Gate of God

Chapter 260-267

Chapter 260: Fang Zhengzhi’s problem



“10,000 silvers… for one night?!” Ping Yang could not believe her ears. Chi Guyan was the most intelligent person she knew.


When did Chi Guyan ever do anything stupid?


However, Chi Guyan was clearly doing something stupid right now.

How could this delapidated house be worth 10,000 silvers a night? Then wouldn’t her residence be worth millions a night? 10,000 silvers would be more than sufficient to buy the entire village.

“Do you think money can buy you everything?” Fang Zhengzhi replied apathetically.


“15,000.” Chi Guyan made a counter offer.

“Mom, lay out a mattress for this lady! I want to see how long she can stay here!” Fang Zhengzhi turned and entered the house.


Ping Yang was stunned.

Where did his pride and determination go to? Didn’t he say money could not buy everything? Why did he change his mind? He did not change at all! He was still as shameless.

Fang Zhengzhi would never reject a large offer of silver!

He turned and entered the house.

Qin Xuelian was still recovering from what just happened.


Fang Zhengzhi had become a celebrity in the village ever since he killed the Blue Fire Wolf on Cang Ling Mountain. In the years after that, his name reverberated throughout all the nearby villages.

Many people had came to the Fang Family asking for an engagement.

Qin Xuelian had never agreed to any of them.

Her son was meant for great things. He was meant to go to the major cities one day! How could any of these girls be a match for him?

However, Qin Xuelian had taken a liking to Chi Guyan ever since she saw her. She was knowledgeable and carried herself well.


Ever since that time, Qin Xuelian had wanted Chi Guyan to be her daughter in law.

Why would her otherwise intelligent son do something so stupid today?

This lady was not just a lady from a rich and influential family. She was the daughter of the Divine Constabulary, the top talent in the Great Xia Dynasty. All of the princes and princesses had to treat her with respect.


She had countless admirers.

Why would her son turn down such a great girl?

More importantly…

Chi Guyan was not angered by it! She even offered to pay a large amount of silver! What was going on? Is she really in love with Fang Zhengzhi?”

“It is our honor to host the princess. Please stay as many days as you like! Don’t mention anything about the silvers. Both of you, please come in!” Qin Xuelian disregarded Fang Zhengzhi’s wishes completely.

As a mother, she had to make a decision on the spot.

Even though the chances of anything materializing were low, she would still give it a go.

As long as there was a sliver of hope, she would try.

“Thank you auntie!” Chi Guyan smiled, then held Qin Xuelian’s arm. She glanced at the unhappy Ping Yang and walked leisurely through the door.

“Son, go grill some meat! The princess loves it!” Qin Xuelian was ecstatic when Chi Guyan held her arm.

She had completely forgotten about the troubles of the day.

To be supported by the pride of the Northern five constabularies, the daughter of the Divine Constabulary was something that she did not even dare dream about.

“If she wants to eat, she can do it herself!” Fang Zhengzhi said dismissively.

“What is with that attitude. Your mom told you to go grill some meat. Grill more and send some to Uncle Yangping. He is injured and needs the meat!” Fang Houde bellowed when he heard Zhengzhi’s reply.

Are you becoming rebellious?

Ping Yang smiled when she heard this, “Uncle, auntie, I like grilled rabbit!”

“Son, did you hear that, grill two green furred rabbits!” Fang Houde chuckled, then hollered to the unhappy Fang Zhengzhi.

“Dad, Mom, I have a question for you.” Fang Zhengzhi’s voice came floating out of the kitchen.

“What is it?”

“Am I your son?”

“Bloody hell! If you don’t do it now, I will break your legs!”

“That’s great! Uncle, do it now, I have the medicine to help him recover! This is a medicine specially made for the royal family! It can heal broken bones!” Ping Yang continued to add fuel to the flames as she waved a white jade bottle in the air.

Fang Houde and Qin Xuelian looked at each other. They were at a loss. Was this really a princess?

Should we act on it?


Just as Fang Houde and Qin Xuelian were at a loss, a figure rushed out from inside the house. It brushed past Ping Yang like a gust of wind.

“Not bad at all!”

Before Ping Yang could react, the white jade bottle had been snatched by Fang Zhengzhi. Then, he kept it in his pocket.


Before she could chide him…


Fang Zhengzhi shot out the door, “I’m going to grill the meat!”

Ping Yang was not going to let Fang Zhengzhi off so easily. Just as she prepared to give chase, Chi Guyan held her back.

“The meat he grills is the best thing in the entire Northern Mountain Village.”

Ping Yang looked at Chi Guyan in disbelief. However, she was famished and tired of eating rations. She had no choice but to swallow her pride.

“Humph! I will settle the score with you after you’re done grilling the meet!” Ping Yang stomped her feet as she watched Fang Zhengzhi leave.

The meal was quite enjoyable.

Ping Yang’s eyes glimmered when she saw the spread. She looked like a ravenous wolf salivating at a herd of lamb.

She threw her royal demeanor away.

She began to take in large chunks of meat and drank wine by the bowls. Her mouth was stained with grease. Despite her petite size, she managed to finish an entire rabbit and a leg of lamb!

As night fell, a familiar calm returned to the Northern Mountain Village. The moon shone brightly in the sky, lighting up the courtyard of the house.

Fang Zhengzhi lay on the bench in the courtyard, enjoying the peace. He had a plate of melon seeds and a flask of fruit wine by his side.

A figure appeared in the courtyard. Under the light of the moon, a shadow of her petite and shapely body was cast on the ground. She wore a pink dress, looking like a blooming flower in the night.


Chi Guyan had changed out of her disguise.

She stopped to Fang Zhengzhi’s right. However, she did not speak, choosing to stand quietly by his side.

Anyone who saw this scene would not believe their eyes. A villager lying on his side whilst the treasured daughter of the Divine Constabulary stood by his side.


But this was the scene in a courtyard inside the Northern Mountain Village.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes were closed, almost as if he did not see Chi Guyan arrive. He reached for the fruit wine and took a gulp.

Chi Guyan watched as Fang Zhengzhi put the flask back down.

She extended her hand and the flask flew into her hands. Then, shockingly, she also took a sip of the wine.

Afterwards, she put the flask back in its original position.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes twitched but he did not open them. He rolled and switched to an even more comfortable position.

Chi Guyan still did not speak.

This stalemate continued for a long time. The moon eventually reached its peak as the temperature dipped. It was so late that almost all life on the Mountain was asleep.

“Now that you’ve completed what you wanted to do, what are you still doing here?” Fang Zhengzhi finally broke the silence, his eyes still shut.

“If the issues were resolved, I would definitely leave. The fact that I’m still here means that I have unfinished business.” Chi Guyan replied.

“You have already handed the matters regarding Cang Ling Mountain to Xing Hou. What else is left for someone of your standing to do?”


“There is!”


“Life is like chess. Is it worth it to give up the game just to save a single piece?”




“Then why aren’t you leaving?”

“I still have unfinished business.”


Fang Zhengzhi was silent for a moment. Then, he spoke up. “Cang Ling Mountain was a trap set up by the demons. They wanted to sink the Stabilisation Constabulary. You also set up a ploy here on Cang Ling Mountain. If I am correct, you already have troops stationed here.”


“Yes, I had arranged for 1000 Red Pinion Squad members and 500 Divine Constabulary special forces members to hide at the base of Cang Ling Mountain.” Chi Guyan replied honestly.


“Yet you didn’t tell me anything during our journey.”

“So what if I did?”

“If I had known about it earlier, I would not have toured and enjoyed myself. I would have rushed back here to chase those soldiers away!”


“Would the result be any different?”


“Of course! For everyday earlier that I could have arrived, the villagers would have suffered for one less day.”

“Could it be any less than what they’ve already suffered? Droughts, landslides, and a lack of game are already affecting them. What changes have you made in the past eight years?”

“Changes?” Fang Zhengzhi was stumped. He could not bring himself to say that he had made any significant changes to the village.


The lives that they led were only better when compared with the other villages.

In actual fact, the villagers were still leading tough lives. They barely managed to fill their stomachs. Most did not have any stores or savings.

Almost all of the silver he had earned over the years had gone into subsidizing village expenses.

How much could one person, a nameless person at that, do to change an entire village?

“If my guess is correct, you want to stay here and never enter the courts. You do not want to partake in the combat examinations and the subsequent court examinations.” Chi Guyan continued.

Fang Zhengzhi did not respond. He did think this way. He was afraid that a similar incident would occur. He was afraid of possible vengeance.

He wanted to stay in the Northern Mountain Village. He wanted to protect his parents and all of the other members of this ‘family”.

“Based on your current abilities, you may be able to protect the village right now. But can you protect it forever?” Chi Guyan’s voice rang out.


“I have my methods.” Fang Zhengzhi replied flatly.

“Yes, I am sure that you can do it, but you can’t do it as quickly as me! Only when you are influential can you change the fate of a village! With a single command, I could make the Northern Mountain Village the most prosperous village in the north!”

Fang Zhengzhi did not deny it. It was all true. As the most talented youth in the empire, she could drastically change the fate of the village.

Furthermore, she was no living off the glory and status of the Divine Constabulary. The constabulary lived and died by her.

She was not famous just because she was the second generation of an influential family. After all, the family was now basking in her glory.

“It is a pity though. I may be able to change a village, a city, or even a province. However, I cannot change a dynasty or the fate of humanity!” Chi Guyan’s tone became very solemn, however, her expression was just as calm as before.

“I heard that the Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world, and bring peace to the world!” Fang Zhengzhi said cryptically.

“Do you believe it?”


“But I do. The Heavenly Prophecy cannot be wrong! You may think that I am not taking care of the Northern Mountain Village, but I am more concerned with the fate of humanity. Someone has to do it. If you don’t do it, I’ll have to do it. This world will always need a hero.”


“Do you think you’re a hero?”

“No, I am just a chess piece. A chess piece in someone’s plan.”

“If you are just a chess piece, then so am I. Furthermore, I am an even weaker chess piece than you.” Fang Zhengzhi chuckled.

“I have a few questions that have been bugging me for quite some time.” Chi Guyan did not respond directly, choosing instead to broach a new topic.

“There’s something that you don’t know?”


“Yes, for example: How do you learn other people’s techniques so quickly? How did you manage to solve the Illustration of All Creation? Why are you even more powerful than an advanced state Heavenly Reflection cultivator even though you just broke through?”

“I can answer your first question. I do not want to answer the second one. As for the third question, I do not know the answer.” Fang Zhengzhi replied seriously.

Chi Guyan was silent. Her eyes glimmered in anticipation as she awaited Fang Zhengzhi’s reply.

“I successfully accessed Dao eight years ago. I attained the Star Conglomerate State a year later. I did not know about the various states, so I spent seven years accumulating stars…”


“What you’re saying is, you managed to understand many of the Daos?”

“I do not know if its is a lot. I estimate at least two to three hundred?” Fang Zhengzhi responded casually.


“Two to three hundred…” Chi Guyan was in awe. This was the first time she had lost her composure in front of Fang Zhengzhi.

However, she recovered quickly, her awe turning into joy. In that moment, she smiled.


She looked as beautiful as a flower in full bloom.

