Gate of God

Chapter 532-541

Chapter 532: Go Away

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Fang Zhengzhi’s voice was not as loud compared to when he was defending the Ministry of Finance official Yue Hu, but its intensity was ten times as much.

“He has spoken! He has really spoken!”

“He actually blocked the Emperor!”

“Doesn’t he fear offending the Emperor at all?”

Fang Zhengzhi’s voice reverberated in the officials’ ears, distressed their hearts and turned their stomachs. His fearlessness was unbelievable.

In any case, to these officials…

Fang Zhengzhi need not do all of this.

Initially, they could understand Fang Zhengzhi’s gamble, because it was for the public to acknowledge the matter, for the Emperor to see the truth.

But now, with the truth revealed, why was there a need to shoulder such a risk?

Nobody could understand.

But deep in everyone’s hearts, they knew that once the Emperor was angry, everything would have been as good as gone. Fang Zhengzhi’s efforts would be in vain.

“Fang Zhengzhi, presently the Emperor is hosting the Princess of the Southern Region, how would he find the time to address your grievances! Stand down immediately!” Chi Hou was growing very impatient.

But he did not expect that Fang Zhengzhi would really stop the Emperor.

Emperor Lin Mubai halted momentarily and continued walking towards the Palace gate.

“Your Majesty, I have a grievance!” Fang Zhengzhi cried again.


The officials and surrounding commoners were now seething. Emperor Lin Mubai’s unwavering decision was obvious.

Yet, Fang Zhengzhi kept pleading.

How was this any different from protesting?

“Does he really have a death wish?”

“Since the Emperor ascended the throne, there has never been an incident like this!”

“Exactly. The Emperor’s dignity cannot be infringed, doesn’t he understand this simple logic?”

The officials muttered in their minds, but practically no one came forth to persuade Fang Zhengzhi otherwise, nor did any of them voiced their opinion.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, who was originally spiteful at the matter, revealed a smirk when he saw Fang Zhengzhi’s many futile attempts to stop Emperor.

No one shall stand in the mighty Emperor’s way!

Even the Crown Prince did not dare disobey the Emperor, not to mention Fang Zhengzhi.

“Please, Your Majesty, address Fang Zhengzhi’s injustice!” Yan Xiu, who had been following behind Fang Zhengzhi, finally spoke.

His words were cold and emotionless, yet unshakably firm.

“Even Yan Xiu has spoken?”

“How would he?”

“Although he is a friend of Fang Zhengzhi, surely he should persuade Fang Zhengzhi to stop now? Does he not know the consequences if they irritate the Emperor?”

A wave of terror was once again felt by the officials. Their expressions could only convey their utter astonishment.

Emperor Lin Mubai stopped in his tracks. Rooted at his position, he did not turn back.

Chi Hou was in disbelief.

With outstretched hands in the way of Fang Zhengzhi, he was prepared to discourage his pleas once again. At this moment, he saw Stabilization Constabulary Xing Yuanguo who had been standing beside him shook his head at him.

“Brother Yuanguo, this…”

“Wait!” Xing Yuanguo said only this word.

Chi Hou fretted slightly, but he had lost his resolve to speak and retreated into the crowd.


What is there to wait for?

Chi Hou did not understand. But Xing Yuanguo, who never interfered with the Imperial Government, had spoken, and that was unbelievable.

A sad, still silence.

Even Eunuch Wei was wide-eyed at the spectacle.

He ventured an attempt to dissuade Fang Zhengzhi, but when he caught a figure in the corner of his eye, he withdrew the foot that stepped forward.

That figure reached beside Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu.

It was the Princess of the Southern Region, Shan Yu.

Her black eyes glistened into the distance, her long, beautiful hair cascaded upon her shoulders. Her lightly tanned skin radiated charm among the soft sunrays.

Her expression, too, showed adamantine resolve.

“Your Majesty, my brother Shan Ling vowed to defend the Southern Region, and in the war, loyally fended off our enemies. His bravery was witnessed by every Southern Region warrior and Great Xia soldier. The murder of my brother has brought us much grief, and now that we have a new lead, I plead for Your Majesty to ensure justice is served!”

Princess of the Southern Region Shan Yu ended with her tears welling in her eyes.

The surrounded onlookers were completely stunned.

“Even the Princess of the Southern Region has spoken!”

Although everybody would have predicted that Princess of the Southern Region might speak when she stood beside Fang Zhengzhi, it felt totally unusual.


Indeed, this was a protest.

Starting with Fang Zhengzhi, then Yan Xiu, and now the Princess of the Southern Region Shan Yu. Together they strode towards Emperor Lin Mubai, without a shred of doubt.

The officials and commoners remained flabbergasted.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong started having second thoughts. With the support of the Princess of the Southern Region, it could mean a completely different outcome for Fang Zhengzhi.

Only then did Emperor Lin Mubai begin to slowly turn towards them.

From his expression, there wasn’t much anger. But as everyone noticed that when he turned, there was an effervescent aura.

The Emperor’s aura.

And his fists were tightly clenched.

“The Emperor’s dignity!”

This appeared in virtually everyone’s mind. They knew that the Emperor was raging inside, although his expression may seem otherwise.

At this moment, few thousand Southern Region soldiers started to move.

“Your Majesty, please ensure justice is served for the Southern Region!” said their voices in unison. Thousands of soldiers then knelt in their plea.

The commoners were awestruck.

The officials, too. With the Southern Region protesting at the palace gates, in the presence of the public, this movement would indubitably strain diplomatic relations near their breaking point.

From this moment on, any decision Emperor Lin Mubai could make seemed inappropriate.

Because if Emperor Lin Mubai gave in, this would mean that the honor and dignity of the Great Xia Dynasty would be jeopardized. If other states had done so, what would become of the Emperor’s rule?

But if Emperor Lin Mubai did not give in…

The relationship between the Great Xia Dynasty and Southern Region would be strained once again.

How should it be, then?

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Mubai, waiting for the mighty Emperor to make his decision.

Emperor Lin Mubai instead remained silent and stared ahead. Staring silently at Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, and Shan Yu. His nerves calm, his gaze fluid.

This seemed like a stalemate.

Then a figure emerged from behind the Emperor Lin Mubai. A youth who wore a white, luxurious gown. He displayed a marked calmness compared to those around him.

“Father!” The youth dropped to his knees and groveled.

Emperor Lin Mubai faced the youth, furrowing his brows. His face shone with a fierce, icy gleam.

“Who let you here? Get back.” Emperor Li Mubai scowled.

“Father!” The youth once again kowtowed to his father, his body shivered in fear, but he did not back down, insistent in his pleas.

Emperor Lin Mubai looked at groveling youth a little surprised. Then he turned towards Fang Zhengzhi and finally sighed.

“Say it.”

“Yes, I have no skills or talents, but I stand for fairness, and I plead Father to ensure Southern Region’s justice is served!” The youth cried.

“Is that all you want to say?” Emperor Lin Mubai’s knitted his brows once again.

Begging in front of him was Ninth Prince Lin Yun. In fact, he had not paid much attention to Lin Yun. If he weren’t his child, he could have even forgotten his name.

The emperor of a dynasty.

A father of hundreds of children.

In a few decades of his reign, Emperor Lin Mubai already had over a hundred children.

And within them were many mediocre and unambitious ones. There were those of low intellect, or emotionally unstable, or physically weak, or even those, like Lin Yun, who could not hold a proper job.

Too many to supervise.


All he could do was to not bother.

Actually, ruling for a generation without dispute nor discord may not be a bad thing either. If they loved merrymaking, then let them be.

Emperor Lin Mubai was never a stern nor old-fashioned father, but he only wished for his playful sons to not cause too much trouble.

If they could appear less frequently in his presence, that would be a plus.

And this was Emperor Lin Mubai’s wish for Lin Yun.

Yet, Lin Yun appeared at this very moment, while all the other princes kept to their positions. This made him rather surprised.

Emperor Lin Mubai felt a pang of doubt… had he misunderstood Lin Yun?

But when Lin Yun finished his appeal, he felt that he had indeed not misunderstood Lin Yun. Because his words weren’t what he wanted to hear.

Certainly, this was not about the meaning of Lin Yun’s words.

As a matter of fact, when Lin Yun stood out, Emperor Lin Mubai had guessed that Lin Yun would plead for Southern Region’s justice.

But what he did not expect was…

Lin Yun only said one sentence! To serve justice for Southern Region, that’s all? Was that it?

What were the reasons? The facts? The references and citations?

He could have at least referenced a past example of an emperor’s magnanimity, right? What did that mean to him?

Emperor Lin Mubai could tolerate those who may have unknowingly infringed imperial codes for lack of experience or knowledge, but as a prince, pleading to the Emperor in such a manner was utterly ridiculous.

“Yes! I wish for Father to ensure Southern Region’s justice is served!” The Ninth Prince Lin Yun seemed unperturbed by his father’s reaction.

“Go away!” Emperor Lin Mubai was finally fuming mad.

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Chapter 533: A Mirror

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

As the ruler of this dynasty, Emperor Lin Mubai could remain calm in the presence of the Southern Region Princess and Yan Xiu, but he could not tolerate the disgrace of this worthless “Prince”.

“Your Majesty, please calm down!”

“Your Majesty, please take care of your health!”

Upon witnessing such a sight, the officials promptly got down on their knees.

The surrounding commoners started panicking. Although they lived in Yan Capital city, seeing the Emperor this furious was rare.

“Father!” A clear voice rang. A figure in a red dress with gold stitches floated in front of Emperor Lin Mubai.

Her presence seemed to calm Emperor Lin Mubai. His fury waned, and tranquillity was restored.

“Ping Yang, do you have anything to add?” Emperor Lin Mubai lovingly caressed her hair.

“Yes, I was about to scold Father!” Princess Ping Yang pouted her lips slightly, her arms akimbo, thrusting her youthful, swelling chest forward.

“Oh? How would my dear princess wish to scold me?” Emperor Lin Mubai smiled. He was certainly happier seeing Pin Yang in this way.

“Father is not a wise emperor!” Ping Yang said candidly.

“Nonsense! How am I not a wise emperor!” Emperor Li Mubai’s expression turned blank.

The officials and commoners broke out in a cold sweat. Openly reprimanding the Emperor for his lack of wisdom? Indeed something like this could only be mentioned by Ping Yang.

“Hm, I think you’re not! As a wise emperor, it is not enough to only have powerful abilities and grand strategies.” Ping Yang continued, curling her lips.

“What else do I need?” Emperor Lin Mubai grinned. Well at least, Ping Yang praised him for his abilities and strategies.

“A mirror!” Ping Yang said.

“Mirror?” Emperor Li Mubai wondered.

“That’s right. It was recorded in ancient texts that Emperor Taizong’s empire flourished by his Reign of Zhenguan, and much of that owed to the efforts of Chancellor Wei Zheng. Father, if it weren’t for Emperor Taizong’s wisdom and magnanimity, how would he gain Wei Zheng’s loyalty and trustworthiness?” Ping Yang stated confidently.

(Translator’s note: the Reign of Zhenguan refers to the success and achievements of the Tang Dynasty under the rule of Emperor Taizong. Tang Dynasty flourished economically and militarily, and this era was regarded a golden age in Chinese history.)

“Go on.” Emperor Lin Mubai nodded, though he couldn’t believe his ears.

“In his life, Wei Zheng authored more than 200 critiques examining governance, economics, culture, foreign affairs, and even Emperor Taizong’s personal life. What he knew and discussed were virtually boundless, and sometimes even made Emperor Tai Zong feel ashamed!”

Ping Yang paused for a second.

“But he also helped Emperor Taizong establish the policy of shifting the focus from military activities to cultural education, consolidating his power during the early Tang Dynasty while developing the country. He helped Emperor Taizong understand that the people could support a regime or overturn it and that listening to both sides is always wise. These are key principles of governance. Father, although you have great abilities and strategies like those of Emperor Taizong, you lack a mirror like that of Wei Zheng!”

