Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City VIII: The Last Hour Part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City VIII: The Last Hour Part 1

Hell had reached the skies.

It was an unexpected onslaught, and even for the kingdom's official wyvern army, which had the advantage of overseeing the land from above, the chances of survival were dwindling.

"Commander Erikus." Amidst that, he heard one of the men bringing him to reality.

"We may not survive if we continue to persist."

One of the officials in command had argued, his eyes burning with desperation.

The group of accomplished wyvern knights found themselves in an unprecedented situation, one that left them feeling fearful and uncertain. These experienced knights had fought in countless battles and emerged triumphant on many occasions, but they were now faced with the daunting prospect of confronting former friends and allies who had been consumed by false propaganda. This internal struggle had become so intense that they were even contemplating the possibility of retreating or surrendering. The situation on the battlefield was tense and uncertain, and the wyvern knights were grappling with a complex set of emotions as they tried to navigate this new and unfamiliar terrain.

The scenario on the ground was similar, but there was a chance to make a difference in the skies.

The man can sense it, and despite numerous warnings and pleadings, he decides to put his faith that they will survive.

"We'll do everything in our power to protect the royal family."

They pledged to never break that commitment and tarnish the honor they had upheld for so long.

The older man turned to the remaining royal wyvern knights and gave a smile.

"Even if we try to escape, fate can only guarantee our survival."

"Don't you ever forget that the Gods will side with the truth!"

They were surrounded, and they were all aware of that.

The current circumstances were overwhelming, leaving the men with only one choice. As they stood together, emotions ran high - tears streamed down the faces of some while others showed unwavering determination. The weight of what was to come hung heavy in the air, and the men braced themselves for what lay ahead.

As the tension mounted, suddenly the sound of blaring horns echoed across the land, signaling the arrival of the wyvern armies of the alliance.

As the enemy approached, the wyvern knights stood firm, their eyes unwavering. The commander solemnly nodded, raising his hand to signal the charge towards an unknown fate. Despite the daunting sight, their hearts remained loyal to their homeland, beating with fierce pride, honor, and unwavering courage.

"For Sadera!"


Port area, Maihark, Present Day

It would become apparent that news of the sudden siege had reached the western districts within just a couple of hours.

From locals to visitors, merchants began to form a group that would result in large crowds as the ships were immediately boarded and filled with people. There was some chaos, but not enough to cause a stampede. People attempt to exert control over themselves in some way so that they won't become victims of their own actions.

Despite the ongoings, the port has managed to maintain its aesthetics.

As the spotlight gradually moved away, the attention of many onlookers was drawn to a solitary merchant ship that had anchored itself near the docks. Before long, a group of crew members emerged from the vessel to assess the situation and gain a better understanding of what was happening around them.

Captain Dalda was the first one to step on Qua-Toyne's grounds as he sensed the fresh breeze combined with an atmosphere of uncertainty.

"It still never lost its old charm." He remarked, not paying attention to the people desperately leaving the place.

As the man ventured into the unknown territory, his crew followed closely behind, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. They moved with caution, their hands at the ready to draw their weapons at a moment's notice.

When the captain saw the rest of the men in this state, he could only shake his head.

Why would they be worried if it's not their fight?

"Captain Dalda, are you sure it's safe to walk around here?" one of the crew members inquired, to which the man guffawed.

"If we don't take risks, we won't know the truth about what's going on," he simply stated as he entered the local market.

"But, sir, you saw those wyverns flying around and spitting their flames; aren't you worried they'll attack this place?"

The man chuckled incredulously before asking, "Why would they even bother attacking a market that holds no significant importance?" He offered his reasoning in response.

As they continued to walk through the market, they noticed that many of the stall owners were hastily packing up their wares, clearly anxious and afraid. Some were loading them onto wooden carts which then were transferred to the docks and into their respective ships.

The Parpaldian captain continued to survey the surroundings and spotted a lone merchant, who was pulling a cart carrying several sacks that contained his valuable items.

He smiled as he placed a hand on the man's shoulders and greeted him.

"Excuse me sir, but before you leave, may I ask what has been happening in the city recently?"

The merchant stood alone, his silence palpable as he fixed his gaze on the stranger before him. He pondered whether the man was oblivious to the recent events that had taken place. However, upon closer reflection, it dawned on him that the individual was a newcomer to the area.

"I-I...The Saderans! They've finally found a way to infiltrate the city." He explained, looking upwards." A fellow merchant of our guild had escaped the inner districts and he told us that some of these wyvern riders had the power to summon terrifying dark beasts to kill everyone they could find."

His eyes had been weary for these past hours, cold sweat was falling, and he had not realized that fear had taken over him.

"If you're visiting the city, then it's my grave news to tell you that this place is not safe anymore." He gave his warning.

"Please leave while you can."

The merchant then slightly bowed and left the scene.

The captain and his crew were left astonished by the man's words. However, it wasn't enough to convince him.

"So what now?"

Dalda slightly smiled confidently." Simple, we continue to gather more information."

With determination, he pressed forward, his steps leading him towards the center of the local market. Despite the crowds of people, he remained focused on his destination, paying little attention to the curious stares and whispers of those around him. As they ventured further into the market, the commotion and pandemonium gradually subsided, giving way to a weighty stillness that lingered in the air like a premonition.

"There's nothing in this place, Captain." His second in command then spoke." With all due respect, we need to follow that man's advice and leave the market, or else we'd be spending time looking for useless clues."

"Please give me a break Anton, You signed up for this mission to get that experience you needed." He explained, giving a slight chuckle." Besides, all of you had your training and I don't doubt that you couldn't defend yourselves with the powerful magical flintlocks you possessed."

He tried to give them motivation in his own right.

Exactly, how he was going to demonstrate what they are capable of?

It was moments later that multiple screams were heard nearby and soon, more residents headed in their direction and were running passed by them, with fear in their eyes.

The men were quickly alerted by the sudden event as they watched many stalls being crushed to pieces as a dark creature had found itself in the area by Accident. It soon noticed the men who were staring at it with different expressions.

"Captain! Get behind us!" The second in command exclaimed, only to be ignored.

The moment the menacing beast came charging towards them, Captain Dalda acted quickly and retrieved his mystical flintlock from his holster. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and the weapon's powerful magic was unleashed. A burst of pinkish-violet energy shot out from the barrel and struck the creature with deadly precision, creating a gaping hole right between its eyes. The impact was so forceful that the creature was thrown back several feet before collapsing onto the ground.

The crew stared in awe as they watched their superior instantly slaying the beast.

Now black blood had scattered, and even on their uniforms.

Captain Dalda's face relaxed into a victorious scowl as he addressed the group of gentlemen. "That's how you do it," he exclaimed, proudly displaying his expertise. "Now that you've learned how to handle these types of enemies, our next objective is a government building." His words were confident and purposeful, leaving no doubt in the minds of those present about the mission's importance.

Despite repeated threats, the man remained stubborn and refused to budge. The situation seemed hopeless, and they felt that their only option was to seek divine intervention and pray for an immediate solution.

And they did...

Soon another voice was heard from above, in the form of a man screaming.

Soon, an actual human being had made an impressive landing right onto one of the market stalls. The best part? He safely landed on top of the fiber awning, without even severely harming himself.

This time the crew immediately rushed towards the little site to investigate further. Captain Dalda soon followed.

"T-They are..."

As it turned out, the person who appeared before them was a man dressed in the regal garb of the principality's knights. He seemed to be in a state of extreme terror and could not stop muttering incomprehensible words.


"They are going to kill us!"

"Please, save yourselves!"

The captain rolled his eyes." Oh, not another one..."

Instead of being shocked by the sudden arrival of this unknown man, Dalda chose to remain calm as he approached him and began to ask questions.

"I see, so you are one of the riders defending the city from the enemy." He smiled.

"They are not human, those knights...No they are...!"

The crew were even more confused about what the man was telling them, and in some way, they had that same feeling of dread that the man was telling the truth.

