Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City XIV: Finale

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan, as they belong to their rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy, A Dragon

Noble City XIV: Finale

"And so how did it go?"

Both men knew it was one of the first things their Generals would say.

The laptop screen was of a decent size, and it could usually accommodate around 2-3 people with ease. In a strange coincidence, it fits perfectly in the bucket that was present as the two Lieutenants met their superiors for the first time since the battle. Despite the anxiety in the room, the clear image on the laptop screen made it easier for everyone to follow along with the proceedings.

This time they were confident that they could relay much of the information that have.

"The negotiations went well sir..." Brian replied.

"And without any more unnecessary coups or interruptions." Itami didn't hesitate to add his thoughts.

The man did have a point.

From the other side of the screen, General Hanzama spoke.

"So according to the recent reports we are receiving...This so-called Elven Council...were the ones responsible for this coup attempt?"

Brian simply nodded.

"Yes, sir...they had the majority of the Palace guards on their side, and we were too late to realize that they controlled the entire palace grounds, sealing off all entrances," he explained, leaving out other information that he decided was better kept secret.

Then the latter asked that certain question.

"And those same guards are the ones that helped everyone and the envoy get to a safer place?"

Itami stepped in.

"Yes sir, and believe it or not...those guards were somehow mind-controlled."

The word itself was enough to surprise them.

"Mind-controlled? Exactly How?" The curious General Wilkes asked.

The room fell into a sudden hush, as the Lieutenant's hand darted towards a file that contained a report penned by an unexpected author. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone waited with bated breath to see what the document held.

"Well sir, I guess we have to thank our Journalist expert for this," Brian said.

Itami flashed a proud smile regarding his colleague.

"You mean...Yuji?" General Hanzama raised both his eyebrows and said." He discovered the truth?"

Brian smiled slightly as he brought the document, which was quite a large stack." Well, I can't speak for him, but he did work his butt off to get everything detailed and right."

"That Includes... interviewing every important person that was involved in the incidents."

He opened the files to a specific page.

"Turns out that the Elven Council had used some kind of potion that suppresses the mind of a person leaving it a blank slate and with that, they are free to cast a type of spell that forces them to obey whatever commands."

The two Generals were put into disbelief.

Brian then continued.." The potion though has proven to have some side flaws as it would make that person act weirdly."

"So how did they manage to break free from whatever spell is that?"

Itami then spoke." Just hit the person in the head or just punch them hard."

The pair of gentlemen fixed their gaze upon the third man, attempting to grasp the meaning of the words that had just left his lips.

Should those people at least suffer head injuries?

"That's what we did to bring those guards back to normal and I am not going to elaborate how we did it," Brian explained.

"Well, so far those guards are doing alright," Itami added.

To think that this was the first ever case that a mind-control-related incident had taken place.

What more could this world show?

Upon receiving the initial report, the two Generals were taken aback. However, as additional events unfolded, including an unforeseen aerial invasion, a massive battle in the city, and the appearance of peculiar dragon-like beasts that wreaked havoc on the populace, their surprise quickly dissipated. Despite these seemingly unrelated incidents occurring simultaneously, the Generals were no longer caught off guard, having grown accustomed to the unexpected in this tumultuous environment.

Both reports would have to be tackled once the situation in the city had been secured and that includes gathering the people who are experts in this field to begin with.

"Alright Lieutenant, I think we have heard enough for a while." General Wilkes said." As of now...Please do cooperate with the reinforcements on establishing bases around the city."

"I supposed that the Prime Minister had already given you permission to do so?"

Both Lieutenants nodded.

"Yes sir."

The older man then nodded.

"Very well, let's make this fantasy city also our second home."


"So you wanted to see me?"

"The both of you?"

Albrecht and Mari nodded at the same time.

In a particular tent, located at an undisclosed location, an Oracle of Emroy found herself being summoned for a meeting by two different individuals who had encountered similar unknown phenomena. The meeting was not meant to be clandestine, but rather an opportunity for the three to share their experiences and gain a better understanding of the mysterious occurrences.

Rory was forgiving and understood why she had been summoned here.

She sat down in front of the boy and the young woman.

Both wanted answers to the same mysteries that they had recently encountered.

Albrecht was feeling a tad bashful as he sat face-to-face with the renowned Rory Mercury. Finally getting to meet her in person was an exciting moment for him, and he couldn't help but feel a bit starstruck by her presence.

She flashed a small smile.

"Before you speak...Let me guess...the both of you have encountered something you can't even explain and that's why those party poopers called me in an unexpected moment?"

A hush fell over the room as the two individuals locked eyes, sharing a momentary silence before simultaneously nodding in agreement towards the wise Oracle before them.

"Uhmm, yes Ms. Rory." Mari nervously chuckled.

Upon seeing this Rory raised and waved both hands.

"Oh no need to worry, My ears are listening to whatever you are going to tell." She said with a smile.

Mari paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself. With a determined look on her face, she finally spoke up.

"Well, during the battle, We took refuge on an estate and I was tasked to guard a group of refugees inside a chapel." She recounted." And during that time, there was this mysterious woman that appeared in that chapel."

Rory nodded in understanding.

"And what did she say to you?"

Mari fought to speak as her mind attempted to recall everything once more, but Rory extended her hand and caressed the latter's forehead.

After that, everything became clear.

Rory saw it all.

What the mysterious woman was attempting to convey.

The many images and events are being replayed over and over but this time it was more slow.

The visions themselves were lifetimes.

Albrecht had been watching with curiosity, as he, too, was in amazement at that ability.

