Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City Interlude: Hidden Eyes

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City Interlude: Hidden Eyes

It was that certain message that ultimately changed the mood inside the room.

firm, confident, and yet worried voice of a certain American ranger
informed of a grave attack that rocked the capital port city.

His statement had everyone shift their focus on the matter at hand.

first ongoing diplomatic and reconnaissance operation has hit a
roadblock and could potentially be in a precarious situation.

there has been a lot of interest in current events. However, there have
been some slight communication issues that have caused the updates from
the envoy to be infrequent. The latest confirmed update was received on
the morning of the second round of negotiations. It's worth noting that
the diplomatic team followed behind a small kingdom's lead in meeting
with the Qua-Toyne's representatives.

It was all going well until the next report came in.

General Wilkes cast his eyes upon the towering piles of folders strewn
across the table, an overwhelming sense of tension washed over him.
Within the confines of the control room, diligent personnel were hard at
work, focused on enhancing communication by mending the radios and
analyzing the latest findings from a recent drone surveillance mission,
which had been initiated in response to the sudden and alarming news.

"Any updates on the situation at the palace?" He inquired yet again.

are still choppy but improving." The personnel replied." Lieutenant Al
had been keeping an eye on the survivors, mostly, servants and palace
staff, who managed to get away from ground zero from the main building."

American general placed his hand on the table." What about Lieutenant
Brian and the rest of the diplomatic team?" He inquired again. hoping
that there would be at least the slightest news about them.

personnel took a glance, hinting stagnant news, and as she was about to
shake her head in response, the radios came back to life and a familiar
voice emerged.

"HQ, this is Al speaking again, Glad to bring you some news again." His voice explained." The second team has arrived safely in the guest house."

the tense atmosphere subsided, everyone let out a sigh of relief. The
person in charge acted quickly and instructed the team to connect the
radio to a bigger system. He asked for a particular device, which was
handed to him promptly. Without hesitation, he pressed the button and
spoke with confidence and authority.

"Al, this is General Wilkes, Are Lieutenant Brian and Itami there with the group?"

"Yes sir, as well as our two diplomats."

There was a slight cheering that came from the rest of the personnel upon hearing the good news.

General nodded." Thank you, Lieutenant, as you may know, we've been
wondering for a while now regarding the situation there." He explained."
Let me get straight to the point...What the hell happened?" Although
his tone remained composed, there was a trace of annoyance underlying
his words.

A brief moment of silence followed.

From the
other side, Al wasn't sure how he would explain the whole scenario.
Even, he didn't understand the whole hostage situation. He wasn't in the
position, to tell what happened based on his perspective. He had to let
the true witnesses to testify.

Several moments later, another voice emerged from the speakers.

"Sir, this is Lieutenant Brian Wilson."

"Everyone was a bit startled by his entrance but they welcomed the fact that he was alive.

can't explain everything at once but aside from what Al told you about
wyverns attacking the city, There was an attempted coup planned by none
other than those old elven council bastards and they took and held
everyone hostage."
His voice explained, in the calmest way possible.

All their doubts were cleared upon hearing the statement, and reactions varied from shock to confusion and suspicion.

American General slightly winced. He had that feeling of cautiousness
whenever the topic reached certain powerful people trying to protect
their way of life.

"Besides your team, are the other representatives in good hands?"

sir, all of them including the Prime Minister and his Cabinet members,
although, some sustained injuries but not that critical."
His voice explained." One of the guest houses had been converted into a temporary clinic and Nurses, I mean Healers, are currently treating them."

"I see, that's great news." His thoughts shifted once again.

if I may ask, are the reports true that the place is being attacked by
those dragons?" He followed with another question.

A brief of moment silence ensued.

what I was about to tell next sir, but we do need something that could
give us a good overall view of what is happening across this place."
It seemed his message included a certain request." We don't know who are the ones pulling the strings here."

American General nodded in understanding." Got you there Lieutenant, In
fact, we already did send a reconnaissance drone there." He replied,
much to the younger man's surprise." Just tell Al, to set up some
monitors and we'll direct the live footage to you."

