Gate of God

Chapter 874 - Origin Illusion, A Complete World

Chapter 874: Origin Illusion, A Complete World

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The ferocious waves tumbled in the ocean while making loud whistling noises. The violent sea breeze raged in the skies, blowing the waves higher and higher.

At that moment, Fang Zhengzhi suddenly saw a bright red object. However, it was not the sun in the sky.

It was burning with fieriness.

It was the Thousand Years Fire Herb!

Fang Zhengzhi remembered that when the Thousand Years Fire Herb entered his body, it was made to an undeveloped pill by Wan Lei of the Yin Yang Hall.

Afterward, the undeveloped pill was gradually absorbed by his body. Although he only absorbed a small portion of it, he was sure that Thousand Years Fire Herb could no longer be in his body.

Why would the Thousand Years Fire Herb appear again?

Fang Zhengzhi was confused. However, before he could think it through, more spots of light appeared in front of his eyes and floated in the sky.

Those were stalks of herbs.

Every stalk of herb was flowing with radiance. There were so many of them that dotted the sky like stars, as if they were about to block the sky completely.

“Could it be the ten acres of herb farm from the Yin Yang Hall?” Fang Zhengzhi was astonished. He could understand the appearance of the Thousand Years Fire Herb, but he could not account for the appearance of the stalks of herbs.

That was because most of the herbs had already been refined by him. He had made use of the fire in the Middle Stream Cauldron to turn them into pills.

Then, he ate them as meals.

Why did the herbs that were refined and eaten by him reappear? Fang Zhengzhi could not comprehend it but that was what he saw in front of him.

Could it be that he was seeing his own origin illusion?

Fang Zhengzhi was unsure of how he should describe this phenomenon, hence he casually used the term “origin illusion” for easy comprehension.

“Origin” referred to the origin energy while “illusion” referred to the “objects” that accumulated in the origin energy. For example, if you had developed the origin energy after refining the Thousand Years Fire Herb, then the “object” of the origin illusion would be the Thousand Years Fire Herb.

The same idea applies for others.

That was a guess made by Fang Zhengzhi. However, it encountered a problem. Amongst the various stalks of herbs in the sky, he discovered a few stalks that were starkly different.

Red, blue, gold, black, white.

An unique flower made up of five different colored petals. It glowed with a radiance that made it look brighter than other herbs. In fact, it was comparable to the Thousand Years Fire Herb.

“Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers of the Ling Yun Tower?” Fang Zhengzhi knew the origin of this herb. It was found during the battle with Qian Ye in the Ling Yun Tower.

The situation was rather complicated then. In order to force Qian Ye to appear, Fang Zhengzhi had to steal the treasure.

In the end…

These Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers ended up in his possession.

Afterwards, everything went smoothly. Qian Ye died and Qian Ye was successfully rescued and became the new Tower Master of the Ling Yun Tower.

What a perfect ending. By right, Fang Zhengzhi should have returned the Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers to Qian Yu.

However, something unexpected happened.

In order to force Fang Zhengzhi to marry Ping Yang, Qian Yu had trapped him in the Ling Yun Realm. Therefore, Fang Zhengzhi could not return the Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers even if he wanted to.

Of course, that was a nicer form of explanation. To put it harshly, how would Fang Zhengzhi return something that he had already got on hand?

Therefore, the Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers eventually still ended up in the possession of Fang Zhengzhi.

However, the penta-coloured wonder flower was slightly different from other herbs. It was obtained by Fang Zhengzhi in the Ling Yun Tower and hence he had neither turned it into pills nor absorbed the medical benefits of the Penta-coloured Wonder Flower. He had not even ingested the flower before.

Based on his guess and deduction, he knew that only things he ate could turn into origin illusions. How could something he had never eaten turn into an origin illusion then?

Fang Zhengzhi was really confused.

However, he decided to let it be. After all, what happened in front of him and why it happened was no longer important. At that moment, the sky changed once again and a strange phenomenon happened.

The light from the Penta-coloured Wonder Flower radiated across the sky. The five colors — blue, red, gold, black, white — spread and surrounded the stalks of herbs.

Then, millions of light fell from the sky, like raindrops that fell into the ocean underneath, and disappeared afterwards.

It was a rain of light.

After the rain of light, the waves in the ocean gradually gathered towards the center as though they were attracted by the light rain, forming a giant whirlpool in the ocean.

Boom! Thunders rumbled and a rainstorm hit.

The violent raindrops combined with the rain of light and fell in the ocean. Then, they followed into the giant whirlpool.

The whirlpool became bigger and bigger…

A bizarre scene.

But the strangest thing happened when a palm-sized black spot appeared in the center of the swirl.

The sun set and the moon rose again.

As the rain fell in the sea, there was lesser light in the sky. In the end, there was only the pouring rain, the stormy waves and whirlpool in the center of the ocean left.

After a while, the rain subsided and the black spot in the center of the whirlpool increased in size, from the size of a palm to the size of a stone then the size of an island.

As the island formed, the violent waves gradually subsided and the waters became clear. It felt as though everything flowed towards the small island and things began changing on the island.

The first sprout appeared, followed by the second, the third, until the sprout grew to a shrub ad flowers grew. Then the shrub grew to a tree and the flowers bloomed with fragrance.

Thousands of years seemed to have passed by, yet it was as though it occurred in a blink of an eye.

The seawater became extremely clear. It looked like a blue jelly and flowed slowly.

Fang Zhengzhi’s train of thought suddenly became clear. He could even feel the impact caused by the seawater hitting the island.