"So this was how they peer into someone's mind."

In a matter of mere seconds, Rory completed her task and released her grip on the young woman. The entire process took no more than 25 seconds to complete.

Mari found herself slightly in tears as she couldn't believe what she had seen.

Rory smiled again.

"So this is what she sent you."

The young Japanese woman slowly nodded.

"To simplify it, she told you everything that had transpired for the last thousand years." She explained." The Reign of Terror of the Demon Lord, Nosgorath, the subsequent wars between his forces and the alliance until the arrival of the Emissaries."

The boy widened his eyes.

"The Emissaries? You mean those Heroes that saved the world thousands of years ago?"

"I thought it was just a legend..."

Rory smiled again.

"It's all true darling..."

"But why would she tell me all of these?" Mari asked.

The Oracle elaborated. "It's simple, she recognized your people and prayed for your return."

Mari blinked in confusion before glancing at the symbol embedded in her military outfit.

Her homeland's flag.

As time went by, she gradually realized that even the refugees who sought her help were addressing her as an Emissary. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, but as the frequency of this address increased, she started to connect the dots and understand the significance behind it. Piece by piece, she began to unravel the puzzle and make sense of what it all meant.

"Yes, it might be possible that a thousand years ago...that a fraction of your people had been summoned in this world by the Sun God," Rory informed her." Although, I have no clue how they became heroes."

"And I do suggest that you should encourage your superiors to investigate since the Principality would be willing to assist you on this wonderful mystery."

Mari nodded slowly, realizing she'd just opened a new can of side tasks and objectives. However, finding the appropriate personnel for this one will take time.

Albrecht raised his hand as he prepared to speak, but the apostle had cut him short.

"Albrecht, I know you are eager to ask the identity of that woman..." Rory told him.

"And I know...Giselle is lazy enough not to tell you about it." She giggled.

"The boy paused for a moment as he tried to comprehend her words.

" Wait, that draconian hag can see me all this time?"

Rory could only shrug and let out an innocent expression, not wanting to get involved in their little conflicts.

"Anyways, that woman is known as the Forgotten Goddess of Land"

"I apologize since I won't mention her name out of respect..."

"So what's her story?"

Rory chuckled.

"As you may know, she is one responsible for why Qua-Toyne is an abundant land...A place where food does not run out"

Both Mari and Albrecht were intrigued by the story.

"And she is the one who prayed to the Sun God to summon his Emisarries..."

"As a result of saving the world from the reign of terror, she sacrificed her identity and status as a Goddess, though she remained in the land to secretly watch over her beloved people."

She then looked towards them again.

Albrecht couldn't believe it. The more he figured..that in some way and somehow he was able to bring hope for the forgotten goddess and that encouraged her to help defeat the enemy as well by commanding the power of the Promise Land.

He also realized how she never gave up until the end just to save the land from a greater evil.

That's how much she loved the people of this land.

"No one has seen her for a very long time and I can say that you are one of the few lucky ones to do so."

"And Albrecht dear...You made the right choice..."

The boy looked at her and he understood what he meant.

Silence them returned once again.

"So what now?" Albrecht then asked.

Mari then returned her gaze toward the Oracle.

Rory just sighed.

"Well...if you were to ask me...Take all the lessons you have learned from her." She said.

"All the things and All the information that you consider as valuable."

"And use that to change the world for the better."

Without uttering a single word, she lifted the corners of her lips into a warm and genuine smile, radiating a sense of contentment and ease that could put anyone at ease.

"I know it sounded too cliche but trust me..." She winked at the same time.

"It will help you someday."

Both of them were amazed at how the Oracle relayed and explained it to them.

Rory then stood up and said." Well, I think my time here is complete...and if you may excuse me...I have still some errands left to attend to."

She smiled but before leaving, he turned towards the boy.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you and Giselle bidding your farewell to Ember and her son?"

Albrecht gave a puzzled look.

"Who's Ember?"

Rory then rolled her eyes in response.

"You need some tea...but I am referring to the Flame Dragon..."

The boy widened his eyes in shock.

"Yes, every creature in this world has a name..." The young lady smiled at him again.

"So you don't have to call her Flame Dragon all the time."

Mari, in all of these, was utterly confused as she glanced at the boy, who in turn just cringed.

"It's a long story..."


Their destination wasn't that far ahead, especially when they were riding the fast and efficient horseless carriages of the Men in Green.

Though, it was a good time for the elf girl to rest.

She had been staring at the window for quite some time now, trying to recall some of the important things that had happened.

Tuka, for one, had accomplished everything that she could while in this city.

After a long and arduous search, she was overjoyed to have finally found her childhood friend and fellow villagers who had managed to survive the harsh and unforgiving terrain of the vast continent. She felt a deep sense of relief and gratitude knowing that they could now start anew in a different place, free from the struggles and hardships of their previous lives. It was a fresh start, a new beginning, and they were all filled with hope for the future.

Her only concern went with her mage friend as she wondered how she was doing.

"Tuka, are you alright?"

Hodor had taken notice.

She smiled." Yes Papa, trying to get some rest.."

The older elf nodded.

"You've gone through a lot I guess?"

She slowly nodded. "Yes," she tiredly said, her mind finally recalling the battles that had occurred, the near-death experiences that they had encountered during the chaos in the city.

And notably, that mystery blonde woman who assisted them in their battle against the demonic creatures.

"I never knew there are bigger challenges that not even our Koan forest could offer."

The elf man understood what she meant." Yes, and I am sorry for not telling you sooner." He said.

"I didn't want your mind to be consumed by other problems of this land...I merely want you to live a normal life."

