Gamer Reborn

Chapter 351

Ajax focused on his training until his spar with Darkclaw. He had no issues getting the shockwave spell to cast after getting it right the first time but getting used to the vibration mana in order to learn how to use it without an incantation was taking a while.

While that was happening Elija and Judy finished the sale on all of the remaining delve slots for decent profits. Of the two slots he had for Sylvanthal’s dungeons one was sold to Lexi for a fair price and the other the Council bought for Darkclaw by overpaying. As for the final two slots for Deepwood’s dungeons one was sold at a lower price to the Silvertongue family who called in a few favors that they had earned by helping Ajax out over his years as a teaching assistant and the other the Republic bought out for their second under fifty fighter.

As for Xavier, Anna and Benedict all of them had managed to gain a slot from the five the kingdom had gotten out of the deal. Ajax’s extended trip was taking a turn and becoming an extended post graduation trip for his academy class.

“I see you got so attached you decided to join our little trip to the forest.” Ajax teased Darkclaw as they took their stance in the sparring ground.

“What can I say, you’ve all just grown on me.” the beastkin responded as he stretched out his claws.

The moment the spar started Ajax shot directly towards his opponent, he knew the beastkin would be too quick to hit with an arrow that he was expecting so he decided to close the distance to the point where his faster movements would give him the advantage.

Unlike his fights in the arena Darkclaw stuck to his starting spot and used his first few casts to prepare the terrain around him by turning it into a slippery mud pit that was infused with his mana. This would make it almost impossible for Ajax to use his usual earth casting for a short while, until his [Mana Syphon] took away all of that mana.

The strategy didn’t surprise Ajax as he knew that it was one of the most basic things any caster did if they were ever up against a hybrid fighter so he was prepared. While Ajax already started siphoning the mana he wasted no time freezing the top layer mud.

“What the…” Darkclaw’s battle hungry smile faltered for a moment as he placed his foot down on the ice.

While an icy surface is usually slippery the ice blanket Ajax put down was intentionally a little bumpy. The entire area looked like the sole of a studded football boot with very small studs, not only that but the studs weren’t all that strong and they were easily crushed underfoot. This gave the ice patch enough grip that Ajax could continue his speedy approach without issue.

Ajax wasn’t underestimating his opponent, he quickly went straight to void mana for his opening attack hoping to end the fight quickly. His hammer picked up the ominous violet glow as soon as Ajax was two steps away from melee range. It was there that Darkclaw made his move.

The beastkin released a small wind wall and put it two steps forward straight in the path of Ajax’s hammer. Despite the wall being weak it wasn’t weak enough for Ajax’s [Mana Syphon] to completely disrupt over such a small distance. As the hammer made contact with the wind wall one of Void mana’s weaknesses was revealed.

Every single nation besides Gryndor had spent a considerable amount of time following the tournament finals trying to analyze Void mana. Ajax’s spar with Darkclaw was the clear opportunity to test their theories and the first one employed was one that Shadow had theorized.

Stolen from its rightful author, this tale is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Despite the extremely weak obstacle Ajax’s hammer instantly lost all momentum as the void blow was generated. Darkclaw couldn’t help the smile that was forming on his face as he saw his plan working, but the smile wouldn’t last for long.

The sudden loss of momentum from his heavy hammer quickly unbalanced Ajax, that combined with the still slippery surface of the ice turned Ajax into a human projectile that the beastkin wasn’t expecting.

Darkclaw could only thank his defensive enchantments as they not only mitigated the impact of Ajax crashing into him but it also ensured that the two of them didn’t fall over in a pile following the impact. Had Ajax managed to grab a hold of the beastkin right there the fight would have been all but over.

It was only thanks to the years of extensive training that Darkclaw had managed to continue his chanting despite the unplanned collision. A quick jump brought the beastkin back to his feet from where he lay on his back on the ground right as his chant finished and he released a large wave of fire towards Ajax.

Ajax wasted no time bringing up his shield and using both an ice coating as well as the shield's enchantments to protect himself. Darkclaw was extremely surprised by the amount of mana he felt pouring out of Ajax as he protected himself from the spell. Darkclaw was sure Ajax had spent two thirds of his mana in the last few moments.

Emboldened by the amount of mana Ajax had just lost, Darkclaw quickly looked to press the attack while Ajax was still on the defensive. He brought up two lightning bolts looking to break through Ajax’s defenses. Lightning was extremely good at penetrating through wards so he was hoping this would be enough to finish the match.

Ajax reacted just as quickly, wasting no time in tossing the shield at the beastkin. The shield was batted aside by the first lightning bolt but because Ajax had thrown it there was no path for the current to take to reach Ajax as he rushed towards Darkclaw.

As Darkclaw was throwing the second lightning bolt at the defenseless Ajax he felt his foot get dragged out from underneath him. The unexpected movement sent the lightning blast way off target as the beastkin was sent falling forwards and towards Ajax.

Darkclaw didn’t understand what had happened. He knew that Ajax hadn’t yet siphoned all of the mana that he infused into the ground around them so there was no way he should have managed to trip him up like this. The answers came with a shocking revelation as midfall the beastkin looked towards his legs.

The sight of a bulky mud golem no taller than Darkclaw’s knee that had grabbed onto the beastkin’s leg as he pulled it out from under him explained everything. The massive amount of mana Ajax used as he blocked his fire attack now made a lot more sense. The beastkin didn’t have enough time to put together that Ajax had a Legendary mana affinity before his face met the ground.

Darkclaw had no time to waste being shocked. He quickly tried to push himself up but he had barely gotten his face a few inches from the frozen mud as a strong impact from Ajax’s hammer crushed through the ice having missed his head by less than an inch as it showered him with mud.

“I win.” Ajax announced with a victorious grin on his face.

“Yes yo-” Darkclaw didn’t manage to finish his sentence as the golem had pulled further on his leg, the unexpected movement dragged the beastkin off his hands and gave him a mouthful of mud for his troubles.

“Hey, hey. Let go of him, little guy.” Ajax quickly sprung into action to help his friend as he realized that he needed to add controlling the golems created by his Life mana to his already busy training schedule. “It’s over, we won.”

The golem clearly wasn’t the brightest as he let go off the leg and looked towards Ajax with a confused frown as the last of the mana in him was consumed.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha.” the king’s oldest oldest son appeared next to them as he approached from his vantage point watching the spar. “Did you see that!?”

“Hmph hmph hmph.” Even Shadow who followed him had a hard time but at least he was trying to restrain his laughter. “It's not… that funny.”

“What do you mean it’s not that funny.” the prince sounded almost outraged. “The way you could see it on his face as he accepted his defeat and at the same time you could see the golem getting ready to give his leg another good pull. It was a masterpiece, the way all but bit right into the mud.”

“Argh … kuh .. kuh” the beastking in question started coughing as he was trying to spit out all of the mud he just ate.

“You okay there?” Ajax asked, his tone a mixture of concern and the laughter he himself was trying to hold back at the situation.

“He’ll live.” Shadow said as he dragged the beastkin up to his feet before he proceeded to pound on his back lightly with his palm.

“Not… kuh kuh… not like … kuh kuh… this.” Darkclaw coughed out his next sentence.

“What?” Ajax lost all of his amusement as he thought something was genuinely wrong with the beastkin.

“We’re fighting again.” the beastkin got out. “There is no way my story of fighting on even footing with the future strongest man in the world ends like this. I’ll be a laughing stock to all of my children and grandchildren.”

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