Fang Zhengzhi, whose eyes were still shut, was slightly moved. However, he had always seen Chi Guyan and himself as people from different worlds.

She fought for the country whilst he fought for his home. How could they ever mix?


“I know where your problem is!”

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was thinking about it, Chi Guyan spoke up. Her eyes glimmered with excitement.

This was a rare sight.

This was the first time Fang Zhengzhi had seen this kind of glimmer in Chi Guyan’s eyes.

“What problem do I have?”

“If I am correct, your pocket dimension has a huge tree filled with many fruits. Each fruit is about the same size!” Chi Guyan asserted.


This stunned Fang Zhengzhi.

Everyone’s pocket dimension was different. It would differ based on one’s cultivation process and techniques. For example, the first pocket dimension hs had came into contact with was a world made of rocks.

As such…

How could Chi Guyan guess what his pocket dimension looked like?

This was not science!

Fang Zhengzhi did not understand it. However, Chi Guyan’s expression and words had piqued his curiosity.

“What about it?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.

“Do… do you one to be the one playing chess?” Chi Guyan smiled as she looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

“A chess player?” Fang Zhengzhi wanted to chide Chi Guyan for jumping between topics too quickly. They were talking about chess when she changed the topic to cultivation. Now that they were talking about cultivation, she wanted to talk about chess?

“Yes, didn’t you say that you were an even weaker chess piece than me? If you don’t want to be a chess piece, you have to be chess player. You would be the master of others’ destinies.”

“I do not want to be a chess player.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head, then continued. “In fact, I do not want to be either. There is another type of person, the spectator! There is an ancient saying, the spectator sees the most clearly!”

“The spectator sees the most clearly…” Chi Guyan murmured to herself. After a moment of silence, she spoke up. “Actually, that was something that I tried working towards before. However, I never managed to do it. I never expected you…”

Chi Guyan paused. She raised her head and looked at the bright moon, “Do you want to defeat me?”

Chapter 261: The top talent


Chi Guyan’s hair danced in the wind, almost like the splashes from a waterfall crashing against the rocks.

Fang Zhengzhi’s lips twitched.

Defeat Chi Guyan?

He had thought about it before. This had nothing to do with the deal he had with Chi Guyan. As a man, he had to protect his pride. He would not be bullied by a girl!

The first time he had seen Chi Guyan…

Fang Zhengzhi was floored by her abilities. He had a completely new understanding of this world. He had thought that he had closed the gap after eight years of hard work.

However, when he saw Chi Guyan in action he last two days…

He could only exclaim to himself.


Why is this girl so powerful?

Isn’t it a little too ridiculous?

However, despite Chi Guyan’s power, Fang Zhengzhi did not think that he would lose. Regardless, he still had a chance at winning. After all, there were many ways to defeat someone.

He could defeat her mentally, verbally, intellectually…

Of course, Chi Guyan was referring to defeating her in a duel.


“Can I interpret your question as you wanting to marry me?” Fang Zhengzhi chose to answer the question with a question.

“Don’t you want to marry me?”

“I actually want you to be my servant!” Fang Zhengzhi added additional phrases in his heart. You would warm my bed for me, sing for me, dance for me…

“Servant?” Chi Guyan’s expression froze. She was the treasured daughter of the Divine Constabulary and the number one talent in the empire. Anyone in that position would be fuming if a guy wanted her to be his servant.


However, Chi Guyan was calm.

She contemplated this question for a moment. Then, she smiled, “Your idea is not bad, but you must defeat me fairly first!”

Fang Zhengzhi noted that she emphasized the word ‘fairly’. Her intentions were clear.

What did she mean by fairly?


He had to defeat her using his power, his techniques, his cultivation level…

Furthermore, he could not have any tricks up his sleeve. He also could not rely on weapons or treasures. This was a pure contest of ability.

This was clearly not a battle he was suited for.

“If I defeat you fairly, you will be my servant?” Fang Zhengzhi needed to verify the terms of the wager first.

“I will do it for a month.” Chi Guyan replied.

“Will you swear on it?”

“Not only will I swear on it, I will announce it to the whole world!”

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes shot open. Imagine if the treasured daughter of the Divine Constabulary, a princess, the top talent of the empire, and the prospective commander in chief would be his servant for a month…

“Not only must you serve me food and drinks, you must obey my commands, sing, and dance. Can you do it?” Fang Zhengzhi challenged.

“I can.” Chi Guyan nodded seriously.

“Okay then, deal!”

“Haha, what a vivid imagination you have. What if you lose?”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to be my servant for a month. If I’m sitting, you must stand. If I’m lying down, you must stand. If I’m asleep, you have to guard the door, standing!” Chi Guyan returned the challenge.

Fang Zhengzhi glanced at Chi Guyan. He seemed to understand why Chi Guyan would emphasize the word ‘standing’.

Isn’t it just standing?

Fine, I’ll do it!

“Okay!” Fang Zhengzhi grit his teeth.

“In addition, you must tell me a joke everyday. If I don’t laugh on any given day, you will be beaten 50 times and forced to kneel and repent at my door!” Chi Guyan added.


“Do you have to make it so serious?”

“Are you scared?”


“Me, scared? What a joke!” Fang Zhengzhi chuckled icily. Then, he stood up from the chair. “However, I have no interest in taking up such a lopsided wager!”

“Why don’t you think about it? Other than singing and dancing, I know how to play the Guzheng, the drums, **, solve riddles, etc. Don’t forget that I grew up in a military family! I am familiar with what guys like!” Chi Guyan blinked at Fang Zhengzhi.


This was an open challenge to Fang Zhengzhi.



Fang Zhengzhi stopped in his tracks.

He had honestly forgotten that Chi Guyan grew up in a military family. She had interacted with soldiers all her life, and she wasn’t the usual, embroidery loving girl.

Playing the Guzheng, the drums…



These were things that guys knew how to do. However, it was rare for a lady to know how to do these things! Chi Guyan was a rare talent indeed.


For the first time, Fang Zhengzhi felt his determination waver.



He did not take the bait.


After all, his opponent was Chi Guyan, the number one talent in the empire. He was just like a lead in a storm when compared to Chi Guyan – utterly insignificant.

“If you can promise me one thing, I will consider taking up the wager.” Fang Zhengzhi’s expression was solemn.

“Tell me what it is.”

“Give me 50 teachers like Wang Anhua.”


“You don’t want to open up a stable?”


“I would much rather teach a man how to fish than to give a man a fish. If the villagers want to stand on their own feet, they would have to do it themselves. I can make the village prosperous, but I cannot make it powerful.”

“Okay, I will bring over 50 of the best teachers from the top 10 schools in the Northern Territories. They will stay here for three years. After which, they can choose to stay or leave. I will replace those who leave with new teachers.”

“Will you participate in the court examinations?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“I participated two years ago, so I cannot participate this time. However, those who pass the court examinations have the privilege of attending the “Heaven Dao Pavillion disciple selection. I will be waiting for you there. I will also accept your challenge there! But, are you sure you want to challenge me so soon?” Chi Guyan knew what Fang Zhengzhi was getting at.

“Since we are going to duel anyways, there is no point pushing it backwards. We are both constantly improving. That being said, I have a question. Why must I go to the Heaven Dao Pavillion?”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to be a spectator? Only the disciples of the Heaven Dao Pavillion are free from the restraints of the laws of the empire!”

“What else?”

“The imperial courts are highly political. Influence and authority rule there. The Heaven Dao Pavillion is the closest to ‘Dao’ in the entire empire. You will be able to access significantly more resources there.”

“How many disciples do they take in every year?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded. “One pavilion, four sages, thirteen constabularies” was the representation of power in the empire.

The Heaven Dao Pavillion was right at the top of the food chain.

They were the only ones who were peers with the Great Xia Dynasty. In the eyes of the cultivators, the Heaven Dao Pavillion was even more attractive than the imperial courts.

However, such a well endowed place was not open to everyone.

“They only take in three disciples every two years. During the selection, the Northern Barbarians and the Southern Mountain Range people will all be attending. The Heaven Dao Pavillion and the Great Xia Dynasty have a standing agreement that at least one of the disciples will be from the Great Xia Dynasty.” Chi Guyan explained.

“Three?!” Fang Zhengzhi had expected the selection to be difficult, but he never expected it to be this difficult.

Three disciples every two years?

How many disciples did they have?

“Are you thinking that they run the risk of not having any successors by having such a stringent selection?” Chi Guyan guessed Fang Zhengzhi’s thoughts.

“I would like to think of it as a break in the line.” Fang Zhengzhi did not deny it.

“Haha, you don’t have to worry about that. The Heaven Dao Pavilion has a tradition. At any point in time, they will have 3000 disciples inside.”

“3000 disciples?” Fang Zhengzhi was confused.


If they accepted three every two years, 3000 disciples…

That did not make any sense!

“As to why they have 3000 disciples, you would understand once you enter. I think you should focus on passing the court examinations!”

“Is it very difficult?”

“Well, if you thought the imperial examinations were difficult, the court examinations would make them look like a piece of cake!” Chi Guyan explained.


“Why so?”

“Normally, people would be given the posts of officials once they pass the imperial examinations. Promotions would be given afterwards based on their contributions. However, the court examinations are the final Dao examinations. The final name list is strictly guarded. They will only select nine people, and there is no top three.”

“No top three?”


“No top three. The top ranking individual in the court examinations would be given the title ‘Ringleader’.

“Ringleader?” Fang Zhengzhi knew what it meant. This phrase was used to describe the leader in a particular field.

This term could also be used to describe someone who was peerless.

“Yes, ringleader is the special title conferred to the top scorer at the court examinations. The commoners would confer him the title of ‘Top talent’!” Chi Guyan said calmly.

“Top talent?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Chi Guyan, “You are also a top talent?”


“Yes, but why didn’t you specify my gender in the title like what others do?”


“Are there any in the Supernatural State at the court examinations?”

“It differs from year to year. There were two in the edition I participated in.”


“Two Supernatural State? Why didn’t they pass the court examinations?”

“The Great Xia Dynasty uses the “Law of Dao” as the foundation for our cultivation. Many things can happen in the short span of two years. For example, who would have expected you to top both the county and provincial examinations?”


Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

The road of cultivation was constantly changing. It all depended on one’s understanding. Who was to say that he couldn’t breakthrough to the Supernatural State in two years?


“I get it now.”

“Actually, a Heavenly Reflection State cultivator may not necessarily lose to a Supernatural State one. Even though the difference is significant, some who are at the pinnacle of the previous state can push through and breach the gap.”


“Like you?”


“There is one other person!”


Chi Guyan did not answer Fang Zhengzhi immediately. A name flashed across her mind.

This was a name which reverberated throughout the entire Great Xia Dynasty.


Nangong Hao!

Four years ago, Nangong Hao had participated in the examinations, taking home the top spot at the imperial examinations. Everyone favored him to take home the title of ‘top talent’.

The Heaven Dao Pavilion also announced that Nangong Hao would definitely be selected as a disciple if he could pass the court examinations and attend the selection.


However, he unexpectedly gave up that opportunity, claiming that his foundation was not stable. He chose to return to the Nangong Family to continue his cultivation.


This had caused an uproar.

He had managed to defeat Supernatural State cultivators as a Heavenly Reflection State cultivator. How could his foundation not be stable?


