Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: An Immediate Beginning

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy & A Dragon

An Immediate Beginning

"It's a pleasure to meet you General Hanzama!"

He couldn't recall how many times he had heard the phrase. In fact, it seemed almost every day that he had been hearing the same greeting every time unique visitors would enter his office and extend their own gratitudes towards him.

The man wearily smiled.

"Is this how being a Hero feels like?"

The thought ran through his mind as the Japanese General entertained the recent visitor in front of him, who was revealed to be a Beastkin or a Demi-Human of origin.

Some kind of muscular and hunky wolf-man, donning an ancient-like battle attire along with a short cape on his back.

"Hanzama-san, this is Chief Arnou, of the Lichen Wolfbeast tribe hailing from the Northern Lands."

There was something unique and different about the names of the locals here. A kind of enigmatic aura that manifests itself simply by the manner in which they introduced themselves. As for this large Demi-Human, his identity, life, and culture are clearly visible through his clothing. The rest of the staff was used to seeing how these locals dressed, but they couldn't stop themselves from bringing up their cameras and secretly taking pictures.

A certain glasses-wearing Yanagida said as the man introduced the latter to one of the heads of the coalition. Soon enough, He gestured towards a nearby staff to prepare the tapes, as this would eventually produce valuable Information, and so the man had pressed the small button as the tape began to record the conversation.

General Hanzama smiled as he quickly shook hands with the wolf chief before gesticulating towards the chair.

"Feel free to take a seat, Chief Arnou," he said.

"Thank you, General!"

The man then cleared his throat.

"So, sir, what brings you here?" the Japanese General inquired. The same words he'd been saying for the past few hours since arriving at work.

The wolf chief chuckled and a thankful expression emerged from him.

"I am just here to personally thank you for saving and helping my tribe." He explained." If it weren't for your Green Men, we wouldn't have made it past the river." He went on to say." And we wouldn't have survived long dealing with those cursed creatures."

General Hanzama nodded in understanding as a small smile swept across his lips.

The term "Men In Green or Green Men" had already risen in popularity amongst the locals in the region at least. Day by day, numerous groups which consist of tribes, displaced villagers, and the occasional merchants, who just want to protect and preserve their livelihoods, often found themselves stumbling upon a mysterious and iron fortress in a middle of a forgotten land.

"I am aware of it, Chief Arnou," he replied. "Even our men, who had reported the case, were definitely shocked and horrified that such creatures existed." He added his own comment, expressing his desire to learn more about these beings.

The Wolf Chief nodded.

"Yes, the creatures your men encountered were once humans themselves," he explained. "Peaceful farmers and villagers who had turned to vengeance to kill those responsible for destroying their lives." He paused, recalling countless stories passed down from his ancestors.

"So how did they become what they are today?"

The Wolf Chief nodded.

"According to written accounts, they wanted their enemies out of their lands so badly that they allegedly made a deal with a demon or a corrupt mage to hasten up to their goals," he explained, expressing sadness over what had happened to the once peaceful clans." And that cost their minds and humanity."

The room fell silent; there seemed to be far too much tragedy in every story told by the locals.

"I am very sorry to hear that, chief," General Hanzama apologized. "But tell me, how bad was the situation in the land before your tribe decided to leave?" he followed up with.

The Chief wanted to remain silent, but as much as he wished not to discuss the matter, a part of him began to cheer as he sensed genuine hope in these men and wondered if they were the only ones who could put an end to the madness.

"The Goatmen always lived together in one area, and whenever they wanted to travel to another place, they all ventured in packs," he explained. "But only within the land in which they resided."

"And Why is that...?" Curiosities peak and eyebrows were raised.

"It's that simple," Chief Arnou responded. "The land my tribe formerly lived in is already cursed, and those creatures are so obsessed with dark powers that they would rather remain within the land to feed off the energy itself."

"But you mentioned that the curse originated from a corrupt mage, who transformed them?" It was Yanagida, who spoke this time, catching the attention of the rest. The rest of the staff were a bit surprised since the man had no interest in learning such lore.

The Wolf Chief smiled.

"Yes, though that mage is already dead, killed by his own minions, whom he had previously corrupted," he explained with a small sigh." However, the dark curse that he had cast remained in the form of some small crystal that the Goatmen had acquired after killing him, and now it resides in the heart of their settlement."

To think that such situations could really happen.

"Though, One of our brethren did manage to scout the place and find the exact location of the crystal." He sighed once more." The mission nearly cost his own life, and as much as we wanted to end their terror, we cannot since we do not have the proper tools nor the right people to handle the situation." He explained.

"However, we did ask for assistance to some nearby guilds yet their mages and other parties were away on their own missions." He further explained, feeling the stress coming back, every time he recalled those days." And in addition, it's quite the price to hire them and their expertise nowadays."

To the eyes of many, Guilds were the only solution for these kinds of problems that deal with the out of the ordinary. The individuals that worked there all their lives were heroes to the many locals that lived in fear in these lands.

"Guilds? As in Adventure Guilds?"

"I remember playing a game where your character starts its quest in a guild before."

"So that means Heroes do exist in this world?"

Small gossips and whispers filled the rest of the staff, who were present in the room.

General Hanzama's interests peak.

"I see, so these Guilds...How and Where can we establish contact with them?"

A brief moment of silence followed as the wolf chief flashed a small smile.

"You don't have to worry, General," he reassured the Japanese man. "I could help you connect with the right people." He explained. "One of our fellow tribe scouts knew exactly where the Guilds were, and fortunately, it was only a short distance from our original home."

"You won't have a difficult time locating them."

The man nodded in understanding.

"I see... " General Hanzama muttered, beckoning a certain staff to head towards a certain place.

"Thank you Chief Arnou!" He then said and smiled." I believed this information would be also useful for General Wilkes."

The Wolfbeast Chief nodded.

"Oh, the other General," he said, "quite the serious one he is." "But he did seem to care about the well-being of his men and his goals," he added.

The Japanese General sighed.

"We're all on the same page, chief," he said simply, before adding, "Our people are still in this world, waiting to be rescued and doing their best to survive whatever horrors this "Empire" will bring."

The Chief's eyes widened at this point.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I recall our scouts seeing groups of Imperial Soldiers with numerous cages heading North West," he explained. "I believe inside those cages are displaced and captured villagers and as well as the people you're looking for," he explained.

"Imperial soldiers?

"Yes, we believed they had established a base or camp that could not be too far away from the mountains," the Wolf Chief simply nodded. "Another Wolf tribe, the Volraden, could help your men lead the way to the heart of it," he continued.

"They are more adventurous and battle-oriented than we are."

As crucial information was eventually revealed, all eyebrows were raised. The tape had managed to record everything, as it would be delivered to the intelligence division and the key people in charge of outside operations and reconnaissance.

"I understand Chief Arnou."

Once again the General let out a smile.

"We are grateful for the information you've provided," he said before adding, "and rest assured, that your tribe, like the other villagers who have nowhere else to go, will find safety here." He finished his sentence.

As the conversation came to a close, the rest of the staff returned to their work, as the usual busy atmosphere had returned to the establishment.

The Wolf Chief, on the other hand, had one more question on his mind that seemed very important to him at the time.

"General, if I may inquire, what is that small white contraption attached to the wall?" he inquired, pointing out the strange coldness produced by the object. "What sort of cooling magic does that thing present?"

A brief moment of silence followed after.

"Uhm, it's what we call an air conditioner, sir," Yanagida explained this time. "And it doesn't contain or produce magic."

"Oh, then what is it?" Another curious question came.

"I believe that is what we call "Science" in our world, sir," replied the younger Japanese man.

Chief Arnou's eyes widened with delight. To think that living in very humid weather is now tolerable because there are objects that can provide a cool environment to get you away from the annoying feeling of neatness. His curiosity was piqued further when the Men in Green mentioned a word he had never heard before.

"Fascinating!" He commented." So how does this "Science" work in your world?'

As for General Hanzama, the older man just sighed and placed a hand on his forehead while forcing a small smile.

"It's complicated."


An hour had passed since his conversation with another village leader had commenced.

At long last he could finally rest his aching back on the chair, to which he had not rested on for a good amount of time. He felt like wanting to give in to his temptation and let his weary eyes shut and sleep. General Hanzama never felt this tired before, the only thing that was keeping him focused was a cup of hot coffee on his desk.

He took a sip after the meeting ended, as the prospect of yet another visit from a village leader lingered in his mind. Furthermore, He had more matters to attend to and discuss with the other officials regarding the diplomatic envoy and the remaining vacant slot for the escorts as they begin their operation to establish proper contact with the Principality.

