Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 3: Noble City III: Little Adventures

Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City III : Little Adventures

It all started with two little words which emerged from the Manacom tubes.

"Under-attack" As the voice mentioned, had struck paranoia amongst the members of the defense corps.

All through her life she had never seen the control room becoming this chaotic and noisy before. By the time she had arrived there, most of the knights were in the middle of an argument, some were just staring blankly in the air out of fear, and some were preparing for what's to come.

"I told you, the knight was informing us that the garrison was currently being under-attack by a large army of wvyerns before the magic went out!"

"That of a sudden? Anymore important details that he gave?"

The knight was silent.

"Come on people, the enemy may have taken the base early hence why it got cut off..."

"So we consider this us a hostage crisis?" One of the members suggested.

"Impossible! No one can destroy a garrison that large!'

The young captain having heard enough had no choice but to raised her voice.

"Alright! What the heck is going on here people!" She exclaimed, instantly getting all their attention.

"What this about Ejei being invaded by the Empire forces?"

Silence returned just for few moments as everyone tried to come with a way to better explain the current situation, until one finally spoke.

"Captain, we received a magical signal from the Garrison and they were asking for Wyvern reinforcements to combat their enemies." One of the knights then said

"He claimed that it was a large group of dark wyverns that came from the east." He added." Should we prepare the team to be dispatched there?"

Ine could only sigh in return, truly, that the pressure was trying to get on her nerves

She looked straight into the young knight's anxious eyes, as she wanted more details and information, but as she was about to speak, the Manacom tubes came to life once again.

"This is Ladan from Ejei, we apologized for any inconveniences as we ran out of rune magic to sustain our communications..."

Everyone's attention shifted towards the manacoms.

"There's no need for any rush or panic, it was a false alarm." He explained." We are not under-attack." He gave assurance to the rest."

By this time, Ine gazed at the knight and instructed him to get more clarification.

The Knight simply nodded as he spoke to the tubes once more.

"Copy that, But we may need more clarification on what was the false alarm about."

"Huge numbers of Crows...I believe it's due to the migratory season." The Knight from Ejei simply replied." We never expected their number to grow like this sire..."

Everyone sighed in relief after hearing the truth to the matter.

"Thank you for the clarification Sir Ladan, Hope you're all safe and may the Gods be with you."

The last words were finally said and the room was silent again.

Ine observed the rest of the still shocked members of the defense corps and she fully understood that these were young people who weren't able to experience that much war. Though, she wanted to tell everyone the lesson learned here.

So she gave a shrug and confidently smiled.

"Lesson learned people...Don't fall for any Fake News..."


The guest palace was without a doubt magnificent. When the coalition envoy arrived at the premises surrounding the old-style colonial-style structure, they were caught in a brief wave of awe at finally seeing the entire thing in its glory.

The resemblance to their homeworld's finest presidential palaces or estates was uncanny. It would be absurd for any of them to compare this to the numerous Disneyland castles they have visited.

Others felt it was already too much, while others saw it as an opportunity to try something new.

The idea of having a large palace as their headquarters was already appealing to the rest of them, but with the addition of numerous servants assisting them in setting up equipment, it was even more different than they had anticipated.

According to one American ranger, the entire process was like hiring nearly a hundred people just to move out the many furnitures, antiques, and items, aside from their base being fully setup. Only a few were tasked with assisting the team in transporting the equipment to the selected rooms that will house the control center and clinic.

Carl looked around the room where the temporary control center was set up. The guest palace library was much larger than he had anticipated. Almost twice the size of his hometown bookstore.

He was informed that private libraries in all guest houses were this large and spacious. Add to that a fireplace in the reading area, and the long wooden tables with ancient designs were now filled with radios and computers.

A chaotic blend of old and the futuristic.

All of the tasks for setting up the control room had been completed, and it was now time to inform the higher-ups at headquarters that the team's primary objectives had been completed slowly but smoothly.

"Alnus HQ, this is Lieutenant Brian of RCT3, do you copy?"

The static noises would soon fade away, and a voice would emerge.

"I heard you loud and clear, Lieutenant!"

Brian cleared his throat once more, ready to share the most recent mission updates.

"Okay, negotiations had just finished and had been a success thus far, although the Qua-Toyne government has requested that the talks be extended until tomorrow or the next day." He then added, hesitant to tell the whole truth about the Prime Minister," Just to finalize the remaining deals."

"However, we also asked them to provide us with vacant lands to use as landing pads when the supply arrives."

Only a few recon members were present in the area, mostly from the American team and a couple of JSDF soldiers who were organizing the remaining equipment.

"Copy that Lieutenant! Any updates on the other objectives?"

A brief moment of silence followed.

The man's eyes followed the words written on a piece of paper.

"Members of RCT 3 have already escorted Ms. Lelei and Tuka to their targeted destinations, they'll be giving us updates regarding the status of their own mission through the day." The American Lieutenant then explained." Moreover, Lieutenant Itami and his team had been coordinating with the officials to find a place to start humanitarian aid."

"What about our representatives?"

Brian paused and took a short breather.

"They're all good and settled for the meantime sir." He replied, giving the younger soldier a glance."

Carl slightly widened his eyes in return as the conversation finally came to an end.

"Very well Lieutenant, Stand by and Keep us updated." The voice then said.

"Yes sir." The man simply replied, before finally placing the wired walkie back on the radio.

Soon enough, the small tension in the room faded away, and most of them were able to feel the relief returned once again. The brown-haired lieutenant then fully rested his back on the chair and released any kind of weariness within him.

"I must say Bri, you really handled it well." Carl remarked to his fellow friend, who gave a simple shrug in return.

"We've done this before ""It's just that some of the guys are pushing me to use that webcam and big monitor so that they can see me," the man casually explained.

Don't get me wrong: I want to use it..."

"Well, I don't see any problem with using those, but..." Carl trailed off after noticing and realizing how the area was already stacked with equipment and cables. It reminded him of those chaotic control room scenes, with old computers and faulty wires arranged in a spaghetti-like fashion and connected to multiple sockets.

The possibility of overloading and igniting a widespread fire was high.

Despite the fact that their own cables and equipment were powered by a portable generator provided by the brilliant minds of their world, they chose to be cautious.

"Uhh, nevermind..." Carl muttered aloud as he continued to move his gaze around the library.

It still looked like any other private library in his homeworld, with the exception that everything in this room was quite old-looking, despite the fact that it had recently been renovated. In terms of the books themselves, he still had no idea what each one contained.

In the back of his mind, there must be some kind of book there that could eventually let him use magic. Aside from being a soldier for his country, he had a soft spot for the strange and otherworldly. Though, time was his major enemy.

"What else is new...? " Carl thought to himself as his focus shifted to a specific direction.

In the midst of this, the door unexpectedly opened, revealing what appeared to be a brown box floating in mid-air.

Of course, it startled the young man a little, reminding him of the time one of the servants informed him that this room has its fair share of ghost stories, but he digressed because he knew he had seen worse.

Carl chose to investigate it further and noticed what appeared to glittering goldish-essence beneath the big box. Not too long, four flying little human figures could now be seen each end under the box and they were struggling to carry as their own pixie wings were flapping much faster.

"Well... finally seen them fairies face to face." A slightly amused Brian remarked.

Further examination revealed that the four fairies were also dressed as miniature servants.

Carl remembered seeing their kind for the first time many weeks ago during his first reconnaissance. He was still in this awe-like trance, founding himself being mesmerized by their presence. However, he was unaware of their current difficulties.

"A little bit of help here please...!" One of the fairies finally spoke, seemed annoyed than jolly.

The massive box, which was still in mid-air, was hovering but gradually sinking.

The young man would not have awakened from his trance if it hadn't been for the servant fairies' cries.

Carl widened his eyes as he was quick to realize the situation.

"Oh, sorry about that, fellas," he apologized as he dashed towards them and grabbed the box for himself.

The four servant fairies breathe a sigh of relief as their temporary burdens are lifted. At the same time, the door opened again and a familiar face entered.

"Thank you for your assistance!" Mari exclaimed, carrying a similar box.

The fairies, in turn, smiled at the young Japanese woman and approached her to claim the prize.

Mari set the box she was carrying on a nearby table, then drew what appeared to be two pieces of Mars Chocolate Bars from her pocket and handed them to two of the small fairies.

"Thank you, Miss Mari! " One of the servant fairies remarked before flying away with the rest of her fellow fairies, leaving trails of glittering golden aura behind the room."

A brief moment of silence passed as an amused Carl attempted to comprehend the scene that had just unfolded in front of him.

"What was that all about?" He then inquired, raising both eyebrows, "And did those little fellas work here?"

"Uhmm...Yes Carl-san! " She responded, "They were actually dusting the ceilings in the hallway and I happened to cross paths with them.

"Tell me you didn't bribe them." Brian commented from his seat.

A small guilty expression emerged from the latter's lips as she quickly covered it with another smile." Well...I think asking for a little help isn't that of a huge problem." She explained.

"And guess what...? They really liked sweets!"

Carl maintained his stunned expression. Aside from the question of how they make miniature clothes for these types of people, he can't imagine high fantasy glowing fairies eating earth chocolate bars created by suspicious-greedy corporations.

He had no idea if she had given them a nice can of Pepsi or a Coke instead, which could have been even worse.

