Gate of God

Chapter 234-237

Chapter 234: You would be beheaded



Fang Zhenghi was slightly worried. He quickly called a waiter over and gave him a couple of silvers to find out what was happening. This was by far the most efficient way to gather information.

“What is going on in Huai An County? Why are there so many soldiers?”

“Master, you have asked the right person. I don’t know the exact details, but a month ago, troops of soldiers began to come to Huai An County. I hear that there is ferocious beast on the loose in Cang Ling Mountain. All of the roads have been sealed. Can Ling Mountain itself has also been sealed.”

“Ferocious beast?” Fang Zhengzhi had entered the mountain once a month for the entire duration he had stayed in the Northern Mountain Village. He knew how dangerous it was. However, most of the beasts would stay hidden unless they were being threatened.


Just like the Blue Fire Wolf back in the day.

Wolves tend to hunt in packs. However, that Blue Fire Wolf was travelling alone. It was definitely unique, and not likely to appear for decades.

Could it be that another unique beast is on the loose?


So many soldiers have been activated.

What beast could it be?


Fang Zhengzhi wanted to ask more, but the waiter shook his head. He clearly did not know any more. Fang Zhengzhi lost his appetite upon hearing that Cang Ling Mountain had been sealed for a month.


He ordered a few snacks and finished them quickly. Then, he walked to the city gates.

Chi Guyan did not say anymore. She simply followed Fang Zhengzhi all the way to the city gates.




They were stopped at the gates.

Just as what the waiter had said, the road to the foot of Cang Ling Mountain had been sealed.

“Stand right there!”

Two soldiers lowered their spears towards Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan. Then, they looked at the stallions that the two of them were riding. After looking at each other, one of the soldiers said, “Where are you two young men going?”


“The Northern Mountain Village.” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“Do you have the token to pass?” The soldier asked.

“No.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.


“Then I’m afraid you cannot pass. The military has sealed all of the roads to Cang Ling Mountain. If you have any pressing matters, you can go to the military to get a token.” The soldier was respectful. He could tell that their stallions were extraordinary. He could not afford to antagonize them.

“What token? I’m not going!” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

“About that… please do not make things difficult for us. You really cannot pass without the token.” One of the soldiers said with difficulty.


“What if I charge past?”

“If you charge past without a token… you would be going against military law. I am sure you know what the consequences are, so…”

“It sounds serious. According to military law, what will happen if I disobey an order?” Fang Zhengzhi ignored the soldier and turned to ask Chi Guyan.


“You will be beheaded!” Chi Guyan replied calmly.


“I doubt you will dare to charge through if it is so serious?” Fang Zhengzhi pressed.


“You can guess.”

“I’m too lazy to guess. I am someone who will just do as I wish. If you get lost along the way, don’t blame me!” After Fang Zhengzhi finished, he whipped the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion. With a whinny, the stallion bounded past the blockade and galloped towards the Northern Mountain Village.

All of the guards were stunned by what they saw. None of them could react in time. That man charged through despite knowing the consequences?


Hang on…


I think someone else charged through!

Just as they were about to shout, a white figure flashed past. Chi Guyan rode the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud and followed closely behind Fang Zhengzhi.

Yet another one?!


All of the soldiers looked at each other in confusion.

“Someone else has charged through!” Just as they were about to shout it out, an officer rushed over.

“What are you screaming about?” The officer bellowed.

“Sir, someone charged through the blockade, those two…”






He slapped both soldiers before they could finish their sentences.


“Do you all want to die? You are both blind, but I am not. Do you two not know what that stallion is? It is the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion of the Divine Constabulary. That is the stallion of the Red Pinion Squad!” The officer raged.

“Divine Constabulary… Red Pinion Squad!” Both soldiers felt a chill down their spines.


Even though they had not spent much time in the army, the name ‘Red Pinion Squad’ was etched deeply in their minds. That was the elite army of the Divine Constabulary.


“Those two are from the Red Pinion Squad?!”

“Are you blind? There was only one Snow Treading Dragon Stallion!”


“Then who was the other guy?”

“I’m not sure, but he must be from an equally elite army.”

“Is there another army as powerful as the Red Pinion Squad? Don’t try to bully me just because I’m not well read.”


“I am serious. Do you know the Stabilisation Constabulary? Their ‘Mountain Breaking Army’ is just as powerful! This was what my uncle told me!”

“Your uncle knows a lot!”





The two of them got slapped again.

“Shut up, both of you! Are you supposed to discuss the Mountain Breaking Army here? Don’t try to implicate me even if you two have a death wish!”

“Yes sir, we will not dare do it again.”

Fang Zhengzhi had wanted Chi Guyan to eat dust. However, before the half mile mark, he realized that something was amiss.


The Snow Treading Dragon Stallion had been overtaken by the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud?