Nonetheless, the prospect of meeting with a slew of local leaders had lingered in his mind.

Does God only know how many were lined up behind that door or was it just his own imagination?

"Tell me, Yanagida, how long is a line from behind the door?" he asked, expressing the precise words that were clouding his mind.

The younger man raised an eyebrow in confusion before realizing the situation.

He sighed but slightly chuckled.

"Well, sir, I'd like to be the bearer of good news, but Chief Arnou is the last village leader for the day," he informed the older man, "and it's been an hour since our last meeting."

The Japanese General remained silent as he took in the information. He shook his head slowly, forcing a small weary smile. So far, their method of gathering important information, even in the most basic of meetings, is working very well. Almost all of the local leaders they've met and spoken with have relayed information and locations about the activities of the so-called Saderan Empire.

Recon teams are arriving with the people they have rescued along the way, day by day. They were well aware that this was only the beginning and that they still had a long way to go, but they knew they were on the right track.

"I'm guessing more Recon Teams are on their way?" General Hanzama asked, smirking slightly.

""Most of the teams have arrived," he replied, adjusting his glasses as he read the contents of his clipboard, which was on top of two thick folders containing recent reports from a specific Recon Team. "Though, I saved the best for last," he finished as he placed the two folders on the desk.

Silence befell the room once more.

A hint of realization could be seen in the older man's eyes as he stared in disbelief.

Does that mean...?

Yanagida simply nodded.

"Yes sir, Itami and his team had finally arrived." He informed the man." And they brought along a hundred more villagers."

"A hundred?" General Hanzama's eyes widened even more.

That's the highest number brought by a Reconnaissance Team!

The younger man sighed this time.

"Well... This is Third Recon we are talking about." He commented, having the urge to say the moniker that closely ties in with the team and while presenting another folder on the desk.

"And they were able to bring along several important people that could really help us turn the tide this time."


Several Days Later, Alnus Refugee Town

"So how is life been for you since settling here?"

It was the first question he had to ask all the time throughout the day. With a pen and notebook in his hands, Yuji gave a smile as he found himself at the heart of a small beautiful plaza, conversing with a local villager in the form of an old lady, who had agreed to be interviewed.

The plaza, where a small simple park and playground was built to accommodate the children of the displaced villagers. In a spot, where several benches were located, sat the young writer and his interviewee.

Yuji thought the location was adequate because it provided a sense of peace and safety, and the old village lady who was present only kept an eye on her grandson and granddaughter, who were playing with the other children. The families themselves in the area had never been so happy in months since their original home was claimed by war.

"Young man, if I only had the wealth, I would immediately repay you and your people for what you've done to our village," the old lady smiled, before shifting her eyes back to her grandchildren.

"All I wanted for them is to live a normal life." She added." Away from any conflict that plagues this land." A sense of sorrow filled her voice as she hoped one day for the two children to reunite with their parents, who are currently residing in the Principality to work and make ends meet.

Yuji could only express his sympathy and understanding.

At least they were alive and safe, yet their parents are still not aware that the land they used to live in, is long gone and the fact that they almost lost their lives to impending raids and invasions.

Holding his pen, the Japanese-American man continued to fill in his empty notes. Every word and phrase his pen wrote creates a piece of long-lasting information that would be preserved for future generations to learn.

"You seemed to be hungry for knowledge." The old lady then commented, noticing the man's concentration on his work.

Her words brought Yuji out of his thoughts.

"Oh, well...personally, I would call it just a part of my hobby to learn new things around me," he smiled, "especially with a Gate or Portal connecting our world to this world." He then added, "It only gave me new opportunities to explore and find out what is possible and impossible."

The surrealness of the situation was still present. The man remained in disbelief, trying to make sense of why such an event would occur. From whoever was responsible for making this happen, as the mystery behind its purpose remained a mystery to him until now.

And in the middle of his short-lived thoughts...

"Have you ever heard of the tale of the Emissaries?" asked the old lady, who seemed to be fine with sharing her own stories to tell, and why not start with the most common legend told to many people of all generations.

The younger man raised both eyebrows in curiosity as the old lady began to tell the short tale.

"Emissaries of the Sun."

"It's an old folk tale about a group of mysterious warriors who arrived in our world through a legendary Gate," she explained as her mind remembered all the important details.

"It was ten thousand years ago, a hundred years after the fall of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire that powerful demons began to emerge from the northern continent." She paused before continuing." These Demons, who were led by their Lords began a quest to conquer every land and kingdom."

Yuji began to imagine how the event had occurred as the old village lady told the story. As expected, many lives were lost and the most inhumane atrocities were committed.

"Men, women, and children captured in those lands were not enslaved, but they became daily food for these demons," the old lady said solemnly. "And soon they began to cross the seas and oceans, eventually spreading their influence."

"Even the Alliances of Races, which were formed at the time to fight the invading evil, are unable to protect the untainted lands due to the Demon army's superior force." She paused. "Many valiant warriors were crushed, and the most talented mages fell, and eventually the demon army reached and invaded the elves' last bastion, the Sacred Forest, the sanctuary of the Goddess of Life."

"And this is where the Emissaries would come right into play?"

The old lady smiled and simply nodded.

"And during those supposed last hours of destruction, it was when the prayers of all races were answered, thus the Emissaries arrived with their divine flying ships and cast fearsome sorcery that summoned thunderous lightning that set the ground ablaze, driving off the Demon army."

The man had chills up and down his spine, and his hair stood up from his skin. Hearing this story as if it were a testimony or a true story. However, a part of him became more interested in the so-called divine flying ships.

"So what happened, next Ma'am?"

The old lady took a deep breath and continued.

"With Emissaries' powerful magic, the army was driven back to the land where they came from, and many of their lords perished during the event. She paused for a brief moment." As a result, the Alliance was able to recover and regroup, defeating the General of the Demon Army, who had attempted to flee and hide in another land, and then cornering the Demon Lord himself, whom the Alliance's remaining Heroes had sacrificed their lives just to vanquish.

Word by word, it began to conjure up a scenario in his head. Yuji saw bright flashes of powerful light and the Demon Lord's deafening roar in the midst of multiple explosions falling from the sky before his eyes.

Was this just a series of imaginative scenarios playing out in front of him, or was this a vision from the past?

"When the terror was over, the Emissaries were summoned back to their home, but despite being offered gifts and treasures, they politely declined and left on their own accord toward the sunset."

The old lady finished her sentence as she finally got to the most important part of the story.

"Did this really happen, Ma'am?" Yuji asked, only to receive a chuckle.

"To tell you the truth young man, nobody knows if it did really happen, there are just many stories in this world that people find it difficult to believe." She explained." But if you were to ask me, I do believe it, since it is a reminder for everyone living in this world that we should put our own selfish ambitions aside and unite together to maintain the peace which was promised long ago." She pointed it out, before sighing in disappointment.

Yuji simply nodded in understanding. Even back in his world, where greed and selfishness still reign in every aspect.

"But then I realized that I won't be able to witness that peace being achieved, at least not in my lifetime." A sad smile crept across her lips. "All I want is for the children to grow up normally and not have to go through what I have gone through."

The area fell silent once more as the wind grew stronger.

At that very moment, that silence was quickly broken as sounds of a familiar engine roaring in the area were heard.

"Look! It's a moving metal box again!"

One of the children in the playground exclaimed, followed by the cheers that erupted by the rest of them, as excitement filled their hearts and minds.

"It's one of the Men in Green again!" Another village kid commented.

Despite their parents' concerns, the children proceeded to the location where the green moving metal box had stopped, and after a while, the door to the moving contraption finally opened, revealing a familiar face.

As the scene progressed, Itami found himself surrounded by a swarm of curious and excited children. All of them tried to catch a glimpse of the LAV and get his attention as if he were some celebrity, despite the fact that there was some truth to it.

Yuji wasn't too late to see the scene and shook his head with a small chuckle. He rose from his seat and thanked the old village lady politely for being interviewed before proceeding to confront the Lieutenant.

Not too long, the two men had finally met face to face once again.


"Hey man! I just knew you would be here." His friend grinned, briefly shaking hands with him.

"So this is what you've been doing for the past several days?"

The man smiled in response.

"Yeah, been interacting with the locals and learning their culture at first hand." He explained." And it's going great so far... "

"I see." Itami nodded as he took a quick look around. "Well, to get right to the point, I have some news that you might be interested in," he said with a small grin.

