Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City VII: Pockets of Resistance and Hope.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City VII: Pockets of Resistance and Hope.

The legend has it that there was once a group of wyvern riders who showed courage to face a greater evil that almost conquered the entirety of the northern regions.

The riders themselves proudly represented a particular kingdom that was part of the order of the light.

Every battle they fought in honor of the Gods and also to protect the peace that the past ancestors had built before.

Many years had gone by and they were all but forgotten by people and places that they had saved and protected once.

As the siege of the principality commenced, familiar faces suddenly appeared but not the way they used to be when they fought for the good.

-New World Journal


All throughout her life she would never have thought to find herself being involved in a war-like situation. To an extent that it almost feels like she was thrust into the middle of an air raid during World War 2 and the only thing she could do was hide and not go outside.

For Mari, she wasn't a little girl anymore.

The reason why she joined the self-defense force was simply for her own self-improvement and as well as to help people in need. However, it actually rooted in the time she had lost a loved one.

Her grandmother, whom she dearly adored since she was little, was struck by disease and she couldn't do anything but watch her slowly fade into nothingness.

The experience had an impact on her mind and heart and from then on she promised herself that she would do anything to save a person's life.

The little journey ended when multiple groups from the community and refugees entered the estate of the nobleman.

Indeed, the man was telling the truth. The idea of a mansion with a garden, barn, and manicured field inside an ancient walled community of the city was mind-boggling and interesting. The entire area is far from Ground Zero and hidden from attacks, which is an unexpected blessing.

The mansion became a temporary headquarters for the humanitarian group, and most of the communications equipment was also set up there on the upper floors where the lavish bedrooms were converted into their own control room. The bottom floors became a small encampment for both displaced groups. The Barn was also converted into a shelter for the other half of the group and certain JSDF members were assigned to guard, monitor, and protect the place. Lastly, during the journey, several of the locals were able to sustain minor injuries and for the better, they had to find a place somewhere in the estate where they would treated and nursed back to health.

Then of all people, Mari was the one to spot a particular structure located in the fields itself.

The Nobleman's eyes widened in surprise and baffled.

"Oh, the old church hadn't been used in years, and I only found out about that after buying this estate from its previous owners not long ago," he explained. "Are you sure you want that place as a healing clinic?"

She had no choice but to agree, and the structure didn't appear to be unsettling to her. When the doors were opened, the overall interior was remarkably well-preserved and maintained, despite the growing roots of trees and branches on some ceilings. It was eerily similar to a Catholic church, The chapel, the main room of the church, has rows of benches leading towards the broken floorboards where flowers grew beneath thanks to a hole in the roof that let in light and rain. At the back of the church is a staircase leading up to the pillars by the ceiling, the attic has several pillars at the top, with a path through the hole in the roofs filled with stockpiles of items which included old wooden boxes, parchments, and documents covered in dust.

Nonetheless, it was a place fitted to be a temporary clinic altogether.

Upon receiving her request, the additional beds and cushions were promptly relocated to the church. With the resources in place, the youthful medic diligently tended to the minor injuries that were sustained by the members of the community. Her unwavering commitment to her work was evident in her tireless efforts to alleviate the pain and suffering of those in need.

"Thank you so much with all my heart." An old woman smiled and slightly bowed as the cut on her hand was properly treated and bandaged. She was then escorted by her granddaughter carefully to the benches which were also used as a resting area.

A fellow JSDF recon member in the form of Nishina, stood by her side as he helped distribute the supplies needed and as well as escorting the patients back and forth to their respective resting spots.

This has to be the largest treatment of people that she had encountered throughout her services as a medic.

Despite the long lines and the visible pain and despair of the people, it did not affect her mental state.

The young woman knew she had to fulfill her task and it was her responsibility.

In spite of that, fate did attempt to distract her and take her focus away. Besides, the stress that was subtly rising from her, it was the fear that suddenly appeared right after. There were times when small earthquakes rattle the land, and there were times when shadows loomed over the windows, creating paranoia that the enemy had gotten to their location.

"Mum, do you think we are safe here?"

"Are we going to be eaten by those dark creatures?"

Not just from the adults but the situation did affect the minds of the children. They had the same uncertainty as the rest and behind that Innocence was the fear of death.

Mari disliked seeing them like this. These families were forced to be involved in this mayhem.

They deserved better.

It wasn't until she was finally able to get a hold of the silence for herself that she sat on her seat, staring into the blank space.

"Mari-san are you alright?" Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a concerned Nishina approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

The young woman turned towards him and gave a weary smile.

"Yeah, I am fine." She simply replied.

Her fellow recon team member didn't believe her and urged her to rest. "Don't worry," he added. "The old man and the others have everything under control."

She stared at him and didn't say a single word thereafter.

Nishina sighed a little." You saw this place in person and I don't think whatever those flying dragons are, they won't find this place that easily."

A small nod came out as a reply.

The young man smiled and said, "You deserve a good rest, Mari." However, before he could say more, a small group of children from local displaced families approached them with the news.

"Uhm, excuse me, but is it alright if you can help us?

Both recon members turned to them, expecting the favor.

"Sure what is it?" Nishina spoke first.

One of the children smiled.

"Have you seen the flower girl?" He asked.

Both of them raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"Flower girl?"

"She's our friend and we're playing hide and seek, but having trouble finding her," explained a girl from the group.

The unexpected encounter between the children was a random occurrence, yet not entirely out of the ordinary. It is common for children to find ways to entertain themselves when boredom strikes and the church itself provided ample space for them to run around and play. However, the notion of playing a game of hide-and-seek within the church premises posed a certain level of risk.

At the same time, the walkie from Nishina's belt came to life.

"Nishina, this is Wataru, Any updates in the church so far."

The young man gave the latter a glance and smile, before answering the walkie.

"Yes, everything is going smoothly so far, most of the injured are treated and now resting."

He gave a nod as to say that she should take the opportunity to unwind.

Mari took a deep breath and finally made her decision. By this time, the kids all erupted in small cheers as they finally got someone to help them in their little game. As they spread out to look for their friend.


The game did take longer than she had expected.

She never knew the church would be a maze.

The kids were just as energetic as ever.

"Where are you?"

"Flower girl, we know where you are hiding."

Soon, they began to raise their voices, and not too long after, they were in separate ways.

The young woman was just bewildered to see that the kids were that serious and that it was no imaginary friend, the fact that this flower girl was difficult to find in a small church.

She felt a slight chill as her hair stood on end. Instinctively, she looked to her right and headed towards the center of the church where the sun's rays shone. She felt compelled to go to that specific spot.

Her weariness returned and she felt helpless for the first time.

As Mari gazed at the light before her, an overwhelming wave of emotions washed over her. She couldn't help but reminisce about the simpler times of her childhood, spent in her grandmother's garden. Looking at the flowers and plants growing amidst the ruined floorboards, she was reminded of the many times she had helped her grandmother tend to the garden. The sweet smell of blooming flowers and the gentle breeze on her face brought back fond memories of a time long gone but never forgotten.

How she missed those moments.

Being a little girl and never had to go through any struggles and hardships.

When the young medic arrived at the spot, her body gave out as she knelt on the ground under the bright rays.

She cried for the first time, as she couldn't hold back anymore.

"Why did this have to happen?

Her fellow recon members, who had become her friends since then, were facing the risk of death elsewhere.

Witnessing the chaos and confusion that plagued the ancient city.

And as well as being with the locals, whose hopes remained strong despite the danger that they were in.

It was a mix of feelings that overwhelmed her, and she didn't know how to deal with them.

For the time being, her own mask of professionalism dropped and her own vulnerability was exposed.

Tears were falling down her cheeks and the only thing she could do was pray to the heavens above.

To any gods who were willing to listen.

Unbeknownst to her, blue ethereal essence began to appear as they manifested from the ground up. In some way, the presence had to choose to sympathize with her plight.

As she lifted her gaze, her eyes met with a radiant sight standing directly before her, amidst the glowing beams of the sun. Gradually, her vision sharpened, revealing the stunning figure of a youthful woman with a complexion as fair as snow, cascading tresses of lustrous brown hair, adorned with delicate braids on either side, and a fringe of loosely parted bangs that framed her exquisite features.

Mari took note of her attire, which eerily had the combination of old and new. The mystery woman wore a shin-length pink dress that buttons up the front and a red bolero jacket. She also wore brown boots and had metal bracers on her wrists and around the edges of her jacket sleeves.

By the time she looked up, the mysterious woman warmly smiled revealing her light blue-green eyes.

The young woman was confused at first, but soon she heard a voice in her mind.

"Please don't worry."

She experienced a deep sense of solace as she came to the realization that the woman was offering her kind reassurance.

"Everything will be alright..."

Mari wanted to say something but she couldn't bring herself to it and the beautiful woman continued to speak.

"Whatever is happening as of this moment, don't lose hope.."