No matter how hard he whipped his ride, he could not catch up. He was always trailing behind in the dust cloud of Chi Guyan. If he kept this up, he would die from too much dust inhalation.

As such, an exasperated Fang Zhengzhi could only ‘cordially’ invite Chi Guyan to travel alongside him.


Chi Guyan did not object either.


The narrow road was completely occupied by the two of them. The road became a little squeezy when they passed the army camps along the way.

However, due to the fact that Fang Zhengzhi’s Snow Treading Dragon Stallion was famed throughout the Northern Lands, all of the guards parted for them.

Some of the ration carrying supply carts also stopped by the wayside for them to pass.

No one came up to ask them if they had the token to pass through. They continued on their journey unimpeded. Fang Zhengzhi also began to relax.

“This stallion is quite good. Maybe I should go get another hundred from the Divine Constabulary and give one to each of the families in the Northern Mountain Village. That would be great!” Fang Zhengzhi muttered as he rode alongside Chi Guyan.

Chi Guyan ignored him, focusing solely on riding the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud.

“Cang Ling Mountain is a good place. The grass is the best. Furthermore, there are many ferocious beasts. With such grass and meat, I’m sure the hundred would reproduce to give many more.”

“Then, I can open up a stable. The horses can run about inside and I can pick the best to give back to the Divine Constabulary.”

“Don’t you think the Divine Constabulary is quite stupid? How could they have not thought of that, aish… what a pity!”


Fang Zhengzhi continued muttering to himself, seeing that Chi Guyan wasn’t replying.

“The method for rearing the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion is a Divine Constabulary secret, how can we release it?” Chi Guyan finally replied.

“You are absolutely correct. As such, in order for this great plan to come to fruition, I must make the Northern Mountain Village a subsidiary of the Divine Constabulary. That way, it will still stay within the constabulary. Don’t you agree?” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“You do think quite far, but, why would my Divine Constabulary absorb a useless, far flung village?” Chi Guyan replied with a question.

“Useless? You couldn’t be more mistaken. The Northern Mountain Village is a prime location. It’s scenery is fantastic and it is a hotbed for talents. I am willing to wager that the Northern Mountain Village would be more prosperous than Huai An County in two months. Do you believe me?”

“Two months?” Chi Guyan’s expression changed.



“Are you for real?”

“Of course.”


“Okay then. If you’re able to make the Northern Mountain Village more prosperous than Huai An County in two months, I will absorb them into the Divine Constabulary. But what if you can’t?”


“That won’t be possible. You can forget about discussing things that won’t happen.” Fang Zhengzhi waved her away confidently.


“Stop daydreaming. If you can’t do it, you will be my servant for two years. You will cook me whatever I want to eat!”


“So vicious?”

“If you don’t dare to take it up, forget it.”

“Fine, deal!” Fang Zhengzhi grit his teeth. His love for money had stemmed from the Northern Mountain Village.

On this trip back, he wanted to clarify some things for himself. His silver would definitely allow the village to continue surviving for many years, but this was far from enough.

Without some powerful backing, the village would not survive regardless of how much silver they had. They needed a powerful and influential backer.

Who was better than the Divine Constabulary?


After a few hours, Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan finally arrived at the entrance to the Northern Mountain Village. The crystal clear river continued to flow through the entrance.


However, all of those ladies who worked the fields at this time of day were missing.


“The weather is so good, yet they’re off lazing?” Fang Zhengzhi murmured to himself. He galloped towards his home without thinking much of it.


Before long, he heard loud noises from the assembly square.

Chapter 235: Villagers are troublemakers


The Northern Mountain Village had a tradition. Whenever there was a celebration, all of the families would gather at the square for a meal. It always added color to their otherwise mundane lives.

As such, when he heard the loud noises from the square, Fang Zhengzhi’s heart leapt. Which family is holding a wedding this time?

To think that I made it just in time.

Fang Zhengzhi was incredibly happy.

“There’s meat to eat once I come home, home is the best!”

Fang Zhengzhi missed the dishes from his village. When he brought Chi Guyan to his home, the doors were locked and the lights were switched off.

Fang Zhengzhi was not surprised. If there was a wedding in the village, Fang Houde and Qin Xuelian were probably at the square too.

What am I going to do? The doors are locked…

Should I go over the wall? Fang Zhengzhi was not that uncouth. He chose to pry open a brick by the door. As he expected, there was a key there.

After opening the door and making sure the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion and the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud were comfortable, Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan made a beeline for the assembly square.

Chi Guyan had spent some time in the Northern Mountain Village. She knew the rules here and did not question Fang Zhengzhi.

Before they arrived at the square, Fang Zhengzhi saw a few cauldrons and grills from afar. Meat was currently being grilled, its aroma filling the air.

There were dozens of tables next to the grills.

The sounds reverberated from the center.

“So many people?” Fang Zhengzhi was taken aback. There were only a hundred families in the Northern Mountain Village. After including all of the singles, there were usually no more than a dozen tables.