His friend raised both eyebrows, before slowly coming into realization.

"You don't mean that-?"

"Yes, General Hanzama has called for a meeting today, and that includes certain people like you and me," Itami simply nodded.

"I guess, it's finally happening." He shrugged and said, feeling a little amused.

To think that they would be selected to fill in the slot for the next major mission was just as surprising as the last one.

"So where do we go from here?"

The Japanese Lieutenant then raised his hand and pointed towards a certain direction.

"To meet some old friends first."


It was always the pure laughter and chatter of people that she had been hearing for the past several days. A kind of normality that she had not been through for a longer period of time since her days living at her old home back in the Koan Forest.

The atmosphere was filled with positive energy as she observed the small pathway surrounded by market stalls, to which she was currently in. It was like being in the actual city itself, seeing people and Demi-Humans from different walks of life living their lives peacefully as if there was no war or conflict. Though, only the difference was that this was a refugee camp, to begin with.

"Excuse me, young lady?"

In the midst of her thoughts, the voice of a woman called her back to reality.

The Elf girl turned her attention back to the nice market vendor lady, who was holding a basket of vegetables and preparing to hand it to her.

"Is this all of the goods you need?" She asked and smiled.

Tuka simply nodded in return as she accepted the small basket. She then took out five pieces of Denari coins from her pocket and gave it to the vendor.

"Yes, Ma'am" She smiled back.

And when she was about to leave, the lady called her once again.

"Young lady, if I may borrow a little of your time, I'd like to show you what these Men in Green had provided," she told the girl, her eyes filled with excitement and joy.

The market vendor lady then pointed to a somewhat adorable object on the desk. It appeared to have blades attached to a central rotating hub and spun faster than a tornado. The main feature of the object is the continuously produced air and wind, which emits a familiar coolness. It didn't take the elf girl long to recognize the certain machine.

"The Men in Green call this wonderful invention an "Electric Fan," she explained, enjoying the fast cold breeze of air, which not only helped cool her surroundings but also began to drive away the little flies flying around the area.

"I'm not sure if magic was used or something else to make this thing work, but this will definitely help me get through the day!" she exclaimed gleefully, never having to deal with the occasional humid weather.

To think that these people are full of surprises almost every day.

Tuka smiled back.

"That is great to hear!" She replied back." I supposed you've settled well off with your family here." She guessed.

The old lady nodded back, recalling that fateful day when they arrived at the fields near the metallic fortress with nothing else than their own things crammed up inside their small roof-covered wagon. It took two weeks for the journey to end as they fled their own lands due to the increasing activities of rebellion and raids.

As if the Gods had answered her prayers that she found herself in a much more promising and safe environment than she had never seen in a long time.

"And my thanks go beyond with these lovely people."

As her words would literally come true, Tuka had to witness it first-hand.

Continuing her journey around the camp that she came across a sturdy-looking two-floor structure. Noticing a sign which had the common language of her world and the otherworld language from beyond the Gate. It didn't take long enough for her to realize that this wasn't a shop, a local hawker, or any attraction.

Though, it did attract a lot of people, mostly the elderly and children, who formed a long line just to get their own sicknesses treated by strange yet unique doctors. Furthermore, the long lines were carefully monitored by more Men in Green themselves as they assisted and guided the villagers.

Their eyes were filled with hope, curiosity, nervousness, and excitement and some were even asking questions towards the patrolling forces if they were going to implement the use of healing herbs and potions, and even magic. Knowing already what kind of procedures that the healers of the other world had been using, and she wasn't even surprised anymore.

In a few moments, her own thoughts were interrupted once again as the sounds of an engine roaring had greeted her. By the time she turned around, she came face to face with a green moving metal box. Though, a sense of familiarity struck her immediately recognizing the giant contraption belonging to certain friends of hers.

"Tuka, is that you?"

A familiar voice then rang through her ears, as three individuals exited the vehicle. One on the main driver seat and the other two on the back, as both carried what appeared to be brown boxes.

The person, who called her turned out be Higashi himself, waving his hands to get her full attention. The other men were Daisuke and Wataru, who were unloading the brown boxes one by one as they placed them on metallic trolleys, which were brought inside the clinic.

Silence befell for a few moments before the elf girl could fully recover her senses. She blinked a couple of times before giving a small smile.

"Mr. Higashi, it's been a while!" She greeted in return, before adding." I didn't expect you would be here as well." She wondered.

The man sighed and smiled.

"Yeah, we're just delivering some medical supplies to the clinics around the camp." He explained, taking a glance at the building itself." I guess, this is the first clinic and then we got 9 more to go." He added.

"I see..." Tuka nodded in understanding." How are the others by the way?" She asked.

"Oh, you mean the guys?" He said." Well... a lot of them had been assigned unto different tasks around the base since returning." He then continued." Mari-san had been helping with the clinics lately with Nurse Karina, Shino-san grinding herself in the gym with Tomita, Itami-san helping the locals get comfy around the surroundings here and... I can't really much recall what the others are doing nowadays hehe."

The man forced a grin while scratching the back of his head.

"It's alright, I understand," Tuka responded with a small smile as she was beginning to dazed off to the blank space once more.

It seems everybody had their own businesses to mind, which left her in a somewhat bland situation. There was nothing that much to look forward to except for certain news she had been anticipating since the meeting behind closed doors with the heads of the coalition.

If she remembered correctly, today was that day she had been looking forward to and she found herself still not prepared for the event.

It was already bothering her to an extent where she began to doubt her own confidence. Yet, it was a part of her main goal since arriving here.

In the words of the JSDF soldier, who somewhat had a similar thought in mind.

"You know Tuka-san, I have a feeling that we'll get ourselves to a new place and a new situation again. "


The thought continued to play inside her mind and even until she found herself now walking back towards her new home.

The scenery was serene yet stunning. A nearly finished paved street surrounded by lush green patches of land and fields and new houses being built by fellow villagers. She knew her father had been holding that small hammer since the morning's first light, nailing the nails into every foundation.

As did the rest of the neighboring villagers, who were building their own homes. The whole place didn't look that much cramped or that the houses were closer to each other. The streets were wide giving space for foot or wheel travel. Each home had its own mini-fences and the occasional small gardens. The whole outline looked different from what she had seen before.

According to what she had heard, "Engineers and Planners" from beyond the Gate were assisting and guiding the locals in redesigning the environment. It was now more spacious, allowing the air to circulate freely. To think that the otherworldly beings had a significant impact on simply making the place feel like home for them. At this point, she was led to almost believe that majority of them had creative minds.

She could finally see her house from a few blocks away, and she soon found herself standing in front of a nearly finished structure. It was just like any other house, except that it was purposefully designed to look like their old home in the Koan forest.

A first-story round-shaped brownish house with glass windows located on important corners.

Observing the nearly completed house had somewhat triggered the elf girl's memories to resurface, particularly a small scene of her as a child bonding with her parents in the front yard. Over time, the joyful memories slowly eroded away, now replaced with a lonely and depressing site, as its signals her entering a new phase in her life.

She blinked as the loud sounds of a hammer striking a piece of wood brought her back to reality.

Tuka finally saw her father, who was on the roof of the house, providing the last touches. It didn't take too long for the man to notice as a wide smile formed around his lips and raised his hand to greet her.

"It's finally done!" The elf man said, as he then jumped off from the rooftop towards the ground with finesse.

The girl smiled back as she placed the basket on a nearby table beside a lone tree whilst her father greeted her with a warm hug.

"It's the best thing I could do to make it look more like our home back at Koan," Hodor said, wiping the sweat from his forehead." The only difference is that it's not surrounded by the trees this time around as the sun took all the glory." He added, presenting their newly completed home.

His daughter took a deep breath and smiled.

At least there was something to rejoice in once again.

"I wish your mother was here to see this." He commented." She would be hugging me to death right now." He chuckled, attempting to improve the mood.

Although Tuka shared a little laughter with her father, the thought remained and continued to bother her. The older elf had taken notice of it.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking straight at her in the eyes.

Her quietness continued as the smile around her lips turned into a more worrisome look.

The Elf man sighed." Look, if this is about your request of volunteering with them on going to Maihark, I have no problem with that." He explained." You have my support, but just be careful out there." He smiled, never forgetting to remind her.

However, the girl shook her head.

"It's not about going to Maihark."

"Then what is it?"

"I am just worried about him... and as well as the others too." She finally explained, referring to her childhood friend and the rest of the Koan villagers, she knew and also loved.

