Gate of God

Chapter 331-336

Chapter 331: Whatever you say


Fang Zhengzhi began to regret. He should have listened to Wu Yuer and not made the trip here.


And now…


He was just prey to them.

Were they going to roast or steam him?


The middle aged man complied with the lady’s orders and began to walk out of the tent, his head lowered the entire time.


Fang Zhengzhi knew he had to remain calm.

There was a saying, I will not move if my enemy doesn’t. If my enemy moves, I’ll do something unexpected! Basically, it was about taking initiative.

“We can always talk things out. Let’s use words before we fight. You can ask me anything. I will only tell you what I know, and I will tell you in detail. I am okay with saying anything.” Fang Zhengzhi made his stand clear as he tried to buy time for himself.


After Fang Zhengzhi said his piece, you could hear a pin drop in the tent.

Then, everyone inside began to laugh wildly.

“Oh sh*t! Hahaha… I heard that the people of the Great Xia Dynasty are strong, but I guess this one is a coward!” The lady chuckled, beaming as she did so.


“This fella is really shameless. Even before we say anything, he’s offered to betray his country.”


“Such a person is of no value, we should just kill him.”

“Mm, you are right. The people of the Southern Mountain Range are brave. The mountains are our partners, the trees our neighbours. We have weathered many storms as a race. Such a coward is a waste of our time.”

All of the generals shook their heads in scorn and disdain when they heard what Fang Zhengzhi said.


Fang Zhengzhi did not care about what they thought.

The only person he cared about was the lady. She was the one in power. He had already accomplished what he had set out to do.

Make her laugh.


This was very important if he was going to get closer to her.

Of course, there are many kinds of laughter. There is laughter of excitement, sorrowful laughter, joyous laughter, emotional laughter…

And mocking.

Fang Zhengzhi used the simplest method to get the princess to laugh. It didn’t matter to him that the princess was mocking him.

“Your highness, don’t listen to these people. I am of great use. Firstly, I know everything in the Law of Dao. In fact, I have memorized it. Furthermore, I know the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements, Astrology, poetry, mm, of course, I am a good chef as well! Even the Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty loved the food I made. He even rewarded me with silvers on the spot.” Fang Zhengzhi rattled off his abilities.

First, establish a connection.

The next step was to market himself. He had to let them know that he was useful. That was the only way he could stay alive.

“Not only is this guy shameless, he is boastful as well.”

“His ability to boast is not bad.”

“I heard that the people of the Great Xia Dynasty are cunning. I guess it is true.”

All of the generals scoffed when they heard Fang Zhengzhi. Their scorn became deeper. Who praises themselves that way?

“Hahaha… interesting. You say that you memorized the Law of Dao, so I will test you on it. If you really memorized it, I will let you live. However, if you get one word wrong, I will chop off one of your fingers. Every additional word wrongly memorized will result in an additional finger chopped off.”

“What if I memorize 11 words wrongly?” Fang Zhengzhi thought about it before asking.

“Off with your head!”

“What about my toes?”

“Nonsense. My words are commands. If I say the 11th wrong word will result in your head being chopped off, then it is not negotiable!”

“Okay, you are the boss. What you say goes.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded. One day, he will make sure she got a taste of her own medicine!

The lady did not think too much into what Fang Zhengzhi said. After a brief moment of thought, she chuckled icily.

“Mount Lei is 300 miles to the south. It has jade and gold. The water from it’s lake is potable, and the mountain is inhabited by lions… what comes after that?”

All of the generals were stunned when they heard this. Then, they turned to look at Fang Zhengzhi like they were watching a dead man walking.

Fang Zhengzhi was also slightly taken aback.

This lady was quite the cruel one. She picked one of the most complicated segments of the “Sea and Mountain Scripture”.

More importantly, she did not even bother giving any hints. She simply expected Fang Zhengzhi to continue the sentence.


Any normal person would be hard pressed to complete this challenge.

But was Fang Zhengzhi an ordinary person? He was an archaeological talent in his previous world. In this world, he had spent eight years studying the Law of Dao.

His memory was unparalleled. Furthermore, he had put in much effort to memorize this. He could even memorize the Law of Dao backwards.

“Yet another 300 miles to the south is Xun Zhuang Mountain. It has jade and gold in abundance. There is also an abundance of limestone at its foot. It too is infested with beasts. There are six legged dogs, furry birds…”

Fang Zhengzhi began reciting without courtesy.


He did not stop at any time.


He finished reciting the entire “Sea and Mountains Scripture” in a single breath. Naturally, he did not get a single word wrong.


Pin drop silence.

However, this time, the lady was clearly quite shocked by what she just saw. The generals around her stared at Fang Zhengzhi, their jaws dropped. This fella managed to do it?

He memorized the entire section? How is that possible?

Even though the Great Xia Dynasty had given the Southern Mountain Range copies of the Law of Dao, the content was too boring and complicated to them.

Initially, the Great Xia Dynasty had sent a few teachers here to teach the Law of Dao. However, as time passed, only the royal family and some in the major settlements knew how to interpret the Law of Dao.

“Should I continue?” Fang Zhengzhi asked after finishing the segment.

“Mm… of course, continue!” The lady suppressed her shock and turned to look at one of the generals.

The general nodded, understanding what she wanted immediately. He took his leave respectfully.

Before long, the flap to the tent was opened once again. Six men carried and exquisite wooden chest inside.


It was opened.

Revealing books bound in gold thread.

This was the Law of Dao. This was probably one of the original sets sent by the Great Xia Dynasty. That would explain why it was so intricately bound.

The golden thread bound Law of Dao was placed carefully in front of the lady.


Then, the lady flipped through one of the books casually.


“What comes after… Dao creates everything, morals nurture everything. Things take on a myriad of shapes, and the environment is key to whether living things can grow.”

Even so, morals should be valued over Dao. Dao may create everything, and morals may nurture everything, but neither is the master of life. Everything is left to run its course.” Fang Zhengzhi replied without hesitation.

The lady was visibly stunned.

All of the generals were all shocked by what they were seeing. Is this person even human? Did he really memorize the Law of Dao?


“How is it? Not a single word wrong huh? You can’t chop off my finger.” Fang Zhengzhi said contentedly.

“Humph!” The lady snorted then picked up yet another book, “What comes after…?”

“We can see how tall a mountain is. We can guess how deep the ocean goes. If you understand all of these around you, you would understand the world and the intentions of the heavens…” Fang Zhengzhi rattled off without hesitation.

“I don’t believe this. I must chop off your fingers today!” The lady was furious. She threw the book aside and picked up yet another one.

“You can’t, you can’t, you can’t!” Fang Zhengzhi’s lips twitched. She could have tested him on anything. But she chose the Law of Dao, his strongest suit.

The next scene made all of the generals in the tent nervous.

The lady kept flipping through the books. She looked through each one and threw them to the side.

Fang Zhengzhi continued reciting the Law of Dao from memory. He didn’t get any word wrong. It was almost as if he was reading from the book.

“How does he do it?”


“Could it be that even one of the small troops from the Great Xia Dynasty can do this?”

“No way?”

All of the generals looked at Fang Zhengzhi, their confidence shrinking. This coward had exceeded all of their expectations.

At the very least…

He was almost like a god to them when it came to the Law of Dao.

“This is infuriating! All of you… think of something quickly! Find a question that will stump him! I want all 10 of his fingers cut off!” The lady was at her breaking point after almost an hour of questioning.

No matter how she picked and chose the passages, Fang Zhengzhi replied instantly. Furthermore, his speed was even faster than she could read.

How could she not be infuriated?!


“Princess, this…”

All of the generals looked on bitterly when they heard this. It was a tall task for them to even finish reading the Law of Dao.

How could they possibly ask a question on it?

More importantly, the princess was the one with the books. If she couldn’t stump him with the books in hand, what did she expect them to do?


They were all speechless.

“Your highness, why don’t you challenge him in combat?” One of the generals scratched his head and his eyes brightened. Fang Zhengzhi was a shameless coward.

What kind of power could such a person possess?

The general felt that someone like that might be academically talented. However, his actual combat prowess would be nothing to fear.

The lady’s eyes brightened when she heard the general’s suggestion. Her anger was briefly soothed.

“The Southern Mountain Range is different from the Great Xia Dynasty. You value intellect over combat ability. This is naturally your strength. However, we built our country through war and blood. Combat is our strength. Do you dare to battle our warriors?” The lady looked at Fang Zhengzhi, her haughty demeanor returning.

“I’m not very good at horse riding or shooting an arrow. I’m not good at wielding a sword either. This… is quite difficult!” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the lady, his expression pained.

“Hahaha… okay then, we shall compete in archery!” The lady laughed when she heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

“This is my weakness!” Fang Zhengzhi pleaded.

“I want to compete in archery, what can you do about it?” The lady said oppressively.


“That’s bullying?! Never!” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.


“Okay then! Get people to drag him out and behead him!” The lady waved her hand.

Half a dozen soldiers marched into the tent and lowered their spears. They prepared to drag Fang Zhengzhi out for execution.

“Hang on!” Fang Zhengzhi shouted.

“Why? You want to compete all of a sudden?” The lady smirked. What a weakling. Is he so easily scared into submission?


“Not really…”



“Okay, I want to compete, I really want to compete!”

“Hahaha…” The lady chuckled as she looked at Fang Zhengzhi in scorned. If not for the fact that she had nothing to do…

People like this coward would not even live for three seconds!