"Calm down sir." He softly smiled and continued to speak." Could you please tell me what happened and how did you survive?"

"Tell me how luck came for your side?"

The man stood in silence, his gaze sweeping over his surroundings. His mind was consumed by a flood of thoughts, each fighting for attention and threatening to overwhelm him. Nevertheless, he managed to speak a few words that conveyed the intensity of his emotions.

"T-The Saderans! Those Imperial Wyvern Knights...They are all demons! They will kill us all!"

He cried and cried as his emotions were also affecting some of the crew, causing them to slightly believe his words.

The captain's determination increased as he sought to confirm the rumors about the ferocity of the Saderan Wyvern army. He was resolute in his plan to witness firsthand if their reputation for ruthlessness was true.

"Interesting...Tell me more..."


Western Gates, The Noble City.

"Hold on! Fall in line properly!"

The yells of the constables were heard across the districts as more people began to flock towards the western district of the city.

From countless wagons and carts pulled but chocobos and horses, to carriages filled with families with all their luggage tied on top of their roofs, it was a scene similar to a great migration.

The name of the location came from the well-known landmark of the massive iron gates, which had now been opened to let the departing people out.

People from all walks of life share the desire to leave the place they once called home. However, some people were simply moving their business to a much better environment.

That has been always the end goal of the "Lonely Lamb" throughout these years of moving from place to place, village to village, town to town, and city to city. They never really had a permanent home, to begin with, yet still, they wanted to keep the spirit alive.

"Fucking finally!" Gordon Ramsay could only sigh in relief as most of the carts had finally arrived at the district.

Abandoned Carts that they "Borrowed" to finally transport the establishment's valuable assets. Shortly after, their encounter with the dark beasts, the path toward the gates continued to be smooth and devoid of any danger.

The last of the carts arrived at the first area, followed by the wagons that carried the majority of the staff and, finally, the unique green iron carriage driven by the mysterious men in green.

"Yosh! I told you we're gonna make it!" Selina cheerfully and proudly exclaimed, upon arriving at their destination.

It was a sigh of relief for everyone after all that fiasco.

They were safe from the clutches of death and now we're in the process of leaving the city like the rest of the people with them.

Gordon Ramsay, for the first time, was glad to see everyone in his "Family" alive and well. However, he also had to make sure that the two newcomers were in one piece as well.

"You two big boys alright? No broken hearts or bones?"

"No sir." Both men shook their heads.

The old geezer let out a small smile." Well...Good! Now with all of you here, we are just going to"

"Ramsay-san about that..." Hitoshi raised a hand and said." We appreciate your concern but we have to move on with our mission." He firmly said.

"Look, I know you boys are on that "Friendships" are more important but please, think about your fucking lives just for once!"

Both men were silent, yet Hitoshi kept that firm look, standing by their decision.

Even though they'd met new people and in some way become their friends, they still had to prioritize the objective they were here for.

The rest of the staff heard their intentions and some expressed solemness.

In return, the former Michelin-starred chef sighed. He had no choice and did not influence their decisions. He turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Anna, who smiled and nodded.

"Fine, then you have it your way," Gordon said, motioning towards a certain cat girl." But only if Selina accompanied both of you."

"Eh?" The cat girl's ears stood up and she looked at the geezer, surprised.

Hitoshi and Tomita exchanged glances, unsure how the scenario would play out.

"Ramsay-san, uhm we are not sure if-"

The older man quickly fired back." Oh fucking please, I am doing you guys a favor and I am enlisting her as your guide since she knows every street in every district you enter." He explained, allowing his famous persona out once again.

Both men couldn't think of anything to say. They weren't sure how the cat girl would help them in their mission other than as a guide.

"If you felt, your lives are in danger, then don't worry, Selina has killed a lot of shitholes without them even knowing." He bluntly added.

Their hair stood up for some reason upon hearing the statement. They then glanced at the demi-human, who only gave them a cute and innocent grin with a peace sign.

Tomita groaned in return, having realized one thing about the staff of the "Lonely Lamb"

Looks don't just define their whole character but the more you dig deep into it, the more secrets will come out.

Which was indeed very frightening.


"So should we join them?"

It was a question that she had not expected from her fellow recon member, yet she somehow distinguished it as a literal joke made in a time when anything could happen at every moment.

One of the unusual situations that they had to witness.

The infirmary section continued to remain, but the church's main area had been adjusted and reorganized slightly to return to its original purpose. A place where people could spend time praying to their religions, and when news of an invasion reached them, some headed to a church where they began to pray to their gods.

Mari had been observing the scene for quite some time, alongside Nishina, who was just intrigued at the moment.

They weren't sure if they were even praying to the same thing illustrated on the colorful church windows.

"I don't think so." The young woman replied." This is their way of coping." She remarked." As much as I want to ask for a miracle and let us know if the guys are safe somewhere in the city."

Nishina let out a small smile." For some reason, I want to believe in it." He added his thoughts.

The majority of those in the church were from the refugee groups accepted by the Local City Government, and they were all from the same group of simple village elves who had been displaced due to the ongoing conflict as well as a certain kingdom's ambitious conquest.

Mari was still a little curious. She had her wonders, and despite the bizarre visions that flooded her mind, she didn't fully understand the story. She was hoping that one of them would be able to answer her questions.

The medic scanned the area, looking for someone who could help her clear the confusion in her mind. By then, she started to walk around for a little bit, and in the midst of that, she stumbled upon a chance.

"You looked troubled, Young lady." A voice brought her back to reality.

Mari turned and met an elderly elf woman, sitting on one of the wooden benches, as her little granddaughter had fallen asleep on her lap and the only thing she could was to comfort her.

"Oh, I am just curious about the villagers." She explained." They're very dedicated to their prayers." She added.

The elderly elf gave a small chuckle." In times like this, who would not choose to pray?"

Silence briefly took over.

Nishina raised a hand." I do want to ask about it." He then spoke." Who are they praying to?"

The old elf woman who brought her gaze towards the light.

"Shamash." She simply said." From the land we came from, She is hailed as the "Sun God"

Mari and Nishina's eyebrows raised as they turned towards the church windows, where an illustration of a mysterious woman in the forest praying to the heavens was depicted.

"If you're wondering, then that is not her, but a different God or Deity." The elderly elf woman explained."

"Then who is it?" Mari, now even more intrigued had said.

She sadly smiled.

"I apologize but I do not know." She explained." But my people call her the forgotten one.

"The forgotten one?" Mari muttered under her breath, she recalled seeing the woman's eyes as if she was glad to finally lend her help for a long time.

Could that be the one?

Nishina stepped forward this time and asked." How do you think the Sun God would help in this situation?"

The young woman glanced at him with a surprised look.

"Isn't obvious?"

"No, I mean since this is a different world, Do the Gods and Deities here have the power to interfere and save people?" He clarified his statement.

"It's been thousands of years since the last intervention," the elderly elf sighed. "According to our stories, when this world was engulfed by a great conflict and the alliance of the races was pushed back to the Rodenius Continent, the only thing they could do was place their prayers on the Gods."

"And when everything was almost lost, a great light appeared on the heavens and from the oceans, arrived the Emissaries."

"Emissaries?" Both said in unison, while the latter nodded.


"Yes, they rode in divine flying ships and iron forts, that also could cast fearsome sorcery that summoned thunderous lightning that set the ground ablaze"

The act of storytelling had become a cathartic escape for the temporary residents of the guest houses, a means to vanquish the persistent negative thoughts that had taken root in their minds. In the midst of this, the dignitaries and representatives from other kingdoms and states engaged in lively conversations, some even taking the time to brew tea and nibble on petite butter biscuits - the sole refreshments available.

Representative Tanaka and Diane found themselves in a quiet spot in one of the corners of the living room. Both of them were sitting on the comfy rug that the place had, while a small round table was placed in front of them, where their cups and snacks were placed. Moreover, they expected to have a quiet meal time but instead, an unexpected blessing was given to them in the form of several diplomats, who were willing to talk and to have a good conversation.