The young woman opened her eyes upon hearing a familiar voice.

She blinked a couple of times as she saw herself being surrounded by her fellow recon members as well as the kids from before.

"W-What happened?" She muttered.

"You fell asleep miss." One of the kids then said.

Nishina sighed in relief, "Thank goodness, we saw you lying on the floorboard, and I thought you fainted from exhaustion." "But I'm glad you're fine," he added with a slight chuckle, "I think you're the one who needs to be treated."

The young woman gave a confused look, as she rose up and began looking around.

Wait! Where was that mysterious woman from before?

She wondered to herself.

As her memory gradually returned, she recollected the exact instance when the latter grasped her hand and held on tight. Suddenly, a series of vivid images began to race through her mind, leaving her momentarily dazed and confused. Although the visions were fleeting, she was able to identify certain fragments that appeared to hold significant meaning for her.

It was a long-forgotten memory, and she saw the lands of the world that a former great evil dominated, followed by the resistance of its people, and the arrival of a mysterious group of warriors bearing the symbol of the sun and the last image of that same blue ethereal essence engulfing the entire world.

"Are you alright?" Nishina asked once more, slightly shaking his fellow recon member on the shoulder.

Mari came back to her senses once again and took a gaze at the man." Yeah, I'm sorry Nishina, I guess I'm been seeing things lately." She simply said, giving more confusion to the man.

"What do you mean by seeing things?" He asked.

The young woman stared into the blank space." I-I don't really know." She muttered as she looked towards the lone big glass windows of the church which remained intact throughout the years.

The glass windows, in turn, had a unique illustration of a young woman kneeling down in prayer in front of a huge bright sun.


There was once a time when the great chef of the Orient had to face a situation that was deemed impossible to survive, not that he had to work all by himself but the fact that he had to teach the ways of cooking to someone who hadn't even touch a kitchen knife throughout life was a nightmare on its own.

A nightmare due to it being part of a deal between him and a supernatural enemy, who threatened to destroy a land long ago.

In the end, he triumphed, defeating the great being from another realm by creating the best risotto dish out of selected ingredients in a Hell's Kitchen-style battle.

Not just himself but alongside a band of youngsters that he had to train from scratch.

It sounded cliche but all of that was true.

However, considering the situation right now, not all the same tactics would apply.

The street where the dark three-headed dragon had arrived was instantly quiet. One of its mouths was still holding the severed arm of one of the bragging youngsters it had killed earlier, as well as massive drops of blood that quickly became trails and stains.

The creature halted its tracks as it tried to sense the prey that it had detected not long ago.

Confusion soon took over its mind but it did not stop it from its goal and continued looking for them. It heard that insufferable scream just a while ago, and it knew that it was a powerful prey.

The three heads, with their long necks, began to spread out across the street, their senses capable of detecting even the smallest of things but failing to find any right now.

Although, in truth, the prey was still there right in front of it, a magical barrier was cast prior to its own arrival.

Everybody was there.

The old geezer and his staff stood still for a couple of seconds, trying to keep their composure in check despite the fact that the situation was extremely dangerous.

The two men in green as well, with Hitoshi forced to lean on the vehicle while the lucky Tomita was still inside.

"Don't fucking move!"

During his pursuit of the blonde geezer, the dark creature appeared to point to the staff, specifically to a group of small fairies who cast whatever magic they possessed. As a result, a pinkish magical barrier formed, shielding them from the monster for a time.

The magic itself did help them through since it also cast an illusion that led the creature to see no single soul in that very spot it was in, and only they could see the magical essence that is the spell itself.

This was the first time that Hitoshi had seen what magic actually looked like in person.

He had seen it before through footage and videos, but seeing it in real time was different and more overwhelming than he had anticipated. His body froze as one of the monster's heads came within inches of him. He was the only one who could see right through its menacing red eyes, and thankfully, the young soldier did not flinch or react.

"What should I do next?" he asked himself, having many options such as shooting the monster instinctively with his handgun or completely trusting whatever they were doing, and he chose the latter.

"Hey! You there! Are you going with us or now?"

The voice interrupted his thoughts, and he looked to see the Gordon Ramsay looked-alike giving him a frustrated and impatient look, while the rest of his staff were heading inside the inn.

They left behind the small carts they brought outside, which contained valuable furniture, equipment, and even a number of wooden chests containing all of their earnings. Simply for the sake of survival. Furthermore, he saw a small group of fairies who were also struggling to keep the magic alive as time ran out.

Pushing aside his doubts regarding the blonde geezer's identity, Hitoshi took a deep breath and went up to the window. He gestured to his fellow recon member to exit his vehicle in order to join the others.

"Are you serious?!" Tomita was taken aback by the sudden decision. Surely, the LAV was strong enough to withstand whatever strength these creatures possessed. He was confident that they could beat them with their own rifles, that the browning could tear huge chunks of its flesh, and that their grenades and Incendiary ones could do significant damage.

Then that very moment, faint noises were heard, and it continued to grow until multiple growls echoed in the same direction where the dark creature currently was.

They arrived moments later. The same as the dark three-headed creature, but smaller and with only one head. Some had wings, while others did not, but they were all menacing and terrifying to look at.

That's when the big man realized how dire the situation had become.

He immediately opened the door carefully and exited the vehicle, but not without bringing a handful of supplies and weapons to which placed inside a cardboard box big enough to contain them all

"Hurry the fuck up!"

The two men dashed towards the inn as the small group of fairies left the scene, and they also cast a protection barrier on the doors before the previous spell was completed, allowing the rest of the creatures to roam that particular street.


Once inside the building, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They were able to escape potential death, yet they found themselves trapped in one location.

Thus the questions persisted once again, particularly from both sides.

"Chef Ramsay, what the heck are those things, Nya?"

Some of the staff peered through the window curtains to see the street filled with the abominations. However, contrary to popular belief, these creatures were not getting along. The three-headed neck beast was attempting to assert dominance over the smaller ones, resulting in minor conflicts.

"I don't remember seeing them on my way to work."

"Where do they come from?"

The blonde geezer couldn't take any more remarks as he continued to rub his wrinkled forehead.

"How the fuck do I know?" He replied back, also trying to comprehend what had happened." Maybe some idiot mage did something shit about his magic and accidentally summoned some bloody dark dragons and treated this whole place as their buffet."

"How's that fucking sound?"

For a brief moment, everyone was silent as they stared at the fiery blonde chef. Not long after, the conversation devolved into a conspiracy theory session, with some raising their hands to share their thoughts on the situation.

"Maybe their two mages, who are lovers had an argument and in turn, both used their summoning magics to duel it out once and for all!"

"I disagree, I think it was just an accident regarding dark magic."

I know I know! Maybe the city of Maihark is under attack by enemy forces from the north!"

"Sadera? I hope it's not them."

It was slowly turning into an argument until almost everyone was pushing for their beliefs.

Gordon had enough." Alright Alright! Bloody fucking hell! I understand everything!" He exclaimed.

"They're all happening at the same time and we need to find a way to get out of this mess!" He gave his own reason.

Hitoshi continued to stare at the blonde man from the sidelines. He was still perplexed, and even when he tried to convince himself that this man was not the actual Michelin-starred chef, the resemblance was uncanny. Heck! The attitude and demeanor were spot on.

"This just in, Michelin Star Chef Gordon Ramsay has been declared missing!"

"Famed celebrity chef has vanished without a trace during the filming of a new episode of 24 Hours To Hell and Back."

He recalled those words from long ago as he tried to piece up the puzzle.

This could be a massive coincidence if he was not that man.

Again, He was in another world, where anything can happen.

Yet, the people here addressed him either as "Gordon" or Chef Ramsay" altogether.

He felt a slight tug on his shoulder, and it was Tomita, giving him the same expression.

"Is that who I think it is?"

At the same time, the discussion had shifted towards them and when they raised their heads up, they saw every eye looking at them.

"Okay, who the bloody hell are you two?" Gordon asked, still having that same intense energy from him.

Hitoshi had to admit that in every interview with people who met the Michelin-starred chef, they all felt nervous and intimidated by his presence. But, with time, it became manageable.

At first, he didn't know what to say, and the idea of introducing their true identities wasn't even advisable. Thus they went into a simpler route instead.

"My name is Hitoshi and this fellow over here is my friend, Akira." He explained." We were on our way to community with the rest of our friends when we got separated and the next thing we knew, every place here is a ghost town."

"We were also wondering where these things come from?" Tomita followed his remarks.

There was silence for a brief moment until a certain brunette stepped forward and spoke.

"We were going to ask you about that, but since you were unaware, we might as well ask you about the horseless carriage you were riding." Anna relayed her own thoughts.

Then another barrage of questions took place.

"Oh yeah, the moving iron fort, where in the world did you acquire it?"

"You guys are not from around here are you?"