“But, I don’t have a horse? How am I supposed to compete?” Fang Zhengzhi squirmed. No matter how domineering these people were, there was no way they could be that unreasonable!


“Relax, I have plenty of horses!” The lady said generously.

“Who will I compete with? I can’t possibly be competing with you can I? The princess is so powerful. I doubt you need to ride a horse or shoot an arrow?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the lady.

“I haven’t ridden a horse or shot an arrow?!” The lady fumed when she heard this. “I am not like the princesses of the Great Xia Dynasty. Is there anyone here who dares claim that they are better than me? Anyone?”

“No your highness!” All of the generals answered in unison.


“Did you hear that?” The lady looked at Fang Zhengzhi triumphantly.

“Words are empty, prove it!” Fang Zhengzhi glanced at her scornfully.

“Shameless person! How dare you doubt my skills? I will compete with you personally and make sure you are convinced!” The princess was angered.

However, when the generals heard this, all of their expressions changed. They knew that the princess was much more skilled than Fang Zhengzhi.


She was the best amongst all the youths.

But that was just the youths!

More importantly, the competition would be held in the woods and away from the camp. The risks were higher there.

“Princess, please don’t!”

“Your highness, this is a spy from the Great Xia Dynasty. He already knows where our camp is. He should be killed!”

“Yes your highness! Don’t compete with him!”

All of the generals advised fervently.

From the moment Fang Zhengzhi stepped into the camp, he was a dead man walking. He was just a toy for the princess to relief her boredom.

However, they could not let the princess risk her life whilst toying with this man.

The lady’s expression changed and she hesitated when she heard this.

“It’s better if you don’t compete. Release me then. You already lost just now. You can’t kill me!” Fang Zhengzhi said excitedly.

“Activate the silver horned wolf squad. I want them to surround a two square mile area in the woods. Then, send 20,000 troops to support them. Uncle Tai, Uncle Mu, follow this man. If he tries anything funny, kill him! I will compete with him!”

“Yes, your highness!”

Chapter 332: Are you both blind?


Two middle aged men stepped forward.

One was a heavily bearded man wearing heavy armor. He held a black axe in his hand. The second one was a dark skinned bald man. He had two wolf fang like weapons on his back.

They looked at each other, unspeaking, when they heard the princess’s orders.

With the silver horned wolf squad and 20,000 soldiers surrounding the area, he would not be able to escape even if he had wings. Furthermore, there were two generals escorting him.

This was quite the flawless plan.

Even though everyone felt that there was still an inherent risk in this plan, they knew that it would be impossible to change her mind.


All they could do was increase the security. How powerful can a ‘scout’ be?


Fang Zhengzhi wanted to fly. He even wanted to drag this princess into the sky with him. He wanted to get out of this god forsaken place.

“Then… can I ask another question?” Fang Zhengzhi said weakly.


“Speak!” The lady was visibly exasperated.

“If, and just if, I win, what happens?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the princess excitedly.

All of the generals were stunned when they heard this. Then, they all burst out laughing.


“This guys wants to win? Hahaha… does he not know that the “Mountain Rain” princess is the best female warrior in the land?”


“He must be day dreaming.”

“He doesn’t even know where he stands. He really is very thick skinned.”

All of the generals could not help but laugh at Fang Zhengzhi’s shamelessness.

Princess Shan Yu also began laughing. A tear rolled down her cheek. No one had ever dared say something like that in front of her.

“Okay, if you win, I will spare your life!” Princess Shan Yu could not even sit upright. She chuckled as she laid out the conditions.


“Will you release me?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.


“Release you? Hahaha… what do you think?” Princess Shan Yu looked at Fang Zhengzhi with condescension.


“I guess not.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded lightly.

“From the moment you stepped into this camp, you were never meant to walk out. Do you understand? Don’t bother daydreaming anymore. Just be a good clown.” Princess Shan Yu comforted.

“Rest assured, I will make you very happy.” Fang Zhengzhi assured.

“Hahaha… good, very good! Because of what you said, even if you lose, I will not kill you! I will just chop off your fingers and toes and hang you by a string. You will tell me a joke whenever I feel like it.” Princess Shan Yu laughed.


“Thank you your highness!” Fang Zhengzhi replied ‘gratefully’.


“Mm, that’s a good boy!” Princess Shan Yu chuckled and left the tent.


All of the generals surrounded Fang Zhengzhi, staring at him coldly. They prepared to lunge at Fang Zhengzhi should he try anything funny,


Fang Zhengzhi moved.

He leisurely placed his hands behind his back and began to saunter out of the tent, humming a tune as he did so.

He stopped briefly when he reached the entrance of the tent. He turned to look at the two generals following closely behind.


The two generals were taken aback when they saw this. They had no idea why someone who was about to die was so relaxed.


“Open the flaps? Are you two blind?” Fang Zhengzhi chided as he looked at the two generals.

“You, you rascal, you must be tired of living! I am a general! Why would I open the flaps for someone like you?” The bearded General Tai raged when he heard Fang Zhengzhi. His domineering aura was released instantly.

“Just open it! Enough with your nagging. Do you not see the princess waiting for me outside? Are you going to take responsibility for delaying the competition?” Fang Zhengzhi continued.


“I will kill you!”

“Brother Tai, don’t be rash, he is just agitating us. The people of the Great Xia Dynasty are cunning. We need to keep our calm and ensure the princess is safe.” General My advised.

“Then do you really want me to open the flap for him?” General Tai was not happy about this.

“You, open the flap!” General Mu glanced at one of the other deputies.

“Yes, sir!” The deputy did not want to do it, but the two generals outranked him by many times.

He had no other choice but to follow orders.

“Why take so long to open the flap? You speak too much rubbish.” Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the two generals in scorn. Then, he walked out confidently.

The two generals tightened their grip on their weapons as they watched Fang Zhengzhi walk out. If not for the fact that he was to compete against the princess…

They would slice him in half where he stood.


The sun shone brightly.

The valley of the Southern Mountain Range was blooming. A huge army surrounded it. There was an exquisite tent in the middle.

Pots of fresh flowers lined the insides of the tent.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong squinted as he laid down on the chair. He sniffed the aroma of the various flowers, intoxicated by them.

“Your highness.” At this moment an official in a black robe walked in. He looked at the Crown Prince and bowed respectfully.

“Mm, Official Su is here? Tell me how the combat examinations are going.” The Crown Prince slowly opened his eyes and looked at the youth in front of him.

“Your highness, Wu Feng is currently in the lead. He has controlled 20 settlements and is using the Yan Ya Settlement as his base. He has almost 10,000 men under him.” Su Qing reported.


“Almost 10,000 men? He has already eliminated four people?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was slightly taken aback.

“That is correct.” Su Qing nodded.


“What about Nangong Hao?”

“He has not moved much. He still has the original 2000 men and he is using the Icy Monkey Settlement as his base.”

“Mm, the Icy Monkey Settlement is the one closest to the Sagely Mountain City. It is good that Nangong Hao has based himself there. Oh yes… how is Yan Xiu?”


“Yan Xiu did not try to control any particular settlement. He is roaming between various settlements. However, he has eliminated one person and has 4000 soldiers under him.”


“I understand. How many candidates are left?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong nodded.


“About 20 candidates.”


“Noted. Did Fang Zhengzhi appear?”

“No, but…”


“But what?”


“I received news that Fang Zhengzhi appeared in the Stable Mountain Gate. He even tried to borrow troops from the garrison there in hopes of joining the combat examination. However, he was rejected. The people report that he may have gone back to the capital to levy troops.”

“Back to capital to levy troops? Haha… if you were Fang Zhengzhi, what would you do?”

“If I was Fang Zhengzhi, I would also show my face in the Stable Mountain Gate. Then, I would fool people into thinking that I was returning to the capital to levy troops. I would then use that opportunity to enter the Southern Mountain Range and defeat a candidate and take his identity. Then, I will grow slowly from there.

“That makes sense. That would mean that Fang Zhengzhi is hidden amongst the candidates?”




“Then let’s wait patiently for him to show himself. However, don’t let him grow too fast. Keep a close watch. If any other candidates are doing too well, report back to me.”


“I understand.”

In the imperial academy back in the capital.


Xing Yuanguo of the Stabilization Constabulary stood respectfully below. He emanated a steely aura.

“Official Xing, how are Qingmu’s injuries?” Emperor Lin Mubai’s eyes glimmered as he asked.

“Your highness, he has recovered and is awaiting your orders at any time.”

“Mm, there is movement in the Southern Mountain Range. I believe that the demons have already smuggled themselves into our ranks. We will continue to act based on your plan.”


“Yes, your highness.”

“Oh yes, there has been news from the Stable Mountain Gate. Fang Zhengzhi has gone to the Southern Mountain Range. Even though I did not give him any soldiers, I believe that he will be able to make his way into the army. However… to be honest, I am quite worried. Fang Zhengzhi is talented, but he is a maverick. Will he impede our plan?”

“Your highness, even though I have had very little dealings with Fang Zhengzhi, he is a man of good heart. Even though he is shameless, he is very clear when it comes to the important things. I feel that he may even help advance your plan!”

“Advance? Haha… how can he possibly guess my plan? Forget it, let’s not talk about him. I shan’t hold you back any longer, go make the preparations.” Emperor Lin Mubai smiled as he shook his head lightly. He did not believe what Xing Yuanguo had said.