(Translator’s note: Emperor Taizong once wrote this of Wei Zheng “Using copper as a mirror allows one to keep his clothes neat. Using history as a mirror allows one to see the future trends. Using a person as a mirror allows one to see what is right and what is wrong. When Wei Zheng died, I lost a mirror.”)

Ping Yang then looked at Emperor Lin Mubai in hopeful anticipation.

A mirror?

Emperor Lin Mubai thought for a moment. His face mood changed completely, his eyes sparkled, gazing lovingly at Ping Yang.

“Great, my princess has really grown up!” The atmosphere lifted considerably.

The officials exchanged looks and heaved a sigh of relief. Little did they expect the impish Princess of Yan Capital could articulate her point so coherently and convincingly.

“Oh, the princess understands governance?”

“Of course! As part of the royal family, how can she not be interested in the affairs of the state?”

“That’s true… but she’s Ping Yang!”

The officials discussed softly.

Chi Hou looked at Ping Yang in surprise. He knew that with Ping Yang’s support, this matter may eventually turn out well.

“Your Highness, Princess, you have really matured in the past year!” Chi Hou sighed to himself. He glanced at Xing Yuanguo, realizing why Xing Yuanguo had previously stopped him.

At this moment, another youth appeared behind Emperor Lin Mubai. His eyes gleamed a trace of sharpness.

“Father, the Princess of the Southern Region was right. I think this case has more than meets the eye. Although today might not be a good time to settle this, it will be an honorable act for you as a wise emperor to serve justice for the Southern Region and give them a reasonable answer!” Prince Lin Xinjue finally voiced, as he dropped to a kneel.

This matter had developed beyond his expectation.

In any case, everyone was certain of Emperor Li Mubai’s attitude.

It was said that if an emperor had made a mistake, he should be punished like a commoner. But since when had an emperor been interrogated by the court?

In the same vein…

Even if the crown prince had made a mistake, how would he, as the future successor of the throne, be scrutinized in full view of the public?

Lin Xinjue, raised in a royal family, could naturally empathize with this more than anyone else. This sentiment was shared by all the officials too.

But now, it was different.

Pressured by Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, and the Princess of the Southern Region, and with the Ninth Prince Lin Yun’s tantrum and Ping Yang’s enlightenment, the situation was completely different.

Lin Xinjue seized this golden opportunity to say his opinion.

“I also feel that there is something suspicious in this case. Your Majesty, please investigate further!” Chi Hou added as he stood out.

Neither did Chi Hou waste this opportunity.

Among the crowd, Wen Dabao watched as Prince Lin Xinjue and Divine Constabulary Chi Hou kneeled, his eyes lit up with optimism.

“There’s a chance, now there’s really a chance!” Wen Dabao was elated.

But Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s look was extremely grave as he glared bitterly.

The officials exchanged looks as they noticed Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression. Some finally spoke up after a few moments of hesitation.

“Your Majesty, that was only one side of the story with many unverified claims. If this case were overturned so simply, we would make a fool of ourselves. How about…”

“Yes, Your Majesty, this is an issue with vast implications, please deliberate carefully!”

“Your Majesty, it has already been a year since, yet there is insufficient evidence for the Southern Region case. May I suggest sending someone to verify the facts before making a decision!”

These officials knelt as they spoke.

“This matter requires swift judgment, yet you try to hinder its progress. With such indecisive officials, how would we ever achieve great success?” Chi Hou glared coldly at these kneeling officials as he shot back.

In this situation…

With the Ministry of Finance official Yue Hu brought away, the Minister of Rites, the Minister of Manpower and the Minister of Works unconscious, how could these Rank 3 or 4 officials rally against the Divine Constabulary’s authority?

These officials shivered and laid low.

The rest of the officials swiftly lowered their heads. Southern Region Princess Shan Yu’s roast lamb had poisoned a large portion of officials.

More importantly…

Most of these officials held Rank 1 or 2.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s influence in the Imperial Halls went down with most of the officials on the ground. Many of those left standing held merely Rank 3 or 4.

To make matters worse, only a handful held Rank 3.

How could they compare to Chi Hou?

How could a few Rank 3 or 4 officials argue against a mighty Rank 1 Army Marquis? Naturally, they fell silent.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression was utterly grim.

Although he was part of the case, he could not say his thoughts. Furthermore, his injury made speaking too difficult.


He couldn’t accept this.

He simply couldn’t. He had not expected nor prepared for what happened today. It was all too sudden, too unbelievable.

Among all the officials, more than 80 percent has chosen their side.

With that, would they still lose?

If he hadn’t witnessed this today, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong would have never believed his advantage had entirely reversed.

Usually, for all matters above the Imperial Halls, provided he did not resort to violence, even Emperor Lin Mubai let him have his way.

But what happened today?

How did it become like this?

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong itched to rush up close. Yet he could not, for he was now the Crown Prince. He could not defend himself.

And so, he could only clench his teeth and endure.

At this moment, Emperor Lin Mubai turned toward Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, then took a sweeping glance at the many commoners in shock and disbelief.

Finally, he looked at all the officials.

“Wen Chuan.” Emperor Lin Mubai finally spoke.

“At your service!” a figure scurried out from the crowd of officials and knelt on the floor. As the newly appointed Law Official, he was under the spotlight. He was Wen Dabao’s father, Wen Chuan.

Emperor Lin Mubai glanced at Wen Chuan, then at Crown Prince Lin Tianrong.

“You are the Law Official. What do you think is suspicious in this case?” Emperor Lin Mubai asked.

Chapter 534: An Unbelievable Outcome

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations


Upon hearing Emperor Lin Mubai’s question, the officials waited for Wen Chuan’s response in anticipation. After all, he was the one of the most clear-headed among them.

As the Law Official, a member of the distinguished Six Council Officials, it was only natural for Emperor Lin Mubai to ask of Wen Chuan’s opinion.


How would Wen Chuan answer the Emperor?

After all, although the Crown Prince and Prince Lin Xinjue took a liking to his new role as the Law Official, Wen Chuan had only been on the job for a short period of time.

But whose side would Wen Chuan be on was still a mystery.

Upon hearing Emperor Lin Mubai’s question, Wen Chuan briefly froze. He mulled it over, with his head lowered, his expressions conveyed a trace of anxiety, as if he had not noticed Emperor Lin Mubai’s gaze.

And then he spoke.

“Your Majesty, in my opinion, this case has numerous suspicious points, and Fang Zhengzhi has stated that he has evidence. Therefore, I think… it should be investigated!” With that, he kneeled, with his head kept low.

Wen Chuan was apparently petrified. But the other officials were stupefied as they heard his response.

Anyone could’ve understood Lin Mubai’s gaze at the Crown Prince, yet Wen Chuan had completely missed the point?

Was he stupid?

It was impossible!

Though Wen Chuan had not held office as the Law Official for long, he had worked in the Law Council for over a decade. Had he not learned to observe the Emperor’s expressions? Had he really failed to interpret Emperor Lin Mubai’s gaze?

In the end, Wen Chuan had completely ignored Emperor Lin Mubai’s hint and gave a clear response.

Such a clear, direct response.

“It should be investigated!”

This could not happen in the Imperial Halls where one naturally put his safety before his principles. After all, every official should be adept at guessing the Emperor’s sentiments, not to mention one who has recently taken office.

Even if he could not guess the Emperor’s sentiments immediately, Wen Chuan should have given an ambiguous response to protect himself. How could he straightforwardly reply that this case should be investigated?

All the officials stared at a kneeling Wen Chuan in utter disbelief.

Even Crown Prince Lin Tianrong and Emperor Lin Mubai could not believe this.

In fact, when Crown Prince Lin Tianrong saw Emperor Lin Mubai looking towards him, he felt a moment of relief. Emperor Lin Mubai’s message was evident.

Even if Wen Chuan did not fully take Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s side, surely, he could not have opposed the Emperor in public?

Well, he had indeed missed the hint, as if he had ignored Emperor Lin Mubai.

Emperor Lin Mubai could not accept this outcome!

“What nonsense are you talking about? As the Law Official, how could you make such a hasty decision with no evidence at all!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was enraged.

He had to be enraged.

He was under immense pressure. There was no way out for him.

The conclusion of this case was definitely a matter of life and death for Crown Prince Lin Tianrong. Though he knew he was supposed to remain silent, he spoke up nonetheless.

“Your Highness, this is based on facts. Fang Zhengzhi had already proved that he did not have the ability to kill, and he has said that he has the evidence. According to the laws, this case should be investigated!” Wen Chuan said, kneeling, with his head kept low.

He was shivering in fear.

The officials were speechless. No one would have expected Wen Chuan to openly argue with the Crown Prince.

“You…” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong struggled to find words. How could he say anything after this Rank 2 official countered him with the laws?

He clenched his fists, his face a pallor while he gasped for breath.

“Blargh!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong could not contain it any longer. A mouthful of blood splattered on the floor.

The officials and countless commoners were absolutely stunned. Did Wen Chuan really argue against the Crown Prince?

How did this happen?

No one understood. But with the situation having developed this way, even Emperor Lin Mubai could not favor him even if he wished to.

Under the watchful eyes of so many commoners, Emperor Lin Mubai could not be seen to plainly do so. And thus, the case was approaching its conclusion.


Not a single person could comprehend how did this seemingly impossible case progress so fast?

Fang Zhengzhi’s appearance disrupted the meeting between the Emperor and the Princess of the Southern Region.

This was punishable by death!

Yet Fang Zhengzhi did not die and even confronted the Princess of the Southern Region. Thereafter, the blame landed on the silent Crown Prince Lin Tianrong beside them.

And in a fit of rage, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong disputed against Fang Zhengzhi.

And then…

The matter has developed irreversibly.

It began with the Princess of the Southern Region presenting her gift, her roast lamb, which poisoned many officials. Then, Fang Zhengzhi revealed that the Ministry of Finance official Yue Hu’s son had an affair with a servant. Finally, he fearlessly interrupted the Emperor.

Any of these could be punishable by death.

But in the end?

The newly appointed Law Official Wen Chuan surprisingly said: “it should be investigated!”

How was this in any way conceivable? Although the matter was reaching its end, the officials and commoners were still lost in their thoughts.

Emperor Lin Mubai, too, momentarily looked as though he was in a trance, visibly shaken.

He was about to speak when he saw Ping Yang, who was by his side.

A word raced through his mind.


Then he was lost deep in his thoughts. Was I not a wise emperor?

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

There were neither noise nor movements, besides the occasional breeze.

Everyone turned their attention to Emperor Lin Mubai, waiting for the esteemed emperor to make the final call on this issue.

After some time, Emperor Lin Mubai’s eyes lit up.

“Since Official Wen believes this case has suspicious points, then we shall investigate!” said Emperor Lin Mubai, as he stared intently at Fang Zhengzhi.

The officials were all bewildered, but none dared to voice their objections. After all, this was an irrevocable outcome.

“The case is really overturned?”

“Wouldn’t this implicate the Crown Prince?”

“The Emperor actually called for a public investigation?”

Although the officials had expected this outcome, it felt totally different hearing it from the Emperor.

Well, this matter had developed too peculiarly, too unbelievable.

When Emperor Lin Mubai declared the re-examination of this case, the officials had only one thought. Fang Zhengzhi did it. He really did it.

He had accomplished an impossible task.

Was this a coincidence, or was it deliberate? What if it was deliberate? How much wisdom would it take for such an elaborate plan to fall into place?

It was truly shocking.

Another thought arose among the officials. If Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t handicapped, if he maintained the same standard as he did in the Southern Region…

Was Chi Guyan really the Chosen One as foretold in the Heavenly Prophecy?

Fang Zhengzhi’s was constantly evolving. From being the Capital Examinations double roll Champion, Prefectural Examinations double roll champion, Imperial Examinations double roll champion, and now the Court Examinations…

He excelled consistently. Perhaps too good to be true.

But, there was someone even better.

Chi Guyan.