The recent one had the most interesting legends to tell and why not start with the most common tale?

Ever since they had arrived, they've been hearing that certain tale of the emissaries and some even noticed the symbol the Japanese diplomat had on his suit and acquired second thoughts.

"Divine flying ships and iron carriages and giant moving fortresses? "His American counterpart remarked, forming a scenario in her mind." Sounds like a fantasy science fiction novel." She began to wonder.

"Yes, and not just that, the emissaries wielded powerful weapons that could pierce through even the strongest armor during that time, and these ships and moving iron fortress had the blessings of the Gods, that not even the summoned beast and wyverns could handle." One of the diplomats explained.

Right in the middle of that, Tanaka's mind began to act and the man suddenly recalled a certain memory.

"They were the ones who aided the alliance in driving the demon lord and his army back towards the lands of Philades," said another. "Without their arrival, they would have taken over the Rodenius Continent as well as the surrounding lands of the Orient."

As the diplomats continued to tell their stories, Representative Diane couldn't help but notice one detail. Not in the story itself, but in how it was told.

As if it did happen.

"May I ask, about these Emissaries, what did they look like?"

Following that, there was silence. Some of them had no idea how the mysterious emissaries dressed, and they were only aware of a few clues that hadn't even been fully confirmed.

"In some tales, they are depicted as humans who have attained the higher status of magic and power," an old diplomat explained. "But, I doubt that because tales are sometimes made to be exaggerated."

Diane raised an eyebrow." Then what's the best detail that makes the emissaries convincing?"

"Their symbol." The diplomat simply said."

"A White emblem with a red circle in the middle."

The American Diplomat then turned to her Japanese counterpart and looked to surprise.

"It's the only evidence that was proven given that that symbol could be found not only in this land but across the northern civilizations as well," he added. "Without the chroniclers and scholars, the legend would remain a children's tale."

"I see, so that's why there are some who still believe in it that they would try to pray to this Sun God just to summon them again?" She shared her thoughts, while the old man nodded.

"Perhaps, though it is common knowledge that the Gods had no right to interfere with local affairs." He explained." And it might be possible that they just don't exist anymore."

Diane could only stare at him, loss for words.

"Do you think there might be a chance that they would return?"

"The Emissaries?"

Tanaka spoke this time, catching the attention of the rest.

For some reason, there was determination in his eyes. That certain memory he recalled, there was a connection to it. However, the old diplomat gave a solemn look.

"As much as I wanted them to be here and to save the city...We have to face the truth." He replied.

"We are on our own this time."


It had been a couple of hours since the incident at the palace.

The room was clouded with pure silence.

Kanata had appreciated the rest of his cabinet members' decision to let him be and recover his strength. The elf could only stay in his seat as he observed the still-unconscious old man.

"What could I've done more to save him?"

Some regrets lingered in his mind. Yes, he tried to fight back, but due to the combined force of the palace guards and the superiority of the former elder elves, it was simply impossible to keep the man from being beaten to near death.

It was the first time he saw how cruel living beings could be. Everyone had that dark side within them, waiting to be unleashed when the right time came, and for some, they would successfully overcome it.

Kanata knew he had the choice to follow a path of revenge but made a different decision. He couldn't control their actions, so he allowed fate itself to give the verdict.

The image of the corrupted palace guards beating the old man to the extreme was a traumatic scene for him. Their laughs of cruelty combined with the elder elves watching with satisfaction, it was too much to handle during that moment.

He was a person of pure heart but the idea of revenge could possibly emerge anytime.

Then in that moment, he sensed a small movement.

"Rinsui!" His eyes widened upon seeing the old man slowly regaining his consciousness.

Then he heard a small groan from him.

The young elf immediately approached the bed in an attempt to check if he was alright.

"Uncle, please don't move, you're not fully healed yet," Kanata informed, as he gently helped the old man adjust his position.

The man finally opened his eyes as he saw the young Prime Minster's concerned expression.

He let out a faint smile." I-I am glad you're alright." He finally spoke.

Kanata sighed in relief, placing a hand on the latter's shoulder. He let out a smile as small tears began to fall to his cheeks.

He could only thank the Gods for letting the man whom he treated as a father figure have a second chance at life.


His world spun around quickly as the wyvern went into a downward spiral.

He couldn't comprehend what was happening, his vision became blurred and the next thing he knew, he wasn't in the skies anymore.

Yuji tried his best to hold on to the wyvern, and he could remember bits of what had transpired.

The dark wyvern riders pursued them while they were falling.

Their wyvern roared in pain and heard the voice of the young captain.

"Hang on tight!"

Then when he opened his eyes, he found himself on the ground, landing on a pile of baskets full of fruits.

His body was still recovering from the shock, but miraculously he was in one piece, as there were no serious injuries or major pains. The young man slowly stood up and, as his vision improved, he was able to take in his surroundings.

Yuji knew he was somewhere in the city, but he wasn't sure which district he had landed in.

He quickly realized that he was lost, and immediately his mind was reminded of another important thing.

"The crystal..." he muttered to himself as he left the pile of fruit baskets that had saved him and began searching the area for it.

When he looked down at his lap, he noticed the artifact next to the pile of baskets.

He had a smile of relief on his lips but it slowly disappeared upon seeing its current state.

There on the ground lay the still glowing crystal but with a tablet that was nearly broken in half.

"Shit!" Yuji immediately rushed toward the artifact and gently picked it up.

Upon further examination, he saw the huge sign of a crack that stretched in the middle of the tablet. Yet, in a surprising twist, the crystal was still attached to the socket, which was keeping the whole thing together.

His eyes widened in realization.

He had to be careful, the next time he would be in a similar situation, it might be the end of its magic and the last line of defense would fall.

The man brought his eyes above to observe the skies and noticed that the great ethereal essence that protected the city from the full force of the Saderan Wyvern Army, was starting to weaken as it grew thin as time passed.

He needed to find a place where he could take refuge and keep the crystal safe. The bigger responsibility was on him this time.

Yuji wasted no time and grabbed an empty basket from the pile, then he took the crystal along with the tablet and carefully placed it inside.

"This may look weird but it's for the best." He remarked to himself.

As he stood up, he observed his overall surroundings. The place was revealed to be a street market with only one path that would direct anyone to a specific location.

Having no alternatives and not fully knowledgeable about the district itself, he persisted on his journey. As he walked along the empty street, he could hear the sounds of the wyverns booming from the skies. It was fortunate for him that the awnings were big enough to cover his presence. While in his mind, his worry went towards the young woman, and of course the other two.

"Girls, I hope you're alright."


They could finally sense it.

There was a change in the air.

For a long time, they had to wait as the invasion had been postponed.

Their patience was running thin.

The commander along with thousands of imperial wyvern knights, were still surrounding the dome-shaped essence that enveloped the entire city. Their numbers were even enough to cover the large pockets of blue skies that were starting to appear.

"They are taking too long!"

"This essence must be destroyed!"

"I can't wait to burn this city to the ground!"

The Saderan wyvern knights were becoming restless and discontent with the situation at hand. As time passed, the dark powers that lay dormant within them started to awaken, slowly but surely taking control of their minds and bodies. The once noble knights were now unrecognizable, their human appearance twisted and corrupted by the dark magic that coursed through their veins. The transformation was gradual but unmistakable, as their eyes began to glow with an eerie light and their skin took on a sickly pallor. It was clear that the knights were no longer in control of themselves, and the situation was quickly spiraling out of hand.

Their eyes glowed crimson, indicating the tight grip of the dark influence.

There was a reason for it, so it wasn't just bloodlust or a desire to kill.

"It has been so long since I last saw this city."

The wyvern commander thought to himself, observing the ongoing scenario.

"I never imagined The Principality would have survived this long after centuries," he added, still transfixed by the moment." But still..."

"It appears that the alliance is also strong," one of the wyvern knights observed. "We are fortunate to have launched the invasion at this early stage."

"If not for His Excellency Adem and strong will, We would all be too late to claim redemption.