"I hope they made it to the city." She added, trying not to let the various emotions take over.

The wind grew stronger as silence returned. The distance between her original home and the Principality was no bluff. Normally, it would take more than 5 days to get there, and a lot would happen during those days. Be it confrontations with Imperial cavalry, violent ambushes by bandits and deadly creatures, or simply an uneventful journey if luck was on their side.

Worst-case scenarios that could happen, yet she had no idea if it really did happen and still let them bother her throughout the day.

Hodor sighed, before pulling the girl into an embrace." You're just like your mother." He commented." Always had the worrisome face all the time." He gave a little chuckle as bits of memories resurfaced again.

"But don't dwell on those thoughts, Tuka." He assured her." I know in my heart, they made it there." He added, despite his own worries.

"Besides, you have the companions and people to support and be there beside you."

Her father's words did calm her down, and as she was about to speak, the roaring sounds of a vehicle interrupted her followed by a certain voice.

"Ms. Tuka! Mr. Hodor!"

Both father and daughter then turned around to see two familiar faces on a green horseless metal carriage parked near the fence. The men, who were later revealed to be Yuji and Itami, waved their hands in greeting.

"We just got news from Headquarters, they want you guys to be part of the meeting," Itami exclaimed and informed the two.

The elf man smiled back and waved at them in return.

"Thank you very much! Give us time to prepare and we'll be there."

He then looked back towards his daughter, with yet another encouraging look, and much to the latter's surprise that fate finally calls for her again.

Tuka could only sigh and gave a small nod. Her attention then shifted towards her bow and arrow which was placed beside a wooden made circular target.

"I guess, it's time..."


Almost a week had passed since their arrival that the scene that covered a huge part of the Fort had undergone a drastic change.

In the eyes of the coalition, it was a little risk since they had to convert more fields that would act as new areas for the refugees to settle in. New lands that they swore to protect from possible threats to the new life of the locals. Because of these efforts, they continued to gain support and recognition, more importantly people who were willing to help to achieve their main goals in rescuing their own people.

The refugee influx, which lasted several days, could be considered a gold mine of information. Individuals in the form of merchants, shop owners, messengers, village leaders, and even the occasional former warrior had stepped in on a daily basis to provide new leads regarding the activities of the continent's existing nations, which had sadly been confirmed to be only three remaining. The so-called "The Good, The Weak, and The Ugly".

"The Locals knew more about this world than us."

That is what the American General thought as he along with a few officials continued to listen to a certain blue-haired teen, who sat in front of a huge long table, telling what she know so far regarding the recent ongoing around the continent. It felt like some kind of lecture regarding a certain place that the coalition had been planning to establish contact with and the girl delivered the information she always knew.

"So meaning that we can't use immediate air transport towards this Principality?" One of the officials asked.

The teenage girl cleared her throat once again, she could feel the eerie coldness surrounding the room, and she had long suspected that it was the device whom these Men in Green called "Air Conditioners." But nonetheless, she continued.

"Yes, the nation itself had endured countless dragon and wyvern attacks be it from rogue forces of the Empire itself." She informed the men." So they won't be going easy on any flying objects that would trespass their aerial territory." She added then noticed some regretful expressions from the coalition officials.

She was also informed of the previous aerial reconnaissance that had transpired a month before, almost causing a conflict between the nation's wyvern forces and their flying metal machine.

"I suggest that land travel would be the most preferable way to reach the Principality, and the only thing you would need is to take a safe passage that would lead you directly there to the place itself undetected from enemy eyes." The young mage proposed, finishing her speech altogether, and took a glance at her teacher, who was sitting at a corner along with the quiet Rory herself.

Silence filled the room once again, followed by the chatters amongst the men. It did truly confirm some of the doubts that using air transport for the diplomatic envoy to the nation itself could cause conflicts. Occasional arguments had been plaguing recent discussions regarding the matter as it would be the fastest way to make contact, though if only the consequences were aside.

General Wilkes had kept quiet as to absorb the new information at hand. Though he was glad that there was no need for a translator because of the missing language barrier, the little stress still kicked in knowing that there was going to be a lot of adjustments to the main plan. However, the only problem that they have right now is to find a guide that actually knew the so-called secret passage.

In the midst of the silence, one of the officials spoke up.

"Well, we do have a local, who is willing to volunteer to act as a guide." The official informed the rest, garnering the rest of everyone's attention.

General Wilkes raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Uh... The report just came as recently as this week." He scrambled a few pages from the file." He claims to know a secret passage that would lead us directly to the destination since most of the roads and bridges were purposely destroyed, to prevent any of this invasion from happening." He explained.

"I see... " The American Coalition General sighed.

"Well, we did send out a couple of drones to mark the path's exact location, and surprisingly, it's all true and we actually found it." The official said, handing down copies of the alleged aerial image of the secret pathway.

"It kinda looks like a normal dirt road except it's surrounded by hills." Another official spoke.

He shrugged." Yes, and there is a whole story regarding that pathway but I think it's best for me to tell that story later on." The official said, making way for the main discussion to continue.

General Wilkes nodded in understanding as he focused his eyes on the young mage, who in turn, had given him a certain expression.

"Oh, I almost forgot... Ms. Lelei, I'm pleased to inform you that your request has been granted." He smiled for the first time. "You'll be going with the team as a guide along with your friends." He added.

"Just be sure, you'll find what you're searching for."

The young mage simply nodded in return. She felt a sense of gladness inside as she could finally gather the information she dearly needed from a certain place in the Principality itself.

"Thank you, General." The girl spoke and slightly bowed, heading back towards her former seat beside her master.

By then all eyes had shifted towards the next person in line to speak.



"The oldest thriving city from the north and possibly the whole continent itself... A place of knowledge and magic."

Hodor informed the two men as the LAV road the soon-to-be-paved path leading towards the main base. The group currently found themselves still inside the refugee town, yet they were also nearing the main exit and by this time, the elf man had begun to share a certain place of great importance.

"So it's like a Hogwarts but bigger then... "Itami muttered while driving, believing he had found the most simplistic way to describe the place.

"Well, except for the flying brooms and whatnot," Yuji added his own thoughts to the conversation.

"Yes, something like that." Hodor could only shrug, he had only been into the city at least a couple of times but those visits eventually dragged him into a number of adventures that he had not expected.

For the remainder of the conversation, the elf girl had taken refuge into her own silence as she continued to observe the moving scenery in front of her. She was more interested in watching the life happening around the town, and furthermore, keeping her away from any negative thoughts.

She smiled witnessing these people finally deserving their own lands, at least a small plot of them to live for a long period of time. The camp was growing but improving. While she was in her own world, the conversation between the three men continued.

"So from what I've heard, you'll be staying behind this time?"

"Yes, I had to take care of some unfinished things back in our new home, and see if I can assist your commanders on some missions they had informed me days prior." The elf man explained, also trying to make a thought out of these certain missions, where he would act as a guide. Though, they gave him the freedom to decide whether which of the missions would he choose to go to and since there was also a lot that volunteered.

Besides, his daughter can also hold on to her own and she got all the support that she needed by her side this time.

"So from what I have heard, you'll be escorting a diplomatic envoy of your world to the Principality?"

A nod came from Itami.

The news had been out for a while amongst the team.

"Correct sir, though the plans are still in the final stages." The Japanese man informed." Just making sure we won't spook the heck out of the people there." He added.

"I see..."

It was understandable given that remaining nations, such as the Principality, had been on high alert for a long time due to the ongoing conflict and the so-called conquest of this Empire, which was also responsible for attempting to claim lands beyond the Gate, or so he had been told since his youth.

Nobody knows why that kingdom was doing all of this even though, there was really nothing to gain from the remaining nations. The common reason was to maintain their pridefulness and to show the other civilizations that they have the worthiness to join them. He laughed and dismissed the outdated idea.

"If I may ask sir, where do you think you'll be heading after you've finally decided?" Yuji said, a little curiosity clinging to him.

Hodor slightly smiled, remaining quiet for a few moments before looking up at the clear sky, seeing a certain white dove flying over the land as it headed towards the north.

'I think I know..."


"So, therefore, my home would definitely serve as an important key strategic location in your mission, and I hope that because of your presence there, the place will at least be safe from any invasion or raid."

Explaining the background and story of his hometown was no problem for the old mage. He was the type of person, who savors the time in telling his stories in a way that would keep his listeners engaged and entertained for most of the time.