"Copy that sir."

By then, one of the personnel exclaimed." Yes! It's all good, We're finally live!"

soon as the dark image disappeared, everyone looked at the big screen
in front of them. The screen came to life and showed an amazing aerial
view of the old walled port city with beautiful architecture and a vast
city landscape. Beyond that, a huge swarm of what appeared to be dark
wyverns surrounded the place yet they were not advancing which baffled
everyone. However, upon closer inspection, they all noticed what seemed
to be a blueish-green ethereal essence surrounding the city itself,
forming a dome-like formation, which in turn prevented any advancements
from the aggressors.

The scene was indeed breathtaking.

The fantasy aspect of this world was in full force making its presence.

did cause everyone to meddle with their thoughts, thus whispers and
words were exchanged amongst them. Some were afraid, some were
interested, and others were cautious about it.

"What in the world
is that?" General Wilkes remarked. Sure, he had seen what magic could do
in a simple format, but this form did somehow clear his skepticism.
Although, he wanted to get to the bottom of this.

And he would get his answer right away.

the same time, the doors to the control room opened, and General
Hanzama, alongside a certain elf man and an old mage, entered the scene.
While the latter had this calm expression, the two wore great concern.

The American general gave his Japanese counterpart a surprise glance, while the other just slightly shook his head.

A Father's concern is just too powerful to stop.

When the old mage saw the live footage on the big screen, his eyes widened as he recognized them.

"I-It can't be..." He muttered aloud, as he approached the railings, and stood beside the general.

"It has been summoned." He remarked, recalling the old forgotten legend.

All eyes were on the old mage as they gave confused looks.

time, Hodor stepped up and spoke." The essence you see there is this
world's life force." He explained while everyone attentively listened."
It is the reason why certain lands are rich in trees and resources." He
paused picking up the right words to say." Not just that, it is
sometimes known as the "Restorer and "Protector" of the lands beyond.

"Meaning, it only comes out when there's a severe threat somewhere." General Hanzama spoke this time.

Elf man nodded." Correct, but for this case, I am not sure if the
essence emerged by its will." He then glanced at the old mage.

"Something triggered it to come out?" General Wilkes remarked, He thought that was really it.

"Possibly, and for Qua-Toyne's case, it may have been the crystal shard."


simply nodded." It's an old tale told in many generations." He pointed
it out." Mainly, it says that Qua-Toyne has that certain power that its
people would only use when great trouble appears."

"Interesting..." General Hanzama held his chin.

I believed that is one of the main reasons why many factions desired to
attack and invade the Principality," Cato added, as his concern shifted
towards a certain student of his.

"Lelei be safe..."

they watched the live footage, the situation became a standstill, which
in fact provided them enough time to make decisions. There was no doubt
that whatever was happening there, the people of that place were doing
everything to fight off the enemies. No one knows how much time and
strength they had left.

General Wilkes took a deep breath as he
knew it would be a struggle to explain the situation beyond the Gate to
his superiors. Despite the challenge ahead, he knew he had to take
action on the matter.

"Very well! Everyone, please take note that we will be sending land reinforcements to the Principality as well."

the announcement was made, the mood had changed once again. Personnel
in the room proceeded to relay the message to the various coalition
divisions and certain people were chosen to lead both air and land.

this time, Hodor took a deep breath and spoke once more." General, If I
may, I would volunteer to guide the Men In Green, who will travel by
land." He pleaded to both men." I've been to the Noble City countless
times during my youth and I'm aware of the secret passage taken by the

The men both stared at him with surprised looks at
first. However, they would come to understand that both of them were
their respective parents worried for their children.

Cato, on the
other hand, placed a hand on the elf man's shoulder. He looked through
him in the eyes and slightly shook his head as if to say...

"Let them handle this."

His smile vanished thereafter.

Yet, in that very moment, the American General flashed a small smile and said.

we don't have that much knowledge yet of this fantasy world and we
might need a guide for our land reinforcements." His statement brought a
little hope for him.

