Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch19- No One Can Be Uncle Iroh

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After walking Hinata to the Hyuga compound, ensuring she entered safely, Horyu turned and made his way to the marketplace. His body, still riding the adrenaline high from the day's events, now ached for sustenance. The need for more protein to build his muscles was clear, especially if he was to maintain his rigorous training schedule.

Horyu entered the butcher's shop, the familiar smell of raw meat welcoming him. He was prepared for the inevitable comments from the butcher, a rotund man with a cleaver that seemed almost comically large. The butcher, who always seemed to find a blend of humor and criticism in everything, was a staple of Horyu's visits to the market.

"Ah, the young Uchiha returns," the butcher greeted him with a wide grin, wiping his hands on his meat-stained apron. "What's the occasion today? Another feast?"

Horyu rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Something like that. Give me your best cut, something that'll make this day even better."

The butcher raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing Horyu. "You seem less beaten up than usual. Did you finally learn to duck?" he joked, his deep laugh echoing in the small shop.

Ignoring the jest, Horyu responded, "Just get me something worth my Ryo. I've had a long day, and I'm not in the mood for your usual scraps."

The butcher chuckled, shaking his head. "Always straight to the point, huh? Alright, let me see what I've got for you." He turned and rummaged through his selection, muttering to himself.

Horyu leaned against the counter, his mind drifting back to the day's events. The butcher's shop was a small haven of normalcy in his life, a place where he could just be a regular customer, not the 'talentless Uchiha' or a rising ninja prodigy.

Returning with a hefty piece of steak, the butcher wrapped it neatly in brown paper. "Here you go, one of the best cuts I've got. You better cook it right," he said, handing it over.

Horyu took the package, feeling its weight. "I'll make sure it's worth the price. Thanks," he said, offering a rare nod of appreciation.

As he turned to leave, the butcher called out, "Hey, Horyu! Keep dodging those punches, alright? And maybe throw a few good ones yourself."

Horyu glanced back, a ghost of a smile on his face. "I'll keep that in mind."

With the butcher's shop behind him, Horyu proceeded to navigate the bustling marketplace of the Uchiha Clan. The atmosphere here was distinct, a blend of the mundane and the martial, where the daily routines of life intertwined seamlessly with the legacy of a warrior clan.

His next stop was a vegetable stall. Unlike the butcher, the vendor here was a quiet, middle-aged woman known for her fresh produce. As Horyu approached, she glanced up from her task of arranging various greens.

"Good evening, Horyu," she greeted him with a nod, her expression neutral yet not unfriendly. "Looking for something specific today?"

"Yes, some vegetables to go with a steak," Horyu replied, his gaze scanning the array of fresh produce.

The vendor began selecting a few items. "How about some leafy greens, carrots, and perhaps some mushrooms? They'll complement your steak well."

"That sounds good," Horyu agreed, watching as she bagged the vegetables. "How's business today?"

"Steady as always," she replied, handing him the bag.

The vendor's eyes held a hint of curiosity but she didn't pry further. "That'll be 50 Ryo," she said, turning her attention back to her vegetables.

Horyu handed over the money, adding, "Thanks. I'll make sure to enjoy the meal."

As he walked away from the stall, another familiar face caught his eye. An elderly man who ran a small tea shop beckoned to him. Horyu walked over, intrigued.

"Horyu, a rare sight to see you at this hour," the old man remarked, his voice raspy but kind. "Care for some tea? On the house."

"Sure, thank you," Horyu accepted, taking a seat at one of the small tables outside the shop.

The old man poured a steaming cup of tea and set it before Horyu. "You look less troubled than usual. Something good happened?"

Horyu took a sip of the tea, its warmth comforting. "You could say that. I had a successful day at the academy."

The old man started to talk about how the village was getting better under the leadership of Shisui, the new Hokage, and how he exposed Minato as a traitor. Horyu struggled to keep his cynicism in check, finding the old man's words to be nothing but blind patriotism. 'And here I thought he was wise, tea-loving old man like Uncle Iroh. Oh, how wrong I was.'

"Ah, Shisui has been a breath of fresh air for our village," the old man remarked, his voice carrying a tone of reverence. "He's opened our eyes to the treachery of Minato. It's a shame, really. We thought so highly of him."

Horyu, keeping his expression neutral, replied, "Yes, it seems the village is in a period of significant change."

The old man nodded vigorously. "Indeed, indeed. Shisui is doing what's necessary. It's high time someone put the Uchiha clan back on the map. We've been in the shadows for too long."

Horyu leaned back, sipping his tea, his mind racing. 'So, they're all buying into this narrative,' he thought, 'Convenient for Shisui, and convenient for those who want to rewrite history.'

The old man continued, oblivious to Horyu's inner musings. "You're young, Horyu, but you'll see. This is a new era for Konoha, and for the Uchiha. We'll regain our lost glory."

Horyu nodded slowly, offering a non-committal "Hmm." Inside, he scoffed at the simplistic view of the old man. 'Glory, power, it's all just a game to them,' he mused cynically.

Seeking to steer the conversation towards more useful information, Horyu asked, "And what about the other clans? How are they responding to these changes?"

The old man shrugged. "Some are skeptical, naturally. The Hyuga, for instance, they're always so stuck in their ways. But they'll come around. They have to. Shisui is the future."

Horyu finished his tea, setting down the cup. "Thank you for the tea and the conversation," he said, his tone polite but distant.