Regardless of talent or origin, Fang Zhengzhi was dwarfed in comparison to Chi Guyan. Strangely, everyone pondered about this.

When Fang Zhengzhi became a handicapped man, they sobbed in their hearts and thought of this. A notion they would never have dared to think of.

The surrounding commoners were roused.

In addition to the commoners, thousands of Southern Region soldiers behind Southern Region Princess Shan Yu cheered in their hearts.

“It has been a year, and finally the case is overturned!”

“Finally, justice can be served!”

The Southern Region soldiers remained still in their position, but their faces beamed with excitement.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” Southern Region Princess Shan Yu saluted Emperor Lin Mubai, though she knew for a fact that this was only a re-examination of the case, not its conclusion.


To her, this was already an extraordinary feat.

“Your Majesty, I have another request.” Yan Xiu said, after saluting Emperor Lin Mubai.

The astonished yet excited officials and commoners grew silent upon hearing Yan Xiu.

Doubt and confusion were now in their minds.

Since Emperor Lin Mubai has declared to re-examine the case, what else could Yan Xiu ask for?

“What is your request, Yan Xiu?” Emperor Lin Mubai looked at Yan Xiu, his smile carrying a trace of doubt.

Chapter 535: Re-announcing the Golden Roll, to Imperial Decree Hall!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations


“Your Majesty, do you remember what you said a year ago at the Imperial Decree Hall, during the announcement of the Imperial Examinations Golden Roll?” Yan Xiu asked directly, showing no signs of hesitation.

“A year ago, the Imperial Decree Hall…” Emperor Lin Mubai squinted slightly at Yan Xiu, then glanced at Fang Zhengzhi.

“I remember!” he replied.

“Your Majesty, you once said that if Fang Zhengzhi stood before you and stated that he did not kill the Southern Region Noblelite, you would personally mention him in the Golden Roll. Or have I remembered incorrectly?” said Yan Xiu.

“You didn’t.” Emperor Lin Mubai said as he shook his head.

“In this case, your Majesty, please honor this promise!” Yan Xiu said with a straight face as he saluted the emperor once again.

Hearing this, the officials dropped their jaws, exchanging looks.

Of course, they had remembered clearly this incident a year ago at the Imperial Decree Hall.

That day, when Yan Xiu nominated Fang Zhengzhi for the Golden Roll, not only did Emperor Lin Mubai refuse, he was furious.

After that, Yan Xiu left Yan Capital and refused to participate in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test.

Since then, Yan Xiu has stayed in Western Liang for over a year and never stepped foot in Yan Capital. And today, he decided to bring up the past…

How was this act any different from challenging the emperor?

Moreover, it was nearly two years since that Imperial Examination. If the next Imperial Examination was imminent, then they could’ve waited for it. What was the point of bringing up the previous Imperial Examination?

For fairness!

Indeed, this made sense. But Yan Xiu’s mention of this matter seemed even more outrageous than the overturning of Crown Prince’s case. Because this would implicate the emperor himself!

Emperor Lin Mubai’s expressions started to change, while his gaze swept across the encircling band of shocked officials and confused commoners nearby.

He had to think quickly.

A year ago, he had personally announced the Golden Roll. If he were to change its mention, he would have to announce it all over again.

It was like slapping his own face.

Indeed, Emperor Lin Mubai felt embarrassed, but it was also a fact that he had announced personally announced it in the presence of all the officials.

But how could he go back on his word?

After a moment of thought, he laid his eyes on Fang Zhengzhi. With his eyes lit up, he cleared his throat.

“Fang Zhengzhi, what do you think?”

“Since it is mine, why would I reject it? Of course, even if it is not mine, while others are willing to give, I won’t mind keeping it.” Fang Zhengzhi said candidly as he stepped beside Yan Xiu.

“Aren’t you afraid that it would be too much?” Emperor Lin Mubai retorted. He took a good look at his surrounding and waved at Fang Zhengzhi.

“Why would it be too much?” Puzzled, Fang Zhengzhi stayed rooted in his position.

“Official Fang, Your Majesty wants you to get closer!” Eunuch Wei pointed out as he saw Fang Zhengzhi remained motionless.

“Get closer? Oh…” Fang Zhengzhi, too, surveyed the surroundings. With a dazed expression, he reached beside Emperor Lin Mubai, and then asked, “Your Majesty, how may I help you?”

Emperor Lin Mubai looked at Fang Zhengzhi and shook his head in frustration. Although Fang Zhengzhi was superbly intelligent, he could also be a real annoyance.

“Regarding the Golden Roll, you should give it more thought. Since you cannot train now, that ranking in the Imperial Examinations would be useless for you now, isn’t it?” Emperor Lin Mubai said audibly. Yet his words were heard only by Fang Zhengzhi, as though an imaginary veil separated them and the rest of the world.

“How is it useless? I think it’s useful.” Fang Zhengzhi replied immediately.

“What use would it be? For honor? Or reputation? If you wanted these, here I could better compensate you. If you don’t enjoy being an official, how would you like some money?” Emperor Lin Mubai, too, said candidly. At this juncture, knowing Fang Zhengzhi’s personality, he didn’t seem to mind anymore.

“No, I have enough money!” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

“How much?” Emperor Lin Mubai said, a little startled. That felt strange, as though a greedy person said he had enough money.

“Ten of Southern Region’s largest gold mines.” Fang Zhengzhi said as he pointed to Southern Region Princess Shan Yu, revealing a contract.

“Oh…” Emperor Lin Mubai was surprised.

Looking at the red seal and Shan Yu’s signature on the contract, he finally understood why Fang Zhengzhi could not return to Yan Capital from the Southern Region.

He had seized ten gold mines in the Southern Region.

If it were anyone else, they would have killed him after the war.

“Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, please honor your promise.” Fang Zhengzhi said while he kept the contract, as Emperor Lin Mubai fell silent.

“Wait a minute. Can you tell me, why do you want so badly for me to mention you on the Golden Roll?” Emperor Lin Mubai said, roused and determined to know Fang Zhengzhi’s motive.

“It is for an agreement.” Fang Zhengzhi replied after giving it some thought.

“An agreement?”

“Yes, an agreement established long ago.”

“Can you tell me what agreement it is?”


“Go on.”

“I will naturally say it after Your Majesty has mentioned me on Golden Roll.”

Emperor Lin Mubai was stunned. He finally understood how Crown Prince Lin Tianrong felt when he was fooled by Fang Zhengzhi.

“Can’t you say it now?”


“Alright, can you at least tell me when it was established?” Emperor Lin Mubai said. At this moment, a memory of one agreement flashed in his mind.

An agreement Fang Zhengzhi established at the Divine Constabulary.

During then…

Fang Zhengzhi had just passed the Prefectural Examinations and attended the feast at the Divine Constabulary. It was then when Chi Guyan publicly said he had some agreement with Fang Zhengzhi.

That matter occurred long ago, and no one expected had the agreement would come to fruition. But times have changed, and Fang Zhengzhi now held a completely different status. If this was the agreement Fang Zhengzhi was talking about, then Emperor Lin Mubai had to give it some deep thought indeed.

“When was it established? It was around… after the Imperial Examinations.” Fang Zhengzhi recalled.

“After the Imperial Examinations?” Emperor Lin Mubai, startled, started searching for answers in his mind. It was also after the Imperial Examinations when Fang Zhengzhi was appointed the Rank 4 Sword Envoy. In the period, hadn’t he returned to Northern Mountain Village to visit relatives? With this thought, Emperor Lin Mubai said: “Was it established at the Northern Mountain Village?”

“Yes.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Indeed, his agreement with Chi Guyan was established at the Northern Mountain Village. So, he replied as such.

“I see. It seems that you insist on me mentioning you in the Golden Roll?” Lin Mubai nodded. Considering Fang Zhengzhi’s background as a plain villager, it seemed natural for him to have reached some agreement with his parents or elders in the village before attending the Court Examinations.

“Of course.” Fang Zhengzhi replied firmly.

“Not at all negotiable?”


“Alright. So, you want me to mention you in the Golden Roll at the Imperial Decree Hall, but do you wish to let my great officials lay on the ground forever?” Emperor Lin Mubai said as he scanned through the many officials sprawled on the ground.

With the situation developed this way, if he hadn’t guessed the relation between Shan Yu’s roast lamb and Fang Zhengzhi’s plan, he wasn’t fit to be the emperor.

“Oh… there aren’t many antidotes left, and it’s pretty expensive.” Fang Zhengzhi seemed embarrassed.

“Don’t bargain with me and wake them up now. Don’t you own ten gold mines?” Emperor Lin Mubai retorted sternly.

“Okay.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“Prepare the carriage for the Imperial Decree Hall!” Emperor Lin Mubai’s voice filled Yan Capital.

“Yes!” Eunuch Wei replied immediately. He raised his voice: “Prepare the carriage for the Imperial Decree Hall!”

This cascaded through the palace in a series of echoes.

But the officials couldn’t help but wonder. Was the emperor really going to re-announce the Golden Roll? Wasn’t this… quite unbelievable?

While Emperor Lin Mubai slowly strode toward the Palace gate, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu distributed the antidote to the officials.

When the other officials saw this, they exchanged looks as they hesitated to help them.


From a short distance away, they noticed Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s eyes held with the purest form of evil and hatred.

Fang Zhengzhi did not notice Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s expression as he hastily withdrew his antidote and passed some to Yan Xiu.

“Yan Xiu, after my mention in the Golden Roll, let’s participate in the upcoming Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test. When that happens, I hope you won’t be my burden!” Fang Zhengzhi said while he distributed the antidote.


The surrounding officials fell as they heard this.

A handicapped person shamelessly telling the one with the boundless potential to not be his burden? How ridiculous.

But hold on!

He’s participating in the upcoming Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test?!

Chapter 536: A surprise For All, And Su Qing’s Motive

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“He’s crazy!” thought all the officials. How could a handicapped man even think of participating in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test?

Did he really think he could pass Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test by luck too?

Not a chance!

The biennial Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test was hosted personally by the Heaven Dao Pavilion. With no exception even for the Great Xia Dynasty, only the top three in the Court Examinations could attain the right to participate. Merely the right to participate.

Each Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test saw no less than 100 candidates.

In other words, besides the Great Xia Dynasty, brilliant contestants from many countries competed in this test. A congregation of the most distinguished elites.

On that day, countless elites would appear.

Every single one would be superbly talented. As a matter of fact, having attained candidature for the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test, they had to possess exceptional mastery in their skills.

But what about Fang Zhengzhi?

As a person handicapped in his abilities, how could he even expect to survive?

The officials were dumbfounded.

Even Emperor Lin Mubai, who had reached the palace gate, stopped when he heard this.

“This person wants to participate in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test?” Emperor Lin Mubai turned around and looked at Fang Zhengzhi, who was chatting with Yan Xiu. He, too, was astonished.

But Yan Xiu wasn’t. He simply replied: “I am powerful!”

“That’s great. When the time comes, I’ll just simply get the first place, but I’ll leave the second for you.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded in a bright smile.


“Must you really be this shameless?”

“His face is indeed thicker than the city walls. What does he think the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test is? A game? Is it that simple to get first place?”

The officials were speechless.

They had better not comment, for Crown Prince Lin Tianrong’s maddened expressions were obvious for all see.


The biggest problem still lay with the Crown Prince.

Had Fang Zhengzhi simply attained the first place, the officials could only laugh it off.

“Official Fang, it’s not that I don’t support you, but it’s just that… Haha!” Wen Dabao couldn’t help but giggle hysterically.

Two hours later…

The officials stood while they waited at the Imperial Decree Hall, their expressions totally different compared to when Southern Region Princess had just arrived in Yan Capital.

Especially so for the Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Rites, and Ministry of Works officials.

These few officials felt profound injustice that they were poisoned by a piece of roast lamb. But that had already happened, what else could they do about it?

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong looked awfully bitter. Though he had sustained serious injuries, with his face in a sickly pallor, he had not excused himself.