"And not just one."


fields of the Alnus had been in this peaceful situation ever since the
cleansing of the enemies. The old farmers and their families, who
resided on the land for many generations, were finally given the chance
to return to their homes and continue cultivating their fields.

For once these people were able to resume their normal lives without the interference of war or any battles.

All thanks to the mysterious Men in Green, who had arrived and settled in the main hills itself.

The men in turned road iron carriages, and iron eagles that could fly faster than any ordinary wyvern or dragon.

reminded them of the powerful iron dragons wielded by the Sun God's
Emissaries, who were summoned to restore balance in this world during
the reign of a greater evil.

It was on that very morning, while
the farmer boy was tendering the fields that he felt the sudden change
of atmosphere. The wind grew stronger and followed what appeared to be a
subtle noise that became louder every second.

The farmer boy
decided to look towards the sky and at that very moment, he finally saw
the famous iron eagles that flew over the land and hills as they headed
towards a certain location.

He stood there in awe as the rest of the families emerged from the doors of their homes to watch the spectacle.

"It's the Iron Eagles!" One little girl pointed it out.

long after, the various flying iron dragons entered and began playing
loud music that they had never heard before, It was energetic, agressive
yet hopeful at the same time, but they could understand why they were
in that mood, However, it was clear that whoever or whatever had
provoked them would swiftly come to regret their actions.


In the seas of the Orient, the crew enjoyed serene weather.

It was very much sightseeing for the rest of the days as they journeyed towards the oncoming bay.

a distance, they could see the outline of a walled city, and not long
after, a crew mate from the crow's nest sighted it and announced
downwards to the rest of the crew.

"We've finally arrived at the port city!"

His statement alerted the members and they began to set sail forward to get a good view of what was happening.

a certain man in his 30s, it was an honor for him to be assigned to
this little mission. Of course, the empire would never let themselves be
left behind on current events happening across the regions. Under the
orders of the great emperor and as well as his navy commander, He and
his crew would be acting as the eyes for the empire.

No such thing
as a flag to represent them, but they are just mere merchants and
traders for now. The ship in turn was just normal merchant ship provided
by their homeland.

No would really recognized their true identities.

"Captain Dalda!"

He heard his name being called by one of the crew members.

"Do you think the siege has begun?" He asked.

The man grabbed his spyglass and looked through its lens as he saw a glimpse of the commotion.

A small smile crept upon his lips.

skies are darker over there and I could see the flames of the wyverns
decimating the city itself." He explained." Though, I am not sure what
kind of magic did those arch mages casted this time."

He did noticed the blue ethereal essence which acted as the barrier to repel those with bad intentions.

The crew member widened his eyes in realization.

"You don't mean that Sadera has made an attempt to directly invade the Principality?"

He was greeted by quietness.

yourself, we are just here to spectate and not to meddle with their own
affairs." The Captain replied as they continued observing the ongoing
scenario at hand.

By then, ships from the docks of the port, began to flee and soon found themselves passing by their merchant ship.

"Leave this place at once, if you value your lives!"

"Please don't go there!"

"The Noble City has fallen!"

from various sailors echoed through their ears as more warnings were
fired at them. Despite all of that, the captain paid no heed to them and
even ordered the ship to move closer.

All while letting his own anticipation and excitement grow from within.

He wanted to see it for himself as what the old tales told him back when he was a child.

A tale of how one small kingdom could survive and resist an inevitable terror.


So this is a interlude chapter similar to previous ones from Arc 1 and
Arc 2. Three simple scenes with particular perspectives of the
characters. Though, I may have to ask, do you think Cato and Hodor
should join the land reinforcements as guides, along with other guides
similar to them? Would really appreciate your thoughts regarding that.

there is the last scene where a certain representative disguise as
merchant from a certain empire across the Orient makes its appearance. I
don't know but does Captain Dalda sound familiar?

With that said, thank you do much for reading the chapter and I appreciate you guys for giving time to read the story :)

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