“Yes your highness, I will take my leave!” Xing Yuanguo left.

Fang Zhengzhi basked in the warm sun of late autumn. The wind was slightly chilly, but it was not unbearable.


Sunlight shone on the trees and leaves, leaving glimmering spots of light on the ground.

“This horse… will not throw me off on purpose right?” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly afraid when he looked at the two meter high, black armored stallion. He kept his distance.

“Hmph! We are great with horses. Even though this Black Armored Stallion is ferocious, we have managed to tame it enough to be ridden!” Princess Shan Yu snorted when she heard what Fang Zhengzhi said. Then, she began to feel a tinge of regret. Competing with this man was unbefitting of her position.

Fang Zhengzhi did not say anything more. He neared the stallion carefully, his eyes filled with fear. He would turn to look at Princess Shan Yu periodically.


Princess Shan Yu rode a crimson beast. It’s domineering stature and demeanor warranted its description as a beast.

It was fiery red from head to tail. Even its hooves looked like they were lit on fire. It even had two sharp horns on its head.



Or Qilin?

Fang Zhengzhi could not determine what it was, but he was sure that it was very powerful. He had no idea how Princess Shan Yu had managed to tame it.

“Oi, get on the horse quickly! Do you need me to help you up?” General Tai mocked as he snorted, his axe on his shoulder.

“No need. I can do it myself.” Fang Zhengzhi replied innocently.


General Tai’s face turned red instantly.


If this was said by anyone else, he would have praised them for their independence. However, Fang Zhengzhi had just asked him to pull open the curtain to the tent.


Fang Zhengzhi was the last person he expected to say something like that.

However, after Fang Zhengzhi finished, he mounted the horse. Even though he struggled a little, he managed to ‘crawl’ onto its back.

General Tai had no choice but to swallow his words. He snorted to himself, “I will have your head after the competition is over!”

Naturally, Fang Zhengzhi did not know what General Tai was thinking.

After he mounted his horse, he looked out into the distance. He saw that he was surrounded by soldiers. In the far distance, growls could be heard intermittently.


This was the silver horned wolf.

“Mm… I’ll wait for my chance!” Fang Zhengzhi comforted himself. Everything was progressing well. All he had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.




Just as Fang Zhengzhi was thinking about this, he heard a loud roar right next to him. He turned to look at it.

His eyes widened instantly.

“Cloud… cloud pattern?!” The phrase flew through Fang Zhengzhi’s brain. This phrase was enough to unsettle him.

Why would there be cloud patterns here?

Chapter 333: You Lost


The first time he had seen the Cloud Pattern, it was on the wall of The Vast World. That time, Fang Zhengzhi only expressed some curiosity towards it instead of regarding it highly.

The second time he saw it was on Wu Feng’s jade flute. Even though he was curious as well, Fang Zhengzhi believed that the pattern might be some sort of carving.

However, when he saw the Cloud Pattern this time.

It had completely overturned Fang Zhengzhi’s previous opinions.

Because, the Cloud Pattern appeared on Princess Shan Yu’s leg. Of course, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t fix his gaze upon Princess Shan Yu’s long slender leg on purpose.

Instead, it was because this appeared a little too strange.

A blood-red Cloud Pattern appeared on her initially wheat colored leg. Furthermore, it seemed to be spreading and extending itself.

From her thigh to her calves, then to Princess Shan Yu’s flat belly, all the way up to her shoulders. It was just like the flow of blood.

Paired with Princess Shan Yu’s snow-white animal leather, there was a wild, natural beauty as stunning as a bright-red colour drifting in the white snow.

Fang Zhengzhi had heard Yan Xiu mention before.

The demon race relied on the demon eye for cultivation of their Dao. They were born with this talent to communicate with Heaven and Earth upon birth. On the other hand, the Great Xia Dynasty depended on understanding. Understanding Heaven and Earth through the Law of Dao, then understanding All Creation and controlling All Creation.

However, this didn’t seem to be the case for the Southern Mountain Range.

The Southern Mountain Range cultivated their Dao through “blood”. Blood that depended on external forces to grow, some of which came from nature such as plants and mountains, while some of which came from various beasts.

It was essentially similar to the Great Xia Dynasty’s method of gaining control from understanding.

However, the ways and means to do so weren’t quite the same.

A very simple comparison would be that if the Great Xia Dynasty cultivated the heart and soul of a person, using one’s heart to understand All Creation and create a pocket dimension within one’s body.

Then, the Southern Mountain Range borrowed the power of All Creation and channeled it into their body, allowing them to integrate and reach an equilibrium with All Creation to change one’s physique and achieve great strength.

Fang Zhengzhi knew this.

However, he didn’t know that this change would actually form a Cloud Pattern.

Why would it exist in the form of a Cloud Pattern?


While Fang Zhengzhi was still unsuccessfully attempting to understand the theory behind this, the beast Princess Shan Yu rode let out an earth-shaking roar.

After which, Princess Shan Yu and the beast turned into a red ray of light and charged forward.

It was as fast as a meteor.

“What the… so… so fast!” Fang Zhengzhi jumped in shock. Compared to Ping Yang riding Snow Jade, this speed was many times faster.

What exactly is this beast?

He had heard that the grand stallions of the Great Xia Dynasty came from the Southern Mountain Range.

However, can there at least be some sort of fairness? What the hell, isn’t this extreme speed considered bullying?

Fang Zhengzhi wanted to express his opinions.

However, Princess Shan Yu simply didn’t give him the opportunity. Lightly clamping the beast with her legs, they immediately charged out. She didn’t even make clear the rules of the competition.

As the saying goes, a man below a roof has no choice but to lower his head. But, no matter how low my head is, shouldn’t you at least clarify the rules of the competition?

Without the rules, isn’t it still up to you to decide the outcome of the competition when the time comes?

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t know whether he should give chase or not…

Right at this moment, Princess Shan Yu turned her head around. Her jet-black eyes gazed at Fang Zhengzhi’s stunned and confused expression as her lips curved into a faint but cold smile.

There was a charming feeling of somebody glancing back and smiling beautifully. Because, she was indeed smiling, and smiling very coldly.

Just as Fang Zhengzhi guessed.

This wasn’t a fair competition. The rules were set by her. The stallion was chosen by her. Even the final location was determined by her. But, so what?

She was Princess Shan Yu.

On her territory, it was natural that she had the final say.

That was how domineering she could be. Most importantly, one had no choice but to accept it.

Fang Zhengzhi accepted it.

If Ping Yang was said to be unruly and capricious, then this Princess Shan Yu was evidently domineering and arrogant, without a single care for the high moral principle of a princess.

“Hell!” Fang Zhengzhi shot a middle finger towards Princess Shan Yu as she turned back and looked towards him. Then, he whipped the butt of the Grey Scale Stallion he rode on forcefully.

The Grey Scale Stallion instantly let out of high neigh, then swiftly charged out.

However, regardless of whether it was speed or aura, there was not a single trait that could compare with the beast Princess Shan Yu rode.

As Fang Zhengzhi set out, General Tai and General Mu followed closely. Even though the stallions both of them rode on couldn’t compare to that of Princess Shan Yu, they were still evidently not just any average stallion.

They followed behind Fang Zhengzhi effortlessly.

“Can I use any external objects to interfere with my opponent?” Fang Zhengzhi negotiated with the two generals beside him as he chased after the figure disappearing into the distance.

“Hmph, what do you think?” The bearded General Tai laughed coldly.

“Alright, looks like that is not possible.” Fang Zhengzhi gave up.

How do I play this game?

He couldn’t run faster than her, nor could he attack her. Wasn’t this just forcing him down?

Fang Zhengzhi initially planned to use his power to defeat Princess Shan Yu, then find an opportunity to kidnap her, using her to block off the thousands of soldiers to kill his way out.

But now…

He couldn’t even keep her shadow in sight much longer.

How was he supposed to kidnap her?

I must think of a plan. Two miles should be a very quick distance to cover. When that time came, if Princess Shan Yu claimed that she had reached the finish line, then the outcome would definitely be that she had reached the finish line!

“I want to pause!”

“No, the competition had already started.”

“Nature is calling me!”

“Hold it in!”

“Damn you!”

“Little kid, what did you say?”

“I said, the mountains here are really high, the trees here are really green, and the sky… is so damn blue!” Fang Zhengzhi lightly raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. However, a sense of never-ending desolation surged within his heart.

“Rubbish.” General Tai huffed once again.

“Can I ask where should the arrow be shot for this horseback archery?” Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the two generals closely following behind him with a dejected look.

Just as General Tai prepared to speak, the bald General Mu gently reached his hand out and stopped him. Then, General Mu pointed at the wooden target planted on the ground not too far away.

Three white-feathered arrows were currently wedged inside the wooden target. All three arrows were impaled in the center bullseye area of the wooden target.

“In the two miles circumference of this area, there are a total of ten targets. First, one must find the position of the target. There are three chances to shoot for each target. The person with the most arrows on the targets would be the winner! If both have the same number of arrows, the person who finished first would be declared the winner. Of course, the person who finishes first would definitely have a privilege. As for what this privilege is, I am not very clear!” General Mu explained by the side.

Fang Zhengzhi understood.

Only Princess Shan Yu had the power to explain this privilege.

“Don’t you at least have to give me the arrow?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t continue chattering and quickly reached out his hand towards the two generals beside him.

General Tai’s expression changed slightly and tilted his head to one side.