The reason was simple…

He wanted to see Fang Zhengzhi’s proudest moments and etch them deeply in his mind.

Compared to Crown Prince Lin Tianrong, Lin Xinjue’s expression was much better. Overturning the Southern Region case brought him the greatest reward and opportunity.

“Fang Zhengzhi, listen up!” Eunuch Wei’s voice rang.

“Yes.” Nodded Fang Zhengzhi. He stepped toward the entrance of the Imperial Decree Hall and saluted to Eunuch Wei and Emperor Li Mubai.

Eunuch Wei did not like this.

He did not appreciate Fang Zhengzhi’s faults in formalities, but since Emperor Lin Mubai didn’t seem to mind, he certainly could not reprimand Fang Zhengzhi.

“This is the Emperor’s decree. Fang Zhengzhi holds the first place in the previous Court Examinations. He obtains the top results and shall be mentioned in the Golden Roll!” Eunuch Wei’s sharp, piercing voice rose again.

Emperor Lin Mubai slowly walked towards the golden rock erected outside near the entrance of the Imperial Decree Hall. Upon motioning his fingers in a few swipes, a name appeared on the golden rock.

“Fang Zhengzhi!”

Right beside Nan Gonghao’s name.

Seeing the name imprinted on the golden rock, the officials looked at one another with mixed expressions.

He made it to the Golden Roll!

Fang Zhengzhi, an average villager of Northern Mountain Village, in the Law of Dao Examinations, started off from the Capital Examinations. He then made his way as the Capital Examinations double roll Champion, Prefectural Examinations double roll champion, Imperial Examinations double roll champion, Court Examinations double roll champion…

This was a legend one that no one could surpass. Because no one could ever surpass him at his current position.

The whole city celebrated his entry into the Golden Roll!

Since the decree, the palace was filled with excitement.

“Fang Zhengzhi ranked first in the combat examinations and tops the Court Examinations!”

“Fang Zhengzhi ranked first in the combat examinations and tops the Court Examinations!”


As these voices emerged from the palace, Royal Guards who were guarding its entrance began to distribute the flyers.

In Yan Capital, as countless commoners read the flyers held upon their hands, all were shocked by the news.

“What is going on?”

“Hasn’t the Court Examinations yet to commence?”

“Today, at the palace gate, Fang Zhengzhi was absolved of his misunderstandings. The emperor re-announced his position as the first in the Golden Roll!

“Really? The Southern Region case would implicate the Crown Prince!”

“It is true, and this has spread all around Yan Capital. With the Southern Region case overturned, Fang Zhengzhi is re-announced as the first in the Golden Roll, no doubt with that!”

To all the commoners, this was unbelievable.

Among this chatter, a few softly discussed Fang Zhengzhi’s intention of participating in the upcoming Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test. But these voices were insignificant.

Because everyone laughed it off.

“Participating in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test? Haha… How is this possible? I believe he just mentioned that thoughtlessly. When the time comes, he might just hide away with an excuse.”

“This makes sense. Fang Zhengzhi seems to be someone who would do something like that!”

“Ha ha ha…”

Although the people did not believe Fang Zhengzhi would actually participate in the Heaven Dao Pavilion selection test, none of them held any doubts about him attaining the first place in the Court Examinations.

As a matter of fact, Fang Zhengzhi’s performance while fighting the war in the Southern Region had spread throughout the whole Yan Capital and Great Xia Dynasty.

The golden imperial flyers hung on Yan Capital’s four entrances, while the soldiers stationed at these gates spread the message to every state and residence of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although this Golden Roll mention came a little late, but…

It had a much greater impact compared to the previous one. Because this mention came entangled with a big case, the Southern Region case.

At Eastern Palace, the Crown Prince’s residence.

“Clink!” A white jade cup was smashed on the ground to a million pieces.

Two imperial doctors hastily dropped to their knees, petrified. Behind the imperial doctors, more than 10 officials dressed in court attire lowered their heads.

“Get out!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong roared.

“Yes, yes…” The two imperial doctors walked out of the room immediately as they wiped sweat dripping from their foreheads. They were completely soaked.

Upon seeing this, the officials exchanged looks. Then an official stood out and walked to the center of the study.

“Your Highness, the only solution left is to push the blame to Su Qing!”

“Yes, Official Wang has a point. Didn’t Fang Zhengzhi mention that he has Su Qing’s murder evidence? Since he had said so, we should simply follow his plans, when the time comes he won’t have anything else to comment.” Another official said.

“That’s right. A man of great ambition does not bother about trifles, and every warrior has a weakness. Your Highness, there is no meaning in continuing to protect Su Qing.”

“It is great that the emperor still wishes to protect Your Highness. As long as the Southern Region case produces no concrete evidence, Your Highness remains the successor of the Eastern Palace. In a few years’ time, Your Highness would still ascend the throne!”

“Your Highness should be patient for the time being. With Fang Zhengzhi now handicapped, he could only remain as an official. When Your Highness becomes the emperor, how would seeking revenge be any difficult?”

One by one, the officials cautiously advised the pale-faced Crown Prince Lin Tianrong.

“What are you waiting for? Arrange for someone to go to the Northern Lands immediately!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong said with his fists and teeth in a tight clench.

“Yes!” an official accepted the order.

“Your Highness, you can’t do this!” another official stopped.

“Why not? Shall we wait for Su Qing to come here for a confrontation?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong scowled, staring coldly at the official who stopped him.

“Of course not. But Su Qing has trained for about a year in the Northern Lands. If we were to suddenly attack Su Qing, he would react adversely.”

“What do you suggest?”

“I believe the best way is to lure Su Qing into Yan Capital, attacking him on his way here. Even if the assassination failed, it is still better for Su Qing to be in Yan Capital than the Northern Lands!”

“How to lure him here? He is now the Chief of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies. With the news of Fang Zhengzhi’s mention in the Golden Roll and overturning of the case spreading far and wide, how would he enter Yan Capital?”

“This…” The official was lost for words.

The rest of the officials shook their heads. It was too difficult to lure Su Qing into Yan Capital. With this situation, nothing could fully convince Su Qing for such a visit.

“A bunch of idiots!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong berated, tightening his fists. Compared to Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping, these officials significantly lacked intelligence.

This made him mad.

“I want to meet the Left Prime Minister, go arrange a meeting!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong said spitefully, grinding his teeth. Fang Zhengzhi, you cut off my arm, do you think I would let you off this easily?

“This…” The officials hesitated.

“Is there a problem?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong sulked. As the esteemed Crown Prince, the next emperor of Great Xia Dynasty, he was unable to meet someone he wanted. This certainly made him furious.

“Your Highness, as you know, the Law Council is headed by Wen Chuan. As you have seen today, Wen Chuan is obviously working for King Duan!” The officials shook their head dejectedly.

“So what? I cannot meet him?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong said coldly.

The officials fell silent once again and lowered their heads. It was too difficult to meet Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping. Especially in this situation, without the Law Council arranging this secretly, it was an impossible task.

The Law Council!

As though a fish bone had stuck in their throats, the officials were kept silent.

At this moment, a thought arose within the officials: why was the Law Official Wan Chong the first target of Fang Zhengzhi once he entered the Capital?

Could it be that…

This was all in Fang Zhengzhi’s plan?

If that was true, it was scary indeed.

Silence ensued.

Suddenly, two gentle knocks came from the door, and a voice from outside the study soon followed.

“Your Highness, the Law Official has sent for me to deliver a letter!”

“Wen Chuan?!”

“Why would he write us a letter?”

The officials could not believe this.

“Come in!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong quickly said, though he also had doubts.

All the officials stared at the study door.

As the door creaked open, a servant dressed in black walked into the study. In his hands carried a sealed envelope.

The servant walked toward the center of the study, dropping to his knees, he presented the envelope.

An official received the envelope, walked to Crown Prince Lin Tianrong and passed it to him.

He opened the envelope quickly, and suddenly his sullen expression changed.

“Your Highness, what did Wen Chuan say?” an official asked cautiously.

“Read it yourself.” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong passed the letter to the official.

His eyes scanned the letter, then stopped, staring straight at the letter while his jaw dropped.

Seeing this, the other officials gathered closely.


As they saw the letter, they had the same reason. As if they had just seen a ghost.

Because its contents were so clear. Too simple.

It was only a sentence!

“Su Qing has entered the capital!”

But more importantly, this was clearly not Wen Chuan’s handwriting. Wen Chuan had served as an official for more than a decade, how could they not recognize his handwriting?

But this was obviously not the main point.

The main point was…

Why would Su Qing enter the capital? Entering the capital at a time like this? Without notifying the Crown Prince beforehand?

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Guys,help me sister had swallowed a memory card 64GB. last night she can’t stop singing all the songs that’s been save in the memory card. I’m frightened what if she continue on the videos



wow 4 thanks

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Chapter 537: The Suspicious Impersonation

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

It would require about 10 days to travel, without stopping, from the Northern Lands to Yan Capital. Yet, Su Qing arrived at Yan Capital at this moment.

How would the officials not be shocked?

Because it had also been about 10 days since Fang Zhengzhi’s arrival. In other words, when Fang Zhengzhi had stepped foot in Yan Capital, Su Qing had departed from the Northern Lands.

No matter how one wrapped his head around this, it simply seemed impossible.

Were Fang Zhengzhi’s arrival in Yan Capital and Su Qing’s departure from the Northern Lands a coincidence? Or was it a deliberate move?

More importantly, as the Chief of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies, his needed a reason to enter the capital. What was his reason then? What was his motive?

None of these officials could make sense of it.

“Your Highness, now that Su Qing has entered the palace, should we… make some preparations?” One of the officials asked after hesitating, though he wasn’t quite sure if it was the right question to ask.

Because no matter Su Qing’s intention for his visit, granted the current circumstances, they could not let Su Qing live. They could not let him meet the emperor, nor step into the Law Council hall.

“Yes, regardless of the reason of Su Qing’s visit, Your Highness, please make a decision quickly!”

“Your Highness, Su Qing cannot live!”

“Su Qing’s arrival in Yan Capital means he knew of Fang Zhengzhi’s overturning of the case. Your Highness, please do not hesitate any longer!”

After a brief exchange of looks, the officials poured their suggestions.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong grasped his fist. In the contest for the throne, a single misstep would cost him everything. Every decision had to be deliberated carefully because it might just change everything.

He wanted very much to slowly think through the most appropriate course of action or to meet Su Qing and inquire the reason for his visit.

But it seemed that he had not much time left.

Because this letter was ordered to be delivered here by the Law Official. If everything had gone smoothly, at that moment when the Law Official sent this letter here, the action had already begun. How could he hesitate any further?

Just as he wished to respond, another official stood out.

“Your Highness, I think there is something suspicious about this…” he said, furrowing his brows in a worried expression.

As the subordinates of the “real dragon”, there was no chance of backing out for them. When this “real dragon” becomes a “useless dragon”, they wouldn’t see better days ahead too.

“How is it suspicious?” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong asked intently.

“In my opinion, Su Qing would not step into the capital at this moment. Even if he wanted to, he would’ve notified Your Highness. To depart ten days ago, how is that possible…”

“Are you saying this is a ruse?!” Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was shocked. Perturbed by this thought, he could not think straight.

But when he had calmed down, he realized that this matter seemed suspicious too.

Ten days ago, Fang Zhengzhi entered Yan Capital.

Then, the Law Official Wan Chong, Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping and the Ministry of Defence official had not been imprisoned. Even the overturning of the case had not been mentioned.

How could Su Qing have predicted these and entered the capital in advance?

“Yes, since Fang Zhengzhi’s arrival in the capital, we have been under his control. I think this is part of Fang Zhengzhi’s plan, to bait us into action so that he could have our murder evidence!” The official replied after some thought.

“Official Wang has a point. Had he not raised this, we would’ve played into the hands of this shameless fellow!” Another agreed.

“Exactly, that was close!”