But today was different.

Was this marriage with someone from a neighboring village? Are they here too? Where is the red cloth?

Just as he was contemplating, Fang Zhengzhi’s gaze froze. He realized that there were many weapons by the side of the square. The center table was occupied by soldiers.

All of the villagers stood to the side of the soldiers. Ladies and children stood behind them, waiting on them constantly.

“Why are there so many soldiers in the village?!” Fang Zhengzhi began to have his doubts. The soldiers seemed to be having their way.

They seemed to be used to this kind of treatment. They had clearly been staying here for some time.

Does this have something to do with the ferocious beast?

Is there a need for so many soldiers just to capture a beast? Furthermore, shouldn’t these soldiers be at camp if they’re trying to subdue the beast? Why are they here?

Questions filled Fang Zhengzhi’s mind. He could not understand what was happening. He began brisk walking to the square.

He arrived at the square shortly.

The villagers were all busy serving and waiting on the soldiers. None of them noticed Fang Zhengzhi’s and Chi Guyan’s arrival. However, Chi Guyan’s attire was too outstanding. It simply did not fit in with the villagers.

When they arrived at the outskirts of the square, they were finally noticed.

“Ayy? Why is there an academic… ah! This is… oh my god, Zhengzhi is back?!” A voice rang out in shock and joy.

The voice was rather soft considering the loud noises in the square. However, its impact was quite stunning. More and more people began to notice…

“It’s Zhengzhi!”

“Why is Zhengzhi back all of a sudden?!”

“Oh my god, Zhengzhi is back!”

The voices overlapped and attracted the attention of all the villagers. Before long, all the villagers stopped what they were doing and looked at Fang Zhengzhi in surprise.

“Zheng Er, it’s Zheng Er, Zheng Er is back!” Qin Xuelian, who was holding a pot of wine next to the center table, exclaimed.

Her body began to tremble as a smile broke out on her exquisite face.

During the past few months, Qin Xuelian had been looking forward to this moment. She had missed her son so much.

Excitement and surprise caused Qin Xuelian to flush.

So much so she forgot about the pot of wine she was holding in her hand.


The pot of wine fell on the table, flipping over plates and bowls. The wine happened to splash on a 40 year old soldier. That man happened to be the leader.

His expression darkened instantly.

“Bloody b*tch, come quickly and clean up the mess you made!” The leader looked on unhappily.

Qin Xuelian did not hear the leader’s commands. All she saw was her son returning. Everything else was secondary to her.

Ignoring the bellows of the leader, Qin Xuelian rushed towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Houde rushed towards Fang Zhengzhi as well.

Fang Houde was sitting near the outside. He wore a black cloth shirt and looked rather frail. However, he brightened up upon seeing Fang Zhengzhi.

“Why is Zhenger….” Before Fang Houde could finish, he found that the atmosphere was changing. He turned his head and saw that all of the soldiers had stood up.


With a crash of armor, over a dozen soldiers left their seats furiously. They looked at Qin Xuelian, who was stunned by what was happening.

“Did you not hear what our leader said? Go clean up your mess!” One of the soldiers placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he glared at Qin Xuelian.

“Soldier master, please do not be angered. Xuelian was too excited by her son’s return. It was an honest mistake, an honest mistake…” Zhang Yangping, who was also seated at the center table, stepped out and apologized to the soldiers.

“Oh please! Who hasn’t had a son who left for work. If not for the fact that Li Xiantai had spoken up for you all, do you think that you would have the opportunity to go in and out of the village? This is a favour from our leader. Do you think other villages have such privileges? We have already done so much for you all, don’t take advantage of us!” The soldier said haughtily.

“Yes yes yes, I will personally clean it for you!” Zhang Yangping walked towards the leader. However, he did not have a handkerchief. As he walked, he kept searching for a cloth.

“Scram to the side. Our leader has made it clear that he wants that b*tch to clean it up!” The soldier commanded.

“Hahaha…” All of the soldiers looked at Qin Xuelian and smirked with lust.

Qin Xuelian was rooted to the ground. In that moment, she had no idea what to do.

She had never been forced into this position before. More importantly, she was about to be taken advantage of in front of her son.

In that instant, she blushed…

Fang Houde clenched his fists tightly. How can he call himself a man if he can’t even protect his wife?

Just because he was a loyal citizen didn’t mean that he had to take the soldiers’ humiliation.

They may be backward, but they were righteous.

Even so, he could not possibly put the village in danger simply because he was angry. After all, they were soldiers of the Great Xia Empire. Attacking them would be akin to a rebellion.

Even though he was furious, he could not attack them.

In an instant, Fang Houde pushed past the soldiers blocking Qin Xuelian. He hugged Qin Xuelian, fiercely protective of her.

One of the soldiers was nearly pushed to the ground.