"You're really taking this culture clash to a whole new level," the American Ranger said, seemingly accepting what had happened.

Mari could only smile in response as she finally unloaded the box, revealing small white boxes containing first aid kits." So anything new while I was away?"

She inquired, shifting the subject.

"We finally got in touch with HQ," Brian said this time. "Gave them the most recent updates on our current mission," he added with a tired sigh. "It's going to be a long week ahead."

"Yeah, once the deal is done, expect this place to be filled with copters, tanks, LAVs, and stuff," the younger ranger added with a chuckle. "And I doubt that Saderan Empire could even fully invade this cool city that I've yet to explore...Of course."

Mari was at a loss for words for a few moments, but she was able to absorb the information at hand.

"I see..." she muttered with a small nod, recalling how the coalition moves quickly whenever an opportunity presents itself.

"Well, putting that aside...Did you manage to get any updates on the Prime Minister's condition?" Brian asked.

"Oh yes...I was just about to tell you guys but I was able to get in touch with one of the servants in-charged and she informed me that Minister Kanata has recovered and resting inside his private quarters." The Japanese woman explained." Though, she never mentioned what was the cause of his sudden collapse."

"Poor guy, what do you think happen to him?" Carl remarked, expressing his own concern.

Mari stayed silent this time and shook her head.

There were several theories ranging from stress overload to extreme exhaustion, but no definitive answer or explanation was provided. The servants were unaware, and the so-called Elder Elves remained silent.

"Perhaps someone was trying to get rid of him?" Brian speculated, drawing the attention of the others. "I mean, it could either be someone with his own ambitions or just basically from those Saderan guys," he added, reminding them that assassination attempts were not unheard of in this world.

Then there was a brief moment of silence.

Carl nodded slightly." You have a point, though, I wish Karma would haunt whoever is responsible."

"Uhmm, Carl-san...We can't really assume if someone wants to poison or kill the Prime Minister that quickly," Mari added. "For all we know, it could be another reason that we haven't figured out yet."

The mystery surrounding Qua-Toyne's inner circle grew deeper, and the more they pondered it, the more questions, theories, and assumptions surfaced. When the trio first stepped foot in this location, they were struck by an eerie feeling. Even though they were warmly welcomed by the hosts, there were indications that they should not fully trust the people in charge here.

In the midst of that, Carl felt a shiver on his spine and he wasn't hesitating let out what he was feeling right now.

"Is it okay if I tell you guys how much I'm creeped out with this place right now?"


"So it's a cross between Jurassic Park and Farmville? " According to the American Diplomat.

The place truly smelled like earth and poop.

Huge sacks of grass and haystacks were being unloaded from the numerous wagons and carts that carried them to specific locations inside what appeared to be an oversized stable housing a certain species of familiar creatures.

It wasn't the usual horses or other zoo animals, but something even more terrifying but surprisingly benevolent.

Small growls could soon be heard all over the place, and the winged reptile-like creatures began to move their elongated necks as they munched on the day's lunch of grass and haystacks.

The two Diplomats looked around at the passing scenery, slightly amused. Especially the Japanese Diplomat, who initially thought he was looking at real-life dragons.

Meanwhile, a brow-haired elf stood beside the two, as his lips formed a two representatives from the so-called other realm, had quite the reaction that he was expecting, much like the previous ones he had to guide.

"As you may know, Wyverns are the most dominant winged creatures in this land," he told the two diplomats. "However, you do not need to worry because these dragons are not carnivorous...well, the majority of them."

For a few moments, awkward silence reigned before questions began to emerge.

"So there are ones that eat the flesh of any living thing in general in this place?" Representative Diane then asked.

The official elf guide smiled." Well...There was once a group of Dark Wyverns that terrorized the land over a century ago, and they would eat any innocent human, elf, and beast kin." He explained, while grabbing a Fitch fork." They even destroyed towns and villages they came across." He added as he took a stack of grass and placed it in front of a wyvern. " If it weren't for the great heroes of the past, then most wyverns today wouldn't be our friends."

The two coalition representatives simply nodded in silence while a personnel of the RCT 3 made his first remarks.

""Well...a that's relief," Wataru, who was now assigned to accompany the two diplomats, said. "I guess eradicating those evil wyverns did good for this land, continent, or whatever...?"

The elf guide then sighed but smiled, "I would not use that word necessarily," he explained calmly. "We came from a community that strives for peace and harmony through better means."

He was clearly intent on pushing the narrative of achieving peace and harmony by eliminating what was deemed evil and a threat.

During his explanations, several workers in the stable removed additional sacks from the wagons, each revealing a brownish powdered substance, and began pouring them into dozens of massive open wooden barrels. Following that, the barrels were filled with water, and the workers began mixing the substances, which they then placed in front of the Wyverns to serve as their special drinks.

"But don't assume they're all dangerous," the guide added. "Over the years, we've successfully tamed many wyverns and accepted them to live alongside us."

"You mean you were able to "domesticate" most of them?" Representative Diane asked, slightly perplexed.

The elf guide raised an eyebrow." I am not sure what you mean't by that word...but it is something like that."

Another round of awkward silence passed by.

"May I ask, guide-san, but did the Qua-Toyne ever decide to use the actual dragons for battle?" said Representative Tanaka.

The guide then smiled again, explaining, "The dragons in this land are very sacred." "Most people consider them to be Holy and a Relic from the Gods," He continued, "Which is why they are not to be touched."

"Interesting, so they have their own community somewhere on this continent?" Representative Diane guessed.

"The elf guide proudly stated, "They do, and indeed they reside on the north, where high lands are located."

However, there was one person he had forgotten to mention, a vital part in keeping the dragons from causing conflict and destruction.

Following his explanation, another question was posed, this time by the Recon member himself.

Wataru's interest in dragon lore had piqued, and he had been intently listening to the various stories and legends about them being relayed. The perplexing question finally arose in his mind, and he couldn't help but respond.

"However, one more question...Is it permissible for us to ride one of these wyverns things across the city?" the Japanese soldier finally asked, as the two representatives looked at him in confusion and disbelief.

"Just for a stroll or something..."

The elf guide chuckled in return." Oh that is certainly hilarious but yes...Wyverns are part of Qua-Toyne's skies and therefore they also helped with the transportation of necessary goods for our great defenders." He explained." Although, I am sad to inform you that normal folks are still forbidden to ride wyverns due to the threats from enemies beyond."

"This certain stable is directly owned by the Principality's Air Defense forces and they are kind enough and willing to allow visitors and guests much like you all, though we should understand that Wyverns can still pose as a danger to our daily lives, despite how many times they have served this land and our ancestors." He further clarified, not forgetting to inform them regarding the Principality's tendencies in playing safe.

"Oh, that's kinda sad, to be honest."

"Yes, but keep in mind that you can still use eagles and griffins as alternatives "The guide then pointed it out, saying, "As they are very harmless and are frequently used for amusement."

"The rest of them nodded in agreement.

"However, I'm not sure if the prices of acquiring them have gone down," he wondered, adding, "As far as I know, only the successful can afford them."

"What if someone rides an eagle or Griffith through the city? " Representative Tanaka continued, causing the guide to laugh once more.

"Oh blimey, I assure you that riding either of those beasts will not cause any havoc in Maihark's lovely streets."


Yuji wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation.

What began as a simple search for a missing person had quickly devolved into a rush-hour race. He hadn't expected to be riding a horse alongside what he thought were Royal Knights dressed in commoner garb.

For some reason, he couldn't turn down the young lady's request for assistance. She appeared to be genuinely concerned about her red-haired friend, who had unknowingly decided to jump off the edge of a tower, only to be carried away by some kind of griffin-like creature. He was immediately brought to a specific area of the palace where most of her friends and companion's resided and then he was given his own horse to ride.

The world around him was chaotic at the time. He barely had time to consider the end goal as he found himself as part of a local group from a small kingdom attempting to follow a flying creature from the sky as fast as they could.

There were about eight of them, including the young lady leading the group named "Hamilton."

Oh, how much Yuji wanted to ask more questions and get the answers that he needed, yet because of the hectic environment that he was in, he couldn't achieved a simple such as that.

"Move out of the way!"

"Hey watch it!"

"You good for nothing scoundrels! You ruined my vegetables!"

"Urghh! I thought our city councilor has banned horse racing in the streets?"

He could hear yells coming from both sides. The city's streets were teeming with small vendors and pedestrians of all races, and they all served as temporary roadblocks for the group.

To think he was the only one who valued caution as he passed by the shocked and confused citizens of the city. To his surprise, as he observed the people with him, their hoods gradually came up due to the fast-paced journey. He found himself staring at an incredible sight. Different hairstyles, hair colors, and faces, but nearly the same age.

"Girls? They are all girls...!?" His mind was filled with confusion.

Girls in their mid-to late teens riding horses to catch up with their flying friend while causing a commotion in the ancient city.

He shifted his gaze to the brown-haired lady, determined to find answers while still trapped in this mess.

Yuji sighed again, knowing he had no choice but to face the challenges ahead of him. Food stalls were collapsing, goods and merchandise were flying around, and a large fresh tomato nearly hit him in the face.

Almost everything bad was trying to attack him at the same time.

"Ms. Hamilton!" he exclaimed, calling out to the young lady as loudly as he could, only to be ignored.