“In my view, we should immediately send a message to the Northern Lands. Once we have fully grasped the matter at hand, then it would be a better time to strike!” Official Wang added.

“Wouldn’t it be too late to send a message to the Northern Lands? What if it isn’t a ruse, and Su Qing had indeed entered the capital…” another doubted.

Sending a message to the Northern Lands and waiting for their response would take about two to three days. But with the situation at hand, someone named Su Qing had entered the capital!

Was this really the case?

No one had an answer!

“Today we had lost the fight at the palace gate. If we strike suddenly and get caught red-handed by Fang Zhengzhi, we would really have nothing to say!” Official Wang debated.

“It is ancient wisdom to combat change with consistency. We must remain calm when faced with challenges. Although this matter is urgent, we can still wait for two or three more days.”

“Yes. Even if the Law Council calls for an investigation, they will need time to prepare. And to investigate the Chief of Five Constabularies, the emperor would have to approve of it. The Law Council could only lock him up as a suspect, they can’t do much to him!”

“That’s right. I agree with Official Wang. For the time being, we shall not make any moves!”

Upon hearing Official Wang’s reasoning, the other officials nodded in agreement.

Crown Prince Lin Tianrong was in a dilemma. As the officials had discussed, no one could confirm whether the person who had entered was actually Su Qing.

If they were to act rashly, there may be worse implications.

Three days…

“Send a letter to the Northern Lands now, check if Su Qing had indeed entered the capital!” After a moment of hesitation, Crown Prince Lin Tianrong ordered.

The reason was simple. He had such a thought.

The person who sent for the letter was the Law Official. In other words, Prince Lin Xinjue deliberate wanted him to know that Su Qing had arrived in the capital.

With that, he also decided to wait for a few days.

“Yes!” The officials nodded their heads in agreement.

At Yan Capital, King Duan’s residence.

King Duan’s residence seemed much livelier than before. Surrounding a feast, more than ten officials drank till their faces flushed pink.

“Congratulations, Your Highness. With the crown prince mired in the Southern Region case, your dream of ascending the throne is one more step closer to reality!” An official raised his cup in a toast.

King Duan, Lin Xinjue, smiled slightly.

It wasn’t a novel sight for Lin Xinjue’s subordinates to curry his favor. In fact, a year ago, this was displayed even more frequently.

At that time, in the Imperial Halls, more than half of the officials sided with the crown prince, but quite a significant portion of them secretly favored Lin Xinjue too.

Yet, in a little more than a year, his residence had been considerably empty and desolate. Until today, when it restored some of its former glory.

Only some, though.

“Official Li’s words came a little too early. The Southern Region case hasn’t concluded, and now everyone is pointing the blame at Su Qing, seemingly unrelated to the crown prince,” Lin Xinjue replied.

“Your Highness, you are just being humble. Even if the blame is pointed at Su Qing, there are some things that are clearly obvious to us. And even if the Southern Region case fails to crush the crown prince, the emperor’s trust in him would still be weakened. Is this not the best chance for Your Highness re-enter the Imperial Halls?” Official Li said, smiling in another bow.

“Is that so?” Lin Xinjue’s eyes flashed a gleam.

He did not immediately respond to the officials, because he knew that it was still too early for a celebration. But, he remained confident that his residence would grow even livelier in time to come.

And that day wouldn’t be too far away.

“Your Highness!”

At this moment, a golden-armored guard ran here from a far distance away, then kneeled in front of Lin Xinjue.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Xinjue fretted slightly.

“Law Official Wen Chuan delivers a letter.” The guard replied while reaching into his shirt for the letter sealed in an envelope.

“Wen Chuan?” Lin Xinjue wondered. He seemed have reached a thought to which he smiled. “Hand it over.”

“Yes!” The guard presented him the letter.

Upon seeing this, the officials exchanged looks and saw a hint of a smile in one another. Wen Chuan’s letter meant something obvious.

Today at the palace entrance, Wen Chuan publicly declared that the Southern Region case should be investigated. This showed his stance on this matter.

And now, he has sent a letter.

Naturally, it wasn’t suspicious.

With this line of thought, the officials began to calm down. As a matter of fact, they took a gamble by choosing their sides when the Southern Region case had not yet concluded.

But it seems…

This risk was very worthwhile. Because once Lin Xinjue had Wen Chuan’s favor, it would be very advantageous for his situation.

Lin Xinjue was also considerably excited.

If Wen Chuan had really sided with him, it would effectively silence the crown prince. In time to come, the cases of the Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping, the two Law Ministers, and the original Law Official Wan Chong would see the light of day.

Especially the Law Official Wang Chong’s case. Nearly half the entire Imperial Hall was involved in it. But once it has been investigated, each case would follow suit.

When all the crown prince’s officials had been punished, who would still dare to side the crown prince?

With this thought, Lin Xinjue smiled brighter than ever. But as he opened the envelope, his smile froze.


The letter was not about forming alliances, instead, it only bore a single sentence. The words did not bear Wen Chuan’s handwriting, its content clear and concise.

“Su Qing has entered the capital!”

Lin Xinjue immediately furrowed his brows. With this letter in his hand, the joyful smiles have been wiped off from his face.

The officials wondered what had brought such a sudden change.

“Your Highness, what does the letter say?” an official asked cautiously.

“Su Qing has entered the capital!” Lin Xinjue glanced at the official, then the rest of the officials. He inhaled deeply and gave his reply.


“Su Qing has entered the capital?!”

“So fast? Shouldn’t he be in the Northern Lands?”

The officials were shocked after hearing the news.

Mister Hua, sitting beside Lin Xinjue and dressed like a scholar, also revealed a confused expression.

“Your Highness, this is a ruse!” Mister Hua exclaimed after giving it some thought.

“How do you see this, Mister Hua?” Upon hearing that, Lin Xinjue nodded slightly and turned to Mister Hua, seeking his opinion.

“If I have guessed correctly, this is part of Fang Zhengzhi’s plan to bait the crown prince into action. He sent us this letter, so we could stop the crown prince!”

“Stop the crown prince?”

‘Yes, there are two possibilities here. First, Fang Zhengzhi wants to use our power to catch the crown prince’s current state, and second…” At this point, Mister Hua squinted slightly, was not sure if he should continue.

“What is the second possibility?” Lin Xinjue asked intently.

“If it were another person, this would not be too probable, but if it’s indeed Fang Zhengzhi, then this possibility is high. And it is for a pretense to become true!”

“For a pretense to become true? Mister Hua, what do you mean?”

“Fang Zhengzhi wishes to convict the crown prince using a fake Su Qing. Then, once the crown prince’s emotions are ruffled, he would make mistakes and thereby reach a verdict!”


All the officials gasped after hearing Mister Hua’s predictions.

Sending someone to act as Su Qing and setting up a trap for the Crown Prince.

Something like this…

No one could have even ventured such a thought!

Because this would be equal to lying to the Imperial Court, a crime of lying to the emperor. But, if this was really planned by Fang Zhengzhi, then it could be possible after all.

“But if the emperor sent a message to the Northern Lands, would Fang Zhengzhi’s plan still succeed?” One of the officials asked after pondering for a moment.

“Before today, how could we even fathom Fang Zhengzhi could overturn the case?” Mister Hua asked while looking at the officials. His eyes gleamed and he continued: “We cannot underestimate Fang Zhengzhi, he isn’t one who does things by conventional logic!”

“Mister Hua as a point!”

“What should we do now?”

“Should we help him?”

The officials looked at one another and nodded.

“Help him, of course, we will help him!” Lin Xinjue smirked. “No matter what happens, the outcome won’t implicate us. Why should we not help?”

“Your Highness’ opinion is wise!”

“Correct. If the plan worked, it would be our credit. Otherwise, the blame would all be shifted to Fang Zhengzhi. This matter would only bring us benefit and we would have nothing to lose!”

“That’s right!”

The officials nodded in agreement once again.

But at this moment, another guard hurriedly ran here. He seemed petrified.

“Your Highness, Your Highness…”

“What’s the matter again?” Lin Xinjue stowed the letter, his eyes shot an icy gleam. For today’s feast with the officials, he had ordered it not to be interrupted unless it was an urgent issue.

“Your Highness, the Chief of the Five Constabularies wishes to see you!”

“Chief of the Five Constabularies? Which Chief of the Five Constabularies?”

“The Chief of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies, Su Qing, is outside the residence and wishes to see you!”

“Su Qing? At my residence?”

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Chapter 538: The Truth About Su Qing’s Arrival in the Capital

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

King Duan, Lin Xinjue could not believe this, because as Mister Hua and other officials guessed, this Su Qing character was planned by Fang Zhengzhi.

Why, then, would he arrive here at his residence?

Could it be that…

Shouldn’t he be walking around Yan Capital to lure an attack from the crown prince? Or perhaps, while the crown prince hadn’t the time to investigate the matter, go directly to Imperial Halls to submit the “evidence”?

Why would he come to the Lin Xinjue’s residence?

Not only was Lin Xinjue puzzled, the officials were also momentarily shocked.

“What exactly is Fang Zhengzhi doing?” Lin Xinjue shot an icy glare. His face only showed confusion, and he felt very uncomfortable being unable to see through his plans.

“Let’s adapt to the situation. Your Highness, why don’t you speak to this Su Qing to find out?” Mister Hua advised after thinking for a moment.

“Hmm, Mister Hua has a point. Let him wait in my study.” Lin Xinjue nodded upon hearing Mister Hua’s suggestion.

“Yes!” With that, the guard promptly left.

The officials grew silent, unsure if they should leave or wait here for the news.

“Everyone, please rest here for a while. I’ll be with Mister Hua for a moment.” Lin Xinjue saw through their sentiments and said.

“Alright, Your Highness, as you please!”

“I’ll just wait for myself here.”

The officials understood Lin Xinjue’s meaning and stood up.

Lin Xinjue hesitated no longer. He cupped his hands in a farewell to the officials and walked toward the study. After all, like everyone in the room, he was immensely curious too.

At Yan Capital, Ping Yang Residence.

Chi Hou stared intently at Fang Zhengzhi in front of him, trying to see through his smile. After a few attempts, he eventually gave up.


Fang Zhengzhi’s expression hasn’t changed much. With his slight smile, he seemed like a mere observer.

But Chi Hou was very clear that Fang Zhengzhi was at the center of this matter.

“I’ll ask you one last time. Did you send someone to impersonate Su Qing?” Chi Hou asked with a stern face.

Ping Yang Residence.

To others, it was naturally a forbidden place.

But to Chi Hou, it wasn’t, because he had a daughter, an extraordinarily beautiful daughter. More importantly, his daughter was the only one who could control Ping Yang.

In that case, Ping Yang Residence wasn’t an obstacle.

Of course, a crucial reason why Chi Hou could ask Fang Zhengzhi this question so directly, was because Ping Yang wanted to know this answer too.

Her soft, pink lips pouted slightly, her clear eyes were filled with anticipation.

From her expression and attitude, for Chi Hou, Ping Yang gave the impression of a little girl brimming with curiosity.

“Has my lord come to drink tea, or to interrogate a criminal?” Fang Zhengzhi steadily raised a cup and drank a sip. Then, he lifted the teapot and poured some for Yan Xiu, and some for himself.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I don’t have time for your games. Just tell me if you had sent someone to impersonate Su Qing!” Chi Hou was getting impatient.

Su Qing’s arrival in the capital was such a big issue.

And more importantly, as the Lord of the Northern Lands Divine Constabulary, he knew of these later than Fang Zhengzhi. How could he not be shocked?


He had planned something before he left.

In other words, if there was any activity from Su Qing, the people of Northern Lands would notify him immediately. But truth was, Su Qing had entered the capital, yet he didn’t know!

“What do you think?” Fang Zhengzhi continued smiling.

“If you did that, I suggest you stop this immediately. Although the crown prince had lost today, he is not stupid. The people around him are not stupid too!”

“And then?”