On the other hand, General Mu helplessly grabbed a quiver from his back and threw it into Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

“Where’s the bow?” Fang Zhengzhi continued to reach out his hand.

“What the hell, what kind of spy are you. Using our military terms, you are already counted a scout. Why do you have nothing on you?” General Tai was somewhat enraged. As a spy, couldn’t you at least have some awareness and bring a bow and arrow when you leave?

“Actually, this is my first time as a spy, I have no experience… Sigh, if I was experienced, I wouldn’t be caught by you people so quickly. Am I right?” Fang Zhengzhi said regretfully.

“At least you finally said something true!” General Tai lightly nodded his head when he heard this, and unexpectedly fished out a rattan bow and threw it to Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi reached out his hand to catch it.

And realised that this bow was rather heavy. Even though it was made with rattan, its toughness and hardness all seemed not too bad. As he pulled the bow…

“I can’t pull it, change one for me!” Fang Zhengzhi flicked his arm and threw the bow back to General Tai.

“Ha ha ha… you can’t even pull the bow, yet you dare to challenge Princess Shan Yu? How interesting!” When General Tai heard this, he laughed so hard that he almost fell off his horse.

When General Mu saw this, he shook his head somewhat helplessly. Gazing at Fang Zhengzhi, he whistled.

Not too long later, a soldier in rattan armor ran over from a distance away.

Holding a light bow in his hand.

Fang Zhengzhi received the bow and tried pulling it, revealing a strenuous expression on his face. He seemed somewhat out of breath.

When General Tai and General Mu saw this, they glanced at one another with looks of despise and disdain in their eyes. They sighed to themselves. If they had known that this kid was so weak, what was the point of wasting both of their time doing this?

However, despite this, General Tai and General Mu continued to remain completely vigilant.

After all, this was a big event that concerned Princess Shan Yu’s safety. Even if the possibility was one in a million, there mustn’t be the slightest form of carelessness.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t pay further attention to the two generals behind him.

He drew the bow and loaded the arrow.


“Woosh!” The arrow hit the center of the target.

“Huh?” General Tai softly let out a sound of surprise. He hadn’t expected Fang Zhengzhi to have such advanced archery skills despite his weak strength.


Just as he thought, Fang Zhengzhi shot another arrow.


It hit the center of the target again.

Hitting twice in a row?

This caused General Tai and General Mu’s expression to change slightly. Archery on horseback sounded easy, but it was actually very difficult to hit the target while travelling at high speeds.

Even more so for hitting the bullseye.

“Don’t tell me this kid…” General Tai’s expression sunk slightly.

Just as he prepared to speak, Fang Zhengzhi’s third arrow had left. The arrow traced a beautiful parabola in the air before landing with a thud.

He hit the target.

However, it wasn’t the center of the target board. Instead, it was a few inches away from the bullseye.

“Damn… my shot was off!” Fang Zhengzhi sighed regretfully.

General Tai and General Mu heaved a sigh of relief. They had to admit that Fang Zhengzhi’s archery skills were rather good. However, compared to Princess Shan Yu.

There was still some disparity.

Of course, compared to the two of them, there was also a rather great disparity.

Hence, the both of them relaxed once again.

Fang Zhengzhi continued to charge forwards, drawing his bow and shooting arrows on the way. It had almost established a pattern that there would be either two arrows on the bullseye or all three arrows on the bullseye.

But, there would sometimes be deviations.

In total, Fang Zhengzhi had shot seven targets. There had already been around three arrows outside the bullseye.

The eighth target – all three arrows hit their mark.

The ninth target – once again, all three arrows hit their mark.

Fang Zhengzhi seemed extremely happy. However, General Tai and General Mu’s expression were unconcerned. Little kid, you missed three arrows. You are already a dead man.

Not too long later, the tenth target appeared in front of him.

In front of the position of the tenth target, Princess Shan Yu, her body covered with a blood-like cloud pattern, sat on her bright-red beast with a cold smile on her face.

“How is it?” Princess Shan Yu looked at Fang Zhengzhi, then looked at the two generals behind him and asked casually.

“Princess, this kid had hit the target for all nine of the previous targets. In total, he hit twenty-four bullseye. Three are outside the bull-eye.” When General Tai heard Princess Shan Yu’s words, he instantly replied respectfully.

“Oh? He is actually not completely useless!” When Princess Shan Yu heard that he hit twenty-four bullseye, she seemed slightly surprised.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t speak. Because, not too far away from Princess Shan Yu were countless Silver Horned Wolves which were at least two meters tall.

On the body of each Silver Horned Wolf sat a soldier in rattan armour.

He finally understood why Princess Shan Yu would place the tenth target here. Because, this location was closest to the Silver Horned Wolf cavalry.

There were almost five hundred Silver Horned Wolf cavalry soldiers.

Adding on Princess Shan Yu herself and the two generals behind him.

There wasn’t the slightest chance of capturing Princess Shan Yu.

“Silent? Do you think that you can live if you remain silent? If you lose, you die!” Princess Shan Yu looked at the silent Fang Zhengzhi and smiled coldly.

Immediately after, she propped her arm beside the bowstring.

At this moment, there was a fiery red bow on Princess Shan Yu’s hand. It seemed to have been crafted with a red coloured wood. However, even though he was very far away, Fang Zhengzhi could still feel that steaming heat emitted by the wood.

“Fire Rattan Wood?” Fang Zhengzhi had seen a small piece of such a wood in the Ping Yang Residence. It was regarded by Ping Yang like a great treasure, and seemed to have been placed on her Blazing Qilin Spear as a decorative ornament.

Who would have thought that over here, Princess Shan Yu made it into a bow.

“Woosh!” The cry of an arrow pierced the air.

Immediately after, a powerful arrow streaked across the sky, its tail glowing with a fiery red colour. Finally, it landed securely at the bullseye of the tenth target.

“Great archery skills Princess!”

“Congratulations Princess for winning this competition!”

When General Tai and General Mu saw the arrow land on the tenth target, they instantly congratulated Princess Shan Yu respectfully.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi was slightly dazed. Because, when Princess Shan Yu drew her bow, the cloud pattern on her body began to move gradually. The cloud pattern even flashed with an extremely abnormal light.

It seemed to be fire, and seemed to be blood. It might also be a combination of fire and blood, flowing slowly on Princess Shan Yu’s body.

Chapter 334: Unparalleled in the world


This was a strange scene. However, if it was combined with Princess Shan Yu’s wheat coloured skin, the white animal leather on her body and the five-coloured feathers she wore on her head, there was a uniquely wild and primitive sense of beauty.

However, what Fang Zhengzhi was thinking at this moment wasn’t about beauty. He was thinking…

How powerful is this girl?

What kind of distance would he be able to kill her in once hit? Or, was it that even in close-combat, he had no way of defeating her?

This was a very grim question. Because, Fang Zhengzhi had absolutely no idea how the Southern Mountain Range trained, and how powerful the Southern Mountain Range was.

However, this question determined whether Fang Zhengzhi’s next course of action would be successful, and also determined whether he was able to continue living.

“Somebody come, execute!” Princess Shan Yu lowered her bow at this moment. She turned around and flashed a contemptuous smile at Fang Zhengzhi.

“Roger!” The five hundred Silver Horned Wolf cavalry soldiers instantly acknowledged respectfully.

On the other hand, General Tai and General Mu who stood behind Fang Zhengzhi had already positioned themselves on both sides of him. They reached our their hands and grabbed onto Fang Zhengzhi’s shoulder.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t resist.

Because, there was absolutely no use resisting.

“Before I die, I have a wish.” Fang Zhengzhi’s hands were held down by General Tai and General Mu, but his mouth was still free to speak. Hence, he instantly shouted out.

“Oh? Tell me what wish you have.” When Princess Shan Yu heard this, she nodded her head. It was indeed rather normal for a person about to die to have some unfulfilled wishes.

“I wish to see my parents before I die.” Fang Zhengzhi said sincerely.

“See your parents? Where are your parents?” Princess Shan Yu was somewhat confused.

“In the Northern Desert of the Great Xia.”

“Hmph, what nonsense. Why would I let you go back to the Great Xia? Stop dreaming. Pull him down!” Princess Shan Yu immediately huffed, completely ignoring Fang Zhengzhi.

Wasn’t this just treating her as an idiot?

“Then I have another wish.” Fang Zhengzhi seemed to have already expected his wish to be rejected. He wasn’t angered at all, and continued speaking calmly.


“I am still a virgin. Before I die, I want to find a girl.”

“Scram, shameless person. Why would the women of my Southern Mountain Range sacrifice themselves for someone like you? Kill him!” Princess Shan Yu was slightly taken aback. Then, she became truly enraged.

“Wait a moment, if both of these wishes cannot be fulfilled, I have a third wish.”

“Why do you have so much nonsense to say?”

“My third wish is very simple. I want to know how powerful the person I lost to is.” Fang Zhengzhi said with a sincere expression.

“How powerful? Ha ha ha… Alright, I will fulfill your wish and allow you to die content. Using the enlightenment states of your Great Xia Dynasty, my current enlightenment state is the Heavenly Reflection Peak State. However, even if I meet with someone of the Supernatural Beginning State of your Great Xia Dynasty, I wouldn’t be the slightest bit afraid.” Princess Shan Yu’s face was fillled with pride.

“Heavenly Reflection Peak State, having the power of a Supernatural Beginning State…” Fang Zhengzhi looked towards Princess Shan Yu and frowned slightly. He had never expected this young Princess Shan Yu to be as powerful. This person wasn’t someone he could capture with ease.

