Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City I

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City I: Arrival

The symbols on the wall did match, and it was all according to certain pieces of parchments containing the riddles and the small illustration to which they had provided her.

She stood there amid the darkness and the moon that gave light on a certain large hallway leading to a bigger area.

After months of searching, she finally found the place. A place deemed sacred and holy, and where it was hidden for thousands of years.

She knew it wasn't the right time to break in and take it. Although, she kept that optimism and confidence high knowing that she would be claiming a part of a long-awaited victory for her homeland.

A smile crept across her lips as she gripped the papers in her hand.

"Just a few more days..."


Alnus Hill, Coalition Main HQ

"May their souls find peace."

The room fell silent as the recorded footage of the recent airstrike on an imperial camp was played in front of a few coalition officials, including the American General and his Japanese counterpart.

It seemed as if this was just a usual small event since the campaign of pushing forward across the region began weeks ago.

General Hanzama couldn't even count how many times he'd been witnessing people perishing from the flames and destruction created by the jets. He knew it would be a quick but gruesome scene and it was fortunate that he didn't get to hear the screams and anguish of these soldiers this time around.

They were all humans, just like him, and they had no idea what had gotten into them.

The man took a deep breath in return, as he began to observe the rest of his surroundings.

How amazing it was for him to see the other coalition commanders who could keep a straight face. Some people are normally emotionless when witnessing a large number of people being burned or blown to pieces, and there was a reason for this.

His home country had been at peace for decades, with no major conflicts or wars. There was the Self-Defense Force, which, unlike the other nations, was not a true military or army. Sure, several divisions were dispatched to places where conflicts and tensions were at an all-time high, but only for humanitarian purposes.

Even he has yet to see what real conflict is, and now he was getting the opportunity to be a part of it, in the form of this Gate to another world fiasco.

"Everything all right, General?" his American counterpart asked, interrupting his thoughts.

The Japanese General nodded slightly. "Yes sir, though, if I may ask, how many more camps do we have to see destroyed?" he asked.

General Wilkes chuckled back, "I believe this is the final footage...for now," he explained, surprised by the large number of camps scattered across the continent. " And Ms. Miles here has something more interesting to present," he added, gazing at the blonde woman.

The Secretary woman simply nodded as she rose from her seat and moved closer to the screen.

She took a deep breath and adjusted her glasses slightly before pressing a button on a small device, which changed the images projected on the screen.

"Well... It's not that special, but just a couple of things, I'll elaborate," she explained, her gaze fixed on the screen, which depicted the entire camp before it was destroyed.

"It turns out that the person who provided the location of the camp is an Imperial Soldier himself...A deserter from the said camp, to be exact..." she explained, pausing to allow the men to process the information.

"I see, so is it the same story of a soldier deserting his post and rebelling against his homeland?" General Wilkes inquired, recalling the statement of various imperial soldiers performing the same actions.

The Secretary women slightly smiled in return.

"Interesting story, the guy did it to exact his revenge on the entire division, as he claimed they were being "Tyrants" and performing "Inhuman" acts on the base for months," she explained.

Some of the officials were taken aback by her statement.

"Now, that's something new," General Wilkes remarked, "though, aside from their Egos growing, being stationed in a secluded area near the mountains can drive you insane."

The Secretary woman simply nodded.

"Not just any ordinary secluded area," she clarified. "According to the information provided by the soldier, the location of the Imperial garrison is actually part of the Dragon Territories."

"Dragons? Do you mean the entire land is inhabited by these creatures?" General Hanzama asked, receiving a quick nod from the young lady.

"Yes, the entire mountain range is technically their own home," she continued. "And when we asked Mr. Cato more about the location, He remarked how the team made a wise decision not to venture further."

General Wilkes cocked his brow.

"Why is that so?"

"Simply because the dragons living in that land are not the usual ones that we are used to seeing," she explained, adding, "They have their own organized communities, and they are very protective of their territories."

"Interesting," General Hanzama observed. "However, did the team happen to cross paths with one of them during the airstrike?" he inquired.

The Secretary woman adjusted her glasses again." Which brings us to the next report." She said, pressing the button again as the image on the screen changed once more.

"One of the drones happened to capture this image of a massive red dragon several miles from the main target," she continued, "and it was taken just after the airstrike began."

The remaining coalition officials examined and studied the captured image, which depicted the massive red dragon confronting an unknown individual on the edge of a cliff surrounded by mountain ranges and a massive sinkhole filled with greeneries and forests. The images gradually changed, revealing the dragon being beaten by the mystery person with similar but smaller wings attached to its back.

The last image finally displays the red dragon collapsing as it fell towards the sinkhole.

For a few moments, silence reigned supreme as the rest of the group tried to comprehend what had happened in that brief scene.

In response, the American General sighed. "It's no surprise that there are people who can deal with these creatures with incredible strength..." he remarked. "The question I have in mind...if this is something to be concerned about," he added.

"Well... it could be an adventurer, a dragon slayer, or an Apostle like Ms. Mercury," General Hanzama speculated, taking note of the alleged young lady's earlier statement.

"Oh yes, that one..."General Wilkes sighed again, still in disbelief that certain characters deemed fictional in their world, do exist in this new world.

Since the coalition discovered the existence of Apostles and other individuals capable of the supernatural through the Apostle of Emroy herself, the thought and information itself had continued to bother them for the rest of the months. The only good news is that they could take so far is that these types of people are a rarity in the land.

So far, there have been no incidents or reports of Recon teams encountering hostile individuals with the same capabilities. The last information the Apostle of Emroy had provided was that there were only a few remaining Apostles in the land. It was by chance that she was on their side, and as for the dragons, they could only hope that they would not leave their land to wreak havoc across the lands.

In the midst of the conversation, The Japanese General decided to change the topic, directing the attention to a recent ongoing operation.

"So what's the status of the Diplomatic team?"


"Uncertainty, it never really left our minds after the last ordeal, despite every new knowledge we had gained or were aware of. Now, I found myself heading to a much bigger place than the last one, with the same faces. The only thing I worry about for now is what kind of fiasco would we all be facing this time."

- Excerpt from New World Journal

The smell wasn't pleasant nor worst for him. Not even the slightest items that would sometimes fall and land on him, be a distraction, while inside the wagon.

It was quite a rocky journey overall.

Yet nevertheless, he wanted to fulfill his own curiousity and finally take the chance to converse with the chubby merchant with only this remaining time. That is why he had requested to take a ride and board the back of the older man's wagon, no matter how strange the request was.

"Is everything alright for you there, Mr. Takamori?"

The Duke finally spoke, breaking the silence while he was controlling the horse. He had been expecting several questions coming from the young man.

Yuji was brought back to his senses as he brought his focus towards the merchant's huge back facing him.

He smiled weakly.

"I'm kind of managing myself well, sir," he replied, keeping his small laptop from shaking from the vibrations caused by the wheels passing through the rocky areas.

The Duke chuckled back in astonishment." Well, I am quite impressed by your determination, young man." He remarked." But, it would be rude of me to not issue any apologies."