The commander shook his head.

"The alliance had been dissolved." He said, surprising his officials." It seems that Qua-Toyne is nothing but a shell of its former self." He explained.

"But sire, the other kingdoms we defeated are..."

"The other kingdoms and states are their allies, but they aren't the "Kingdoms" that aided the principality and defeated the Demon Lord's Generals a long time ago," the Wyvern commander added.

"Commander Erikus, I believe this Qua-Toyne Principality is still the one that led the other kingdoms in defeating us!" Another wyvern knight's voice out." They betrayed and took everything from us!"

The rest of the wyvern knights were enraged.

They wouldn't forget what happened to them all those years ago.

The Commander remained silent as he remembered how their former allies murdered them, burning them to death in agony. Their wyverns had been tortured by slicing their necks and bleeding them out.

"Kill Kill Kill!"

The wyvern knights began to chant louder as the dark energy grew.

"They deserved no mercy!"

"They will pay for what they have done!"

At the same time, the magical barrier that had kept them apart began to disintegrate. Following that, some wyvern knights attempted to breach the barrier, despite the energy disintegrating their hands and other body parts.

Soon after one was able to break through and enter the city and the other knights followed suit.

The cheers grew louder as more wyvern knights entered the city.

A battle cry was sounded.

As the wyvern Commander observed, a small smile crept upon his lips

If this was their opportunity to redeem themselves, it would be a glorious one. They would not have been able to witness this event if it hadn't been for the dark forces that brought him and his fellow wyverns back from beyond.

To him, it would be a great opportunity for them to achieve what they truly desire and finally find the peace they deserve.


"So It did happen."

Rinsui couldn't believe it at first but to wake up and learn the news of an aerial invasion, the realization had dawned upon him.

"Sadera made its move."

Kanata simply nodded, as his cup was finally refilled with hot tea once again by one of the palace staff.

What was to explain?

He had no clue how to explain what transpired away from the palace. He only heard reports of big groups of wyverns attacking the city and of course, the still unconfirmed reports of humongous beasts terrorizing the eastern districts.

"So what now?"

Kanata looked away." I haven't inquired for updates regarding the situation but...the last report I learned was that knights from the towers are doing whatever they can to prevent the enemy from spreading further damage across the city." He explained." I know for a fact that even the enemy is invading in large numbers. and if we manage to contact the main base in Ejei, then we might have a chance."

Rinsui gave a faint chuckle.

"Sadera's Wyvern army is one of the best and most courageous warriors to ever grace the skies of Rodenius." He remarked to himself." That's why it took an alliance of kingdoms just to beat them..."

His expression slightly changed.

"What has happened to them?"

The room was still silent, and despite the tea that had been served to help the two regain their strength, the thought of surviving an impossible task lingered.

"All these years, I thought the preparations that my father gave for the Principality was enough."

He was a witness himself, and even in his younger days, he saw how the man risked his life to restore the glory that the kingdom had once possessed. The corrupt factions were there but most of them were prevented, however, as the saying goes:

"The Evillest Grass would always live longer"

And that kind of grass was responsible for controlling major aspects of the Principality, especially, gaining more power than the main governing body.

"The Old council, why did they have to be here every step of the time?"

"Were they responsible for all of this?"

"Did I somehow fail my duties?"

"Would I be remembered as a fool who had let the Principality into chaos?"

In those moments, he felt despair and doubt. He was beginning to believe that his cabinet members were even more qualified than him as a leader.

Rinsui stared at the young elf as he understood his struggles. The old man placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Before your father passed, He told me that you will take the reign as Prime Minister." He said, before adding." He knew deep in his heart that you are capable of leading the Principality."

Kanata was speechless, his lips were slightly shaking as he tried to fight back the emotions from emerging.

There's a reason why the old man had stayed alongside him from the time he took the mantle until the violent demise of the elven council. If it was a different person, who had an agenda, then it would be all over to begin with.

Some people really cared.

The elf then brought his eyes towards the man and saw the trust and faith in his eyes.

Soon, a small smile formed on his lips.

Kanata took a slight bow and said."

"Thank you for believing in me all these years Uncle."

Then at the same time, a ray from the sun had gone through the window and directly shone upon the two.

Rinsui simply returned the smile with a nod." And thank you for standing up to your own beliefs and being yourself."

By this time, the prime minister stood up from his chair, his spirit renewed as determination emitted from his eyes.

"Where are you going this time?" Asked, the old man.

Kanata simply smiled confidently, "Back to the main hall, Uncle." He knew exactly what to expect and what to do.

"I know, they are doing their best to assess the current matters at hand." He paused, looking at the symbol of the Principality from a picture frame.

"I will aid them as best as I can."


It was apparent that the small drone had no luck at the moment.

At first, it only saw the giant dragon that emerged from a particular direction, and there were chances of it escaping from the environment it was currently in.

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of countless wyverns, the entire aerial territory would have been immediately filled with them. They swooped in like flies, darting around in different directions as they attempted to carry out their plans. While many continued to unleash flames on both the city and the dark dragon, several groups also pursued the goal of chasing the mysterious griffin rider, who killed a large number of them.

The drone found itself in this chaos.

Carl knew he had the big responsibility of keeping the device safe from getting caught in the fire and he never expected how tough this would turn out.

"You gotta get out there!" Itami then said as he observed the ongoing scenario through the small screen." We can't let the drone enter the crossfire." He added.

"I know!" The American Ranger's reactions were out of control. He tried to remain as calm as possible, despite the fact that his hands were already shaking from fear.

His cold sweat was already dripping down his brow, and he needed to make the right moves.

Wasn't there a goal to capture what was happening in the city?

Conclusive evidence that the enemy's invasion was real

Their superiors and even the leaders of the Principality had to know the situation.

Carl straightened his posture up as his inner Gamer took over. He pressed a couple of buttons and beyond the screen, the drone rose to the air once again.

Thus the man vowed to never give up until he could get good footage.


The main guest house was abuzz with activity as the living room had been transformed into a makeshift cinema. The diplomats and Qua-Toyne's remaining governing officials who had gathered there were taken aback by the sudden change in the room's ambiance. As they settled down to watch the live footage, everyone seemed to have similar reactions - a mix of surprise, curiosity, and disbelief. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and people whispered in hushed tones as the screen continued to display the chaotic and breathtaking scenario of Maihark's skies.

If what they were seeing was true then it was apparent that chaos had already slipped in and was spreading across the noble city.

The question was how significant the conflict had made its damage.

"Wyverns! They are burning the city!"

It was the first detail that they had noticed.

"What happened to Maihark's Wyvern defense corps?"

Some wondered the whereabouts of the glorious aerial defenders of the city. They were supposed to be in the skies to fight the invaders. Yet, they were nowhere to be seen.

From the nearby table where most of the radios and devices were set up, the leaders of the coalition and official members of the Qua-Toyne government watched as the whole event unfolded on the screen. They were in awe of the unique magical equipment that the men had presented to them.

An ability to project invisible eyes toward the Maihark's skies to capture the current situation. For sure, there were similar spells but this one was an exception.

In truth, the members of the coalition weren't even that impressed by their own devices but rather focused on a different matter.

Lieutenant Brian and fellow ranger Al, were in fact in a state of worry.

The last thing they wanted to do was offer their help and support in controlling the small drone, but they had already placed their trust in Carl and Itami and could only hope that the device would get away safely.

"Carl, what in the shit is happening!?" Brian immediately grabbed the walkie and spoke through it.

"As you can see, we are in a tight situation right now, so yeah...Shit is going to happen no matter what Bri." His voice emerged and replied.

"Oh yeah, and if everybody is watching, just tell them to get some plastic bags if they wanna puke since this is going to be a wild ride." He bluntly stated without any hesitation in his voice.

Brian's face contorted with discomfort upon hearing the remark. He quickly shifted his gaze towards the Qua-Toyne representatives, who appeared to be utterly perplexed.