That soldier was completely embarrassed. He looked at Fang Houde, then back at his commander.

The commander was slightly stunned by what he saw.

A villager actually dares to go against the Great Xia Dynasty army? How audacious!

Even though Li Xiantai had told him that the Northern Mountain Village was special, the commander did not think that they could go up against the army.

Now that they had set up camp here, they had to find a way to subdue the villagers. How else was he going to maintain his reputation?

His eyes glimmered icily.

It would all be fine as long as no lives were taken.

“Know your place!” The commander bellowed.

Upon hearing their commander speak, all of the soldiers instantly knew what to do. He was going to make an example of Fang Houde. They could beat him till they were happy, so long as he did not die.

“Oh? I knew that the villagers are all troublemakers! Brothers, beat him up! Make sure he learns his lesson!” The soldier did not hold back any longer.

He had decided to make an example of this audacious villager. He wanted all the villagers to know who was boss now.

“What did you say?”

After the soldier gave the command, a voice rang out next to him.

He was stunned. It felt like the voice had come from right next to him. More importantly, the voice was icy, bone chillingly icy.

Chapter 236: Killing in a fit of rage



“I said, make sure he…” The soldier unconsciously turned to his back. He realized that there was a youth standing by his side.


The youth was dressed in a blue long-sleeved shirt. He still looked quite immature and couldn’t be more than 15 or 16 years old.

He had been staying in the Northern Mountain Village for more than a month but he had never seen this youth. This youth must be the “Zhengzhi” the villagers have been talking about.

Why would he be by my side all of a sudden?

He was clearly at the perimeter of the square just moments ago.

There were at least a few hundred meters between the edge and the middle of the square. More importantly, the square was filled with tables and villagers.

How did he manage to get here so quickly…


Just as the soldier was preparing to bellow, he felt his throat contract. When he looked down, he saw a hand gripping his neck. Then, he felt his legs lift off the ground.

This made him immensely uncomfortable. He was finding it difficult to breathe.

He wanted to move, but he was completely immobilized. He felt like there was an invisible force restricting his every movement. He could not even blink.

“Stop that!” The commander stood up ferociously and put his hand up. His face was flushed from all the drinking, but his eyes were filled with anger.

His hand was placed on the hilt of his sword. He was threatening to pull it out at any moment.

“Zheng Er, don’t do it!” Qin Xuelian was completely shocked by the scene unfolding before her eyes.

“Ah, Zheng Er… release him quickly. Don’t interfere in this. I am tough and can take a beating!” Fang Houde shouted from the side.

“Zhengzhi!” Zhang Yangping also chimed in. He quickly turned to the commander, “General Wang, this is a misunderstanding. Zhengzhi has just returned and doesn’t know anything. I have some silver that I will use to procure better wine for you all. Please be merciful and let Zhengzhi off…”

“Uncle Yangping!” Fang Zhengzhi interrupted Zhang Yangping as he tightened his grip.

The soldier who was suspended in the air turned pale as his lips turned purple. His eyes were bloodshot and looked like they were about to pop out at any second. He was being asphyxiated.

“Young man, how dare you go against the army?” The commander looked on at his suffocating subordinate and tightened his grip on his sword hilt.

At this point, a white figure walked out from behind Fang Zhengzhi and approached Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde. It was Chi Guyan.

“Hello uncle and auntie!” Chi Guyan bowed slightly to Fang Houde and Qin Xuelian, almost like she was greeting her elders.

This seemed very normal to the people of the Northern Mountain Village.

However, if people who knew Chi Guyan saw it, they would be completely awestruck. Since when did the arrogant Chi Guyan ever bow to anyone?

This was something that even the Emperor did not have the privilege of experiencing.


“Ah? It’s Guyan… you’re here too? Ask Zhengzhi to put that man down!” Qin Xuelian looked at Chi Guyan in shock and embarrassment.

She was a guest who had travelled a great distance to be here. Furthermore, she was a guest that Qin Xuelian liked. It was quite an embarrassment to her for Chi Guyan to witness this.

“No worries, just let him settle this. Uncle, Auntie, let me accompany you over there.” Chi Guyan pulled Qin Xuelian by the arm and led her to the side.

Qin Xuelian did not really understand what Chi Guyan was saying. However, she trusted Chi Guyan. She did not want to leave, but she was pulled to the side by Chi Guyan.

“Who are you?!” For the first time ever, the commander was being ignored. He was completely furious at being ignored by two people at the same time.

“Is it important?” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“Oh please, if my guess is correct, you must be the little boy who passed the provincial examinations? I never expected you to be so young. Even so, do you know what you’re doing now? Going against the army is the equivalent of rebelling! If you let the man go now and kowtow to us in apology, I will forget that this ever happened!”

The commander’s eyes glowed icily. He knew that there was a youth who had passed the provincial examinations. But, so what?