No one knew what he was thinking.

No one knew why he would give up such a golden opportunity.


Two years ago, when the examinations were held once again, everyone expected that Nangong Hao would return to claim the title and enter the Heaven Dao Pavilion. However, the attendee was Nangong Mu.

In the end, Nangong Mu also gave up before the imperial examinations, choosing to return to the Nangong family.


However, this time, no one was surprised.

Chi Guyan had burst onto the scene. She destroyed all the competition in her way, taking home the title of ‘ringleader’ and entered the Heaven Dao Pavilion.


One year later, she challenged Nangong Hao.


She topped the two Dragon Rolls and became the top talent of the generation.

Nangong Hao’s name slowly faded into obscurity. People were now raving over Chi Guyan, the one who they thought was going to fulfill the heavenly prophecy.


Chi Guyan knew one thing.

The Heaven Dao Pavilion has an age restriction on the disciples they recruit. A quick calculation told her that this would be Nangong Hao’s last chance to be recruited.


This meant that…

Nangong Hao would definitely participate in this edition of the court examinations.

“I think that you will meet him very soon. He will also participate in the court examinations!” Chi Guyan sat down next to Fang Zhengzhi without saying more.

Fang Zhengzhi took in the aroma from her clothes. Then, he remembered something, “15,000 silvers a night, are you serious?”


Chi Guyan’s body moved slightly.

“Make a guess!”

Fang Zhengzhi’s expression changed. I have studied so much, don’t try to trick me. If you do, I will make sure I make you something worse than a servant.

“If I give you a way to instantly make yourself stronger, do you still want the silvers?” Chi Guyan continued before Fang Zhengzhi could respond.

Chapter 262: New door


“Of course… I do!” Fang Zhengzhi replied after a brief moment of hesitation.

Chi Guyan chuckled and leaned back, seemingly unsurprised by Fang Zhengzhi’s answer. She turned to look at a row of trees in the village.


“Shameless Thief, we’ve known each other for eight years right?”


“Probably…” Fang Zhengzhi replied flatly.

“Do you think that each and every tree would grow the same way over eight years?” Chi Guyan’s eyes glowed faintly.


“Of course not. They each receive different amounts of sunlight and grow in different soil. These will all affect their growth.” Fang Zhengzhi replied without hesitation.

“Now, what if the sunlight, soil, nutrition, weather, and every other environmental factor were the same?” Chi Guyan pressed.

Fang Zhengzhi was thrown off. He had never thought about it that way. There was no wa this hypothetical scenario could ever come true. How could two trees ever receive the same coverage of sunlight?


“Even if that was the case, they’ll still be different!”


“Oh? Why?” Chi Guyan’s eyes glowed.

Fang Zhengzhi did not mention the greenhouses from his previous world. Even though the plants in a greenhouse all received similar care, there were still differences.

“Each seed is inherently different. Some may be of better quality. Humans are the same, there can never be two completely identical persons. Even identical twins have minute differences.” Fang Zhengzhi continued to think. I guess you don’t know “genetics”?

“I really don’t know how someone like you exists. You have never been to an academy. You self taught the Law Of Dao, but you keep coming up with fresh perspectives.” Chi Guyan exclaimed. Then, after a moment of hesitation, she continued. “Every tree, mountain, and river may be different. However, one can understand the Dao from any tree, mountain or river. The differences lie in the quality. The better the care, the better the flower…”

Chi Guyan stood up and sauntered back into the house.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes glimmered. He understood such a simple concept, yet, he had failed to apply it.

I see!

Over the past eight years, I have focused on collecting stars. Every time I collected one, I moved on to others.


In the end, I collected many stars, but each one was about the same size.

In other words, they were all in the nascent stage.

Fang Zhengzhi finally understood it. There was one other reason that made him believe it. His largest fruit was the purple one with red stains.

The Dao of Massacre?!


Fang Zhengzhi had no idea what these fruits would become once they were grown. However, this had opened up a door for him. Previously, he had wanted to breakthrough into the Supernatural state.

But now, he wanted something different.

If 300 nascent stage fruits made him this powerful, what if they doubled in size?


Or even tripled, quadrupled…

What would happen?


He still had much to do!

Fang Zhengzhi became increasingly excited, subconsciously grabbing the fruit wine and gulped it down. About half way through, he suddenly felt that something was amiss.




Chi Guyan had drank from this?!

Chi Guyan had no idea if Fang Zhengzhi had understood her words, but she knew that he would one day.

She did not spoon feed him because she knew that the best way for him to learn was for him to infer and understand it for himself.

Furthermore, she wanted to preserve his ego.

Fang Zhengzhi may be shameless, but Chi Guyan knew that he valued pride above all else.


“He has already collected two to three hundred stars… I wonder how terrifying he will be if he “waters the tree”…” Chi Guyan paused at the door. People like Yu Yiping May think that Fang Zhengzhi was wasting his time becoming a jack of all trades.

Chi Guyan did not think so. Someone may be planting on one acre of land. He may be giving it the best fertilizer, but his production will always be limited. What if this man planted on 10 acres?

100 acres?

Even though this man would be off to a slower start, with effort and time, the production of the 100 acres of land will exceed that of one. And it would exceed by many, many times…

The next day, Fang Zhengzhi and Fang Houde went to visit Zhang Yangping.

Color had returned to Zhang Yangping’s face. The superior medicine from the Divine Constabulary had played a huge role in his recovery. Furthermore, having grown up in the mountains, his body was tough.

Many elderly villagers sat in a circle around Zhang Yangping.

“Zhengzhi and Fang Houde are here!” The villagers stood up to welcome them.

“Zhengzhi, you’re just on time. We were just discussing your return to the village. We have never produced a rank four official. However, I have already asked Ah Nan to rush out the tablet. We have used the ancestral rosewood for this tablet. What do you think? Also, I thought of having a few tablets made at the entrance…” Zhang Yangping said excitedly.

“Uncle Yangping, I actually came to discuss some things with you.” Fang Zhengzhi knew that erecting a tablet was a tradition. It represented the highest honor and respect the village could confer. He would show his official seal and it would be followed by a series of celebrations.


He felt that the tablet was like a gravestone… however, Zhang Yangping had already rushed it out. Fang Zhengzhi had to admit that the speed at which he worked was quite stunning.

He knew the origins of that piece of rosewood.

That was wood that their ancestors had harvested. It was superior rosewood and the most valuable item in the village. Yet, it was now made into a tablet?

“Sure, please tell us if you think that we’ve missed out anything else!” Zhang Yangping smiled radiantly, showing no signs of his injury the previous day.

“Actually, I wanted to discuss the school.” Fang Zhengzhi realized that Zhang Yangping had misunderstood.

“School? Yes, Sensei Wang had suffered quite a bit. We should definitely take care of him. I will make the necessary arrangements to ensure he is contented.”


“I’m talking about expanding the school…”

“Expanding the school? Sure thing. With your reputation and links to the Divine Constabulary, I am sure that we can take in a few more students. We can probably produce a couple more hopefuls.”

“Uncle Yangping, I’m talking about making it into an academy.”

“Academy? I think that’s a good idea! If it’s an academy, we can… hang on, Zhengzhi, did you say academy?!” Just as Zhang Yangping was about to nod his approval, he hesitated.

“Yes, I have already made a deal with Chi Guyan. She has agreed to send 50 of the best sensei to teach here. They will stay here for three years. That’s why I want to make it an academy.” Fang Zhengzhi explained.

“This is great news, but…” Zhang Yangping’s joy was dampened significantly.

“Zhengzhi, we know that you mean well. However, the Northern Mountain Village is extremely poor. Can they come? Furthermore, we can’t house so many people.” One of the village elders smiled bitterly.

“That’s why we will need to renovate and rebuild. Furthermore, we must ensure that the village becomes prosperous soon.” Fang Zhengzhi answered.

“Zhengzhi… you should know the situation now. Even though we are richer than any of the other villages, we can barely scrape together enough to build another school. How can we possibly accommodate 50 sensei? Furthermore, building their accommodation would cost hundreds of silvers!”

“I’m not done… I’m planning to build an arena which can accommodate thousands. I would also like to build accommodation for students, a library, hunting ground…” Fang Zhengzhi rattled off a list.

The expressions of Zhang Yangping and the village elders changed. This was a full fledged academy, and it was much better than the mega school in Huai An County.


I’m guessing that there is no school like it in the Northern Territories?

“Zhengzhi, silver! All these cost silver!” Zhang Yangping reminded.

“Yes. Based on my preliminary calculations, the land around the village should be enough. However, in order to complete construction of the academy, we would require 200,000 silvers!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“Two… 200,000 silvers?!” Zhang Yangping nearly fell off his chair. 200,000 silvers was an astronomical price. He was sure even the River of Trust Province did not collect that much in taxes annually.

“Yes, in order to make the villager prosper, we have to do something else. If one wants to be rich, have less children and plant more trees…” Fang Zhengzhi added.

“What?!” Zhang Yangping was stunned. What did that even mean? The entire Cang Ling Mountain is filled with trees, but our village is not rich at all!

“Hang on, I may have made a mistake. If we want to get rich, we must first build roads! I plan to build a road to Huai An County, it will be…” Fang Zhengzhi reacted almost immediately.

“Zhengzhi, it is quite a distance to Huai An County. My estimate is that it would take at least a few thousand silvers?” Zhang Yangping reminded.

“That is a gross underestimate. I plan to expand it to four lanes. However, a cement road is too expensive. Asphalt is an even better alternative, but we lack the equipment to make it happen. Let’s start with gravel. We have an abundance of stone anyways. I estimate that it would cost about 30,000 silvers!”

“30…30,000 silvers?!” Zhang Yangping could not believe his ears.

The other villagers were scared out of their wits. They could barely scrap together a single zero, where were they going to find 5 zeroes?

“Zhengzhi… your ideas are good, but… we don’t have the silvers!” Zhang Yangping grit his teeth.

“We do!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled.


“We really don’t!” Zhang Yangping was on the verge of crying.

“We really do!” Fang Zhengzhi retrieved a stack of cheques and placed them in front of Zhang Yangping.

He was not done.

He began looking inside his storage.

He took out box after box of silvers and placed them haphazardly on the table.

Zhang Yangping and the other elders were completely stunned.


Is so much silver!

They could see the value on the cheques. Each one was for 1000 silvers. Based on its thickness, it was worth at least tens of thousands of silvers.

They could not believe their eyes when they saw the boxes of silvers.

Furthermore, Fang Zhengzhi was not done. After retrieving the boxes of silver, he began taking out ingots of gold.

The golden glow filled the entire room quickly.

“Uncle Yangping, just take a look. We have cheques, silvers, and even gold!” Fang Zhengzhi continued to pull out even more currency as he blinked.

All of the others in the room were stunned. They rubbed their eyes vigorously to ensure that they weren’t being tricked. Those with teeth picked up the gold and bit it.

The toothmark was instantly printed on the gold.

“Yup, but we are still missing a little bit even after all these. No worries though, I have ways to get around this. Let’s start with the necessities and the more critical projects. The entire school is a long term project. We could start with the accommodation and arena. Once we are done, the money for the rest of the projects will be in!”