"Are you from the First Civilizations across the seas?"

The questions kept coming in and a sweat dropped from the man's forehead. He couldn't really answer them all at once, and even his colleague, who was then surrounded by the small curious fairies and a number of demi-human staff.

That's until a familiar cat girl's ears stood up and approached the two.

"Wait a minute, Hitoshi and Furuta...Those names..." Selina held her chin as an idea came to her." Are you guys from the Kingdom of Fenn?"

Her statement drew everyone's attention, and they were almost convinced that it hadn't been for the clothes the two men were wearing, which was a dead giveaway.

The rest of the staff sighed in defeat.

"The People from that Sword Country wore long robes and carried blades, and these two gentlemen do not!" A Female Demi-Human Ogre commented.

"Oh yes, how could I not notice that simple detail."

Unbeknownst to them, the two men in green were wearing a small symbol that they had overlooked.

Amidst their conversation, the young man kept his gaze on the blonde geezer and took note of his quietness.

He seemed bothered.

In fact, it was the great chef who noticed the symbol, and despite seeing what appeared to be a military vehicle, his doubts remained, but he was in for a surprise once he got to know them better.

"It's impossible, they can't be from..." He trailed off his words as he began to realize.

When was the last time, he tried to find a way back home?

However, in the midst of that, small quakes were felt all over the entire street. Not long after, a series of roars were heard outside, which caught the rest of their attention.

One of the staff quickly peeked through the curtains once again and his eyes widened in horror.

Upon seeing the dark creatures trying to fight each other, and slamming themselves against the shophouses, damaging the windows and creating more havoc.

"Oh no, guys, we need to do something quickly!" he said as a small dark creature slammed against the window, causing the first crack.

Panic immediately set in.

For Gordon, he gave a sigh as he knew the job had to be done.

"Please calm your arses off!" He exclaimed." I want you all to act and move any available tables and furniture to the doors and windows." He instructed while the others listened."

"Yes, Chef!"

"Anna, darling please take the women here to a safer spot, maybe the upper floors would work and gather some plates and utensils."

"You got it, Gordon." The young woman simply nodded and began to gather most of the female staff to the upper floors, where they would be doing the other part of the plan.

The geezer then turned to the Wolf Man and Cat girl ." Boris, Selina...Are there any ingredients left in the kitchen?"

We still got plenty of vegetables, meat, and seafood nya!" The cat girl replied cheerfully." And of course, the magical items!" She gave a grin.

Gordon nodded." Good, please prepare them as well as the pots and pans."

"Right away chef!" Boris wholeheartedly agreed.

"We're gonna serve those shitty dragons something they deserved."

Everyone was working together, and the two men in green were suddenly left behind, wondering what kind of role they would be playing this time.

Though, that's until the man himself turned his attention to them.

"Okay, between the two of you...who knows how to cook?"

A brief moment of silence followed, Tomita was the first one to look at his fellow recon member, as he obviously knew the real answer to the question.

Hitoshi having no options to do so slightly raised his hand.

"I am, chef."


For most of the locals who resided in the Noble City, there was a great deal of confidence that remained in their hearts for a long time. The pride of a "Maiharknian" dates back to their ancestors and forefathers who founded the city and installed principles and values that would encourage them to defend their homeland whenever an invasion or a terrible event befell the place.

Particularly, the Constables possessed those principles, and under the leadership of the current city mayor, they continued to defend the citizens who finally took refuge in the temporary evacuation sites across the districts.

The doors were closed leaving divisions of constables to face the ongoing onslaught by the dark dragon-like creatures, which mysteriously appeared and began to spread terror.

The proper wooden barricades were the first line of defense but immediately they were destroyed by the enemy as they continued the charge.

"Fellow constables prepare yourselves!" Shouted by the captains of their own respective divisions.

The rest of the men drew out their blades which actually weren't ordinary ones as each weapon had one or a couple of empty sockets where round crystals or runes could be placed, giving it special magical properties and capabilities.

For instance, When one constable inserted a red-orange crystal into the socket, his weapon merged with its magic and flames surrounded the blade, when an enemy got close to him, he used his blade, which was now infused with fire magic, on the creature, slicing it in half and its flesh continuing to burn as the flames spread out, engulfing a small dark crystal that was its weakness.

The other men encountered similar scenarios and used the same tactics.

There was also a band of archers for each division, who used socketed bows to ignite magic into their arrows, giving them greater accuracy and speed as more enemy targets were hit. Despite the constables' efforts, the dark creatures continued to arrive in large numbers, draining their energy.

"They're increasing in numbers!" Exclaimed by one of the constables."

"We have to retreat back to the last line!" He warned them.

Yet, the others continued fighting, believing in their own confidence, which was a bad choice.

Soon after, the first casualties appeared, when the dark creatures began to attack in duos, bringing more difficulty to a lone constable, who found himself being hauled off into the air and swarmed by the creatures. By then, heads, arms, and legs were flying off into different areas across the city.

Moreover, the dark wyverns of the Saderan army, also made their presence known, attacking the distracted constables and unleashing fires from above, resulting in a sea of flames that both engulfed them and as well as the creatures they were fighting.

From the windows of various spared buildings, some of the curious citizens closely watched the rest of the battles happening across the city streets.

They had no idea, who was actually winning the fights and they could only hope for the best.

Various buildings were consumed by flames and explosions and as a result, huge pockets of smoke could be seen from a tall perspective, which can be compared to a big factory chimney.

Unfortunately, not all evacuation sites were able to withstand the onslaught of the larger corrupted dragons. Small healer clinics and lower city government stations, in particular, were quickly overrun, leaving those who sought refuge in these areas vulnerable and exposed. However, some sites, such as the principality's grand library, were able to withstand the attack. This particular establishment provided a safe haven for a significant portion of the city's population in the midst of the chaos and destruction that ensued.

A certain carriage and a small dragon traversed through the streets, passing by the destruction left by the chaos and conflict.

Albrecht saw everything from the top of the carriage, through an accessible small compartment. The atmosphere was indeed clouded in coldness, with a sky where clouds and sun rays clashed.

The boy continued to examine the hotspots where most of the dark creatures were dwelling. He wasn't aware of their true origins but he knew they weren't the authentic ones.

"Everything alright there Sir Albrecht?" The humble merchant asked as he continued to direct the horse.

"Yes, just wondering where these fake dragons came from." He replied, while in the middle of setting up the artifacts.

The merchant gave a small chuckle." We both knew who was the one responsible." He remarked, looking up towards the sky." And I believe he is still searching for the crystal."

The young adventurer widened his eyes." So it's real then, that myth..."

"Apparently..." The Duke smiled." And let's be thankful to whoever is responsible for summoning it." He added." I believe we are going to be part of that battle to protect it."

His words sounded cryptic.

The boy gave a confident smirk." Really? Then I think it'll be an honor for us to begin with the call." He said, lifting up a round crystal and uttering a certain phrase.

The crystal glowed brighter and not long after its magic was activated, but before that, he brought out a small flute, and with the powerful magic itself, he began to play a hymn.

Across the districts, a powerful wave of energy was felt, followed by a faint high-pitched sound that rang through the ears of the dark creatures that continued to roam and terrorize the living.

To the mere ordinary ear, the enchanting melody of the harmonious flute filled the air. However, for the monsters present, it was unbearable. The sound compelled them to follow the source. The agony caused by the flute's tune was so intense that they were unable to resist the urge to investigate further.

The ongoing battles between constables and the dark abominations in the nearby districts were thrown into disarray. The men were taken aback when their enemies suddenly stopped attacking and instead, turned their attention to a mysterious sound. Some of the creatures with wings even took flight, soaring above the crowded streets to get a better look. It was a scene of confusion and surprise, leaving everyone wondering what would happen next.

As the boy looked out at the certain street, his heart raced with excitement and nervousness. Suddenly, a pack of menacing dragons emerged, confirming that his spell had indeed taken effect. Though he knew that this was just the beginning of a long and grueling battle, he felt relieved that his preparations had not been in vain. He reminded himself that this was all part of a larger plan, and steeled his resolve to face the upcoming challenges with bravery and determination.

His eyes move around the various weapons provided for him. All of them had an empty socket that can be infused with different types of magic, and the magical round crystals, and runes had their respective chests to house them.

"Duke, please brace yourself," Albrecht informed the older man, with a small confident smile.

"Of course! I've been into many similar situations, my boy!" He replied, with an even more excited tone." Though, have you chosen your weapon already?"

The boy nodded." Yes, I did." He said, picking up a couple of magical round crystals and then finally grabbing his first weapon of choice

The merchant saw it and became amused." Oh my...that weapon has been wielded by many great heroes of the past!"

It was a simple broad single-edged blade with lighter color at the end, while the rest of its body was dark gray, and with a handguard that appears to be bolted or riveted into place. Moreover, there were two empty sockets near the handguard, albeit the spots where one could insert the magical crystals, which the boy immediately did.