They were ordered to set up camp at the Northern Mountain Village. They were in charge of the logistics at Cang Ling Mountain. Their orders had come from the headquarters. Who was this young man to question the army?

The army was a powerful entity!


“Kowtow and apologize?” Fang Zhengzhi smirked as his grip tightened even more. “You are merely taking advantage of your position in the army to bully the villagers. Scum like you deserve to be executed!”

“Executed?! Hahaha… you won’t be so audacious! He is a soldier of the Great Xia Dynasty. Even if you passed the Imperial Examinations and was made an official, killing a soldier of the Great Xia Dynasty is punishable by death!” The commander chuckled icily.

He could feel the iciness in Fang Zhengzhi’s voice. However, he did not believe that a youth fresh out of the provincial examinations would dare to kill a soldier.

“Zhengzhi, don’t be brash!” When Zhang Yangping heard what Fang Zhengzhi said, he was completely stunned. He could understand what Fang Zhengzhi was feeling.

He must be enraged seeing his parents being bullied.


However, he would destroy his future if he killed this soldier. He was the pride and hope of the Northern Mountain Village. Zhang Yangping was not going to stand idly by and watch him destroy his own future.

All of the other villagers were in chaos. Fang Zhengzhi was only right to protect Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde. However, he was going against the Great Xia Dynasty Army.

He was going against a military order.


If Fang Zhengzhi really killed the soldier, what was going to happen to them?


“Let him go!”

“If you don’t let him go, we will deal with you severely!”

All of the soldiers bellowed. They did not believe that Fang Zhengzhi would kill a soldier in a fit of anger.

Fang Zhengzhi was furious. However, having come from a peaceful world before, killing was always difficult for him. It was something that he did not want to do.

Right now, he did not think of killing the soldier either.

However, when he looked at the tables around him, the wave of fury consumed him.


He saw that the main table was given wine and meat, whilst the other tables were given measly dishes.

The dishes were clearly of different standards.


The discrimination was clear.

He had never felt such pure, unadulterated rage…

Everyone was supposed to be equal, but was that the case? In the face of the soldiers, the villagers were all prey, having to give up the best that they had to the soldiers.

They also had to be thankful for the ‘privileges’ that the soldiers accorded to them.


How ironic.

“This boy has an intent to rebel. He has attacked a soldier, capture him!” The commander laughed icily seeing that Fang Zhengzhi had ignored them. This fella dares to defy the army just because he passed the provincial exams?


Upon hearing the order, dozens of soldiers leapt into action.

All of them attacked Fang Zhengzhi.

Each soldier held a sword in his hand. Each of their swords glimmered with an icy glow. Their form of capture involved a vicious beating before handing Fang Zhengzhi over to the military courts.


They were too close.

The moment they took out their swords, the tip was already at Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes.


Fang Zhengzhi had many ways to block their attack.

However, upon considering the views of the villagers, he suppressed his anger and subconsciously stepped back.

He also released his grip on the soldier.

Little did he expect that the soldier would lunge towards him, sword drawn, immediately after he was released.

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly remembered a phrase.

Nice people finish last!

He had only wanted to teach these bullies a lesson. However, he never expected that they would want to kill him when he did not want to kill them.

“Die!” Fang Zhengzhi could not hold it in any longer. In fact, he did not see a need to hold it in any longer.

A few hours ago, Fang Zhengzhi had met a similar problem at Huai An County.


He had barged through the blockade. He should have been beheaded there and then.

At that time, he had asked for Chi Guyan’s opinion. However, this time, he did not. There was no need to.

Everyone had a pressure point.

Fang Zhengzhi included. His pressure point was Fang Houde, Qin Xuelian, and the Northern Mountain Village.

He could not stand idly by as his family and fellow villagers were bullied. No child in the world would watch his or her parents get bullied without doing anything.




In that instant, Fang Zhengzhi moved forward.


His hand was outstretched.

“Snap!” A crisp sound rang out.

The soldier who was being strangled stared at Fang Zhengzhi. He had never expected that Fang Zhengzhi would have the audacity to kill him! Furthermore, Fang Zhengzhi had done it so openly and without hesitation.


He was a member of the Great Xia Dynasty Army!


He was a subordinate of the general!

Where did someone who had not even become an official get this courage from?!


He could not figure it out. However, his neck was already broken. He could no longer breathe and the life slowly faded from his eyes. Finally, his head cocked to one side and his eyes rolled into his head…

Fang Zhengzhi released his grip.

The soldier’s body crumpled to the ground. His body was faced towards Qin Xuelian as it fell.


This was the second time Fang Zhengzhi had killed.


The first time was when he had used the Traceless Sword to kill Ying Shan. He had no choice then. This was the first time he had made a conscious decision to kill.


However, he had no regrets.

In that instant, all of the attacking soldiers stood rooted to the ground. Even the commander himself was in disbelief. Fang Zhengzhi had the audacity to antagonize the army?