"And so as your mother as well."

He continued." And when I heard the news of the city being attacked, I did all that I could to go here along with Cato and fortunately, they granted our wishes and thus we became guides for the reinforcements."

That's when she realized how much her father loved her, and that he would do everything just to protect her and make sure that she would be safe from any danger.

Her heart was touched once again.

She smiled as leaned on his shoulder and said.."Thank you, Papa."

Hodor understood it as he patted the girl on the head.

"There's more to it than that, and soon I'll be on many journeys with the Men in Green," he said, expecting to be away for a while. "I'm glad you were able to find people who will help you along the way."

"Tuka, promise me this.."

"Don't ever leave your friends..." He added." Cherish that bond with them as much as you can."

"They are life's precious treasures."

Tuka responded with a subtle nod of the head and smiled.

"I will..."


"So I heard you were able to perform a dangerous spell."

Lelei kept quiet upon hearing those words.

For sure, her master was just good at collecting information from people and she found no reason to avoid or lie to it at this point.

The young girl spent the majority of her time staring out the window of one of the metallic green forts being driven by a fellow Men in Green as they continued their journey to the city's east side.

She felt that being quiet for a while could help her gather her mind but when the time came to speak she just had to do it.

"I had no choice master..." She finally replied." In my mind, I thought it would help us...Help the Flame Dragon and to vanquish the beast."

"I know for a fact that there is a chance that it would take my life away but I just had to do something," Lelei explained the way she could.

That certain spell was used only a few back a thousand years ago to the time of the Reign of Terror.

Cato possessed knowledge of the grave consequences that awaited the archmages who dared to wield that particular magic. Despite this, the success that came with using it was crucial in defeating the numerous powerful generals of the Demon Lord during that tumultuous period.

In all his life it was his student who was able to cast the spell in some form.

She was indeed a prodigy.

The older mage smiled as he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Lelei..." He called out her name.

"You performed a feat no one could ever imagine..." He genuinely praised her.

"And amongst all that...You still choose to do it so that you can protect your loved ones."

"That's what I'm proud of..."

As the old man spoke those words, the young mage couldn't help but feel taken aback. However, after a moment of reflection, she comprehended the true meaning behind his message, and a warm smile spread across her face, expressing her understanding and appreciation.

"And if you are so keen on pursuing a goal...then you don't need to rush." Cato explained." Everything will come at the right time."

"Promise me that you'll be careful next time."

"I will..."

Perhaps, she should wait for a little while to figure out the mystery to which she wanted to solve.

At that moment, the Green Metallic Fort halted as they finally reached their journey.

"Sir Cato...Ms. Lelei...Looks like we are here."


Was this goodbye?

It seemed as if they spent and built a hundred years of friendship.

It was now in the silent vast spaces of the Eastern district that Little Foot and his mother had taken shelter for the time being.

It was the place where they could properly and freely hide their presence.

That they may be able to converse with their friends for one last time.

It was the Little girl herself that first stood in front of the little dragon as she gave him a big hug.

"Thank you for everything! I will miss you!" She said aloud.

Little Foot slightly growled as he too felt sorrowful.

He returned the hug as the heartfelt moment continued.

The flame dragon watched as her son said his goodbyes to the unlikely people whom she never imagined would become his friends.

All things must come to an end as they.

Almost everyone was present at the moment.

Both dragons were unexpectedly surprised that this handful of people would accompany them.

Lelei and Tuka stood there alongside their friends Aldon and Sara, and Cato and Hodor as well.

Some of the recon members were also present... Kurata, Shino, and Higashi volunteered to accompany them as they too wanted to see both of the dragons.

"I can't believe it...That's a real dragon in front of us!" Kurata was in the mood for fangirling as this was certainly the first time he had ever seen an actual dragon this big of a size.

"Shino! Shino!"

The young woman annoying responded." I know I know!"

"That must be bigger than 50ft..." Higashi wondered in amazement.

In no time, he grabbed his camera and captured several shots of the object, preserving it as a treasured keepsake or simple memorabilia.

Giselle and Albrecht were there and are on the front lines themselves.

As they saw the little girl having a heartfelt moment with the smaller dragon.

Little Foot took notice of them as his expression took for the better.

In a surprising twist, the dragon himself let out a word.


His voice was that of a young teenage boy as he spoke.

" can tal-" The boy wasn't able to finish his sentence as the dragon playfully tackled him and soon the dragon hugged him as well.

The rest of everyone was also put into a surprise.

The Flame Dragon herself laughed.

"My son may have not mastered his speaking skills yet but He is improving every day." She finally spoke, revealing a female motherly voice behind the words.

Giselle could only sigh as she knew it was her fault for not revealing that certain aspect.

"I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner but they are part of the Highland Dragon of the strong dragon communities from the north."

"They can speak like much like us..."

It was a revelation for most of them, except Cato as he was also already aware of the different dragon types in the land.

"Oh man, this Kobayashi-san all over again!" Kurata remarked as the last thing he wanted to see was if the dragons would have their human forms.

"Albee, I will miss you so much!" The smaller dragon poured his love towards the teenager like how a happy child would do.

Albrecht was still in disbelief but was able to focus on the hand." I know that...And I'm you can stop hugging me this tightly."

"Oops sorry..."

Giselle smiled as she returned her gaze to the red dragon.

"Ember...I"'m sorry for everything." She told her." I know I messed up a lot of times...but I wanted to save you and-"

The big dragon raised her claw." You don't have to apologize, Giselle...It was my fault that I gave into my rage." She said, recalling how she abandoned everything just to find and save her son.