A yellow one on top and a gray one on the next.

As the creatures approached the carriage, the blade sparkled and flashes of blue lightning covered its body. Albrecht made the move just as the first thing was about to attack him, and he used the blade to slice the dark dragon's head off, instantly killing it. Another one jumped out of the walls and pounced on him. The boy simply raised the blade, aiming at the creature's widening mouth, which eventually came into contact with the sharp steel infused with powerful lightning magic. The second creature exploded into bits, with black blood all over, moments later, as lightning spread throughout its body until it finally reached its weakness.

"Great, need to wash all my attire after this." Albrecht thought to himself, not expecting the full gore of the situation.

The onslaught continued as more dragons appeared from all directions, all intent on devouring him. The melody, as well as the battle, continued to play. He moved as if he had fought hundreds of strong and dangerous opponents despite having only 3-4 years of experience. More of the creatures' severed bodies lay on the ground, and the black substance was all over the place. Despite the fact that the creatures continued to return in large numbers, it was time for the magic of the round gray crystal to take its turn, but not without special assistance.

With quick reflexes, the boy carved out some distance from the approaching swarm. In one swift motion, he brandished his weapon and unleashed a furious slash that conjured up a flurry of miniature whirlwinds, eagerly awaiting the oncoming enemies.

By this time, the memories that the baby dragon had relayed to him, also informed him of a certain name given by a little girl.

"Little foot" The teen called out to the baby dragon, and the latter spread its wings right after tearing the mouth of a dark creature that attempted to maul it.

Without warning, the adorable dragon opened its mouth wide and released an intense burst of flames. The fire quickly fused with the powerful gusts of wind, forming a scorching vortex that rapidly consumed the remaining monstrous creatures.

"This is astounding!" exclaimed the Duke. "Even for an offspring, he possesses the same power of the flames as his mother."

Little Foot took a quick glance at the boy with a confident look while the other nodded in approval.

He felt proud, even though he only met the dragon a while back.

This must be the true feeling of having a dragon as a pet and actual companion.

By then, the streets surrounding them were covered with piles of black ashes, as the silence also came back.

"Marvelous! You were able to eliminate them all to oblivion." The Duke said again." Though, I supposed there are still more in the other districts and there you'll be able to find Lady Giselle."

The baby dragon gave a whiny growl while the boy sighed in weariness.

There was no other choice, they had to keep on going in order to find her.

Little Foot's ears perked up in the midst of this as he sensed a familiar presence not far from where they are.

Albrecht noticed and said." Are you alright?"

Little Foot made an excited sound as he beckoned the teen to follow him, raising up its wings as he flew towards the source of the presence.

The boy felt dumbfounded for a brief moment before turning to the merchant." Duke, we might have to follow him." He suggested.

"No worries sire!" He replied back with a grin as he commanded the horse to move and follow the direction of the offspring.

So their journey continued once more, hoping that they were finally close to their destination.

Meanwhile, on the city's east side, a certain chocobo-driven wagon was still on the move in order to avoid another brush with death.


Throughout his life, he never thought of a situation where he would actually meet a person whom he considered one of his inspirations and role models. There were no doubts anymore, theories, or suspicions.

The man himself was literally with him.

Gordon Ramsay, the legendary Michelin-starred chef, became a household name back in his world and captured the hearts of many.

He was still at a loss for words, staring at the man while chopping the onions and garlic. No matter how many times he tried to make sense of what he was seeing right now, it was simply impossible for a celebrity chef to end up in another world.

The fact that was it several years ago even before the Gate opened at Ginza.

Unless the reason why he disappeared all those years ago was simply because something happened that transported him into this world.

"Mark my words, guys, there'll be a time when an Isekai protagonist will show up."

He recalled a certain Otaku's words.

Could this man be the one?

At first, he really didn't believe in the possibility of a phenomenon that only existed in fiction. Though countless anime and manga being created based on that idea were already rampant back home, he often thought people would go crazy for those kinds of ideas.

The disappearance of the Michelin-starred chef encouraged some people to think that he had been transported into another world.

Hitoshi moved him again as he focused on the way the man cut various ingredients. It was not just the little vegetables, but poultry, meat, and seafood were also in line, and the ones finished were placed into one area alongside the others.

"Where's the recipe though?" He wondered, only realizing that they didn't have a plan on what kind of dishes would they cook.

Another small but amazing detail that he noticed was that the man was using only one piece of kitchen equipment, which was originally a kitchen knife then it would glow brighter in a flash and its form would be changed into a butcher knife, then another that turned it into a peeler.

In some way, Gordon Ramsay knew how to use magic.

"Hey big boy, stop daydreaming like I am your fucking role model or something!"

!Hitoshi finally regained back his senses and immediately stiffened up and continued his task." Yes, Chef! Sorry, Chef!" He replied.

The blonde geezer was impressed by the man's ability to speak at least understandable English. He did eventually figure out that he was Japanese because of the many giveaways, such as the symbol of their flag on his uniform.

The thought bothered him quickly, on how a person from his world ended up here.

The only way to find out.

"So tell me...what are you doing in this kind of place?" He asked, wanting to know answers." You got summoned with your friend as well?"

"Or did you pass away in some accident and got reincarnated...Aww bloody hell, that's a different story."

The word continued to intrigue the young man.

He shook his head in return." Well, actually Ramsay-san, I did not experience what you experienced." He explained.

The older man raised an eyebrow." How so?" He asked, seemed doubtful yet hopeful at the same time." If you're telling me that...then it's quite impossible for a-

"A portal or a Gate opened on earth leading to another world."

Silence took over for a brief moment, shocking the man.

"I mean leading to this world...Chef."

The blonde man's eyes widened, he didn't know how to exactly react to this revelation. He was still in disbelief, though he took note that unless he had seen enough evidence then he would fully believe it.

Prior to this, he did travel to many places that locals believed would take him back to his home world. The recent being the religious city of Bellnahgo, which turned nothing but empty hopes and promises.

"I see..." Gordon simply nodded.

"So how many years have gone by there?" He followed his question and seemed a bit nervous.

"6 years, since you've been gone, chef."

The old geezer slightly winced as he felt his heart had sunk. A lot could happen in six years.

His old family could possibly have moved on since then. He could sense that the old forgotten memories were returning.

His beloved wife, daughters, and son.

How have they been?

Yet, He already had a new family that helped him survive and breathe new hope into himself, and he was quite comfortable with it.

Hitoshi was about to continue to relay more information before the kitchen doors burst open once again, revealing a certain cat girl alongside a female fairy staff.

"Master Ramsay! Mission success nya!" Selina announced triumphantly.

"The plaza is all clear!"

The young man widened his eyes in baffle." That quickly?" He muttered." But, the streets were filled with those things!"

The cat girl crossed her arms and let out a proud smirk." Of course nya! I may be a waitress but I've been through the toughest stealth missions that not even the elite knights could finish!" She said proudly." If you ask me regarding how I managed to escape those dark dragons then I-" She was cut mid-sentence.

"For Goddess's sake Selina! Don't exaggerate the story and just say you escaped them with the invisibility magic materia."

It was her now impatient fairy companion, who entered the conversation and relayed the real truth of the matter.

Hitoshi raised an eyebrow." Materia?" He asked.

"Oh, you mean this?" Selina said as she presented a round crystal containing a grayish essence inside.

"This is a Materia." She added with a wink." The latest addition to all magical artifacts."

"And it's quite pricey too."

It was indeed intriguing, for the man only knew of the magical runes prior, but the name did sound familiar.

It was then the old geezer, who gave a sigh, spoke." Speaking of those crystals, Selina do you might have the materia for mana replenishment?" He asked.

The cat girl grinned as she then tossed the materia, which contained a blue glowing essence inside. The blonde chef caught it with ease and said.

"Alright, time to cook this shit in one go."

When Hitoshi looked towards the pile of ingredients, he wondered how they were going to cook each dish with only the available time they had, and then a bright flash of light gave him the realization.

As soon as Gordon Ramsay used the materia to replenish his mana energy. He pointed his hand toward the ingredients and uttered a word


Then it finally happened.

The kitchen was filled with this humid atmosphere, and the usual smell was overwhelmed by a mixture of the ingredients that both men had cut to pieces. Not long after, faint smoke began to appear, and as the bright light faded, a massive bowl of a certain beef dish appeared in front of them.

Hitoshi had to check numerous times what he had seen.

A pile of ingredients is being cooked in less than ten seconds.

Magic was just something else.

Meanwhile, Gordon took the time to stretch as he had not cast a spell for a long time.

"Usually, Chef Ramsay doesn't really prefer using magic to cook, though unless the situation calls for it.' Selina explained as if this was happening on a regular basis, while the man himself gave her a look." And he really likes the old-fashioned way of taking things slowly." She gave a giggle.