"So my apologies, if you find the wagon a little old and messy." He said, with humility.

Despite the man's proud and elegant way of presenting himself to others, he retained his humbleness, which the Japanese-American man had noticed, and which had impressed him as well.

Yuji simply nodded.

"It's okay, sir, I've been in similar situations before, so this isn't exactly new to me," he explained.

"Oh, I see..." The Merchant continued, "then I'm glad to see a young chronicler who doesn't complain too much in whatever place he's in or whenever he conducts an interview."

Most previous chroniclers he had met were a little demanding for more accommodations during attempts to record accounts as if they expected to be treated with privilege. In the end, that attitude of theirs would eventually lead to strange problems and endings.

"Uhmm, Thank you for the compliment?" Yuji said, still unsure what to say.

The Duke sighed but smiled.

"I'm well aware of the questions you're going to ask," he said before continuing, "and the majority of them are personal, correct me if I'm wrong."

A brief moment of silence then followed.

"Well...some of them are, though I'll be focusing primarily on-" He was about to enumerate his points when the older man cut him off.

"About this world and the supposed "Gate" that manifested on Alnus Hill?" The duke had guessed.

The young writer simply nodded.

"Yes, particularly why the Gate itself opened to my world."

He was well aware of the information provided by the countless natives and locals he had interviewed over the previous weeks, including those in the interrogation facility. The majority of them speak about stories that have been compared to myths and legends that sounded as if they were tough to prove.

The Chubby Merchant returned the smile, amused by the man's curiosity.

"Very well, The Gate is just a part of the complexity of this world." He then said." It's not just a portal that connects between worlds but a blessing and a curse as well." He explained." Every once in a while, conflicts would arise resulting in death, destruction, and when desperation comes thus people prayed for salvation, a Gate would appear as a last resort."

"It's the last and only blessing that the waning Gods gave to the people of this world."

Yuji took his time digesting the information, but he eventually grasped it.

"So, when that Gate reappeared, it chose my world to be the saving grace?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow. "But why?"

The Duke grinned. "We could say that," he explained. "There are a lot of reasons, though I always believe that the Gate's power and intentions are often for the greater good of everyone."

"This world has suffered enough and it's time for fate to step in and change the course."

Once again, silence reigned supreme.

Yuji kept a puzzled expression on his face as he tried to figure out why the Gate was there. It appeared plausible enough that it had been created by God's sacrifice and love for the inhabitants of this world. However, when he spoke with the locals back at the refugee camp, they seemed to believe it at first but then lost faith, and some simply forgot the story.

Unfortunately, he had one more question, which he had been pondering since first meeting the man.

"How did you know my name in the first place?" he muttered loudly enough for the merchant.

The chubby silver-haired man remained silent but smiled. Should he tell him now or wait for the right time for the young man to figure it all out? He thanked a specific person for providing him with important information about him, and he promised not to forget that promise.

As he was about to speak, the horse pulling the wagon quickly halted its tracks and made a noise.

The sudden scene startled the young writer, and his first instinct was to look at the open window, but by the time he did, he noticed the massive walls that stretch all over and beyond.

As for the Merchant, he cleared his throat and finally announced the news.

"Looks like we've finally arrived at our destination." He relayed the news, before adding.

"Welcome to Qua-Toyne!"


The envoy finally arrived at their destination around high noon, but they did not expect to find themselves in the current situation in front of them.

The LAVs followed what their guide had done and they all halted at a specific area.

Most of the members from Third Recon had been woken up from their daydreams by the sudden stop, and each of them began to wonder.

They could feel that something was definitely going on.

Kurata blinked a few times as he tried to investigate from his window, but all he could see were glimpses of the vast green fields and beyond, and it wasn't until a few moments later that a small wagon appeared in front of him.

"I thought we were all in a single file?" he wondered, unable to recall another wagon traveling alongside the LAV he was currently riding in.

"I could say the same," Itami remarked this time, who was also looking at his own window, this time seeing more wagons and carriages as they began to pile up.

Kurata raised an eyebrow in confusion, He looked back again to his window and this time saw what appeared to be village children gazing upon him with curiousness.

"That could only mean..." He trailed off his words as he was now figuring it out.

At the same time, the radio came to life, and a familiar voice emerged.

"This is Lieutenant Brian, We just arrived at our destination, though we're not the only ones here."


The announcement was made to the rest of the convoy; curiosity had taken over, and they began to wonder how many travelers had arrived with them.

From an overview of a certain watch tower hailing from the walls, there were about hundreds of wagons, carriages, people riding Chocobos, giant lizards, wolves and many more were heading towards the massive gates of the city.

They would soon realize that these people are also family refugees, merchants, collectors, businessmen, and even part-time diplomats from rural states.

Guards and knights were stationed near the massive gates to handle and monitor each group and their purpose for entering the city. One of these guards was then overwhelmed by the sheer number of people hoping to make a new home in the land. Despite the fact that he had not anticipated such a large number of visitors, he gathered himself to assist as many as he could.

"Open the Gates!"

He could hear the voice of his superior giving the order, and along with his fellow guards, they proceeded to pull each certain lever, and thus the massive gates began to open.

By the time, the gates to the city had finally opened, the eyes of each migrant lit with relief and joy as they could finally have the opportunity of restarting their lives once more. Less than a second, they proceeded to venture inside but not without any official document they have to verify their reasons and claims.

"Please state your purpose of going here and show any proof."

"My relatives had informed me, through a letter, that they have a spare room for me to stay here."

"Our village was ransacked by dark raiders not long ago, and we are the only ones left of our community."

"Business has been on low on the East, so I am planning to move and re-establish my shop here."

"We are representatives from a small-kingdom state from the South, and our purpose here is to establish connections with the Principality."

These were just some of the reasons they were heading here, and as they passed through the Gates, they didn't forget to thank the guards, and these people would not have arrived if it hadn't been for the secret passages.

As time passed, the numbers dwindled until they came face to face with the last visitors, who arrived in an unusual convoy. The appearance of these green iron horseless carriages alerted them, but also confused them, as they noticed that they were being led by a Merchant Wagon.

The Guard kept steady but didn't take long enough for him to recognize the man in-charged.

The chubby merchant made his presence known as soon as the wagon came to a halt, beginning with a smile.

"Greetings! It's been a while since we've last met." He greeted the rest of the guards.

The guard in-charged stared wide-eye at a familiar face." S-Sir Duke!? You're back!" He remarked.

The merchant simply smiled." Of course! I thought it would be a great idea for me to return here for a while after a long journey." He explained, before adding." Besides, I brought representatives from a certain nation that you probably won't believe right away."

The man directed his finger at the four green metallic forts and the humans who rode them.

The younger guard raised both eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, I see, so you brought another Diplomatic Envoy with you?" he finally asked the question that had been bothering him for a while.

The merchant smiled again." Oh yes, the usual, I may suggest that you contact your superiors, as this is rather important." He added.

Sensing the man's seriousness, the young guard nodded and turned to face his comrades, signaling that the last visitors were fine. As a result, they yanked on the levers, and the gates reopened.

