Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch15- Exploiting System Function

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Haze2343, Terrance, Elijah, Mikeal, King Killa, Arka, That Guy, Felix, MrZoop, Jordan, Zephyre, Sherry, chancy orr, J, Moon Lightning, mud104, romulus, Galad, Benjamin, Molière and Durza!

Thank you very much!


Horyu trudged back to his modest home, his mind still replaying the day's events. He felt an odd mixture of disappointment and amusement at the villagers' easily swayed beliefs. It was a stark reminder of how perceptions could be shaped, a lesson he stored away for future use. However, more pressing matters occupied his mind now - he was hungry and in need of a nutritious meal.

His recent forays into dungeons and training had left him physically drained. The realization that he had been neglecting his health hit him hard. "Can't improve if I'm malnourished," he muttered to himself, recalling the basic survival strategies he had learned. He patted his pocket, feeling the coins he had earned from his latest dungeon conquest.

Entering his kitchen, Horyu was greeted by the usual sight of near-empty shelves. The Uchiha clan, despite its prestige, had left him with little in terms of resources. He had managed to scrounge together a few basic ingredients over the past weeks, but nothing substantial. His gaze lingered on the meager supplies - a couple of vegetables, some rice, and a few spices. It wasn't much, but he had to make do.

A rumble from his stomach prompted him to act. He needed something substantial, something that would replenish his energy. He had the basic ingredients, but he lacked inspiration. What could he cook that was both nutritious and satisfying?

"System, give me a recipe please," he asked, tapping into the Gamer Interface he had become so reliant on.

The translucent screen flickered to life in front of his eyes, displaying a list of recipes. Horyu skimmed through them, his eyes pausing on a recipe that seemed both simple and hearty - a vegetable stir-fry with rice. It was a straightforward recipe, requiring minimal ingredients and promising a nutritious outcome.

He gathered the ingredients, his movements methodical. The vegetables were washed and chopped with precision, a skill he had honed out of necessity. He heated the pan, the oil sizzling as he added the vegetables. The aroma filled the small kitchen, a pleasant change from the usual bland scents.

The vegetables cooked to perfection, Horyu added the rice, mixing everything together. He seasoned it with the few spices he had, hoping to enhance the flavor. The result was a simple yet satisfying meal, one that spoke of his resourcefulness and adaptability.

As Horyu began to eat his carefully prepared meal, his thoughts wandered back to the dungeons he had explored and the potential for others yet undiscovered in the village and beyond. He mulled over the idea that there might be many more dungeons, each with its unique challenges and rewards, waiting to be conquered. The thought excited him. Finishing his meal, he stepped outside to train his skills. Despite having only one Jutsu and about ten skills, he was determined to level them up and learn new ones. He had a few ideas for acquiring new skills through repetitive actions, thanks to the System's mechanics.

Sitting cross-legged in the garden, Horyu closed his eyes, hoping to gain a new skill: 'Meditation.' He knew that this skill often came with a Chakra Regenerating effect, which would be invaluable. As he focused inwardly, he felt the familiar sensation of the System responding to his actions.

Time passed as Horyu immersed himself in this state of concentration. Finally, a notification appeared in his mind's eye: [New Skill Acquired: Meditation - Level 1.] A smile crept across his face as he saw the additional note: [Chakra Regeneration Rate increased by 5% while meditating.] This was a small victory, but a significant one for Horyu. With improved chakra regeneration, he could train harder and longer, accelerating his growth as a shinobi.

Content with his progress, Horyu moved on to developing a new skill. He plucked a leaf from a nearby tree and pressed it against his forehead, focusing intently. This was a rudimentary Chakra Control technique, often used by beginners, but Horyu had a specific goal in mind. He sought to unlock a skill that would significantly enhance his Chakra Control. As he concentrated, his chakra flowed towards the leaf, causing it to flutter slightly.

After a few minutes of intense focus, the system chimed in his mind. [New Skill Acquired: Chakra Control(Beginner)- Level 1.] A small smirk appeared on his face. This skill was a step towards enhancing his abilities, a critical advantage in his quest for power.

With his newly acquired skills, Horyu felt a surge of confidence. He had proven himself in the shuriken contest against Sasuke and had successfully navigated the Uchiha Stealth Dungeon, gaining valuable experience and skills. But he knew that to avoid being assigned to a mediocre team and losing the chance to find a decent Jonin Sensei, he needed to step up his game. His graduation from the academy was fast approaching, and he couldn't afford to be seen as weak or talentless.

"Looks like it's time to get serious," he muttered to himself, his eyes glinting with determination.

He decided to focus on increasing his mastery in all his skills, particularly his new ones - 'Precision Master' and 'Long Shot.' Both would be crucial in enhancing his combat abilities. He also needed to work on his basic academy jutsu. Despite his newfound abilities, these basic techniques were essential for any shinobi, and he couldn't let himself fall behind.

As night fell, Horyu ventured out to a secluded part of the training grounds. He needed to practice away from prying eyes. Under the cover of darkness, he began with the Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique. Each attempt consumed a significant portion of his chakra, but he persisted, determined to master it. The flames he produced grew larger and more controlled with each practice, a visible sign of his improving skill.

Next, he shifted his focus to the Uchiha Stealth Technique. Though he hadn't awakened his Sharingan yet, he practiced the movements and chakra flow required for the technique. He managed to blur his figure slightly, a small but significant step towards mastering the skill.

In between his training sessions, Horyu also focused on his physical conditioning. His stats, though improving, still lagged behind those of his peers. He pushed himself in taijutsu drills, each movement precise and calculated. His agility and stamina slowly increased, a testament to his hard work and dedication.

Despite his progress, Horyu remained an enigma to his classmates. His victories in the shuriken contest and the skills he had displayed were topics of whispered discussions, but few approached him directly. Horyu didn't mind; he preferred to keep to himself, focusing on his goals rather than seeking approval or friendship.

As the days passed, Horyu's routine became more grueling. He spent his days at the academy, where he remained mostly isolated, and his nights training tirelessly. He knew that to achieve his goals, he needed to be stronger, smarter, and more skilled than anyone else.

Horyu, after a long and eventful day, slumped wearily on his modest bed, the day's experiences weighing heavily on his mind. He opened the interface of his Gamer System, reflecting on his progress. His abilities and jutsu had leveled up significantly, a testament to his relentless training and strategic mindset. His 'Throwing' skill had reached Level 3, 'Precision Master' was now at Level 5, and 'Long Shot' had advanced to Level 4. His 'Shadow Walker' and 'Genjutsu Resistance' skills had both reached Level 3. Additionally, he had unlocked 'Blade Dancer', 'Lightning Reflex', and an improved 'Chakra Control'. His stats had also seen a notable increase, reflecting his growing prowess as a shinobi.


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