Seems that I have to change my plan.

“How is that? Can you die content now?” Princess Shan Yu laughed delightedly.

“I feel that I can still struggle for a while.” Fang Zhengzhi thought for a while and spoke determinedly.

“Struggle? How do you wish to struggle?” Princess Shan Yu asked confusedly.

“First, defeat you and preserve my life.” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“Defeat me? Ha ha ha… you have already lost, how can you win?” Princess Shan Yu immediately burst into laughter when she heard this, with a tender beauty similar to that of a black rose.

“The competition hadn’t ended, anything is possible.” Fang Zhengzhi’s expression was confident.

“Alright, today, I will let you lose contentedly!” Princess Shan Yu didn’t speak further and immediately picked up the Fire Rattan Bow, drawing it into a crescent shape.

“Wait a moment!” Just as Princess Shan Yu prepared to shoot, Fang Zhengzhi instantly interrupted her.

“What problem do you have again?” Princess Shan Yu’s hand shook slightly. She had almost released this arrow. Luckily, she stopped herself in time, else, she would truly have disgraced herself.

“I want to confirm the rules with you. Is the final winner the one with the most arrows on the target board and the one with the highest accuracy?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.

“Naturally.” Princess Shan Yu replied with a definite expression.

“Then, what special privilege does the person who finish shooting first have?”

“It can count as an additional arrow.”

“Only… counting as an additional arrow?”


“Are you sure that it only counts as an additional arrow?”

“Obviously, I never go back on my words!” Princess Shan Yu was filled with impatience. This guy was too annoying. If there weren’t so many soldiers in front of her, she really wanted to just kill off this person.

“Then, let me ask another question.”

“You still haven’t finished asking?”

“This is already the last question.”

“Alright, ask.”

“I want to know how will you deal with me if I win?”

“You have absolutely no chance of winning, furthermore, you have already lost.” When Princess Shan Yu heard this, she immediately replied with a disdainful expression.

“What if?”

“Alright, if you somehow won me, I will let you become a teacher in the Southern Mountain Range.” Princess Shan Yu thought for a while and then answered.

In reality, when Fang Zhengzhi demonstrated his ability to recite the Law of Dao, she already had this thought. However, Fang Zhengzhi was ultimately a spy of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Hence, a thought was just a thought. Reality was still reality.

“Can I be your personal bodyguard?” Fang Zhengzhi seemed rather unsatisfied.

“Personal bodyguard?” Princess Shan Yu was somewhat confused.

“Yes, the type that follows behind you everyday and assumes your authority as my own.” Fang Zhengzhi explained very patiently.

“Ha ha ha… alright, I will fulfill your wish.” Princess Shan Yu was once again amused to laughter by Fang Zhengzhi. After so long, this was the first that she felt that a person could describe himself so lowly.

Most importantly, when this guy talked about assuming her authority as his own, his face didn’t even turn the slightest bit red.

He was truly a talent.

“Princess, you musn’t do this. This person is a spy from the Great Xia, if he becomes your personal bodyguard, it might affect your safety!” When General Tai heard this, he instantly stepped out to prevent this from happening.

“Why, do you think that I will lose?” Princess Shan Yu’s expression immediately darkened.

“I don’t… dare!” When General Tai saw this, beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead. Princess Shan Yu’s domineering personality was notorious in the army. She never allowed people to doubt the decisions she made.

“Then what are you still worried about?” Princess Shan Yu said coldly.

“That’s right, General Tai, what are you worried about?” Fang Zhengzhi also looked at General Tai. A faint smile appeared on the edges of his mouth.

“You… little kid! Princess, I beg to personally kill this guy!” When General Tai saw Fang Zhengzhi’s irritating face, he finally became angry again.

“Alright, I grant you!” Princess Shan Yu nodded with a smile.

“Thank you Princess!” General Tai wiped off the sweat on his forehead and respectfully withdrew.

On the other hand, General Mu released his grip on Fang Zhengzhi’s shoulder and once again returned to his spot behind Fang Zhengzhi. The expression on his face seemed extremely solemn and vigilant.

“Princess had reached first, hence, you should be the first to shoot.” At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi modestly gave up his chance.

“Ha ha ha… you want to flatter me? However, I won’t let you off because of this.” Princess Shan Yu laughed out once again.

Immediately after, she didn’t waste a single second.

A “Twang!” sounded out from the bowstring of the Fiery Rattan Bow and an arrow glowing with a fiery red light flew out, landing on the bullseye once again.

“Nice! Good archery skills, Princess!”

“Princess is might and powerful!”

“Princess’s archery skills are indeed unparalleled in this world!”

The surrounding five hundred Silver Horned Cavalry soldiers instantly began to shout out. In their hearts, Princess Shan Yu was the Goddess in the army. Not only was she strong and powerful, she was also extremely beautiful.

Even though she was somewhat domineering.

But, she treated her people with care and concern that came from the depth of her heart.

Furthermore, most importantly, Princess Shan Yu didn’t depend completely on her family background to be able to obtain this position she was in today. Instead, it was due to her accomplishments in the military. In many of the previous assaults, she fought at the frontline, charging ahead of the army and personally beheading the enemy general.

Establishing brilliant military achievements.

Such a princess naturally caused them to vow to follow her till their death.

Princess Shan Yu seemed to have already gotten used to the exclamations around her. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she drew her Fiery Rattan Bow once again. Her last arrow finally landed on the heart of the target once again.

“Princess has won!”

“Congratulations Princess for winning this competition!”

The Silver Horned Wolf cavalry soldiers instantly began to cheer. General Tai and General Mu who were standing behind Fang Zhengzhi also began to express their congratulations.

“Hm, how is it? Are you utterly convinced of your loss yet?” Princess Shan Yu lightly nodded her head. Then, gazed towards Fang Zhengzhi with a dazzling smile on her face.

If it was any other time, she wouldn’t bother taking a single look at her opponent after winning such a competition. However, for some reason she didn’t know, when she won Fang Zhengzhi today.

It caused her to feel extremely happy.

The feeling was as sweet as eating a piece of honey.

“I am convinced on the outside, not not the inside.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

“Little kid, I believe that it is only on the outside that you are not convinced, right?” General Tai blurted out sarcastically.

“Are you deaf?” Fang Zhengzhi retorted.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t understand what other people are saying, how different are you from a deaf person?”

“You… I will kill you now.”

“The competition isn’t over yet, what the hell… hell are you anxious for. Don’t tell me you want to go against military orders? Princess, this person wants to rebel!” Fang Zhengzhi very impolitely shot a middle finger towards General Tai, then instantly reported to the princess.

“Little kid you… you are to wrong me! Princess, I am completely loyal, I definitely have absolutely no intention of rebelling!” General Tai jumped in shock. He was extremely angry. His teeth chattered, producing cracking sounds. However, he managed to hold himself back.”

“Rise, I am not blind!” Princess Shan Yu replied lightly and waved her hands.

A smile formed on the edges of Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth.

No matter what, he was the Rank Four Sword Envoy of the Great Xia Dynasty. So what if it was Princess Ping Yang? So what if it was Left Prime Minister You Yiping? These people couldn’t exploit or bully me the slightest bit.

How could it be that he would be bullied by a tiny general in the Southern Mountain Range?

Even though a person had to lower his head when under a roof, this room was Princess Shan Yu’s roof. It wasn’t General Tai’s roof. Hence, he had to suppress General Tai.

“What are you waiting for?” Princess Shan Yu looked towards Fang Zhengzhi, whose face was filled with delight, and urged.

“Alright.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Then, he drew the bow in his hands into a full crescent. From the posture alone, it was actually extremely professional and dashing. After all, his profession hunting in the Cang Ling Mountain for many years wasn’t a fluke.

When Princess Shan Yu saw Fang Zhengzhi’s shooting posture, she was somewhat amazed.

One who knew archery evidently understood the importance of posture.

Even for herself, just for the posture alone, she had practised for exactly three years. Only after that was she able to hit every single one of her shots.

On Fang Zhengzhi’s body, she had actually seen a trace of her own shadow.

Or, it could be said that Fang Zhengzhi’s posture was just as professional as hers.

How was this possible?

Just as she thought, the arrow in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand finally left. The sound of air being pierced rang out at this moment. Even though its momentum seemed not too bad.

It was ultimately too ordinary.

It wasn’t too impressive.

The arrow traced a beautiful arc in the air, then, rapidly landed towards the target board.

Princess Shan Yu’s mouth curved into a slight smile. She felt that she had overestimated Fang Zhengzhi. Such a technique was only for show. At most, his accuracy could be considered not too bad.

However, in terms of power, it was completely lacking.

Not even mentioning people.

It couldn’t even kill an ordinary beast in one hit.

“Truly a waste of ti…” Princess Shan Yu wasn’t even able to complete her last word before the smile on her face completely froze. She stood firmly rooted to the ground.

The Fiery Rattan Bow in her hands instantly landed on the ground with a thud.

Along with Princess Shan Yu, the five hundred Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry and the two generals were all stunned.

Everybody’s eyes turned completely round, their faces filled with disbelief.

“How is this possible?”

“Why would it turn out like this?”

“This… is simply impossible!”

One by one, voices rang out.

Especially General Tai, who was completely stunned at this moment.

He had considered many possibilities. For example, Fang Zhengzhi might be extremely lucky and hit the bullseye. Or, all three arrows would hit the bullseye.