How could he possibly break down the current situation into smaller, more manageable pieces to explain it thoroughly?

Let alone that a giant freaking blackish dragon was just nearby the hot zone.

In the back of his mind, he was relieved that Al had called HQ for aerial reinforcements.

He pressed the button on his walkie-talkie and said, "Carl, do whatever you can to get out of there as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I'm trying If this drone got something like a built-in launcher then I'll be probably more excited to blast them out." His voice then said.

The current situation had everyone on the edge of their seats. Some people were terrified when they saw that the drone was about to be attacked by a wyvern or eaten. Others started cheering for the drone, while some shouted suggestions on how to escape.

Even in the guest house, there was a lot of noise and chaos.

Brian and Al were reminded of how most Superbowl family gatherings would escalate.

However at the same time, one of the crowds spoke up.

"Is that Griffin?"

"I can see that but..who's the other wyvern rider?"

They began to notice the two anomalies on the screen, passing through the swarm of wyverns with a certain smoothness to it.

Not long after, the identity of the rider slowly emerged.

Brian widened his eyes in surprise." A girl?" He muttered.

Soon the wyverns on the screen were going in a singular direction as they were revealed to be chasing the wildcards of the current aerial battle.



As the bunny warrior woman scanned the skies, she suddenly caught sight of an enemy wyvern emerging from the clouds. The rider on its back was poised to strike, brandishing a rusty, unsightly spear. With a sharp intake of breath, she readied herself for the imminent attack.

The girl made a move as she maneuvered "Mera" to a certain spot.

Parna quickly drew out a dagger and hurled it directly towards the rider hitting him on the head, which caused his downfall.

However, it was not the end as the numerous enemy wyverns approached them once more.

Mera reacted as she flew away towards a certain area of the skies, with the enemy responding with an overwhelming force.

At the same time, the massive dragon roared as it noticed the griffin heading in its direction. It then used its massive claws to try to swat the bird away but failed and smashed a chunk of wyvern riders into pieces.

As the battle raged on, the beast was inadvertently pulled into the fray. It was drawn in by the tiny balls of flame that erupted from the smaller wyverns. The conflict seemed so minor to the dragon that it grew irritated. It continued to use its razor-sharp claws wildly, slashing and snapping in an attempt to rid itself of the annoying flies that kept buzzing around it. The dragon's massive wings beat the air furiously, causing gusts of wind that pushed and pulled at everything around it.

Meanwhile, the young ladies were trying their best to evade both enemies.

The wyvern riders kept on chasing them while escaping the grasp of the giant beast.

The change in the wind did not help either.

They needed to go up at this point. The last thing Pina saw was the bunny warrior woman nodding before splitting up and heading in different directions.

The redhead understood that this was the only way to divert their enemies' attention and prevent them from forming a large unit.

As she continued to climb higher and higher, a sudden feeling of unease washed over her. She sensed something approaching, but with the clouds obscuring her view, she couldn't quite make out what it was. Even though she had finally escaped from the clutches of the dark dragon, the silence that accompanied her ascent was unsettling. It was as if the world around her was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

Even Mera could sense it.

Pina only had one weapon, her blade, which she had been carrying for a long time and she immediately pulled it out, just in time for a larger and broader monstrous weapon to emerge from the clouds and slice her head, which she instantly prevented.

As the clouds dissipated, the young lady found herself clashing swords with her assailant, and it was revealed that he was accompanied by his underlings.

"Commander Erikus." She muttered his name in surprise while the man gave a devious smile.

"Your Highness, quite surprised to meet you here in the skies."


She never felt so happy to be on another little adventure.

"I am so lucky! I am with you guys again nya!"

Selina had a wide grin throughout as she and the men in green had been driving through the empty desolated streets of the eastern districts. With the silence, the engines of the green iron carriage were the only ones making noise.

This was indeed already a chance for sightseeing.

The cat girl was free to let out her full personality...That of a happy and cheerful individual, that not even the master chef himself could fully control.

"You know...when all of this is over...I might need to learn how to pilot your horseless carriages." She remarked, giving both men a grin and wink." Whenever I'm going to borrow it to pass the time while getting some fresh air!"

Tomita groaned in return while Hitoshi forced a smile.

They've been wondering why the blonde geezer ended up choosing the demi-human to be their guide. Yes, they were grateful to have a companion who could lighten the mood, but how would she contribute when trouble arose?

They were hoping for the Wolf Man "Boris" to join in their mission so that they could have additional muscle if those dark dragons returned once again.

"Trust me, Selina can help you big time."

The man's words were still fresh in their minds as they tried to comprehend the final decision.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

Though, besides blurting out some outrageous words, the cat girl was a curious one.

"I know you're searching for your friends, but I didn't get the whole story," she said. "But why are you guys here in the first place?" she asked.

Both men glanced at each other, not knowing what to say first.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Hitoshi spoke with a subtle smile.

"Oh come on...even just one small hint?"

"We are different, and we don't belong in this world," Tomita finally said, though in a more hazy tone.

The cat girl nodded slightly, her face full of intrigue. "I understand. I am going to guess that your story will be even more far-fetched than the previous ones I have heard," she commented. "Although, if both of you are exhausted, why should I force you to continue?" She giggled.

"I'll just have to let fate decide for that...whether it's the right time to know the truth."

The girl had some sense of respect and understanding. Something that the two had never expected.

"Ms. Selina, can we ask how you ended up working for Ramsay-san?" Hitoshi asked, changing the topic altogether.

"And how long have you been working for him as a waitress?"

Eventually, the two had gotten curious and wanted to know more about the girl. She did appreciate their willingness to get to know her more.

She scratched her chin." Hmmm, I've been working with Ramsay-san as a "Hostess" since the day he arrived at our restaurant through a crate of tomatoes." She explained.

"A crate of tomatoes?"

"Yes, the old geezer was a stowaway from an old pirate ship, according to him," she smiled. "He then became our head cook since then, and the entire crew went on to travel to different places, even across the seas."

As she continued to speak, her words became more elaborate and detailed. She recounted numerous unique stories of the man's heroic deeds, including his role in saving a kingdom from a dark lord, as well as her discovery of a land full of exotic and rare spices. Each tale was filled with intricate details and vivid descriptions, painting a picture of a life full of adventure and excitement.

"Interesting..."Hitoshi remarked, recalling how those adventures sounded similar to a blonde-haired man, who was also a chef and part of a certain pirate crew." Though, I wonder where was your original restaurant located?"

"Sadera." She bluntly said like that, causing the two men to broaden their eyes.

"You're serious?" Tomita asked.

Hitoshi gave a glance. "But is it still there?"

"Of course! Our flagship branch has moved," she explained, her tail still wagging. "But Master Ramsay still owns the land and structure, nya." She then gave an optimistic look.

"Hey, if you guys are interested in joining the crew, why not?" She suggested." Master Ramsay is planning to re-open the old branch and we might need some people that could take on the job..."

"Being a cook of course."

"Adventure, I think heard that before," Tomita remarked, a bit neutral on the subject.

Selina giggled." You know, we guys make a pretty good team! And I mean that." She was genuine about that idea.

"Well, we are pretty good at screaming, if you count that." Hitoshi corrected her.

The memory of encountering that giant dragon was still fresh in their minds. Not that the beast itself was scary, but the way they reacted that it instantly took the fear away from them.

It was just embarrassing to see a grown man screaming like a little girl.

Hitoshi cringed once more, glancing at his colleague, who couldn't even contain that shame.

"I think we should just-"

"Halt this carriage at once!"

The sudden reaction by the cat girl had startled them.

The LAV then stopped in its tracks.

"Is everything alright?" Hitoshi asked.

Selina, on the other hand, had sensed something and it was right in this area.

"That shophouse over there." The cat girl said as she exited the vehicle and beckoned the men to follow her.

Once they disembarked from the LAV, the two gentlemen trailed the young lady. Before long, they arrived at a modest marketplace where the girl had detected an unusual presence. Her intuition was accurate, although she neglected to mention that the structure was in disrepair. The primary walls had already collapsed, and the focus had shifted to a severely wounded wyvern. The creature lay beside a youthful woman who was barely clinging to life.