The blonde geezer cleared his throat to finally get their attention.

"Then let's serve this to those bloody dragons and shove it up their arses."


Tomita couldn't believe it.

"They're all that desperate to eat something." He remarked as he observed the ongoing scene from above.

The inn's rooftops were a pleasant surprise as a temporary safe haven. He wasn't the only one there, though. Alongside him was the second group of "Lonely Lamb" staff, who were laying the groundwork for him to move later. The plan was simple, follow the sound as it will guide them to the main place.

The man did enjoy the windy weather but still, he kept his focus on the main task.

He gave a sigh when he saw several of the creatures playing around on the roof of the LAV as if it was some random playground and at times would leave their own feces on it. That made him wonder if the plan was going to work all along.

He was really eager to get the vehicle back and blast those bastards into pieces.

Butterflies were hovering around him. As a soldier, he knew he could do better than his current thoughts.

What was on his mind?

"You seemed troubled sir." Then a voice called him from behind.

It turned out to be Anna, the young brunette-haired woman, who was in charge of overseeing things for the second group.

Tomita returned to his senses and gave a slight nod." Oh no, Ms. Anna, It's alright." He said." I'm just wondering how all of this is gonna work." He added." I mean leading them up to the plaza in one go."

The latter nodded in understanding." Believe it or not, it all takes courage and the proper teamwork.", She explained, recalling a certain old geezer's advice.

"Communication and trust, that's what Mr. Ramsay often reminds us whenever we begin service." She then added." No matter where you are or what the situation that you'd involved yourself into."

"Be often at each other's back," Tomita said as he observed the rest of the staff once again.

While ordinary men just like him, were preparing the tools, the demi-human staff were able to jump to the other buildings marking each of them as checkpoints and outposts. From there, they will act as both guides and support when the creatures are finally distracted.

The man did wonder if the staff weren't just ordinary staff, to begin with. The way they acted as if they've all faced a situation much similar to this.

Not long after, the man's walkie came back to life.

"Tomita, Hitoshi here...Everything's set downstairs, it's time to take the spotlight."


He thought he had finally got his confidence to a level where he would never doubt the situation at hand.

After careful preparation and several pep talks to himself, Tomita could still feel his hands trembling and the sound of his own heartbeat echoing through his ears.

However, it had been decided from the start that he would go out first, and trailing behind him was his fellow recon member, Gordon Ramsay himself, now dressed in his own adventurer garb, and the small group of male Demi-human staff, who were all in charge of dragging the gigantic bowl containing the dish.

The blonde geezer had already informed everyone to never even touch or take a taste of the dish since risky magic had already been cast on for their own enemies to devour.

"Are you ready?" He heard the voice of Hitoshi.

Sweat began to drop from his head down to his cheeks, and before he could respond, a huge high-pitched ringing sound was heard.

"The bells! They finally rang," one of the staff members commented.

As the rest watch the scene from the windows, they say the majority of the dark creatures leaving the street for the sounds heard hailing from the west. in his mind, Tomita had started a short countdown.

"This was his last chance to think of something that would actually help him; this situation was already out of the question; all that brief but beneficial training with the US Army had been pushed to the side, and improvising was his best bet."

When the enemies finally left, his world resume to an immediate speed and he made his move, bursting out of the door only to meet a handful of dark dragons that were still left behind.

The man raised his rifle and fired at the first creature before it had a chance to attack. The bullets struck it directly in the head, where the weakness was also found. Hitoshi did the same thing and started firing at a couple of small ones near the LAV, but one of the creatures did not fully succumb to the gunfire, despite missing the main weak spot, so the young man had to approach it with a combat knife and sliced its neck, where a dark crystal was located.

The rest of Lonely Lamb staff, armed with big kitchen cleavers only had to go for a second kill since the rest had been gunned down by the two men.

"Now Now quick!" Gordon exclaimed.

Immediately, they moved the gigantic bowl of beef dish via manipulation magic cast by the fairies, towards the LAV, second, the rest of the men had to get the biggest wagon they had which fortunately, was enough for the giant bowl's size, and the last thing they did was to attach the wagon to the LAV via a very thick rope.

"Get inside!" Hitoshi said.

Tomita opened the doors to the LAV and proceeded to start the vehicle.

The bells continued ringing by the staff from the roofs, who were on the western side.

Yet, despite the time they had, there was still uncertainty left and the mood began to change once again.

A demi-human staff quickly sensed the danger from one of the windows of the other shophouse and moments later, it finally emerged.

The three-headed dragon-like creature bursts from not just the windows but a large part of the structure to which it was able to hide.

"Bloody fucking hell!" Gordon Ramsay yelled out, his own signature screaming voice, alerting the rest of them.

One of the terror heads made the first move, attempting to bite one of the demi-human staff, but Boris was able to intervene and wound its neck with the larger kitchen cleaver infused with magic, saving his coworkers. The second head tried to attack them with its own flames, but Hitoshi was quick enough to aim and fire at its mouth, paralyzing it. The final head realized what they were up to and decided to attack the vehicle itself, and Gordon Ramsay made his move, summoning "Luna" in the form of a giant kitchen knife-shaped sword, and slashed its neck, creating a massive wound.

The three-headed monster roared in pain, and At the same time, the LAV's engine came to life.

"Hitoshi, get inside now!"

Hearing his voice, the young man quickly opened the door and entered the vehicle. Following that, Tomita stepped on the brakes as the LAV finally burst out of the scene and onto a specific path.

The ringing bells finally halted in that area, causing the quietness to return once more.

The three-headed dark dragon's weakness was finally showing as it recovered from the numerous wounds it had received.

With a determined expression, Gordon Ramsay, braced himself to confront the looming threat. He knew that this time, he would have to go all out and make the final move. Focusing his energy, he channeled more mana into his weapon, causing it to glow brighter with each passing moment. As he prepared to unleash a powerful attack, he lifted his weapon high into the air, the magic beginning to take effect. Suddenly, a blinding beam of light descended from the heavens and struck the sword directly, enveloping it in a dazzling display of white flames. Through it all, the blonde geezer remained steadfast, resolute in his determination to emerge victorious.

The blonde geezer stared right through its eyes and said."

"Fuck off."

The creature made one more attempt to growl, before being finally slashed and engulfed in powerful white flames.

The rest of the Lonely Lamb Staff closely watched the scene unfold as they caught a glimpse of how a warrior their head chef could be.

He was called Fiery Chef of The Orient for a reason.


Gotta go fast, Gotta go fast!"

Tomita was repeating the same lines over as he battled with his own nervousness.

The LAV was finally traversing the streets once more and this time, without being actually chased by the dragons for the time being.

"Anything at the back man?" He asked.

"Nope, not a single one of those things so far," Hitoshi replied, confident, and was about to be convinced that they could be there in time without having to worry that much.

The bells were still ringing, and he could see some of the inn's staff members waving at him from the side streets, indicating that they were on the right track.

"Quite a team they have." Tomita gave his own compliment, regarding the whole "Lonely Lamb establishment. Never he had witnessed such bravery and cooperation. The brunette was telling the truth all along./

If they were part of the army, they would have already achieved many.

"Right, Hitoshi?"

It took longer than he had expected and in the end, he wasn't able to get the right response.

"Akira, I think you should go faster." Hitoshi, with a concerned voice, said." I mean like now!" He even exclaimed.

His own curiosity took over as the man glanced in the direction where the latter was looking, and he widened his eyes in shock to see a swarm of the dark creatures heading straight for them.

"Shit!" Tomita swore for the first time as he adjusted the gear to a higher level and thus the vehicle sped up faster than ever before, yet the enemies also attempted to catch up with their own speed.

"They're getting closer!"

The man was now tense because he needed to be careful when maneuvering the LAV so that they didn't crash into someone's abandoned stall. So far, the only thing he has been able to do is adjust the speed and make slight turns. As a result, it did help them in some ways by forcing their enemies to adapt to the change in pace, but it also increased their chances of getting into an accident. Despite this, a floating small ball of light appeared in front of his eyes, taking the shape of a small humanoid figure and revealing herself to be a fairy dressed in the staff uniform of the "Lonely Lamb" inn.

The fairy wasted no time in giving the man a look as if to follow her instructions and she further zoomed away towards the streets as a small beacon of guidance.

Tomita had no choice but to place his trust which he did.

"I'll try to hold them off!" Hitoshi added, as went towards the top and opened the small compartment.

Feeling the fresh air again, the young man loaded sets of bullets into a specific weapon attached to the top, and then he wasted no time in pressing the trigger, unleashing firepower toward the monstrous dark dragons that were now chasing them. The browning's firepower was already enough to slow the chase as various creatures had their heads and other body parts ripped off, but they kept coming.

He took a quick glance at the giant beef bowl dish, and he immediately noticed the changing fog from the bowl itself.

