Gamer Reborn

Chapter 355

“I can feel it…, it’s so close.” Elara heaved out as she took a seat to catch her breath after emptying out her mana pool.

“Are you sure it works and that it’s not your imagination?” her father asked her.

“No, it does work.” Arianwyn answered as she took Elara spot standing in the open space to release her own domain.

This was the second evening in a row that this training was happening. After the prince’s suggestion that Ajax help Elara with her domain all it took was Lexi mentioning something about it around Benedict for him to connect the dots to a favorable outcome and asked Ajax to help her train.

The training was actually proving helpful to Ajax as well who could now do his physical training under the full effects of his [Mana Syphon] as he wouldn’t be using his own mana to power the skill. Seeing what was going on Arianwyn was quick to get in on that and train her own domain.

“How can you be sure?” the duke asked, “Are you starting to resist his skill?”

“I can’t resist his skill.” The princess’s words came from behind clenched teeth as she tried her best to control her domain as it was slowly drained away. “It’s like a water flask that was poked full of holes. I can cover the holes and slow the drain with enough effort but I can’t stop the leak.”

For his own part Ajax could actually feel a little resistance from the princess’s Domain. There were only two other things he had ever felt a resistance to [Mana Syphon] from. The first was elementals, but their resistance didn’t come in the form of slowing of the drain but as a form of mental pressure which made some sense since he was effectively draining their life force. The other was a much more advanced form of what he was feeling from the princess and came from the dungeon arches, what the princess was doing was a far cry from the touch base drain only resistance of the arches but it was similar in its resistance.

“Also, I’m sure it works… because… between the tournament fight and… yesterday, my skill went up three levels.” the princess barely got the words out. Ajax didn’t know it but trying to resist his skill had the same effect on the princess that draining elementals had for him. In the middle of a short fight it was an inconvenience but only holding out against the drain meant that her domain would last for more than ten minutes and that was a lot of pressure.

“It’ll work, dad.” Elara said, her voice containing a joking undertone like she was laughing at a joke only she was aware of.

The answers were enough to silence the duke to look at his exhausted daughter that was laying down next to Benedict as he tried to help recover from mana exhaustion. Despite his initial dislike of the coupling he couldn’t help but approve of the young man’s actions. Since she wasn’t yet actively fighting Ajax like the princess she didn’t have to deal with the mental pressure as she tried to control her mana to mix and form her domain under Ajax’s skill.

“That’s enough for tonight.” the prince said as he approached the impromptu training area. “We’re going in the dungeon first thing tomorrow so all of you best get as much rest as you can.”

The princess had been so focused on controlling her domain she hadn’t even heard the prince; it came as a surprise to her when Ajax abruptly stopped his skill. “I could have kept going.” She said despite the breath of relief she took.

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“Apparently training time is over, we still have a delve in the morning.” Ajax said as he nodded towards the prince.

The prince in question however was looking at Arianwyn with a very perplexed look, one that was explained by Aranor’s words as he quickly approached. “How did you do that?” he asked the princess.

“Do what?” the princess asked, surprised.

“You pulled in your Domain.” The prince followed Aranor’s curiosity. “The area it covers is a lot smaller but it has the same density as back when you cast it.” the ‘how did you get it to do that’ was left unsaid.

“Not even Viscount Embercrest can do that.” Aranor followed up.

Viscount Embercrest was the elf’s current strongest Domain user, his was a desert storm domain made from earth wind and fire but his skill with it was undeniable even if his overall strength as a mage wasn’t enough to put him in contention for the title of champion.

“I don’t know…” Arianwyn said with a hint of confusion as she once again tried to affect her domain only for it to react the same as it always had.

“You’ll have to try and recreate the effect.” Aranor said seriously.

The ability to adjust the density of a domain would be a huge advantage for the princess in the future. Mages that used a Domain focused on spells that were quickly cast and then empowered as they traveled through the domain, as a domain’s density became sparser the defense it offered against spells that looked to manipulate anything already inside the domain like the earth at the caster’s feet weakened.

If the princess was able to spread out her domain when she attacked to give her spells a bigger distance in which to be strengthened and then pull her domain back in for defense it would give her unparalleled flexibility, not to mention if she was somehow able to learn how to move her domain through a similar trick.

“Let go again.” the princess said with renewed vigor as she thought about her potential.

“We can continue as we travel to the next dungeon.” Ajax said as he approached Lexi. “Do you mind, I’m still low on mana.”

Lexi simply nodded as she conjured a small waterfall above Ajax and he quickly used it as an impromptu shower to wash away the sweat he had worked up during his physical training.

“But…” the princess started but was quickly cut off.

“He’s right.” Aranor siad. “You’ll have months traveling all over the kingdom from dungeon to dungeon. It’s best if you just try and remember the feeling for now instead of trying to recreate it.”

“That’s awesome.” Elara whispered to Arianwyn as they both retreated to their sleeping carriage. “Once you figure it out you can help me learn how to do that as well.”

“You’ll have to get your own Domain first,” Arianwyn said, trying not to bring down her friend's excitement.

“Yeah, about that…” Elara tried to cover the true reason of her excitement but Arianwyn saw straight through it.

“YOU GOT YOUR DOMAIN!” Arianwyn’s shout made the two of them the center of attention for everyone who was slowly going their own way for the night as they stopped and stared at the two of them.

“I was trying to keep that to myself…” Elara said though her tone didn’t sound like she was blaming her friend at all. “But yes I got [Storm Domain], it’s only level one but I have it.”

This had to have been the first time Ajax saw the elven duke look at all happy since the first time he met him, for a second there he looked like he wanted to run over and pick his daughter up in celebration before his social skills kicked in and hid his emotions.

Following the duke’s initial joy overload Ajax could see as his eyes traveled from his daughter to Benedict and himself before repeating the cycle. The duke slowly approached both, his movements stiffened further as he slowly bowed his head towards both of them and offered them a heartfelt “Thank you.” before making his retreat towards the royal carriage, no doubt to celebrate the birth of another Domain wielding mage with the king.

“Thanks for this, Ajax.” Benedict said as his grip around Ajax’s shoulders tightened for a moment after they got back to their carriage. “I’ll make it up to you.”

Ajax found it a little awkward how serious Benedict was being, as far as he was concerned this was just a favor he was doing to the royal family, it wasn’t even anything all that significant for him and he would have done it anyway had only Benedict asked, there was no reason for his friend to feel so indebted.

“I wouldn’t be that thankful if I were you.” Ajax said, trying to lighten the mood. “You have a long way to go if you are going to catch up with her now.” Seeing that this wasn’t enough to dissuade Benedict he also added “Plus it’s not like it was a great effort on my part, it’s just what friends do.”

Benedict took a moment to internalize what Ajax said before giving him an understanding nod while at the same time promising himself to return Ajax’s friendship if he was ever in the position to.

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