He even killed a soldier?!

All of the villagers were stunned by what they saw.

“Zhengzhi killed someone!”


“He killed a soldier!”


“What are we going to do?!”


All of the villagers were at a loss.

The commander was furious.



With a swift pull, he drew his blade. Never in his life had he been humiliated this way. Furthermore, he was being humiliated by a 15 year old.







All of the other soldiers drew their blades as their commander drew his. All of their eyes were filled with anger and shock.


They were taken aback by Fang Zhengzhi’s actions.


Actions and words were completely two different things.


Fang Zhengzhi may have said it, but no one believed that he would do it. No one thought that he would kill a soldier in the face of hundreds more. Could anyone be more audacious?


“How dare you rebel!” The commander bellowed. He knew that there was no point asking Fang Zhengzhi to kowtow and apologize. The army’s reputation and prowess must not be damaged.

If a teenager who had just passed the provincial examinations could kill a soldier in a fit of rage, what was the army for?

Now that Fang Zhengzhi had killed, he had to find a way to pin a charge on Fang Zhengzhi that would ensure his execution. Rebellion! That was the most severe charge!

Chapter 237: Bathing deep inside Cang Ling Mountain


Almost a hundred soldiers drew their swords as they stared down Fang Zhengzhi. They were all intent on killing him, and they were extremely overbearing.

All of the villagers began to plead upon seeing this.


“Commander sir, please no, please don’t kill Zhengzhi…”

“Zhengzhi, apologize to the commander, tell him that you have no intention to rebel!”

As villagers who had never been out, the Great Xia Dynasty Army was a godlike entity. No one thought that Fang Zhengzhi could go up against that.

The entire scene erupted in chaos.

Elderlies, ladies, kids, were all nervous. Some were on the verge of tears, some others tried to use their bodies to block the path of the soldiers.

No matter what Fang Zhengzhi just did, they all treated him as their family. No one wanted to see anything untoward happen to him.

Chi Guyan looked at the fallen soldier calmly. She did not seem surprised, neither did she try to stop Fang Zhengzhi.

“Kill!” The commander lowered his sword and bellowed. He prepared to kill this audacious teen in front of him.


At this point, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This figure was dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt which flapped in the wind. His expression was icy. He ignored the commander.


The commander could not believe his eyes.


He knew that his opponent was fast, but he did not expect him to be that fast. More importantly, he felt a strong suppressive force on his body.


This was not an aura.


This was actual suppression. He could feel and see the mountains and trees moving to suppress his every movement.

“Area of control!”

“Mountains and vines!”

“He’s… he’s in the Heavenly Reflection State?! How can this be? He can’t be more than 15 years old. Zhengzhi… they call him Zhengzhi… he, he’s Fang Zhengzhi?! The second person after Chi Guyan to attain the Heavenly Reflection State below the age of 18! He’s the top performing candidate at the River of Trust Province Examinations!”

In an instant, the commander finally knew who was the youth standing in front of him.

He had received the order to enter the Northern Mountain Village over a month ago. Even though he did not know how Fang Zhengzhi did in the imperial examinations, Fang Zhengzhi’s breakthrough at the Divine Constabulary was common knowledge.


When combined with what the villagers called him, it was not difficult to deduce who this youth was.

It was a pity…

He realized it too late.


He began to sweat profusely.


He may be the leader of over a hundred soldiers, but he was just a commander in charge of logistics. He was not even finished with the Divine Seal State.

As for the soldiers around him, they were just strong individuals. There were less than three cultivators amongst them.

A hundred ordinary soldiers against a Heavenly Reflection State powerhouse.

There was only one way this ended…



“Oh my god!” The commander screamed and fell to his knees. He was being forced downwards by the pressure from the mountains. In that instant, he felt all his energy dissipate.

His heart had been pierced.



The commander fell to the ground, still in disbelief.

How can a commander like myself die here? He could not believe that the Northern Mountain Village talent was Fang Zhengzhi.


If he had known this earlier, he would never have allowed his subordinates to do what they did.

However, there were no second chances.

This may be Heaven’s will.

When someone is of poor character, karma would eventually catch up with him. It was just like how one’s shoes would get wet if they always walked by the river.

All of the other soldiers were also rooted to the ground. They too were being surrounded by Fang Zhengzhi’s area of control.


“Heavenly… Heavenly Reflection?!”

As soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty, they were trained to not fear death. However, that did not mean that they would willingly send themselves to their own deaths.

Furthermore, their commander had already died.


None of them dared to act without direct orders.


All of them looked at Fang Zhengzhi in fear.


At this moment, all of the soldiers looked to each other, all of them trembling in their spots.


A crisp clang rang out as a blade was dropped on the floor.


Then another one, and another one…

Before long, all of the hundred soldiers had laid down their weapons.

