Gantz Reincarnation

Beginning of a Brand New Day

… so situations like this really do happen huh?

Well, I guess that is it then. You know I'm kinda proud of myself. I played scenarios like this through my head like nearly a hundred times.

Me spotting the kid waddling forward while the mother is completely enveloped in her argument over the phone which I can only lip-read, cause of my earphones. Immediately jumping out of my seat leaving my schoolbag behind and getting down on the rail while the train is already coming in and trying but failing to hit the brakes. Finally using all the muscle I have in my scrawny body to throw him back onto the station.

So here I am accepting the fact that a freight train going by 60- 70 km/h is going to collide with my body. I was never suicidal you know, I dabbled in self-pity sometimes, if I‘m completely honest, but I would never try to kill myself. But I always said that if I could use my life to save another Innocent one then it would be a worth sacrifice...

I guess this is the future that awaits you if you take what is written in fictional stories much too seriously.

Man, there was so much stuff I should have done... fuck. Viewing things positively not that many people are really going to miss me. My sister and like three other‘s. The rest of them would get shocked but eventually get over it.

At least it will be quickly over and hopefully not that painful but the people watching will be better off looking away. Come to think of it this whole scene reminds me a lot of one of my favorite Manga called Gaaaaaaaaaaa...


"Were you boys about to die too?" huh?

I look around me in disbelief. This has to be a dream right? I am in what seems to be an apartment. I can clearly see through the windows and realize it somehow is already nighttime.

Wait this isn't just any apartment this is a Gantz room. The big black sphere in the middle is kinda telling. But not just any Gantz room at that, the people in here look exactly like the people in the first Gantz mission from the manga which includes Kato standing next to me.

"This has to be heaven“ says the old politician guy.

This… this… this is Amazing! I am actually in the story of the manga! Gantz is so much more interesting than my boring life before this! Okay maybe I should be a little bit less hyped about participating in a literal death game but Gantz was in my top 5 manga list.

And as it seems I am in the body of Kei Kuruno, according to the reflection I can see in the window. But wait, why am I almost as tall as Kato I think the original Kei was much smaller.

Kato walks up to the window and tries to open it but is just laughed at by the other people.

„We already tried that, we are unable to get out of this apartment and all our communication to the outside is not working as well.“ said the man in the business suit. I can also see Nishi, the yakuza, the old politician, the blonde teen, and of course the dog. *Pant, Pant, Pant* Well he seems much cuter than in the manga he also doesn't seem to be opposed to some petting.

„Why don’t we try introducing ourselves, let's start by telling each other your names, occupation, and how you died." Says the man in the salaried suit.

I think at first I'll just go with the flow.

"So me first: I'am M-masashi Yamada. I-I teach first graders at Nerima East Elementary School. I-I was in an accident while riding on my s-scooter. Okay, your turn." He seems to be addressing me.

"Kei Kuruno... 10th grade (I hope I got that right) and how I died... I think Kato here can explain." It's probably best to let other people talk for me at the start.

"Yeah I'm sorry Kei-Chan..., I was so happy that you were helping me, that... I don't know what I was thinking." Kato is actually a really nice guy I don't know why Kurono was so mean to him at the beginning. Probably because Kei himself was such an edge lord and always jealous of him for zero reason.

"Um, a-and your n-name?" Bro, why are you so nervous?

"Masaru Kato... run over by a train" Well at least that brings him, the original Kuruno, and me in one category. But did I just completely block the consciousness of the original Kuruno out? If not and you can still hear me then I hope you aren't too angry Kei... but I'm gonna do some things differently than you.

The people go on explaining who they are just as in the original but Kato seems to lean over and tries whispering something to me.

"Hey Kei, again I am extremely sorry for what happened... I understand if you can't forgive me" I mean I can't complain but Kei would probably be fuming right now "... but there is one thing you mentioned when you were introducing yourself, you said that you were still in 10th grade. Did you repeat two whole years?" What? The fuck is he saying, the original Kuruno was 15 at this point... I think. He should be in 10th grade, then again I am not that into the Japanese school system.

"Wait, Kato how old are you again?"

"Same as you right? 17" Wait maybe Kato got aged up to the original Story or... the both of us got aged up. That would also explain why I am taller than the original. But I think the original Kei at the end of the Story was still smaller than me right now. This doesn't make sense.

Maybe I can use the school I.D. from my Jacket that brought Kishimoto to Kei's Home, to get some answers.

"Hey Kei there it says you go into 12th grade, why did you get confused about your school?" Thanks Kato for laying that out for me, this somehow is a little bit different from the original Gantz manga. I hope that doesn't screw me up too much in the long run.

"Yeah hehe I just got kinda confused, I guess I was still in shock from being run over by a train and got it mixed up, but it doesn't matter too much does it?" I hope Kato doesn't press me too much on this. He just shrugs and starts listening to the other people introducing themselves. Saved I guess.

Now Nishi the little Psychopath himself, is next up for a first impression.

"Ichijiro Nishijo, 10th grade, fell to my death" Hmm he also seems to be a little older but not much taller from what I can guess. I hope the changes keep just applying to ages.

Next up the biggest scumbags in the room.

"... him an' me are yakuza... end of story" Yeah also rapists and murderers with no regard for human life, forgot to mention that...

"A-anybody... else...?" the teacher states "... that's it, then."

It becomes quiet in the room until Kato whispers to me again.

"You know Kei-Chan. You've Changed" Ah here we go.

"You became a lot taller as well" I say.

"That's not what I meant. You used to be more confrontational. And sly. Like you weren't afraid of anything. You were our leader. Remember how we always played Tag?" I nod " You were super fast and agile you could jump down an entire staircase."

"Come on don't push it, that was elementary." What he says is true, it's kind of remarkable for Kei.

"I'm serious, you always got away and outsmarted everyone. You know I'm not that bright, I am conscious about that. I go to a school with a lot of bad types of people. But I don't want to be like them. After we went our separate ways I thought I should try being more like you." Sorry Kato I am currently not the person you describe and Kurono also wasn't but...

"You know Kato, maybe you're right, maybe I should try being more confident and try taking action more. I thought growing up meant just accepting all the bullshit that is happening. Maybe you have a point I should change something about my behavior and consider pursuing what I want." I say.

"Uhm Kei I didn't mean for you to change your life I was just curious what happened to..."

"But you think I am different from the Kei that I was back then right?"

"... Yeah"

"So let's change that. not just for me but also so that you have the Kei that you looked up to when were kids" Let's make this an enjoyable life in which I don't regret my decisions and act the way I want to. Easier said than done, I know but I got some knowledge that should help me accomplish this.

"Sure Kei, your the man" I guess we can't change the fact that you're a little bit cheesy Kato.

"TV! Of course!" And the nervous wreck goes rambling again "There must be a camera somewhere." I mean I can understand where he is coming from but he is trying to develop a comfort Zone in this space to calm himself and everybody else down but gets way too attached to that one Idea only to eventually get fooled by Nishi.

"Huh? Kei-Chan, what's that?" I think I know what comes next.

There is clearly another person forming in front of me. Starting at the feet and also the hands. Man seeing this in real life is pretty nasty. I can see her innards and also her detached limbs just ... spawning. While it is a female body it is still pretty disgusting. Seriously Kei how could you get a Hard-on from thi..

"Is that... how we came out, too?" Says Kato but my eyes are just focused on what is in front of me.

Woah... while I still stand by what I was just thinking. It would be absolute defamation to not regard this girl (who is completely naked with her arm lying over me by the way) as being extremely Hot.


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