However, he had never imagined.

Fang Zhengzhi’s arrow would hit Princess Shan Yu’s arrow!

“Crack!” Following a crisp snapping sound, the white feather arrow was instantly cut into two. Then, it fell to the ground like a snowflake.

At this moment, the entire world seemed to have fallen silent.

Leaving the slightly cold wind blowing onto people’s faces. That was a wind that could rustle people’s hair. However, nobody paid any attention to that. Because, their hearts were just as cold.

The arrow was an ordinary arrow. The bow was an ordinary bow. The power was also a very ordinary and average power. However, the outcome was nothing close to ordinary.

“Coincidence, it must be a coincidence!” General Tai recalled Fang Zhengzhi’s previous performances and simply didn’t wish to believe that Fang Zhengzhi could shoot down Princess Shan Yu’s arrow so accurately.

Compared to shooting the bullseye…

The level of archery required was easily a hundred or thousand times higher!

Chapter 335: My name is Fang Zhengzhi


“Woosh!” Another whistling sound rang out.

An arrow flew across everybody’s eyes with lightning speed, then once again landed on the target. Following the landing of the arrow, another white feathered arrow snapped into two.


A sound that shook the soul rang out.

This arrow was naturally the arrow Fang Zhengzhi shot. The broken white-feathered arrow that landed on the ground was also naturally Princess Shan Yu’s white-feathered arrow.

However, this scene happened too quickly.

Before anybody had managed to recover completely from the outcome of the first arrow, the same thing occurred once again.

If a soul could tremble, then, everybody on the scene at this moment were trembling. General Tai’s eyeballs were very close to falling on the ground.

Bright red veins of blood filled his eyeballs.

“He hit again?!”

If the first shot was a coincidence, then, what was this?

Was it still a coincidence?

This was a question that didn’t need much thought. However, it was exactly this simple and clear question that caused him to remain in disbelief.

“It can’t be, it is impossible for this little kid to have such skills. He is just a spy…”

Just as unwilling to believe this as General Tai was the General Mu standing beside him, as well as the five hundred Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry soldiers standing still in neat rows not too far away.

Just fifteen minutes ago, when they looked at Fang Zhengzhi, the only thing other than spite in their hearts was mockery.

However, when they looked at Fang Zhengzhi now.

They were filled with shock.

“What accurate archery skills!”

This was the only thought that flashed in their mind.

The Southern Mountain Range respected true ability, and respected people for their combat prowess.

Among these skills, archery was held in the highest regard. After all, the geography and landscape of the Southern Mountain Range was complicated, and the living conditions and environment were harsh. This had resulted in settlements fighting among themselves for territory.

However, these struggles and fights between settlements couldn’t occur in vast, open places.

Most of them occurred in the form of ambushes in the dense forest and long distance shots.

Hence, to be able to live in a place like the Southern Mountain Range, archery was the most fundamental survival skill, as well as a survival skill that a powerful person had to possess.

“He… can actually achieve this?” Princess Shan Yu’s expression was now completely frozen.

As the leader from the younger generation in the Southern Mountain Range, she was fully deserving the title of number one in archery skills. To be able to attain the title of number one in a place where strength and power determined respect…

She was truly number one.

Fang Zhengzhi’s shot wasn’t spectacular, and even appeared extremely ordinary. However, he used the simplest and most ordinary technique to shoot an arrow onto her own.

If Princess Shan Yu wished to achieve this.

She could definitely achieve it as well. However, she was too careless. She underestimated her opponent. Ever since she was informed that three of Fang Zhengzhi’s arrows had missed the bullseye, she didn’t bother to consider such an outcome.

“Shameless!” Princess Shan Yu could only use this term to describe Fang Zhengzhi’s actions.

Because, other than this term, she really couldn’t find another term that expressed her anger and dissatisfaction.

Two arrows had landed accurate on her own two arrows.

Then, from the current results, she had hit a total of twenty-eight arrows. Even if she included her special prize for being the first to complete and added another arrow, totaling to twenty-nine, Fang Zhengzhi had already shot twenty-nine arrows on the targets, resulting in a draw.

Most importantly, Fang Zhengzhi still had another arrow in his hand.

If Fang Zhengzhi released another arrow and shot down her own arrow.

Then, the outcome would be Fang Zhengzhi having thirty arrows on target, while she would only have a pathetic twenty-seven arrows.

Thirty arrows, twenty-seven on the bullseye, three outside the bullseye. On the other hand, she had twenty-seven on the bullseye. No matter what, it was impossible for her to win Fang Zhengzhi.


Fang Zhengzhi naturally knew what Princess Shan Yu was thinking. However, he still flashed a smile he believed was bright and warm towards Princess Shan Yu, and waved his hand furiously.

In Princess Shan Yu’s eyes, this action was undoubtedly the greatest mockery.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t pay any further attention to Princess Shan Yu. Instead, he drew the bow in his hand into a full crescent once again.

Everybody’s gaze was tightly fixated upon the arrow in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand.

Including Princess Shan Yu.

At this moment, breathing seemed to have completely stopped.

Because, everybody knew that if Fang Zhengzhi managed to shoot down the white-feathered arrow once again, it meant that Princess Shan Yu was about to lose this competition.


Under the gaze of everybody, the third arrow shot out and whistled through the air, its feather dancing freely in mid-air and tracing a beautiful arc.


There was pindrop silence.

Everybody looked towards the target.

Without any doubt, the third arrow once again landed within the bullseye.


Unfortunately, it didn’t hit the white-feathered arrow.

It was like an isolated arrow, carrying with it an air of coldness and arrogance. It didn’t bother knocking off the white-feathered arrow on the target. Instead, it stood alone quietly on the target, enjoying its solitude.

At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi was also in solitude. Just like a boat drifting in a torrential rain, surrendering itself to the powerful wind and quietly floating on the surface of the sea.


Nobody spoke.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi didn’t manage to hit Princess Shan Yu’s white arrow, based on what Princess Shan Yu said, if one judged based on the number of arrows on target, as long as Fang Zhengzhi’s arrow landed on the target, it meant that he had won.

However, would Princess Shan Yu admit defeat?

“Damn it, I missed!”

Fang Zhengzhi swore, then forcefully smashed the bow in his hand onto the ground with a regretful expression. With a crack, the bow broke into two pieces.

Immediately after, he looked towards Princess Shan Yu with an extremely miserable and bitter look.

“Can… this be counted as a draw?” As Fang Zhengzhi spoke, he pointed at the three arrows on the target.


All of the soldiers looked at one another in confusion.

General Tai and General Mu were also absolutely confused. They didn’t quite understand why Fang Zhengzhi claimed that this clearly victorious outcome was a draw.

If this guy stupid?

“You want to offer a draw with me?” Princess Shan Yu was slightly surprised.

“That’s right, I have a total of thirty arrows on target. However, there are only twenty-seven on the bullseye. Three are outside the bullseye. On the other hand, princess has twenty-eight on target. Adding on the extra arrow, there are twenty-nine. However, twenty-eight are within the bullseye. Hence, I was thinking whether you can grant me kindness and count the two arrows outside of the bullseye as one arrow within the bullseye?” Fang Zhengzhi explained with a gloomy look.

Count the two arrows outside the bullseye as one within the bullseye?

When Princess Shan Yu heard this, her eyes instantly lit up. Just as she prepared to agree readily, she suddenly felt that it seemed a little too enthusiastic.

Hence, she coughed softly.

“I believe that only three arrows outside the bullseye can count as one within the bullseye?”

“Sigh… I am so young and talented, and possess such great archery skills. This is the time when I should be making great accomplishments on the battlefield. I never imagined that I would die in a foreign land away from home before I even managed to return my parents’ love and care for me… How depressing, how depressing!” When Fang Zhengzhi heard this, he instantly plead in a tearful voice.

“Alright alright. Seeing that you are such a filial person, even though I won you this time, due to your decent morality and values, I will temporarily spare you this time!” Princess Shan Yu looked at Fang Zhengzhi’s pitiful expression and finally waved her hands impatiently.

“Thnak you Princess!” Fang Zhengzhi instantly expressed his gratitude, but didn’t kneel down.

Princess Shan Yu didn’t seem to take much offense at his. Instead, she raised her head lightly and looked towards the azure blue sky with an expression of one standing on the peak of a mountain, unable to find any worthy opponents that could defeat her.

“Princess’s archery skills are unparalleled in this world!”

“Princess is mighty and powerful!”

“Princess is kind-hearted and caring, I am willing to follow Princess till death!”

When the five hundred Silver Horned Wolf Cavalry soldiers heard this, they instantly reacted and called out loudly.

On the other hand, General Tai’s expression was as dark as night. She actually didn’t kill this little kid? Just as he prepared to speak, General Mu, who was standing beside him, pulled him back and lightly shook his head.

“This kid is very smart. I fear he is even smarter than what we imagined!” General Mu said softly.

“Old man, why do you regard him so highly? I think that this little kid is nothing but a shameless person! As for his archery skills… it can only be considered not too bad!” When General Tai heard General Mu’s words, he was clearly somewhat unconvinced.

“No, his archery skills are extraordinary. At the very least, it is higher than what it seems on the surface. However, in order for him to live, he can only lose. Furthermore… he must lose in this manner!” General Mu shook his head.

“He can only lose? And must lose in this manner? Old man, don’t tell me that you are saying this little kid’s actions were all on purpose?” General Tai’s expression was clearly somewhat shocked.