"Thank you very much!" the Duke exclaimed as he pulled out an expensive wooden box. "There are sweets inside for all of you hard-working men to share," he explained as he encouraged the horse to keep going.

The young guard was speechless, knowing that the box containing the sweets came from a northern nation across the great orient. Before he could say anything, the wagon had passed him and he was faced with the moving metallic forts.

As he observed each of these magnificent yet intimidating moving objects, he caught glimpses of the people with strange helmets, inside.

"Humans?" He muttered to himself." Most of them are... "

It was strange yet surprising, and they claimed to be from a kingdom on the continent. Despite this, he had never seen a kingdom in his life that could produce this type of transportation, unless a nation from the first civilizations had established a kingdom here.

Nonetheless, his attention focused more on a certain young lady, who was observing everything.

"Oracle of Emroy?" He asked himself again.

How could a legendary figure from stories he'd heard as a child be a part of this envoy?


She still couldn't believe she'd be returning to this location so sooner than she had expected.

Rory smiled, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. Who would have guessed that the path they took would lead them directly to the noble city of Maihark, the principality's crowning jewel with one of the most beautiful harbors on the continent?

She couldn't recall exactly the year, the month, the day, and the time, she had last visited this place but she remembered how her predecessor took her to the old city and showed her a certain important aspect of it.

She was much a younger girl during those times, and as a result, it broaden her perspectives towards life.

Looking through the window as the vehicles passed the gates, she was now seeing the first signs of life and a small smile crept across her lips, knowing that the place hadn't changed a bit since her last visit.

Whenever she had the opportunity to return here, there would always be a reason. The previous one was just as important as the current one, and she knew it would be a little more dangerous this time around.

She looked towards the streets again and saw certain signs displayed on every shop, wall, and home, bearing the words...

"Day of Unity"

She gave a certain smile, recalling her predecessor's words.

"Qua-Toyne is one of the last bastions of hope during the conflict against dark forces, and this is where the turning point for this land's victory began."

Until now, that certain event had been an important factor in the history of the continent and she would get the chance again to witness it.

Yet, she still had her own duties to fulfill first.

The Special convoy continued to drive along the wide cobbled streets, which were now surrounded by various architectures, ranging from beautiful colonial-style shophouses, temples with unique greenery designs that were obviously elvish inspired, to structures with massive pillars that could be compared to the ancient cities of the Greek world, but have its own identity.

Furthermore, every street they had passed through was alive with activity. Humans and demi-humans flooded the same area, revealing the unique clothes and dresses they wore, in addition to the various stalls stationed along the sidewalks, which were sometimes partnered with majestic trees.

"Damn, even the sidewalks are pretty alive." The voice of a certain American ranger remarked." And there's this distinct smell that I can't seem to figure out."

Carl felt his own excitement growing within him. For the past minutes they entered the gates, he had been captivated by the ongoing vibrant scenery in front of him. He could only simplify his own words for now.

"I'm not sure, but this was the same experience I had when I played that Final Fantasy VR game from a friend of mine," he added as he continued to observe from his window.

Brian could only sigh in response, but he agreed with the latter's observation. The place so far definitely had that High Fantasy Vibe from various video games and movies he'd seen before, but the only difference was that it wasn't the typical medieval-inspired setting, but something else entirely.

It looked more ancient, yet grander and spiritual.

"You know Bri, I think I finally found a nice vacation spot for the family when all of this is finally over." He told the older man." I mean Disneyland and Paris are okay, but this is a thousand times better, and sure mom and dad would love hanging out in one of those coffee shops." He added, pointing to the various cafes they passed by.

For a few moments, silence reigned as the older soldier nodded slightly. "I know that, but we have to focus on the mission here first," he sighed. "We still don't know what threat this place could pose."

He wasn't entirely wrong in his assumptions. It was fine to be skeptical and cautious, and his previous experience with the Coda Village incident had only made him more protective.

"Come on, Brian, the Intelligence division has confirmed that this place is not like that Saderan Empire everyone is talking about," Carl said half-jokingly. "I mean, even Ms. Rory has said there's nothing to worry about."

Brian remained silent once more. Perhaps his childhood friend, to whom he treated as a young brother had a point, and perhaps he was just a little paranoid after watching those movies that could cause him trust issues..

Carl looked at the younger soldier with a slightly worried expression, and before he could say anything else, he heard a couple of taps on his window.

When he turned to his left, he was startled to see a small being staring back at him.

"What the heck!?" He exclaimed, catching the attention of the rest.

"Everything alright Carl?" His fellow ranger Al, who was mostly quiet the whole time asked.

"Uhmm, yeah, I am alright." The Californian soldier immediately calmed down and examined the little being or should he say, a glowing little human with wings.

It was a female, a beautiful little young woman floating in mid-air space, smiling and holding what appeared to be some kind of wooden sign that was many times larger than her.

"Let me guess, a fairy?" Brian spoke while unfazed by the scene.

Carl simply nodded as he tried to decipher the writings on the wooden sign.

"Damn, I wish I brought that dictionary." He muttered with regret in his voice, referring to that small notebook containing alphabets and phrases which were translated to their language.

As the LAV continued to move, the small fairy went along with them, trying hard to get them enticed to whatever she was telling them.

"Say Bri, can you translate what the sign says?" Carl then asked, referring to the wood.

Brian sighed back." Sorry, I can't read their words but you can ask Al, I heard-" He was then cut.

"Sorry man, I still suck at reading otherworldly languages," Al said immediately, denying that he had been studying hard to learn more of the local writings.

"Well, since there's no language barrier between us and them, why not just open the damn window and ask her directly?" Brian suggested, his face slightly deadpanned.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that?" A dumbfounded Carl wondered and remarked, as proceeded to open the window.

Yet, at the same time, a certain young lady interrupted him.

"The sign means "Buy 6 Water Runes and you get 1 free"

Rory spoke for the first time, attracting the man's attention.

"Really?" Carl raised an eyebrow." You mean this little lady right here is advertising something to me?" He asked, pointing directly at the fairy, who was still bent on convincing him to buy the items.

"And, just to be clear, magical creatures in this world have jobs here as well?"

The Apostle simply smiled back.

"Well, contrary to popular belief, fairies and other kinds can have their own livelihoods as well," she explained before teasingly adding, "Don't tell me you were thinking and assuming all of them live primitively in forests?" " She smirked.

Carl was a bit taken back by her statement.

"Well, I was just curious, but at least I'm glad to know that they have the right to work or get a job," the young man explained as he observed the fairy, who was now losing patience in trying to entice him.

And in the following moment, another thought came up to him.

"How do Runes work by the way...?" He then asked.

By then, Rory yawned in return as she drew out a small object from her pocket. The item which turned out to be a small square-shaped stone with a symbol engraved on it began to glow.

The Apostle smiled as the teacher side of her emerged, eager and proud to show the man the wonders of her world.


Thirst had apparently caught up with them. Particularly for a certain member of Third Recon.