"A Maihark Knight?" She thought to herself.

Despite what had happened, the wyvern had been continuously growling upon noticing them. It was hugging the latter in the hopes of safeguarding her from the impact, and a chunk of its tale had been bitten in half because the majority of its body had been covered in blood.

Selina simply nodded as she immediately understood what it was trying to tell.

She looked back towards her companions with a serious look and said." Please help her."

Her words brought back the two men to reality as they quickly rushed towards the young woman and carefully helped her from the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" Hitoshi said, trying to get a response from her.

Upon awakening, the young lady gazed upon the wyvern that had valiantly put its life on the line to protect her. A lone tear trickled down her cheek, a testament to the emotions that were stirring within her. As for the beast, witnessing its charge safely ensconced in the arms of another was all the reward it sought. With one final, contented growl, it settled down for a well-deserved rest.

Selina gently caressed the dying creature, a sad smile on her lips as she knew it wasn't the end for it; the gates of the promised land were waiting.

Not long after, a huge menacing roar was heard across the entire district.

It would only mean one thing.

Moreover, most of their attention turned towards the skies as they observed the mysterious blue ethereal essence slowly dissolving into nothingness.

This time, the young woman began to speak.

"We have to find him and the crystal."

The trio turned towards her and seemed confused.

"What do you mean?"

"The crystal, it is the one responsible for the lifestream you see above..." She explained as best as she could.

"Oh you mean they are not just for aesthetics?"

"And who's the guy?" Tomita asked this time.

They weren't expecting that name to come out of the woman's lips.

"Sir Yuji."


On every street he went, there was always this feeling of being watched.

He knew he had to find a way out of there despite how the environment looked calm and devoid of any violence.

The young man had already passed by 13 streets which all had the same atmosphere and it was enough to convince him that it was still not safe. Moreover, the enemy wyverns were still at large and could be tracking him down.

He had to find a safe hideout in case the enemy was nearby. If not and if luck was on his side, he could stumble upon help quickly then the fight could still have hope.

From time to time, he would check the crystal and tablet for their current state. It was still in one piece but he had a strong feeling that the artifact's contributions were nearing its end.

"Seriously, every time I am in a dire situation, this happens," Yuji noted. Being a writer helped him to identify some familiar tropes. Almost as if he was inside a dangerous adventure story nearing its climax.

He let out a small laugh as he came to the realization that he was akin to the character Frodo in this particular scenario. Just as the beloved hobbit was the bearer of the precious ring, he too was in possession of something valuable that could make a significant impact - yet also made him a prime target for the enemy. His mind was still reeling with thoughts of how he managed to survive the intense aerial battle that had ensued, let alone the terrifying encounter with the enormous dragon that had nearly swallowed him and his companions whole.

The vastness and complexity of this world never ceased to amaze him, and he knew that there would always be new and unexpected surprises waiting around every corner. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, he was determined to face it with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Then at that very moment, a huge roar was heard across the city, specifically coming from the east.

The young man was shaken and he could feel his heart beating fast.

"Alright time to find a hiding spot." He said to himself.

However, as he was about to turn around, he quickly felt a presence on his right.

There was a large alleyway between two abandoned buildings, and a dark beast stood tall over him from that alleyway. Its mouth was dripping with massive amounts of saliva. The man eventually became frozen at that point. His thoughts vanished in an instant, but despite the fact that he was facing death, he held the crystal tightly in one hand while the other was in his other pocket, ready to draw his gun at any time.

Yuji held his breath as he continued to fight his panic which forcefully took over his mind. He was going to show that he wasn't afraid no matter what.

As for the dark beast, it began to sniff the man before it completely ignored him and passed him by.

The creature dashed away, heading in a certain direction.

Shortly thereafter, an influx of these monstrous creatures began to appear from the shadows of the alleyways, from the rooftops above, and even from the streets themselves. They varied greatly in size, but all moved with a sense of purpose, swarming towards a specific destination.

Yuji was a bit dumbfounded, but quickly soon realized that this was his chance to flee so he wasted no time.

As he was about to finally leave the place, a voice interrupted his escape.

"I'm quite surprised that you're still alive."

When he looked back, he saw a young man slouching on the walls of a ruined structure.

"And so are you..." He thought to himself.

He grinned, "It's quite intriguing to tell you the truth, you still managed to keep yourself in good shape despite the circumstances that could have easily taken your life."

He scanned the man and quickly recognized him as the culprit from the Wyvern Headquarters. He widened his eyes, surprised to learn that he had survived the strong blast from before.

He asked, his eyes narrowing, "Who...what are you?" as his hand moved slowly toward the gun. This had to be one of those supernaturally blessed individuals from a fantasy novel.

He witnessed it firsthand. He was hit by bullets in the chest and even in the head, yet he was still here.

He had that feeling that this guy was something else.

Luscious grinned with assurance. It was rather amusing to eventually run upon someone who was intrigued about his identity. He did, for the first time, genuinely appreciate it.

"If you are asking for my name then you may simply call me "Luscious" He replied." And if you want to know what my true character is then it's very too complex to tell."

Yuji sneered." Let me guess, you're not human." He bluntly said, causing the latter to nod.

"Insightful Answer, "Luscious said, "though I considered myself as a mortal years ago, before receiving a curse disguised as a blessing. And it's been a long time since I've been into this fallen city."

There was an uneasy tension in the air despite the man's unassuming appearance. He seemed to know he wasn't on the right side.

"Now that I answered your question, It would be fair if you answered mine."

Yuji narrowed his eyes. Wasn't it obvious, that this was all about the crystal and nothing more?

Luscious eyes were focused on something else.

"That emblem on your attire." He said." It's no doubt that it belongs to the Emissaries of the Sun God."

The writer expressed confusion at the latter's words.

"How could that be possible? Those beings were just myths and had never been seen since unless they stayed behind after the great war." He placed his hand on his chin and wondered.

From his point of view, Yuji slightly understood it. The moment the coalition team had arrived at the palace, they had been getting the same looks from the older and knowledgeable diplomats. Some even just laugh as if they were trying to pull off a cohesive prank. As days passed, he became intrigued.

"The Emissaries, I keep hearing that ever since I got here." He replied, still cautious of the young man." Why do you think those guys are related to this?" He pointed at the symbol.

He received a chuckle.

It's simple...that emblem is viewed as sacred in this region, Luscious said with a chuckle. "Anyone who ventured to claim that they are linked to the Emissaries will often be put to death or cursed forever," he continued.

It subtly sounded like a warning or a threat.

He then turned to face him and added, "But I don't believe in their superstition. What I'm interested in is how well the Oracles foretold the return of the lost heroes." He stood up straight and grinned. "And it baffles me how you're not even aware of your heritage."

Yuji continued to stare at him." I know my home." He told him, as he briefly placed his hand on the symbol.

The wind grew stronger.

"I don't care if any of these myths are connected to my world." He replied, standing up for his goal." You still won't get the crystal."

He displayed more bravery which even made the latter amused and the fact that he admitted it in some way.

"Is He in Denial?"

Luscious couldn't control his laughter." Who said that I am going to personally take that crystal from you?"

Yuji gave a puzzled look.

At the same time, the ground began to shake and multiple booming sounds were heard from a distance.

As the journalist's eyes widened with realization, a massive shadow cast over the area he was in. When he turned to his left, he was met with the sight of several ominous beasts converging on the main source that was drawing them in. The dark creatures moved with a menacing purpose. Yuji felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched the scene unfold before him, unsure of what would happen next.

Lo and behold, it was the massive demonic dragon that finally made its entrance.

Luscious observed the unfolding scene, imagining his reaction. He knew he was no match for the beast.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the air, causing nearby imperial wyverns to stir. This also caught the attention of specific individuals scattered throughout the city.