Fang Zhengzhi smiled. It was all too easy to develop a school. Furthermore, if they became the premier school in the Northern Territories, it would be even easier.

Just the reputation of the senseis would be enough to attract students and resources..


Three years!

They may not even need three years to make the Northern Mountain Village the promised land. He would have the most modern teaching methods here as well!

Fang Zhengzhi became more and more excited. All of the academies were controlled by the courts and the number of slots were limited. Once they got in, they coasted.

There were so many students who hoped to simply coast by. They just wanted the title of being a student in an academy. This made them feel superior.

Fang Zhengzhi decided to break this tradition and start a private institution.

At the same time…

He would create the term “school fees”!

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was planning the development of the academy in his mind, a whisper rang out beside him.

“Zhengzhi, tell Uncle Yangping the truth. Did you kidnap the princess?”

Chapter 263: The killing blow


Fang Zhengzhi found it difficult to tell Zhang Yangping the origins of these silver. After all, a significant amount had come from the sale of Ping Yang’s Snow Jade stallion.

As such, he simply reiterated that these silvers were all earned legitimately.

Even though Zhang Yangping was not fully convinced, he ended up buying the story. After all, if Fang Zhengzhi could become a rank four official, what couldn’t he do?

Then, Zhang Yangping had Zhang Li father all the villagers at the square. He wanted to formally welcome Fang Zhengzhi back and announce Fang Zhengzhi’s plans to build the academy and highway.


After a whole afternoon, red silk hung from the top of the shrine. The shrine was cleaned and new cushions were placed in front of it.


Fang Zhengzhi did not want to have the red silk. After all, the events of yesterday were still fresh in his mind.

However, Zhang Yangping insisted on it, all of the other villagers were also of the opinion that the events of yesterday should not dampen the festive spirit.


Furthermore, some of the villagers wanted to use this joyous occasion to rid the village of the ‘bad omens’.

Fang Zhengzhi did not say anything else. He arranged for those injured villagers and their families to sit at the top table.

Ping Yang and Chi Guyan arrived on scene. The entire area seemed to brighten up, energizing all the villagers. Just as they were about to kneel, Fang Zhengzhi stopped them.

Then, Fang Zhengzhi placed Ping Yang on one of the tables next to the main table.

Ping Yang immediately pouted.

As the beloved princess of the empire, she had never been treated this way. However, just as she was about to flare up, she realized that Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde were also at this table.

Fang Zhengzhi also took his seat here.

Ping Yang’s eyes glimmered when she saw this. She stopped pouting almost immediately.

Chi Guyan was calm and composed from start to finish.

After a round of prayers to the shrine, the rosewood tablet was placed next to the ancestral one. They were placed on the same level, representing similar status.

Once most of the ceremonial events were finished, Zhang Yangping cleared his throat and motioned for silence. Then, he glanced at Fang Zhengzhi, wanting him to announce the news.

Fang Zhengzhi shook his head and insisted on staying where he was.

Zhang Yangping had no other choice. He stood on stage and began announcing the plans for the renovation and rebuilding of the school. He also mentioned the building of the new road to Huai An County.

All of the villagers were stunned when they heard what Zhang Yangping proposed.


“Where would we get so much silver?”

“We barely have enough to feed ourselves.”

Zhang Yangping fully understood the thinking of the villagers. He motioned to Zhang Li and a few other youths. They began lugging the boxes of silver up on stage.

All of the villagers could not believe their eyes. They looked at each other in disbelief when they saw the boxes of silver, the ingots of gold, and the stack of cheques.

They had never seen such fortune in all their lives.

Zhang Yangping saw the suspicion in their eyes. He began to reassure everyone that this money was donated by Fang Zhengzhi. Zhengzhi had used purely legitimate means to get this money.

All of the villagers whooped and cheered Fang Zhengzhi’s name when they heard this.


Ping Yang could not believe her ears.

“How is that legitimate? He got it from the sale of my Snow Jade stallion! He had gotten the rest of it by scamming me!” Ping Yang said in discontent.

However, she was surprised to hear that Fang Zhengzhi was going to use the money to build a school and roads.

All this while, she had thought that Fang Zhengzhi valued money as much as his life. She never expected him to invest his entire fortune in the future of his village.

He was actually doing something to better the society.

In that moment, she felt like she did not understand Fang Zhengzhi as well as she thought she did. Just as she was about to compliment him, she saw Fang Zhengzhi offer her a cup of tea.

“Erm… as a princess, would you like to make a donation? This school is for the betterment of the empire after all. How about 80,000 silvers?”

“Go to hell!” Ping Yang rejected him unequivocally. This guy was just as greedy and shameless as before! 80,000?! That was daylight robbery!

“Are you really going to make the school that big?” Chi Guyan asked.

“Of course! If I want to do something, I’ll make sure it is the best!” Fang Zhengzhi asserted.

“However, the funds required to run this school will be immense. The Divine Constabulary can cover the expenses of the teachers. However, the empire simply cannot fund the maintenance of such a school. You need silver to maintain the library and hunting grounds. The Qingfeng Academy in Huai An County is funded by the empire and other large families. However, the Northern Mountain Village…”

Chi Guyan had made her point very clear.

With the Qingfeng Academy in Huai An County, the empire could not possibly build a second one here, and definitely not one on such a scale.

If it was just a small one, Chi Guyan may have some methods to keep it running. However, a school of such scale would require at least 100,000 silvers to run annually.

“I have my methods for finding the funds.” Fang Zhengzhi said confidently.

The best fields for money making were education, healthcare, property, food & beverages… basically, anything that was a necessity.

Of course, in this world, property, healthcare, and F&B were not too suitable.

As such…

Education was his best bet.

The families funding Qingfeng Academy were doing so in order to guarantee their sons a place in there. This was the same concept he was going to use here.

He would have 50 of the best sensei in all the North.

He had already solved the most pressing issue, quality of teachers. All roads lead to Rome. With a few “little tricks”, all of the problems would be resolved in due time…


Inside a quiet residence in Huai An County.


Bai Xing looked extremely haggard. He was the commanding officer for this plot on Cang ling Mountain. However, he was the only demon who made it back.

More importantly, he had lost both The Vast World and the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet.

“Please punish me!”

“Domain Chief Bai, you said that The Vast World had already been taken when you returned?” A crisp voice could be heard from behind a curtain. There was a figure in a white dress sitting behind it.

It was Yun Qingwu.

“Yes, after The Vast World had absorbed Cang Ling Mountain, its weight was not something a normal person could move. One would need the power to move mountains and fill oceans. I believe that there are only two possibilities. One, the Four Sages had intervened. Two, our opponent had a treasure which countered The Vast World.”

“Which do you think is more likely?”


“The former. The chances of the latter happening are negligible.”

“Mm, I can’t blame you entirely for this. I had forgotten to account for two people. I never expected Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan to appear in The Vast World at the same time.”

“Master, what is our next course of action?”

“Xing Qingguo has seen Shan Jia. This may not be a bad thing. Shan Jia comes from the top family in the Southern Mountain Range. They are highly valued by the Great Xia Dynasty. Take this opportunity to take over the Southern Mountain Range. That will be your task!”

“But, master… Fang Zhengzhi, he…”

“Fang Zhengzhi? I received news that he killed nearly 100 soldiers in the Northern Mountain Village. Even with Chi Guyan supporting him, he will not have a good life in the capital. I think it is time for me to meet him as well. You don’t have to worry about him!”

“Yes master!”

In the days after that, Fang Zhengzhi began his road of cultivation. Understanding the different Daos was the most difficult step, cultivating them was the easy part.

They were like snowballs. One just needed to make a small one and roll it down a hill. When it reached the bottom, it would have naturally grown in size.

Fang Zhengzhi was basically trying to roll all two to three hundred of his snowballs. His biggest question was whether he should roll them one at a time, or all at once.


The answer was simple.

He would roll them all at the same time.

It did not seem very rational.

However, Fang Zhengzhi like the feeling of rolling them all. That was reason enough for him. After all, he had many snowballs to play around with.

As Fang Zhengzhi was cultivating, the Northern Mountain Village was busy.

After hearing that the Northern Mountain Village was going to build an academy, the surrounding villages sent people to check out the validity of the information. This was earth shaking news.


Did the Northern Mountain Village have this much silver?


No one believed it.

However, when Zhang Yangping showed them the “mountain of silver”, they bought it.

All of the strongest in the villages congregated here. They claimed that they would want to play a part in the building of the academy, even if they were not being paid!

This was the innocence of the villagers, and it was the unity between villages when they saw a glimmer of hope. After all, once the academy was built, the most important phase would commence.


They all had a reason to help out in this project. The thinking was, the more one contributed, the higher the chances of being recruited.

In the east, an entire hill was flattened as soil and timber were lugged to the Northern Mountain Village for the construction of the academy.


The building of the road to Huai An County was also moving in tandem.

It was quite a distance to Huai An County, and the road would pass through many villages. When everyone heard that the road was being renovated, they rushed to contribute. When they heard that there was a pay for builders, even those who worked the fields dropped everything to come and help.

Fang Zhengzhi explained the building concepts, then handed the project to Zhang Li to run. After all, Zhang Li was young, and could easily handle the project.

Yan Capital was in chaos at this moment in time.

In the throne room, letters streamed onto the emperor’s table. They all reported Fang Zhengzhi’s massacre of the soldiers.


“Emperor, Fang Zhengzhi has complete disregard for the law. If we do not punish him severely, how can we maintain the reputation of our army?”

“Fang Zhengzhi has muddled up his personal affairs with his official ones. Even if the army had committed transgressions, they did so under direct orders. How can Fang Zhengzhi kill the soldiers?

“One of our generals and many of the deputies died horrible deaths there. The army has been affected by this incident. I hope that the emperor will have the law ministry investigate this!”

All of the officials were unified in their opinions and suggestions.

If not for the fact that Fang Zhengzhi was the Sword Envoy, a rank four official, the law ministry would have already issued an arrest warrant without consulting the emperor.

“Your highness, I know that you care for such a talent. Fang Zhengzhi had just been promoted recently. You’re concerned that arresting him now may affect him adversely. However, he has gone overboard this time!” Minister Wan Chong said in fury.

Emperor Lin Mubai frowned.

The army had sent news of the massacre to him. Then, he received a letter from Chi Guyan. Chi Guyan had detailed everything to him.

It was clear who was in the wrong here.


The army had to maintain their standing.

If anyone could just massacre the soldiers, albeit with good reason, then the laws of the country would not be respected. More importantly, the number of soldiers he had killed were too many.

He had killed nearly a hundred, and injured hundreds more. He was not just protecting his village and stopping the army from invading. This was a massacre.


There were too many dead soldiers.

The army’s reputation would be destroyed if there wasn’t even an investigation.


However, should he let Fang Zhengzhi be investigated by the Law Ministry?

Emperor Lin Mubai hesitated. In the letter, Chi Guyan had described the entire process and explained that Fang Zhengzhi was infuriated as a result of his filial piety, and killed to protect his family.

“Your highness, I think that Fang Zhengzhi should not take all the blame for this!” Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping stood out.

“Oh, what does Minister Yu think?” Lin Mubai was slightly shocked to hear Yu Yiping’s words. After all, Yu Yiping had a run in with Fang Zhengzhi previously.