As he stood to leave, the old man called out, "You're one of us, Horyu. An Uchiha. Remember, we must stick together in these times."

Horyu offered a curt nod and left the tea shop, his mind swirling with thoughts. 'Stick together, right,' he mused sardonically. 'As if the Uchiha ever cared for anyone outside their circle of power.'

Walking away, Horyu couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and amusement. The village was a web of narratives and manipulations, and he was smack in the middle of it. 'Well, at least it's never dull around here,' he thought, a wry smile playing on his lips.

Arriving home, Horyu swiftly set to work in the kitchen, turning the day's purchases into a meal that was both hearty and satisfying. As he cooked, his mind wandered over the day's events, from the triumph in the Taijutsu Tournament to his conversation with Hinata and the interactions at the marketplace. With a practiced hand, he seasoned and cooked the steak to perfection, accompanied by the fresh vegetables he had bought. Eating quickly but with appreciation for the flavors, he felt his energy replenishing, fueling him for the next phase of his day: training.

Finishing his meal, Horyu cleaned up with efficiency, his mind already focusing on the skills he needed to hone. He made his way to a small, secluded area he used for training, a place where he could focus without distractions or unwanted attention.

Under the dimming light of the evening, Horyu began his rigorous training regimen. He started with 'Precision Master', honing his accuracy with various projectiles. Taking a deep breath, he focused on a series of targets he had set up, throwing kunai with precise, fluid motions.

"Precision Master... level up," he muttered to himself, noting the slight improvement in his accuracy. The System chimed in his mind:

[System Message: Precision Master (Level 5) → Precision Master (Level 6)]

Next, he shifted to practicing his 'Chakra Control'. He focused on the leaf sticking to his forehead, a basic but effective method of enhancing control. Sweat beaded on his brow as he concentrated, feeling the subtle flow of chakra in his body.

"Come on, focus..." he whispered, his eyes intense with concentration. The leaf quivered but remained in place.

[System Message: Chakra Control (Beginner - Level 1) → Chakra Control (Beginner - Level 2)]

Moving on, Horyu practiced his 'Shadow Walker' skill, blending into the shadows of the twilight. He moved silently, almost like a ghost, around the training area. His steps were calculated, each movement a testament to his growing mastery over stealth.

[System Message: Shadow Walker (Level 3) → Shadow Walker (Level 4)]

With a quick glance at the darkening sky, Horyu realized it was time to wrap up his session. He took a moment to reflect on his progress, acknowledging the incremental but significant improvements in his abilities. He knew that each step forward, no matter how small, was a victory in its own right.

Exhausted but determined, Horyu sat down on the cool grass, his mind immediately turning to the next day's challenge. "Choji, huh?" he pondered aloud. "His strength and size are his assets, but that also means he's slower and less agile. I need something to counter that."

His thoughts raced as he analyzed Choji's fighting style, which he had knew from memories. "If I can't match his strength, I need to outmaneuver him," Horyu concluded. An idea began to form, a technique that would utilize his agility and precision to exploit Choji's weaknesses.

He stood up, his fatigue momentarily forgotten, and began practicing a series of swift, evasive maneuvers. "Dodge and strike, keep it simple but effective," he murmured to himself, visualizing Choji's probable attacks and how he would counter them.

After hours of repetition, honing his movements to be more fluid and precise, Horyu felt the system acknowledge his efforts:

[System Message: New Skill Acquired - Swift Evasion (Passive) (Level 1)]

"Not enough. I need to push further," Horyu grunted, his determination unwavering. He continued his relentless practice, each movement sharpening his new skill. The night deepened around him, but he was a blur of motion under the moonlight.

Hours passed, and his efforts bore fruit as the system chimed in again:

[System Message: Swift Evasion (Passive) (Level 1) → Swift Evasion (Level 2)]

[System Message: Swift Evasion (Passive) (Level 2) → Swift Evasion (Level 3)]

Panting heavily and drenched in sweat, Horyu finally allowed himself to rest. "This should give me an edge against Choji," he said, satisfaction lacing his tired voice.

Dragging his weary body to his house, he filled the bathtub with steaming water, letting the heat soothe his aching muscles. As he settled into the bath, he remembered the reward he had received for defeating Kiba - the Enhanced Agility Potion. He took out the potion, uncorking it carefully.

"Time to see what this can do for me," he said, his eyes drinking the murky liquid. As he drank the potion, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, his body responding to the liquids in the bottle.

[System Message: Agility Increased by 3]

Horyu felt lighter, more responsive. He quickly checked his updated stats:

[System Message:

Name: Horyu Uchiha

Age: 10

Level: 4

Chakra: 100

Stats: Strength- 2, Intelligence- 5, Agility- 6 (Increased from 3), Stamina- 2

Free Stats: 4]

"Agility at six, not bad," he mused, a small smile forming on his lips. "This should make tomorrow's match interesting."

With his body relaxed and his mind at ease, Horyu finally allowed sleep to claim him, his thoughts already on the upcoming duel with Choji.


My lovely readers! My Original Novel is being published in another site! You can find it by searching its name, "Gunslinger System in a World of Sword and Magic" I need support in my Original Novel please! Even if you don't want to read it just yet or ever(please read.It is good) add it to your library. I will publish another chapter(Harry Potter and Horyu chapter) for every 1000 collection in my original novel. Please support me! Thank you.


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