A cunning grin subtly emerged on his lips. He refrained from exerting his dominance to seize the coveted artifact, opting instead to allow events to unfold organically. Nevertheless, his mind was preoccupied with the speculation of her response to this turn of events.

"Your move Rory..."


The chaos was still rummaging across the other districts.

The streets had been filled with conflict and violence, continuing the battle between the three factions.

Fortunately, the other districts were spared from the intense suffering that the eastern side had to endure. The battle was still raging on, with the remaining Constables valiantly protecting the evacuation sites from the relentless onslaught of attackers. To make matters worse, a new adversary had emerged to further complicate the already dire situation.

The clouds opened up and a new swarm of dark wyverns had descended upon the city once more.

This time they took a new approach as they commanded their wyverns to take to the grounds and eliminate their targets as close as possible.

Following the alteration in their strategy, the defenders were presented with an insurmountable force, comprised of dark wyverns that possessed a higher level of intelligence than the previous ones they had encountered. These creatures possessed a formidable ability to withstand any resistance put forth by the defenders, and to make matters worse, their riders had been bestowed with freakish strength and a twisted appearance. The defenders found themselves facing an exceedingly challenging adversary, one that required all of their strength, skill, and determination to overcome.

When a constable tried to charge at one with his fire material-infused blade, he was immediately bitten in the head by the dark creature, and he lost much of his body there. The riders decided to fight on the ground as well, and while the beast unleashed flames, they attacked them in packs.

Screams of agony could be heard from the constables, and the defeated were ripped apart and thrown towards the doors of the evacuation structures.

There were improvised barricades that served as an additional line of defense, but they were quickly destroyed by the dark wyverns and their knights.


"You will pay for your sins!

"Kill them all! Leave no one alive!"

One of the dark wyvern riders exclaimed as he grabbed a defeated constable by the neck and crushed it with its bear hands.

Blood was everywhere as well as severed body parts.

The remaining men were cornered into the spot, their bodies trembling, as they tried to summon as much courage as they could.

All were surrounding the small evacuation site as their last line of defense.

The wyverns and their riders were hungry. They all had devilish grins as they projected intimidation and terror. They wanted to be playful at first, attempting to scare most of them.

From the windows, a boy was able to peek through and watch the whole scenario.

As his family cowered in terror, he remained rooted to the same spot, transfixed by an inexplicable sensation that he could feel drawing closer. It wasn't the threat posed by their adversaries that held his attention, but rather an enigmatic presence that he found both captivating and intriguing.

Meanwhile, the remaining constables prepare for their possible last stand, all their weapons ready to clash with them again.

Though, for the enemy, it was a simple chore. They could have unleashed flames to burn them alive, and their plan had commenced.

At the same time, the wyvern captain was to give them the command, when a black mist had arrived at the area in a blinding speed.

In less than seconds the terrifying dark wyverns found their heads cleanly sliced off.

This finally alerted them and began to look around.

"Show yourself!"

One of them exclaimed, not even afraid of the new presence.

As the group of enemies pressed forward through the thick mist, a sudden halt overtook them as a massive halberd materialized before their eyes. The unexpected arrival of the weapon caught them all off guard, leaving them momentarily stunned. It was then that a figure appeared before them, a young girl with a sly grin spread across her face.

"Y-You're the" The dark wyvern rider was able to muster up stuttered words yet got immediately cut by the weapon in half.

"Too slow..."

As they were poised to attack their target, but were met with a fierce attack from a young girl wielding a giant halberd. With a swift swipe, she unleashed a wave of energy that sliced through the air and tore the wyverns to shreds.

"Kill her!"

The opposing knights began shouting directions to their fellow soldiers, diverting their attention as they launched their offensive maneuvers against the Apostle. The wyverns attempted to follow the girl's shifting presence, prompting them to unleash their flames wildly and recklessly. As their own demon instincts began to kick in, the twisted knights' calmness was replaced by blind wrath.

However, it was too late as she was able to execute her plan quickly, evading every attack thrown at her.

Eventually, she got what she wanted.

They were distracted, which gave the Constables more time to regroup, recover, and strike back.

"Her Holiness is here!" One of them yelled out." We can still fight back!"

"We can defeat them!"

Who wouldn't want to fight alongside the Goddess of War?

A small flame was kindled and their fervor to protect persisted. The men bravely charged forward with a renewed sense of purpose, engaging in fierce combat against the surprised and unprepared wyverns.

The other residents, who were peeking through the windows finally saw the fabled and legendary Apostle of Emroy, as she finally arrived to cleanse the evil from the streets.

As for the girl, a small proud smile crept upon her lips.

This was Rory's 30th area that she had cleaned up. The lady knew that there were still more to go and she would need a plan to hastened up the resistance.

Motivating and rallying the men was a success and the next thing she needed to do was wait for fate to unleash another power that could be a turning point.

She looked towards the sky-infested by dark wyverns and smiled with hope in her eyes.

"Giselle, it's time."


The sudden burst of powerful energy could be felt across the entire city.

The last thing the blonde girl wanted to do was to get out of there as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, that was not the case for her in this current situation.

Upon their first encounter, she couldn't help but notice how patient the apostle appeared to be. It was as if nothing could rattle her or cause her to lose her cool, not even a barrage of insults or attempts to manipulate her mind. Despite this seemingly unbreakable exterior, the woman couldn't help but sense a certain mental vulnerability within the apostle, as if there were depths of emotion and thought lurking just beneath the surface.

However, she did not expect she could also turn into the most terrifying person ever.

Elrena's whole body was trembling, the moment that she felt that powerful burst of energy from her, was the moment she realized she had sealed her fate.

As she remained on her knees, the weight of the magical bindings cast by the familiar spirit held her fast. Her face contorted into a desperate plea, and she found herself considering begging for her very existence.

In front of her was the person she had gravely provoked and offended.

She sensed that menacing aura that radiated from her whole figure. In addition, she held the scythe as if she were ready to Inflict her punishment.

Meanwhile, the others could only watch as they didn't know what to do or how to react. They were struck with uncertainty.

Elrena nervously smiled."P-Please, I didn't mean to hurt the boy, He got in the way instead..." She pleaded." He wasn't even my target...Please understand!" Following that she forced a little laugh while raising her hands.

"I also apologize for what I said...I take my words back...please I don't want to die again!"

The young lady looked as if she was going to cry, though combined with a desperate smile, didn't really help her in gaining their pity.

She stood there watching as the Draconian Apostle approached and stared at her for long moments before placing her palm on the girl's head.

Then it finally happened.

A bright flash of light greeted her eyes, followed by a sequence of images.

She saw everything, her memories, and her true identity.

Terra observed the entire scene, expecting the young lady to chop off the girl's head, but she chose a different action.

It didn't take too long before she was finally done and gave the girl a pitiful look.

"What a shame," Giselle remarked, fully ignoring her pleas.

At the same time, everyone's attention was drawn to the skies, where they saw swarms of dark wyverns descending, ready to cause much more murder and havoc.

"Terra..." She called the Chirithy out.

"Please take the others to a safe place." She said, referring to everyone present right now.

"And please keep Albrecht safe."

Giselle flashed him a sorrowful smile.

Terra widened his eyes in surprise but was quick to understand her message.

Amidst the escalating fear and chaos in the skies, the draconian apostle bravely departed the place as she soared upward to confront the looming threat.

Silence had taken over and left the rest of everyone lost for words.

"Man that was hardcore." Kurata had commented, before being smacked in the back by his busty colleague.

"No time for comments! Let's just help him bring the kid back in the wagon." Shino exclaimed, not wanting to waste any time.

"If I may," the Merchant said, "I would volunteer to use my carriage as a shelter for the boy, given that the wagon you used is already full." He added, before turning to face a certain blonde.

Higashi blinked a couple of times." Oh, that's quite generous." He stated.

The Duke smiled." Perhaps, you can take that poor young lady on the wagon..." He gave them a grin." She might need someone to share "Secrets" with."

A great but risky idea.

Elrena slightly cringed at the man's words.