Kurata had been doing everything he could to combat the drought that had suddenly afflicted him, beginning with his tongue and progressing to his throat. Despite the fact that the LAV's air conditioner was turned on, he still felt as if he had spent an entire day in a scorching desert without drinking a single liquid that could cool him down.

His perseverance was now waning.

He couldn't remember if it was his short memory or his own impatience that was to blame, but he was beginning to regret not bringing an extra water bottle for himself to drink during the journey. After nearly an hour, there was still no way for him to get even a single one.

He glanced and cringed at his own empty plastic bottle, which was now devoid of any clean drinkable water.

"Seriously guys, I think there's still water at the back of the LAV, maybe we could just stop for a little while?" He whined amidst the silence inside the vehicle.

Unfortunately, he was met with silence from the rest of the group, at least until his fellow busty JSDF recon member had something to say again.

"You've got to be kidding me, Kurata, all the supplies are in the other Humvee, and besides, you can handle it until we get to our destination," Shino explained, slightly annoyed. Yet, She, on the other hand, was secretly craving the same thing.

The young man did observe the rest of their faces, and he was correct in his suspicion that the majority of his team members were thirsty. Higashi, despite his obvious dehydration, tries hard to maintain a smile, and Mari, surprisingly, appears to be managing her own well-being.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion, before noticing a small object in the latter's hand.

""Say Mari-san, is it me or is that really a water bottle on your hand?" the young JSDF soldier asked, as he began to wonder if he was hallucinating seeing full water bottles in some areas inside the vehicle.

The older woman shifted her gaze towards the man and simply smiled." Oh, this?" She said, before turning to a certain blonde elf girl." Well, I guess I have to thank Tuka-san for refilling my bottle."

A slight guilty expression escaped from her." And I guess, I am sorry for not telling you guys right away." She apologized while giving a nervous grin thereafter." But if you want your own bottles to be refilled, then she really has something unique to show you too."

The rest quickly lit their eyes wide and shifted their attention towards the girl herself.

Tuka's eyes widened in surprise before she cracked a grin of her own. Knowing that the spotlight was now on her, she had no choice but to introduce them to a minor mechanic of a certain magical artifact.

The elf girl drew a small square-shaped stone with a large blueish glowing symbol engraved on it and showed it to the Men in Green, who were intrigued.

"Uhmm, for those who are unfamiliar with this stone, it is essentially a Water Rune," she explained as the others stared at her like curious schoolchildren.

"That's pretty neat!" Kurata remarked.

On other hand, Shino wanted to get to the main thing.

"So how does it work?" She then asked, with a little hint of forcefulness in her voice.

"Well..."Tuka grinned nervously, moving her eyes around in search of a second object.

She had no idea the Men in Green were so eager to learn and know everything about the world.

At the same time, the elf girl felt a tap on her shoulder from behind and turned to face her blue-haired friend, who was handing her a large empty jug.

"Oh, thank you, Lelei..." She smiled as she took the empty jug and proceeded to perform a brief magic show.

Tuka took the rune and placed the rock on the empty jug, closing her eyes and faintly uttering a word. Moments later, the symbol began to glow brighter and a small sound was heard from the jug.

They all widened their eyes in awe as they saw actual water appear inside the transparent jug from thin air.

"Damn... Magic is something else...I tell ya."

Higashi remarked, leaning in closer to investigate further and finally confirm the supernatural occurrence.

Once the rune's symbol faded, the elf girl smiled as she handed the man the now-full jug of water. "Here you go..." she said, "You can all share the drink."

"Oh, this is so cool!" Higashi enthusiastically accepted the jug, and in the back of his mind, he planned to take the first drink to finally quench his own thirst.

However, at the same time, Shino, Kurata, and even Itami, who was in the driver's seat, excitedly exclaimed in unison to prevent what he originally planned on doing.

"Please refill my empty water bottle!"


The man felt like he was going to cry.

Just several minutes passed, the once full jug of water had been drastically reduced to nothing.

Higashi observed the object and continued to glance at his fellow recon members, who were each drinking and finally finishing their own bottles, and they were all quenched of their thirsts.

"They all said just once." He remarked under his breath, still stunned that he had let allowed himself to refill their bottles

multiple times until there was nothing left.

Seriously, these people are monsters when it comes to drinking water.

He sighed in defeat and rested himself on his seat, never to say a word again for the duration of the journey.

In that brief moment of silence, the conversation would then continue.

"Okay, let's change the subject. How did that magical stone thingy create clean and tasty water out of thin air? " Shino inquired directly, in a good mood once more.

Itami guessed, "I have a feeling that stone has magic inside."

"Does that mean it can still produce water?" Higashi twitched slightly in anticipation.

Tuka was about to explain the basic mechanics of the rune when her friend interrupted her.

"Apparently yes, there is Elemental Magic stored inside the Rune." Lelei finally spoke, before glancing at Higashi with a somehow solemn look." And I'm afraid that same energy contained within the rune, runs out once you've used it." She explained.

Hearing her statement, the life in the man's eyes fully disappeared, and slump back to his seat again with another defeated face.

"Whatever..." He muttered before deciding to take a short nap.

With another awkward silence filling the mood, Shino cleared her throat and continued the conversation.

"So to use this magic stone, you just have to say the secret words to activate whatever magic inside?" She asked as her curiosity was still there.

Lelei simply nodded." Yes, although, it's only a part of the whole process." She informed them.

"A part of the whole process... right!" Kurata simply nodded, appearing to understand everything.

The blue-haired teen then took a short deep breath." Well, it's simply a combination of willpower, faith, and if you were born with natural Mana energy, then you won't have any problem using them."

Shino rolled her eyes in response, "Well that sucks, I don't have Mana in my body or any spiritual faith," she remarked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Tuka, on the other hand, cracked a smile.

"Well, if you ask me, it depends on how much you believe or trust it," the elf girl replied. "Everyone in my home village had a strong belief in magic, so we could use it in our everyday lives."

As the memories began to flow once more, the girl trailed off and stayed quiet. Eventually, it would lead her back to her main goal.

"Anyways girls, I am really curious, what's going to be your goal here in this city?" Kurata was the one to ask this time.

The young man staring at the mage and the elf, who were both suddenly enveloped by this sense of concern. They were obviously bothered by their own problems.

At this moment, Tuka forced herself to gather enough courage to explain why she had volunteered in this mission.

""Well...I heard that my relatives and friends had moved here in the Principality after my village was destroyed by a wild dragon," she explained. "That's why I came along with you all, to see if they really made it here and are okay."

"Oh," Kurata grumbled before looking at the blue-haired mage. "How about you, Ms. Lelei?"

"Are you looking for your relatives as well?" he inquired.

The young girl took a deep breath and gripped a small book. "No, I came along here to learn more about a certain artifact that the enemy is desperately looking for," she said more cryptically.

Her thoughts were solely on the Principality's Great Library, one of the country's oldest libraries.

The rest of the Recon team just stared at her, perplexed and intrigued.

"An artifact...?" Shino asked, and as she was about to continue, she felt a strong tremor inside the vehicle.


It was during that time that the LAVs had finally reached their destination.

