Gate of Immortality

Chapter 265: Volcanic Warrior Set

Xu Ao came along with Xu Ming because he wanted to buy a Fan type weapon. The Primordial Spirit of the Xu clan is the Flaming Fan. So, Xu Ao wished to find a treasure that could complement his Primordial Spirit.

The Flaming Fan is a Fire attribute Primordial Spirit. It can be used as an offensive technique as well as in Alchemy. That's why Xu Ao was already a peak Adept alchemist.

It's a Royal grade Primordial Spirit and can be evolved to Imperial grade. But evolving a Primordial Spirit is very hard.

" Hmph, I am not in a hurry to refine that treasure. Brother Ming, Since you have gotten your spear, let's depart." Xu Ao said hurriedly.

" Hahaha, Junior Brother, don't be so hasty. I am sure Brother Yang isn't someone who remembers grudges." Xu Ming laughed.

" I am very curious, what treasure you are talking about?" Yang Shi asked.

" It's a Three Colored Flame Fan." Xu Ming elaborated.

There was a book called-" Record of Wondrous Treasures". It was an elementary book for those who are interested in treasures.

Although it doesn't contain the refinement technique, this book contains the records and power of thousands of treasures forged by Blacksmiths. Its main point is to increase the creativity of blacksmiths.

" Three colored Flame Fan, isn't it is a True grade artifact?" Yang Shi spoke.

  " Brother Ming, Although I can forge Quasi True grade artifacts, that is my limit. I can't forge True grade weapons at the moment."

" Haha, Brother Yang is worrying too much. Junior brother Ao only wishes to refine a replica. Although Three Colored Flame Fan is a True grade treasure, even our Xu clan doesn't have it."

The Three Colored Flame Fan is a treasure tailor-made for alchemists. With this treasure, their Spirit flame will consume less amount of spiritual qi. Moreover, it helps to regulate the flame intensity during pill concoction.

When refining pills of rank four and higher, the demand for accuracy increases tremendously. That's why only those who have soul qi and use divine sense can refine such pills and treasures.

" Hmm, I can make a replica. Although its power will be limited to Quasi True rank, it will be enough for rank three pills." Yang Shi spoke. " However, I need materials, three sets of it."

" Of course, I will deliver them as soon as possible." Xu Ming nodded.

" Brother Yang is so talented, are you also coming to the Royal Palace for the banquet tonight?" Xu Ming asked.

" Banquet? Royal palace?" Yang Shi became confused.

" Wait, You didn't receive an invitation?" Xu Ming wondered. Yang Shi's face became even more confused.

" Since he is not invited, let's not talk about that. Brother Ming, We have to go now." Xu Ao spoke as he dragged Xu Ming away.

Yang Shi shook his head as he gazed at the spirit stones. Finally, he felt the richness of being a Blacksmith.

Yang Shi was already sweaty from before, so he hurried to take a bath. He already closed the shop for today, so he could relax a bit. But again, someone knocked on the door.

When Yang Shi opened it, there was a soldier standing, wearing silver armor.

" Are you the manager of True Treasure Hall, Yang Shi?" The soldier asked politely.

" Yes, How may I help you?" Yang Shi was surprised as he asked.

" Noble Yang, You have been invited to the Rose Palace for the banquet of the Your Highness Second Prince. " The soldier bowed slightly as he passed a golden scroll to Yang Shi.

" Banquet? Why, is it some special occasion?" Yang Shi asked.

" Today is the birthday of Second Prince, so he invited all the leading young figures of the Capital city." The soldier spoke.

" Fine, I will see." Yang Shi nodded as he said.

The soldier looked at Yang Shi as he turned to leave. Yang Shi closed the door and threw the scroll to the side. He had no intention to go to the banquet.

" Heh, That place is literally a minefield. The chances of a big fight happening are hundred percent. I am not going there." Yang Shi snorted as he thought.

But suddenly, he felt that he should go. Currently, he and the Second Prince are almost enemies as Yang Shi was unofficially a person from the First Prince's faction.

Knowing the enemy's strengths and weakness is necessary. Yang Shi felt he should at least see the faces of Princes.

" Since it's a banquet, I need to give some gifts. But well, I don't think anyone would expect anything from such an unknown person like me." Yang Shi laughed.

The banquet will start in the night, so Yang Shi had plenty of time. Yang Shi went to the forge to make something new.

" Although I am currently at the peak of Master rank Blacksmith and can create anything bellow True grade stage, there is still another thing I haven't made." Yang Shi thought.

People felt that forging Quasi True grade weapon is the peak of Master stage Blacksmith, but that is not so.

Yang Shi decided to make a whole Set of Quasi True grade treasures. Set weapons function like set weapons in a RPG game.

With many Quasi True grade treasures complementing each other, their power can reach even the True grade.

However, making a set is more difficult than forging singular Quasi True grade treasures. One needs to study the workings of spirit diagrams closely and understand their property.

Moreover, they need to make corresponding spirit diagrams in all pieces of the set. The spirit diagrams of each piece must connect with each other like a jigsaw puzzle.

A slight mistake and everything could be ruined instantly. That's why not many people know how to make set weapons.

" Set weapons are also important for the military. A troop of hundred soldiers wearing powerful sets of treasures can create an army formation to take down ten thousand soldiers of the same realm."

Yang Shi decided to forge a set of treasures called Volcanic Warrior's set. It consists of three pieces- Volcanic Armor, Lava Sword, and Helmet of Fire.

Each piece is Quasi True grade treasure. Wearing the armor, the cultivator's resistance towards Fire qi increases by three folds. Moreover, their Fire attribute battle technique becomes more powerful.

Yang Shi was already proficient in making Quasi True grade weapons, so making it will only take slightly more effort. It took almost took three hours to make the whole Volcanic Warrior's set.

The armor was giving a bright red light with a shade of golden. The spirit diagram on it looked like veins of flowing lava. The helmet and sword were completely matched with the aura of the armor.

Yang Shi was very satisfied to see the armor. He put it into his spatial ring as he looked outside.

" Hmm, It should be time. I should visit Mo Yi before going to the banquet." Yang Shi thought.

" Ruxue, I am going to attend a banquet, so I will be late. As for Jin Yu, where is she?" Yang Shi suddenly asked.

" She is helping Wen Ran downstairs. She is helping him. In return, Wen Ran makes various dishes for her." Bai Ruxue laughed.

" That's good." Yang Shi muttered. He wore a costly robe and went to the Mo Clan.

" Eh? Brother Yang, you are also invited to the banquet?" Mo Yi asked. " Wonderful, we can go together." He said with an exciting voice.

" What is there to be so excited about?" Yang Shi spoke.

" Hehe, Brother Yang, it seems you don't know much. Come, let me explain you.." Mo Yi laughed.

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