the price.

Once back outside Ajax rejoined the small procession that was heading towards the arena. He was a bit embarrassed by the fact that all of them had stopped and waited for him, this was also why he hadn’t tried to haggle, he wanted to complete the transaction before people realized who was interested in the item and it’s price would soar.

“Something catch your eye?” the prince asked smugly.

“It just gave me an idea.” Ajax said as he placed the taser into his spacial ring.

‘How come the dungeons produced a floor where a taser would be found without me there?’ Ajax couldn’t help but ask himself. He had previously been under the impression that the floors inspired by his Earth knowledge required his presence but that was clearly not true. The dungeons did in fact require his presence to obtain the knowledge, but once the knowledge and ideas were obtained the dungeon could then use it in any floor created after his delve.

“So what does it do?” the prince asked.

“It produces lightning.” Ajax saw no need to try and hide what the taser did. The whole reason he bought besides sentimental value was in the hopes that the kingdom could recreate it and apply their magnetic degradation with it.

“We could have gotten you an enchanted staff or wand that does the same thing.” the prince said.

“Hold out your shield” Ajax said to one of the armed guards traveling with them.

The guard looked confused but did as he was told. Ajax wasted no time in pulling the trigger and everyone was surprised to see the two probes slammed and connected with the shield. As the current passed through the wires the shield started emitting a decent amount of magnetic mana.

Ajax didn’t hold the trigger for more than a second but that was enough for everyone to figure out why he had made such a big deal out of it. “Metal armor prices will plummet in the coming century, best focus on leather or chitin armor.” Anna muttered to herself.

“Scour the city, discreetly.” the crown prince told one of his people. “If there are any more of those, buy them all.”

With the demonstration over, Ajax reloaded the taser and placed it back into his spacial ring. He very much doubted it would be of any use against the elven princess however it could prove useful against that snake of hers.

Before he had to step out onto the field however he would get to enjoy the fight between the two strongest people inside the city. Aranor versus Shadow promised to be a longer match than any of the others had been as far as their tournament went.

A fast casting mage wouldn’t be forced in the same position that the prince had been where he had to keep Shadow engaged or risk being unable to find him, at the same time he wouldn’t be caught between casts the same way Shadow’s first opponent had been after he managed to find the assassin.

As Ajax looked across at the elven seating area he was surprised to see the princess’s bond was no longer playing an innocent belt. Yes the snake was still wrapped around her waist but its head now rested up on her shoulder in clear view of everyone.

“No point in keeping it hidden anymore.” Ajax said with a hint of jealousy, he wanted to have a bond of his own. ‘After the delves I’ll go out and look for one of my own.’

“I’m sure we can find an egg for you.” Lexi said as she leaned into Ajax’s side as she followed his line of sight. “These things just take time.” She knew that Ajax was looking for a bond, almost all of his friends around his age had one including his older brother.

Both of them knew that there was no way Ajax would be able to find anything that was strong enough to bond inside the kingdom borders. Ajax was also sure that if he wanted a bond he wouldn’t be able to get one from an egg, at least not the eggs that were sold. Those bonds just wouldn’t grow fast enough to catch up with him in any form of reasonable time frame.

Ajax simply nodded noncommittally as he watched the arena ground take the shape of the sand filled arena once more. “Who’s the arena better for?” Ajax could see how each could take advantage of the sand filled open field but he didn’t have the experience to know who had the advantage.

“Aranor,” the prince said. “There’s nothing for Shadow to put between him and any spells.”

Both fighters stepped onto the field at the same time. The cheering section for Shadow far outnumbered those that cheered for Aranor, they were in the Republic capital after all. As soon as the match started Shadow once again dispersed into dust as he activated his stealth skills.

Aranor’s answer to this was to release a massive shockwave after chanting a few words. The shockwave traveled almost as fast as a lightning attack as it quickly made contact with the beastkin and broke his stealth skill.

“Was that sound?” Ajax asked, shocked. One of the things he had overlooked when he noticed that people didn’t break the sound barrier as easily was that sound actually traveled faster as well. Since all sound was actually vibrations that would make for a very powerful mana type.

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