All of the green metallic moving machines had come to a halt in the middle of a wide-open plaza filled with various groups of people. The Merchant wagon, which was leading the way, also came to a halt in front of a row of makeshift tents near the gates of what appeared to be a massive majestic palace.

""Mr. Takamori, I believe it's time to board out of the wagon," the merchant said. "They are expecting you and your people."

As he heard the man's words, Yuji's heart began to beat loudly from within, and a slight nervousness began to show in his eyes. Nonetheless, the young man proceeded to open the wagon doors and step outside for the first time, and when he finally saw the light again, he was overcome by a coldness he hadn't felt in a long time. Despite the sun and clear blue sky, he did not expect a particularly cold climate in the city..

"I wish, I brought my coat." He muttered with a little shiver before he started to observe his surroundings.

There were a lot of people at this point, and they were forming a line that was being directed by numerous guards towards the palace's gates. These groups of people, dressed in distinctive garb and bearing a variety of identities, cultures, and races, turned out to be the representatives of the continent's independent small states.

He could see a hint of desperation on their faces as they prepared to meet with the palace's top officials.

"Ahh, look what we have here," the duke said, smiling. "Never expected the numbers to increase to this." The man greeted the cold, anxious morning breeze as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hopefully, their own states are paying them enough for their duties."

Yuji widened his eyes in astonishment." This many?" He asked, only to receive a chuckle from the older man.

"Well...Qua-Toyne usually receives fewer diplomatic visits, but nowadays it's more like a crowded market," he explained, lighting up a small pipe for a brief smoke." Of course, what's the only place with nearly unlimited supplies of wheat, grain, and food? "This is what happens when an Empire is swallowed up by its own corrupted ambitions, and you have these poor and defenseless kingdoms clinging to the last hope they thought," he continued.

"The Principality is really living up to its moniker of "Last Bastion of Hope." since the time of the Ravernals."

The wind grew stronger as quietness took over for a few moments until the two certain men had finally arrived.

"Mr. Duke!"

Recognizing the familiar voice, Yuji turned to face Itami and Lieutenant Brian, who recently had just exited their vehicles.

The Merchant grinned as he issued a slight bow of greeting.

"Ah, Lieutenants! How was the journey for you and your men?" He asked.

Itami scratched the back of his head with a grin.

"We're fine, sir, just a little tired from sitting in our seats for hours," he chuckled, "but we're ready to meet the ones in charge and have our main representatives continue with the negotiations."

"Do we still have to stand in line, sir?" Brian inquired, looking around at the various groups of diplomatic envoys awaiting entry.

Although, The Duke simply raised his hand in an elegant manner." Oh, no need to worry about that." He assured them, before shifting his attention towards a couple of familiar faces.


Being transferred to the Ministry of Affairs was something that he had not expected.

The last time he recalled, he was a military man with the responsibility of taking care of the Principality's soldiers and forces, as they commit themselves to defend their home and nation. He had not taken a proper nap or sleep ever since he took the new responsibilities.

He admitted that the person that preceded him was more knowledgeable regarding the dealings and connections between towns, kingdoms, and nations. An ideal diplomatic man, responsible for saving a lot of lives during this current crisis, unfortunately, the man never returned back, and it was assumed that he had been killed while on a diplomatic mission on a kingdom that was invaded and ransacked by the Saderan Empire at that same time.

General Hanki yawned, holding a cup of steaming Kaffa. He desperately wanted to drink but couldn't because it was too hot when the maid had served him, and because he had to leave his office for an emergency inspection outside the Gates.

"Yagou is going to have a tough long day..." he muttered to himself as he saw a large contingent of representatives from other surviving small kingdoms, tribes, and towns arrive.

All of them with one single goal.

The bearded man sighed back, as he wondered when will this fiasco end. He had already assumed that most of them took the secret passages used by the shady black market organizations. He still was in disbelief when the order of destroying almost every road and connection of the Principality was issued.

It was like severing any relationships or abandoning the poor states that relied on the nation's supplies and economy, and surprisingly enough, they were determined to stay alive rather than be a vassal state or be a part of the Empire.

As the man proceeded to walk along the plaza which had been temporarily converted into an arrival station for any representatives present today.

From Wolf tribes, Lizardmen communities, Lamia tribes, and many Demi-human groups were present in the area. The only thing that wasn't present in the moment, was the United Warrior Bunny tribe hailing from the north.

A small astonishment struck the General's mind as he began to wonder.

And in the midst of his thoughts, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Sir Hanki!

It was a female voice to be exact, and by the time the man turned to face a beautiful black-haired young woman donning her knight armor and silver headband.

"Ine..." A smile crept across his lips for the first time, recalling the little girl from years ago, who grew up to be one of the Principality's finest defenders.

"It's been a while!"

The young lady in her early twenties, a captain of Maihark's Defense Knight Corps, smiled as she greeted her former mentor, having managed to resist the urge to hug the older man, whom she regarded as a second father to her, and instead took a slight formal bow.

""It's been a while, sir, I thought you were on your way to Ejey with General Nou?" she remarked, her curiosity piqued when she learned that the old man had apparently remained in the capital, having heard of the recent switching and replacing of positions within the government body.

"I was going to...until one of the Ministry of Affairs' heads was assassinated during an attempted siege by Saderan forces in a neighboring kingdom," he explained. "And the next thing I know, I'm being summoned back to be his temporary replacement until they find someone qualified to do the work," he sighed, exhausted. "I'm not sure when I'll be able to return to my original duties."

Ine returned the sympathetic expression. She, too, was in a similar situation, having been assigned additional tasks of monitoring diplomatic visitors by her superiors in addition to her original task of managing areas at the defensive walls and towers. So far, she couldn't believe the increase in numbers and asked herself numerous times...

Why would they ask for assistance against an Empire that the Principality has no chance of defeating?

What's in it for them?

At that point, she felt small tremors on the ground and heard an unfamiliar sound that she couldn't place. When she turned to face the source of the sound, a small ruckus erupted as a crowd began to form and follow what appeared to be massive horseless carriages approaching them.

General Hanki was frozen beside her, surprised, puzzled, and perplexed by what was happening in front of him. The roaring sounds of mythical lions and beasts are produced by horseless green iron objects.

Should He alert the guards in case they had bad intentions?

Although, the same guards were escorting them towards where he was standing.

Does that mean they weren't really a threat?"

Then his attention drifted towards a certain familiar wagon that he had seen many times before, and moments later, he recognized the chubby merchant, who stepped out from his domain and greeted him.

"Oh General Hanki, it's a pleasure to meet you again!"

"Duke...?" He muttered aloud." What in the world is going on?" He quickly asked." And who or what are these... things along with you?" He raised his concern.

"Oh, you're referring to this? " The merchant raised both eyebrows before shaking his head. "They are the latest group of Diplomatic envoys that I brought," he simply explained. "And you don't have to worry about them." He added. "They are not demons or monsters."

When he finished speaking, the doors of the Metallic irons opened and what appeared to be humans in strange green attire stepped out, almost all of them carrying strange black artifacts that looked like a mage's staff.