"It's not your fault."

As the clock ticked away, the wind picked up its pace, whipping through the grass and making the leaves rustle. The sky was clear, and in the distance, two enormous figures loomed on the horizon. As they drew closer, it became apparent that they were emissaries of the dragon clan, their scales glinting in the sunlight.

As per Giselle's request, they would escort the mother and son back to their home safely.

At this point, tears started to fall from Giselle's eyes as the long struggle that plagued her was finally over.

She rushed towards the flame dragon and gave her an embrace.

The dragon consoled her as her emotions became visible.

"Don't worry, I swear in my life that I will protect our home." She said.

Giselle nodded in understanding, recalling the old memories.

Albrecht realized this as he put the pieces together and it turned out that the Draconian woman and the Guardian Dragon were friends for a very long time.

"So her name is Ember..." The boy muttered to himself.

The imposing figure of the Red Dragon turned her head towards the group, her eyes scanning each face before settling on them with a warm, grateful smile. It was clear that she appreciated the support and assistance they had provided.

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for saving my son."

"I owe you all my life and if there's anything that I could do to repay you, I would support your goals to restore the peace in this land." The dragon then said towards them.

"We will never forget your good deeds."

Her words touched all their hearts not until a certain Otaku soldier yelled out.

"For peace! Dragon-chan!"

Shino was already too late when she smacked the young man's head out of irritation.

"Idiot! What are you doing?"

Following a brief pause, the children found the situation amusing and broke into a fit of laughter.

Soon everyone followed.

The sorrows died down as joy was restored at the moment.

"So this is what happiness feels like." Giselle had thought to herself.

For the first time in years, she was able to find peace for herself.

She looked towards her friend and nodded.

"Thank you for everything!" Little Foot said as he waved to bid his farewell.

"We promise...we will meet again!"

"Thank you!" The daughter of the circus owner exclaimed.

"See ya soon!"

The rest followed as they bid their goodbyes.

Having seen enough, Ember smiled as she and her son arose from the ground and joined the two representative dragons as they returned to their homeland.

Giselle gazed upon the beautiful sky as her mind was able to relax for the first time in months.

She took a deep breath releasing all that pressure deep inside and breathed it out to fully embrace the peace she longed for awhile.

At the same time, Albrecht placed his hand on her shoulder thus giving her a grin.

With a smile on her face, Giselle returned the smile, both of them fully aware that they had accomplished their mission at last.

The last thing on their minds was returning home.


The skies were serene when they exited the gates.

The cold wind blew stronger than he had expected.

The horses slowly crossed the empty and old stone bridge as the members of the Rose knights left the place.

Yuji and Parna followed behind while choosing to just travel on foot up until this point.

Both of them will be the last ones to witness the group going back to their home.

Before that, Pina unloaded from her horse as wanted to have this last conversation with them before setting on their journey.

She stood in front of the young man with a smile.

"As much as I wanted to keep this discussion for long...I just want to have this moment so that I can thank the two of you for helping me and my friends during those times of trouble."

Yuji let out a hearty laugh while Parna responded with an affirming nod and a warm smile." Yuji chucked while Parna nodded with a smile.

"It's no big deal...your Highness..." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"We are really glad to have helped you..." He added.

Pina slightly blushed." Well, if there's anything I could repay you..." She trailed off.

"Uhmm...maybe we could keep in touch if that's possible." He chuckled.

He did take note that phones do not exist in this world or do some form?

The redhead smiled as she drew out a small materia ball that had been converted into a necklace and presented it to the man.

"This materia will only glow if one of us is near the other." She simply explained.

Yuji widened his eyes in fascination as this was the first time he had held an item like this." That's pretty nice..." He gave his compliment.

Pina smiled.

"So, what will be your next step milady?" Parna stepped up and asked." Now that you have all of the ministers' support."

The young lady remained silent for a brief moment before glancing toward her.

"Once I return home...I will push for the idea of proper negotiations to convince my people and to finally end this conflict in my home and through these means, peace will be achieved for every kingdom and the whole continent.." She went on to describe her intentions.

However, the general elections were just around the corner.

Yuji had wondered if the princess' small kingdom played an important role against the enemy.

"I know it will be a challenge but...that is the only way besides resorting through swords and blood."

The wind grew stronger at that moment.

"Parna, I hope you will be able to achieve your goal for your people." She said.

Her eyes locked upon the young man." And Mr. Yuji..." She called his name." I pray that our kingdoms may establish peaceful relations someday."

The writer smiled." Yeah, after this war perhaps..."

The horses began to make noise as the time had come.

"Milady, I believe it's time to go." Hamilton then said, as she then glanced toward them.

"Thank you for everything..."

Just as Pina was about to pivot and face the other direction, a sudden realization struck the young man. He remembered a task that he had vowed to accomplish quite some time ago, and it flooded his mind with a sense of urgency.

"Uhmm, Your Highness..." He called out." I forgot to ask you about this but...which Kingdom do you belong to?"

"What's the name of it?"

There was a little bit of tension that escaped.

Everyone's eyes shifted towards the young lady and though for herself, she took a deep breath and smiled instead.

She approached the young man for one last time and whispered into his ear.


It was a simple word though it had a great impact.

Yuji widened his eyes in shock and before he knew it...the young lady had already ridden her horse as she commanded the other female knights to finally set out.

But before that...Pina gave one last glance at the young man and smiled at him.

"Until we meet again."

As the horses finally left the premises, Yuji was still in disbelief as he tried to comprehend if she told the truth.