He observed the coalition commanders in front of him. All of them wearing the same simple darkish green clothing, it did confuse him at first, finding it strange for men of higher ranks not to be in their most bombastic uniforms, then he realized that these people came from beyond the Gate were styles and cultures were far different.

Overall, He would come to admire their simplicity.

The coalition officials, for their part, were very impressed with how the old sage had relayed his information about a holy site. In a nutshell, it is similar to a certain holy city on their homeworld, with vast collections of ancient and sacred artifacts, knowledge, and innovation. The only difference was that it was more focused on the Higher Fantasy side of Magic, an aspect that they are still trying to make sense of.

"So is it true that the city is founded by Gods...Literally?" One American coalition official asked.

The old man simply nodded.

"Yes, two in particular." He said, as the man pulled out a scroll and opened it.

All eyes at the coalition table were on an illustration of a man and woman dressed in ancient garb, holding a long scroll that stretched into longer meters.

"They were siblings and both former Apostles when they founded the city." He explained, before adding." Their names are Ral and Elange, the twin Gods of Study and Knowledge."

Quietness befalls the room once more.

To think that literal gods founded a city was very much unbelievable for the men, and the concept of Apostles did strike them with vigilance and worry, knowing that these beings or former humans could pose as a threat someday if they turned against them. It's only a matter of time that they decide to create a plan in case the coalition had encountered this scenario. Furthermore, recent reports had informed them that one of the Recon teams had brought an actual Apostle to the base after their reconnaissance.

General Wilkes slightly shifted his eyes on a certain black-haired young lady, who was currently enjoying her biscuits and tea on a certain corner. He then glanced back at a certain open file on his desk deciding to re-read the information once again.

"To follow up my own question, Mr. Cato, What can we expect from your home city?" A coalition official then asked.

"Not long ago, I've received information from a fellow "Acquaintance" of mine that Sadera has plans on using the city as a means for their research and innovation." He explained.

"Meaning this Rondel is not a part of the Empire?"

"My home has been an independent state for more than a century. " He replied, before adding." It has always been neutral to any affairs from other kingdoms." He took a small deep breath, remembering his friends and family, who he had long to meet again." And that is why I humbly ask for your help in protecting the city from harm."

"If you require an individual in helping you to get there, then I'll be happy to help and act as your guide."

Quietness returned once more.

Lelei, who had been quietly listening to the whole discussion expressed a sad yet hopeful face. Her worry came out for her big sister, who still resides in the city studying under her master's longtime colleague. Moments later, she felt a tap on her left shoulder and turned to see a smiling Rory, who was offering her a twinkie.

Even though she wasn't in the mood for snacks, the young mage smiled slightly and eventually accepted her offer and took a bite that she will never regret.

Meanwhile, the chatters amongst the coalition officials filled the room once more, discussing the threats and opportunities of the current situation at hand.

General Wilkes then nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, Mr. Cato." The American General said, flashing a small smile." We appreciate the information you have provided, and we'll see the best of what we can do in our power to help your home's situation."

A sense of relief filled the old man's heart. He had no choice right now but to give his trust to the Men in Green and so far, they were willing to help him. He took a glance at the Demi-Goddess, who in turn gave him a smile.

"You did great old man!"

He slightly cringed and could only just imagine the scenario of the young lady teasing him, and as he sat down, the latter herself automatically stood up knowing that it was finally her turn.


Silence filled the room once more as the anticipation grew. All eyes were now Rory, as the Apostle in her traditional priestess attire headed towards the hot seat.

Reactions and impressions vary amongst the officials and staff, some were creeped out regarding her dress having that eerie gothic feel, and some felt goosebumps by just observing her as if she carried a powerful force from within, though all of them agreed on one thing, and that was the fact that she was indeed beautiful.

There was this certain gracefulness, even the way she walked.

"Is she really a deity of some sort?"

"The locals say that she is all over 900 years old."

"Well, according to Third Recon's report, she is indeed a Demi-Goddess."

"Oh please, if she is deity, then why the heck she is on land and not in the skies, spirit world, or something?"

"We are in another world, you know?"

Several whispers and discussions continued from the staff while continuing to observe the young lady, who finally took her seat.

As for Rory, she remained calm as ever, bringing along her cup of hot tea and twinkies and casually placing them on the new table in front of her. Before speaking, she took another bite of her delicious mini-cakes, enjoying the soft and tasty aspect that filled her mouth once more.

She then smiled and looked towards the coalition officials, who were all staring at her in a surprised and confused manner.

"Alright Gentlemen, before I get straight to the main topic, may I ask that you were all informed regarding my identity and my kind?" She politely asked.

It was the first time they had heard the young lady speak, and it came as no surprise that they could understand what she was saying. The only difference was that she had this distinct accent that most American officials noticed; to their ears, she sounded like she was speaking in their own "Language," making it easier for them to understand. The Japanese officials, who were also present in the room, were also experiencing the same thing, as if her words were being translated by an unknown force for the better of them.

"Uhmm, Yes ." One of the officials replied to her question." We do have a lot of questions regarding more of your purpose as an-"

"Rest assured, I have no intention of causing conflict or any kind of mayhem in this iron fortress." She explained, smiling. "My only goal is to assist in rescuing your people, and if possible act as a guide to help you get through the places in this land. " She added before a certain thought entered her mind. "However, I should warn you that I am not the only one of my kind here existing in this very world."

Her words brought a slight tension towards the officials, causing them to wonder how did the young lady know the exact topic that they had a mind to ask. There was no reason to complain as their question was directly answered and finally confirmed their doubts. It surprised more of them since the young lady herself had encouraged such plans in the event their own soldiers would face an Apostle.

The question is...How many of them reside in this continent?

But before one of them could speak, the young lady continued her speech.

"Putting that aside, I believed these places may be of interest for you." She informed them, as she slightly raised her hand as if to summon something from thin air.

There was a slight burst of wind that flew past the coalition officers and headed towards the girl's hand. Moments later, a light suddenly flashed and blue ethereal energy appeared from thin air.

Everybody except Lelei and Cato, jaws dropped. The staff found themselves stunned at a sight they had never seen before. An actual summoning right in front of their eyes.

From the energy that formed, a certain cute cat-like anthropomorphic being popped out and made his entrance.

"Rory, will ya slow down with the summoning?" The first thing Terra said, a full-blown whine and complain. Not aware of the situation he had entered in. The next thing he knew he saw the distinct smile of his master, followed by her comically smacking him on the back of his head.

The cute spirit frowned before taking notice of the large group of humans, who were staring at him with surprise and puzzled looks.

"Oh, is this group that I am supposed to present?" He wondered.

As for the rest of the staff, they were still lost for words at the scene, though some had already brought up their cameras in secret just to record the scene that belongs to the higher levels of the supernatural. They doubt no one would ever believe of this moment that easily.

"Oh Uhmmm...Hi! I am Terra by the way." The spirit nervously introduced himself but kept the smile.

However, the awkward silence prevailed as the officials continued to stare at him, and fortunately soon, he realized the situation and proceeded to raise his small hands casting some kind of visual illusion on the air.

Right before everyone's eyes, they began to see moving images of places completely unknown and unfamiliar to them.

The first image popped up revealing what appeared to be a thriving walled city.

In the midst of the presentation, Rory cleared her throat.

"As you may all know, there are kingdoms and small states that still continued to resist the Empire and its twisted philosophy." She said, observing the moving imaginative imagery as well." One of the most important city-states that Sadera is desperately wanting to establish a "connection" with..."

The Walled city of Italica

The coalition officers were impressed by the visual image in front of them. They kept wondering if those were actual footage of the city itself considering that every scene was lifelike or real life itself. To finally think that these sources were taken or based on memories of a person.

As General Wilkes would simply describe it.

"A Magical Projector."

"So what can expect from this Italica, Ms. Rory?" He then asked.

The young lady smiled.

"Italica is a major economic and trading state located towards the north of the continent." She explained." Like I mentioned before, the city remains independent despite being close neighbors with the Empire." She continued." Their rules and way of life are different."

"Meaning...? "

"For years, the city's rulers have been attempting to make reforms for the better of its citizens." She took a slight deep breath, recalling the last time she visited the place." And I believed you would get along with them very much since your world despises Slavery. if I remember correctly."

Quietness befell for a few moments.

Contrary to popular belief, most of these kingdoms had a slave system. It was surreal to discover that there is at least an independent state that does not follow the herd.

"So this Italica doesn't have a slave system or they don't have slaves, to begin with?" General Wilkes asked, more curious than before.