"It's starting." He muttered, hoping that they would reach the plaza in time.

Fortunately, they were nearing their destination.

"I see it! The plaza!" Tomita exclaimed, as his own nervousness was being converted into excitement.

Finally, they were at the end game of their plan.

Soon after, the LAV arrived, and the small fairy came to a halt in the very center, where a statue of the goddess lay in ruins, though it was also the fairy herself who used magic to sever the ropes from the vehicle, leaving the wagon behind.

Tomita adjusted the brakes once again and made the vehicle slightly drift towards a safer zone.

The giant dish remained after the smoke-like fog had grown stronger and a certain essence had begun to surround it. Soon after, the swarm of dark dragons arrived at the plaza, and instead of attacking the two men, they went straight for the giant bowl, which had finally captured their attention.

The recon members watched as the creatures took a dive inside the giant dish and began to devour and tore the meat like hungry hyenas.

No matter how good it smelled, they were informed that the dish was dangerous to begin with.

When the vast bulk of them had finally swallowed what they had eaten, their bodies began to tremble and contorted. Some let out a painful roar, and not long after, one of them burst into flesh and blood, followed by another, and so on.

In less than five minutes, the creatures that pursued them were reduced to shards and mass stains of black blood that covered the cobblestone grounds.

Both men let out a sigh of relief as their struggle was over.

"Damn, I'd never thought I would be in a similar situation," Hitoshi remarked, finally able to relax.

Tomita gave a chuckle as he rested himself on his seat.

"I might need a vacation after this mess."

They were able to take a temporary moment to rest, though it became short-lived as the communication radios came to life and a familiar voice spoke.

"Tomita, Sgt. Kuwahara speaking, Any updates on the search?"

Hitoshi turned his focus toward him and gave a nod.

"Is he really going to believe it?"

"Well, let's just see."

Tomita grabbed the walkie and gave his reply.

"A lot sarge, yet we still haven't found them yet."

"What do you mean by a lot?"

"Oh, we fought dark little dragons, with the help of Gordon Ramsay and his crew."

They finally said it and waited if there going to be a reply which he did, immediately.

"Gordon who?"


Even though the dark forces were forcing their way for a complete takeover, there were still pockets of resistance left scattered throughout the city.

The urban battles that were taking place had significantly damaged the majority of the city districts. Furthermore, the group was witnessing them firsthand while on a cat-and-mouse chase through every street they passed.

Kurata peeked through the curtains of the wagon and saw the monsters still chasing them. He then looked back inside and saw the children hugging closely together as a means to comfort themselves in the middle of a dangerous situation.

He knew he had a big responsibility to protect them as his fellow recon members tried their best to outmaneuver them and as he the elf girl, was preparing the remaining arrows that she has in case of a potential fight once more.

Right now, the mood was changing back and forth, a combination of calm, uncertainty, and urgency.

By then, an idea came up to his mind as the Otaku soldier, decided to motivate their spirits.

He then wore his smile and said, "Okay fellas, don't worry, everything is going to be alright, I promise you that."

He received nothing but only quietness, yet the elf girl gave a smile, appreciating his own caring actions.

Kurata wasn't the best at motivating someone, but he would do everything just to uplift them, in hopes of helping that someone overcome a challenge.

As soon as he was about to speak once again." Guys whatever happens, please all you have to do is just to believe in yourse-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence.

The children soon gave screams as a dark dragon managed to enter the wagon and opened the curtains at will.

Kurata was startled at the sudden surprise but he was able to avoid the sharp claws that attempted to grab him and instead scratched the wooden surface.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears!" He instructed the children as he grabbed his rifle and began firing at the monster, which continue to resist, but eventually succumbed to the bullets.

Another one managed to climb in its place and tried to grab one of the children, but Tuka immediately made her move as she fired her first arrow, directly hitting the monster in the eyes, moments later, the sparkles of lightning manifested, electrocuting the creature instantly, as the elf girl had infused lightning magic in her remaining arrows.

The two kept attacking the oncoming horde, who was now attempting to lunge directly inside the wagon, attracting the attention of a certain busty young lady.


While there was a mini battle from the back, the other group also faced their own troubles ahead.

The streets were indeed challenging.

They don't really know what district they had entered, yet still they continue to move forward, with the elf boy directing the Chocobo to any path they take.

Shino aimed and fired at the dark dragons that emerged from various rooftops of shophouses and tall ancient-like structures. After many attempts of lunging at them, being thwarted by the young woman, as well as the blue-haired mage, who continuously cast the barriers, shielding them from unsuspected sneak attacks.

Soon after, everyone heard the gunshots which came from behind.

"Kurata, what the heck is going on there!?" She yelled out.

"Kinda busy here protecting the children!" The Otaku's voice responded immediately, intertwined with the sounds of gunshots.

Higashi sighed while Shino rolled her eyes.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She remarked on the changing situation.

She took a glance at Lelei, whose working hard just to keep her own energy and strength at a normal level. A kid like her should be resting instead.

For how long they were going to keep up like this?

For sure, the Chocobo would get exhausted again, and they had to stop at some point, but it was impossible for them to do so at this moment. Although unbeknownst to them, one of the creatures, the size of a cat, managed to climb up undetected.

It went on the side of the wagon, creeping up its way towards the front, where the Chocobo was located, but instead of going for the big bird, it went for the thick ropes that bound it with the wagon and began biting it off.

Lelei felt something behind her and turned around to see the culprit on the verge of ripping the ropes. The young mage took out her staff and instantly cast a manipulation spell that sent it flying away. Despite this, she was able to stop it because the damage had already been done.

The rope finally snapped.

The teen widened her eyes as she quickly cast a spell that caused the wagon to stay intact, but only until she ran out of mana once again.

"We have to find a place to stop!" She exclaimed, catching their attention.

"Lelei, what the heck happened!?" Shino replied, upon seeing the current situation of the wagon.

"One of them managed to sneak through, and attempted to cut the ropes." She simply explained." I can't maintain the manipulation magic for another stretch of time."

She was showing signs of weariness once more.

They had to find a way out of there if they don't want to get separated.

That was until Aldon, who was currently controlling the Chocobo, noticed a familiar landmark.

"I know this path." He thought to himself, as he proceed to make the turn.

By that time, they found themselves heading towards a street with no intersections or small alleyways, but only a linear path that leads to a wider space at the end.

He had no options left, as the boy encouraged the Chocobo to go at its full speed.

In the midst of the voices yelling, gunshots firing, and the cries of the children, the situation continued to escalate as the walls that blocked what once used to be the alleyways began to burst as more of them with bigger sizes emerged and made multiple dives and lunges. The Chocobo in turn had to sacrifice most of its remaining stamina, as it made additional jumping from various spots to evade the large mouths and claws of monsters.

When they finally reached the end point of the street, which had a makeshift giant stone arch, they also saw a barricade that had blocked the majority of the entrance, but from the left side, a long and wide wooden plank laid on top of the barrels, as if to act as a ramp.

It turned out to be their saving grace.

"Brace yourselves!" Aldon shouted, alerting the rest as they all saw the next place they were going to.

Soon after, the Chocobo stepped and climbed the ramps before leaping as high as it could into the air.

The giant yellow bird couldn't actually fly and stay afloat, but getting everyone and the wagon above ground was the closest thing to flying, which only meant they had seconds before falling to land again.

Meanwhile, Kurata, Tuka, and the other children were puzzled and intrigued from inside the wagon.

They were seeing nothing but the sky and clouds in those moments, yet something was also not right.

Their attention was drawn to a black dot that was rapidly approaching them, and it grew closer and closer until a horror field appeared once more as the black dots multiplied and grew larger, and it turned out that the dark creatures had done the same thing by leaping towards them, and that the majority of them possessed wings.

"Shit, even the freaking air!?" Kurata almost swore but was able to keep his language friendly for all ages.

The preparations this time were a little too late. With the wings that the creatures possessed, they were much faster in reaching the still-floating wagon.

It was only the Otaku, who had the chance to aim and shoot, but he didn't have to.

The winged dark dragon, who was about to unleash flames, was abruptly interrupted when another creature of the same size appeared and tackled it away.

From a certain little girl's perspective, her eyes widened upon recognizing the beast, that she considered as a friend.

"Little Foot." She whispered.

By then time itself had finally resumed, and the wagon proceeded to fall down.

Lelei had to keep it together for one more time as she summoned more of her mana to finally cast a spell that shielded the entirety of the wagon, including the Chocobo.

"Brace yourselves again!" Aldon shouted for the second time.

It took less than ten seconds for them to hit the ground, and the sheer force that could have killed someone was prevented by the magical barrier cast by the young mage, and the wagon landed hard but in one piece.


The Mayfair Plaza itself was just one of the hundreds of urban parks across the ancient city.