"The Empire that my world is currently fighting?"

He then looked towards the bunny woman, who could only give her a simple nod.

As the realization began coming in... The young man could only imagine the reaction of the others if he were ever to tell them about this and amongst all of that...the princess herself intrigued him the most.

That girl was mysterious in many ways.


It was somewhere around here.

Even after its destruction... There were still residuals of it.

The crystal.

A blonde woman began her search for the artifact in the eastern district's empty ruins.

The plaza, where the final battle had occurred, was reduced to rubble and debris, to the extent that it was scarcely recognizable. The remnants of the fight had left the area unrecognizable, with hardly any trace of its former self.

Elrena observed her surroundings, taking time as she focused on locating its source.

And not long after, her lips curl into a grin.

She walked several steps until she reached a particular spot.

As she gazed into the distance, her eyes suddenly fixated on a faint shimmer of light. Upon closer inspection, she noticed several fragments of what seemed to be the once beautiful white crystal scattered around the area.

She then continued to examine the spot itself to look for the other one.

Several seconds later..she caught a glimpse of another large sharp piece.

"Finally found you..." She uttered to herself as she casually grabbed the artifact, which half was surprisingly still intact.

Elrena's grin grew wider as she finally located it.

"Well...Well...Well..." she said. "The more dark energy and the longer the dark crystal is exposed to a bad environment, the more difficult it will be to destroy." But the mysterious power wielded by the Iron Eagles...that's something different than I expected.

At the same time, the young man arrived at the scene.

When Elrena saw him, she widened her eyes and gave a sassy expression.

"Took you long enough to get here...Luscious." She remarked." What have you been doing all this time?"

The young man couldn't respond directly since he didn't want to relive his most recent memories of meeting his childhood friend.

"Found myself crossing paths with an old friend that's all..." He replied.

"Which you ended up helping her..." The blonde woman added to his words.

The man ignored that small part as he focused more on the main topic.

"Well, it did turn out for the better..." She said.

"Since we don't need that much effort to reduce its power..." She then added." Let alone make him even crazier than he is supposed to be."

Elrena grabbed what remained of the dark crystal and crushed it with her own hands.

As the shards gradually dissolved into nothingness, the final remnants of the dark essence emerged from them, swirling ominously in the air before dissipating into the abyss.

"And with that no more crystals to pursue...for awhile."

The whole artifact was reduced to just shards falling to the ground like powder.

"Besides, what's the use of these when the seal's power is weakening." The blonde then remarked." That beast across the seas will eventually awaken and nobody can do anything about it other than just prepare themselves." She giggled.

Luscious remained silent regarding it as the blonde woman continued.

"I just don't understand why that old lunatic geezer is still not giving up on his search."

The young man sighed." He wants to acquire every power so that he could fully conquer the continent." He shared his thoughts about the man's main goal.

He figured that the frustration and failure of the invasion was just a temporary setback.

Elrena smirked." And don't forget...there are still two more artifacts left hidden somewhere in the west.

"West..." Luscious trailed off for a second before realizing it." You don't mean by..."

"Yes...I have a feeling that we should pay those places a visit before the others could get there." She went on to say.

Suddenly, the wind picked up its pace, howling louder and stronger than before.

Luscious maintained a hushed demeanor as he delved into strategizing, The young man stood motionless, his mind racing with thoughts of the next course of action. He gazed into the distance, lost in thought until the sudden reminder from his companion snapped him back to reality. Despite the urgency of the situation, he felt a sense of gratitude towards his partner for bringing to mind a critical aspect of their mission. upcoming steps of the mission.

"You don't want them using those artifacts for their own I right?"

He smirked in response.

She did have a point.

Even though the rest of them had this ideal working relationship with each other, he still did not trust them fully.

The reason why he joined them was because he acknowledged the importance and purpose of the goal they were all striving to achieve. The accomplishment of this goal would satisfy the wishes of a specific individual, and he believed that his contribution could help them reach it. Nevertheless, he noticed that the members had become excessively competitive lately, which could potentially hinder their progress towards the goal.

"So what's next?"

Luscious looked towards the horizon as the strong wind blew passed by him.

It didn't take long enough for him to make the decision.

"We go back and tell them that both crystals are destroyed."

The blonde woman raised an eyebrow." That simple huh?"

"What about that bunny woman who double-crossed you?" She asked.

"You don't care for her anymore?"

"Is she still useful?"

"Yes probably... and besides...We're living in a new era."

"He simply said.

"Where you could use everything to your advantage and not just follow superstitious beliefs."


It looked as if things just went back full circle.

They were cooking and serving food even before the mayhem arrived.

Now, they were still doing the same thing after so many atrocious events but the difference was that they were doing this for free and out of concern for the victims of trouble.

"Belinda! Darling!"

"Yes, chef?"

"Serve those Wellingtons with cutleries this time...We don't want them eating food like fucking Vikings!"

The redhead foxy lady stood like a soldier and firmly and strongly responded." Yes, chef!"

It was chaos all over again as the crowds were growing once more.

At this point, the western district had become the new gathering place for everyone, as every gathering place in the eastern district had been destroyed.

The center plaza near City Hall was the new spot where the old fiery chef had relocated his whole base of operations.

Even he didn't understand why he did it. Despite the numerous opportunities for them to flee the city and relocate to another branch to recover.

Standing with authority, he assumed the role of an overseer, directing the staff and providing guidance to the multitudes of desperate people who were left homeless and hungry. Despite the overwhelming task at hand, he remained steadfast in his efforts to assist those in need, offering hope and comfort to a community in crisis.