Rory flashed a sad smile.

"I'm afraid to inform you that the slavery system still plagues the city, thanks to some nobles who remained steadfast in their stance to maintain it and advocate a merger with the Empire," she explained, quickly changing her mood. "And there is the other faction, which is against the system and, fortunately, are the ones currently governing the city."

The visual illustration then began to change once more, showing an image of a charismatic man of great importance.

"Italica's ruler for more than 2 decades, Count Formal, had successfully ignored the system and implemented his own in secret from the opposition." She continued. "Whenever there are slaves sold to the city, all of them would be treated equally and well as if they were not slaves."

"To the point that there are considered paid workers than pigs on the slaughterhouse."

General Wilkes simply nodded." Understood, but is the Count still governing the city?" He asked.

Rory sighed.

"I am afraid that He no longer is... as the last time I heard of him, He was encouraged to join an unknown expedition along with his trusted officials and hasn't returned since." She finished her sentence letting the men absorb the information.

"Then who is governing the city right as of this moment?"

"I believed that would possibly be his youngest daughter if an event such as that transpires." Rory explained, giving a glimpse of her own concern." And what I worry about is the opposition surrounding her."

There was a sense of worry that filled the eyes of the men. It is now possible that the recent ruler could be subjected as a puppet to this faction or worst a potential coup, considering that most of the higher officials that supported the change, and who were involved in the expedition were missing in action.

General Wilkes could only sigh as the situation gradually became more complex.

"Thank you Ms. Rory" He then said.

As the young lady was about to end her presentation, she suddenly recalled another piece of information.

"Oh and I almost forgot to mention." She said, directing the Chirithy, to change the image as it shifted to a certain land where a specific group of Demi-Humans resided.

"I think you should all be aware of the Warrior Bunny tribes of the North."


I am telling you, young man, I've seen them fight bandits and rogue armies with ease!"

"You mean the Warrior Bunnies?"


Hitoshi expressed a curious face, while in the midst of a busy atmosphere. The hot essence that came out from his hot chocolate drink nearly clouded his vision, while listening to a local villager's story.

In the heart of the refugee town, a circular structure of what appeared to be some type of hawker center, which stood in the middle of a large spacious area. The place itself was occupied by villagers, and as well as Japanese and American soldiers, who were patrolling the vicinity.

The young man didn't expect that he would be dragged onto a very long but interesting conversation with the nice old man. He originally planned on taking a quick snack with a fellow third recon member in the form of Tomita, before leaving for the team's debriefing.

While Tomita fought his drowsiness, the young chef soldier took interest in the topic.

"During my days as a traveling merchant, I often cross paths with these fierce warriors in the north." He explained, " Let me tell you that they don't meddle with other kingdom's affairs, with the exception of their rival tribes." The old man added.

"So it's more like an internal struggle for them?"

The old man nodded again.

"You could say that, but all things have to change." He replied, remembering a certain event in the land's history which had been forgotten over time." When other Neighboring kingdoms finally took notice of their potential, they decided to send out armies to invade the land but all of them failed to do so."

Hitoshi expressed a puzzled look.


The old man chuckled. "It's simple, all of the tribes united to form their own kingdom just to fight against their invaders." He explained." Their resistant campaign wouldn't be successful if it weren't for their young queen."


He nodded once more.

"Yes, I don't know exactly regarding her full name but she is known to her people as "Tyuule."

Hitoshi kept silent for his own thoughts.

"What a wonderful name."

Oh yes, she is a great leader and beautiful young lady as well." The old man commented, recalling the day he witnessed her coronation as the land's first overall ruler.

Soon the mood then began to change for the old man.

"I wish this so-called conquest didn't happen." He sighed ." Might as well wish that the Empire didn't exist." He slightly chuckled." The young queen had a greater chance to uplift her home and her people's lives."

Quietness returned once more before the young man asked his next question.

"So what happened to her and the tribe?"

The old villager sighed." I'm not too sure, as I left the land before the conflict ended.

"I can tell you that the land of the United Warrior Bunny tribes had possibly been absorbed by the Empire, becoming the usual puppet state, and as for the young queen herself... " He trailed off.

Hitoshi found himself being more curious than ever, only to be greeted by a surprise response from the old man.

"I don't know what has become of her...I apologized."

A sense of sadness enveloped his voice.

The young man noticed his emotions as he began to wonder how important this young queen was to him. Though, he did mention the latter being different from any royalty as she was raised away from any lavish lifestyles.

As moments passed by, The young chef/soldier became even more interested in meeting the young forgotten queen.

Only that if she was still here living this living plane of existence.


"So you're saying that this Warrior Bunny Tribe is still existing?"

Rory didn't hesitate and smiled.

"Yes, I believed a part of their once complete governing body had survived." She informed the coalition officials." Though, mostly they are currently hiding in secret or in forced exile."

General Wilkes nodded in understanding.

"So where do you think is the place where this governing body is currently located?" He then asked as all eyes turned to the young lady again.

Rory took another sip of her hot tea.

"Aside from the Empire, where possibly the majority of the higher Bunny Warrior officials are held, I believed some had managed to flee towards the Principality during the waning years of the conflict," she explained, before adding, "That is one of the reasons why I wanted to go with the envoy because I had a colleague there who was able to track one of them down."

She finally dropped one of her secrets again.

All eyebrows were raised in surprise.

Cato expressed a puzzled look, wondering what the bunny warrior situation has to do with his friend. Never he had heard Rory being involved in that certain war or any conflicts between kingdoms. It has always been a part of her church's principles of not exactly participating in battles unless there was a reason.

"Thank you for the information again Ms. Rory." One of the coalition officials said." But what kind of benefit can this tribe contribute to our goal?"

The young lady simply smiled.

"Oh, there's plenty of it!" She said as she began to count her fingers.

"You may benefit them in Espionage, Assassination, and master of sensing dark forces and...the list goes on."

Another burst of silence filled the room once again.

In the middle of that, Terra finally ended the magical image, which had been suspended in the air for a good amount of time now. Once he was done it with, he gave a huge sigh of tiredness with all the things he had to work on to project that certain memory.

The coalition officials took the time to absorb the new information that the young lady had provided. Even several of the staff who were in charge of recording her everything she had said, were put into slight chaos of organizing every key detail of it. It was like one giant web of clues and newborn mysteries.

For General Wilkes' part, the man could only sigh to himself, directing his pity to the intelligence division.

Oh, they'll be going through one heck of a mess.

He then shifted his eyes towards the young lady, who was now looking at him, as if she was waiting for his approval.

"Very well Ms. Rory, you're request is approved." He finally said which delighted the young lady." You'll be going with the team."

With that said, the Apostle of Emroy, gracefully clasped her hands together in a joyful and excited manner.

"Oh heavens! Thank you so much!"

"I guarantee that this will benefit you and your objectives!"

As the meeting neared its end, Cato remained his focus on the girl, still baffled by the fact that she expressed her eagerness to head towards Qua-Toyne. The old man did understand her reason for acting as a babysitter to Lelei and her elf friend, who had their own specific goals although, there was something more to this than meets the eye.


"Alright, guys! the signal is up and running!"

This had to be one of the most awaited moments in their lives since going through the Gate. The subtle change on a certain icon had almost caused Carl and Dennis to burst out in tears of joy. Not too long, a new screen popped up revealing a group of optimistic people, who were also eager to see them.

Oh, How they missed the faces of their families and friends.

Brian flashed a small smile before the other two had overtaken his place to greet the rest of them from the other side of the monitor. The calmer Wilson sighed, as he let the two younger men share a heartfelt reunion with their families.

"Hey, you guys! I freaking missed you so much!" Carl commented as a huge smile crept across his lips, staring into the screen, where it showed a familiar living room from their Ancestral Home.

"Hey, Mom! Hey Dad! It's been a while, How's are things going there so far?" Dennis greeted.

"Oh, you don't have to ask, you boys are quite a celebrity here!" Mr. Wilson said from the other side of the screen."I mean the whole town should be proud that the Wilsons are saving kidnapped people and fighting monsters from whatever that world is called beyond that giant door."

Brian could only give a chuckle.

"I think I saw you two with Brian on TV, you were in this place called Genza right?" Mrs. Wilson then said.

"It's Ginza Mom, and Yes, it's in Japan," Brian nodded and replied this time, slightly giving a cringe.

"Oh yes! Japan... I remember now." Mrs. Wilson giggled." I can't believe they managed to hold a small parade just to enter that portal thing!" She commented, genuinely surprised regarding that prior event." Oh, of all people, they still wanted to show the world how patriotic and glorious this can be." She sighed.

