Gamer Reborn

Chapter 60

After Kate dropped that bombshell Ajax went through explaining everything that happened again and how he got conscripted. It was quite heartening to see that the captain had the same reaction when he thought that a member of the guard conscripted him as Tom did, both having been very similar to Kate’s. He did a much better job of pointing out that it wasn’t Darren that got him conscripted this time.

Now that his brother was also here he went much more in depth and explained the interaction he had with the recruiter he met at the guild branch. While Kate and Tom weren’t all that happy about him drawing the ire of the recruiter, Captain Rogers found the whole thing hilarious.

“Normally something like this wouldn’t be so underhanded.” the older guard explained. “You see, these skirmishes are actually encouraged by the royal family in order to keep a somewhat competent militia. With that they also enforce a minimum paid wage for them as a way to subsidize the population and the nobles don’t really complain about it all that much.”

“Our case is a little bit different from the norm however. You see Baron Stillwater is quite a bit more aggressive than other nobles. This stems from both his lack or resources in his territory as well as a dedication for his family to rise in status. This leads to him participating in a lot more than the one skirmish every quarter century or so. The fact that we have had nine years since the last one is in fact surprising, and most likely because there has been no excuse for it.”

“How do these skirmishes help his family rise in status?” This was not something that Ajax could understand, conflict with other nobles didn’t usually lead to a rise in status.

“That’s because he always has his heir be one of the commanders and then offers the other spots to heirs of other greater families in hopes of building connections while getting them combat experience.. This does lead him to run into financial issues however and to underhanded methods of getting around the minimum payment required by law.” he grimaced slightly when he mentioned the noble heirs leading the war.

“Sounds like you've been through this a few times already.” Ajax remarked.

“Oh, I have. This will be my sixth one already.” he said brightly as if he was talking about a party rather than battle. “Now while only one Commander is sent out from each city with the idea of keeping the guards ready for war and not leaving the city lawless, our case is once again a little special.”

“If by special you mean that Commander Grievous has a serious aversion to mingling with nobles more than necessary and as such always ends up being the one going, then yes we are a little special.” Kate scoffed, this was something that had clearly been mentioned already.

With that the conversation changed to some much lighter topics. Mostly Tom, Ajax and Kate catching up with each other after five year while enjoying the meal. It was right as the meal ended however that a knock at the door could be heard.

Thinking it was odd for someone to be coming by at this hour Tom went to open the door, the captain behind him on his way out with Kate and Ajax following behind. Opening the door they found a guard from the night shift with an official looking scroll.

“Evening Tom, Captain Rogers.” The guard gave Tom a light greeting and shot off a salute after noting the Captain. “I’m here to deliver this to a one Ajax, fifteen year of age, I was told I was likely to find him here.”

“I’m Ajax.” Ajax said from behind and moved forward to receive the scroll.

After delivering the message the guard saluted the captain and with a nod to Tom left. Ajax proceeded to open the scroll and read through it. The message seemed to be rather short but the frow on Ajaxe’s face seemed to worry both Tom and Kate.

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“What’s it say? Tom asked apprehensively.

“It says that instead of reporting in the city square tomorrow morning I should instead report to the guard compound at noon, it also suggests that I should bring my bow.” Ajax reread the message while sharing the information.

“The old man still moves as fast as ever,” Captain Rogers shook his head ruefully with a smile at the information. As he was greeted by three questioning looks he decided to expand. “It seems the commander caught wind of your conscription and moved you over into our unit.”

The news seemed to click and both Tom’s and Kate’s eyes went wide as their eyebrows rose.

“I think Wayland is exempt from conscription on account of his recently born daughter and you’re filling his spot. I hope you know how to hunt since you’ll most likely be doing that instead of keeping watch.” the Captain said with a teasing grin.

Much to the captain's surprise Ajax returned the grin at the news that he will be hunting. “I’ve been a hunter for my village for the last five years before I headed over here to join the Adventurer’s guild, a few more months as a hunter won’t be anything I can’t handle.”

With that the captain left and the three all headed off to bed, tomorrow was going to be their last day to prepare.

After waking up and eating breakfast the day got a lot more busy than any of them would have expected. The news that Ajax had an enchanted backpack came as a bit of a surprise to both Kate and Tom, especially after seeing the size it could store.

With all this extra space Kate went into overdrive and had sent both of them all over the city to gather things for all sorts of rare situations that she had disregarded because of not having the space to take them into account. The extra rations take up quite a bit of space in case they were ever separated from the supply line at any point.

All three of them had thought that being cut off from supplies was something that would be very unlikely yet last night they were brought in one the fact that while commander Grievous would still be in charge of all of them he would have to go along with the plans decided by whatever nobles were running the show.

It was then that Ajax thought to just have Judy quickly gather everything for them, she could probably do it faster and cheaper than all three of them working together. Sadly, he was told that both she and Alana were out of the city on a job from their organization.

After inquiring about it Tom shared that both had been sent out of town specifically to miss out on the recruitment and would return a day or two after it ended. This news was bittersweet for Ajax as he didn’t have to worry about them while at the same time meaning he wouldn’t see them until the end of this whole thing.

With all their preparations completed they went to bed early and were some of the first ones to present themselves in the guard courtyard the following day after a hearty breakfast. They all mingled with the incoming members of the unit, Tom and Kate introducing Ajax to their colleagues.

While Tom was part of the soldier makeup of the unit, Kate was with the so called support group. Healers were far too scarce and valuable for them to be risked in this kind of unimportant skirmish, with serious repercussions should one kill a healer on the enemy side.

As noon came Commander Grievous finally arrived on top of a magnificent horse and decked out in some eye-catching armor. A onceover with [Sense Mana] told Ajax that the gear was enchanted, even spotting a manacore used to power said enchants here and there on the gear.

As soon as the commander arrived the whole company began to move. The reason they only started at noon was because guards were expected to move a lot quicker than the conscripted soldier. Something they did catching up to them long before nightfall.

Setting up the tents was a relatively quick operation for the guards though the rest of the force seemed to have some troubles with it. It was at this spot that they would meet up with their new noble commanders tomorrow and set up their main supply point relay.

Ajax was exempt from camp setup as he headed out to hunt as soon as they reached the point. None of the guards complained about it as the chance at fresh meat instead of rations was one they all welcomed.

Tom P.O.V.

While Ajax went off to hunt, Kate and I decided to pay a visit to the commander and thank him for having Ajax move over to our unit. Knowing he was going to be with us for any of the fighting made it much better for me.

As Kate and I entered the small tent the commander insisted on having, so as to not draw fire in case of enemy raids, we formally greeted him.

“Lay off the formalities.” commander Grievous said the moment the formal greeting finished.

“We just wanted to thank you for having Ajax moved to this unit.” I said.

“Think nothing of it.” the commander waved off our thanks.

“I have to say I was surprised to hear you have a twin brother Tom,” said Walter.

His statement made all of us turn towards with a questioning look.

“Ajax is my younger brother, not my twin Walter.” I said.

“Wow, he must be really talented then. After all, he caught up in level with you.” His light statement rendered the room silent for a few long seconds.

“HE WHAT???” Kate, the commander and myself all exploded after we processed what Walter just said.

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