The best thing they could contribute was to feed them and fill their bellies.

The long lines never stopped as many continued to flock towards their camp.

"Thank you so much, sir..." An elderly man said as he received the bowl of chowder soup.

"You're welcome and make sure to eat your food while it's hot."

Anna and the rest of the female staff were helping with the food being served to them.

Their hospitality was on another level at this point.

All for the desire to help those in need.

However, there was something that happened at the same time.

Anna couldn't help but notice that the blonde man seemed to be struggling to concentrate on some of the tasks at hand. It was apparent to her that he was lost in thought, his mind captured by something that had left him deep in contemplation.

As if he was avoiding something.

On the other hand, the reason was simple for the fiery chef himself.

After receiving the news from one of his staff, he became aware of a group of individuals who were dressed in green outfits and riding heavy machinery. Upon hearing the description, he was able to recognize the specific type of machines they were operating.

It completely resembled the ones from his own world.

From then, his usual focused mind went into a little conflict, recalling how the young man told him that a Gate to another world had opened...It wasn't just some other world but his world to begin with.

Yes, the idea of going back to his world had been reinvigorating inside his mind ever since he met the young man.

Was he Japanese?

He did look the part though.

Gordon Ramsay can handle conflict but could he endure the toughest decision?

Stay or go back?

He still recalled that fateful night when he got himself into an unexpected situation that began his chapter in this world.

So far...He already made a new life, a reputation, an image, friends, and loved ones, and that he would have every reason to call this his new home.

Then in that very moment, a voice called out his name aloud.

"Chef Ramsay! We need you nya!"

He immediately recognized the voice of the cat girl hostess which startled him so that he blurt out another swear.

"For fuck sake Selina! Don't scare the shit out of me like-"

And for the first time, he stopped mid-sentence as he laid his eyes upon an unexpected scene.

In front of him, there was Selina alongside a Japanese man in familiar military attire and a group of men who donned similar outfits.

As they made their way through the bustling crowd, their unique appearance caught the eye of several onlookers. The locals paused in their hurried steps, turning their heads to catch a glimpse of the newcomers and sparking a small commotion in the busy surroundings.

The blonde man's body froze at that moment as he could only stare at them.

"Ramsay-san..." Hitoshi smiled as he greeted the latter as if he had only seen him after so many years.

The old geezer finally got his confirmation that the rumors were indeed real.

Anna quickly took notice of the commotion and asked to break the silence." Excuse me, may I help you?" But when she got a good look at the man, her eyes widened.

"Oh, you're that man from..."

Hitoshi nodded." Yes, Ma'am, My name is Hitoshi and I apologize for any commotion that we have caused but is it alright if we could have a meeting with Ramsay-san?"

The woman was surprised and took a glance at the blonde chef.

"For what purpose?"

As the young man was about to speak, an older man stepped forward amongst the group of Men in Green.

"Colonel Parks, Ma'am." He said as he shook hands with the latter.

"We received news that one of the best chefs in the world is here and we would like to have a meeting with him since we believe he could assist us."

This time Gordon Ramsay got the courage to speak up.

"Hold it right there you Yank, How did you know I was here?"

At the same time, a small group in the crowd stepped up.

"Boris?" His eyes widened in surprise while the wolf man and some of the staff kept quiet but gave an apologetic look.

At this point, His true identity was slowly being released.

Colonel Parks cleared their throat and spoke." Again, we apologize for disturbing your time but this is very important." He then looked towards the blonde man.

"Gordon James Ramsay, or rather Former Michelin star Chef Ramsay who mysteriously disappeared 5 years ago...We may need your help in this war."

The blonde man then narrowed his eyes." I don't do that stuff anymore...I am happily retired." He then pointed his index finger at them.

"And if you're gonna try and fucking convince me...then you're in for shit...that won't happen easily."

"How sad..."

"We were just about to ask regarding your connections to Sadera itself...being a former kitchen cook for the royal palace, am I correct?"

"And you also have a successful catering business so far in its main capital..."

How did they know?" The blonde man wondered before becoming furious.

"Fucking Enough! Give me a good reason why would I help you shitty twats?"

Silence followed for a brief moment.

The Colonel smiled.

"Because you may get the ticket of a lifetime to return to your world and be with your family again..."

"They don't know yet but they have been looking for you ever since."

The blonde geezer was placed into another silence.

"And you are the only one that could help us find people like you who ended up here with no logical explanations."


As the clock struck the hour of peak attendance, the spacious plaza just outside the grand City Hall building was abuzz with activity. A massive throng of people had gathered eagerly to hear the most anticipated message of the day, which was none other than a speech delivered by none other than the Prime Minister himself. The air was electric with excitement and anticipation as the crowd waited with bated breath for the grand speech to begin.

The stunning expanse of the sky held court as the boisterous cheers reverberated throughout the entire area.

It was a site full of hope and excitement.

As Prime Minister Kanata peeked, an unexpected sight caught him off guard. He had never witnessed such a scene before, not even within the walls of the principality. The situation was unlike anything he had ever encountered, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and intrigue.

Every person from different walks of life was all there.

He stood on the balcony overlooking the big crowd that waited for him.

"Are you ready sire?" One of the guards then asked.

The elf man simply smiled and nodded as he fully walked out and towards the view.

The life erupted out of the crowds as the cheers became louder.

As soon he stepped out of the balcony, he was greeted by a strong sense of hope.

The elf held the small magical mana tube as he finally relayed a small message.

"People of Maihark and the rest of the Principality, I thank you all for gathering in the plaza on a day that is full of frays."