Two men drew his attention, and he immediately assumed they were the envoy's leaders.

"General, I would like you to meet, Lieutenant Youji Itami and Lieutenant Brian Wilson." The Merchant announced." They are from a newly established nation from the south and would like to request an immediate meeting with the humble Prime Minister."

A brief moment of silence then took over as the two took the time to make sense of the new information.

"South? Which place in the south?" Ine asked, raising an eyebrow of skepticism.

"Alnus Region... My Dear." The Duke replied with a smile.

General Hanki nodded in understanding." I see, though without due of respect, Alnus Region is nothing but farms, fields, and wild mountains, with several Saderan Imperial camps and garrisons scattered around." He explained in a polite but serious manner.

It was then when one of the men in green cleared his throat and spoke.

"That's what we've discovered when he entered through the Gate..." Itami informed the man.

"Gate?" General Hanki said and wondered aloud, while Ine glanced at the man.

The Duke gave a chuckle." Oh yes! Of course, ever heard of the rumors regarding the return of the Gate, and of all places it opened on a supposed sacred hill?" He went on to say." And eliminated most of all the Imperial Garrison stationed there?"

The two Qua-Toynian Natives were left speechless by the man's statement. There were indeed reports or rumors of battles recently taking place at the said area surrounding the hill, and there constant pockets of massive fires lighting up during the night.

As they began to put the pieces of the puzzle together, The American Lieutenant cleared his throat this time and finally said.

"We're from another world sir, believe or not."


He preferred much of the silence of the room before him than the gardens and halls where most of the meetings and debates were being held.

It was only himself, his desk, and a stack of documents and papers which were waiting for him to review and sign. Like an ordinary day for the Prime Minister of an old and holy land.

Indeed, it still struck him by surprise that the Principality retains the blessing from the Gods, despite the attempted invasions and conflicts throughout the years. He wasn't sure if it was the actions of previous leaders or the wise diplomatic decisions that kept the nation standing until now.

With yet another threat from a rising and dangerous Saderan Empire, the situation led many people to believe that the Qua-Toyne Principality has entered its last years. Yet still many of them hadn't lost hope and were looking forward to being part of the Day of Unity celebrations in the next incoming days.

Kanata was old enough to witness many of the dangers that the Principality had faced. Being a child during those times, he saw how his home had become the bastion of "Hope" many times. Neighboring kingdoms and nations across the seas were on board and pledge themselves to fight and defend the peace which was established after the fall of the Demon Lords that attempted to conquer the lands in the name of their Empire.

His grandfather and father were part of the governments that continued and maintained the peaceful relations between the kingdoms in the continent and outside the continent, mainly the nations in the Third Civilizations. The legacy that became a strong force was now falling apart and on the verge of being erased once the enemy had found a way to enter the city.

The young elf man sighed as he tried to brush off any negative thoughts. He stared at the papers before him, which were mostly proposals and letters from other surviving small kingdoms eager to join forces and established a stronger relationship with the Principality.

He still wondered why some of these small kingdoms didn't decide the join the Empire, as a vassal state or subjects just to spare lives from being lost. It still surprised him that they were more willing to take a chance and resist the more powerful Sadera.

The mystery that surrounds the Empire itself, and generally, nobody knows the exact origins of the Empire besides the common belief, it being a small peaceful state or kingdom that was a victim of persecution and suffering during the conflict with the Demon armies in the past.

Now, it has become this bastion that carries some kind of vengefulness and chaos.

Kanata shook his head, He asked himself again, why did deserved this kind of position? A young leader with a heavy burden of leading his home out of this impending doom. He did not recall himself having any ambitions of being the leader, in fact, he just wanted to help what he can.

If there was ever going a person qualified to lead Qua-Toyne then it would be from one of the great elders, though unfortunately, most of them had ascended to the afterlife, and furthermore, due to the ongoing struggles, most of the good men, who could take on the job had perished.

He sighed again as he tried to focus on his task. Kanata went through more papers

and letters, make sense of them and eventually signing them until he suddenly caught a glimpse of a certain envelope almost buried by the stack of papers.

It was a simple light brown envelope with a circular red seal on the middle. He widened his eyes in surprise upon seeing the illustration of the two fire-breathing creatures surrounding a tower in the middle.

He calmed himself down and assumed that another invitation or an important telegram had been sent once again.

And at the same time, in the midst of the silence, the elf's eyes then turned towards the nearby window, sensing a small presence from there. He stood up from his desk and approached the window, finally spotting a black crow that found itself landing there.

He stared briefly at the bird, which struck worry to him, making him wonder what kind of threat would befall the city. It's known to be a symbol of death or a sign that something horrible would happen.

At that moment as well, the elf heard a sudden knock from the door, and he shifted his attention towards the new presence that entered the room.

The first thing he noticed was the young woman's smile, followed by the long flowing smooth black hair and lastly the relaxed bunny ears that she possessed. Like many of her kind, she naturally had that hospitable and professional aura.

When she was asked if she was still affiliated with her home, she remained quiet about it and told them that she was starting a new chapter of her life.

Kanata raised both eyebrows in surprise, yet welcomed her presence.

"Parna, what brings you here?" He asked.

The young warrior bunny continued her smile.

"Prime Minister Kanata, I believe they need your presence for a couple of diplomatic meetings." She informed." It's very urgent and important." She added.

The elf blinked a couple of times, rarely he was called for these kinds of situations unless it was something that is critical." I see." He replied as he went back to his desk.

"May I ask, to whom Rinsui and our diplomats are speaking this time?" He then asked.

"The first envoy hails from Sadera according to sir Rinsui." She explained, causing the elf to widened his eyes in surprise." They are being led by the Princess herself." She continued to elaborate.

Kanata felt a sense of relief when the warrior bunny mentioned a certain princess, who lived on advocacy for peace and change. He knew her personally and was now looking forward to meeting her again.

"What about the other one?" He then asked.

A brief moment of silence passed by.

"Well... it's an envoy very different from the rest, and they claimed to be from the Alnus region and they all rode in some kind of horseless moving carriages made of iron." The warrior bunny explained.

The elf's curiosity piqued, and he began to wonder.

"I see..." he said before taking a deep breath. "All right then, please tell the members of our diplomatic team to entertain the second envoy and also instruct them to inform Princess Pina that I'll be there in a few minutes," he said.

"As you wish, Sir Kanata." Parna smiled and slightly bowed before leaving the room.

Now alone once again, Kanata looked back towards the window to see the crow finally gone. He then shifted to his desk again to see the envelope still there. As much as he wanted to open and check its contents, he had no choice but to let it go first since he had to attend to more important matters.

Soon enough, he finally walked towards the door and left the room altogether. Ignoring the certain envelope bearing the seal of an Empire hailing across the orient and towards the north.

A seal representing the Parlpadia Empire.


"Welcome your Highness! Feel free to take a seat first.

The only thing she could do right now was smile as she accepted the servant's courteous offer. The private waiting room hadn't changed a bit since her last visit, it still had that comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.

