Gao Wu: Extracting the Ancestral Art of the Immortal King

Page 235

But now, there are variables traced back, what happened?

"No, the Qi machine that does not belong to the world comes from a farther unknown place, not the heavens, nor the gods, and is no longer in any world we know!"

The face of the creature with strange wings changed drastically, making it extremely ugly.

Just a simple deduction, he knew the cause and effect.

There is no causal connection, and even the other party is not a creature of this world.

Chapter 323 : Strange plateau, twenty ancestors!

"Hey, the black era? The era of the destruction of the gods in the later generations, it seems that it has caught up with the set."

A calm voice suddenly sounded here.

But there was no trace, even the power of Immortal Emperor Zhun couldn't find the source of the sound, as if the void was speaking.

The sound was like a breeze, gently blowing past the ears of the two quasi-immortal emperors, making the atmosphere here suddenly weird.


The strange-winged creature showed a rare look of dread.

Countless pairs of scarlet eyeballs are densely packed, transforming into a world of eyeballs, with unpredictable power to penetrate the source of all things.

However, he couldn't sense the existence of any creatures, which was extremely unbelievable.

It was a very dangerous signal that the voice could be heard right next to his ears, but he couldn't detect the slightest aura of the other party.

Representing the other party's Taoism is very likely to be higher than him, it is definitely a powerful and terrifying existence!

The next moment, his eyeballs all over his body shrank violently, and even his body froze.

As if being watched by some extremely terrifying existence, his body stiffened uncontrollably.

The consciousness and thinking of the quasi-immortal emperor level have all decayed to a terrible degree.

"A supreme creature."

The owner of that voice was whispering. Although there was no trace of it, anyone could feel that there was a gaze coming across, watching the strange creature with wings.

It seems to be looking down from an endless distance, and what is even more frightening is that it is his tone, not disdain, but 01 is indifference.

The unknown existence seemed to be looking at ants, ignoring superior creatures like piglets.

Nothingness boiled completely, like boiled boiling water, with dense ripples, filling the entire time and space.

At the same time, there was a violent roar resounding throughout, as if the origin of the entire world had been forcibly filled into a huge and heavy space-time.

As the "native" creatures in this world, almost all quasi-immortal emperor level and above powerhouses look out of the endless world community with feeling.

On the eerie and dead plateau, the mist is misty, the coffins are lying horizontally, and crows with blood-red eyes are eating the rotting corpses.

This place is extremely terrifying, desolate and ancient, and boundless and vast.

Even if the multiverse group falls, it can only fill a corner.

The most ancient plateau, Etu Highland, is even older than ancient, and even weirder than weird!

There is no timeline in the void, and no causality can penetrate it.

It seems to be an unknowable place separated from everything, without any passages, like rootless duckweed, which seems to have existed at the beginning of time.

This is one of the reasons why the strange ethnic group can last forever. Their ancestral land is too hidden, located in the vast and endless sea of ​​sacrifices.

Without accurate coordinates, it is impossible to find here.

Even the Immortal Emperor will get lost in the sea of ​​offerings, which is a natural shelter.

But even knowing the correct coordinates of the strange ancestral land is useless, there are countless terrifying and powerful existences sleeping there.

"I feel that our world is shaking, and there are completely different systems and paths emerging.

It comes with the fluctuations and energy of another world, it does not belong to us, nor does it belong to God or even the world..."

The silence of this strange plateau was broken, and there were inexplicable creatures whispering.

In an instant, there are countless evil and evil visions, and the chaotic thunder pierces the original time and space, and the turmoil is infinite.

Just because of this voice, countless great thousand lost all their brilliance and fell down in a rustle.

Falling down on the plateau like stars, it is difficult to fill a corner of the land.

At the end of the plateau, there was a dead tree with no leaves, and a few black crows stood on the bare branches, making strange and incomparable calls from time to time.

An ancient black coffin lay horizontally under the dead tree, and its surface was covered with extremely mysterious black lines.

It seems to represent a certain source, exuding extremely deep malice.

On the ground next to it, there are a total of nineteen huge raised tombs.

Wisps of black smoke are blowing, and inexplicable twisted symbols rise up, or golden scales, or strange red hair, or penetrating white shackles

There is also a ferocious bone armor, and the phantom of the horns with purple patterns is faintly manifested.

There are also several black ancient roads, which are the result of the pollution of the evolutionary road, but they are not dilapidated.

On the contrary, for the sake of the highest path, all the creatures who practice this path system are polluted into dark creatures.

And it is stronger than before, making its source even more terrifying and weird.

Even among the twenty completely different strange substances, it is still an outstanding existence.

Different from the ten ancestors of the original version, this alienated version of the trilogy has a total of twenty strange ancestors.

They respectively polluted the priests who had been separated for a long time before the ancient times, and then became a new source of weirdness.

In the alienated version of the trilogy, the darkness is more terrifying and powerful than the original version!

The coffin was opened, and there was seeping black blood flowing, as if the illusory river was surging and churning, and there was a rattling sound coming from inside.

But it is the evil black blood that is enough to cover the heavens of all worlds, like the endless tide of the sea, submerging a large area of ​​the oldest plateau.