Of course, she wouldn't be able to hear him due to her distance and the noise that his surroundings were making.

The semi-anxious writer then tried to get the attention of the other members of the group only to miserably fail again.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Yuji exclaimed in frustration for the first time, his patience having run out. At that point, he decided to come up with his own solution, but not in such a way that his emotions got the best of him.

A certain whisper rang through the Japanese-American man's ears as he took a deep breath and looked up at the sky to see if the griffith was still there.

"This way..." said the voice.

Hearing its words, Yuji grabbed the saddle and urged the horse to turn right, finally breaking away from the main group. By that point, his mind was filled with images of places, mostly new streets and alleyways.

It didn't take long for him to realize that something was pointing him in the right direction.

So he kept going.

His surroundings changed once more, and he found himself walking towards one of the city's famous plazas.

A location where a special event was supposed to take place this week.


The plaza was in excellent condition at noon.

"Del Mundo," as it was colloquially known, was the king's plaza. The old main heart of the noble city, where every culture and life converged. Surrounded by grand palaces, temples of worship, and greenery, the area was also known for commerce, as a large number of merchants and businessmen had set up their own stalls in the middle, hoping to reach out to the local population and promote themselves.

According to legend, many people made a fortune by starting in this area. Some claim that the location was blessed by the Gods, and that in order to claim that blessing, one must demonstrate extreme perseverance.

Although, according to one Draconian Apostle, this was absurd and questionable to begin with.

"Albrecht, tell me why we're doing this again?" the young lady frowned, her patience wearing thin.

"I thought the city celebrations were going to be tomorrow?"

In fact, she had the right to speak up and even object to it.

Giselle stood in the middle of the bustling scene, her cheeks flushed, thinking about how her current outfit was a little too revealing. It appeared to be a cheap and unholy version of a priestess' attire, with a glittering short skirt and tight tops that made it difficult for her to breathe. Furthermore, many passers-by were paying close attention to her.

"Well, to help the old geezer Ramsay promote his restaurant, of course!" he simply replied, glancing at the other two members of the booth assigned to them.

There was the Cat Demi-Human Selina and the Wolf Demi-Human "Boris." Both employees were setting up the booth under a simple awning supported by wooden poles. While the wolf man himself was unloading several boxes from the private cart, Selina was in charge of arranging baskets containing the restaurant's products on the table.

When the boy called them, they both gave a quick smile.

"Again, Master Ramsay would like to extend his thanks to you two nya!" Selina cheerfully remarked." And personally, me and Boris would like to thank you for volunteering!" She continued to smile.

"You have no idea how hard we work just to win so many hearts," the cat girl laughed, taking a quick glance at the wolf man." Isn't that right, Boris?" "

"Yeah," the wolf man replied, his voice bored and uninterested.

Then Giselle sighed.

"No, that's not what I mean! She pointed it out." Is Chef Ramsay aware that his own mascots, promoters, or whatever you want to call them, dress in inappropriately revealing outfits to attract customers?"

She clarified, her irritation visible.

However, after a few moments of silence, she was unable to elicit a genuine response.

"No," Selina and Boris agreed, both with the same casual expression.

Giselle raised an eyebrow, perplexed, before turning to her companion to persuade him.

"You do realize it's forbidden for any apostle to engage in-" The young lady couldn't finish her sentence.

Albrecht raised his hand, giving her a firm look that surprised her. "You know, whether it's a tradition, rule, or any kind of doesn't really matter," he explained confidently.

When he said that, his companion looked at him suspiciously.

"Well, I'm not saying all that apostle tradition is for naught, but in situations like this...We just have to adapt to it," he added, smiling. "Come on, we've been doing this for a long time, and I'm sure a little more attention would not hinder us from achieving our goals."

"Believe me on this... "

The draconian lady was speechless for a few moments, remembering how persuasive the boy can be, but she knew he was speaking truthfully.

She took another look around her as she felt a little pressure, and by the time she gave the boy a glance, she sighed as she decided to finally agree with him.

"Fine!" she said, hesitantly but confidently. "Just make sure we don't cause an embarrassing scene here."

Albrecht could only smile confidently, and with everything ready, they finally had the go-ahead to begin advertising.

"Oh trust me, It'll be a great moment to remember."


"I hate you..."

A single mutter couldn't save her any longer.

A final attempt to express how she felt about the whole thing right now. The intense murderous look that quickly turned into a hospitable smile as another swarm of people surrounded her, forcing her to entertain them.

"Come here for your "Lonely Lamb" food samples! It only costs two silver coins!"

The more Albrecht announced, the more customers joined in like a never-ending stream of water.

"Please do visit the Lonely Lamb Inn...after you've collected the flyers and food."

"Master Ramsay prepares the best dishes on the entire continent, nya!"

Along with the cat girl's ability to draw a lot of attention, the booth was on the right track; long lines formed for the food, which included the usual but unique dishes like "Beef Wellington." "Honey Glazed Ham and Filet Mignon

All of them are stored in large iron pots and served to customers in small bowls with small cups of cold lemon tea.

Individuals stopped by the booth out of curiosity, then couples looking for a snack to eat, and finally groups of families who continued to flock not only for the food but also for the small entertainment that the booth provided.

Surprisingly, Giselle herself was the main attraction of the booth; aside from her beauty, which drew a lot of men, the young lady found herself in a much more interesting situation.

"For today, we'll be performing little magic tricks to get you people in the mood!" Albrecht then announced, causing the his companion to widened her eyes.

"Who's with me!?"


The growing crowd erupted in cheers as they knew that they were in for a treat.

Giselle sighed again, looking at the boy with a puzzled and confused expression. "I thought we were just holding signs and giving food?" she wondered, regretfully.

It didn't take long for the locals to form a circle around the two to start their little show.

Albrecht drew two brown sticks, one of which was a wizard's wand, and a pair of small runes with two identical symbols engraved on them. He also made the other wand and the rune his friend.

""You know what to do," the boy grumbled, winking at the embarrassed apostle. "Just like old times."

Giselle clenched her teeth in annoyance, wanting this ordeal to end, but her only way out was to perform the simple show with the adventurer.

In the midst of the stress, both of their rune-encrusted wands began to glow, indicating that magic was now present within them.

Albrecht finally gave the signal as they both pointed their wands at each other; moments later, magical essence emerged from the tips of the sticks and collided in the center, resulting in beautiful and majestic manifestations of mythical creatures appearing inside the circle. To the delight of the crowds, the majority of them began floating and dancing in the air.

Both the boy and the apostle began to have their own dancing rituals at the same time. Performing an old forgotten magical session that kept the magnificent display going until the end.

Selina and the Wolfman watched with pride from the booth as the "Lonely Lamb" was out in full force today. Their turf was attracting a lot of attention for the first time ever. They had never seen anything like this before, even when they hired actual circus performers to promote the business and still failed to meet their goal.

The brief magical session concluded with the manifestations ascending into the sky to form multiple firework displays before raining glittering essence on the customers.

The adventurer and the apostle were applauded by the audience for their performance.

Albrecht was lost in the moment, while Giselle was still amazed that she had finished the entire thing. Furthermore, she was able to overcome her own fear of performing in front of large crowds. For the first time, a smile formed around her lips as she looked at her companion.

"Oh, Albrecht..." she shook her head, still stunned.

As for the boy himself, he continued to encourage the crowd and let the Great Ramsay's restaurant be heard all over.

"Thank you! Keep in mind that The Lonely Lamb Inn is only a few blocks away!"

The crowd erupted in cheers once more.

Alas, the two were able to complete their first objective and now they set their sights on the exact location where the sacred offspring is currently being held.


She was definitely having the time of her life.

Pina couldn't recall the last time she flew in the sky with her pet Griffin. The memory was still hazy, but she was here, finally having the opportunity to be just herself and to pursue a forgotten part of herself.

Mera cried aloud to the heavens, encouraging her master to concentrate on the present moment.

"Thank you Mera," the redhead said as she patted the griffin on the head.

Feeling the strong wind, the young royalty looked up, and upon seeing the great bay of the city, she grinned, and with one tap, the griffin flew faster towards the horizon. At the same time, Pina could feel her excitement erupting, and for the first time, she raised both of her hands and triumphantly yelled at the top of her lungs as the birds flew alongside her.

All of her recent sufferings.

All of her current difficulties.

The burden she was carrying.

She set them aside for the first time in her life, and she had never felt so relieved and peaceful.

She was able to resurrect a lost part of herself in the most unusual way. A long-forgotten character who was taken away from her when she was a child.

Pina took a deep breath and gazed out the window. Looking down, she could see the entire glory of the noble city, which she had been waiting to see for a long time.

It was breathtaking, and she wanted her home to be like this, and in truth, it used to be.

The lively essence of the city was similar to that of her home.

Untainted and pure.

Nonetheless, despite its progress, there were indications that its days were numbered.

As she entered a new section, which appeared to be a wide open field, the redhead's face had then went from happy to surprised, and then to shock as she gasped.

"What is this place?" Pina wondered, clearly unfamiliar with her surroundings.

From the lively parts of the city, an open land greeted the girl. A land filled with activity yet as she continued to observed, she became more horrified and a sense of grief then filled her eyes.

Even though there were hints of greenery, it was clear that they only served to enhance the decorations. The soil appeared to have been dug up recently, and the bodies appeared to have been laid to rest as soon as possible.