The place could definitely accommodate peaceful rallies, celebrations, and even negative events such as stampedes and bloody riots.

From there, the wagon landed in the middle of the open plaza, where many scattered planted urban trees, were laying on the ground as all the leaves were gone from their branches.

"Everybody alright?" Higashi had asked, only to receive tired groans from the rest, yet his attention immediately shifted toward the enemy

As the wagon made its landing, an enormous plume of smoke billowed forth, providing the perfect signal for the malevolent beings to pinpoint the precise location of their prey.

Thus they charged once again to finally claim their prey.

Although, at the same time, a certain merchant's carriage had arrived at the scene.

As the chaos of the creatures' attack filled the air, a sudden and enchanting melody emerged, echoing through the space. The sound was so captivating that the creatures ceased their assault, emitting annoyed growls as they were unable to continue their rampage.

Tuka widened her eyes upon recognizing that sound.

"Piper's Flute."

All eyes were suddenly drawn to a confident young adventurer, in the middle of his teens, who mounted the carriage with a broad sword strapped to his back and a small but intricately crafted instrument in his hands, powered by the magical energy of a Materia. The clear notes he played rang out through the air, captivating all who heard them lending an air of mystery and intrigue.

The dark creatures stood in their positions, unable to move because of the sound which brought torture to their ears. Some tried to resist and charge at him, but that time, a certain larger dragon landed on them, which automatically caused a crater.

Suddenly, a powerful shockwave rippled through the air, the ground trembling beneath its might. And then, amidst the chaos, a familiar beast appeared, unleashing its wrath upon the corrupted ones. With each slam to the ground, toss in the air, and tear apart, the beast struck fear into the hearts of its enemies, proving once again why it was a force to be reckoned with. That in fact, it was just the adorable offspring himself.

"Little Foot!" This time Leia yelled out with excitement and hope.

The group was taken aback when they witnessed a dragon, resembling one of the more foreboding ones, suddenly taking on the role of their protector. Their bewilderment only intensified as they pondered the identity of a young boy who had appeared out of nowhere to assist them. The others were left feeling unsure and perplexed, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Lelei, somehow recognized the boy, the one that distracted the guards prior to the incident.

In the midst of that, a certain merchant waved at the group and smiled.

"Seize the opportunity if must!"

The young mage's thoughts were broken as Shino pulled her rifle once more, hopping out of the wagon along with Higashi, as they both began firing at the remaining enemies.

"Fucking die already!" Shino yelled out, determined to eradicate them all, while her fellow recon members, took a calmer path.

Tuka took the sidelines to bring Aldon, Sara, and the children to a safer spot as the rest continued to battle the monsters out.

Lelei had a difficult decision to make initially since she was aware of her dwindling energy but had a growing desire to fight. She wanted to test herself and show that she was capable of more. She knew her older sister had many chances to face and even win battles while achieving her goals of improvement in the process.

She wanted to be like that and for a moment, she was keen on joining the men in green.

Although, suddenly, she felt a hand that touched her on the shoulder as if to say that she needed the rest. She felt the coldness of whatever presence touched her yet at the same time, there was a comfort to it.

A specter of a beautiful young woman stood alongside her, and an ethereal essence surrounded the teen.

A small tear fell from her eye as she eventually chose to lay down her guard and watched the scene unfold. But at the same time, the boy from before took notice of her and flashed a smile.

He drew out a couple of materia crystals and gently tossed them toward her.

Lelei widened her eyes upon holding a very expensive but powerful magical artifact.

This was enough to replenish her mana energy but since having the realization, she slightly nodded and smiled at the boy. By then, she used one of the crystals to bring herself back to condition and cast a magical barrier that protected her elf friend and the rest of the children.

As for the teenage boy, Albrecht made his full presence known as he jumped from the top of the carriage, pulled out his weapon once again, and started slicing and slashing the enemies into pieces. The materia infused magic on his weapon was still going strong.

Kurata had taken notice of his movements and overall appearance, immediately recognizing what type of person he was.

"It's a freaking adventurer!" He thought to himself, his grin reaching both sides of his face. This was definitely the first time he saw an actual one. His mind began to recall the various manga that he read involving that certain trope.

They were real! At least in this world.

All factions pummeled the dark creatures to the ground, and Lelei made sure they couldn't escape by surrounding the entire area with a massive magical barrier. The combination of both magic and the firepower of the rifles had made a drastic impact and soon they had the upper advantage.

It didn't take long enough for all of them to go extinct as the last creature was sliced and shot to bits by them and finally, silence returned for the first time.

Both factions didn't know what to say at the moment, as they tried to regain their composure.

In the midst of that, they all heard applause from the merchant himself.

"By the Goddess! I must say that was wonderful!" He was pleased.

"Wonderful indeed! That you all cooperated with each other and beat your adversaries."

His statement brought them back to reality, with Shino being the first one to react, but not directly toward him.

"Oh my god! That dragon is really on our side!" exclaimed the busty young soldier, hesitant to approach it, and all it could do was point a finger at it while grabbing the Otaku soldier's shoulder.

"Are you people alright?" The young adventurer approached them." And please don't worry about him, he's a good boy." He smiled, bringing assurance.

Meanwhile, the offspring noticed the new faces and quickly put out its adorable eyes to make friends with them, but it was a familiar voice that drew its full attention.

"Little Foot!"

Leia immediately stood up and ran towards the cute dragon, giving the beast an embrace as she really missed him. The beast in turn, slightly growled and accepted the little girl's comfort. Such as a scene that surprised the other group.

"I thought, I'd never see you again." She said, before adding." Though, have you seen papa? Those bad men took him away."

It was at this time that the dragon encouraged her to turn towards the carriage.

The chubby merchant smiled in return as the doors opened, and stepped out the old business owner, now freed from the hooded figure's control.

"Leia!" The man said, upon seeing his beloved little girl, as his own emotions ramped up.

"Papa!" The girl's eyes lit up as tears of joy were falling from her eyes, running towards him as both father and daughter finally reunite.

It was a heartwarming scene for the rest of their eyes, yet soon, the roars from the skies were heard and everybody looked up to see that the ongoing battles still commencing.

By then, they had to make decisions right away.

Albrecht gave the merchant a look, realizing he still had a mission to finish. "Sir Duke," he simply said, walking towards the carriage.

Little Foot attempted to follow the boy in order to assist him on his next journey, but the latter raised a hand and smiled, saying,

"Promise me that you'll protect them."

The young animal was taken aback by the words but soon understood its newfound duty. The creature displayed a mournful look in response to its choice, and the boy comforted it by gently stroking him on its snout once more.

"Thank you." The teen whispered before walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Shino inquired, her curiosity taking over. "We just met you, and you should tell us a little bit more about yourself."

"I apologize for having to leave immediately," He replied simply. "I still have some unfinished business," he added, pulling out a small scroll and tossing it towards them, Higashi safely catching it.

"I think that might help you find your way back."

"So in the meantime, do me a favor and stay safe."

Lelei mustered up the courage to speak as the boy boarded the carriage once again.

"You haven't told me your name." She said, giving him a slightly serious look.

With a charming grin on his face, the young boy playfully gave the girl a subtle wink before turning his gaze elsewhere.

"It's Albrecht, and don't you forget it!"

As the merchant commanded the horse to move down a specific path, the rest watched as the carriage departed.

Lelei, on the other hand, continued to watch until she noticed a small crow that flew above her and towards the same path that the carriage took, and a great worry filled her heart.


The chaos in the skies raged on as the first batch of the Saderan wyvern army continued to decimate the city, focusing more on the important landmarks, including government buildings, constable stations, and occasionally the evacuation zones.

The main palace on the lofty hill was finally left vulnerable as a target.

The old and magnificent structure that house the primary governing seat of the principality for centuries was finally consumed by the flames when a group of enemy riders flew by the hill and commanded the dark wyverns to unleash fire to burn the structure to ashes.

It was unfortunate that the palace itself also housed important cultural artifacts which had witnessed a lot of history itself.

The fall of the structure signified the end of an old era.

"Please be careful!"

"Quickly, to the guest house!"

Amidst that certain destruction, the diplomats, the coalition envoy, and the rest of the palace staff had managed to escape even before the event had transpired. Moreover, they were also joined by nearby residents of the hill, well as a huge number of the palace guards, who were now freed from the dark influence.

In a remarkable turn of events, it was quite unexpected that the palace guards in question chose to dedicate their time and energy towards helping any survivors they could come across. They diligently guided these survivors towards the guest house areas, which were deemed a safe haven due to their secluded location away from the main palace. Such actions were truly admirable and selfless.

The vast and towering trees of the hill, served as a natural concealment, effectively hiding the houses from the prying eyes of the Wyvern army.

But from a certain spot, there was a good view to where they can see the palace now succumbing to the large flames.