Be it from a neutral, hostile, or friendly kingdom, they would still welcome any important visitors with the utmost hospitality.

The formalities continued by the time she and her envoy arrived at the gates from the western side of the city. As usual, they were treated in a more equal way of how they treated the other envoys.

The respect was still there, even though how much her so-called "Home" had caused trouble to this peaceful nation a lot of times. She regretted on not quickly finding a way to repay this unconditional kindness.

Pina, rested on a simple chair, in the midst of the silence that reigned inside the room. She had been looking towards the open window for quite some time now, wondering how she was going to relay the proposals to which she wrote to ensure the safety of many lives.

"Do you think they will listen this time, Milady?"

Hamilton spoke, with the same degree of uncertainty. The young lady sitting just near beside the redhead.

Pina remained silent for a few moments, before small confidence, and a hopeful smile formed around her lips.

"They will..." She assured her friend, while the confidence inside her kept growing, despite the possibility that their mission won't be that successful.

Nonetheless, she was not going to waste any of her precious time in the Noble City, but rather make the most of it.


Maihark was really breathtaking.

The boy observed life on the streets through the windows. Aside from the sometimes-annoying fairies with signs that would appear on the window to advertise a shop or an establishment, he was looking forward to seeing more of what the city has to offer.

The journey came to an end at a busy small intersection in the business district. As soon as the two stepped out of the carriage, the old man Bacchus began to impart his own words of advice, as if he was about to leave.

"This is far as I can get kids." The old man said, still in his slight drunken stupor.

"His statement had slightly annoyed the teen and he did not hesitate to speak up.

"Oh come on Old man! Don't leave us behind like this! "He protested." You promised you were going to guide us to the exact place"

Giselle could only sigh, knowing that a minor squabble had broken out between the two knuckleheads, and she was at a loss for words.

"Hey, Kid! Even though I am not mortal, I still have my own responsibilities and duties!" He responded. "You are aware that my job is to help adventurers like you find a purpose in be thankful that I even used my valuable time to bring you two here," he continued.

Albrecht, in turned ignored most of the old man's statement.

"Doesn't matter! You made your promise and-" He was then cut by the Draconian Apostle, who had briefly covered his lips to prevent him from speaking further.

The youngster frowned but remained silent behind his friend. He couldn't help but scream his frustrations to himself until something flew by and grabbed his belongings.

He secretly and quickly left the scene, forgetting to inform the Apostle and the old man, who were still not aware of what just happened.

"It's alright Bacchus, we can take it from here." Giselle calmly said." Are you sure this map of yours could direct us to your friend?" She then asked, letting go of the boy and making sure he wouldn't interfere yet again.

The old man confidently smirked.

"Of course! I know what I'm giving..." He remarked before adding." Just make sure you complete your goals here as smoothly as possible." He explained." We don't want any innocent people getting involved in this fiasco."

The Draconian Apostle remained silent, remembering her failure to save an Elven Village in the Koan Forest. By the time she arrived, it was too late for her to see the burned-out ruins of the village and the lives lost within it.

"I know." Giselle simply nodded in response, her gaze fixed on the old man. "I hope after this, you'll be here to take Albrecht back to his home if something happens or the situation calls for it," she explained, her voice tense.

Bacchus simply smiled, as he placed a hand on the young apostle's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it," he assured her as he returned to the front seat of the carriage. "And I know you'll get through this." He added.

Not too long, the old man left along with his carriage, leaving the young lady to finally focus on the first phase of her mission.

A small smile crept across Giselle's lips as she then turned to give the young boy a little scolding but by the time she turned around, he was nowhere to be found.

"Albrecht?" She muttered his name while raising both eyebrows in surprise.

"Now where the heck is that brat?" She thought as worry began to set in.

Giselle began to look around his surroundings only to see a growing sea of the crowd in front of her, and panic and frustration had settled in.

The young lady clutched her small bag and hurled herself into the crowd. She was then able to detect the boy's distinct odor. She kept going, following traces of his aura, until she caught a glimpse of him in the middle of the crowd, chasing something.

"Albrecht!" She exclaimed loudly, again and again in the middle of the noisy atmosphere, proceeding to take off as she tried her best to catch up with him.

Along the way, she wondered what had gotten into the boy's mind for him to sneak out and leave her behind. That kind of action was definitely random and risky, and something the boy would often occasionally commit.

She could only hope that he had not done something idiotic.


Apparently, that was not the case as the boy had a different reason.

"Hey, that's mine! Get it back!"

Albrecht exclaimed on the top of his lungs, as he ran as fast as he can just to chase and catch the certain culprit, who suddenly had snatched his bag away, while he was still in a conversation with the old man prior.

The boy gritted his teeth in annoyance, his blood was boiling and he didn't quite expect that he would be targeted by a pickpocket or a snatcher.

"Wait, crimes exist in Qua-Toyne?" Those were his initial thoughts, making him wonder if all those stories he heard from merchants and friends were all true.

He was looking all the way up while slightly shoving several people to get an advantage for himself. He swore that the culprit was smaller than him, and moved much faster than he had expected. He kept his eyes locked on the target and eventually he managed to get a look at the culprit's appearance.

"A fairy?" He muttered to himself, as he then made a right turn to a small narrow street, still keeping track of it.

The culprit, which turned out to be a female fairy, carried the bag and flew towards a certain destination, and her actions were seemed to be on purpose.

She knew what she was doing.

The small narrow street to which she had entered was quieter and less chaotic than the main streets she had been to. As she continued to fly, she also glanced behind to see that the boy was still following her.

She smirked, knowing that her plan had succeeded.

Only a few distances away, she was now closing in at her destination.

Albrecht, on the other hand, was gaining ground, but only after witnessing the fairy enter a specific structure after unexpectedly dropping the bag on the ground.

The boy halted immediately as soon he finally reached his prize possession. He quickly grabbed the bag, opened it, and checked whether if some of his own items were taken or lost, and to his relief, all of them were in one piece.

His mind now was shifting towards the culprit and he won't stop just to get some justice for the latter's actions.

Apparently, a two-story wooden shophouse stood before him. Albrecht's eyes were filled with confusion at first, but he soon realized that the fairy had taken sanctuary and was now hiding inside this establishment.

"Trying to hide from me huh?" He said sarcastically, smirking in confidence.

The decision had been made, and he wanted to confront it, but before he could enter, he was immediately seized and pulled by someone.

"Where the heck are you going!?

Apparently, Giselle had finally caught up with him. The draconian apostle bore weariness and frustration on her eyes.

The boy widened his eyes in surprise, instantly realizing what he had done.

"Hold on, I can explain everything, Giselle." He raised both his hands and pleaded." Some jerk fairy snatched my bag and I had to chase her around." He explained as best as he could.

Although, Giselle was not buying it.

"Dammit, Albrecht! You should have told me first." She argued back." You almost caused a scene out there and you almost got hurt." She added, before sighing."

Albrecht, on the other hand, had let his confidence take over, so he waved it off and remarked, "Don't worry, I've been in similar circumstances before, and besides-" As he was about to continue, the kid was abruptly stopped off as the doors to the shophouse opened.

