Gardenia’s Heart

Chapter 15: Ice Foxes

The deadly dance began with Lily's swift movement. 

Charging toward a group of three ice foxes, she enveloped her sword in a violet aura and swung it toward the nearly one-and-a-half-meter-tall monsters. 

However, the purple blade missed its mark as the creatures proved quick, swiftly dodging out of the way. Immediately after, two more foxes leaped onto her back, their fangs and claws aimed at her slender neck. 

A loud impact echoed as the two foxes collided with a black half-sphere that appeared in the air, their claws barely scratching its surface. Without understanding what had just occurred, both foxes instinctively tried to retreat. But it was too late. 

The spherical barrier vanished as quickly as it had appeared, revealing the violet blade that swiftly sliced both foxes in half with a single swing. 

Finally, the snow-covered ground, now a field of white, was stained red. The girl with heterochromatic eyes stared at the three original foxes she had first attacked, now attempting a pincer maneuver. One fox approached from the front, one from behind, and the last from above. They tried to immobilize her from every angle, but just as they thought they had her, something strange happened. 

It looked as if the girl had been swallowed by the ground, as though she had fallen into a hole beneath her. 

When the three foxes lost sight of their target, they quickly fixated on the ground, where no hole could be seen. This was the last sight for the poor foxes, who didn’t even realize their heads had been severed from their bodies. 

Landing on the ground after spinning her sword, Lily glanced at the portal that had formed a few meters above with a smile on her face. 

The snow foxes might not have had the intellect to reason, but even monsters could learn in battle. The girl who had wiped out nearly half their group without a single scratch was dangerous. 

The seven remaining ice foxes began circling Lily, not missing even her slightest movements. Her two-colored eyes locked with the foxes’ white ones. 

Around the creatures, small glimmers began to appear, slowly merging as shards of ice took shape, gaining size and density. If close combat was too risky, they’d finish her from a distance. 

“I thought monsters couldn’t use magic,” she observed, studying the prismatic crystals forming in the air. 

(That’s an innate ability of their species. Just as I can transform by absorbing dark mana, they seem able to create ice crystals.) 

Lily tilted her head at Nia's explanation, continuing their conversation without a care for the deadly blow being prepared. 

“So, what’s the difference between innate abilities and spells?” 

(I believe innate abilities are already engraved in our bodies, while spells can be acquired through study. The advantage of innate abilities is that they consume very little dark mana to activate. It’s so natural for us that we can use them without even paying full attention.) 

The girl responded while idly moving Lily's left arm. The white-haired girl noticed that, despite Nia pumping blood and performing dozens of other functions throughout her body, she was still able to converse effortlessly without showing any signs of fatigue. 


As she observed her left arm transforming into four purple tentacles that grabbed four ice crystals flying at supersonic speed toward her, she responded in awe. 

The first ice fox that had fired the shots trembled in fury upon realizing its attack had been easily stopped, relentlessly charging at the girl. Both of its front claws were now wrapped in ice crystals. 

Placing one foot in front of the other, the girl gripped her sword tightly and made a single forward swing. The frozen claws tried to shatter the violet blade, but they were too slow. Lily's strike landed first, closing the small gap between the claws and hitting the fox directly. Red blood once again splattered on the snow as the fox's body was split in two. 

"Maybe we need to control our strength... I was planning to try selling their pelts once we reached a village." Watching the expensive-looking fur completely destroyed sent a wave of regret through the girl. "Wait... Nia, if you can acquire the traits of what you eat, do you think you could copy this fox's innate abilities?"

(Well... the only monster with innate abilities that I’ve consumed so far was a small gray octopus. So, it shouldn't be impossible.) 

The four tentacles crushed the ice crystals they held and quickly wrapped around the dead ice fox on the ground. The body melted and was absorbed at an accelerated rate, and anticipation grew in the girl's mind. 

"And? And?" Her joyful voice eagerly awaited the answer. 

(Hmm... I think just one won’t be enough for the innate abilities, although I can significantly increase our resistance to cold.) 

The girl wasn't discouraged by the response; in fact, an even wider smile spread across her face. 

"Don't worry, my love, I’ll serve you a feast soon." 

She quickly charged forward. The foxes couldn’t allow her to get any closer. In unison, they all launched their ice crystals at her. 

Ever since they saw her vanish and reappear in another location, the foxes had no longer focused solely on her, but on the entire environment. 

Each one tried to predict where she would reappear after dodging the ice, preparing to strike and end her life with a single attack. 

But none of that happened. 

The violet blade sliced through the air as the girl advanced. Pushing her senses to the limit, even the swift ice crystals seemed slow in her vision. She could destroy the crystals in front of her, cutting them however she pleased. Any that approached from a blind angle were swiftly stopped by Nia. 

The beautiful silver-haired woman seemed to dance among the falling crystal shards that shattered on the ground. Within seconds, all the ice crystals had been destroyed or dodged. 

Minimizing unnecessary movements, the girl made a single leap, appearing next to one of the foxes and impaling its side before it even had time to react. 

Five remained. 

Her left arm transformed once again, and the tentacles grabbed one of the approaching foxes. A purple glow pulsed as all of its immobile limbs were crushed. Then, its neck was wrapped and squeezed until the sound of cracking bones echoed. Without wasting any time, another fox was absorbed into Nia. 

The last four foxes seemed to realize that individual attacks were suicidal. Charging forward in one final assault, they all leaped toward the girl. Lily didn’t think of dodging; she didn’t need to. 

Four black ice crystals formed around her. Each was smaller than a fist but as dense as a large stone. In the blink of an eye, they all shot straight at the heads of the foxes. 

When the last fox hit the ground, the girl knew the battle was over. Watching as the black ice crystal began to fade, she smiled. 

"I thought we’d need all of them, but you managed to do that with just two. I knew it, Nia, you’re a genius, the greatest of all!" 

She jumped with joy, praising Nia, who was too shy from the compliments to respond properly. 

(I only managed it because Lily distracted them long enough for me to carefully analyze the two I consumed.) 

"I could only buy that time because Nia was protecting me the whole time." 

They continued exchanging compliments until both were satisfied enough to move on. 

"Hmm... Even though you’ve already learned to use the crystals, do you still want to devour the other ten?" 

(Yes, if possible. What I just created was still at a low-quality level, and I compensated for the power by using a large amount of dark mana. However, it’s better if I analyze and refine it carefully.) 

Nodding in understanding, Lily approached each of the dead foxes, allowing Nia to take her time with the feast. 

After the last fox disappeared into their body, Nia spoke with a seductive voice. 

(Thank you for the banquet~) 

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