“I don’t know. But, he indeed managed to keep his life, didn’t he?” General Mu looked at General Tai.

General Tai didn’t speak further. Instead, he looked towards Fang Zhengzhi. He wanted to infer something from Fang Zhengzhi’s face very badly.

However, in reality, all he saw was a raised middle finger.

“Little kid… I will make sure I kill you!”

In the Sagely Mountain City.

An ancient city was built on the peak of the highest mountain in the Southern Mountain Range. Legend said that a few thousand years ago, this mountain didn’t exist at all. The Sagely Mountain City was only an ordinary city built in the middle of the forest.

However, a huge incident changed the fate of this ancient city.

That night, flames rose from the ground, swallowing the entire Sagely Mountain City. The glow of flames lit up the entire Southern Mountain Range. That was a disaster, a disaster that caused destruction to Heaven and Earth.

A city, along with thousands of lives, was about to be eradicated from the world.

However, at the most critical moment, a powerful person descended upon this city. With his own power, he moved the land in all directions and built a tall mountain.

In the end, the powerful person saved thousands of lives, his own body buried below the tall mountain.

In order to commemorate this powerful person, they named this mountain Sage Mountain, worshipped by thousands of people. The ancient city on the peak of the mountain was also renamed to Sagely Mountain City.

Turning into a sacred land for successive dynasties of kings of the Southern Mountain Range.

The Sagely Mountain City was completely built by tough mountain stones. After dynasties of repairs, the mountain rocks of the present Sagely Mountain City was almost completely covered by a layer of green coloured flora.

It was a green coloured ancient city.

At the Eastern side of this ancient city, there was a palace-like building constructed purely with white jade. That was the residential area of the kings of successive dynasties in the Southern Mountain Range.

At this moment, in a room covered completely with animal hide within this palace.

A youth around the age of thirty was lying on a gigantic leather chair. His skin was dark. On his body, he wore a luxurious silver coloured leather hide, while the shoes on his feet were covered completely with golden threads that twined around them. Two five-coloured feathers adorned his hair, and between the two feathers, there was a dazzling blue gem.

“Your Highness!” An elderly man wearing an animal skin walked into the room respectfully and knelt down on one knee facing the youth on the gigantic chair, his two hands raised into the air.

“What is it?” The youth noblelite glanced at the elderly man and picked up a fruit from the table, swallowing it in one mouth. His tiger eyes flashed with a faint blue light.

“Princess Shan Yu sent people to pass the message that everything had been arranged. The other two generals are ready and had already set up arrangements. Hence, she sent me to ask Your Highness, when will you attack?”

“What’s the rush? The cage had already been established, how could the beasts in the cage escape? A hundred thousand soldiers aren’t enough. I believe there are still many people from the Great Xia Dynasty on the way. We won’t rush into action for now.”

“Your Highness plans to swallow them all in one move? But, in this case, there will be quite a lot of pressure on us. After all, if there are more people, this battle cannot be fought as easily.”

“Don’t worry, I have already set up arrangements for everything. The Great Xia… Ha ha, they had already sat in the position of power for long enough, isn’t it time to change places?” The young noblelite smiled coldly.

“Your Highness, on Princess Shan Yu’s side…”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I am only rather worried. Princess Shan Yu has the most elite forces of the Southern Mountain Range in her hands, three thousand Silver Horned Wolves. Would she…”

“She wouldn’t!”

“I understand, I will take my leave!”

The sun gradually began to set.

In a huge military tent within the Southern Mountain Range.

Fang Zhengzhi had already removed the animal skin on his body and changed into the symbolic rattan armour of the Southern Mountain Range army. On his head, he even wore a tattered straw hat.

If it wasn’t for his pristine white skin, one might really mistaken him as a standard leader of the Southern Mountain Range soldiers at first glance.

The reason he was seen as a leader naturally wasn’t the slightest bit related to his official position. Instead, it was because Fang Zhengzhi had attained a piece of animal skin on his shoulder.

Since he had decided to make a living in this army.

He had to be domineering enough.

Fang Zhengzhi had fully maximised this point.

After all, nobody in the entire history of the Southern Mountain Range army ever had the courage to impersonate a leader in the princess’s military tent.

Princes Shan Yu lay on a golden animal hide. However, her jet-black eyes glanced towards Fang Zhengzhi’s body and finally settled upon the small animal skin on Fang Zhengzhi’s shoulder.

“You are really quite reckless. You dare to impersonate a centurion in front of me? Tell me, who are you, what is your name, and what purpose do you have in my army? Don’t worry, nobody would dare to enter my military tent without my permission!”

“My name? I am Fang Zhengzhi.” Fang Zhengzhi replied immediately without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Chapter 336: A Huge Plot Reversal


“Fang Zhengzhi? You are Fang Zhengzhi?!”

Princess Shan Yu, who was initially lying on the animal skin, suddenly shot up. An immense shock was clearly evident on her small wheat-coloured face.

“That’s right, ever since young, I was called this name.” Fang Zhengzhi said calmly. A man never hides his name, do you have any opinions?

“Ha ha ha… Fang Zhengzhi? Ha ha ha… you say you are Fang Zhengzhi?” When Princess Shan Yu heard this, she suddenly laughed out, so hard that her entire body trembled slightly. “Then, you are the Sword Envoy Fang Zhengzhi from the Great Xia?”

“That’s right.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded. He had never thought that his reputation would be so great. Even the princess of the Southern Mountain Range knew about him?

“You are also the double roll champion of the Imperial Law of Dao Examination, and attained joint first with Nangong Hao in this court theory examination, is that right?” Princess Shan Yu continued to ask with laughter.

“That’s right.” When Fang Zhengzhi heard this, he nodded again.

“Ha ha ha… you are really shameless enough!” Princess Shan Yu laughed so hard that the muscles in her face began to cramp, her long legs kicking furiously on the golden animal hide.

“Thank you princess for your praise.” Fang Zhengzhi’s face didn’t flush the slightest bit red.

“Alright, enough jokes. Tell me your real name.” At this moment, Princess Shan Yu withdrew her laughter, her expression indicating a trace of coldness.

“I am really called Fang Zhengzhi!”

“Do you think I look like an idiot?”

“Princess is smart and wise, unparalleled in this world.” Fang Zhengzhi instantly began to praise her unceremoniously. This person in front of him was his real roof over his head, he didn’t dare to offend her.

“Since you know that, why don’t you report your name?”

“Fang Zhengzhi!”

“Do you believe I’ll cut off your head right now?” Princess Shan Yu was slightly triggered.

“I believe!”

“Then, I will ask you one last time. What is your name?”

“Fang Zhengzhi!”

“Somebody come, drag this liar out and execute him!” Princess Shan Yu didn’t bother bickering with Fang Zhengzhi any further and immediately shouted out towards the outside of the tent.

“Roger!” In what seemed like a blink of an eye, the curtain of the tent was pulled open. Four guards wearing rattan armour rushed in.

“Wait a moment!” Fang Zhengzhi immediately shouted out.

“What’s the matter?” A faint smile formed on Princess Shan Yu’s lips.

“I’ve changed my name. I am called Fang Zhengzheng!” Fang Zhengzhi tossed out the great principle that a man never hides his name without the slightest bit of hesitation.

“Fang Zhengzheng?”

“Yes, Fang as in Fang Zhengzheng, Zheng as in Fang Zhengzheng.” Fang Zhengzhi said gloomily.

“This name sounds very weird. Are you toying with me?”

“Princess, what do you want? I told you I am Fang Zhengzhi, but you wanted to cut off my head. Now that I changed my name to Fang Zhengzheng, you say that I am toying with you?” Fang Zhengzhi wanted to cry.

“I am asking for your real name.” When Princess Shan Yu said this, her voice was evidently raised.

“Fang Zhengzhi.”

“You are really called Fang Zhengzhi?”

“If it is fake, I will definitely change it.”

“The same Fang Zhengzhi that attained joint first with Nangong Hao in the theory examination?” The edges of Princess Shan Yu’s mouth curved into a faint cold smile.

“Should I say yes, or should I say no?” When Fang Zhengzhi saw Princess Shan Yu’s cold smile, a chill instinctively ran down his back.

“Tell me the truth.”


“That’s better, at least you are honest. From what I know, that Fang Zhengzhi didn’t even participate in this combat examination. Furthermore, if he really came, he should be rotating among the four main settlements. Why would he run into the perimeter of my military camp alone?” Princess Shan Yu nodded her head in satisfaction, then waved her towards towards the four guards that rushed in.

The four guards instantly retreated out of the tent.

“Princess is smart and wise, unparalleled in this world. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to lie to you successfully.” Fang Zhengzhi instantly began to praise. However, in his heart, he swore silently. You are really damn blind.

“Alright, I see that your archery skills aren’t too bad. Even though the power and aura is lacking, your accuracy is at least passable. I’ll fulfill your wish of becoming my personal bodyguard. Furthermore, I’ll appoint you as the trainer of archers, in charge of the archery training of the Soaring Feather Thirteenth Regiment.”

“Thank you Princess! May I ask how many people are there in total in this Soaring Feather Thirteenth Battalion?” When Fang Zhengzhi heard this, he quickly asked.

“Three thousand!”

“Princess is truly wise and insightful, giving me such an important responsibility. I will definitely not let princess down. Then, let me ask, am I now the Battalion Chief of the Soaring Feather Thirteenth Regiment?”