“I know what you’re trying to do, but can you shoulder the crime of deceiving the emperor? Even if you’re not afraid, what about Wen Chuan? Can he shoulder this too? With the current situation in mind, we need to win consistently. When the emperor concludes Wan Chong’s case, and then with another blow…”

“Lord, actually, I don’t really care about the Imperial Government.” Fang Zhengzhi waved off Chi Hou’s concerns.

“You don’t care about the Imperial Government? Didn’t you get the original Law Official Wan Chong in prison? And the Left Prime Minister Yu Yiping, the two Law Ministers, the Ministry of Defence official who was about to return to the capital, and the Ministry of Finance official who went crazy today, didn’t you implicate all of them? At this juncture, you’re telling me you don’t care about the Imperial Government?” Chi Hou was getting angry.

It was like one devouring his meal but saying he wasn’t hungry. Who would believe?

“Yes, I did all of these. But I really don’t care about the Imperial Government.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded, answering with certainty.

“…” Chi Hou moved his lips, but he realized it was meaningless to continue pursuing this question. “Alright, I shall ask you another question. You said you have the evidence of Su Qing killing the Southern Region Noblelite, what is this evidence? Can you tell me?”

“No.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

“Then what exactly can you tell me?” Chi Hou could not stand this any longer.

“Hadn’t I already told you what I could tell you?” Fang Zhengzhi casually raised his cup and took another sip.

“What have you told me?” Chi Hou froze briefly.

“Su Qing has entered the capital!” Fang Zhengzhi sighed as he repeated.

“Just this?”


“What’s the difference between telling me this and not telling me anything?” Chi Hou asked, slightly embarrassed.

“Alright, let me reveal something. If I guessed correctly, Su Qing has already approached King Duan. If Lord wants to know if I had sent Su Qing, why not go to King Duan’s residence for a look?” Fang Zhengzhi spread his hands in annoyance.

“Su Qing is at King Duan’s residence?! How… How is this possible?” Chi Hou expression had completely changed. He was utterly astonished.

“If Lord doesn’t believe me, there’s nothing I can do.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head again.

“Alright, I’ll trust you once more. I’m going to King Duan’s residence now!” Chi Hou looked at Fang Zhengzhi seriously, but he quickly stood up. As he moved his body, he transformed into a ray of green light and flew out of Ping Yang Residence.

Ping Yang’s mind flashed back to reality.

“Now that Chi Hou has left, can you tell me why you sent someone to impersonate Su Qing?” Ping Yang asked as she blinked at Fang Zhengzhi.

“Did I say I send someone to impersonate Su Qing?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Ping Yang in surprise.

“Do you even need to say it? Even Chi Hou didn’t know Su Qing arrived in the capital, yet you knew. And why would Su Qing enter the capital now? He is not stupid!” Ping Yang said matter-of-factly.

“Yes, he isn’t stupid. In fact, he’s very clever!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded in agreement.

“So, how would Su Qing enter the capital? Yan Xiu, am I right?” Ping Yang said, her expression revealing an air of confidence. She then looked at Yan Xiu who remained taciturn.

Yan Xiu heard Ping Yang’s question. He thought for a moment and resumed his indifferent expression.

“Since Fang Zhengzhi said that Su Qing has entered the capital, then he has indeed entered the capital!” Yan Xiu said, raising his cup and drank a sip.

“Do you really believe this?” Ping Yang could not imagine this.



“Because Fang Zhengzhi never lies.”

“This shameless person doesn’t lie? Yan Xiu, I’m really…” Ping Yang said in exasperation. Yan Xiu’s joke was too awful for her.

But, in a moment, her expressions froze as if she came to a realization.

Fang Zhengzhi never lies…

Suddenly, Ping Yang stared intensely at Fang Zhengzhi.

“You shameless person, is it true that you never lie in Yan Xiu’s presence?”

“Yes.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded frankly.

“So… Su Qing really entered the capital? How is this possible? Why… would he enter the capital? And why has he arrived so quickly?” Ping Yang was bewildered.

“I have said earlier. Su Qing is very clever!” Fang Zhengzhi simply replied.

At the entrance of King Duan’s Residence.

Ten figures dressed in black cloaks stood silently at the entrance of the residence. Taciturn, unmoving, like ten black statues.

“Your Excellency, His Highness invites you in.” A guard emerged from King Duan’s residence and greeted the forwardmost person.

“Yes, thank you!” The figure nodded. Then he slowly glanced at the nine other figures cloaked in black behind him.

The nine figures saw that and immediately retreated, then vanished into the night, as though they had never appeared at the entrance of King Duan’s residence.

The guard was shocked as they saw this.

Nevertheless, they allowed this figure through the gates of the residence.

With the guard’s lead, the black figure passed through the patio and shortly arrived outside the study.

“I’ll go in by myself.” The black figure said, looking at the study.

“Al… alright.” The guard who was about to report at the door heard this and hesitated, but eventually nodded in concession.

The black figure thanked the guard and slowly walked toward the door of the study, and in no time, he reached the door. This looked surprisingly normal, as though it was nothing special at all.


A sound rang softly.

The figure walked into in King Duan’s study.

His face was covered by his black cloak, but his imperial shoes were very exquisite, revealing his supremely high status.

“Su Qing pays his greetings to Your Highness and Mister Hua.” The figure immediately greeted Lin Xinjue and Mister Hua upon stepping into the study.

“Oh? As the Chief of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies, you are too courteous to a mere foreign guest like me, I find it a little hard to accept!” Mister Hua looked at this figure covered completely by the black cloak, his eyes gleamed as he sized up Su Qing.

“When Mister Hua began serving here as a special guest, I was still a mere Rank 4 official. No matter my status, Mister Hua will always be an elder in my heart!”

“Hehe, I don’t deserve such a praise. Furthermore, we aren’t that close, right?” Mister Hua revealed a wry smile.

“It seems… Mister Hua thinks I am an impersonation?” Su Qing nodded as his eyes gleamed under the black cloak.

“I don’t seem to understand what you are trying to say.” Mister Hua replied. He fretted while looking coldly at Su Qing.

Lin Xinjue in his higher seat was also staring at Su Qing. But since Su Qing walked into the room, he had never said a word.

Su Qing didn’t reply, instead, he slowly raised his hands and removed the cloak covering his head.

In an instant, a fair and youthful face was unveiled among the black cloak. Indeed, it was the Chief of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies, Su Qing.

With Su Qing having revealed his face, Lin Xinjue and Mister Hua stared intently at him with troubled expressions.

“Your Highness, although I seemed to have followed the crown prince around in the past year, my purpose has always been to work for Your Highness. But because the crown prince is easily suspicious, to protect my identity, I could not visit you or send you letters. Does Your Highness really feel that I am an indecisive villain?” Su Qing’s words conveyed a tinge of sadness.

“Your Excellency, I do not understand your words!” Lin Xinjue’s expression changed slightly, though he still shook his head.

“Your Highness! Do you remember this jade ring? You gave it to me the first time we met. Three years ago, Your Highness arranged for me to serve in the Imperial Halls. If it weren’t for Your Highness, how would I have today’s achievements?” As Su Qing replied, he withdrew an exquisite jade ring and held it on his outstretched arms.

“You… are really Su Qing?!” Lin Xinjue stared keenly at the jade ring. Then his expression finally changed.

Of course, he recognized the gift that he gave to Su Qing. And more importantly, what Su Qing had described had happened three years ago.

At that time…

Fang Zhengzhi had yet to even participate in the Law of Dao examinations!

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Chapter 539: Getting Rid of the Crown Prince

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Yes, Your Highness, I really am Su Qing!” Su Qing nodded certainly. Then, he dropped to his knees and exclaimed: “Your Highness, please save me!”

“Save you?” Lin Xinjue’s eyes flashed a gleam at the kneeling Su Qing. Now he was sure the person in front of him was the real Su Qing.

But if he was real…

Why would he appear in Yan Capital?

Furthermore, he coincidentally arrived in Yan Capital at this point in time? This seemed highly improbable.

Mister Hua furrowed his brows when he saw the kneeling Su Qing. He stared at Su Qing’s face in hopes of reading something beyond his words.

But no sign of falseness was shown in Su Qing’s urgent expression.

Mister Hua could not fully understand the situation, but he felt a strong urge that Su Qing’s arrival in Yan Capital was unlikely to be a coincidence.

“Your Highness, Chi Hou wishes to meet you!” At this moment, a voice emerged from outside the study.

“Chi Hou?” Lin Xinjue froze briefly. He glanced at Su Qing, and hesitated a moment before asking: “Is it alright?”

“It’s alright, the Lord works for Your Highness too.” Su Qing nodded.

“Okay, please invite the Lord in!”


Ping Yang’s residence.

Fang Zhengzhi lifted his teacup and sipped lightly from it, his lips curled into a smile. He looked at the bewildered Ping Yang and shook his head helplessly.

Some things might seem very complicated at first sight, but upon viewing them from another perspective, they could not be simpler.

“Do you really want to know why Su Qing arrived in the capital?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.

“Yes… but wait, you wish to fool me again, right?” Ping Yang nodded, but she instantly saw Fang Zhengzhi’s playful smile.

“So, do you want to hear it?” Fang Zhengzhi asked nonchalantly.

“Yes!” Ping Yang bit her lip and eventually responded.

“100,000 pieces of silver.”


“Okay, first imagine you are Su Qing. If you have heard that I am still alive, what would you think?” Fang Zhengzhi asked after he heard Ping Yang’s agreement.

“About killing you, of course!” Ping Yang answered without hesitation.

“How would you kill me?” Fang Zhengzhi asked again.

“It would be ideal to convict you of some crime and openly kill you, but if that can’t be done, then I would assassinate you.” Ping Yang answered after some thought.

“That’s right. Now, do you think Su Qing would remain in the Northern Lands if he wants to kill me?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded and continued questioning her.

“You are saying… Su Qing actually left the Northern Lands a long time ago?!” Ping Yang’s eyes lit up brilliantly.

“Yes, Su Qing is very clever. Since he wants to kill me, naturally, he couldn’t just wait for things to happen at the Northern Lands, because there is a complete difference between controlling things from here and from the Northern Lands.” Fang Zhengzhi said confidently.

“Therefore, Su Qing has always been in Yan Capital?”

“Previously I wasn’t sure, but now I am certain that Su Qing arrived in Yan Capital with me.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“But doesn’t he fear the punishment of leaving his post?”

“Do you think Su Qing has not done anything for the past year in the Northern Lands? With Chi Hou’s departure from the Northern Lands, it’s not difficult for Su Qing to do something under the table.”

“Hmm, that makes sense. But… why did he choose to reveal himself now?” Ping Yang nodded but queried once again.

“Because he knows that the crown prince wants to kill him.” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“Third Brother wants to kill Su Qing? Hmm, that’s true. But what does this have to do with Su Qing revealing himself now?”

“If Su Qing hadn’t revealed himself, there could only be two outcomes. First, the crown prince sends someone to the Northern Lands to kill him. Second, the crown prince allows him to enter the capital, and ambushes him on his way here! So, Su Qing doesn’t have a choice.” Fang Zhengzhi smiled slightly.

There had never been a retreat in a contest of the throne. Especially with Lin Tianrong’s position as the crown prince, why would he risk himself for a mere official?

To the crown prince, all the officials were his tools. Regardless of their rank, no official could defy such an order.

“You mean Su Qing wishes to strike first and gain the upper hand? But how do you know that he is now at Sixth Brother’s residence?” Ping Yang seemed to understand better, though she still had doubts.

“Because in his mind, the only one who could protect him was King Duan!”

“So, he would definitely visit Sixth Brother’s residence first, right?”


“I understand now, but there is something I am still not sure. Even though you knew Su Qing has been in Yan Capital, how are you certain that he would choose to reveal himself today?” Ping Yang still had some questions in her heart.

“100,000 pieces of silver!”

“Again?” Ping Yang pouted.

“So, are you giving me or not?” Fang Zhengzhi said, apathetically pouring himself another cup of tea, then added some for Yan Xiu.

