Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch13- Haul

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He stood there for a moment, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling. But then, pragmatism kicked in. He had to heal, restock his supplies, and prepare for the next dungeon. As he began to move, his mind wandered back to the scroll. An intermediate technique... it was a promising start. But it was only the beginning.

As soon as he emerged from the dungeon, Horyu squinted at the village's massive sundial. Three hours in the dungeon equated to three hours in the outside world. He let out a sigh of disappointment. "So much for time dilation fantasies," he muttered wryly.

Despite the nagging soreness in his muscles and the stinging cut on his cheek, he began his journey home. However, his mind was hardly on the path. Instead, it was delving into his inventory, mentally sorting through his loot. His ten scroll shards coalesced at his will, forming a complete scroll labeled 'Fire Style: Great Fireball.'

"Hmm, not too shabby," he mumbled, a small smirk curling up his lips. He had never been particularly good at the Uchiha clan's signature jutsu, but having a scroll made things a bit more promising.

Along with the scroll, he had collected a total of 20 shuriken, an advanced shuriken that had a curious weight to it, a beautifully-crafted tanto, a Stealth Cloak that shimmered eerily in his mind's eye, and a pouch carrying 1500 ryo. There were other minor items, but those hardly held his interest compared to the scrolls and the new weapon.

"Hell of a haul for a rookie run," he mused, the sarcasm evident in his tone.

Horyu's stomach gave a rumble, a rather loud complaint about its current empty state. His path diverted towards the marketplace. His tired body was begging for rest, but he had one final stop to make before that luxury was allowed: the butcher's shop.

The familiar smell of raw meat hit him the moment he walked in. A rotund man with a cleaver twice the size of Horyu's head welcomed him. His eyes lit up at the sight of Horyu, probably anticipating a good sale.

"Well, if it isn't Horyu! Look at you, all bruised and beaten. Been asking for a beating again, eh?" he said, scoffing. "What can I get you today?"

Ignoring the jab, Horyu responded, "I'll take your finest cut, and don't skimp out on me, I earned it."

Butcher looked at Horyu and snorted, "Are you sure you didn't mean scrap bones? Leftovers? Don't play with me, boy, or you will have another beating coming." His deep laugh echoed around the room, sending a chill down Horyu's spine. He was a formidable figure, his muscular arms crossed over a vast, meat-stained apron, a big belly tucked under it. His gruff exterior was intimidating, to say the least.

Horyu smirked at the butcher's audacity, his eyes narrowing in amusement. Despite the heavy sarcasm, Horyu could detect a hint of concern underneath. For all his bluster, the butcher was a decent man. Horyu reached into his pouch and pulled out a handful of shiny Ryo, "Give me the juiciest steak you have. I am having a feast today."

The butcher's eyes widened at the sight of the money, flickering between the Ryo and Horyu's bruised face. He could see the skepticism growing in his eyes. "Now where did a brat like you get this kind of money?" His tone was suspicious, but the gleam in his eyes betrayed his intrigue.

Horyu simply chuckled, tossing the Ryo onto the counter. "Just had a profitable day, let's leave it at that." He leaned on the counter, staring at the butcher with a challenging look. The older man grumbled under his breath, but complied, disappearing into the back to fetch Horyu's steak.

As he waited, Horyu took a moment to inspect his surroundings. The shop was a warm, chaotic mixture of noises and smells, the sizzle of meat frying, the sharp scent of fresh cuts, and the butcher's gruff laugh echoing in the background. It was an odd sense of comfort, a slice of normalcy in a world filled with ninjas, magic, and dungeons.

The butcher returned shortly, a thick, juicy steak wrapped neatly in brown paper in his hands. He grunted as he placed it on the counter. "Here, don't say I never did anything nice for ya." He muttered gruffly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Horyu accepted the package, grinning at the butcher's attempt at appearing indifferent. "Much obliged," he replied, stuffing the wrapped steak into his bag. The butcher merely grunted in response, already turning his attention to the next customer.

Arriving home, Horyu's stomach grumbled as he locked the door behind him. The package in his bag seemed to weigh heavier with every step he took towards the kitchen. His anticipation was building. He hadn't eaten anything decent in what felt like forever, and the thought of a juicy steak had his mouth watering in anticipation.