“Dream on, how can it be so easy to become a Battalion Chief in my army? You are only in charge of their archery training. The rest of the matters are completely unrelated to you.” Princess Shan Yu looked at Fang Zhengzhi with contempt.

“Damn.” Fang Zhengzhi silently raised his middle finger.

“What did you say?”

“I said, Princess truly knows how to use people, and is a born commander!”

“At least you know how to talk. Go help me get a plate of fruits. I want fresh ones. If there is a single rotten one, I will break off one of your teeth!” Princess Shan Yu nodded, satisfied.

“Isn’t one plate too little?”

“Why? Don’t tell me you, a small bodyguard, wants to eat fruits as well?” Princess Shan Yu looked at Fang Zhengzhi with disdain.

“I am thinking for you, Princess. As the saying goes, good things come in pairs. Princess, imagine how boring it would be for you to eat your fruits here. If there was someone who could sit beside you and tell you stories while eating fruits together with you, it would naturally be a lot more interesting.” Fang Zhengzhi suggested in a well-intentioned manner.

“Oh? You can tell stories?” Princess Shan Yu was somewhat surprised.

“Of course, I can tell a lot of stories. For example, Journey to the West, Nine Immortals Crossing the Sea, those must-hear stories between Sun Wukong and the White Bone Demon…” Fang Zhengzhi said proudly.

“Alright, permission granted!” Princess Shan Yu didn’t wait for Fang Zhengzhi to finish speaking before replying swiftly.

“Thank you Princess.”

As the saying goes, with an order in my hand, the world is mine.

Since he had already decided to mix himself into the military camp and become a small personal bodyguard for Princess Shan Yu, he had to be a good, “faithful” and “dedicated” bodyguard.

As the saying went, being a monk for a day meant banging the gong for a day.

A monk who didn’t bang the gong wasn’t a good monk.

Fang Zhengzhi walked out of the princess’s tent in a dignified and impressive manner, his face filled with unparalleled vigour. Now, he was carrying out Princess Shan Yu’s order of wanting to eat fruits. Who dared to oppose him in the entire camp?

“Hmph, little kid, you haven’t died?” A cold huff instantly rang out. Then, he saw General Tai with his bearded face and disdainful look, carrying a huge axe in his hand and leading a group of soldiers patrolling towards his direction from afar.

In his heart, the main reason Princess Shan Yu didn’t kill Fang Zhengzhi was because she wanted something fresh and interesting. After she got tired of him, Fang Zhengzhi wouldn’t even be able to live another three seconds.


His death was just a matter of time.

“The one called Old Tai, yes, I am talking about you! Princess said that she is hungry and ordered for two plates of fruits. Go quickly!” Fang Zhengzhi casually picked up a blade of grass and held it between his lips, shouting towards General Tai with a leisurely expression.

“I am the great Tiger General…”

“Princess ordered this, do you have any opinion?” Fang Zhengzhi simply didn’t bother paying any attention to him and immediately waved his heads, retorting with an impatient look.

“You little kid…” General Tai’s eyes instantly turned round.

“Looks like you really have an opinion. Then, I’m going to tell princess.” After Fang Zhengzhi finished speaking, he prepared to turn around and go back into the princess’s tent.

“Wait a moment! You… go get two plates of fruits and deliver it to the princess’s tent!”

“Roger!” A soldier beside him instantly acknowledged.

“This doesn’t seem very right. The princess ordered for the great Tiger General to deliver it himself. I’m not sure whether your actions count as disobeying a military order.” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the soldier beside him and commented casually.

“Little kid, you… are indeed vicious!” General Tai’s expression filled with rage. However, he had no other choice.

“Remember to open your eyes widely and be careful with your actions. If you pick a single rotten one, one of your teeth will be broken!” Fang Zhengzhi instructed General Tai who walked away towards the distance.

“What the hell, if I don’t kill you myself today, my surname isn’t Tai! Nobody is allowed to stop me!” General Tai finally stopped in his tracks. His dark face instantly flushed red, as if a bunch of dry wood had suddenly been lighted up completely by a raging fire.

At this moment, there was no doubt about the valiance of the Southern Mountain Range.

As the great Tiger General, how could he bear being bullied like this in front of the soldiers?

His immediately raised his huge, black axe over his axe, which gave off a faint glow. At the same time, General Tai’s muscular arms instantly puffed up, almost doubling in size. The strands of beard on his face straightened suddenly, just like steel needles.

“There is no cloud pattern?” Fang Zhengzhi was rather disappointed at General Tai’s performance. Because, the situation he imagined in which the cloud pattern would cover General Tai’s body didn’t occur.

What was this about?

Wait a moment.

Seems like it is time to run.

“Princess, come out and save me quickly!” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t even think before he shouted out loudly.

“What happened?” Just as Fang Zhengzhi’s voice rang out, the curtains of the tent were pulled open. Princess Shan Yu, dressed in a snow white animal leather, walked out from the tent and swept her gaze across the surrounding soldiers with her jet-black eyes.


All of the soldiers knelt down onto the ground at this moment.

General Tai’s beard instantly softened. After a moment of hesitation, he finally lowered the huge black axe raised highly on top of his head gradually.

“General Tai, what is this about?” Princess Shan Yu looked at General Tai with a confused expression.

“I deserve to die for disturbing princess’s rest. But… but this little kid is really too much. I, Old Tai, had been following princess for so many years, but have never experienced such bully that I have to bottle up!” When General Tai reached the end of his sentence, his expression turned grieved, tears almost flowing out of his eyes.

“Bully? Who bullied you?” Princess Shan Yu glanced at Fang Zhengzhi who was standing by the side and returned her gaze back onto General Tai.

“This kid obviously!” General Tai immediately pointed towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi completely disregarded General Tai with a casual expression on his face. He was the personal bodyguard of the princess. In the ancient past, this represented the trusted follower and confidant of the princess. Assuming her authority as my own, what can you do to me?

“I see! Based on the laws of the Southern Mountain Range, what should one do when bullied in front of people?” Princess Shan Yu nodded.

“Kill!” General Tai’s expression was savageous.

“Yes, however, he is ultimately my personal bodyguard. There is no need to kill, you just have to give him a good beating. Even if he cannot leave the bed for three days, that isn’t a problem. However, you cannot kill him, is that clear?” When Princess Shan Yu heard this, a trace of a smile appeared on the edges of her mouth as she spoke casually.

“Clear!” When General Tai heard this, his tiger eyes flashed with a delightful glint, just like a ravenous lion seeing a small mountain goat waiting to be killed.

When Fang Zhengzhi heard this, his body trembled slightly.


This didn’t seem to be very right.

Wasn’t a personal bodyguard the confidant and trusted follower of the princess? What happened to assuming her authority, bossing people around and barging anywhere he wanted? No matter how he looked at the situation, the outcome didn’t seem logical!

What was this huge plot reversal?

Fang Zhengzhi felt that he should run. However, the camp was huge. Where was he going to run to? There was simply nowhere to run and hide himself in.

It’s over!

I miscalculated something very simple. I am from the Great Xia, and this princess in front of me is from the Southern Mountain Range. Offending the Tiger General of the Southern Mountain Range for a small personal bodyguard from the Great Xia.

This was clearly an inappropriate comparison.

“Princess… don’t I still have to tell you stories? If I was beaten and become bedridden, how do I tell them to you?” Fang Zhengzhi looked towards Princess Shan Yu with a pitiful expression.

“Not a problem. Anyway, you don’t die. You can come and tell me stories after the fight ends.” An enchanting smile formed on the edges of Princess Shan Yu’s lips.

She looked at Fang Zhengzhi with laughter in her eyes.

“Tell you stories after the fight ends?” Fang Zhengzhi wondered why this world could be so heartless. Could there at least be a trace of kindness and innocence left?

“Little kid, choose your weapon. I never fight somebody without a weapon in his hand. Just now, you wanted to knock off one of my teeth. Today, I won’t hit you anywhere else. All I want is the teeth in your mouth!” General Tai’s face turned slightly red.

That was evidently caused by delight and excitement.

The huge black axe in his hand flashed with a faint glow.

“Woosh woosh!”

As he waved the axe, the two lines of inch-deep cracks appeared in the space in front of General Tai. Very evidently, the great Tiger General of the Southern Mountain Range really wasn’t too weak.

“Then… can I first ask, what is General Tai’s power?” Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the black cracks and was somewhat afraid. He could achieve this as well, however, he couldn’t make cuts as smooth as General Tai’s

“Not very high, using the enlightenment states of your Great Xia, I am only of the Supernatural Advanced State!” General Tai spoke with a cold smile.

“Supernatural Advanced State?!” A cold bead of sweat instantly fell from Fang Zhengzhi’s forehead.

What the hell, this was considered not very high?

A forty to fifty year old person bullying a youth not exceeding twenty years of age, did he really have the nerve to do this?

Fang Zhengzhi instinctively took a step back.

On the other hand, General Tai took two steps forward. The aura from his body grew as the huge black axe in his hand shook slightly, giving off a low buzz.

Fang Zhengzhi’s forehead was filled with sweat. Under the gust of the cold wind, he instinctively raised his head slightly.

He looked towards the white clouds floating in the air, then looked around at the soldiers around him, creating a chilly atmosphere with their cold attitudes, and then looked at General Tai who was advancing towards him step by step.

“Is this the infamous outcome of being burned by himself?”

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