How could he not have seen it?

“According to my own investigations, the army had bullief the villagers, eating and drinking like kings whilst in the villages. Then, they were ordered to massacre an entire village. That general even injured quite a few villagers. They are a disgrace to the army and should be dealt with!” Yu Yiping glanced at King Duan as he spoke.

“Minister Yu has a point. Sixth brother, you have done wonders with the army, and your achievements are there for all to see. However, their discipline… still needs some work. This could have been prevented!” The Crown Prince added.

King Duan’s expression darkened. He knew what Yu Yiping and the Crown Prince were getting at. However, the army was at fault here, and he could not possibly deny that.

“Thank you for the reminder. I will definitely tighten my grip on their discipline. I will also account for their actions in due course!” King Duan did not push the blame away.

He would admit his mistake.

This was much better than trying to argue his way out. After all, everyone knew that the army was humongous. It was only natural for mistakes to occur from time to time.

This was just a small one. Taking responsibility for it would not harm him in any way.

“With King Duan at the helm, I am sure that their discipline will improve!” Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping answered immediately.

One of the officials behind King Duan was about to step out. However, upon hearing Yu Yiping’s words, he stepped back in line, visibly confused.

Yu Yiping stepped forward once again.

“Plonk!” He fell to his knees.

The emperor gestured for Yu Yiping to recover. “Minister Yu, what did you do that for?”

“Your highness, as the left prime minister, I should be virtuous and help you solve your problems. However, I have something on my mind that I would like to say, but it is not something an official should say!”

“Please go ahead!”

“Yes your highness. I don’t think that it is important to determine if the army was in the wrong first, or if Fang Zhengzhi’s massacre came first. The Law Ministry is in charge of finding that out. My opinion today does not concern any law, it concerns loyalty, moral and values. Fang Zhengzhi tends to overreact and kills without hesitation. He had completely ignored the army and this is not a good sign! I hope that your highness will be careful when using him in the future!”

Yu Yiping kowtowed one more time, tears welling up in his eyes. He looked as loyal and sincere as humanly possible.

All of the officials were stunned by Yu Yiping’s words.


Then, they were in awe.


Yu Yiping first helped get Fang Zhengzhi out of trouble, attributing it to the lack of discipline in the army. Then, he resolved that issue easily.

His position was well considered and measured. Furthermore, he had helped the emperor solve the problem.

This was a near perfect act.

Then, he had dealt the killing blow.

He did not talk about any law. He simply talked about loyalty, moral, and values. These seemingly irrelevant points were his method of sealing Fang Zhengzhi’s fate.

Loyalty was always the more important. Even when filial piety and loyalty were at conflict, loyalty was always meant to come first.

Yu Yiping had condemned Fang Zhengzhi, claiming that he had no regard for the army or for power.

He was simply calling Fang Zhengzhi disloyal!

With such a passionate plea and a well measured position, the emperor was bound to give it some thought!

Experience does count!

“Your highness, Xing Hou has requested an audience with you!” Just as everyone was admiring Yu Yiping’s act, a voice rang out from outside the throne room.

Chapter 264: Prophecy of the four sages


“Xing Hou is back?!”

“How fast!”

All of the officials were stunned when they heard the voice. After all, news of the events on Cang Ling Mountain had just reached the capital recently.

“Have him come in quickly!” Emperor Lin Mubai did not step out of the throne room to welcome him, but he stood up from the throne excitedly.

Before long, Xing Hou, dressed in purple official robes, entered the throne room.

“I have failed your highness, please punish me accordingly!” Xing Yuanguo fell to his knees.

“Official Xing, please rise. I know all about the events on Cang Ling mountain. You have already preserved the pillars of our empire. Where have you failed?” Emperor Lin Mubai comforted.

“Exactly, Xing Hou has suffered so much this time!”

“It is a blessing to the empire that you can return.”

All of the officials chimed in. The Stabilisation Constabulary was the pillar of the empire with vast contributions throughout the years. Who dared to say anything against them?

“The main reason why I could save the Mountain Breaking Army and Red Pinion Squad from annihilation is because of Sword Envoy’s wit and bravery, as well as Chi Guyan’s assistance in the battle. Even though I am guilty, I hope that your highness can reward Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan for their contributions!” Xing Yuanguo continued to kneel.


“Fang Zhengzhi?!”

“He was also on Cang Ling Mountain?”

“What could a nascent Heavenly Reflection State cultivator do?”

All of the officials began discussing Xing Yuanguo’s words. His letter had reached the capital two days earlier.

However, he did not go into the details of the happenings on Cang Ling Mountain.


As such, the officials had no idea that Fang Zhengzhi was involved. Little did they expect that Fang Zhengzhi would have made any contributions of note there. What could he have done that would warrant the Stabilisation Constabulary’s leader to come request for a reward for him?

Xing Yuanguo rarely involved himself in politics, and had never requested for an official to be rewarded!

Emperor Lin Mubai frowned slightly. He knew Xing Yuanguo’s character very well. He would never come asking for a reward for a junior. Now that he did, this man must have done something very important.

“Official Xing, you have weathered much to rush back. I would like to close the discussion on this until tomorrow!” Emperor Lin Mubai waved his hand.




“Xing Hou, the emperor invites you to the library.”


“Yes, your highness!”

Yu Yiping looked at Xing Yuanguo, his eyes glimmering with despair. His near perfect plan was almost complete.


Yet, Xing Yuanguo had come along at just the right time to destroy it.

How could he ever accept it?

“Xing Yuanguo of the Stabilisation Constabulary?! Why would these people who never involved themselves politically speak up for Fang Zhengzhi? King Liqin did so once, now the Stabilisation Constabulary has done so, the Yan Family and the Nangong Family as well… hang on, Nangong Family! If there are no surprises, the top talent who has been in seclusion for four years should reappear soon!”

“Nangong Hao! Four years ago, he managed to defeat Supernatural State cultivators as a Heavenly Reflection State cultivator. Four years later… his potential and abilities promise to excite!”

Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping definitely knew the importance of ‘power’ in the courts.

Fang Zhengzhi was at his peak. He had broken through all the barriers from the provincial examinations all the way to the imperial one. This was his moment of power.


It was only natural for the neutral parties to ride the wave.

However, once this ‘power’ was broken, the consequences would be unimaginable. All of the ‘backlash’ would be enough to paralyze him.

“The court examinations would be where he loses his power!”

Seven days later, the Northern Mountain Village welcomed a very special squad.

They were the best teachers in the Northern Territories. They were proud and haughty. They should have been teaching in the best schools in the land, but they had all been sent to this dilapidated village.

How exasperating.

However, their exasperation did not last for long.

Within half a day, Fang Zhengzhi was able to make these sensei beam like a sun. They walked around the village, spreading happiness to the busy villagers.

This change was confusing for Ping Yang. She simply could not understand what Fang Zhengzhi had done to these teachers.

Their attitudes seemed to have changed completely!

Fang Zhengzhi never told Ping Yang what had transpired when he met the teachers.

Upon meeting them, he gave them one piece of gold each.

All of the sensei were stunned. As teachers, the empire gave them remuneration. How could they accept gold from other sources?

Fang Zhengzhi was not surprised by the sensei reactions. He told them flatly, “From today onwards, I will quadruple your salary. The extra will come from my own pocket, as an incentive!”

All of the sensei looked at each other in confusion. However, when they felt the gold ingot in their hands, they chuckled.

No one here was dumb.

This extra cash was a reimbursement for the hardship they may face when moving to such a village.

Fang Zhengzhi knew exactly what these teachers were thinking. The silver was only able to buy over them temporarily. In order for them to be fully bought over, he had to give them ‘hope’.

Then, Fang Zhengzhi made them feel a sense of ‘hope’ that they had never felt before.

This hope was not something he fluffed up on the spot.

He simply told them about the education model he had in mind. He explained the recruitment of students, to the development of the school and its curriculum. He also told them about splitting up the students into various grades, subjects, and levels.

Initially, the sensei were just moved by the gesture. Then, their thinking began to change. By the end, they were all on the verge of whooping and clapping their approval.

This entire process took four hours.

Then, Fang Zhengzhi played his trump card. He would ensure that this partnership would benefit all parties involved.

Fang Zhengzhi would give the 50 sensei 20% of the profits of the school. However, only those who stayed past the three years would qualify.

This was not harsh. Even without the silvers, they would have to stay here for three years.

Fang Zhengzhi knew that it was impossible for the 50 of them to be completely bought over by his new methods. However, as long as they taught according to his plan, the results would speak for themselves.

He had even introduced the idea of ‘stocks’ to them.

Three years later…

When they saw the results, he was sure that at least some would stay.

Even if his education method had failed, the education these 50 sensei would provide over the three years would benefit all the students anyways.

This was sufficient for him.


Construction in the Northern Mountain Village continued fervently.


Two days later.

Chi Guyan and Ping Yang left together. When they left, Chi Guyan told Fang Zhengzhi one thing, “Xing Hou has returned to the capital!”

Fang Zhengzhi did not probe. If it was going to rain, he could not do anything to stop it. All he could do was spend some money to buy an umbrella.

Furthermore, he was too busy ‘rolling his snowballs’. During his free time, he also had to explain the rules and operation of the school to the sensei.

Wang Anhua was the mediator in these discussions.

Everything was proceeding according to plan. However, Fang Zhengzhi was waiting on one person, a very well informed person.

He had thought that Su Jiu would come, but Wu Yuer was the one who turned up.

A black sedan chair stopped at Fang Zhengzhi’s door. Then, more than 10 masked men following behind the sedan chair began bringing silver into Fang Zhengzhi’s house.


No one said anything.

Boxes of silver began filling up Fang Zhengzhi’s home.


All of the villagers could not believe their eyes.

“Is silver… really that easy to earn?”


Fang Zhengzhi did not speak, nor did he stop them. His lips twitched as he murmured to himself, “This could have been easily done with cheques… the reason for changing them to silver is too obvious.”

When the transport of the silvers was done, the door opened from the inside.

However, no one walked out. As such, Fang Zhengzhi had no other choice but to go in.


The moment he entered, he smelled the faint aroma of tea.


“I hear that you are building a school?” A voice rang out.

“It may just be a rumor, why take it so seriously?” Fang Zhengzhi walked to a rosewood table inside the sedan.

There was a lady on the other side of the table.

She wore a blue blouse, a black skirt with golden embroidery and had a scarf on her shoulders. Her eyebrows were a work of art, her skin was white, and there was a red cinnabar in the middle of her forehead.


She was exquisite. Her posture and demeanor were flawless.

Wu Yuer’s beauty was undeniable. Her charm was clear for all to see

“What if I saw it for myself?”

“Since you saw it, I can’t hide it from you anymore…” Fang Zhengzhi lifted up the glass of tea on the table. He sniffed it, said it was acceptable, then drank it in a single gulp.

“A cup of superior Nine Dragon Red Robe Tea is just acceptable?” Wu Yuer said discontentedly.

“The standard seems to have been raised significantly since our past meetings. What is the reason for that?” Fang Zhengzhi smiled and asked.

“Now that you are a rank four official, and you have grand plans to set up an academy, you have the potential for greatness. The bar has to be raised.”


“And then?”

