Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch1- A Happy Life

Welcome to "Gamer System in Uchiha World," my fifth fanfiction. This narrative unfolds alongside my fourth work, "Harry Potter with Technology System," and is available on my Patreon. Patrons can choose either story individually or together for a richer experience. As with all my novels, they are free to read, but Patreon supporters can access up to 25 advance chapters.

Important Warnings and Notes for Readers:

Manipulative Elements: This story delves into manipulative themes and characters, which are crucial for plot development and character growth.

Altered Universe: Staying true to my style, I've modified the original Naruto universe. Some changes are subtle, others more pronounced, providing a new take on this world.

Gamer System Integration: The introduction of a "Gamer System" within the Naruto universe marks a significant deviation from the original series. This blend of ninja arts and game mechanics creates a distinctive narrative dynamic.

Character Evolution: Expect substantial shifts in character arcs and dynamics. These changes are intentional, aligning with the story's direction and themes.

Emotional and Dark Themes: The narrative explores complex, and at times, dark themes essential for a profound storytelling experience.

Creative Liberties: While honoring the essence of the Naruto world, I've taken creative liberties to enrich the story, offering a unique reading experience.

Fan-Created Content: This is a fanfiction written for entertainment. It respects the original work but also ventures into novel creative territories.

Mature Content Advisory: Reader discretion is advised. This story is tailored for a mature audience, looking for an innovative twist in the Naruto universe.

Age-Restricted Content: The narrative will evolve to include R-18 content in line with character development and plot progression. Scenes of mature nature will be introduced appropriately as characters age.


It was a beautiful morning in the Land of Fire, and the sun was shining brightly over the hidden village of Konohagakure. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, was outside with his son Naruto, playing a friendly game of shurikenjutsu with rubber toys. Minato was amazed by Naruto's natural talent and ability to learn quickly, despite being only five years old whenever he taught him something new.

"That's it Naruto, aim for the center! Keep practicing, and you'll be a great ninja one day," Minato encouraged his son, as he watched him throw shuriken with impressive accuracy.
Next to them, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's mother, was preparing breakfast for her family. She was a warm and nurturing presence, and was always there to take care of her family. Naruto's siblings, Hirato and Himawari, were playing with each other on the other side of the garden, laughing and having fun. It was a peaceful and happy household, far from the tragic event that could have happened due to some circumstances.

Namikaze Hirato was 4 years old, a year younger than Naruto whereas Namikaze Himawari was 3 years old. They adored Naruto as the blonde big brother loved his siblings. Unlike their big brother, Hirato and Himawari looked a lot like Kushina with red hair and violet eyes, both still adorning whiskers on their faces. They looked adorable.

Naruto grew up in a household filled with love and support, surrounded by his family and friends and there was no trouble in their village for years now. Although Minato, Kushina and Hiruzen were worried during Naruto’s birth, nothing happened. After that, in the following two child-births, they weren’t as careful. Fortunately nothing happened and Kushina was able to keep Kyuubi locked down.

Later that day, Minato received a message from Kakashi Hatake, his former student, and now a respected jōnin of Konoha. Kakashi, along with his teammates Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara, were coming to visit Minato and his family for dinner. Kushina earlier sent an invitation and they accepted to join.

"Minato, we're coming over for a visit! We can’t wait to have dinner with you, Kushina and the kids." Kakashi wrote in his message.

Minato was thrilled to see his old students and immediately began preparations for their visit. He instructed Kushina to prepare a delicious meal, while he and Naruto went to gather the ingredients. Together, they picked fresh vegetables from their garden and went to the market to buy meat and other ingredients.


On that  summer evening, Naruto was playing in the yard with his younger siblings when he heard a knock on the door. He ran to answer it, finding Obito, Kakashi, and Rin standing on the porch with wide grins on their faces. Obito had a bottle of sake in his hand whereas Rin had a box of cookies.

"Hey there, Naruto!" Obito said, picking him up and giving him a big hug. "We thought we'd come by for a visit!"

