Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch26- Spin Girl!

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After the academy, Horyu accompanied Hinata to the Hyuga compound once more. Their training sessions had become a regular part of their routine, a time for both to hone their skills and push their limits. The compound's tranquil environment provided a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the academy, offering a place of focus and discipline.

Today's session was particularly intense. Horyu watched as Hinata and Hanabi sparred, their movements a dance of precision and power. He could see Hinata's confidence growing, her strikes becoming more assertive, yet there was still a hint of hesitation, a shadow of doubt that held her back from fully mastering 'Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms'.

"You're improving, Hinata, but you need to commit to your strikes," Horyu advised, his tone firm but encouraging. "Let go of your hesitation. Trust in your strength and your Byakugan."

Hinata nodded, taking a deep breath before launching into another round of sparring with Hanabi. Horyu observed critically, noting the subtle improvements in her technique and the growing synergy between her movements and her Byakugan's capabilities.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the training ground, Horyu called an end to the session. "That's enough for today. You both did well."

Hinata, panting and sweating but visibly satisfied, nodded. "Thank you, Horyu. I feel like I'm getting closer to mastering the technique."

Horyu smirked, "You're on the right track, but don't get complacent. The real test is in applying it under pressure."

With two out of the required three training days completed, Horyu knew that Hinata was on the brink of a breakthrough. He could sense her potential bubbling just beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.

After leaving the Hyuga compound, Horyu returned to his own home. His body was tired from the day's exertions, but his mind was sharp, already planning his evening training regimen.

As he ate a simple yet nutritious meal, Horyu mulled over his current abilities and the areas that needed improvement. "Every day, a step forward," he muttered to himself. He couldn't afford to stagnate, not when there were so many challenges ahead.

He started with his 'Blade Dancer' skill, the katana feeling like an extension of his arm as he executed a series of complex maneuvers. His focus was absolute, each slash and parry a testament to his growing mastery of the blade.

"Blade Dancer needs to be at its peak," Horyu said, his movements becoming more fluid and deadly. "Especially if I'm to face opponents with higher strength."

The system chimed in his mind as he pushed the limits of his skill:

[System Message: Blade Dancer (Level 4) → Blade Dancer (Level 5)]

Next, he switched to enhancing his 'Genjutsu Resistance'. The mental fortitude required for this skill was immense, but Horyu was undeterred. "Genjutsu won't be my downfall," he declared, focusing his chakra and mental energy to fortify his defenses against illusionary techniques.

After what felt like hours, the system acknowledged his efforts:

[System Message: Genjutsu Resistance (Level 5) → Genjutsu Resistance (Level 6)]

Horyu paused, taking a deep breath. "Progress," he acknowledged, feeling the mental strain of the intense concentration.

He then focused on 'Lightning Reflex', understanding the importance of speed and reaction time in battle. He set up a series of traps and projectiles, moving through them with increasing agility and precision.

"Speed is life," Horyu reminded himself as he dodged and weaved through the obstacles.

[System Message: Lightning Reflex (Level 3) → Lightning Reflex (Level 4)]

Exhausted but not yet satisfied, Horyu pushed on, alternating between his 'Throwing' skill and 'Chakra Control'. Each repetition, each practice throw, and each chakra exercise brought him closer to his goal of becoming a formidable shinobi.

[System Message: Throwing (Level 5) → Throwing (Level 6)]

[System Message: Chakra Control (Beginner - Level 4) → Chakra Control (Beginner - Level 5)]

As the night wore on, Horyu finally allowed himself to rest. He sat on the floor, sweat dripping down his face, feeling the satisfying ache of a well-utilized body. "Tomorrow, I face another challenge," he said, his voice tinged with anticipation.

He pondered about Shino. Although not like Hinata, Shino had never insulted or mocked him in the past. He wouldn't call Shino a friend, but certainly not an enemy. Still, he had to win. He pondered about Shino's abilities. Since Shino couldn't use his insect in the fight tomorrow, as it was Taijutsu only, his battle prowess was limited, still Shino was the second most powerful in the class. Horyu started to ponder about what he could create to counter Shino.

He thought about a new technique, something that could take his opponent's breath away – literally. "A close-range, high-impact strike. Something that doesn't require agility or evasion, but sheer, overwhelming force."

After several hours of intense thought and practice, Horyu developed a new skill. He called it 'Crushing Blow'.

[Crushing Blow (Level 1): A powerful, concentrated strike aimed at the opponent's vital areas, designed to incapacitate them with a single hit. It requires precise timing and positioning but delivers a devastating impact that can disrupt the opponent's chakra flow and cause immediate breathlessness.]

Satisfied, Horyu began to practice the move. The first few attempts were clumsy, but gradually, he refined the technique, focusing on the timing and the force behind each strike.

[System Message: Crushing Blow (Level 1) → Crushing Blow (Level 2)]

He grunted, feeling the strain on his muscles. "This needs to be perfect. Shino won't go down easily."

[System Message: Crushing Blow (Level 2) → Crushing Blow (Level 3)]

Exhausted but content with his progress, Horyu finally settled down for the night. Remembering the Intelligence Amplification Potion he had received for defeating Shikamaru, he decided it was time to use it. "This should give me an edge," he muttered, uncorking the potion.

As he drank the potion, he felt a surge of clarity and focus. His mind seemed sharper, more attuned to the nuances of strategy and combat.

