Gan Yu is my secretary for the production of Yuanshen at the beginning

Chapter 98

The Treeman guards also wanted to continue pursuing Garcia.

But the female snake man beside Queen Medusa twisted her delicate body, and the viper eyes on the silver crown on her head glowed red, and the snake's mouth was wide open.

Purple poisonous mist spewed out, covering the surroundings of the tree guards.

The poisonous mist densely formed a poisonous cloud, and even the tree guards waved the branches and could not quickly disperse.

The violent poisonous mist eroded the body of the tree guard, slowing its speed.

Heclis raised his wrist, and a black shadow viper shot out, climbing and biting on the body of the tree man guard.

The debilitating toxin and retardation toxin erupt continuously, making the tree man guard sluggish.

He let out an angry roar repeatedly.

The treeman guard slammed into the shadow viper, but the viper composed of energy disappeared instantly, leaving a pool of venom on the treeman guard.

"Swish—" Several

streams of blazing fire enveloped the body of the tree guard.

The flames ignited the poisonous cloud, and there was a crackling sound like a crackling, but the toxin was even stronger.

The health of the Tree Man guards continues to decline.

Its huge body suddenly rushed out of the range of the poisonous cloud, but was immediately resisted by the heavily armored soldiers holding shields.

The tree man guard raised his arm, and more than ten branches fell, turning into a two-meter-tall tree man and standing up.

But these ordinary monsters, which are only level 35, are immediately pulled away by melee soldiers and quickly killed.

The health of the Tree Man guard continued to decline, and it continued to roar.

It's just that the effect of the big tree impact is not good, and their positions are too scattered.

You can only hit three or four targets at a time, and even fewer can be killed.

The treeman guard let out a roar, and green points of light flew towards the surrounding soldiers.


Everyone moved one after another, leaving only four or five heavily armored soldiers in place, resisting the pace of the tree guards.

The speed of those butterfly-like flying green lights was not fast, many soldiers escaped twenty meters, and those green lights could only helplessly fly into the bodies of heavy armored soldiers.

After a moment and flying out, the HP of those heavily armored soldiers immediately dropped by a cut.

The green light flew back to the body of the tree guard, making the collected life energy insufficient, but only restored its life several times, compared to its huge amount of health is simply negligible.

The defeat caused the tree man guard to let out an unwilling roar, angrily rushing into the heavily armored warriors in front, leaving the formation in jeopardy.

The soldiers behind quickly re-surrounded it, once again blocking its movement.

Lu Yuan stepped forward, the black combat knife in his hand slashed down, and a blade wind flew out and slashed at the tree guard.

A large piece of bark was cut off and its armor weakened.

Mulan's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the big sword wrapped in flames chopped down, directly cutting off a thick branch, and dark green juice flowed from the wound.

But it was quickly burned by the flames, and the pain made the tree guard roar, and he suddenly slammed a punch behind him.

But Mulan's figure disappeared in an instant and reappeared on the side of the tree man guard.

A sword slashed down suddenly, leaving a long wound on the body of the tree guard, and the flames on the wound continued to burn.

The red ruby in Feilin's hand spun rapidly, and bursting fireballs flew out one after another, exploding on the tree man guard.

Sparks flew, leaving behind a trail of flames that burned its body, and large pieces of bark were charred and peeling.

The health of the tree man guard was rapidly decreasing under the siege, and soon its health was less than half.

The tree guard let out a roar, and the green light around him flew out again.

And those soldiers were always on alert and immediately prepared to flee to their heads.

But the tree man guard suddenly smashed down with both fists, and two large holes were opened in the ground.

The surrounding ground trembled, the masonry cracked, and a large number of thick roots rose up, entangled the soldiers who tried to flee.

The thick root whiskers wrapped around their ankles and calves, and despite struggling desperately, they could not break free, but they tightened more and more.

Seeing those butterfly-like green lights getting closer and closer, if dozens of green lights are hit, this can make the blood of the tree man guard full again!

Queen Medusa snorted softly and raised her hand to wave.

A huge ice pick shoots out.

The ice pick burst directly in the air, turning into dozens of ice crystals, but it accurately met those butterfly-like green lights.

With a crisp popping sound, the ice crystals all burst open and turned into ice chips.

But those green lights were also consumed and directly extinguished.

But for a moment, only a few green lights on the field still survived tenaciously and completed the mission.

Returned to the Treeman guard.

But the amount of blood recovered is simply not enough to see!

The tree man guard was extremely angry, raised his hands high, and slammed down.

Several snake people were controlled, unable to dodge at all, and were directly smashed into meat sauce.

The Treeman guards set their sights on the snake man hero Garcia again.

Arms slammed down!


With a bang, it was blocked by Garcia.

All four of his arms were trembling, but he blocked the blow with four weapons.


Garcia's control was also lifted, and he endured the pain and quickly stepped back.

The tree guard still wanted to pursue, but was entangled by others.

The soldiers' attacks continued to fall on the tree guards, wood chips flew and branches and leaves broke.

Its HP is declining, although it still wants to continue using the Devouring Secret Technique.

But it was also fruitless, but a large amount of health points were knocked out.

As a shadow viper burrowed into the treeman's guarding pupil, the toxin erupted.

The last health point of the Treeman guard is emptied.

The huge body instantly stiffened, and the raised arm was also unable to fall.

"Boom-" The huge body lost its support and fell directly to the ground, smashing a wall down.

With the killing of this level 38 elite monster, several heroes directly upgraded.

The huge body of the tree man guarded fell to the ground, looking like a strange tree.

It's just that the trunk of the tree is covered with swords, guns and axes, and traces of erosion by flame toxins, which is very miserable.

Several light clusters floated next to the corpse.

Exploded equipment.

Lu Yuan was also not polite and walked over, and Garcia, the hero of the snake people, was also close to the corpse of the tree man, obviously afraid that Lu Yuan would swallow it.

Lu Yuan picked up those things, a heavy book, a bark leg guard covered with moss, and a simple bark shield.

[Protective Scripture

] [Rank:★★★

] [Can let you learn to protect the aura.] A protective aura is formed around the body, and the defense of the legion is

increased by 5%

] ———— [Moss Leg Guard

] [Rank:] [Commander +3, Strategy +3] [Poison skill damage increased by 10%

] ————

[Petrified Bark Shield

] [Level:★★★★★

★★★★★] [

Health +150, Force +3].

[Petrification]: Increases defense by 30% after use, and forms a shield with 300 vitality around it for 30 seconds.

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