Naruto beamed with excitement, "Obito-nii! Kakashi-nii! Rin-nee! You guys are here!"
Kakashi chuckled, "Of course, we wouldn't miss dinner with you cute brats."

“I am not a brat.” Naruto pouted as he looked away.

“Hai, hai, you are not a brat.” Kakashi smiled as he patted Naruto’s head.

Naruto's parents, Minato and Kushina, were in the kitchen preparing dinner, and they welcomed the visitors with open arms.

Minato grinned, "It's good to see you all! Come on in, dinner is almost ready."

The group sat down to a delicious meal of Naruto's favorite dishes, including spicy ramen and juicy barbecued meats. The conversation flowed freely as everyone caught up on each other's lives.

Naruto was especially excited to share his latest ninja training and adventures with Obito, who he looked up to as a role model.

"So, Naruto, tell us about your training," Rin asked with a smile.

Naruto eagerly began, "Rin-nee, it is super and you know it! I am learning the Academy Three already!"

Obito nodded, "Oh, you are a bit young, aren’t you? But I have no doubt you'll get it in no time."

Kakashi added, "Naruto's got the Uzumaki blood in him, he's got the potential to be a great ninja with his chakra control. Same goes for Hirato and Himawari-chan of course.."

Naruto beamed with pride as his parents smiled and nodded in agreement. Kakashi and Rin also offered their own words of encouragement, telling Naruto about their own experiences and what it meant to be a true ninja.

After dinner, the group settled in the living room for some tea and dessert. Naruto sat between his parents on the couch, Hirato was on Obito’s lap while Himawari was sleeping with her head on Rin’s lap, listening intently as they reminisced about their own ninja adventures and shared stories of their youth.

Minato chuckled, "Do you remember the time I had to use the Hiraishin no Jutsu to escape Jiraiya's pranks?"

Kushina laughed, "That was a wild ride! I thought we were going to end up in the Land of Rice Paddies."

Obito chimed in, "And don't forget about the time Kakashi got stuck in a tree for hours."

Kakashi groaned, "Hey, that wasn't funny at the time, but I'll admit, it's a good story now."

“If I recall correctly you were acting nuts.” Obito rubbed his chin as he smirked to Rin.
“You were hunting squirrels right?” Rin laughed as she said.

Everyone burst into laughter, reminiscing about their past adventures. Naruto was soaking in every moment, feeling grateful to have such amazing people in his life.

As they finished eating, Minato and Kushina thanked their friends for coming and invited them to stay for the night. They spent the rest of the day playing games, sharing stories, and just enjoying each other's company.

As the night came to a close, Naruto's parents thanked their friends for coming by and hugged them goodbye. Naruto was already looking forward to their next visit, knowing that the memories of this family dinner would stay with him forever.


Naruto's first day in the academy was one of the most exciting days of his life. He had been looking forward to this day for months, and he was finally here. He was taken to the academy with his parents, Minato and Kushina, and his siblings. 

As they entered the academy grounds, Naruto saw that there were several children from different families and clans, who had already arrived and were mingling with each other. He felt a little nervous, as he had never been in a school setting before, but he was eager to make new friends and start learning. He recognized some of the children he played before. Shikamaru and Choji were together with their parents, and there was Ino who was standing close to them despite not talking with either boy. Instead her focus was on pinkett standing with her mother. Sakura was her name if he recalled correctly.

There were also Kiba and Shino standing with their families, looking around curiously. Hinata was nowhere to be seen, so Naruto thought she hadn’t arrived yet. Other than those, there were some other children he didn’t know much.

Minato and Kushina were greeted warmly by the other parents and children, who were excited to meet the Hokage. Naruto watched as his parents spoke to the other parents, and he noticed that there was a sense of respect and camaraderie between all of them.

One family that caught Naruto's attention was the Uchiha family. Fugaku Uchiha and his wife, Mikoto came with their two sons, Sasuke and Itachi, and they were eager to meet Minato and Kushina. Naruto noticed that Sasuke was a little younger than him, and looked at him haughtily. His first impression wasn’t this of course, since their mothers were best friends, they met a lot in the past, but they could never get along.