“When news of what happened here reached the capital, all of the officials called for an investigation by the Law Ministry. However, after Xing Hou returned, the emperor quelled all discussion on it. He also did not order you to return.”

“I never expected you to have ears in the court as well.”

“My guess it that there will be a resolution on this incident when you return to the capital. Your fate would have been decided by then.”

“You came all the way here to tell me this?” Fang Zhengzhi served himself another cup of tea.


“In other words, as long as you don’t return to the capital, this incident will never be resolved. The law ministry cannot arrest you without a warrant, and you can continue being the Sword Envoy and run your school. Two years later…” Wu Yuer continued.


“What will happen in two years?”

“When the court examinations begin in two years, you can return to partake in them. Your school will also be up and running. I am sure you can take home the top spot and become the top talent.” Wu Yuer raised her glass, closed her eyes, and sipped.


“This all sounds good, but your reason for having me wait two years seems a little weak. You said that the issue would be resolved once I return to the capital. Why shouldn’t I resolve it earlier rather than later?” Fang Zhengzhi put down his glass, picked up a melon seed and crunched.

“What if I told you that I have intelligence which says that you will have great misfortune if you return to the capital now? Your life might be in danger as well. Is that reason enough?” Wu Yuer placed the cup down, her eyes glowing in anticipation.

“Yes it is.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Wu Yuer smiled and reached for a melon seed. Just as she prepared to bite down on it…

Fang Zhengzhi spoke.

“However, when I left the capital, I made a promise to a friend. I promised to meet him at the court examinations. I will keep my promises.”

“Is a small deal worth more than your life?” Wu Yuer did not seem to understand. After all, Fang Zhengzhi was not known for being an honorable man.

“The deal is not important, the person I made the deal with is important.”

“Is it Yan Xiu?”


Wu Yuer was silent. She put back the melon seed on the plate. Then, she poured herself another cup of tea slightly disorientedly.

The steam floated out of the cup, climbing into the air like a dragon.

“If you are destined not to top the court examinations this time, will you participate?” After some time, Wu Yuer spoke again.

“Yes.” Fang Zhengzhi asserted.

“Okay then, I hope you can change your fate.”

“I have always believed that I am the master of my own fate. Oh yes, who were the people you consulted this time? They aren’t some scammers are they?”

“Haha…” Wu Yuer chuckled lightly and did not say anymore. Only this man would dare call the four sages scammers.

“You have travelled such a long way. Why don’t you come inside for a rest?” Fang Zhengzhi invited her inside as he admired her figure.

“Ew! I’m off.” Wu Yuer rolled her eyes at Fang Zhengzhi.

“I guess being kind isn’t appreciated nowadays. Oh yes, please help me with the marketing for my new school. Here is a silver for your troubles!” Fang Zhengzhi stood up to leave, then left behind a silver.

Wu Yuer picked up the silver and placed it in her pocket. She stared at Fang Zhengzhi’s back… “This guy is really shameless. However, a silver is still money. It’s better than nothing!”

Three months later, the newly renovated academy took its first step towards success. A three storey high school and a two storey high accomodation block was finished. The hunting ground was almost complete, and books were filling up the library.

The road from the village to Huai An County was also complete.

Recruitment was going extremely well. News that the top 50 sensei in the north were here spread quickly.

Furthermore, with the wide road leading to the village, students from everywhere came to the village in search for a spot.



The date of the court examinations was also nearing.

He knew that it was about time he set off for the capital. His only question was… Has Yan Xiu gotten stronger after so long?

Chapter 265: Top ten


It was less than a month to the preliminary examinations of the court examinations. It would take about two weeks to reach the capital.

Fang Zhengzhi did not waste anymore time in the village. After making sure everything was in place, he went to pray at the shrine, accompanied by Zhang Yangping and his parents.


After everything was done, he began the journey back to the capital.

Just as he left the village, he heard of some shocking news. Chi Guyan did not return to the Divine Constabulary, choosing instead to go straight to the Heaven Dao Pavillion.

She also made an oath there.

She would accept Fang Zhengzhi’s challenge. However, Fang Zhengzhi had to qualify as a Heaven Dao Pavilion disciple. Furthermore, the duel would be held in public.

The loser would be a slave for a month.

When the news was broken, it swept across the entire empire like a tornado. In the camps, in the restaurants, in the alleys, even at schools and in homes, everyone was talking about it.

Is Fang Zhengzhi insane?

He actually challenged Chi Guyan!

If Fang Zhengzhi had just kept to their deal eight years ago and waited another two years, he could just lose quietly.

However, Fang Zhengzhi had no plans to do that.

Not only had he reminded the world of the challenge, he had brought it forward by two years?!

Someone could overestimate themselves, but they shouldn’t use their shamelessness and overconfidence to insult the top talent of the empire.


This was akin to someone announcing their scorn for a well respected god, denouncing the god and splashing the god with dirty water.

Who could ever accept that?

Even if the challenge was to be held two years later, everyone thought that it was impossible for Fang Zhengzhi to win this duel.


“That is ridiculous!”


“You would expect him to know himself better than that!”

“How overconfident!”

“Yes, someone who doesn’t even know where he stands is worse than scum!”

Intense discussions were held in every residence across the Great Xia Dynasty. The news was like a spark which ignited a pile of dry tinder.


In actual fact, any other duel would not have riled up the public this much.


However, the duel was between Chi Guyan and a villager. Furthermore, this villager had just broken through into the Heavenly Reflection State.

This had resulted in a very different reaction.

Everyone felt that their goddess was being insulted. They could not help but want to stand up for her.

Furthermore, the difference in their status and the stakes of the challenge fueled the fire in many hearts.

A servant!

Chi Guyan was the treasured daughter of the Divine Constabulary, the top talent of the empire, the future commander-in-chief, and the dream girl of the public. How could she ever be the servant of such a shameless person?!

No one would accept it, even if it was just for a day!

In fact…

It was unimaginable!

Chi Guyan was innocent, generous and classy. She could accept Fang Zhengzhi’s challenge calmly, but the public could not.

In times like this, there were people just waiting to fuel the flames.


Ping Yang was one of them.

Ping Yang had no idea that Chi Guyan had accepted Fang Zhengzhi’s challenge. When it had happened, she was sleeping soundly.

However, after knowing about it, Ping Yang ‘gladly’ took advantage of it.

“This shameless fella is also a bully. When we stayed there, he demanded that Sister Yan pay him 15,000 silvers a night!”

Ping Yang began to use this story to defame Fang Zhengzhi.

She successfully enraged the entire community. She then said that Chi Guyan probably only accepted this challenge out of fury.

“Fang Zhengzhi has to atone for his sins at the Heaven Dao Pavilion!”

“He has to start kowtowing from the foot of the pavilion all the way to the pinnacle!”


“He is incredibly shameless!”


Words of fury continued to spread in the capital.


Everyone was condemning Fang Zhengzhi for using such shameless methods to ‘force’ Chi Guyan into accepting his challenge.

Ping Yang was extremely happy with this result. She saw it as revenge for Fang Zhengzhi’s unwillingness to tell her about how he had managed to turn those 50 sensei. Fang Zhengzhi had it coming.

“When he is in the sh*t, I will ‘generously’ get him out of that sticky situation, hahaha…”

She smiled radiantly as she imagined Fang Zhengzhi’s expression when pleading with her to explain the situation to everyone. She couldn’t wait for that day.

Is this love and hate?



Who would ever fall in love with that shameless guy?!

Ping Yang’s words began to gain traction. Many of the disciples of the most influential families discussed about gathering in the capital, preparing to ‘welcome’ Fang Zhengzhi.

Some of them were the top ten ranking youths in both the Hidden Dragon and Rising Dragon rolls.

Those on the Hidden Dragon Roll were furious, however, they knew that Fang Zhengzhi was already in the Heavenly Reflection State. As such, they could only speak, but they did not take any actions.


However, the Rising Dragon Roll was a different story.

Which of the top 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll was not at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Reflection State?

Anyone of them would easily defeat Su Donglin, who Fang Zhengzhi defeated in a 4v1 scenario. It was extremely difficult to climb the upper echelons of the Rising Dragon Roll.

This represented the differences in power even within the same state. Anyone in the top 10 was definitely a talent.

Each of this talents began to announce their participation in the court examinations and the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciple selection.

After all, some of them had already passed the court examinations and qualified for the Heaven Dao Pavilion disciple selection.

It was a pity…

The most highly anticipated piece of news failed to arrive.

The Rising Dragon Roll’s second ranked talent, Nangong Hao, never announced any intention to participate in this edition of the court examinations.

Whether Nangong Hao would be participating was something that everyone was concerned about.

After all, as long as Nangong Hao participated in the court examinations, he would definitely challenge Fang Zhengzhi.

The reason was obvious.

As long as Nangong Hao challenged Fang Zhengzhi, Fang Zhengzhi would not have a chance to participate in the Heaven Dao Pavillion disciple selection.

If he could not attend that, how could he challenge Chi Guyan?

Everything would just be a joke.

Fang Zhengzhi had calculated the time required to reach the capital carefully. It did not require much brain power. He simply needed to know his speed.


Even so, he failed to account for the inconveniences he would meet along the way.

The last time, he had travelled with Yan Xiu. They rode the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion, so no one dared to antagonize them along the way. They reached the capital in record time.


This time however…

His entire path seemed to be lit brightly. There were groups of people pointing at him wherever he went.

As such, a curious Fang Zhengzhi spent some silvers to have some tea in a teahouse. He wanted to understand what the commotion was about.

He quickly understood.

Chi Guyan had indeed announced the terms of the challenge to the public. His Snow Treading Stallion became a signpost.

As such, he decided to go by the smaller roads instead.

He would tour the area.

Fang Zhengzhi had nice dreams, but reality was rarely so nice. He did not know why, but all of the bridges he wanted to cross were broken. Furthermore, he kept running into mudslides, torrential rain…

“What the f*ck is going on?” Fang Zhengzhi saw yet another broken bridge. He cursed, dismounted, and took off his clothes.

He had to swim across.

Not far from the bridge, a barefooted all man in a white robe observed Fang Zhengzhi as he swam across the river whilst leading the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion.

He was expressionless.

He watched as Fang Zhengzhi changed into new clothes and remounted his stallion. Then, he began walking towards the bridge. His steps were slow and small, but strangely…

He reached the bridge in no time.

Even more strangely, he did not swim across the river. He simply stepped on it. The moment his feet landed on the wood, the broken bridge seem to come to life, returning to its original state.

There was something formed in chaos before Heaven and Earth existed. It stands unchanging in silence and solitude. It may be the Mother of the world. I do not know its name, so I can only term it Dao. Its greatness is far-reaching… Humans should strive to understand nature, and respect it.”

“If your fate is as such, you should accept it! Going against it will only result in tragedy!”

The elderly man continued to chant as his figure disappeared from sight. Within moments, the bridge had disappeared and everything returned to normal.

It was no exaggeration to say that Fang Zhengzhi’s journey was filled with problems at every turn. As such, when he arrived at the border city of Dong Lin, he decided to change his appearance.

“Now that I have changed to a lady’s disguise, I would like to see who can recognize me!”

Being envied by others showed that he was not mediocre. Fang Zhengzhi had never felt that he was mediocre, so he was not too angered by the trials. After all, he was prepared for those.