“I’ll give. I’ll crush you in silver!” Ping Yang exclaimed.

“Haha, go ahead and crush me! It’s simple, Su Qing said so himself!” Fang Zhengzhi laughed nonchalantly.

“He said so himself?!”

“Yes. Su Qing sent someone to notify Wen Chuan, then used Wen Chuan’s name to send a letter to the crown prince and King Duan.”

“Why did he do that?”

“It’s a well-known strategy to muddle the genuine with trickery, but Su Qing is enhancing his deception with genuineness. To survive, he must fool the crown prince into thinking he is a fake. The best way to do this is to notify the crown prince of his arrival in the capital. Only then could the crown prince be suspicious and send someone to investigate in the Northern Lands, effectively buying him some time.”

“Su Qing is clever indeed! Then… what are you going to do?” Ping Yang praised him intuitively, then looked at Fang Zhengzhi in anticipation.

“I’ll go with the flow!” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t bother keeping her in suspicion anymore and answered straightforwardly.

At the study in King Duan’s residence.

Su Qing had stood up from his prior kneeling position, but he didn’t take a seat. Instead, he stood respectfully in the study, facing Lin Xinjue, Mister Hua, and Chi Hou.

Lin Xinjue and Mister Hua remained silent.

Chi Hou sat on the chair, his finger knocking lightly its backrest. He frowned slightly, but his intense stare never shifted away from Su Qing’s face.

“My lord, do you have any more questions?” After a brief hesitation, Su Qing asked politely.

“No.” Chi Hou shook his head.

In fact, after he stepped into the study, he was almost certain of Su Qing’s identity. With Su Qing’s elaboration of the events in the Northern Lands in the past year, Chi Hou had no more qualms on that.

“It is heaven’s blessing for me to work together with My Lord!”

“Save the nonsense. I know best what you have done in the Northern Lands for the past year. But with only your side of the story, you wish to convict the crown prince as the real perpetrator of the Southern Region case, isn’t that quite impossible?” Chi Hou spoke straightforwardly.

“If I say that I can do it, will My Lord believe me?” Su Qing’s into a smiled.

“Of course not. The crown prince has strong backing in the Imperial Halls. Although the Left Prime Minister is jailed, and the Ministry of Law, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Defence officials are in danger, but he is still the crown prince, the successor of Great Xia Dynasty. As long as the emperor favors him, his ascent to the throne remains steady!” Chi Hou said confidently.

“My Lord is correct, but nothing in this world is set in stone. As you have said earlier, as long as the emperor favors him, his ascent to the throne remains steady, but what if the emperor doesn’t favor him?”

“What do you mean?”

“I have a plan to get rid of the crown prince immediately. In addition, it will allow Your Highness to then immediately gain control of the Imperial Halls and solidify your position!” Su Qing said with conviction.

“Get rid of the crown prince? Immediately?” Chi Hou was bewildered.

Although there were there many cases of removing the crown prince’s position in previous generations of dynasties, doing so was a very big deal indeed.


More importantly, from the emperor’s behavior today…

He still favored the crown prince. This meant that he had pinned high hopes upon the crown prince, so why would he immediately remove the crown prince?

Chi Hou could not believe this.

In fact, Lin Xinjue and Mister Hua could not believe this too.

“Su Qing, you know I don’t like listening to empty promises. And with the current situation, I do not wish to take any risks.” Lin Xinjue said.

“Your Highness, please rest assured. There would not be any risks involved in this plan.” Su Qing nodded and replied positively.

“Can Your Excellency really remove the crown prince without taking any risks?” A baffled Mister Hua added.

“Yes.” Su Qing nodded once again.

“Your Excellency, let’s hear your plan!” Mister Hua’s brows furrowed. He had always thought highly of himself, but in the end, he was just a strategic adviser.

Two years ago, Su Qing had already gained Lin Xinjue’s trust, but his status was merely a Rank 4 official.

At that time, Mister Hua didn’t think much of Su Qing.


A year ago, when Su Qing returned from the Southern Region, he had leaped from a Rank 4 official to a Border Governor, in charge of the Northern Lands Five Constabularies.

How could Mister Hua not be jealous?

And now, Su Qing stepped into King Duan’s residence, saying that he had a plan to rid the crown prince immediately without taking any risks.

How could he believe this?

Chapter 540: Lady of the Shadows

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

“Mister Hua, you need not worry. Just wait patiently for 3 days!” Su Qing shook his head.

“Three days?!” Mister Hua squinted and glanced at Lin Xinjue and Chi Hou. Gritting his teeth, he replied: “Okay, we shall wait three days. But what if you haven’t fulfilled your promise within 3 days?”

“I shall be at your disposal!” Su Qing smirked.

The night sky was dotted with countless stars. A soft glow cascaded from a brilliant moon up above, lighting up the entrance of Ping Yang residence.

“Young Master Fang, are you leaving the residence?”


“At this hour… Do you need a few bodyguards?” The guard keeping watch at the entrance of Ping Yang residence looked up at the night sky and asked in concern.


“Alright. Young Master, please take care.”

“Thank you.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded and exited through the residence gates.

A few guards exchanged looks, yet none of them intended to inform Ping Yang, standing by the residence gates as usual.

Because they were clear that these were matters instructed by Ping Yang.

Fang Zhengzhi could enter and leave Ping Yang residence as he wished, without any supervision.

Fang Zhengzhi walked slowly into the night and shortly he was out of Ping Yang residence’s sight. At this moment, a black figure leaped out from a roof of a house.

“Greetings to Your Excellency!” The black figure lifted his head slightly, revealing her alluring lips, though her body was shivering.

Qing Yi, who once confronted Chi Hou at the Northern Mountain Village.

“Why have you called me here tonight?” Fang Zhengzhi asked after a glance at Qing Yi.

“Master has arrived. She wishes to meet you.”

“Wu Yuer?” asked Fang Zhengzhi, surprised.

“Yes!” Qing Yi nodded.

“Didn’t this girl say she won’t ever enter Yan Capital? Would it really be appropriate for a rendezvous in the middle of the night?” Fang Zhengzhi complained in annoyance.

Qing Yi froze momentarily.

If this was asked by any other person, she would have stabbed him in a heartbeat, no questions asked.

But coming from Fang Zhengzhi, she wasn’t at all surprised.

“Your Excellency, please follow me!”

“Okay.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded and followed Qing Yi. They turned into an alley and shortly found themselves in front of an exquisite restaurant.

Fang Zhengzhi had previously visited this restaurant.

Fragrance Restaurant.

As the oldest restaurant in Yan Capital with hundreds of years of history, it was the gathering place for many elites from various origins. It was also one of Ping Yang’s favorite restaurants.

Of course, that was a matter of the past. Now as Fang Zhengzhi stepped in front of this restaurant, he felt something had changed.

For example, when he visited in the past, he would be welcomed by a waiter. But now, it was the owner who had been expecting him for a long time.

“Greetings to Your Excellency!” The restaurant owner saw Fang Zhengzhi and greeted him as respectfully as he could. If it weren’t for Qing Yi by his side, the owner seemed as if he would kneel too.

“Is Fragrance Restaurant this girl’s enterprise too?” Fang Zhengzhi said, a little taken aback. Then he remarked softly: “Well, apparently she loves enjoying life, but judging from the amount of money she had spent acquiring Fragrance Restaurant, she’s indeed a wastrel.”


Just as Fang Zhengzhi finished his sentence, an angry cough emerged from above, followed by a falling vase.

“Oh, what a sharp ear. Even that could be heard?” Fang Zhengzhi quickly sidestepped, avoiding a disaster. Then he looked suspiciously at the half-open window above.

The owner was aghast. He glanced above, and for fear of hesitating further, he led Fang Zhengzhi into the restaurant.

“Your Excellency, please!”

“Alright.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded as he followed the owner into the restaurant.

Usually, nights in Yan Capital would be bustling with activity.

But it was different for the restaurants.

They would be very lively in the morning and afternoon and their businesses would dwindle by night. It was now Fragrance Restaurant’s closing time, and naturally, there wouldn’t be anyone else here.

Qing Yi did not follow Fang Zhengzhi into the restaurant. Instead, she leaped away and vanished into the darkness of the night.

The restaurant owner led Fang Zhengzhi to an elegant pavilion.

“Your Excellency, we have reached.” The owner bowed.

“Okay, you may leave now.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded and waved at the owner.

“Yes!” The owner replied as he backed off.

Fang Zhengzhi opened the door and walked in.

In the pavilion, Fang Zhengzhi spotted the lady seated on a chair. She was dressed in a long, black muslin dress, her skin bore a fair, radiant complexion. Her brows were perfect like those of paintings, with a dot of cinnabar sat between them. An alluring beauty indeed.

The current Shadow Sect Leader, Wu Yuer!

“Didn’t you say you won’t ever enter Yan Capital?” Fang Zhengzhi forgot what happened a moment ago, curling his lips in disdain as he asked.

“I did. But didn’t you say you wouldn’t act rashly?” Wu Yuer smiled slightly. She didn’t mind if Fang Zhengzhi had forgotten what happened a moment ago, instead, she showed a loving expression.

Fang Zhengzhi was unfazed with Wu Yuer acting like this. Having spent a year with Wu Yuer, naturally, he would not be “puzzled” by her expressions.

So what if he knew for a fact that Wu Yuer would never show such an expression to anyone else? It could never hide her “true nature”.

Wu Yuer could be described in such a sentence: her intelligence was vastly different from that of Chi Guyan or Yun Qingwu.

Put simply, when Yun Qingwu was plotting something, he would deceive others with them thinking he was doing something open and honorable.

But Wu Yuer would do this differently.

Wu Yuer loved to sow discord. She enjoyed watching people argue and fight, then reaping the fruits of labor with a peace of mind.

To her, it was like this: When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.

Wasn’t it interesting? Take the Southern Region war as an example. With the Demon Race, Southern Region, and Great Xia all in a messy battle, but eventually after the war, they still belong with one another.

Fang Zhengzhi was furious then, but it was in vain. Because she indeed left without a trace.

Besides, this lady hid within multiple hideouts. Even Fang Zhengzhi didn’t know how many sanctuaries she had.

Take Fragrance Restaurant for instance.

If it wasn’t for Wu Yuer meeting him here today, he still wouldn’t have known that Fragrance Restaurant was Shadow Sect’s business.

For a lady like her who always concealed herself within the “shadows”, how would Fang Zhengzhi naively believe her loving expressions?

“Did I act rashly?” said Fang Zhengzhi. Maintaining a certain distance, he sat opposite her, then nonchalantly throwing a snack in his mouth.

“You didn’t act rashly? Entering Yan Capital unprepared aside, do you know how dangerous the situation was today?” Wu Yuer nagged while she shifted beside Fang Zhengzhi. Then she picked up the teapot and poured Fang Zhengzhi a cup of tea. “Your favorite scented tea.”

“Dangerous? I don’t think so.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head and drank a sip. “Actually, Fragrance Restaurant’s tea is pretty good too.”

“Better than mine?” Wu Yuer smiled.

“Haha… Tell me, what brings you here?” Fang Zhengzhi smiled, skipping the question. He knew the restaurant owner would be in trouble if he answered “yes”.

“I’m here to help you, of course.” Wu Yuer smiled lovingly at Fang Zhengzhi once again as she leaned against him. A fragrant scent of wafted from her body.

“How would you help?” Fang Zhengzhi sat cautiously still.

“How would you like me to help?” Wu Yuer lightly lifted a side of her skirt, revealing her smooth, fair calves.

“Besides gathering intelligence, Shadow Sect’s other noteworthy skill could only be broadcasting. Law Official Wen Chuan has Su Qing’s handwritten confession, can you circulate this confession throughout Yan Capital by tomorrow morning?” Fang Zhengzhi said as lowered his head, ogling at Wu Yuer’s calves.

“Tomorrow morning?” Wu Yuer seemed a little disconcerted.