[System Message: Intelligence Increased by 3]

"Intelligence at eight," he whispered, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's see Shino outsmart me now."

Lying in bed, Horyu's thoughts drifted to the upcoming match. 'Shino, without his insects, will rely on basic taijutsu. But I won't underestimate him. He's methodical, observant. I'll need to be cautious, yet decisive.'

He chuckled softly to himself. 'And who knows, maybe after tomorrow, they'll start calling me the 'Talented Uchiha' instead.'

The next day at the academy, Horyu entered the arena with a calm demeanor. His match against Shino was the talk of the class, everyone curious to see how he would fare against the silent and enigmatic Aburame.

Shino nodded slightly, acknowledging Horyu with a respectful, "Horyu-san." Despite his usual silence, there was an air of anticipation about him. Horyu, in turn, gave a brief, "Shino-san," as a sign of mutual respect.

Iruka's voice cut through the tension, signaling the start of the match. "Begin!"

The arena was silent, the audience watching intently as two of the class's most enigmatic figures faced off. Shino, known for his calm and calculating nature, stood opposite Horyu, whose recent victories had begun to alter his reputation from 'talentless' to formidable.

As Iruka's command echoed, Horyu immediately sprang into action, aware that Shino's analytical mind was his greatest weapon. Horyu needed to be unpredictable, to keep Shino guessing and off-balance. He launched into a series of feints and quick jabs, utilizing his 'Unpredictable Assault' skill to its fullest.

Shino, however, remained unperturbed, his movements deliberate and measured. He dodged Horyu's strikes with minimal effort, his eyes never leaving Horyu's.

He lunged forward, feigning a high strike, only to sweep low at the last second. Shino, anticipating the high attack, was caught off-guard and stumbled slightly.

The crowd murmured, surprised by Horyu's ability to unsettle the usually unflappable Shino. Horyu pressed his advantage, increasing the speed and variety of his attacks. He needed to keep Shino reactive, to prevent him from setting the pace of the battle.

Shino, recovering from his momentary lapse, began to counter more aggressively. He matched Horyu's speed with his own precise strikes, aiming to disrupt Horyu's rhythm. The two exchanged blows in a blur of motion, their techniques a stark contrast in styles.

Horyu, realizing that Shino was adapting to his tactics, switched to his 'Deceptive Retreat'. He made a show of faltering under Shino's assault, drawing him in. As Shino advanced, Horyu suddenly reversed his momentum, catching Shino with a swift elbow to the ribs.

In a sudden burst of speed, Horyu unleashed a flurry of punches, each strike more forceful than the last. Shino blocked and dodged, but Horyu's aggressive onslaught was beginning to wear him down.

The crowd was on edge, the excitement palpable. Horyu was pushing Shino to his limits, something few had ever managed to do.

Shino, sensing the tide turning against him, changed tactics. He retreated, creating space between himself and Horyu. Horyu, sensing an opportunity, pursued, but Shino's retreat was a ruse. In a sudden move, Shino launched a counterattack, striking Horyu's chest with a palm thrust.

Horyu staggered back, winded by the unexpected blow. Shino, seizing the moment, advanced with a series of rapid strikes. Horyu, struggling to regain his footing, knew he had to turn the tables quickly.

With a grunt of effort, Horyu regained his balance and met Shino's assault head-on. The two clashed in the center of the ring, their strikes and blocks resonating through the arena.

In the midst of the intense battle, Horyu found himself evaluating Shino's technique with a critical eye. Shino's movements were calculated and precise, but Horyu knew that he had to find an opening, a momentary lapse that he could exploit. As they exchanged a flurry of blows, Horyu's mind raced, seeking that one opportunity to turn the tide.

With a sudden burst of speed, Horyu launched himself at Shino, delivering a series of feints and misdirections. Shino, ever the strategist, parried and countered, but Horyu could sense his opponent's energy waning.

Horyu smirked, knowing that his moment had come. He feigned a high kick, which Shino moved to block, only to find it was a ruse. Horyu quickly shifted his weight and delivered a powerful strike to Shino's abdomen using his newly perfected 'Crushing Blow' technique.

Shino's eyes widened in shock as the air was forced from his lungs, his body doubling over from the impact. The arena fell silent for a moment, the students and instructors alike stunned by the sudden and decisive end to the match.

Horyu stepped back, allowing Shino a moment to recover. "Sorry, Shino-san. I had to end it," he said, his tone lacking any hint of triumph.

Shino straightened up slowly, pain etched on his face but a look of respect in his eyes. "Impressive, Horyu-san. I didn't see that coming."

Horyu nodded, offering a hand to help Shino up. "You're a tough opponent, Shino-san. It was a good match."

As Shino accepted his hand and got to his feet, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

The system chimed in his mind, acknowledging his victory:

[System Message: Shino's Insect Ambush - Completed! Reward: 250 exp, 50 AP, Chakra Control Enhancer, Strength Potion, 500 Ryo.]


My lovely readers! My Original Novel is being published in another site! You can find it by googling its name, "Gunslinger System in a World of Sword and Magic" I need support in my Original Novel please! Even if you don't want to read it just yet or ever(please read.It is good) add it to your library. I will publish another chapter(Harry Potter and Horyu chapter) for every 1000 collection in my original novel. Please support me! Thank you.


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