Gate of Immortality

Chapter 262: Splitting Soul

Yang Shi wished for utilizing the potency of the Soul Nourishing Pill to its maximum. So, he forged some silver needles. However, these are not ordinary silver needles.

They are made from Profound Silver ores, which are used as supplementary materials while forging True grade weapons.

  However, equipment made from purely Profound Silver ore isn't much powerful compared to even spirit grade weapons.

Yang Shi forged thirty six needles, each of them was like strands of hair. Although their attacking capability is low. Yang Shi made them for different purposes.

Yang Shi started to inscribe rank one talisman as he circulated his soul qi. He made talismans till his soul qi was almost depleted. When he saw his soul qi was depleted completely, he stopped making talismans.

Yang Shi took off his clothes as he sat in the lotus position. Yang Shi took the needles and pierced them in his acupoints. Yang Shi took out all Soul Nourishing Pills and popped them into his mouth.

Before swallowing them, he pierced the last needle on his forehead. After every needle were in their place, Yang Shi swallowed the pills.

These silver needles are very good to stimulate his body. This technique was called Samadhi Tranquility Acupuncture Art.

With this acupuncture technique, Yang Shi can easily enter a trance state, where his subconscious mind will be active. The Samadhi state is like a semi death state, where the soul hovers between illusions and reality.

Yang Shi wished to squeeze all the essence from the pills, without wasting a single bit. So, he emptied all his soul qi before he started to absorb them.

The Soul Nourishing Pills melted in his dantian as the medicinal energy roared. The energy circulated all through the thirty six acupoints before getting absorbed by the Yang Shi's soul.

Yang Shi already drained all usable soul qi from his sea of consciousness, so the medicinal energy poured into his sea of consciousness like a flood of water in a desert.

Yang Shi activated the Myriad Soul Controlling Technique as the medicinal energy turned into soul qi and was devoured by his soul.

Yang Shi's soul glowed with a pale light as it started to grow bit by bit. His soul was already much smaller compared to other cultivators, but now, it was gaining back its size.

The Soul Nourishing pill Yang Shi ate was a medium-tier pill, so it has quite an amount of unrefined herb essence. Pills with unrefined essence were hard to refine by cultivators.

  Moreover, while absorbing the pill's energy, most of the medicinal energy gets dispersed. It means that the cultivator absorbed only half a pill's worth of medicinal energy.

  Higher the pill tier, easier to digest it as it contains a low amount of unrefined essence.

Yang Shi could feel his sea of consciousness was spilling some unrefined essence. After all, a normal cultivator would have eaten Soul Nourishing Pills one by one, unlike Yang Shi who ate all of them in one go.

Eating too many pills at the same time can be harmful as some cultivators couldn't handle the sudden burst of a large amount of medicinal energy. But it wasn't an issue for Yang Shi.

The Myriad Soul Controlling Formula was helping Yang Shi to control his soul without an obstruction. Moreover, the technique also purified his soul qi.

The levels of the Myriad Soul Controlling formula rose quickly as Yang Shi's soul became bigger and bigger. Yang Shi could feel that a pair of eyes has appeared on his soul, making it look a bit weird.

However, Yang Shi was elated because this indicates that his soul had reached a certain stage in terms of purity.

Yang Shi could feel a vast amount of medicinal energy leaking from his sea of consciousness. If he was an ordinary cultivator, he would have helplessly watched the medicinal energy dissipate away.

  But the moment Yang Shi saw the medicinal qi spilling, he activated his Internal Energy. His Internal Energy churned as the unrefined essence got dragged by.

Yang Shi felt no problem grinding the unrefined essence with his Internal Energy. The unrefined essence got refined by the Internal Energy as Yang Shi diverted back to his soul.

  With such a method, Yang Shi didn't have to worry about wasting medicinal energy.

Yang Shi suddenly felt that his Myriad Soul Controlling Formula halted as he became confused.

" Oh? It seems I reached the minor threshold stage of the Myriad Soul Controlling Formula. Very well, I should try to split my soul now." 

Yang Shi stopped using the medicinal qi as he changed the incantations of Myriad Soul Controlling Formula.

His divine sense condensed in his sea of consciousness as it wrapped around his soul. His divine sense took a shape of a knife as it lowly cut his soul.


Yang Shi sucked breath of cold air as he endured the pain of splitting his soul. He felt an intense pain coming from his soul, but he didn't realize that it will increase further.

But Yang Shi's expression changed as he felt the Azure Lotus and Crimson Lily in his dantian started humming. 

He felt the knife made from divine sense seemed to be suddenly out of his control. Blue and the red light flashed as the knife suddenly changed its direction.

" THE FUCK!!!" 

Yang Shi almost cursed aloud as the divine sense started to cut a part of his soul.

Yang Shi initially wished to cut a tenth of his soul to create a subsidiary soul. However, due to the influence of the Azure Lotus and Crimson Lily, the knife was about to cut a fourth of his soul.

It was indeed a large part of his soul. A slight mistake will lead him to death.

" My dear primordial spirits, please don't do this!!" 

Yang Shi almost burst into tears as the pain increased. At that moment, he felt his body will collapse.

The pain wasn't something physical, it was a strange mental pain. Yang Shi could only grit his teeth and try to endure the pain. He didn't forget to continue using the Myriad Soul Controlling formula.


  Yang Shi screamed in his heart as his soul was separated. The knife didn't take long as it separated a fourth of his soul.

Suddenly, Yang Shi felt the pain vanish as his main soul became smaller again, though it was still bigger when it was injured. Yang Shi didn't waste any time as he devoured all remaining medicinal energy crazily.

Yang Shi initially thought that the remaining medicinal energy would fully heal his main soul after he cut a tenth from it. However, now a fourth of it now gone, the medicinal energy is pretty insufficient to heal his main soul.

The knife made from divine sense didn't vanish as it was still in control of his primordial spirits. Yang Shi could feel a thin line connecting his subsidiary soul and main soul.

The knife moved again as it slashed the subsidiary soul into two perfect halves. Although Yang Shi felt a stinging pain, it was nothing compared to his previous pain.

The two subsidiary souls drifted to the two flowers. Both Azure Lotus and Crimson Lily ate one subsidiary soul.

Yang Shi almost fainted from shock and anger. It was another thing to eat soul qi, but the Azure Lotus and Crimson Lily ate a part of his soul. Yang Shi wished he could cry, but no tear came from his eyes.

But contrary to his surprise, he could still feel his connection with both of his subsidiary souls.

" Strange, What is happening?"

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