He tossed his bag on the kitchen table, pulling out the neatly wrapped package. The butcher had taken his time preparing the cut, that much was evident. Horyu felt a moment of gratitude for the man's hidden kindness. It was a rare commodity in his world.

"Alright, Horyu, it's just you and the steak now," he said aloud, chuckling at his own jest. He untied the string that held the brown paper together, the savory aroma hitting his nostrils immediately. It was a simple pleasure that always made him smile.

He placed the steak on a cutting board, reaching for his favorite skillet. As he heated the pan, he contemplated how best to cook his prized meal. It was a decision of utmost importance; after all, a good steak deserved a good sear.

Pulling up his interface, he thought, 'System, pull up the best steak recipes.'

A flicker of light and a window materialized before him. It was one of the unique features of the System, a catalog of knowledge. Horyu skimmed through the options, his eyes landing on a simple recipe.

"Just salt, pepper, and butter. Classic. You've got style, System," he said to himself, grinning as he gathered the ingredients. There was a certain joy in the simplicity of it.

As the skillet heated, Horyu seasoned the steak, his fingers lightly dusting it with salt and pepper. The heat radiated from the skillet, its surface shimmering with heat. With a deep breath, he gently laid the steak in the pan, the sizzle that followed music to his ears.

While the steak cooked, Horyu let his mind wander. The day had been hard-fought, both physically and mentally, but the outcome was worth it. The money, the respect, and most importantly, the steak. He chuckled at that, finding humor in his priorities.

The smell of the steak cooking filled the kitchen, a symphony of mouth-watering aroma that made his stomach grumble in anticipation. Flipping the steak, he dropped a knob of butter into the skillet, watching as it melted and bubbled around the sizzling meat. His mouth watered as he basted the steak with the butter, his impatience growing.

After a few more minutes, he pulled the steak from the pan, setting it aside to rest. The smell was intoxicating, a mixture of seared meat and melted butter that made his mouth water. He could hardly wait to take a bite.

He plated the steak, his gaze lingering on the juicy cut of meat. It was cooked to perfection, the outside seared to a golden-brown, the inside a perfect medium-rare. He picked up his knife and fork, slicing into the steak. The juice flowed out, a testament to the steak's tenderness.

As he took his first bite, he closed his eyes, savoring the explosion of flavor. It was a simple pleasure, one he often took for granted. But today, he could truly appreciate it. The pain, the struggle, and the satisfaction of a job well done. All encapsulated in a single bite.

"Damn, I outdid myself," he muttered, grinning. "The day may have been a pain, but this... this is worth it."

Lost in his thoughts and the flavors of the steak, he didn't notice the notification from the system until he had finished his meal. Glancing at the interface, he let out a soft sigh, "I suppose it's time to get back to work, huh?"

Horyu sat in the quiet comfort of his small kitchen, the aftertaste of his perfectly cooked steak still lingering in his mouth. He leaned back in his chair, a content sigh escaping his lips. His eyes lazily drifted over the interface in front of him. It was only now that he noticed a new notification, displayed in bold white letters against the dark screen.

[Cooking Skill Acquired. Level 1.]

He stared at it for a moment, a slight grin pulling at his lips. He had come a long way from the boy who couldn't even boil water without creating a disaster.

"Well, I'll be damned. Look at me, I'm a cook now," he muttered under his breath, the sarcasm dripping from each word. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, there was a glint of pride in his eyes. It was a small achievement, but an achievement nonetheless.

Shaking his head in amusement, he rose from his chair, his muscles aching from the day's events. The kitchen was a mess, the remnants of his culinary adventure scattered across the counter. But it was a good kind of mess, the kind that came with the satisfaction of a well-cooked meal.

As he began to tidy up, his mind was filled with a quiet contentment. The day had been rough, the fighting and the taunting taking its toll on him. But the result, the respect he had earned, the money in his pouch, and the steak... Oh, the steak. That alone was worth every bruise.

Washing the skillet, he caught his reflection in the shiny surface. The bruises on his face seemed less pronounced, the tiredness in his eyes replaced by a spark of confidence. A newfound determination surged through him. This was just the beginning, he thought, grinning at his reflection.

Drying his hands on a worn-out towel, he contemplated the notification again. The System was proving to be an intriguing aspect of his new life. A catalog of skills and abilities at his disposal. It was like having a cheat code to life, and he was determined to make the most of it.


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