A Wasteland of The Dead.

Not only for the people of Maihark, but also for the people of other villages, noble soldiers, and unsung heroes who have been caught in the crossfire of the ongoing war.

"They were all brought here."

As she witnessed everything, her mind was jolted back to reality.

She could hear "Mera" cry softly, and the griffin could sense the grief and anguish of bereaved families. As small tears streamed from her eyes, the young lady placed her hand on the latter.

It finally dawned on her that this was the world she was living in. A reminder to her that life wasn't all about idealistic and daring things.

She was put in this situation for a reason.

As Pina and her griffin continue to ride the skies, failing to notice flocks of dark crows could be seen flying alongside them and then flew down towards the open land.

Death never left.


"Are we still in Maihark?"

The question lingered as the group observed the changes as they made their way towards the rumored location of the other displaced villagers.

Tuka and the rest of the team were led from the plaza inside the small walled city to another stoned gate, which eventually led them to the outskirts of the main area.

The LAV crossed another stone bridge that connected the walled city to an unknown area. The scene had evolved from old beautiful ancient churches, mansions, and parks to a more naked and stripped setting.

Taller structures were gone, replaced by open land with a few scattered trees. The road gradually degraded into dirt. Although there were few signs of greenery, the setting now resembled a scene from the countryside.

Nothing but brown soil.

Tuka never took her gaze away from the surroundings as she looked for signs of life. She assumed that the majority of the villagers would live within the walled city, but the guide had told them a different story. Her heart was pounding as she closed her eyes and prayed for the safety of her fellow villagers.

The journey would soon come to an end as the carriage came to a halt in a specific location. The elf girl rose from her seat, opened the door, and exited the green vehicle.

Stepping back onto the ground, she continued her search and found herself staring at the rumored location.

She widened her eyes in surprise.

"So, this is where Tuka's relatives... Holy shit!" Shino exclaimed as he took out the LAV.

"Are we in the right place?" Higashi asked, with the same thoughts as his fellow recon members.

Their guide simply nodded." Yes."

In the midst of the afternoon sun, the group was officially introduced to the place they were searching for.

A massive resting place for the dead.

The whole land itself was a sea of grave stones and markers. Furthermore, there were also groups of families from all races, scattered amongst the land paying respects to their recent deceased loved ones, some quick burial ceremonies were also taking place.

The group was stunned, especially the elf girl, whose hope was fading.

"I thought you said her fellow villagers were safe and alive?" Kurata asked, frustratedly looking at the guide. "Why are we in some random graveyard?"

His objections had startled the rest, both Shino and Higashi turning towards him.

""Look, sir, I'm really sorry about that, but we were just worried about our friend here," the Otaku soldier said, regaining his composure.

Tuka's eyes widened in surprise as she noticed the man's genuine emotion.

"Apology accepted..." Dariel simply nodded and sighed. " He replied, before adding, "I brought you people here to show you that not all of Qua-Toyne is sunshine and blessings." He explained, "I hate to tell you the truth, but the heads of the government have been working hard to repaint the Principality's image because they don't want the merchants to leave."

"The Principality had no choice but to shelter the victims as a result of the war, and thus this is the result." He then clarified, referring to a specific area in the field.

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, it will become impossible to control."

"Wait a minute, so there are secret slum communities here, in addition to the graveyard?" Higashi then added.

"Don't be fooled by the appearance," the elf guide advised. "These people have chosen to stay here of their own free will, which still amazes me to this day." He added, "This will be their new home for many months to come."

"We understand that, but we still need to find the whereabouts of the Koan villagers." Shino then said." Are they really here?" She went straight to the point.

A brief moment of silence went by.

It didn't take too long as Dariel replied once again.


Everyone's eyes then widened in surprised.

"W-What?" Tuka then asked." What do you mean by that?" She said." Where have they gone?"

Dariel cleared his throat, finally speaking another revelation.

"Several months ago, I was assigned to assist and manage the number of villagers migrating to the Principality," he recalled. "One of the groups who arrived here are villagers from Koan forest," he continued.

The tension in the air increased.

"What became of them?"

"According to one of them, they claimed to have been attacked by raiders, and many of them died as a result," Dariel continued.

Tuka's heart was pounding as she denied the truth she was hearing. She began to remember the words of a childhood friend.

"Whatever happens...promise me you'll protect yourself and your father."

"The majority of the survivors were women and children, and when we offered them a place to stay, they declined and chose to live in the main city with their other friends and relatives "He explained as he looked around.

Oh, what a bummer! I thought they'd already arrived "Shino made a remark.

Dariel nodded slightly disappointedly, "I'm afraid you'll have to scour the noble city in order to find them." He then added, "But don't worry, I'll provide you with a list of the names of the Koan Villagers."

The Recon members then nodded in understanding. "I guess that's helpful. "Kurata commented, as he then turned towards the elf girl.

Tuka had remained silent throughout the conversation. Disappointment had filled her heart, but she remained hopeful that her friend had survived, and now that she knew her mission was not yet complete, she wondered if her blue-haired friend had completed hers.


Knowledge was everything in her world.

If she ever had to discover the truth, she had no choice but to collect the necessary pieces to solve a mystery. If you gave her hundreds of books, she would read them all in order to discover the truth.

Surrounded by stacks of scrolls and books illuminated by magical amps and candles encased in transparent glass, Lelei moved her gaze to the current book she was studying; it was hundreds of years old, just like the others she had.

Normally, people would choose the more recent ones produced simply because of the quality and updated information, but she was reading the oldest among the thousands displayed within the library. As a result, she drew a lot of attention from the throngs of researchers, mages, and scholars who happened to be present.

The struggle did continue.

"The war is finally over.

"The Alliance of all races had defeated what's left of the Demon Lord's army but at the cost of many great heroes as they gave their lives to slay Nosgarath's second in command. His spirit vanished to a place where he will never had any chance of exacting his misdeeds much like his superior.

The sun has finally shine upon us! A New era of Peace has arrived in Rodenius and the time has come to celebrate this victory with our brothers and sisters!"

-Chronicles of Rodenius: Alliance

Lelei sighed as she continued her research book by book, occasionally glancing at the scrap of paper on which she had written potential clues and leads from the late Marcus.

The so-called former village councilor was insane, and his words were the girl's only help at the time. She had to keep going, no matter how untrustworthy his words could be at times.

"Sadera's true motive is Power, Key, and Resurrection"

"Remember that!

His words kept repeating in her mind.

Was it part of a tome?

Could it be words coming from a long deceased person, who wrote an account?

Or maybe just part of a story book?

Nonetheless, she continued reading more passages

""In the year of our Lord 1620, Sadera, a kingdom from the Northwest, began its own conquest of capturing the nearby lands which they claimed were rightfully theirs, and the other neighboring kingdoms attempted to resist only to fall one by one." Not long after, the flag of the Imperial army was raised, and the image of the royal family appeared.

The religious orders bestowed the title of " Emperor" on the former King Augustus, and their former enemies became their closest allies.

There's a stench of vengeance masquerading as justice, and they should all keep an eye on it at all times.

The Principality and the other kingdoms should now be aware of this. What they have done in the past shall haunt them now and beyond"

-Merchant from the town of Dayan

"Shall haunt them and beyond...?

Lelei dove into the depths of kingdom lore and the never-ending mystery of the Saderan Empire. Aside from mainstream history, she spent the majority of her time reading the accounts of travelers and chroniclers, who simply recount what they saw. There were only a few that dated back to the Empire's possible origins.

And the majority of them were either incomplete or on the verge of extinction.

Along the way, she is reminded of the familiar feeling of frustration. There were 20 more old books to discover. All of them on the same shelf, as the man suggested, though he did not specify which type of book was the most important.

She wondered why people sometimes make the story longer rather than straightforwardly getting to the point.

In the midst of that a small distraction would grabbed her attention in the form of small flashes of light.


"This library is definitely big as a mall."

The location continued to astound the young man.

For the first time, Hitoshi took out his smartphone and took a few quick shots of the place, making sure no one noticed him.

"Honestly, no one would believe this back home," he thought to himself, even though he was excited to tell his family and friends that he had visited an ancient library from another world.

Aside from that, the interior design and architecture were stunning. In the halls, there are unique statues of the city's famous scholars and heroic figures, and some are displayed on the walls. Despite the fact that he had heard that this location was a gold mine of knowledge, he became interested in one thing.

"Do they have any cookbooks?" he wondered.

A new idea arose, and with his growing interest in the cuisine in this world, he was ecstatic to borrow one, if they were allowed here, and of course, he might need the assistance of his fellow Recon member, who just happens to be taking a quiet nap while being surrounded by books, by a stack of books to cover his actions.

Hitoshi cringed a little when he saw his friend like that.

He wasn't sure if the man had gotten enough sleep or if he just wanted to sleep.

"I guess books can really put you to sleep," he grumbled to himself, having no choice but to explore the area and look for existing cook books.

However, before he could act, his attention was drawn to an immediate and unexpected presence. A cart or trolley was approaching his path, and by the time he turned around, he was face to face with it.

An elderly lady with glasses stood in front of him, pushing a small trolley filled with books and tomes.

"Young man, could I borrow your time and assist you in returning these books?" she asked, smiling.