All the trees on the island was connected to his soul. He could even hear the plants whisper and feel their happiness.

As this feelings grew more intense, Fang Zhengzhi suddenly realized that the world in front of his eyes was his own world which he could control.

That’s right…

It was his Small Dimension!

However, unlike the past, the Small Dimension was no longer a lake but instead a vast ocean. The tall tree in the center became an island.

The island had many exuberant trees that exuded vitality just like the tall tree in the past.

Very clear.

Moreover, besides the trees, the island had flora and fauna, stones, fine white sand as well as thick and hard metals.

It was a complete world.

It was almost identical to the real world. However, the only different with the real world was that the island had a golden fruit that was shaped like a key floating in the sky above the island.

It was the fruit of the Tree of God.

Surrounding the fruit of the Tree of God were a few other Penta-coloured Wonder Flowers. They were flying gradually around the golden fruit as though they were guardian angels.

On the other hand, the other herbs and the Thousand Years Fire Herb disappeared.

Of course, they did not disappear without a trace. There was still a tall mountain on the island that had smoke rising from its peak.

It was a volcano.

“That’s it!” Fang Zhengzhi understood. Although this could be called an origin illusion, it was slightly different from the literal meaning of an origin illusion.

There were no suitable adjectives to describe the scene ahead of him. The closest term that could be used to describe the Small Dimension would be “abundant” and “complete”.

In the previous Small Dimension, there was only one tree bearing many Dao Fruits.

Yet now, all the Dao Fruits had ripened and produced various types of “items” such as flowers, grass, trees, stones, flames, violent winds, and even the sun, moon and thunder in the sky.

“Dear ocean, why on earth are you filled with water. Dear horse, why on earth do you have four legs!” Fang Zhengzhi suddenly had an impulse to write a poem.

Holy Region. Heaven Zen Mountain, Heaven’s Peak.

The violent battle was still ongoing. After Qian Yu joined, it greatly reduced the pressure on Mu Qingfeng, Mo Shanshi and Yan Yin.

However, the reduction was very insignificant.

It was still almost impossible to completely win Monster Emperor Baizhi who had turned into a monster. Moreover, as time passed, the fatigue in humankind became a weakness.

Mo Shanshi was the first person who displayed this weakness.

After all, he had once used his energy wildly. In addition to his old age, under intense pressure, he evidently could not last much longer.

He kept gasping for air as beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead. The perspiration was blown away by the strong wind, making his face pale and cold.

Finally, his vision began to blur and he gradually began to lose consciousness. As he saw the giant fox tail approach him, he subconsciously blocked the whip with his black giant hammer.

However, just as the black giant hammer was about to touch the fox tail, its direction changed suddenly. Instead of hitting downwards, it moved sideways, from left to right.

This sudden change and the instant of absentmindedness of Mo Shanshi made it impossible to prevent the tail from hitting him.


Mo Shanshi’s body flew. He spat out a mouth of blood and it created a blood-red flower in the sky.

“Old man Mo!” Seeing this scene, Mu Qingfeng became worried. Moreover, when Mo Shanshi flew due to the impact of the whip, the second giant fox tail was about to hit Mo Shanshi’s head.

Monster Emperor Baizhi was clearly trying to kill Mo Shanshi when he was disadvantaged.

Mu Qingfeng had to attack so as to prevent the fox tail from hitting Mo Shanshi again. However, Monster Emperor Baizhi had clearly figured out what Mu Qingfeng was going to do.

One misstep leads to a series of wrong steps.

Monster Emperor Baizhi had lived for a really long time. To describe it using Fang Zhengzhi’s words, she was a real old wretch.

And this wretch was one who had an extremely strong state of mind and was extremely experienced.

The collaborative attack of four had its advantage as it allowed for different attack positions and methods.

However, the disadvantage would come when a mistake is made. With one mistake, many other mistakes would ensue, causing a total destruction.

Monster Emperor Baizhi knew about this.

Therefore, she purposely gave Mu Qingfeng a chance to save Mo Shanshi.

“Caught you!” Monster Emperor Baizhi smirked. Meanwhile, she shifted her body suddenly and faced Yan Yin and Qian Yu with her back, completely giving up attacking the two so she could put her focus entirely on Mo Shanshi and Mu Qingfeng.

Boom! Mu Qingfeng suffered a blow on his back. He almost broke his waist due to the whip of the giant fox tail.

“Pavilion Master!” Yan Yin’s expression changed and wanted to go forward to help. However, his path was completely blocked by Monster Emperor Baizhi.

Desperate, he slapped Monster Emperor Baizhi’s back. As it was an anxious attack, it was neither strong or accurate.

Of course, it did not hurt Monster Emperor Baizhi.

On the other hand, Mu Qingfeng, after suffering from the whip, spat out blood and had turned extremely pale.

“Sword-like Moon!” Qian Yu frowned. The sudden change in situation was unexpected, but since it had happened, she could not possibly push the blame on others. She could only try her best to prevent the situation from worsening.

Following her command, millions of light rays shot out from the eight moons on top of Qian Yu’s head. Every light ray was as sharp as a sword and looked like frost.


The light rays produced loud rumbles as they fell on Monster Emperor Baizhi. The sound was similar to that when the sword and metal collided.

However, unlike expected, blood did not splatter. That was because Monster Emperor Baizhi’s body was too strong. When the white fur came into contact with the light rays, they turned as hard as metal. The attack would not cause any substantial damage to Monster Emperor Baizhi at all if it was not done with full concentration.

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