Everyone had their ears ready to listen.

As the crowd watched with bated breath, a diverse array of army representatives from various small allied kingdoms stood amongst them. In a nearby corner, the members of Recon 13 were stationed, keenly observing the unfolding scene.

"I know there is a reason to celebrate since the struggle itself is over but let us not forget the people that risked their lives to protect the city and our home."

There was a silence that followed briefly as he continued.

"The people that risked their lives to save the diplomats, the officials, and as well as my own life when the Elven Council had plotted an assassination and a complete takeover of the Principality."

The revelation of the Palace Mayhem left almost everyone stunned and disbelieving. It was a moment that shook the very foundations of the city and its people, as they came to terms with the harsh reality of what had occurred. The defenders of their home had valiantly fought against dark monsters and an enemy who sought to destroy everything they held dear. It was a heroic effort, but one that ultimately ended in tragedy. The enormity of the sacrifice that had been made was not lost on anyone, and the weight of the truth hung heavy in the air.

"Our gratitude is to them...and I owe them my life."

Applause erupted across the crowds as they paid respects and honored those people.

Prime Minster Kanata took a deep breath as he continued.

"My dear people, I am speaking towards you all as fellow proud citizens of Qua-Toyne." He said.

"No matter what hardships our home faces...I pledge my loyalty and service to you and this land."

Some people from the crowds did begin to teared up.

"This is my home! Our Home!" He raised his voice.

"And whatever conflict or war it may be against an Empire...We will stand our ground and continue to fight until the end!"

"All this to achieve our peace and fulfill that dream from which our ancestors had started long ago."

"For Qua-Toyne and Rodenius!"


With that, the whole place almost trembled with the loudest cheers that anyone could hear in their lifetime.

Fellow Recon 13 Team members were swept in by the excitement, of their fellow friends, who had joined their crew...

Tuka, Hodor, Cato, and Lelei were alongside celebrating the moment.

The American Rangers, represented by Carl and Al, spent the majority of their time recording the scene on their phones, as this would be a good memory for them to keep for a long time.

Giselle and Albrecht were also there as they watched the scene alongside their new friends.

And lastly, the writer who had been documenting this event throughout in the most unlikely places.

Yuji had somehow found a way to go on top of a certain building that provided a good view of the plaza and the city hall as from there he had his equipment set up.

A professional tripod camera that recorded the entire event, as well as his personal journal and pen when he was writing the plot for the arc.

"Alright, should have asked them before..." He remarked to himself as he faced a little struggle for the title.

"Come on, at least there has to be a good pitch to it."

Before this had already written a lot of titles and tried to see which one fits the best.

Then at that moment, a certain voice spoke from nearby.

"The Noble City..."

He looked to his right and discovered that the Apostle of Emroy was also in the area, having a tea session with Terra, the entire time, while he was doing all this documentation.

The black-haired lady smiled.It's simple but mysterious and I find it fitting for an arc."

The title in question suggests a tale full of grandeur and adventure, replete with moments of triumph and tribulation. One can easily envision a captivating narrative that takes the reader on a journey through a myriad of emotions, leaving them thoroughly enthralled and satisfied.

And all of it takes place in one location.

Yuji was intrigued and nodded as he could see the meaning of it.

"Hmmm, I guess so..." He said as he finally wrote down the title.

Moreover, his attention shifted towards the other rooftops of the buildings surrounding the plaza as the celebrants also reached the rooftops carrying makeshift flags of the principality and other small kingdoms as they proudly waved them into the skies.

In some way, he felt the people's love for their homeland.

Yuji let out a smile, as he was happy not just for the people of this place but for many communities across the land.

That the hope in them had been restored and now they were going to unite once again to finally put the conflict in Rodenius to a permanent end.

From the skies, a white dove flew over the plaza, indicating that the prophecy had been fulfilled and, in some way, the prayers of a Forgotten Goddess had been answered.

Amidst the gentle breeze, the colorful flags fluttered with utmost grace. From atop the mast, they conveyed a powerful message that traveled across the vast seas, reaching the shores of many diverse civilizations.

A new era has arrived.


It was the usual report that was to say.

The moving image of the black-haired bunny woman was projected on the old walls through a single snail as it also was a speaker to let out her voice.

Tyuule had been anxious but intrigued.

The last report that she was given, was that unexpected events had transpired during the siege of the Maihark and that certain main objectives had been accomplished.

"Your Highness..."

"Parna, you haven't reported in a while..." She said before adding." I was getting worried...are you alright?"

There was a quietness that followed for a brief moment.

There was a moment when it seemed that she was facing some difficulty in conveying what she wanted to say, but she didn't give up. With a burst of determination, she summoned the courage to express her message.

"Thank you for your concern, though I will be saying this straightforwardly." She said.

"Both crystals had been destroyed."

Tyler smiled knowing that objectives were completed." I'm proud of you Parna." She responded.

"Every step we make is successful for the destruction of this empire." She explained." There is no one other than us that could take action or else let them have it all."

"Your Highness...I wanted to say this to you wholeheartedly and the things I have experienced during the siege led me to believe that I found another way of dealing with this."

She raised an eyebrow." What do you mean?"

"That this would be my last mission for you."

The latter was taken aback by what she had said.

"Parna, this is not the time to joke around.."

The woman kept firm with her statement.

"I am not joking...your Highness, I am telling the truth.."

"An alliance with the other kingdoms had been restored and the Principality will lead the way along with a new ally I believe could beat the Empire..."

Tyuule felt worried about this.