"Oh! New customers Nya! "

Came out a beautiful young cat lady donning a simple but formal attire, with an optimistic and excited expression.

The two stared at the newcomer in surprise. Not exactly expecting her presence.

A few moments of awkward silence had passed and Albrecht was the first one to speak up.

"Uhmm, excuse me, but I am looking for a fairy that entered inside this shop and-" Once again, Giselle interfered and covered his mouth.

"Oh, I am so sorry about my friend here, but we are kinda lost right now." The young apostle explained, with an apologetic look.

"Oh I see, is this your first time in the city Nya?" The cat demi-human lady curiously asked." What can I do to help?"

Giselle responded with a polite chuckle.

"Well, we are looking for a person named "Anna" and she is somewhat an owner of an inn called "The Lost Lamb?" She explained, drawing out a piece of parchment.

The boy simply nodded and remarked." Yeah, our friend told us that she had a place for us to stay?"

After hearing both of their statements, the cat girl's eyes widened in surprise." Oh! so you're the ones that Ms. Anna is expecting?" She then pointed towards the two.

"Uhmm, yes?" Giselle replied, unsure of what to say.

"My name is Selina and you're in the right place!" She then cheerfully said.

"Welcome to the Lost Lamb!"

"You've got to be kidding me..." The boy muttered aloud, being more astonished right now.

"And please understand, that sometimes our staff would be committing such acts just to attract potential customers." She then explained, finally revealing the true intentions of the fairy.

"We just relocated our main establishment in Maihark and-" As she was about to continue her words, the door to the shop bursts open once again, and a young man with donkey-like ears wearing some kind of white uniform stumbled towards the ground in a hurry.

"And get the fuck out of here!"

Another voice was heard, this time more colorful and raging. A few moments later, an older blonde-haired man, in the same attire emerged from the door, carrying what appeared to be a metallic spatula.

"You fucking donkey, you aren't supposed to put a sack of red chilies on the fucking soup!" The man roared." We are not fucking serial killers, you bozo!"

"What kind of an idiot are you!?"

"I promise you, I know what I am doing!" The younger man exclaimed while preparing to run away.

"Ahh stopped fucking around, I know you are from that other restaurant across the street, pretending to be jobless. " The blonde man replied, pointing at the demi-human.

"Trying to sabotage us eyy?"

The Demi-human narrowed his eyes.

"So what?" He fired back." Do you think you could just take all our customers and patrons away? You thief!"

The blonde man rolled his eyes." Oh come on, blame your manager, who doesn't even know what "Soup of the Day" is." He replied back." That's why you're fucking restaurant is sinking to the ground... LITERALLY!"

The demi-human growled in return." Mark my words, I'll see to it that my manager knows this." He then said." And we'll be back stronger than ever!"

With that said, the demi-human left the area, giving one more confident and arrogant laugh.

The blonde man could only smirk and shook his head in amusement.

"What a fucking idiot." He muttered aloud, as he proceeded to go back inside, but not before glancing at the two strangers, who had the most shocked and speechless expressions.

After that, the man eventually went back inside to continue his services and finally cook the next dishes ordered by the surprised customers.

Silence took over once again.

Giselle and Albrecht couldn't comprehend what they had just witnessed. The scene happened so fast and quickly that they didn't have the time to speak and ask questions.

"Uhmm, what the heck just happened?" Giselle then said.

"Oh! Don't worry, It happens all the time." The catgirl, Selina explained in a casual and jolly manner." We often get spied on by other competitors." She added." And sometimes they would cause trouble."

The boy then raised his hand.

"And who's that angry geezer by the way?" He asked as his curiosity began to peak, regarding the mystery man's identity.

The catgirl, in turn, was overcome by surprise and confusion.

"Oh, you don't know, who he is?" Selina raised both of her eyebrows and asked, receiving silence from the two.

"Does, Fiery cook of the Orient, ring a bell?" She continued to give hints.

"Sorry, we don't know who that man is..."

"How about the one that invented the Lamb Sauce Nya?"


"Masterchef of the Universe?"


"He is known for introducing his Beef Wellington dish in the continent."

"We don't really know."

"Okay! He loves to visit inns, taverns, cafes, argues with the owners, and then fixes entirely the establishment in just a few days."

None of the two said a word this time, causing the cat girl to sigh and finally give up. By this point, she had no choice but to just tell the man's full name to them. She won't give up just yet.

"Alright... His name is Sir Gordon Ramsay, and He's the greatest person to ever exist in this world." She finally said it, albeit making the introduction a little bit more exaggerated.

She was confident that by mentioning his boss's name that the two would finally be enlightened and recognized the man who had ushered in the recent food revolution across the continent.

Quietness would soon take over, and as her anticipation grew, she received the two's final response and reaction.

In unison, both Giselle and Albrecht uttered the words.

"Gordon who?"


AN: AN: Alas, Gordon Ramsay has finally made his debut and he has a restaurant in Maihark in the Qua-Toyne Principality. For starters, I really didn't exactly know how he'll make his entrance. Some suggested for Hitoshi, Yuji, or any of the main characters to meet him first, which I originally planned, but when I connected the scenes, it didn't really result in a smooth flowSo in the end, the first meeting would go between Team Giselle and him.

The last chapter also showed their old friend, Bacchus, informing them of a friend from Maihark, that could provide them a place to stay, and who turned out to be Cafe owner Anna (From the Side Story).

Though, don't worry, I am still brainstorming ideas on how Team Coalition will meet the great Ramsay, and if you have ideas feel free to share.

So with the rest of the chapter, So far this is more of an introductory chapter to the main arc which is "Noble City" More world-building such as how the people of the city lived in harmony despite the ongoing threats from the enemy outside.

As well as the Runes, I did add that specific scene, since, in the Original Series, Magical items were rarely explored and were just for display, and furthermore, the JSDF didn't fully use items such as Water Runes and such to their advantage like they could have used it as emergency purposes whenever they ran out of water during Reconnaissance missions.

Magic could really have a role in both original series but sadly it's been buried beneath.

So character perspectives remain close and personal but I tried to combine some perspectives into one scene. I hope it blended well. So far, familiar characters are back again, and besides Team Coalition, Team Pina, and Team Giselle, NHS characters finally make their debuts such as Ine, General Hanki, and Prime Minister Kanata.

I tried to flesh out more about their past, connecting Ine and General Hanki, as this mentor and apprentice, Kanata as this young leader struggling to keep his nation intact. Moreover, the new Diplomat characters from the Coalition will make their debut next chapter.

Speaking of Lore and Plot, there are a couple of scenes that add more mystery and build up the tension as the arc progresses. As for Parna, I kinda noticed that her character in the OG, is kinda wasted, so I was thinking if I could give her a chance and role in this arc.

Just to have an idea that explains why she is in QT.

Hopefully, I could write the next scenes before, I go to my first on-the-job training. Life after college is really tough.

With that said, Thank you very much for spending time to read the chapter, I really appreciate it! I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes since English is not my main language.

Thank you so much and Best Wishes!

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