As the Shadow Sect leader, she wasn’t the spendthrift like Fang Zhengzhi had described her to be. On the contrary, under her leadership, Shadow Sect’s businesses had been growing steadily.

And most importantly…

Wu Yuer knew her priorities very well.

In other words, as far as work matters were concerned, she would never show hesitation nor ambiguity. Efficiency was her style.

“Are there any difficulties?”

“No. I’ll get going.” Wu Yuer stood up and walked toward the door.

“Wait a second. Do you have any news of Nangong Mu?” Fang Zhengzhi said as he suddenly remembered this, staring at Wu Yuer who had reached the door.

“If all goes according to plan, Nangong Mu will arrive at Yan Capital tomorrow and participate in the Imperial Examinations. As far as I know, his potential is still not on par with Nangong Hao. But for this matter, it is better if you do it yourself.” Wu Yuer left as she finished her piece.

“Do I need to?” Fang Zhengzhi smirked as he looked out the window. His eyes lit up brilliantly. Anyone would be shocked if they saw this.

Because more than a year ago, someone’s eyes shone just as brilliantly.

And his name was…

Chi Guyan!

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Chapter 541: A Man, A Woman, Ignite!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

A brilliant display of stars.

They were dazzling in Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes. The pattern of the stars quickly formed various pictures, from picturesque mountainous landscapes to towering ancient trees. Eventually, these pictures merged into an expansive galaxy, within which flowed innumerable sparkling stars, twisting and turning freely.

After an unknown period, Fang Zhengzhi finally ceased the glorious light show in his eyes. In an instant, the brilliant galaxy of stars vanished. Now there was only pitch blackness.

Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the table in front of him. Beside the lukewarm tea sat a white jade bottle.

The jade bottle bore no words, no patterns, but it was a top-quality suet jade bottle without any trace of impurities.

“It is time already?” Fang Zhengzhi muttered. Surprisingly, he didn’t remark anything about her profligate expenditure. Instead, he opened the bottle and poured out a dark green pill.


He swallowed it with the lukewarm tea!

“Boss.” Fang Zhengzhi shouted toward the door.

“Yes, Your Excellency!” The restaurant owner’s voice emerged from outside the door, but he never stepped into the pavilion.

“Bring me some of your signature dishes and a few pots of your best tea, I’ll take away.” Fang Zhengzhi ordered.

“In a moment, Your Excellency!” The restaurant owner replied immediately.

Shortly after, the restaurant owner personally brought a few exquisite delicacies and two pots of brewed tea, then left after a bow.

Fang Zhengzhi stretched his hands and lightly loosened his blue gown.

A silver Heart Protection Mirror was revealed. But this was different from the Heart Protection Mirror that Chi Guyan gave him. Although they were of the same material, this one had a stone etched on it. A square stone.

This stone had a special name.

The Vast World!

Fang Zhengzhi caressed the stone while he immersed in deep thought. But in a moment, he snapped back to reality and kept the delicacies and tea.

Fang Zhengzhi stood up and walked out of the pavilion.

The abyss of the night.

Most of Yan Capital’s lights were out, except for the occasional surveillance street lights and a lanky figure.

A solitary figure walking on the street.

With a slow and steady speed.

And finally stopped upon reaching its destination.

As the largest state in Great Xia Dynasty, the Southern Region had set up a traveler’s lodge in Yan Capital. It had a simple name, Southern Lodge.

The design and décor of Southern Lodge were similar to those of the Southern Region palace. If it wasn’t for the differences in construction quality, it could be described as a scaled-down Southern Region palace.

Fang Zhengzhi was standing outside the Southern Lodge.

Four Southern Region guards in rattan armor stationed at the entrance stared closely at Fang Zhengzhi.

“Has the Southern Region Princess slept?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.

“No!” The four Southern Region guards answered without hesitation.

“Please inform her that I am here.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“Young Master Fang, please come in, Her Highness has been waiting for you for a long while!” The four Southern Region guards exchanged looks, then respectfully stepped aside, revealing a path into the Lodge.

“Thank you.” Fang Zhengzhi thanked them and entered.

To many people, the Southern Lodge was a forbidden place. Without the emperor’s approval, even the Minister of Rites, who oversaw the Southern Lodge, dared not venture a step in.

But Fang Zhengzhi entered the Southern Lodge.

As he passed the numerous guards in the main hall, none of them stopped him. Instead, they were very respectful.

“Young Master Fang, here, please!”

“Young Master Fang, please walk here!”

“Young Master Fang, turn left in front!”


With the help of these guards, Fang Zhengzhi reached a door. But this door was different from the rest. Stationed at the door were four female guards in rattan armor!

“Young Master Fang, please!” A female guard seemed to heave a sigh of relief upon seeing Fang Zhengzhi. Then, she lightly opened the door, and respectfully motioned a Southern Region bow.

Being treated like this…

Fang Zhengzhi indeed felt a little uneasy. He intended to bring some delicacies to the Southern Lodge and have a morning tea with Shan Yu, but there was still some time till sunrise.

But he had already reached the Southern Lodge.

Then he asked that question.

But little did he expect that Shan Yu was still awake, and even predicted that he would visit the Southern Lodge. This made him suspicious.

Speaking of plans…

Indeed, initially, he did not have such a plan. But after meeting with Wu Yuer at Fragrance Restaurant, he thought Shan Yu hadn’t tasted Fragrance Restaurant’s delicacies, so he decided to bring some here.

So, how did Shan Yu predict his arrival?

Fang Zhengzhi stepped into the room. Behind a desk was Shan Yu with a luxurious animal hide draped upon her body.

Bright lights illuminated her beautiful, smooth, tanned skin. On her hands was an ancient book.

Titled Law of Dao.

“You’re here.” Shan Yu closed the book and sat upright. Her black eyes gazed at Fang Zhengzhi as he walked into the room.

“I’m here.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

But he felt a little awkward at this moment. In the dead of night, he had entered a lady’s room, and she was the Southern Region Princess.

“Have a seat.” Shan Yu pointed at a chair covered in animal hide.

“Alright.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded again.

“Have you come to me for any matters?” Shan Yu asked while Fang Zhengzhi took his seat. She didn’t address herself formally as the princess, but with a simple “me”.

“No.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head.

“Oh…” Shan Yu fell into a silence, then reached a thought and said: “Shall I get them to bring us some food?”

“No.” Fang Zhengzhi shook his head again.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Shan Yu wondered.

“I brought some snacks.” Fang Zhengzhi said as he brought out the delicacies and two pots of hot tea from within his gown.

Shan Yu gazed at Fang Zhengzhi a little differently, this time surprised. Seeing the delicacies on the table, she reached out and took one.

A snack in her mouth.

“This is really delicious.” Shan Yu praised softly, then raised the teapot and poured tea for Fang Zhengzhi and herself.

She had a little sip.

“The tea is even better!”

Then she put the cup of tea back on the table.

“Fragrance Restaurant’s tea has a rich heritage. It may not be the best in Yan Capital, but it is definitely authentic.” Fang Zhengzhi explained.

“Yes, you have great taste as usual!” Shan Yu nodded and took another sip.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t continue but laid back on the chair in a relaxed slouch.


At this moment, Shan Yu moved.

An icy dagger charged towards Fang Zhengzhi, its tip pointed straight at him, so swift it blurred into a shadow.

Yet, the dagger did not pierce Fang Zhengzhi’s throat.

Because as the dagger as about to reach him, Shan Yu’s body fell on Fang Zhengzhi, as though she had lost her balance.

And at this moment, Fang Zhengzhi shifted his body to the side.


Shan Yu fell on the floor, kneeling on one leg. Her head hit Fang Zhengzhi’s thigh. She looked ridiculous, with her chair kicked aside.

“Your Highness!”

“Your Highness!”

The voices of two female guards emerged from outside and the door was pushed open. Four female guards entered with pikes in their hands.

Time seemed to stop.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Shan Yu, Shan Yu looked at the four female guards. The four female guards looked at Fang Zhengzhi and Shan Yu, aghast.

“I deserve to die!”

“I deserve to die!”


The four female guards froze for a moment, then dropped to their knees.

“Get out. Without my order, do not enter again.” Shan Yu slowly stood up, massaged her knees and waved the guards away.

“Yes!” The four female guards left immediately.

Fang Zhengzhi shifted his body forward to reach the food, took a snack and ate it.

“After more than a year, I thought you would’ve become gentler.” Shan Yu picked up her chair and sat on it.

“I should be the one telling you this.” Fang Zhengzhi curled his lips.

In fact, he had almost believed Shan Yu’s gentle appearance a moment ago. But some things just couldn’t change.

Especially a person’s true nature.

Just like Shan Yu.

In the span of a year, a wild lady had transformed into a gentle, calm lady who only wanted to drink tea and chat.

Was that possible?

“You’re still so shameless!” Shan Yu rebuked, then her expressions darkened: “Why did you return to the Southern Region a year ago to explain?”

“Do I need to?” Fang Zhengzhi quipped.

“Don’t you need to?” Shan Yu asked again.

“If you trusted me, I need not explain. If you don’t trust me, no matter how well I can explain, you would still not accept it. Isn’t it?” Fang Zhengzhi answered.

Shan Yu fell silent. A moment later, she nodded and asked: “You took the sword of the Icy Monkey Settlement, right?”

“That’s mine, to begin with.” Fang Zhengzhi did not deny that.

“Why did you want to meet when you were at the Southern Region?”

“If we had met, what happened at the palace gate would not be possible.”

“I’ll leave Yan Capital by the end of one month. Is there… enough time?” Shan Yu didn’t probe further and kept her dagger.

“For the Southern Region case, there is no need for a month. It will be solved in three or four days.” Fang Zhengzhi replied after some thought.

“So fast?” Shan Yu was astonished.

If it was anyone else who said a year-long grievance could be solved within three or four days, Shan Yu would never have believed.

But since this was Fang Zhengzhi…

Then she believed this.

“Yes.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Shan Yu did not comment or ask further. Instead, she picked up a snack and stuffed it in her mouth, then drank a sip of hot tea. “Tasty snack, delicious tea!”

“Then you should eat more!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled.


The earliest rays of the sun shone through the windows of a room in the Southern Lodge. In this room, a man and a woman sat opposite each other, enjoying delicacies and a morning tea. A peaceful sight indeed.

Yet, outside the lodge in Yan Capital, the atmosphere was tense.

The news of Su Qing’s arrival in the capital was only passed to King Duan and the crown prince in the evening the day before. In other words, most of the officials in Yan Capital had already returned to their residences.

Besides the officials who were in the crown prince’s residence and King Duan’s residence, not many knew of Su Qing’s visit.


When everyone woke up in the morning, everything changed. They couldn’t believe the news or think straight.

“Su Qing has arrived in the capital!”

“How is this possible? Why would he suddenly arrive at the capital?”

“Furthermore, he even wrote a confession explaining what happened in the Southern Region case. What is going on?”

Countless commoners were engrossed in discussions. They simply could not believe what happened. As a matter of fact, the sheer suddenness and strangeness of this were staggering.

But they had to believe.

Because the news had been spread throughout Yan Capital. In every street and alley, the same posters were hung for all to see. Su Qing’s confession.

With impassioned words, the confession described the entire process, including the intents and details, and even enumerated a few pieces of evidence. Quite immersive indeed.

From that, Su Qing’s writing skills were surprisingly outstanding.

“Is it true?!”

“Even if this confession was even more detailed, this can’t be true, right?”

“Well, how could we not believe? Even the Law Council has this confession pasted at the entrance. There’s Su Qing’s handwriting, his fingerprint, and the official stamp!”

“Are you sure?”

With the original confession hung on the entrance of the Law Council, the officials and commoners were completely bewildered.

In a night, Yan Capital was torched into a burning mess.

If it could be said the people were still recovering from yesterday’s unbelievable outcome, then the arrival of such news was the spark to a pile of firewood.

Burning into a fire that would engulf the capital!

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