Of course, this came as a surprise to him, as he had assumed the elderly lady was one of the employees who worked in this library. Despite remaining focused on his current mission throughout the day, he felt compelled to assist her.

He was no stranger to assisting others, particularly the elderly back home, and the task was simple.

Sure, ma'am...?" he simply replied.

"Well, then, I'll let you take over this for a while while you follow me," the old lady thankfully smiled.

Just like that, Hitoshi found himself pushing the heavy trolley, taking quick glances at the busy Lelei and the Sleeping Tomita, and sensing some relief, he took a deep breath and continued with his new task.

Maybe he could ask for a cookbook after he finished helping her?

"That shouldn't be too difficult, right? "He reflected to himself.

As the Japanese soldier imagined the various books he could obtain, he still was able to sense some mystery surrounding the old lady, but he accepted the task.


Lelei had a sharp memory.

The girl was already familiar with the locations and shelves where she had taken those books to research, and she was on her way back to return them in yet another failed attempt to discover the secret.

Throughout the day, time was not on her side.

They only had a few hours before they had to return to the palace. Finally, it was nearly impossible to locate a specific book that one deceased man had left here among the thousands that were stored here.

She took the time to observe her surroundings as she walked back towards the specific shelf, carrying dozens of books on a basket, and saw countless students like her surrounding themselves with knowledge in order to pass their exams.

Some were struggling, some were already sleeping, but the majority were determined to make a difference.

The girl could definitely relate, remembering how she spent hours honing her knowledge in order to pass an entrance exam to a local academy back in Rondel. It wasn't an easy task to begin with, and it felt like writing a thesis without even considering a thesis topic.

She had always wished to attend the most prestigious of all magical academies, where her older sister is currently enrolled.

Would the latter believe she had finally visited Qua-Toyne's finest library?

With a task that has the potential to change the course of this continent?

Unlike the other students present, Lelei bore the greatest burden of them all.

When she arrived at her destination, she was greeted by a narrow path flanked by tall book shelves.

The most remote and lonely section of the library, where most of the older books were kept.

The girl sighed as she entered the small area and resumed returning the books. She gradually began to consider the next books she would bring to the table.

A final chance to find it all.

"It has to be here..." She thought to herself, searching through a whole new section.

"I won't give up!"

By then tiredness had caught up with herand she wanted to close her eyes.

Moments passed as the silence was cutting away. Sounds of a trolley or cart approaching could be heard, and followed by a couple of voices in the middle of a conversation.

"You know...Young man... I've been working in this library for many years now, and I never thought I would live to see the day someone like you would offer their help to this weak old lady..."

"No problem Ma'am! Where I came from, We respect and help our elderly..."


Lelei's eyes widened as she recognized the man's voice. Turning to her left, she noticed a small cart and two people approaching her location. Although the man was familiar, she did not recognize the elderly lady with him.

"So, where are we going to return the majority of these books? Hitoshi then pointed towards a certain empty shelf." Nevermind, It's this one right?"

"That is correct..."

The small cart came to a halt as it approached its destination. Hitoshi and Lelei exchanged surprised looks, while the old lady continued to smile.

Lelei raised an eyebrow at the Japanese soldier, perplexed as to how he had come to be the librarian's assistant.

Hitoshi could only give a nervous grin in response.

"Young man, the second to last shelf is where you'll put these books back," the old lady instructed, pointing upwards. "You may use that ladder beside you."

Hitoshi quickly turned to face a real wooden ladder beside him. "Wait, was this thing beside me the whole time?" he wondered, before shrugging and climbing up with the small basket of books in hand.

Lelei was at a loss for words as she stared at them in awe, and before she could say anything, she felt a slight shiver on the ground as the book shelves began to shake, causing a single book to fall off right in front of her.

It startled her, bringing her back to reality.

"Oops, I think I dropped one..." The man exclaimed from above.

"No need, dear, I believe this book has found its owner," the old lady replied, smiling as she looked at the young mage.

Lelei blinked a few times, confusedly staring at the old librarian. "I am very sorry, but this is an accident, and it is not mine," she explained.

A moment of silence passed, and the lady kept smiling.

"There are no accidents, dear," she simply stated as she handed the book to the girl.

The young mage became aware of a strange presence behind her and turned around to see nothing but blank air and space.

At the same time, Hitoshi finished his task as he climbed back down." Finally returned the books Ma'am...So where do I..." he trailed off.

"Hey, where could she have gone?" he wondered, seeing only the young mage in front of him.

"Lelei...?" he muttered.

The girl couldn't say anything because she, too, was at a loss for words while holding the specific book in her hands.

In the midst of this, his walkie-talkie activated and a familiar voice emerged.

"This is Kurata, we just completed our tasks for the day and are now returning to your location."

Fortunately, they were in the farthest part of the library, so the people in the main reading hall will not hear the strange static noise, with the exception of the strange echoes that still reached the main area, therefore creating some noises.

"Copy that, Takeo, but please lower your voice, we're still inside the library," he said softly.

"Oh, my bad."

The conversation ended shortly after and silence returned once again.

"I think we should scram out of here." Hitoshi then said, feeling a chill on his spine.

Seriously, why does every place need to have ghosts?

The two immediately left the area, and while the man had failed to find his cook books, the girl had something to achieve, with her green eyes examining an old brown tome with a small seal on the middle.

Alas, the day was coming to an end, and Lelei could only hope that she found what she was looking for.


Her first instinct was always to draw out the blade in self-defense.

Parna wasn't sure when that particular mannerism started, but she knew where it came from. As a former prisoner of war, she found herself in dangerous situations sooner than she had anticipated. During that time, she killed a lot of people just to keep what little dignity she had left.

Until now, she would do that to anyone with suspicious intentions, including crime lords.

But doing that to an Apostle was a whole different story, especially since she had met Rory Mercury in person.

The tension in the air rose quickly, and she expected a fight to erupt right away. She'd never faced an apostle before, only just witness her blessing a few soldiers long ago, but she'd heard they were difficult and dangerous to defeat. Some die in a matter of seconds.

What she didn't expect was the latter's friendly demeanor, and she even went so far as to request a simple afternoon tea time.

Which was the best spot?

The sun was setting, and what better way to begin tea time than on the palace balcony itself.

Rory gleefully smiled as she sipped her hot tea and nibbled on her little biscuits. "This is what I hoped to do in the next hundred years..." she remarked, in front of the still wary warrior bunny.

Parna was not looking forward to the afternoon event. For the first time, she felt fear and imagined her secret being revealed, albeit to a limited extent.

She had no choice but to listen.

""I'm glad you didn't lose your temper right away," the Apostle continued, "and please forgive me for approaching in that manner."

"It's the only way I could get us to talk in private," she added.

"What do you want?" asked the Warrior Bunny." She inquired, not wanting to digress.

"I just want you to listen to me, and so this might change your mind," Rory explained.

Parna raised both eyebrows in surprised.

How did she know? What does she know about her plans?

For some reason, the young warrior bunny decided to let the Oracle speak first, not allowing rudeness to take over.

"Go ahead..." She simply said

Rory returned her nod as she finally spoke. "I presume you're here as part of the Palace staff, but in reality, you're here to redeem yourself as well as find the key...Is that it?" she asked, looking her in the eyes.

Parna stiffened slightly as she heard the latter's words.

"Of course, without the intervention of your former queen... You wouldn't be here..." she continued, sipping her tea. "However, I am quite pleased to see you living a new happy life in this city."

The more Rory talked about her past, the more young warrior bunny felt regret and guilt for leaving her former life and home. She wished she hadn't gone to that mansion where she had to serve an arrogant man's arse, but it was a watershed moment for her and she was given another chance.

"And it would be a shame to destroy this new life if you pursue your goal..."

Parna clenched her teeth in frustration.

"Nothing will be lost! Once I finish it, it will help my tribe reclaim its former glory," she countered. "Even if it includes our enemies."

She knew she was on the right track, and she will make no mistake about it.

"If you're trying to persuade me to abandon my task, I'm afraid to tell you that I'm fully committed to fulfilling what my homeland desires," she stated confidently.

Her words only caused the Apostle of Emroy to giggle.

"You think this is a joke!?"

Rory softly raised a hand." Oh dear Parna, I am not trying to persuade you, Like I said. I am merely here to give you information." She explained.

"Information about what?"

"About the Gate..."

The wind then grew stronger.

"Gate? That's a only a myth.." The warrior bunny exclaimed.

"There never was a myth to begin with." Rory continued to smile." It's all true...They've returned."

Parna smirked and shook her head, "So you're telling me that a children's fairy tale has come to save the world?" she asked, a little sarcastically. "What kind of a vision is that?"

"You don't have to lie, you saw and met them face to face," Rory simply stated, surprising the young warrior bunny.

"I am an Oracle for a reason, and whatever I predicted will come true," the black-haired lady explained.

Parna was overcome with confusion, and her rage soon took over.

"Don't test me! I know what you're trying to do!"

"No matter what happens, I won't fall to any distractions!

"This is for the sake of my tribe's survival!"

"You're ruining everything!"

All of these words did not escape her lips, and she remained silent. They remembered seeing the symbol engraved in their green armor. She was still in disbelief.

They're not going to be able to save her tribe from this madness. There was no such thing as Divine Intervention or any of this alleged assistance. She now understood how her queen felt during her time of struggle, and this is how she discovered her own.