A solemn expression enveloped the faces of the palace staff as they watched a place that they treated as "Home" burned to the ground. The female maids were crying while some of the government officials with them remained silent.

They weren't even sure whether to support the idea that the entire city still had strength left to defend itself, even though, the spirit of the lifestream was summoned to protect the place from further advancements by the enemy.

Back in the main guest house, the leaders of all factions were gathered together as they discussed the ongoing situation.

"This may be the safest site that we could stay." Minister Hanki remarked, having received the responsibility of temporarily taking charge as Qua-Toyne's representative.

"I supposed your men had already contacted those flying iron dragons from the Alnus region?" He followed up with a question, looking directly at the Men in Green." With your manacom devices?"

Brian simply nodded, ignoring to correct the man, regarding its true name." Yes, sir, our superiors at Alnus base had received our request." He explained." They won't just be sending aerial support but land reinforcements as well." He added.

The older man's eyes widened in surprise, a little speechless upon hearing the news.

The man pondered deeply as to why an unfamiliar and seemingly insignificant kingdom would go to such great lengths in order to assist the failing principality. As a result of the sudden invasion by the wyvern army, most means of communication had been severed, leaving the man with no option but to put his faith in the men in green. Despite this, the possibility of the entire city surviving grew slimmer with each passing minute.

He had full faith that the major military base at Ejei would receive a warning or a sign but it was also false hope.

"How's Minister Kanata?"

By then most of the diplomats had stepped up and joined in the conversations, wondering the whereabouts of the young prime minister.

The older man could give a solemn smile." Sir Kanata is fine." That's all he could say as there were more things to ponder.

Just then a representative from a small kingdom approached him and said." From the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate and thank you for accepting our homes to the alliance."

"For your kind efforts of helping our own homeland, whatever happens in the future, our kingdoms will aid you against greater evils."

Soon, more representatives began to step up and shared their support.

It was a very rare moment, especially for the cabinet officials, who were reduced to tears witnessing the scene unfold.

Even in these troubled times, there were pockets of hope that remained.


The quietness remained strong within the room.

The focus of attention was on a plain bed that held an elderly minister who was unconscious.

The injuries that the man had sustained caused a whole hour for the healer to put more effort into the hope of getting the man into a stable condition altogether.

Prime Minister Kanata had made the decision to be present and stay by his side for a period of time, a gesture of true compassion and empathy. Sitting down on a sturdy chair positioned next to the bed, he remained silent, perhaps offering up prayers or simply lending a calming presence during this difficult time.

The room was sparsely populated, with only a select few government officials in attendance. Among them were the Japanese lieutenant and his American counterpart, who had made a gracious visit to the house as a gesture of goodwill and to also clear out their concerns.

It felt like a funeral was taking place and not a single hint of joy was present.

It was only that one of the cabinet officials had summoned the courage to speak and said.

"Is sir Rinsui going to be alright Minister Kanata?" He asked.

This time, the elf man flashed a small smile. "I've already prayed to the goddess," he explained. He didn't have much control over the situation at hand. "For now, I'm just an ordinary folk like all of you, not the king or leader of the kingdom."

He remained quiet and turned his attention to the two individuals dressed in green.

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving everyone," he sincerely expressed to them with a smile before turning his attention back to the unconscious elderly man.

Indeed, he needed all the time to remain alone.

Itami and Carl didn't know what to really say other than give a simple bow before realizing that their time was done here and decided to head outside of the room and into the gardens.


The gardens of the guest houses were beautifully maintained and untouched by the conflict. The stunning greenery and colorful flowers created a peaceful and calming escape from the surrounding chaos and destruction.

After some deliberation, the duo opted to traverse the narrow pathway leading toward a vantage point.

"So what now?" Carl asked, observing the flowers and unique plants.

Itami slightly shrugged." To be honest, I don't know either." He replied as the windy weather took over the area.

The young ranger couldn't contain his curiosity, so he continued." You know, I do wonder when will aerial support arrive." He remarked. "Those Imperial Wyverns...whatever you call them, need to go." He explained adding more emotion to his words, even in his calm demeanor.

Despite the demise of the old elven council, there were still more problems to deal with, which were even more serious and dangerous.

"Let's just wait and see." Itami replied back, glancing at the sky." We can judge and expect right away. He shared his own thoughts." As much as I want this to be over with."

His concern and anxieties were directed towards the other members of his reconnaissance team, who were currently located right in the midst of the city, where the turmoil and unrest were at their peak. They were, unfortunately, trapped in the middle of the chaotic and violent conflict that had erupted all around them.

"I hope you're all safe." He said to himself, a bit frustrated that he wasn't there to help what they were going through right now.

Sometimes, he just hated to wish, but that's the only thing he could do right now.

Carl expressed his utmost empathy towards the man in question. He could relate to his emotions and would even go to great lengths just to find his colleagues if he were to be in the same situation.

For now, they had no choice but to remain low until that time would finally come.

When the two reached the end of a garden path, they were greeted by another area, which they also entered.

The location in question boasts a splendid vantage point from which one can behold the western expanse of the city. The panoramic view includes the discernible features of the city walls and the towers, many of which have been degraded to a state of ruins.

It was hard to judge whether the defenders of the towers were all killed, for sure there had to be pockets of resistance that continued from the walls itself.

Although, as the two continued to observe, Itami was able to spot something different from the rest.

Amidst the desolate and ruined towers that surrounded the area, only one structure remained unscathed, standing tall against the backdrop of destruction. At the pinnacle of the tower, a luminous blue light emitted a radiant glow, seemingly beckoning towards it.

"You gotta be kidding me," Itami muttered aloud, catching the attention of the latter.

"What happened? Did you see anything?"

The man slightly nodded, tapping into his personal knowledge." Carl-san, you know in fantasy fiction novels and manga when a kingdom is under attack, the knights would summon a magical light or a fire on a special tower." He informed him.

"Yeah, what about it?"

He couldn't contain his excitement." Well, it acts as a signal or some sort to alert any allied kingdoms of near military bases."

The Army Ranger scratched his chin and wondered before realizing the outcome of the scenario.

"Wait a don't mean that...?" He trailed off widening his eyes in surprise.

Itami grinned in return.

"Yes, it's not just one kingdom..."

Beyond the tragedy-filled Noble city, there stood a multitude of towers adorned with identical designs, scattered across diverse lands, undulating hills, and majestic mountain ranges. Some even graced the shores and distant waters. As soon as the initial beacon was ignited, a miraculous phenomenon was set in motion, whereby all the other towers were instantaneously illuminated in an unbroken chain reaction.

Originating from the Kingdom of Quila, the people were alerted to the desperate cries of an old friend. With unwavering loyalty and a sense of duty, an army was swiftly assembled to come to the aid of a kingdom on the brink of collapse. Word spread like wildfire, reaching even the smallest of kingdoms and far-flung island states, all of which answered the call with eager hearts and helping hands. Together, they formed a formidable force, united in their mission to save a dying kingdom.

The old tribes nearby took notice and began making their move.

The spirit of the old alliance was coming back to life once again.

For other nations, the beacon was just a way of learning new information, basically that a major conflict was taking place.

From the northern civilizations across the Orient, the unknown event ultimately caught their attention.


AN: Hello there again! So the chapter had to end here, since there are more scenes to write than I actually expected, which will eventually take weeks, and plus the chapter length has already reached 10k plus words, and I think this is enough before burnout comes again and takes me away.

Anyways, the chapter focuses more on action and cooperation like the rest of the previous chapters. Character interactions through perspectives, which I had the chance to also put a description of what was happening around their environment. Writing the action scenes is quite a challenge in this chapter since while I writing, I also have to imagine the scene happening in my mind. Like you're really watching an actual show of your fic.

It also comes in with both worlds working together to face the obstacle. Guns, magic staffs, swords, and even fantasy creatures are involved in all of the action scenes.

Besides the action, there's also the first scene from Mari's perspective inside the old church. The church and its environment are loosely inspired by the FF7 Remake, and the specter of a young woman, and her identity is kinda subtly hinted at in the previous chapters.

Then we have Gordon Ramsay, at least a fictionalized version of himself, doing stuff that he is known for in real life and the fantasy aspect, which is basically an isekai protagonist. Yes, that kind of trope that I've been planning to explore in the story since the beginning. The only fic that I know of that explores the idea is a certain Gate/Familiar Zero fic named "Fields of Halkegenia, (The story is awesome by the way), and it kinda brought up some issues that could possibly happen in real life in case an Isekai protagonist was discovered (Be it transported or reincarnated) If you guys have some ideas on good ways to explore the trope, feel free to share it :)

And there are some small hints of the other nations from upper civilizations, starting with a certain ship from a certain empire that looks as if it belonged to the 18th century.

With that said, thank you so much for giving your time to read the chapter and I really appreciate it. Also, please forgive me for some grammar mistakes, since English is not my first language, and I have yet to find an editor.

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