Gan Yu is my secretary for the production of Yuanshen at the beginning

Chapter 103

There was a huge magic array engraved in the hall, and those obscure runes seemed to be made of blood, and I felt dizzy just by looking at it.

Around the magic array, there were mountains of white bone corpses, and these white bones seemed to be placed according to some kind of law.

Around the magic array, black-robed figures were like crazy dancing steps, or some kind of evil ritual.

Between the piles of white bones, countless ghosts wandered.

This may be the place where evil rituals take place.

Unfortunately, outside this hall, a black barrier blocked their steps.

Sure enough, without breaking the prohibition here, it is impossible to enter the place of ceremony.

Lu Yuan could feel that the scepter in his hand emitted a faint light, and this was one of the keys.

But not enough to break the ban.

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he suddenly shouted: "Right!" The

blazing archer raised his hand, and several blazing rains shrouded the shadows in the corner.

In the bright rain of flames, three shadows were reflected.

These guys are extremely agile, pulling out their legs and running in an instant.

"Swish—" Several

arrows of the wind were nailed to them, and the power of the wind slowed them down.

And as the arrow hit, the hazy shadow on their bodies was also broken, revealing their true bodies.

These guys wear wide black cloaks, but under the cloak are bandaged bodies.

The bandage was tightly wrapped, revealing only two red pupils.

[Secret Assassin

] [Level: LV40

] [Skill]: Sneak (), Sneak Attack (), Deadly Poison (★★★), Critical Strike (), Poison Wound (★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★).

[Secret Sect Shadow Mage

] [Level: LV40] [Skill]:

Shadow Protection (), Shadow Arrow (), Shadow Burn (), Hell Flame (★★★★). ★★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Two assassins, one shadow mage.

These esoteric guys are all hidden deeply, and their faces are not exposed.

The only difference is that the assassin carries a dagger, while the mage carries a staff.

"Foolish human beings, you cannot stop the truth from coming!"

"You will pay for your stupidity!"

The Occult Assassin roared, trying to flee quickly.

But the three slowed down and were quickly caught up.

Mulan's sword slashed at an assassin, striking him to a stumbling block.

The assassin's figure twisted strangely, and suddenly approached Wei Dingguo, who was rushing towards him, his daggers flashing green.

Although Wei Dingguo was slightly startled, in the end, he was experienced and hurriedly used a big knife to block his attack.

The shadow mage also stopped, the dark energy in his hand surged, and a pitch-black flame flew towards Garcia, but it was blocked by his newly acquired shield.

The black flames burst open, falling to the ground and turning into raging waves of fire that spread around.

Garcia's body continued to drop in blood, and the other people who rushed to quickly dodge the black flames.

"Swish—" The

long-range force had already targeted the Shadow Mage, and the dense rain of arrows prevented him from unleashing the spell smoothly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zu Mao and the others and the Xie Annoyance soldiers had already killed, and everyone blocked their retreat, and under the addition of the sword, the health of these three guys dropped rapidly.

Although their strength is strong, they are only compared to ordinary monsters.

The amount of blood was not much, but in a moment, the amount of blood was less than half.

The guy in front of Mulan was even hit and flew out, and the amount of blood was bottomed.

Mulan lifted her big sword and looked at the remaining two guys. She's not addicted yet, it's gone....

Suddenly, her face changed, "Be careful! Several

black flames flew from the dark passage, and everyone could not react at all, and several black waves of fire rippled through the crowd.

The damage of the hell flame is very high, even the heavy armored troops in the front row, under the ravages of several hell flames, the amount of health has quickly dropped by more than half!

Before several soldiers could escape the range of the hellish flames, their bodies were suddenly shrouded in a layer of black clouds.

The amount of blood decreases faster, but it feels like the speed is reduced.

Several water wave barriers loomed over them, but it was too late.

In just a few steps, their blood was emptied, and they fell directly into the hellish flames with a wail.

Lu Yuan looked up, and a group of figures appeared in the passage.

They were all shrouded in shadows like esoteric assassins, there were more than thirty people, and the last one was obviously more powerful.

"Attack!" Lu Yuan ordered coldly.

Han Dang's long-prepared blow shot out, and the arrow containing great power suddenly penetrated several people.

The shadows on these guys disappeared instantly, revealing the black cloak and the strange look under the cloak.

All are followers of Esoteric Buddhism!

"Kill all these idiots!" The leader of the Esoteric Sect snorted coldly.

His voice was extremely strange, more like the neighing of a beast, less like a human.

More than twenty esoteric assassins rushed in unison, their figures flickering, leaving behind black shadows at an extremely fast speed.

The Poison Blade Assassin threw several black projectiles, filling the air.

The Blazing Archer used a blazing rain of fire, and flame arrows enveloped the entire passage.

The ten shadow mages stopped their steps before the blazing rain, the shadow energy in their hands gathered, and several hell flames exploded around Lu Yuan.

The black flames raged so that people could only avoid these terrible flames.

Their formation became chaotic for a while.

Those esoteric assassins were extremely fast, only slightly affected by the smoke, and quickly rushed out.

However, after a few blows of flame arrows, the amount of blood did not drop much, their eyes were cold, and they quickly rushed over.

Some of the esoteric assassins were stopped by the soldiers in the front row, but a few took advantage of the chaos just now to break through the defense line and rush to the archers in the back row.

Lu Yuan suddenly swung his sword forward, and sharp knife qi shot out from the black blade, cutting through the cloak of a secret assassin, and blood shot out.

The esoteric assassin instantly locked his gaze on him, his gaze red as blood under the bandage.

The assassin sprinted two steps, and his dagger flashed green and pierced Lu Yuan's face.

Lu Yuan shouted violently, did not dodge, and the black combat knife greeted him.

The two blades collided together, bursting out a large cloud of Mars.

The Secret Assassin's left hand suddenly came out from under his ribs, which was another poisonous dagger.

Lu Yuan, on the other hand, seemed to have sensed it earlier, and quickly took two steps back to avoid this blow.

With the help of Wolf Warrior Technique, Lu Yuan directly blocked this Secret Sect assassin.

With the battle, Lu Yuan was also rapidly proficient in physical fitness, and gradually began to suppress it.

Mulan's big sword was wrapped in flames and chopped down, and a secret assassin was caught off guard and was directly sent out.

Before he could get up, the tridents of the two snake warriors nailed him to the ground.

With the cooperation of several heroes, several intruding Cult assassins were quickly killed.

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