"Parna, please understand...even if you unite the remaining small kingdoms against the Empire, they will still fail to do so in defeating them...You don't know how strong Sadera is..."

"You don't know how wicked these people are!"

The black-haired bunny woman was slightly in tears.

"For how long are we to keep doing this? We can be caught anytime and thus put to death."

Tyuule responded." No Parna, don't think that way...For sure we are safe-"

"Your Highness, thank you for saving my life all those years ago, and I owe everything to you..." Parna's emotions were running high.

"Parna please..."

"I stand by my decision but still I will never forget to pursue our goal of preserving our home." She said.

"Parna, you don't know what you're doing..." Tyuule pleaded again.

"Our people, our race will continue to live for a thousand years and will never be consumed by vengeance."

Tyuule's emotions started coming out as the bunny woman's words had a direct impact on her heart and mind.

"And I will save you from-"

The communication was cut off from there.

Silence had returned once again.

It was only this time that Tyuule realized her tears had already fallen from her eyes, for the first time.

She hated the idea of crying at this point.

She was stronger than this.

She couldn't comprehend what just happened at this moment.

She didn't want to lose the people that she dearly treated as a family.

Parna for one...had been close friends with her even before the empire had invaded their lands.

She just couldn't understand why she would do this in such crucial times.

"So...she decided to leave for a kingdom that could easily be toppled by the empire in just a matter of days?"

From a corner, the representative of the Haryo tribe had been closely watching and stepped up from the shadows.

"What a pity...People like her don't know what is going on."

He gave a small giggle.

"And how unfortunate that you always find yourself alone once again, your highness."

The former empress of her people narrowed her eyes toward the devious creature.

"Keep your mouth shut Bouro, It wasn't for my meddling that your clan wouldn't exist by now." She hissed, not backing down.

"You don't know what you are saying and you don't even know her."

The creature gritted his teeth in annoyance as he was reminded.

"My apologies...your Highness..." He said, bowing down.

"Just to relay this information that I thought may interest you...but Adem and his officials had already decided the next step of the campaign."

"And that is...?"

"That a decision has been made to invade Rondel and Italica."

Tyuule widened her eyes in surprise.

"What? They can't be serious are they?"

"What about the resistance?"

Bouro chuckled." It's already expected... I guess that He badly needs the artifacts."

"And I supposed that he is going to let his allies continue the fight against those kingdoms or whatever new player that is."

It was a long-standing burning question that remained.

Why that lunatic was obsessed with pursuing them?

What was he trying to prove?

Helping specific persons to be released from their cellars was not even a good reason.

The common reason to get richer was already invalid.

"He is mysterious I tell you..." Bouro remarked as he added."Even though his mind reeks with absurdity."

"And Sadera...This whole empire is that I couldn't even understand."

By then, the door suddenly opened as a certain familiar young lady in a maid uniform arrived.

"Noriko..." Tyuule mentioned her name before letting out a smile.

"What brings you here?"

The young lady was a bit nervous but was able to relay her message.

"Ms. Tyuule, you've been called for a meeting." She said.

The latter raised both eyebrows." Adem perhaps?"


The simple answer made her heart pound.

"It's from "Him"..." She said.

"He just arrived in the capital today..."

Her suspicions were finally confirmed as she could be a little weak for a moment.

As for Bouro, he too felt the tension in the atmosphere as it made him utter aloud.

"So the fallen king's son is here..."


Several days since he had arrived at the capital.

He had been spending most of his time in one of the city's quiet areas.

It was the small gardens located within the cemetery, wherein a certain grave stood in front of him.

The silence was the only thing that accompanied him throughout.

He paid no heed to the cold weather as his mind was focused on an important matter.

He waited for many years to reach this point.

He vowed that he would be the one to see the era of struggle and darkness soon come to an end as the plan was already placed in motion.

No matter what these new players' purposes are...

No matter what interference of any civilization across the seas...

No matter how destructive and violent this could be...

No matter what that crazed man is after...

He will make sure that his promise will come to fruition.

And that her death will never be in vain.

"Your Highness..." A voice then called him.

"Everyone is waiting..."

Upon hearing this, the young man then turned towards the messenger.

His lips curled into a confident smile as he knew that this wouldn't be the end.

For it had only just begun.


AN: Hello there fellas!

So this is the final chapter of the arc, concluding the events of the Noble City and also a chapter which sets up for the future which might be the final volume for the Rodenius/Sadera story as a whole.

Also, I don't know if I could plan another arc or continue the story as real life gets busier, and I might take a long break from writing after this. (Though, there might be a short chapter that would act as an epilogue in the future).

So in regards to the chapter, the scenes focus more on closures with their character arcs. With Giselle conquering the demons that she had faced for a long time, Parna realizes justice is more important than vengeance and that there are many ways to help her people.

Other scenes also show some foreshadowing which includes Pina's scene and revealing to Yuji that she is from the Empire that the coalition currently fighting and also Gordon Ramsay's scene which his future role shows importance.

He might be the key for Furuta meeting Tyuule shortly and many more.

Also, we have Tyuule again in this scene as her role would be bigger and also through her perspective that the Empire's mysteries would soon unravel.

The last scene foreshadows the arrival of the famous prince in the Gate series.

I would also like to thank you for your support of this story until the very end of the arc...DFMRCV for his help on the story and his reviews as well... Alfredstarlegionnaire, overlordwarhammer, and many more readers and authors.

With that said, thank you very much for reading the chapter! Please forgive me for the occasional grammar mistakes, since English is not my main language. I appreciate your time to give the story a chance :)

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