She couldn't believe she was now a prisoner of war, and she hadn't planned on ending herself in this situation, let alone going through a grueling interrogation session.

Thanks to the magical abilities of Chirithy, the young lad was safely brought down to the ground. Higashi then took charge of carrying him towards the carriage, with the assistance of the little girl's father.

Meanwhile, Lelei, Tuka, Leia, and the rest of the children watched as if a small funeral had commenced. Not knowing how to react to this event.

This was certainly unusual for the blue-haired teen. She was aware that death was coming to take people's lives, but seeing it personally left her shaken. He didn't know the boy well, but from what she saw of him and his efforts to help them fight the enemy, she knew he was a good person at heart. For now, there was nothing she could do.

A tear fell from her eye.

Meanwhile, Little Foot was experiencing similar emotions and could only utter a sorrowful growl. He appreciated the boy's friendliness and understanding of things from the moment he saw him and the short time they had spent together.

And by this point, all of his mourning had vanished as he became conscious of a powerful presence.

"Little Foot, are you alright?" Leia noticed her companion's uneasiness and had asked.

After catching a glimpse of the group, the juvenile dragon observed them with a neutral expression before suddenly spreading its wings and soaring toward a particular destination.

"Okay, what the heck just happened?" Shino asked, even more confused.

The Duke smiled and looked east, clarifying, "We might need to leave and find a safer place."

"The Beast is approaching."


The tension had broken the boundaries.

For the first time in his life, the man had finally faced a terrifying monster of nightmares.

The creature stood tall over the other structures reaching the clouds above. It had a menacing look that was ready to destroy anything in its path.

Luscious had been watching his every move. He expected a mere mortal like him to tremble in fear and immediately hand over the crystal to him.

His face was overcome with puzzlement.

"Interesting..." He muttered."

Yuji was filled with a deep sense of awe as he gazed upon the scene before him. Surprisingly, he felt no fear, despite the gravity of the situation. It was as if he had been preparing for this moment all his life, ever since he began crafting his latest novel. The vivid scenarios that had once only existed in his mind now materialized before him, and he felt a strange sense of excitement mingled with apprehension. Yet, he remained calm and collected, fully in control of his emotions, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Perhaps, you're related to the Emissaries.." He remarked, having this slight grin." You're fearless and you had their supposed determination."

It came across as a compliment, but since he was given this opportunity again, he had to make compromises. It would be a shame to see another life wasted, and he is easily swayed.

By this time, Yuji had a choice. He would be crushed to death even if he resisted.

"What to do..." He thought to himself.

The choice was inevitable.

He took a deep breath and began to run as fast as he could away from the scene.

With a sly expression on his face, Luscious lifted the shimmering black crystal, its otherworldly glow igniting a powerful urge within the dark dragon to destroy the man before them.

The thunderous sound of its footsteps reverberated across the ground, causing small tremors that made escape impossible for any ordinary human.

The beast just needed to make one simple move and that was to step on him. Moreover, the aftereffects of the quakes caused the man to lose his balance and not long after, he tripped on a destroyed part of the cobblestone street and fell to the ground.

The dark dragon grinned deviously as it proceeded to perform the inevitable.

But not before, suddenly being prevented by a new presence.

Yuji was facing imminent danger as the gigantic creature's colossal clawed foot was about to crush him. However, a sudden shadowy figure appeared from the west, moving at lightning speed. In the knick of time, this unknown entity jumped in front of Yuji, intercepting the foot's crushing impact and ultimately saving the writer's life.

Luscious widened his eyes in surprise to see another creature of the same race.

Because of its color, it resembled one of the corrupted dragon swarms that were merging with the dark dragon. The only difference was that this one appeared to have shielded the man.

A shockwave formed from that certain spot.

As Yuji's eyes regained focus, he was met with the imposing sight of a formidable black dragon obstructing his path. The creature's massive head clashed against the equally impressive foot of a dark dragon, creating a jarring impact that echoed throughout the surroundings.

The mysterious dragon, gritting its teeth then growled as it unleashed a powerful energy from its mouth that fully pushed the beast several steps back.

Yuji was baffled when the mystery creature took a glance and smiled at him.

It growled at him as if warning him to flee the area quickly.

As the tense scene unfolded, the ominous creature was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a second dragon, who had boldly disrupted its plans.

This time, the little dragon mustered the courage and stood firm in the face of the beast he mistook for his mother.

Yuji observed the scene as he began to exclaim." Get out there!" He protested, despite not even sure if it could understand what he was saying.

However, he didn't have much time to save it.

When the dark dragon was about to retaliate by opening its mouth to unleash fire, something unexpectedly swooped in and blocked its second attack.

The beast was mystified, and by the time it realized what was going on, there was a reddish arm blocking its mouth.

Little Foot's eyes widened in surprise when he saw a familiar face he hadn't seen in a long time. He couldn't believe it when he saw who it was.

It just happens that the aforementioned arm belonged to none other than the Flame Dragon who had at last regained her senses and freedom.

"Impossible!" Luscious couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

The fiery dragon glared at its corrupted counterpart, seemingly daring it to confront someone who could match its own size and strength.

Yuji maintained his composed demeanor as he continued to closely analyze the recently arrived individual. His level of fascination over what was transpiring was so high that he failed to take notice of the sudden release of a shockwave that was hurtling directly toward him. However, it wasn't long before the tiny dragon promptly darted in to rescue him at the very last second.

Luscious, now annoyed by what had occurred, proceeded to pursue the two, but then he caught a glimpse of a halberd that nearly cut his head off.

"Rory!" He exclaimed, upon seeing her smile once more.

He then brought his hand and immediately summoned his blade to block her succeeding attacks.

The Apostle of Emroy grinned.

"Now do you believe me?"

At this point, the young man could only laugh. Nonetheless, he refused to accept that he was losing the mental battle.

Upon encountering the formidable creature that guarded the northern regions of the dragon clans, the brave individual let out a fierce roar and forcefully slammed the shadowy dragon onto the earth, creating a deep crater at the impact site.

After the initial impact, a powerful and sudden release of energy created a forceful shockwave that rapidly expanded and covered the entirety of the surrounding area.

The last thing that Yuji saw was both monsters going head to head with each other. One on the side of evil and the other one on the side of Good.

And the only thing he could think of was how big and intense the battle was going to be.

He gave an amused expression.

"This is going to be one hell of a fight."


AN: Hey there again! So I was kind of busy these past couple of weeks due to real-life stuff and also faced a writer's block and motivation crisis, but fortunately, I was able to get through it again and finish the chapter.

So speaking of the chapter, this is the first of the final ones in this arc. Just mainly setting up some major scenes and also slowly revealing some of the lore from here and there. An example is the Emissaries of the Sun God...People have taken notice of the Japanese Flag that most of the Recon Team Members are wearing. Of course, for many of the native inhabitants, it's only a myth for them but some treat it as unexplored evidence.

The thing with the Saderan Aerial Wyvern Army is they are not just there for an invasion, it's kind of personal for them at the same time, since the betrayal that they had faced years ago.

Another thing is the crystal itself, simply its power began to weaken since it was barely even attached to the tablet and Yuji still had to protect it at all costs. Then there's the final scene of the Flame Dragon taking on its corrupted counterpart while An Aerial conflict with the Wyverns is now taking place at the same time.

For the character perspectives, I tried to deviate slightly, and focused more on everyone's perspective in one scene, to get a different result. I am not sure yet but if it doesn't work, I might focus back on keeping it close and personal.

There's also the Parpadia Empire, slightly making their presence known in the form of Captain Dalda, of course, the weapon that they possessed is an 18th-century Flintlock Pistol with magical properties. Still exploring the idea of how 18th-century societies would incorporate magic into their innovations. Maybe mixed with Steampunk aesthetics? Not sure yet.

With that said, thank you very much for reading the chapter! Please forgive me for the occasional grammar mistakes, since English is not my main language.

I really appreciate your time to give the story a chance :)

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