It would be better if they worked in silence.

"Well, that's how they want it to be mom." Dennis spoke this time around." But at least I got to meet new people during that parade." He grinned recalling how he met those other fellow tankers, especially the guys from that particular division.

In the midst of the conversation, a certain young teen from the family made his entrance to the conversation.

"Hey, guys! I heard it's a very cool place there."

It was their cousin "David", who shared his own thoughts.

"Have already found those giant slowpoke meat people?" He fired the next question in just a matter of seconds.

There was a brief moment of silence that followed as Brian expressed another sigh.

"No David, there are no giant naked people eating humans or an island with giant walls on it." The man boringly explained, before adding." This isn't that "Anime" your watching."

"It's not an Anime, but a Fanfiction." He cleared it up." That got adapted into an anime and movie because the author is awesome and did well towards the plot ."He added."And it has a name you know." The teen slightly frowned, picking up a Blu-Ray DVD of the said anime as he smiled looking at the title name." Freedom's Ring"

Brian could only roll his eyes in response while his adoptive brothers snickered behind him. Japanese culture was slowly creeping into the family after the incident.

"So by the way boys, when will you be coming home?" Mr. Wilson then asked.

The room fell silent once more as the three Wilsons each expressed their own uncertain expressions, knowing that there was still work to be done as much as they wanted to be reunited with the rest of their families. As soon as they returned to base after the Reconnaissance, Brian and Carl were assigned to a new mission, while Dennis had his own tank platoon.

"I hate to break it to you guys but...We won't be coming home soon."

The once joyful faces of their families quickly fell down, now realizing that they won't be able to celebrate the holidays together, and in the middle of that silence, a voice erupted from one of their walkies.

"Sir, the preparations at the gates are finally finished, and we kinda need you right now."


"So these are the specific places that we'll be going for once we push out of the region?"

General Hanzama stared at the large illustration of the supposed map of the whole continent shown on the screen. In fact, it was the most detailed the coalition has acquired from the locals and further improved so far.

On the screen was a large map of the continent with various locations marked with circles. The smaller red circles represented the various camps and bases owned by the enemy, which had been meticulously tracked down with the assistance of locals over the previous weeks. The remaining states that avoided conquest and continued their resistance to the Empire were represented by the medium-sized blue circles. Finally, the larger red circles highlighted the pivotal locations that had the potential to be the campaign's turning point.

"Italica, Rondel, Qua-Toyne, and Sadera." The man muttered and mentioned the names of those places. Though he was well aware of the mission regarding the Principality, he still had some questions left for the new ones on the list.

"Well. Italica is crucial since it is the closest thing to the main capital and a major economic trading partner. " The blonde secretary explained adjusting her glasses as she pointed towards these places via a black stick used by the professors of old." Rondel, a holy city of knowledge as the Empire is planning to use the city's resources for their innovation." She suddenly paused seeing the Japanese General raising his hand.

"Innovation? Meaning they are planning to upgrade their own arsenals?" He said with a puzzled look in his eyes.

General Wilkes cleared his throat.

"Apparently, several of our recon teams, including the last one that arrived had acquired what appeared to be three-barrel muskets...Magical Muskets." He explained." They are currently under examination and study." He added.

General Hanzama raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"Muskets? I thought this Empire was only in Medieval and Roman stages?"

The man nodded in response.

"That's what we thought at first but the latest information and Intel implies that these weapons came from another nation." He explained again." Not in this continent but across the seas and this Empire trying to replicate their weapons, yet they needed the resources to do so."

"I suspect it was smuggled or came from a black market since that nation had an Isolation Policy at the moment."

"According to some military officials captured in one of the missions, Magic is the main source they needed," He said, before adding." Fortunately, the Empire doesn't have those Mages or whatever you call it." He sighed." Moreover, this Rondel basically just wants to be left alone from any conquest or wars."

"I see." General Hanzama nodded before turning back towards the screen.

"So what else is new?"

The Secretary took a deep breath." Do you remember the Adventure Guilds that you two had discussed in the last meeting?" She asked while receiving a nod from the two.

"Well, Good news, We got a lot who are willing to be Guides for us but in one condition." She informed.

"Oh, what is it?" General Wilkes asked, raising both of his eyebrows in surprise.

The Secretary gave him a small smile." They are willing to help us in exchange for food and medical supplies." She explained," Most of their so-called Parties, often arrived from their missions, with serious injuries and some Guilds just couldn't provide the food to keep them going." She added.

"Well, that's not a problem, we could help in that part." General Hanzama said this time. Most of the personnel from the SDF were heavily involved in the humanitarian aid while the offensive mostly goes to their American Allies.

"I guess that issue is solved for now." A sigh came from the American General.

So, how are the envoy and escort team doing? "The Japanese man then inquired.

"Preparations are done, they'll be leaving in an hour." His American Counterpart replied again." Along with the other teams as well."

General Hanzama simply nodded, He didn't need to ask who was going to be assigned on that specific mission.


The ground began to tremble continuously yet in a good way.

It was almost like a parade of some sort with many of the curious refugees watching the Tanks, Armored Vehicles, and Humvees leave the gates of Fort Alnus. It was indeed a mesmerizing sight to see especially for the children, who continued to cheer for the Men in Green.

For the Coalition soldiers themselves, they had no option but to return their temporary farewells as well. It was a surreal moment especially the fact that they only just met these people yet it felt like they have known them for a very long time and that they openly gave their support.

"Damn! It feels like the parade in Ginza all over again."

It was the first thing that Kurata had thought about when he arrived at the preparation area. The mood literally took a busy scene with all the teams loading up the necessary gear to their own respective LAVs and Humvees. The brief meeting earlier had assigned the Otaku's soldier Recon team to a certain important mission along with their familiar American counterparts that they grew to personally like.

"I can't believe we are going to be the escort for the Diplomatic envoy to this Qua-Toyne Principality." Higashi, who was loading the remaining gear onto their own LAV, had commented.

"I mean there are other teams who are much better than us."

Everyone in Third Recon had a similar thought.

"I know, if the "Winning Hearts and Minds" stuff is the reason for this, I am literally going to rant in front of Chief Hanzama." The two men turned their attention towards Shino, who was able to give her own thought, as she finished loading a box of first aid kits to the back of the LAV.

Both men just stared at the sassy young woman with an amused expression.

"Yeah right," Kurata muttered while Higashi shrugged.

"Hopefully, there is a better reason, but on a brighter side, we could treat this as a free vacation of some sort." The man replied, before adding." I mean the place we're heading off to looks like those cities we see in Fantasy JRPGs" He flashed a slight excited smile." You know what that means?"

Shino could only sigh." That means you guys will take selfies everywhere until the point, it wears you already." She rolled her eyes as she finished the sentence for him, before going back to finish her remaining task.

"Well...Fair enough." Kurata casually shrugged, yet deep down he was curious if there are also Catgirls or any other beast men living in that certain place. Those Final Fantasy games really elevated his excitement.


Tuka took a deep breath once she finally reached the preparation area near the gates.

Guided by Itami, the girl finally learned that she would be going with the old familiar faces, who she viewed and treated as her new friends. Something that alleviates the pressure from within.

"Here we are Ms. Tuka." The Japanese Lieutenant informed the girl as he presented the spot where various LAVs of a certain Recon Team were stationed and as well as the members themselves, who were nearly completing most of their tasks.

"These guys are going to look after you during the mission, and make sure you find what you're looking for out there," Itami added, assuring that everything would be alright once they're out of the fortress again.

"Thank you." It was the only words that came out from her lips. Despite the support she was getting, she could still feel that certain nervousness flooding her mind.

The idea of going to the place where her relatives and friends were supposed to be, but only to discover that didn't make it in time, is what she was feared for a long time now.

The elf girl shook her head in hopes of brushing off these thoughts. By then she turned around to face her father standing from a distance watching her and as he raised his hand in goodbye.

From the depths of her uncertainties, there was a warm feeling that emerged and along with it, a smile formed around her lips. Tuka held and gripped her arrow as she was able to muster up the strength to continue on. Looking back towards her main direction, she headed to the LAV, where the rest of the team was waiting for her.


"You do know, that I don't like that serious look of yours Cato."

For the first time, Rory gave a moody expression towards him, as she sat down on an empty passenger seat of a certain LAV, with the doors temporarily kept open, expecting that she was going to be bombarded by a lot of questions.