The villagers were in shock and awe. They were shocked by Fang Zhengzhi’s speed and ability. Furthermore, they were in awe at the commander’s lack of fight when Fang Zhengzhi appeared next to him.


More importantly, all of the surrounding soldiers did not move.


It felt like they were cemented to the ground. It was a little strange…

“How… how powerful?! Is that really Zhengzhi? Why is he so powerful…” All of the villagers were in shock.

This youth had lived with them for eight years.


However, he had demonstrated abilities that none of them had ever seen before.

“Zheng Er…” Qin Xuelian was happily surprised. Even so, she was worried for her son.

Fang Houde was also in awe. He knew that his son was strong, but he did not know exactly how powerful Fang Zhengzhi was. Fang Zhengzhi rarely showed his powers in public.

He finally knew today.


But he was at a loss after seeing the results.

“How long have you all been in the Northern Mountain Village?” Fang Zhengzhi did not move anymore, staring calmly at the trembling soldiers.

“We… we have been here… one… one month…” One of the soldiers stammered.


“One month!” Fang Zhengzhi’s gaze turned icy, “So, you have had one months worth of meat and wine whilst my villagers have eaten one month of vegetables and drank plain water?”

“Yes, yes… this was the command given to us, we… we…” All of the soldiers paled.

“Young master Fang, please have mercy!”

“Young master Fang, we… we may have eaten well this one month, but we did not commit any heinous crimes… we don’t deserve to die! Oh yes, and we gave the villagers the token for them to move freely in an out of Huai An County!”

All of the soldiers fell to their knees.

“Zhengzhi, what they said is true. Now that the commander is dead, show them some mercy!” Zhang Yangping ran to Fang Zhengzhi’s side and advised upon seeing the situation.

Fang Zhengzhi knew what Zhang Yangping was thinking. The villagers have always been simple people.

If he killed all the soldiers and ran the rivers red with their blood, it would cast a shadow over all of the villagers’ hearts.

He had killed the commander precisely for that reason. By killing the commander, he could prevent a massacre.


The hundred strong army got out of the village overnight. They lugged the two bodies along. Each one of them was pale, almost as if they had just experienced a catastrophe.

“Brother Zhang… what… what are we going to do now?”

“I never expected that the person in the Northern Mountain Village was actually Fang Zhengzhi! And he is so audacious! We had been ordered to set up camp at the Northern Mountain Village to provide logistical support for the army. Now that Fang Zhengzhi has chased us out and killed our commander, we have to report this to General Liu!”

“There are over ten thousand soldiers on Cang Ling Mountain alone. I don’t think he can defeat us all, even with his powers.

“Rest assured. Even if Fang Zhengzhi dares to kill us all, the army will never let him off!”


“Let’s go!”


The Northern Mountain Village was calm once again.

However, a shadow was still cast over them. It felt like a large mountain was pressing down on the Northern Mountain Village. The villagers felt that it was slightly difficult to breathe.


The Snow Treading Dragon Stallion and the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud were grazing on grass in the courtyard.


Inside the room, four lamps were lit, instantly brightening up the entire room.

Qin Xuelian stroked Fang Zhengzhi’s face, her eyes filled with motherly care.

Fang Houde sat by the side, his expression complicated.

Zhang Yangping was also extremely worried. He paced up and down, sighing intermittently.

“Zhengzhi, you were too rash this time. They were ordered by the military to be here. Now that you have chased them out of the village, the army will definitely know about this.”


“Oh? Uncle Yangping, you know about the army?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Zhang Yangping in surprise.


“You… aish! Why aren’t you worried?” Zhang Yangping was taken aback by Fang Zhengzhi’s question. If he wasn’t this worried, he may have laughed in exasperation.

“Father, mother, I have already passed the imperial examinations. I also topped the theory examinations. Aren’t I good?” Fang Zhengzhi ignored Zhang Yangping and turned to Fang Houde and Qin Xuelian.


“Don’t try to console us. If you’ve passed the imperial examinations, why is there no announcer with you?” Zhang Yangping interrupted.


“There was a problem during the combat examinations, so there will be a retest. The announcement would probably come after the retest!” Fang Zhengzhi explained.

“Zhengzhi, I have watched you grow up. I know what you’re thinking. You must be saying this to allay our fears? Are you going to tell us that you’ve been made an official? Are you going to become the governor of Huai An County next month?”

“Uncle Yangping, I can tell that you know me very well. I have been made an official, but I am not the governor of Huai An County. I am the Sword Envoy… I even have the official seal to prove it!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled and retrieved an exquisitely carved rosewood box.

The rosewood box had a carving of a sword on the top side. On each of the four sides of the rosewood box were the words Great Xia Dynasty.

“You have the audacity to forge an official seal?!” Zhang Yangping was shocked when he saw the rosewood box.

Fang Zhengzhi smiled bitterly as he saw the looks of horror on Zhang Yangping, Qin Xuelian, and Fang Houde.