However, he was a little short on time.

If he had to go through so many barriers, he may not make it in time for the court examinations.


He had underestimated the influence of Chi Guyan. He had also underestimated the number of admirers Chi Guyan had.

When he stepped into Dong Lin City with his Snow Treading Dragon Stallion, he was stopped.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I think that you should go back to your village. You should not partake in the court examinations. You might break your limbs if you participate!”

A young man stepped out from amidst the raucous laughter.

He was about 26 years old, slightly tanned, had thick eyebrows, but donned a pristine white robe.

“Aish… I’m in a rush, you can all come at me together!” Fang Zhengzhi sighed. He had lost count of the number of people he had to defeat along the way. It was getting boring.

“All together?! Hahaha… Fang Zhengzhi, open your eyes wide! This is Yu Wengu, ranked 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll. He is at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Reflection State!” One of the youths standing next to the white robed man nearly burst out laughing.

“Ranked 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll?” Fang Zhengzhi smiled as he looked at Yu Wengu.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I do not know if I am the unlucky one, or you are. I had already announced that I will participate in the court examinations and defeat you there. I never expected to meet you here.” Yu Wengu beamed.


“And so?” Fang Zhengzhi asked curiously.


“I am exasperated too, but I guess it is Heaven’s will that you don’t make it to the capital!”



“How can someone with a broken leg participate in the court examinations? Don’t you agree? Oh… I almost forgot, you’re a rank four official now. I can’t just break your leg like that. It would be an insult to you. Let me change my clothes.”

As Yu Wengu spoke, someone presented him a set of official robes and put it on him. He beamed as he put his arms through the sleeves, “I may not be as high ranking as you, but that’s no problem, I can just add my hereditary knighthood. That’s about right isn’t it? Sword Envoy, your honor!”

“I think… what you say makes sense!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded his approval.

Nothing in this world ever went according to plan.

Countless talents were making their way into the capital, trying to have a go at Fang Zhengzhi. They all wanted to be the one to defeat him.

Just as the discussions were reaching a peak, a piece of shocking news rocked the capital. Many of the talents were rooted in their places.


The reason was…

Yu Wengu, ranked 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll, met Fang Zhengzhi in Dong Lin City. Yu Wengu’s legs had been broken and he exasperatingly announced his withdrawal from the court examinations.

Fang Zhengzhi rose from rank 53 to rank 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll.

He became the first person in the history of the Great Xia Dynasty to rank amongst the top 10 on the Rising Dragon Roll within six months of breaking through into the Heavenly Reflection State.

Chapter 266: Four birds with one stone


This was quite the plot twist.

Initially, no one had thought much about Fang Zhengzhi’s challenge against Chi Guyan. After all, the difference between rank 1 and 53 was too great.


Now that he was in the top 10… things were slightly different.

Furthermore, according to eyewitnesses, the battle was not as intense as imagined. After a few rounds, Yu Wengu was defeated.

Many of those who were not as powerful as Yu Wengu began to worry.

They had no qualms about schooling someone of lower ability than them. However, if this man was powerful enough to rank in the top 10 of the Rising Dragon Roll…


Who would be this masochistic?

No one was a fool.


Inside the capital, carriages stopped in front of the Crown Prince’s residence every so often.

Inside the residence, all of the officials sat around drinking tea. They discussed various political issues, but no one discussed Fang Zhengzhi.

Before long, the Crown Prince walked out from the throne room, accompanied by Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping.


“Forget the pleasantries, just tell me what you think of the court examinations!” The Crown Prince began toying with a piece of jade as he took his seat.

His gaze scanned across all of the gathered officials. His expression was gentle, but his eyes glimmered subtly.

Yu Yiping took his seat right at the front, but he did not speak.

“Your highness, I have an insignificant opinion.” A rank four official, about 28 years old, stood up and walked to the middle of the room.

“Go ahead.” The Crown Prince glanced at him, then commanded.

In the imperial courts, any 28 year old who could make it to a rank four official was quite the powerful individual. However, in the residence of the Crown Prince, he was just a plankton.

There were other higher ranked officials ahead of him. Some of them were even rank one…

As such, when this youth stepped out, all of the officials glanced at him with disdain. Some other even shook their heads and sighed.

“Young man, know your place!”

“Forget it, give the young man a chance.”

Many of the officials sighed under their breaths. Then, they looked around and discussed some political matters.

“The emperor traditionally sets the questions for the imperial examinations. He will also be the chief examiner for them. History tells us that the emperor’s questions tend to be more practical in nature. As such, I was thinking… why don’t we take this chance to kill four birds with one stone.”

The youth’s gaze was calm. He bowed and said every word deliberately and slowly, ignoring the gazes of those around him.

“Oh? Four birds with one stone? Please elaborate!” The Crown Prince was slightly moved and he adjusted himself in his seat.

All of the other officials looked on in scorn. It was good for a young man to have confidence, but promising four birds with one stone was a little overboard.

“Yes your highness. The first one is to help allay the worry of the emperor. The emperor worries about country, citizens, and his empire. Even though the court examinations are important, it is nowhere near as important as any of those other concerns. Ever since Xing Hou’s return from Cang Ling Mountain, the emperor is most concerned with the border territories!” The youth elaborated.


“What is your name? What is your current position?” The Crown Prince began to take this man seriously.

This was not a good question to ask, and it should never have been asked by the Crown Prince. Even though the youth was quite low ranking, he was one of the Crown Prince’s officials.

To not know the name of one’s officials was nothing to be proud of.

However, the Crown Prince asked it anyways. Furthermore, when the youth heard the question, he beamed.

When the scornful officials heard the Crown Prince’s question, their eyes revealed shades of jealousy.

The mind of the emperor.


It did not matter if he knew your name right now.

It mattered if he would remember your name in the future. Since the Crown Prince had asked for his name in the presence of so many officials, he would not ask ever again.

In other words, this man’s name will be etched in the Crown Prince’s mind from this day on.

Similarly, this youth’s name will be remembered by all of the officials.


“Your highness, I am Su Qing. I am currently a messenger in the Imperial Academy, and I pen letters!” Su Qing bowed once again.

“Su Qing? You do surpass your teacher, mm, not bad!” The Crown Prince nodded.


“Your highness, official Su was ranked second in the imperial examinations four years ago!” One of the aides by the Crown Prince’s side whispered.

“Oh? And you were ranked second four years ago… wasn’t that the year Nangong Hao participated?” The Crown Prince’s eyes glowed.

“Yes your highness. I was not as good as him, and he defeated me four years ago. However, Nangong Hao is incredibly talented, I am not ashamed to have lost to him!” Su Qing replied respectfully.

“Mm, losing to Nangong Hao really isn’t much of a loss. You mentioned some concerns about the border territories. Are you talking about the Southern Mountain Range?” The Crown Prince nodded and queried.

“Exactly, the Stabilisation Constabulary’s expedition to Cang Ling Mountain should be known by all. This incident was caused by an ambush started by the demons. More importantly, Shan Jia from the premier family in the Southern Mountain Range had a role to play in it. As such, the problem there is the main thing on the emperor’s mind!” Su Qing replied.


“You are right. This is what my father is most concerned about. However, how does this link to the court examinations?” The Crown Prince acknowledged Su Qing’s point.

“Your highness, after I passed the imperial examinations, I have examined the questions for the past 10 editions of the court examinations. The combat examinations eventually determine the top spot. As for the theory examinations, there are questions on politics, military, cultivation etc., there are also questions on the six ministries – Personnel, Revenue, Law, Rites, War, and Work! The emperor has always placed a huge emphasis on the court examinations, especially since it is the last exam. Based on the current dynamic of the courts, he will aim to use this to appease the four vassals and allay the fears of the public!”

“Appease the four vassals and allay the fears of the public?” All of the officials were stunned by what they heard. For an imperial messenger to know the past year court examination questions was not unexpected. However, for someone like that to have such foresight was rare.

“Yes, the emperor lacks people who can appease the four vassal states! As such, my guess is that the emperor will set questions on that!” Su Qing said confidently.

“Official Su, your analysis is thorough. You are concerned about the people and have shown a great appreciation for the intent of the emperor! Since you can guess what the emperor wants, why didn’t you participate in the court examinations four years ago?” The Crown Prince asked doubtfully.

“I hope to serve the nation, not become a sage. I have already spent over 20 years studying the Law of Dao. Since I passed the imperial examinations, why waste more time attending the court examinations?”

“Hahaha… Official Su, you are quite the maverick! There are many in the courts who chose this path because the couldn’t make it in the cultivation world. However, you chose to give up cultivation!” The Crown Prince chuckled.

“My ambitions are small, your highness!” Su Qing replied respectfully.

“It does not matter. Everyone has different dreams. Official Su, you have a heart for politics, and your future is bright! Tell us more about your plan.” The Crown Prince waved.

“Yes, firstly, you will be able to allay the concerns of the emperor. That is a duty that you will fulfill as a son. Secondly, you can strengthen ties with the vassal states. That is a duty that you will fulfill as a leader of this empire. As for the third and fourth, these were results that I did not plan for. However, with things as they are, we have no other choice!”

“Tell me about it!”


“In the courts, the Crown Prince controls the politics and King Duan controls the army. This is the will of the emperor. However, should you ascend the throne one day, you have no one in the army… This is not good for the public. As such, for the stability of the empire, you must plan ahead!”

“My father does not like me to meddle in the affairs of the military.”

“That is the case if you participate directly. However, you could influence it in a way that comes under your jurisdiction!”

“Oh? How would I do that?”

“I hear that the annual exercise is about to happen soon. If… if this exercise is linked to the court examinations in some way, then it is only right that you have a say in it!”

“Link the exercise with the court examinations? Good plan, good plan! Quickly, tell me what the fourth benefit is!” The Crown Prince was getting excited.

This man was mature well beyond his age. Furthermore, he had a mind of an experienced politician. Most importantly, he was committed to politics!

All of the other officials were captivated. They no longer talked amongst themselves, their gazes fixed firmly on Su Qing.

Even Yu Yiping glanced at Su Qing. However, he did not take a second glance.

“The fourth benefit concerns Fang Zhengzhi.”


“Fang Zhengzhi? I see… what does Official Su think of Fang Zhengzhi?” The Crown Prince was taken aback. He leaned forward in anticipation.

“I believe that you should stabilize the Eastern Palace. However, Fang Zhengzhi is the biggest variable here. It would be best to eliminate him, but…”

“But what?”

“Fang Zhengzhi is already in the system. In order to convict a rank four official of a crime, the emperor has to make the final decision. Right now, Fang Zhengzhi is at his peak, and there are many unknowns standing behind him. Chi Guyan, King Liqin, Xing Hou, the Yan Family… are just some of them. They may not have made their stands clear, but we cannot put them out of the equation!”

“You are correct.”

“As such, I do not think that this is the right time to kill Fang Zhengzhi. Even though the time is not right, you should focus on stabilizing the Eastern Palace. When things take a turn for the better, you can use someone else to do the killing for you!” Su Qing’s eyes glimmered without any killing intent.

His eyes were calm like a lake. It seemed like killing was not something that bothered him at all.