In the midst of this, her gaze returned to the Oracle's, this time with a confident expression.

"There's still hope..." Rory simply said." You can still save your home without suffering the consequences."

Parna's mind was in a state of disarray. For the first time, there was another opportunity that shines brightly and offers a clear picture of what would happen.

"Remember, I am only here to give you a new chance," the Apostle of Emroy reminded her. "You can get that key into safer hands by yourself or give it to the Empire."

At the end of the is up to her to make the decision.

As Rory finished her little snack, she stood up from her seat, dusting her priestess attire as she looked towards the ending horizon." Trust me... She will listen." She garnered the latter's attention once again." Even though, her heart is still filled with bitterness."

"You can tell Tyuule about it."


"Alright, are you ready?"

The time had finally come for their main task to begin.

Giselle took a deep breath as she heard the boy's words and tightened her grip on the basket she was holding. She was more confident this time, and the previous task had undoubtedly prepared her for this moment.

This was her chance to shine... At least in the beginning.

"I'm sure you can handle a little introduction to those guards there," the boy said, casually pointing to them, who sat in wooden chairs.

Giselle remained silent as she mentally prepared herself by staring in a specific direction.

"I mean, you did a lot of food deliveries back home, so...this could be a literal cake walk for you," he added, encouraging his friend even more.

Another silence greeted him.

"Uhmm, Giselle, are you okay?" Albrecht inquired.

At the same time, The Draconian Apostle came to, giving the boy a serious look.

"Of course I am...Uhh, I mean Not!" she responded immediately, vehemently denying every doubt and hesitation, though she eventually sighed and was able to calm down.

"Don't worry, I can do this..." she reassured him again. "Just move as quickly as possible while the guards are distracted," she explained as she adjusted her uniform.

The boy blinked in astonishment before simply shrugging it off, and nodded back.

Thus their infiltration began.

The three circus tents near the docks were as large as the city's grand amphitheaters.

With a colorful appearance of white, green, and gold, as well as the familiar symbol honoring the very spirit of Qua-Toyne. It certainly demonstrated the type of entertainment that has always been a part of the city's history.

Colorful banners surrounded their path, indicating that the circus was preparing for a very special event. The only difference was that the entire area was devoid of people, save for a few local guards patrolling the area...

Those two guards were currently in a more relaxed mood, as they were in the middle of their break and began conversing about a specific topic.

"Bullocks, I can't believe we had to cancel our days off just to guard that thing," grumbled the guard.

"It's what the boss wanted, and it appears to me that he's serious about it," the main guard said. "Plus, He promised to buy us those delicious Wellington food from the "Lonely Lamb."

The second guard rolled his eyes and asked, "Fine, but what's the deal with this new circus act they've been so serious about?"

"Well, they said the creature is some kind of rare dragon, which they obtained from the Northern Mountains," the man explained. "I suspect they were able to hire powerful mercenaries just to get one."

"And they can be difficult to tame."

"Really? I guess they were able to defeat the guardian there or just sneak past it," the other guard said, surprised.

In the midst of that, a new presence had unexpectedly arrived in front of them. Their attention was brought forward and both guards widened their eyes as if they had just seen a beautiful deity in front of them.

Giselle stood with a forced smile, as she tried to look attractive as she can and so far, she was starting strong.

"Giselle stood with a forced smile, trying to look as attractive as she could, and so far, she was doing well.

"I hate this!" she exclaimed in her head.

"Uhmm, Hello two handsome hungry guards," she said awkwardly, pulling out a small parchment. "I am from the famous Lonely Lamb, and I have a delivery order of two Beef Wellingtons?" she added.

"That's us! I knew the boss would never forget his promise," one of the guards remarked. "And I never knew they would send a pretty fine lady to deliver the food."

""Fantastic! That would be 20 silver coins!" Giselle forced a smile and cheerfully said, not used to speaking in a very girly high pitched voice.

"Coming right up, honey!"

The main guard then stated who appeared to be the more attracted of the two.

Giselle could only cringe in response, knowing the man was obviously trying to flirt with her. However, it meant that her plan was also working, and she finally caught a glimpse of the boy sneaking towards one of the tents from the corner of her eye.

A small smile formed around her lips, fully placing her trust in him.

It was now the boy's turn, and when it came to infiltration, he knew exactly what to do.


He was greeted by the almost dark atmosphere that filled the area as soon as he entered the tent. Fortunately, there were several torch lights that were powered by magic and strategically placed, including the path he was on.

Albrecht then drew a small rune and, with a few incantations, the magic was activated, and light began to glow from the rune, providing the adventurer with a clear path to his destination.

The extra light revealed the area's purpose, as a large number of cages surrounded the boy.

He was in the right place at the right time.

"Right, I'm not expecting this place to be a maze," he complained.

He refreshed himself and quickly made his way to the main area. It was strangely quiet because he expected the circus animals to make some noise, but there was none, and upon closer inspection, the majority of the cages were empty.

Something that continued to baffle him. Although, there were possible theories.

The location could simply be a warehouse of some kind, or the creatures could have been relocated.

Nonetheless, this is where they keep all of them.

Then, in the midst of the silence, Albrecht's ears perked up as he heard quick footsteps approaching him.

The boy abruptly deviated from his main path and entered a narrow passage on his right. In the meantime, he crouched down and quickly turned off the light from his rune.

He caught a glimpse of a human shadow passing by his former path as he watched from the darkness, and the mysterious person was holding a small lamp. When it passed, the boy breathed a sigh of relief, and knowing that if he followed from behind, the person would notice him, he eventually decided to enter the small narrow opening.

With him gone, a new presence appeared in the form of a small orb of light following the boy's trails from behind.

Minutes passed as he continued his little adventure. Albrecht continued to use the rune, and another rune would glow when it detected a lively presence. The narrow path continued for several walks, passing by empty cages that smelled suspiciously like death, until it reached the only dead end.

When he came across what appeared to be a small wooden cage blocking his path, the boy grinned as he grabbed one of the poles and climbed as quickly as he could to the top. When he finally arrived, he was rewarded with a good view of the main area.

There was a single massive iron cage in the middle of a large open area, surrounded by other empty cages with the exception of a wider path leading to another exit.

There were several torch lights, but none of them could reach the main cage.

As Albrecht observed the empty scene, he began to plan various methods for releasing the creature without causing a commotion. A simple give and go would not have sufficed, and fortunately, his Draconian friend had bestowed upon him valuable information about the beast.

He took a couple of items from his pouch.

Another rune, and finally, a magical scroll with the ability to seal.

Yes, He was going to place the big baby inside the brown parchment, and it would be easier now that it was supposed to be sleeping.

Albrecht was clearly eager to get this over with as soon as possible, and just as he was about to leap from the small cage, a light appeared in the area.

The same light he saw back in the main path.

"Damn!" He exclaimed inside his mind, forced to step back aside and investigate the new comer.

And to his surprised, it was a brown haired little girl in a dress, holding a single lamp.

The teenage adventurer couldn't believed what he was seeing.

The little girl, for her part, gradually removed the dusty cloths and brought the lamp forward. A small growl could be heard moments later as huge menacing yellowish slitted eyes emerged from the shadows.

When it saw the little girl, its eyes gradually softened as it approached her.

The little girl smiled as she gently placed her hand on the creature's nose and began to comfort it.

Albrecht was at a loss for what to do next as he pondered how he was going to approach his target. He couldn't just go there and tell her that the creature is dangerous and must be sealed.

Or perhaps he should simply cast a simple sleeping spell on both of them before carrying out his plan.

It was a risky move, to say the least.

Although, as he was giving in to his urges, a small voice suddenly whispered on his ears.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The somewhat cute high-pitched voice warned him.

The boy was startled as he turned around to face nothing.

"Over here..." It said again.

Albrecht then turned to his right, where he finally encountered the mystery person.

A floating ball of white energy that then transformed into a small anthropomorphic cute cat.

He was startled, but he was able to calm down quickly and focus more on identifying the newcomer.

"A chirithy?" he muttered under his breath.

"The name's Terra, and I know you are here to also free the creature but, I am afraid to tell you that it would be very impossible to do so..." The familiar spirit explained, pointing towards a certain direction.

Albrecht's eyes widened as he saw a hooded figure sitting there, apparently staring at him, from the top of the iron cage.

How could he have missed such a minor detail?

Furthermore, when he finally noticed the strange hooded figure, he began to feel uneasy. It extended its hand to point towards him a few moments later. The torchlights began to flicker uncontrollably at this point, and a wave of dark energy appeared.

Albrecht's entire body was paralyzed by fear, and when he returned his gaze to the iron cage, he noticed the hooded figure had vanished.

His world continued to slow down, and before long, he felt the presence of a shadow from behind him.

From behind, the hooded figure emerged, holding what appeared to be a blade engulfed with dark magic.

It was too late to react when the boy felt a gust of wind, indicating the bad intent. He felt a hand on his shoulder as his life was coming to an end. His vision was clouded by a white magical essence moments later, and he vanished from the scene without a trace.

The bright flash of light drew the little girl's attention, and she turned around to face nothing.

She blinked a couple of times in confusion before going back to what she was currently doing. It was a good thing that being the owner's daughter, that she was to be allowed to befriend the mysterious little creature.

Unbeknownst to her, the hooded figure was back on top of the cage, returning back to its duties.