The ancestor of the black blood has been revived!

His whole body was shrouded in black mist, his body was incomparably stalwart, with thousands of black and red blood bursting out.

They are all infinite multiverses, densely packed, far beyond the scope of ordinary immortal emperors, and extremely powerful.

At this moment, he woke up because he sensed the inexplicable changes in the world.

He stood on the vast plateau, staring at a cracked nothingness with a little doubt.

In his eyes, outside of the cracked nothingness is "nothingness" that is purer than nothingness.

It seems that there is nothing there, not even concepts, definitions, and the most basic structure, and any power will be unable to move an inch there.

Just by taking a look at it, he was overwhelmed.

"Is it a place outside the realm of the heavens? Pure "nothing", no living things exist..."

He murmured in a low voice, boundless black blood flooded the end of the plateau, turning this place into a vast sea of ​​blood.

"I can't detect any signs of living beings, but what happened to the strange air mechanism and the road system that didn't belong to any place before?"

He was puzzled, he didn't think that there would be living beings in such an environment, it was really unbelievable.

But what happened to the inexplicable existence that I felt before? The path is completely different from this world, but it is also powerful beyond the limit.

As the ancestor of the weird, the Dao of Sacrifice exists, his perception is so terrifying, it is impossible for there to be problems here.

"Could it be that other worlds were captured by the entire universe, resulting in the integration of the two worlds as a whole, so that different systems can be integrated?"

Suddenly, the black blood ancestor thought of a possibility, and almost identified it as the source of the mutation.

"That road is unheard of, but it is much stronger than any other road in the world. It is hard to imagine that there is such a brilliant system."

"Jie Jie, I don't know what amazing changes will happen if she is extradited into the darkness."

The ancestor of the black blood looked down at the world, the sea of ​​sacrifice and the sky above, and let out a cold low laugh.

His eyes paused in the land of heaven, because there was a sacrificial priest there.

She is a woman who makes him feel amazing. She has created the Huafen Road system, and she is one of the most powerful people in ancient times.

At the beginning of the Black Era, several ancestors worked together to deduce the strongest person in this life, and discovered the existence of the woman on Huafen Road.

However, they didn't kill it immediately, instead they allowed it to preach to the heavens.

It's not that they don't care, but that they are too powerful to be bothered.

With absolute self-confidence, there are twenty priests, enough to ignore all threats!

Let alone a sacrificial priest, even if there is another one, they will not react.

In the past era, there was more than one priest who was completely killed or assimilated by them.

"Well, the black era is at the end, and it's time for us to take action..."

The black-blooded ancestor scanned the worlds at the end of time and space, and was quite satisfied with the fruits of this era.

Then, he once again used the method of sacrificial dao to deduce, trying to search for the other world that was suspected to have merged, and whether it could threaten their existence.

For a moment, he stopped searching, and he didn't think it would be his own illusion.

In this way, many true emperors who came were ignored, and they were naturally listed as the existence of quasi-immortal emperors.

This kind of blind behavior was really weird, he didn't notice anything unusual, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Chapter 324 : Immortal King?Instantly kill the Immortal King who would be the Immortal Emperor!

A corner of heaven.

The nothingness was annihilated, and a powerful and incredible aura appeared!

It seems to be the oldest fire that ignites the world, reflecting the beginning of civilization and the extension of the road!

"Crack!" There was a slight abnormal sound.

After the nothingness there boiled to the extreme, it shattered like a mirror.

There is an incomparable brilliance blooming, illuminating the nothingness where even the concept of darkness does not exist!

It was like a big explosion that opened up the world, and that force even shocked the Immortal Emperor Zhun.

But for some reason, it was always confined to this place and did not spread to more distant places.

So much so that even the chief priest of the Black Era who confronted the supreme beings in the frontier of heaven, and even many supreme creatures were not aware of it at all.

After all, a "mere" quasi-immortal emperor battlefield, looking at the entire battle situation is really insignificant.

The final victory or defeat depends on the collision of the highest ranks, not the existence of these quasi-immortal emperor ranks.

They can only reverse a slight possibility in the incomparably grand battle situation, and the possibility of affecting the overall situation is very small.

"Who are you?!"

The strange-winged creature trembled under the oppression of that momentum, and even the dark primordial spirit trembled.

This is definitely an invincible among the quasi-immortal emperors, otherwise there would be no such power, just the aura rushing towards his face made his hair stand on end, and he felt a great threat.

Only the ultimate quasi-immortal emperor who has comprehended part of the supreme law can have such great power!




The lines of the avenue are vibrating, and the ripples spread layer by layer, from far to near, as if the heavens resonate, and all worlds tremble together!

It was the sound of footsteps, as if stepping on the source of the avenue, and the loud noise like drums from the Heavenly Gate was deafening!

The Immortal Emperor Zhun of the heavens is also extremely shocking, there is such a strong person in the world, who is invincible among the Immortal Emperor Zhun and can push everything horizontally!

A sacred ancient flame was burning, and a majestic figure crossed countless layers of space, and instantly entered the turbulent flow of time.

He ignored all obstacles, and arrived with a majestic attitude!


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