“Have someone else kill him for me? I see… you have told me the four benefits. So, what is the plan?” The Crown Prince gripped the jade in his hand tightly.

“Yes, my method is simple. The Crown Prince can just observe the theory examinations. However, for the combat examinations, you can pitch the Southern Mountain Range as the location for it. Even though we have traditionally used pocket dimensions for these examinations, recent events can be a chance for you to convince the emperor otherwise!” Su Qing said solemnly.

“What? Hold the combat examinations in the Southern Mountain Range?!”

“Official Su, this may not be wise for the Crown Prince. The Southern Mountain Range is not stable right now, why would the emperor agree to hold the combat examination there?”


All of the officials stepped forward when they heard that.

“Your honors, that’s where you are all wrong. The emperor is likely to agree to it precisely because the Southern Mountain Range is not stable!” Su Qing shook his head confidently.

Just as an official was about to rebut, he was pulled back by yet another official. When the official saw the Crown Prince’s expression, he swallowed his words.

“Official Su, you make a lot of sense. However, how will holding the combat examinations there help me get these four benefits?” The Crown Prince asked appreciatively.

Chapter 267: The Court Examinations begin


Yu Yiping put down the cup of tea in his hand. Even though he did not look at Su Qing, he was clearly impressed with him.


Su Qing bowed to the Crown Prince once again.

“Your highness, the court examinations are one of the most important events in the empire. By holding the examinations there, we show that we trust and value the Southern Mountain Range. Furthermore, we can use this opportunity to find out their attitude towards the Great Xia Dynasty. Even if they are opposed to it, they will not rebel openly. This will serve our first purpose.” After bowing, Su Qing elaborated without delay.


The Crown Prince nodded as Su Qing explained.

“The court examination is also the best time for us to showcase our power. Countless talents and elites will be there. This will serve the purpose of deterrence and intimidation. After seeing our power, they will think twice before trying anything! This serves our second purpose, quelling the unrest in the vassal states!” Su Qing added.

“Well said! The plan will achieve the above two aims. How will we achieve the final two though?” The Crown Prince could barely contain his excitement.

“The second and third benefits are linked. The candidates alone are insufficient to stun and awe the Southern Mountain Range. As such, we have to combine it with the annual military exercise. This will ensure that we have a strong military presence there. When that happens, there is no way they can object!”

“That is indeed the case. If we had just held the military exercise there, they would not object, but it would be a blatant intimidation technique. However, the rules of the court examinations dictate that the candidates can bring the soldiers over the border. This is a much more friendly approach!” The Crown Prince nodded his approval.

“I am impressed by your highness’ foresight. Furthermore, as part of the rules of the examination, you can oversee the examination on behalf of the emperor. The emperor needs to govern the country from the capital. As such, he cannot go to the Southern Mountain Range personally. Then, you can become the chief examiner for the court examinations as well. On the contrary, King Duan will only be a supporting cast member. You will also be able to helm the military exercise as a result…”

“Good, very good! Tell me about the last one!”

“The last one is for someone else to do the killing for you. King Duan has a rocky relationship with Fang Zhengzhi. I am sure that with some help from you, King Duan would not relinquish such a golden opportunity.” Su Qing knelt.

“Official Su, please rise! You are right! Holding the combat examinations at the Southern Mountain Range is a stroke of genius! We will also have a military presence. When I am invigilating, all I have to do is have a moment of ‘lapse’. I am sure sixth brother would not give up such an opportunity, hahaha… okay then, any other opinions?” The Crown Prince asked contentedly.

“Official Su has great foresight. I do not have any other opinions!” Yu Yiping stood up from his chair and bowed to the crown prince.

All of the other officials looked at each other and nodded. They were not stupid. Su Qing’s plan was good and had the approval of both the Crown Prince and Yu Yiping. They were not going to express any differing opinions.

“Good, then let’s get to work!”

Deep in the night.

Inside a secret chamber in King Duan’s residence.

A youth wearing the armor of the guards stood in the middle. King Duan sat in front of him on a raised platform.

Next to King Duan were Mr Hua in the robes of an academic and Elder Wen in black and white.

“Your highness, I have acted in accordance to your instructions and presented the plan to the Crown Prince. From his expression, he seems to agree!” The youth raised his head slightly.

This was the rank four official Su Qing.

“Good, well done!” King Duan smiled when he heard what Su QIng said.

“Your highness, Su Qing has done a great service by presenting the Crown Prince with such a plan!” Mr Hua stood up and helped Su Qing to his seat.

“Thank you Mr Hua. However, it is not over yet. It is still a little too early to ask for a reward. I have brought over the reward the Crown Prince sent me. Your highness, please take it!” Su Qing bowed to Mr Hua, then to King Duan.

“Hahaha… Official Su has risked much this time. You have also managed to fool the Left Prime Minister. You can keep the reward from the Crown Prince. Also, I have a pearl of the east, and it is something our vassal state gave me. It is now yours!” King Duan flicked his hand and the starry pearl was thrown out.


“Thank you your highness!” Su Qing kowtowed.

“Your highness, everything is now in place. We just await the commencement of the court examinations. I will now rush to the Southern Mountain Range to prepare!” Elder Wen stepped out.

“Good, thank you. Only you can control the Southern Mountain Range. The success of our plan hinges on you!? King Duan stood up and bowed to Elder Wen.

“Your highness, you’re too kind! I will take my leave first!”


“Elder Wen, it is getting dark, let me see you out!” Mr Hua walked to Elder Wen’s side.

“Okay!” Elder Wen nodded to Mr Hua.

The Chung Yeung Festival, also known as the Double Nine Festival, was one of the four biggest festivals in the dynasty. There were always a myriad of activities on this day.


This year’s Chung Yeung Festival was particularly meaningful.

The sun was high.

The aura of autumn was dense at the Eastern Gate. Golden chrysanthemums were placed around the square. In the middle was a grand, festive stage draped in red silk.

Rows of guards in golden armor stood around the square. Their expressions were solemn. The public stretched their necks and jumped to get a better look of the square.


On the stage.


Emperor Lin Mubai led the ceremony.

As one of the biggest festivals, the Chung Yeung Festival had a myriad of traditions and ceremonies. After almost two hours, they were just about done with all of them.

After emperor Lin Mubai poured a glass of wine on the ground, the ceremony was officially over.

The heat was building as the sun shone overhead.

However, none of the officials left. There was another important event today – the opening ceremony of the imperial examinations and the preliminary court examinations.

They had chosen this date for a particular reason. Firstly, they were honoring the contributions of the ancestors and this could inspire the candidates to contribute to the empire. Furthermore, the imperial combat examinations were stopped due to unforeseen circumstances before. It was not to convenient to simply hold a retest.

As a result, they named the retest the preliminary court examination. They also set it on this day so that it could be a Chung Yeung Festival activity.

This would also allow the candidates to showcase their talents to the ancestors as a form of respect.


The gong rang out.

The preliminary court examinations were underway.

As a result of the accident previously, there were only about a dozen survivors. This was not going to be too difficult.


The rules were simple. They would draw lots to set up the bracket.

Their names began to appear on the board. Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, Xing Qingsui, Nangong Mu were all on it.


There was no Qing Yang.

Ping Yang sat to the right of the emperor, dressed in a reddish golden robe. She pouted in discontent.


All of the officials were not shocked by this.

Everyone knew that Qing Yang was Ping yang.

However, more importantly, Ping Yang had gone behind the emperor’s back and ran out of the capital. Not scolding her was already pampering her.

How could he possibly let Ping Yang continue to make trouble at the court examinations?

The bracket was based on the last known result in the World of the Sage. Most of the candidates had only entered the third round.

Nangong Mu, Xing Qingsui, and Fang Zhengzhi were the only ones who had entered the fourth round.

As such, these three names were taken out of the draw and placed into the second round to ensure fairness.

All of the candidates waited in anticipation.


The officials were shocked to see that Fang Zhengzhi was not there.

Ten days ago, news that Fang Zhengzhi had defeated Yu Wengu in Dong Lin City spread like wildfire. That journey should ordinarily only take seven days.

However, Fang Zhengzhi did not appear. Furthermore, there was no news that he had even made it to the city.

He was late?!

This was something that all the officials refused to believe. This was the preliminary court examinations. The court examinations were one of the most important events, and something that the talents valued immensely.

When was anyone ever late?

“This is an insult to everyone!”


“This is not just an insult! I think that Fang Zhengzhi is so wildly confident he has no regard for the court examinations!”

“The people in the court examinations are quite powerful. I guess Fang Zhengzhi decided to give up? Forget about it. If he doesn’t appear by the time he needs to compete, his opponent will be given a walkover!”

“Even though he will still pass the preliminary court examinations even if he doesn’t turn up, he will not make the top three.”

“I guess the top three will be a contest between Xing Qingsui, Nangong Mu, and Yan Xiu.”

“Yan Xiu just entered the Heavenly Reflection State recently. Even though he managed to rank second in the Theory Examinations, he would need quite a bit of luck to rank high in the combat examinations.”

“I’m afraid his luck isn’t good!”


Discussions began to break out below.

Yan Xiu’s luck was really not very good. Even though he did not have to face Xing Qingsui or Nangong Mu, he had to fight one of the most powerful remaining candidates.

He was a forty year old man who had broken through to the Heavenly Reflection State many years ago.

“The third round, Yan Xiu vs Chen Yuanfang!”

After two rounds of competition, a voice reverberated throughout the square.

All eyes turned on Yan Xiu, whose eyes were closed. Today, he wore a white robe and white leather shoes.

Over the past few months, he did not look much different.

However, he was clearly more tired. Furthermore, his face was considerably slimmer than before.


“I heard that Yan Xiu had stayed home the past few months. I wonder what he has been up to?”

“Who cares. It is almost impossible for him to go from the nascent stage to the intermediate stage in that short period of time. Furthermore, his opponent has been in the intermediate stage for five years.”

“Even though it will be difficult, I think that Yan Xiu has a chance at winning. After all, he has the Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan, one of the five treasures of the Yan Family.”

“This will be exciting. I heard that Yan Xiu was powerful, now I get to see it for myself!”

Yan Xiu ignored all the chatter around him. He stood up from his chair and squinted as he walked towards the stage.

He arrive in the blink of an eye.

His opponent was decked out in armor from head to toe. He held a flaming red axe in his hand.

An aura of head radiated from that man’s body as subtle wafts of red smoke twirled above his head.

The weapon gave away what kind of fighting technique he used.

People who used axes generally relied on strength.

Chen Yuanfang was the representation of strength.


The invigilator’s voice rang out and Chen Yuanfang sprang into action. He swung his axe, an aura of intimidation and power radiating from it.

He was almost 40 years old.

Even though he did not make much headway in the courts, he was famed in the army. He was reputed to be even more terrifying than a charging wild beast.

His long career in the military gave him much invaluable experience.

He knew that Yan Xiu had the Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan. As such, he had to strike even before Yan Xiu could activate the Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan.

“You’re from the Yan Family? Yan Xiu, you are a talent! It is a pity you are too young! I have seen your Mountain and River, Heaven and Earth Fan before. However, you have never seen my Flaming Buffalo!” Chen Yuanfang’s eyes widened as he stared at Yan Xiu. His axe was lowered as flames burnt brightly around his body. He looked just like a raging buffalo.

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