Waiting for the day when the event begins.


The next thing Giselle had witnessed was this bright flash of light that manifested before her.

From the east end point of the circus tents, the local garbage area resided. After surviving an attempted flirt by the two guards, it all ended with her slapping one of their faces, when one intentionally touched and squeezed her butt. When the two men were still affected by her charm magic, she quickly bolted out of the scene leaving behind the delivered food in their hands.

She walked straight towards a lesser-known location, which happened to be one of the designated areas where she was supposed to wait for her companion's signal, but it was instead the boy who appeared right in front of her.

Albrecht landed on the ground, dazed and gasping for air.

Giselle widened her eyes and dashed to the boy's side. "Albrecht, what happened!?" she exclaimed, checking to see if the boy was seriously injured.

So far there were none.

At the same time, another flash of light appeared, and a familiar spirit manifested itself once more.

"I'm sorry about that; I had to save your friend before that dark magic touched him."

A very familiar face.

"Terra? What the hell are you doing!" she exclaimed, as the surprises began to pile up.

The Chirithy took a deep breath, tired of the situation. "Long story short...We have the same goals," he explained before another conflict arose.

Several guards burst out of the east tent's entrance, carrying their spears in search of the unlikely intruders.

"Stop right there!" yelled one of the guards.

With so many options for escape, Giselle quickly grabbed the boy and the Chirithy before spreading her wings and flying away before the guards could even reach her.

"I'll explain everything when we get to a safer place." Terra then remarked.

Giselle, befuddled, puzzled, and furious, could only express disappointment, but she was relieved that her companion had avoided a major risk and was safe. The only thing they could do was retreat, regroup, and devise a better plan to solve this problem.

For the time being, their only solace was the stunning sunset.


The scenery was indeed magnificent.

A quiet and beautiful promenade that stretched towards the port area.

He realized this was the prize for his very fast and long "Tour" around the ancient city, courtesy of unknown girly knights who dragged him along to chase their friend due to a personal crisis.

And, in the end, He would be the first to reach her, at least for the time being.

He was exhausted...

The horse he was riding on was also tired, but he was still alive and well.

Yuji smiled as he patted the tired horse as he stepped down. "You did a great job," he said, pulling out a small water bottle and pouring it into the brown creature's mouth as it drank the falling liquid.

Yuji had already left the horse near a small maple tree on his way to the girl's location.

She was standing near the deck with her pet griffin, whom she was currently comforting. The griffin, for her part, relaxed as she relished the moment.

While the sun was setting, the Japanese-American man approached them slowly, mostly focusing his gaze on the redhead, unsure what to say and how he was going to explain everything to her.

She was indeed beautiful as they say.

Even though she was dressed like a commoner, she had a very angelic appearance.

"Uhmm, Hello," the man finally called out to her.

As she turned to face him for the first time, the young lady heard his voice.

Pina calmly observed him while Mera hissed to defend her master.

Her eyes meeting with his.

Yuji gave a nervous grin in return." Sorry about that, I just wanted to inform you that-" He was cut from his words.

"That my friends are looking for me?"

"Uhh, Yes and-"

"They are extremely concerned about my well-being? I know "She responded casually and dismissed it.

Yuji was at a loss for words at this point because he had not expected the young lady to be so forthright.

'If you're going to complain, I'm sorry that my friend Hamilton and the knights dragged you into this.' "She followed through.

A brief moment of silence followed, as she assumed the four-eyed man was quite shy.

""Well, I'm not here to complain, Ms. Pina, but I'm here to help you get through whatever you're going through right now," Yuji added, smiling.

An unexpected reason surprised the girl, and she quickly realized what it was.

"She told you didn't she?"

Again, the man shook his head.

"I kinda just figure out that you're royal blood from a peaceful kingdom somewhere in this land." Yuji then said." And you go all this way just to dress like that."

His words caused the red-head to chuckle and she gave a sad smile." I Thank you for reminding me sir..." She then said, sitting down on the empty bench." But again, I do apologized since I occasionally engaged in these kinds of activities just to clear my mind." She explained." I just want an adventure of my own."

Yuji smiled and nodded." It's alright." He replied, sitting on the bench as well." and I understand..."

"I do like having my own adventures as well."

So you've already flown a griffin? " She made a guess.

"Honestly, I haven't ridden one except in my dreams sometimes..." the man chuckled. "And it's hard to remember every detail of it."

"But I did enjoyed it..."

Yuji realized too late that he was engaged in a normal but lively conversation with supposed royalty as the tension in the air dissipated.

Pina was perplexed to meet such a strange yet confident man. There was some mystery surrounding him, but the way he treated her was that of a friend, not royalty.

"How's life treating you right now, Ms. Pina, or should I say Princess?" Yuji asked.

The lady sadly smiled." Only Pina is enough." She said before adding." and Yes, I am from Royal Blood." She confirmed his guess.

Yuji returned the nod, saying, "I see..." before taking a seat on the bench.

"Nice to meet you, Pina. You can call me Yuji," the young man said with a smile.

The redhead looked at him for a few moments, amused by his character. "Uhm...Pleased to meet you too, Yuji," she said awkwardly.

"What a strange name..."

The man nodded, fully relaxed on the bench." how's treating you so far?

He inquired, only to be met with silence.

Pina continued to look towards the sunset as a part of her wanted to share her story and she eventually did.

"All these years, having the power which was bestowed due to my royal blood...I thought I could changed the lives of my people and as well as help my Kingdom back on its feet." She told the man, looking at his eyes once again.

"If you have so many dreams and ideas that you wanted to fulfill for them, yet what they want is vastly different."

She recalled the people from her own royal courts. The nobles, higher officials, and even the people she considered her loved ones. All seemed to have pursue the same goal and the common folk's support of it was continuously growing.

"I suppose people would often prepare the ones that produced immediate results rather than pursuing what they truly desire in their hearts."

How many times does she have to persuade them that conquest and war aren't the only options?

She had worked hard for years just to make the true promise for her home a reality, and she was carrying that legacy, which was being forgotten and almost forgotten..

She wanted to cry right now, for disappointing not only her late mother, but also her father.

Mera, who was nearby, approached and consoled her master.

Yuji simply nodded, indicating that he understood the latter's story.

His lips formed a small smile.

"You know, Pina...As a writer myself...I was kind of like you," he said, catching her attention.

"I had a lot of big ideas and dreams that I wanted to incorporate into my stories and fulfill right away," he sighed, "but it wasn't that simple."

"You're a chronicler?" inquired the young lady.

He returned the shrug with a chuckle." Kinda..."

Pina simply nodded. "Did you manage to realize your dreams?" she inquired.

Yuji shook his head slowly. "Honestly, I still don't know..." he said. "But, what I did was count everything I've gained so far and make them my motivations."

Quietness reigned for a brief moment.

The young man recalled how his current job began with him writing fanfiction stories that leaned more into the Isekai Genre, and how he improved with time, making it even more difficult to decide whether he wanted to write to please people or write to tell a story. He eventually wrote a good novel, found a local publisher, and the rest is history.

Of course, there were many others like him who followed the same path and had the same goals, dreams, and aspirations. Similar to the author of the well-known books Freedom's Ring and The Fight We Choose, whose works have been adapted into film trilogies. Another is a former Tank crew member who became a celebrity author as a result of his particular book, and finally, a translator of a Light Novel who rewrote the entire novel to a better version alongside a team of creative people, and now they were gaining popularity.

These people had specific motivations that propelled them to the top.

"What kept you going?" Pina inquired.

Yuji's eyes were drawn to someone, and he gave a sad smile. "My little sister," he simply said.

"You know Pina, It's okay to be a person full of ideas and aspirations," the man said, pointing to his chest.

"All you need is a strong heart, and don't forget the people who will always be by your side."

This time, the wind grew stronger.

Pina was catching on. People like Hamilton, Bozes, and even her mentor remained by her side throughout the years, despite the fact that it was clear she wouldn't receive much support from everyone.

"You just got to believe that you can do it."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt guilty for taking them for granted at times. She was so determined to become Empress that she sometimes treated them harshly and even forcefully pushed them to their limits, all in the name of bettering her home.

The redhead sobbed briefly before calming down. She wiped her tears away and smiled at him.

"Thank you very much, Sir Yuji," she said.

Yuji returned the young lady's smile, knowing that she had found some sort of inner peace.

In the midst of their heartfelt conversation, a familiar voice then called out.


All of a sudden, a group of horses emerged from different directions as the Rose knights finally reached the area. Led by a still worried Hamilton, the page jumped from her horse and rushed towards the slightly surprised Pina, and gave engulfed her in a massive hug.

"Where in the Gods name have you been!?" She continued." Do you know how worried we are!?"

The brown haired girl was on the verge of crying and being furious at the same time as she continue to scold her friend.

"Please don't do that again..."

Yuji could only cringed at the scene, yet he found it heartwarming to see them finally reunite once more.

"I-It's alright Hamilton, I am here..." Pina simply said, patting the girl on the back while she continued to hug her.

The other knights felt more weary than awkward, since they've been into this kind of scenario before.

For Pina, she was already content of her little adventure, and to the point that she considered as something more special that would eventually help her along the way.

She smiled at him again, thanking him for his words as her hope and motivation were finally renewed.


The atmosphere in the halls was brewing with life.

Glamorous life to the eyes of a certain recon member.