“Naruto-kun, it is nice to see you.” Itachi greeted with a smile.

“Same, Itachi-nii. Last trick you taught me was super useful. Thanks again.” Naruto beamed as he said.

Fugaku and his wife were very welcoming, and they pushed Sasuke and Itachi to Naruto and his siblings. They told Minato and Kushina that they wanted Sasuke and Naruto to be friends, and that they believed that it would be good for both of them to have someone to confide in and to support each other during their study in the academy.

Naruto was a little unsure about befriending Sasuke, but he was eager to make new friends, so he agreed to give it a try. He soon discovered that Sasuke was a good person, and that he was interested in many of the same things that Naruto was. He was just haughty because of his clan. They quickly became friends once they passed that misunderstanding, and Naruto felt grateful to have someone to talk to and to share his experiences with. Just like him, Sasuke was working hard everyday and was stronger than his peers.

As the day went on, Naruto learned a lot about the other families and clans, and he started to see that there was a strong sense of community among all of the students in the academy. He was excited to be a part of this community, and he was eager to start learning and growing as a ninja.

Kazuki entered the class, his eyes scanning the room full of students, eager to learn the ways of the ninja. He was the homeroom teacher, a well-respected sensei, and he had a lot to teach these young aspiring ninjas.

"Good morning, everyone," Kazuki said, his voice commanding attention. "I am Yamada Kazuki, and I will be your homeroom teacher this semester and next if nothing goes wrong. We will be covering a lot of important topics in the next few months, including basic ninja skills, weapons training, and tactics. Are you ready to get started?"

The students all nodded, eager to begin.

“I'll go first and then we'll go around the room so that everyone can share their name, dreams, likes and dislikes. As for me, I've been a teacher for a number of years now and my dream is to help each and every one of you reach your full potential. I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with my family. My dislikes are anything that goes against the rules and causes harm to others.

Next, one by one, each student introduced themselves. 

"Hi, I'm Inuzuka Kiba," said a boy with wild, spiky hair. "My dream is to become a powerful ninja, and I love dogs. I don't like vegetables."

"I'm Akamichi Choji," said a boy with a round face. "I love eating, especially barbecued meat, and spending time with my friends. I dislike anyone who makes fun of my weight."

"I'm Nara Shikamaru," said a boy with a lazy expression. "My dream is to become a successful strategist, and I love napping, cloud watching and playing games with my friends. My dislikes are anything that's too troublesome or difficult."

"I'm Hyuga Hinata," said a shy girl with gentle eyes. "My dream is to become a strong ninja, and I love flowers and people who don’t like to give up. I don't like violence."

"I'm Yamanaka Ino," said a confident girl with blonde hair. "My dream is to become the best kunoichi in the village. I love fashion and spending time with my friends. I dislike anyone who tries to compete with me."

"I'm Aburame Shino," said a boy with glasses. "My dream is to become a skilled Bug Style User and a respected shinobi, and I love insects. I don't like loud noises and anything that causes harm to insects.."

"I'm Haruno Sakura," said a pink-haired girl. "My dream is to become a strong ninja, and I love books. I don't like obnoxious people who don't know their worth."

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke," said a brooding boy with black hair. "My dream is to become a powerful ninja, and I like my family and training with my Nii-san. I don't like people taking away my Nii-san"

"I'm Namikaze Naruto," said a cheerful boy with spiky blonde hair. "My dream is to become Hokage, and I love ramen. I don't like chores and bad people who cause a lot of trouble for my father."

Finally, Uchiha Horyu stepped forward, his eyes downcast. "Hi, I'm Uchiha Horyu," he stuttered. "My dream is to become a strong ninja, and I like training. I don't like being weak and… That is all."

Then one after another, others started to introduce themselves.

Kazuki smiled, pleased with the introductions. "Well, it's great to see that all of you have such strong aspirations and interests. Now, let's get to work and make those dreams a reality."

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