With the old man has taken the opportunity to create a last conversation with her, he wasted no time getting straight to the point.

"I just wanted to know why you are so eager to go to Qua-Toyne." He firmly asked." I know you have the main reason for that and it's not regarding the Warrior Bunnies and their Queen."

Silence took over between them.

Rory took a deep breath in response, explaining, "Look, if I tell you my reason, how would this benefit your situation?" She then said "If I remember correctly, you have important matters of going back to Rondel and-" She was cut off in the middle of her sentence.

"I am aware of that...I just wanted to help." He told the young lady." And you promised long ago, that you'll never keep things to yourself or bury secrets." He attempted to push and remind her once again. Noticing this subtle sassy "Huff" from her.

In the heat of the moment, the Demi-Goddess eventually found time to chuckle at his statement.

"Oh Cato, you haven't changed at all," she said as she adjusted her seat. "If you really want to know...Promise me you won't lose your mind because of it," she said with a smile, finally agreeing with him.

For several seconds, the old mage felt a little bit of worry boiling, and soon he would realize what the latter had meant." You don't mean Lelei is also aware of this!?" He exclaimed, a bit shocked that his student would go that far to research and find it.

Rory chuckled once more.

"Then what other reason would she tell the Men in Green and their commanders behind close doors?" She calmly replied back." I kept her a favor for not telling you right away but since you have been my friend for a very long time, I have to let a little bit of the information out." She added.

"It is also my own secret to tell."

The wind grew stronger as the old mage waited for her response, and tension slowly built in the air.

The young lady simply looked straight towards his eyes and smirked.

"They've finally figured out where the key is... "


Lelei's eyes were glued to the scene of the giant green metal machines moving towards the giant iron gates. She along with several villagers and a certain writer had been observing the scene for a while now and thought soon came into her mind.

"Why is there a huge number of them this time?" The blue-haired teen asked, also noticing the combat and transport helicopters flying above them.

"They are pushing out of the region Ms. Lelei." Yuji informed the young teen." Our American Allies wanted to end this supposed war and conquest of the Empire as quickly as possible." He added.

The girl then raised an eyebrow.

Defeating a powerful empire like Sadera in just a span of months was quite an impossible feat at least to her eyes. Their territory expands throughout the lands and even to the former kingdoms, which were now a part of them. Furthermore, the empire itself had a huge number of soldiers, wyverns, ogres, and possibly even mages with dangerous intentions.

They could be overwhelming for the Men in Green.

Yuji just flashed a smile of confidence.

"Trust me, they know more than we do," he said as another group of tanks passed in front of them. Each of those tanks' gun tubes had a name written on it, symbolizing its heart and soul. While he was lost in his thoughts, he did catch a glimpse of the names, particularly that one tank with the initials "HWGOA."

Then in the middle of that moment, He heard the sounds of a horse heading in their direction.

Both of them turned to their right, and the man's eyes were drawn to a familiar horse-drawn merchant wagon that had come to a stop directly in front of them. The wagon's rider stepped down a few moments later, revealing his identity.

Memories would soon begin to flood his mind, going back to the first reconnaissance and meeting an unlikely fellow down the road, who helped give the Recon team the right directions.

Lelei was utterly confused at the scenario. Seeing the shocked and surprised reaction of the man beside her towards a certain chubby and slick merchant.

"Excuse me, but who are you supposed to be?" She gave a puzzled look and asked with a slight bluntness.

In response, the huge man with blackish-grey hair just laughed.

"Oh, quite the introduction young lady." He spoke for the first time, before bringing his eyes towards the young man." And it's a pleasure to meet you once again sir." He added, giving a slight bow.

"And my forgive my manners, I am just a humble merchant that happens to know the secret passage towards the Principality." He introduced himself with a smile." You may refer to me as Duke for short."

Soon realization came to the girl, and before she could speak, a certain Japanese Lieutenant entered the scene.

"Duke-san, glad you were able to arrive in time!"

"Oh really? "

Itami came from behind the two as the man greeted the chubby merchant." Yeah, we're just about to leave the place." He informed.

"I supposed you've met Yuji and Lelei?"

"Oh, they are wonderful people!" The man replied in delight.

For Itami's part, the captain of Third Recon turned to the confused teen and as well as his surprised friend.

"Oh, I guess they haven't informed you guys yet, but He will be our guide in this mission."

"Guide?' Both of them said in unison.

"Uhmm, Yes, He knows where the secret passage is located and-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as the loud engines of the LAVs began to roar one by one. Signaling the start of the mission.

Itami forced a smile as he scratched the back of his head." Well...I'll explain it to you guys along the way," he said as he bid the two a brief farewell and returned to the location where the rest of the team was preparing.

Yuji and Lelei, on the other hand, continued to stare at the man with puzzled expressions, while the merchant smiled at them. "I suppose another journey awaits us," he said as the last of the military vehicles drove away from the fort.

"Are you ready?"


Great Eastern Sea

It would have concluded that there were no signs of the storm abating, leaving the sailors to whatever fate they may end up with.

A massive wooden transport ship sailed across the raging seas, which appeared to be about to engulf the ship itself due to the massive waves. Fortunately for the crew of the ship, a portion of their prayers were answered when they discovered themselves still alive and breathing, trapped in an endless cycle of worry.

The Captain of the ship carefully observed his men, who were trying their best to maintain the ship from any possible damages. A hint of regret can be seen in his eyes as he formed his hand into a fist.

He should have never accepted that offer in exchange for this errand, yet he really needed the money to help his family and maintain his livelihood. Not only he would benefit from the reward but for the rest of his crew as well.

"Captain! This is Madness!"

A member of the crew immediately approaches the older man, his clothes soaking wet in rainwater, and a visible cut on his arm revealing a small portion of bloodstains on his clothes.

"We barely can handle maintaining the ship and the-" He was suddenly cut from his sentence when an unfamiliar roar from a creature was heard from the deep depths of the ship.

The crew member stared towards the captain with visible fear in his eyes, pleading for him to somehow stop whatever situation they had entered.

The captain with a hardened face could only sympathize with him, knowing that the several crew members were risking their lives by just trying to tame and prevent it from wreaking havoc and destroying the entire ship.

They should have been informed of the truth in the first place.

He had no choice right now, and if he disobeyed orders or break the deal then he and the entire crew would face the worst consequence.

His eyes slowly shifted towards a certain spot near the end of the upper deck and saw a cloaked figure standing and watching the raging waters of the sea itself. He felt a chill going down his spine when he laid his sight on it.

He almost forgot that person was in-charged of watching him and his crew, and their ability to handle the situation until they reached their destination.

"Don't worry, in just a day we'll finally reach the place."

All he could do was to assure the younger man that everything would be alright despite the complicated scenario that they were in. As the ship continued to traverse the storm with the intent of finishing its task.

A certain task of delivering a beacon to the port.

A Port belonging to the Noble city of Maihark, of the Qua-Toyne Principality.


AN: Well, this has to be the longest debut chapter for an Arc, though I don't know if I could surpass this in the future. Putting that aside, I believe the struggles of life had caught up to me hence I wasn't able to finish the chapter in time. Queue in the sudden disappearance of motivation, yet I am thankful that I was able to continue on writing whenever there is a spark.

Anyways, regarding the chapter, I had to adjust the pacing a little bit since some readers pointed out that the previous chapters were slow. So I had to put a few time skips here and there just to keep up with the plot closer. Also would like to thank Author DFMRCV for the ideas he shared for the chapter. So I tried my best to show the life inside the refugee town through the perspective of Tuka and as well as emphasizing the roles of the JSDF with them being more on the humanitarian side of things while their American allies focused more on dealing with the offensive and rescue of kidnapped civilians. Also, scenes setting up these places which will the coalition head off to in the near future.

Another thing is the Guides, which I think could pose a benefit for the teams who are venturing to the unknown. also did add little tributes in some scenes regarding a couple of certain great Gate fics from the fandom.

Lastly for this arc, it might be focused on just one place but I'm planning on changing the structure so that I could also show the other places such as Italica, Rondel, and Sadera, even though these places are meant for the third arc. Furthermore, the last scene of this chapter is heavily tied to the main plot of the arc, as this is where Giselle's arc and the Qua Toyne arc converged. Hope that makes sense.

Oh, I almost forgot, Tyuule's second appearance, Pina's debut will be in the next chapters after this.

With that said, Thank you very much for spending time to read the chapter, I really appreciate it! I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes since English is not my main language.

Thank you so much and God Bless!

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