Too much of it.

He could claim that this was one of the most spectacular dinners to which he had been graciously invited, despite the fact that he was not a member of the royal family to begin with. In fact, regular people like him were present, but they were more oblivious to it or simply enjoying the opportunity.

According to what he had heard, the empty hall he had seen earlier in the day had now been transformed into a Gala exclusive complete with fancy chandeliers, a small orchestra, long tables, and lots of delicious food.

Itami was taken aback by the scene, which was mostly populated by officials from various kingdoms, high ranking officers from various armies, and even the nobles in their elaborate costumes.

He couldn't believe this was a dinner party for diplomats, and he couldn't believe Qua-Toyne officials would be okay with holding an event like this, but some RCT3 members were welcome to join, and they were enjoying a fantastic dinner for once.

The Japanese Lieutenant sighed." So much for that instant cup ramen I brought." He remarked to himself, recalling that brand new food from the convenience store.

Originally, he was going to eat a cup of ramen for his last meal of the day, but the announcement of the special dinner for diplomats arrived and the invitation quickly came in.

Nonetheless, it was fascinating to sample the food here, which surprisingly tastes like Western and European cuisine. He then found himself eating two plates of delicious roasted beef drizzled with a very nice sauce.

And before he knew it, he was devouring everything he put in his mouth. He had not enjoyed eating since his last visit to his wife's parents.

"I see you're having a good time so far, Mr. Itami."

Then a voice called out to him.

"The startled Lieutenant turned to face someone he recognized.

"Ms. Rory!" he exclaimed, trying to straighten himself out. "I am so sorry you had to see me like this." He apologized quickly, with remnants of food still on his lips as he wiped it clean with a handkerchief.

As she held a small plate of chocolate cake, the Oracle of Emroy simply smiled.

"Besides, Qua-Toyne has the best cuisines across the continent," she added, "and they really know how to make their guests comfortable."

Itami looked at the young lady, surprised, and asked, 'Really? They've been hosting dinner parties like this for a long time?'

"Yes, and they're trying hard to win everyone's hearts, believing that they can survive the Empire's grasp with the power of Unity," Rory explained, a little disgusted by the fact that the kingdom's current rulers were cowering behind in fear.

"But, they are an agricultural nation..." Itami then said." They need allies to survived."

"Yes they are right now, but back then...They don't."

A brief moment of quietness followed after.

Itami had to wonder if this kingdom used to be a powerhouse. If it was, what happened to them?

The subject abruptly shifted as he prepared to speak.

"You know, sir Itami, I just realized there's something valuable missing in this hall right now," Rory observed.

"Something valuable?" Like what? "

"Have you ever heard of the Warrior Bunny Tribes?"

Itami blinked a couple of times." Uhm Yeah, I heard they were really tough people to beat in a fight or something." He replied." Other than that, they were one strong kingdom."

"Correct, they are the reason why the northern plains remained unconquered for many years." She explained." Not just because of their wits but their bravery and resilience as well."


"They won thousands of battles and defended their homeland from invaders," she added, shaking her head. "It's a shame they're not here."

Rory then turned his gaze to the glass window.

"It's also very sad that they lost so much of their land to the new enemy."

"I guess the Empire is as powerful as they say."

Rory laughed back. "No, when you're the leader of your land, you always think the best for your people," she explained. "They didn't lose the war, but they found a way to stay alive until now."

"What do you mean by that?" Itami then asked.

She looked at him "Their hearts are still with the light, and it is not too late to save them," she explained, before adding, "As long as they have the ability to be useful, the Empire will make the most of it."

Was this a warning or an assurance?

Did she inform her superiors about this?"

Itami's curiosity and interests began to skyrocket, and his thoughts immediately shifted to a certain bunny warrior, whom he last saw during the first meeting with the delegates.

He wondered if she, too, had survived the war and started a new life here.

Then the toast was made as the main highlight of the evening celebration had arrived. All eyes turned to the group of elder elves who encouraged everyone to raise their wines.

This is a toast to the victory that we have achieved today! An alliance forged to combat an embodiment of evil! To the people of Quila, Abion, Mudor, and the rest of you, May the Gods blessings be with you and for another thousand years we will thrive and continue to be in the forefront of Peace! Long Live Rodenius!"

"Long Live Rodenius!"

The rest of the crowd went along with it, as they too were caught in the beautiful and glorious moment.

Rory's gaze shifted to the elder elves, who were celebrating and conversing with the other high-ranking officials from other neighboring kingdoms.

She smirked, hoping that all these irrelevant men would finally abandon whatever plans they had just to stay relevant.


Parna had lost her appetite for supper the moment she remembered what the Oracle had said to her.

The empty corridors of the palace greeted her once more as she walked along the red carpets where previous leaders of the Principality had walked. She was a wandering soul once more, alone with her thoughts for the time being.

She ignored the lively noises coming from the dinner hall, where new alliances were being celebrated.

As the rest were in triumph, she was struggling to come into terms of changing her goals.

Not too long, she found herself once again at her tribe's monument section of the palace. Looking at the endearing illustrations of her tribe's glorious past, she began to wonder how much tough decisions they have to face in order to achieved their peace.

Did they even lived normal lives?

Were they cursed to suffer the wrath of this world?

As she hit the wall with all her rage, Parna's emotions surfaced and her right hand formed into a fist. She was determined to exact vengeance on those who had wronged her. She desired for her race to rise once more.

She gasped for air as she attempted to calm herself.

Memories began to flash before her eyes, the dark prisons, the countless number of maniacs assaulting her, the loud screams of the innocent, the blood in her hands as she killed her enemies, witnessing the violent deaths of her closest friends, and the arrival of Bessara.

"What should I do?" she asked herself, getting more desperate every second.

"Please help me..."

Then a light appeared in the midst of the darkness, a familiar figure emerging from the center.

"Your highness... She whispered, seeing a vision of her queen.

The young warrior bunny stretched forth her hand as she weakly reached the latter.

"I don't know what to do..."

Following that, a voice called out to her in the midst of her transgressions, bringing her back to reality. Everything came to a halt as if nothing had happened.

"Parna, I always knew you would be here." The familiar voice of one certain Rinsui, was heard.

The black haired warrior bunny immediately turned around, and straightened up." Good Evening, Sir Rinsui I am sorry, I did not noticed you were here. She apologized right away."Is everything alright sir?"

The old man raised a hand and smiled." No need to be hasty Parna." He said, before adding" I am fine...I'm just here for a walk of my own."

"It's too chaotic back there."

The Warrior Bunny relaxed for a bit knowing that the Head of Foreign Affairs, was also taking his time to clear his mind.

"So this is your tribe's monument." He remarked, a bit amazed of the culture and history." It always surprises me that the one of the most strongest warriors in the continent has a place here in Qua-Toyne." He added." And it's a shame that they're contributions are always forgotten."

Parna could only make a sad smile.

I know sir, but that's all in the past...I am starting a new chapter of my life in this city." She explained, looking away for a bit.

The old man nodded as his expression slowly became serious.

"What if I told you that your new life is not what you think it is..."

The man's words puzzled and surprised Parna.

"You know, there's one thing that Minister Kanata hasn't told you yet," he explained. "The Elders, as you now know them, have their own plans," he added, "and before you know it, you've already sunk to the bottom of the waters with them."

The tension in the air grew, and the young warrior bunny immediately understood what he had mean't

"It's a choice, not just the land itself but between our lives or theirs."

"What do you want me to do?"

The old man remained silent as he then looked towards the transparent glass windows to see the near full moon along with the beautiful night sky.

"I want you to save the Principality..." He opened his lips without any hesitation.

And as the full moon finally arrived, it became apparent that a decision was made.

"I want to you to get rid of them once and for all..."


AN: Good to see you again fellas! Sorry for the long wait, Real life stuff got ahead of me and I had to shift my focus from writing.

But fortunately, I was able to find time to write and get the story going.

So here are several discussions regarding the chapter. Pretty much as the title address, It's a collection of perspectives of the characters as they go on with their little adventures in a bigger place. With Arc 1 being limited to a Small village and a forested area, Arc 2 is the city itself and some places outside of it.

Plot focuses more on the goals of Lelei and Tuka as they try to find what they are searching for. Exploring more of Parna's character, and as well as Team Giselle attempting to capture the offspring from the circus only to unexpectedly fail.

The whole ordeal in the circus and the appearance of the hooded figure is a mystery for now, but amongst all that, Team Giselle has finally met a representative from Team Coalition in the form of Terra.

Team Pina meeting Yuji from Team Coalition as well, and if you are wondering why no one recognizes them is due to the Rose knights having donned different disguises erasing any symbol of the Empire from any of their armour, and of course when they go different kingdoms, they always make their image peace-loving.

Some moments were characters fail to achieve their task, and some getting another clue instead of the truth.

I really wanted to keep that mystery and lore aspect as the arc continues on.

Also, there will be a follow-up chapter for the other scenes that did not make the cut, and in addition, we are now entering the second phase of Arc 2, which possibly be including the last chapters.

Plus, feel free to share your ideas on how Gordon Ramsay will finally meet Team Coalition. Think of any epic scenarios, and I will take note of it.

With that said, Thank you very much for spending time to read the chapter, I really appreciate it! I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes since English is not my main language.

Thank you so much and Best Wishes!

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