“Dad, mom… do you all not believe me too?”

“Of course we don’t believe you! Zheng Er… even though we will miss you, you should run away whilst is dark. When the army gets here and can’t find you, they can’t do anything to us either.

Fang Zhengzhi was speechless. Where is the trust between humans? My own parents don’t believe me? I guess I can’t tell the truth!

“I heard that Cang Ling Mountain has been sealed?” Fang Zhengzhi decided to change the topic.


“Yes, every village in an 18 mile radius has been affected. The Southern Mountain Village, the Western River Village… they have all become bases for the army. Our village has had it easy. Even though we have to help out with carrying some things here and there, we have it much better than the other villages.”

The moment he heard about the sealing of the mountain, Zhang Yangping frowned. The village had suffered huge losses from the sealing of the mountain.


“Does Uncle Yangping know why the mountain has been sealed?” Fang Zhengzhi pressed.

“I heard that it is to catch a ferocious beast. Now the entire mountain is swarming with soldiers. There is a blockade at every mile, and a sentry every ten steps. The seal is extremely tight.”

“Are there any weak spots?”


“We have gone through the mountain roads two times each day to get to Huai An County. It seems like the area where we have set up our traps is slightly less tight.” Zhang Yangping replied after some thought. Then, his eyes glimmered, “Why don’t you hide out there for a couple of days? Sometimes the most dangerous places are the safest. Didn’t you tell us that?”

Fang Zhengzhi was speechless.

“Uncle Yangping, I have some ideas to better our village. However, we need to discuss the building of such infrastructure with all the other villages. Furthermore, I need Cang Ling Mountain as a base. I would like to go see the situation there.” Fang Zhengzhi decided to tell the truth once again.


“Okay okay, go ahead. You can go right now!” Zhang Yangping seemed to understand. Then, he reminded, “Remember to hide at the area where we set up our traps. As for your meals, I will personally send them to you!”

For the first time, Fang Zhengzhi found it difficult to talk to Zhang Yangping. However, he could understand what Zhang Yangping, Fang Houde, and Qin Xuelian were feeling.


“I’m tired!” Fang Zhengzhi sighed and prepared to change.

“I’ve already changed, when are we leaving?” A voice rang out from inside the house.

Fang Zhengzhi was surprised when he heard this voice. He knew that it was Chi Guyan, but, why would Chi Guyan want to follow him into the mountains?


Ever since he sparred with Chi Guyan eight years ago…

He had not seen Chi Guyan reveal her abilities. Little did he think that he could see them again today.

Eight years…


She was the leader on two of the dragon rolls. She was also the top talent of the Great Xia Dynasty and his opponent two years from now. How powerful was she now? Fang Zhengzhi smirked.


“We can leave once I’ve changed!”

“Mm.” Came the reply from inside the house.

Then, a figure walked out. Chi Guyan had changed.

She wore a body hugging black leather suit. It covered Chi Guyan from top to bottom. There were tough scales on the black leather. An expensive belt wrapped around her waist and a leather hat adorned her head.


Fang Zhengzhi had seen Chi Guyan dress up in many ways before.

But, he had never seen such an animalistic side of her.


Her animalistic dressing and her starry eyes seemed to dim down the ridiculously bright room instantly.


Is this the leather black suit?

As the heir to the Divine Constabulary, one could only wonder what hide this suit was made of. It looked quite tough.


Hang on…

Something was amiss.


Chi Guyan had specially followed him all the way to the Northern Lands and the Northern Mountain Village. Now, she is offering to follow him to Cang Ling Mountain, and had prepared the suit for the expedition way in advance.


Chi Guyan had planned for this all along.

Cang Ling Mountain?!


Her aim was Cang Ling Mountain.


Fang Zhengzhi’s heart fluttered. Cang Ling Mountain had been sealed and the entire Huai An County was swarming with soldiers. All of the villages have been used as supply points.


Is it really just for a beast?

What kind of beast required such manpower and resources? Even if it was a powerful beast, a single elite from the empire would be much better than an entire army.


Why did they have to seal Cang Ling Mountain.

Why did Chi Guyan have to come personally?

Something is definitely amiss.

There’s definitely something that I don’t know.


Fang Zhengzhi smiled as he thought about this.


“You’re… unfamiliar with Cang Ling Mountain, right?”

“Hmm?” Chi Guyan’s eyes glimmered as she looked at Fang Zhengzhi. She instantly knew what Fang Zhengzhi meant. “I am unfamiliar with Cang Ling Mountain, but this does not mean I can’t get in.”

“Yes, you can definitely enter Cang Ling Mountain, but… can you get to the center?” Fang Zhengzhi smiled.

“And you can?” Chi Guyan’s eyes glowed even brighter as she looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

“Would you believe me if I told you that I took a bath there every month for six years?”

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