Gamer Reborn

Chapter 85

The battle for the fort was the last big strategic battle that was fought for well over two months. It wasn’t because neither of the forces wanted to try to get the upper hand, rather it was because both were cautious of that happening. This resulted in eight different large engagements taking place.

All of these engagements ended up being straight up with no tactical advantage, with lots of standoffs in between. At the end of the two months both focus saw their armies ground down by about seven thousand men of what they had after the battle for the fort.

The biggest loss for both sides were their scouts, as in preparation for their many engagements a lot of scouts were sacrificed in getting a read in time to retreat out of an unfavorable position.

With both armies down losing such a large part of their forces the numerical advantage that Ajax’s side had started to grow bigger and bigger as they traded evenly in forces. This let them take ever increasingly risky engagements and trust that their numbers would carry them through. Of the eight engagements four had happened in the last two weeks.

Throughout this time Ajax had made a point of going hunting alone or with the other hunters at every opportunity. This was in order to stop others from putting together the same pieces that the hunter leader did about his discovery of the pond.

Doing so meant that he was only able to take five more trips to collect water for Fluffy and weaken the bear. On his last trip fifteen days ago he was finally prepared to kill the bear but had found it drinking water by the pond. He was nowhere near ready to engage with the fish and the bear together so he just swallowed his annoyance and returned back with a few filled water skins from down river and a rather large boar, most of which was given over to the cooks.

The repeated engagements had also started to affect both armies and at this point both were on the verge of mutiny from lack of rest. Ajax's clearest way to track this was the 0.02 gain in endurance he noticed on his status. This meant that in just under two months he had made more than a 1% progress on a feat that should take well over ten years to achieve. It was clearly a pace that could not be kept up especially for the mages of both sides.

Both sides were faced together again. A mile separating the first lines, with both armies directing their fury more at their own commanders than the enemy at this point. An attitude that was getting picked up by the officers.

As Ajax waited for his orders he could hear the veterans of his unit discussing the situation. His unit, being made up of mostly veterans, having participated in multiple similar skirmishes before, were less on edge than the conscripted force.

“What do you think is happening?” one of the younger members asked as he pointed towards the center of the enemy army.

“If they are smart they will call a ceasefire for a few days before they have a revolt on their hands.” one of the veterans answered him.

Looking where he was pointing Ajax could see a triangle formed of white flags moving forward from the enemy army, in the center he could just make out seven riders with some flashy looking gear.

The response from their side was similar with a triangle of white flags forming around eight riders and a few other unmounted aides heading over, even over the distance from the left flank Ajax could clearly make out his brother as he followed behind the commander.

“Isn’t asking for a ceasefire in this situation odd?” Ajax asked, he had learned that ceasefires were usually only agreed to after a battle or before both armies got into position.

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“Neither side has the advantage here.” the veteran replied. “Since this hill gives the enemy an advantage and our numbers give us an advantage they most likely don’t want to continue the battle of attrition today so they will offer champion combat to settle who owns the position.”

“Our side isn’t dumb enough to accept that however.” another continued. “Ever since that archduke’s daughter has taken charge after the battle for the fort we haven’t taken any unfavorable fights. Her only seeming weakness seems to be her experience.”

“Yeah, but that could end up costing her and us everything. If she doesn’t give the conscripts a few days off soon we just might end up losing this whole thing.” the first veteran nodded.

The discussion happening once the two groups met was taking place too far away from any of them to make out what was happening yet the veterans prediction had been on point as a minute into the discussion our side had started lowering the white flags and made to return. Only to be called back to the discussion halfway through.

Tom P.O.V.

I was still quite nervous to be here. Despite the months I had to get used to the presence of nobles I couldn’t help it with so many of them and their bodyguards ready to jump at each other.

Thankfully I wasn’t the only one, my emotions were mimicked by both of the aids from the other two guard units on our side and by the four aides on the enemy side.

Out of everyone here the only person who seemed relaxed was the bodyguard of the future archduchess. However I would also probably be relaxing if I knew I was double the level of the next strongest person beside me.

“There might be some merit to taking this proxy fight.” the future baron Stillwater suggested. “I trust commander Grievous to take on any of their commanders.”

“I am inclined to agree with you here.” the noble girl said after taking a moment to think about it. “After watching the last engagements I don’t think any of their guard commanders is his equal in terms of strength.”

“Don’t.” her friend said.

I had spent quite a lot of time listening in on their strategy sessions and this is one of the few times that the quiet granddaughter of the duke spoke, she usually just listened and nodded along with the party she agreed with. Her choosing to go against what seemed to be an agreed upon decision of the other three nobles was a first.

“Why?” the other baron asked.

“We stand too much to lose.” she answered, but upon noticing the confused looks on all three of their faces she chose to continue. “ Our side was caught out of position this time when they took the hill before we got here, did you question why?”

At this even her friend frowned at her.

“We got the scouting information in time to get here and contest the high ground but they were already set up. We’ve been working our foot soldiers too hard, they are tired and resentful especially after the last two weeks. It's why we were so slow to get moving after getting the report.

“If we take the champion duel here and lose, they could choose to chase and engage us after a full retreat demanded by the loss. Not only that but the damage to the army's morale would be substantial.”

“That just means that we have to win,” Stillwater pressed forward.

“I can’t see commander Grievous losing to any of the other commanders.” the archduke’s daughter agreed.

“I don’t either.” her friend agreed. “Yet one of their nobles is a viscount, taking a chance that one of his bodyguards can’t win is too risky. Especially after we set the precedent of having strong bodyguards enter the fray to turn the side of battle, even if his interventions were banned thereafter.” She gave a quick glance to the rider not taking part in the meeting and placing himself between his charge and the enemy army.

“What should we do then, take the battle?”

“I think we should give up the position.” she said.

“What?” The accusation in the voice of the future baron was clear, and even I was confused by the proposition.

“We have been running our army ragged chasing them to fight for the last two weeks, give up the hill in exchange for a three day ceasefire so our men can rest.”

“Would they even agree to something like this?” one of the commanders finally asked.

“I think they would. For a reason I can’t understand, they seem to be reluctant to have our armies clash here.” she said after taking an extended glance at the other side.

This was something surprising. Taking a look over I could see that she was right. It wasn’t so much the nobles that were showing their anxiety, well besides their leading future baron. It was the four commanders.

That’s when it clicked. We were quite far in the direction Ajax said he went hunting on his own in. This meant that whatever source of mana water the other side wanted to keep secret had to be nearby and a large engagement might lead to scouts discovering it. This was why they wouldn’t want to fight here.

My outlook on the shy quiet girl changed. This level of observation and perception explained why she had been so close to picking up on Ajax’s mana, in fact I was almost worried that she had asked the bodyguard to investigate him after that incident and we just hadn’t noticed.

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