Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V01 – Chapter 10 RM


--- Fort Alnus ---

May 3rd, 2025


Major Sharpe is in his makeshift office in this large tent. All around are the other Vanguard teams, both the leaders and Logistic Officers.

To his left is Second Lieutenant Charles Johnson and to his right is First Lieutenant Sarah Rose, each doing their paperwork.

He is typing on his laptop, making both Rory Mercury and Lelei La Lalena becomes officially part of the team.

He does not fully understand why he went along with it. Just the other night he wanted to stay away from the three Girls. He is convinced that they stay around him they will end up dead. Rory said that she cannot die, being an Apostle. That her body can regenerate and reattach body parts. However, he instantly came up with a dozen ways for her to be tortured without killing her. All of them worse fate than death.

But after Rory and him spent that night together on the perimeter(1) the other day he feels like he can lead this team. For three months he has had confidence issues in his leadership abilities and now for the first time, he feels like he has a chance.

He sees his inbox and find it full of messages. He opens it and sees some memos, most from what is going on in the war. He sees some personal messages by some friends which he ignores them all.

He looks up and sees Sarah walks up, carrying a box.

Sarah drops the box on his desk. "Damn this is heavy. What is in here?"

He looks at the big box. "I could have gotten it."

"I might have a pretty face Major but that doesn't mean I cannot lift things," Sarah said with a smirk. "What is in it?"

"Books," he replied.

"What kind of books?" Sarah asked.

He leans back in his chair and looks at Sarah. "Some history books, ancient China Europe. Cultural books like Guns, Germs, and Steel."

"I have heard of that book," Sarah said. "By Jared Diamond. It is about how two different civilizations make contact. He explains how if one civilization is able to produce more goods, being more advanced, is able to beat and control a less advanced one. Whoever can make more goods usually wins. Good pick sir."

"I read it once at West Point back in 2013," he responds. "I figured I should reread it while I am here."

"I didn't know you were an intellectual sir," Johnson asked, leaning over his desk.

He looks over. "Those are fighting words Lieutenant. No way in hell I am one of those pencil pushers who make millions of dollars to write books."

"Totally," Sarah said in a sarcastic tone. "You just jump out of airplanes on six grand a month."

"Yup," he said that with pride. He then glances away as he realizes how dumb that arrangement is once you put thought behind it. "Anyway, if we are going to deal with these people, best to get educated on their ways."

"Assuming those books are correct," Johnson said. "All their examples are based on Earth, not this world."

"True," he mumbles. "Still better than nothing. Harper always said be smart."

Sarah opens up the box and then pulls out a manga. "This is educational material?"

"I also asked Andrew to give me a list of material I should look at," he responds. "Never know what might come in handy."

Sarah skims through the book and then shows him a picture of a mostly naked female Knight. "Educational material?"

He shrugs "Never know Lieutenant."

Johnson laughs and then he starts laughing. Sarah rolls her eyes but chuckles too.

"Am I bothering you all?"

He looks past Sarah and sees the blue hair girl Lelei. "No, you are not. Come on in."

He sees Johnson getting back to work and Sarah leaving to sit down at her desk.

Lelei walks up and the first thing she notices is the books on his desk. "What are these?"

"They are books," he replied, confused by the question.

Lelei picks on up, amazed by them. "There are stories in these?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Wow," Lelei said. "My older sister is a part-time scribe. She has to use ink and write everything by hand." She then opens one of the books. "How do you people write so perfectly and so small? I have never seen so much perfection in writing before. These must be a fortune. You must be rich."

"No Lelei I am not rich," he replied. "If I were, I wouldn't be on an alien planet. And no, those are made by a machine. The stories were written by people but printed by machines."

She is amazed by how amazed Lelei is by this. It makes him think about how much his people take things for granted. Something so simple as a book must be a treasure for her.

"The book in your hand is Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay," he said. "Keep it. I have plenty of other books to catch up on."

Lelei takes the book and holds it close. "Thank you."

He nods. "So, what brings you here? Everything ok?"

Lelei nods in response. "Yes sir. I just have a question."

"What is it," he said.

"Why haven't you collected the dragon scales off the battlefield?" Lelei asked.

He looks at her confused. "We’ve already collected some scales, equipment and other items of interest. They all were sent back to Earth for research. DARPA(2) is running tests on the, but that is it. Why are you asking?"

"Tests?" Lelei said. "They are very valuable, and I see hundreds of them out there."

He thinks about that. He is not an economics major but from what he knows the scale has no real commercial or industry value back in the States. Maybe as an exotic luxury good once the war is over. "Sarah?"

"From the recent memo we have already went out there and collected everything we wanted," Sarah said. "As the Major said most of it was sent back through the Gate for research. As for now, we have no economic need for these scales. Are they of value?"

"Does that mean I can go out and collect them?" Lelei asked. "That will be ok, right? I don't want to steal."

He thinks about the question and smiles. "Well thank you very much for asking. If you want to go collect some, be my guest."

"Thank you, Major," Lelei said.

"Can I ask you something Lelei?" he said. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Well, there is a town up north," Lelei said. "It is about a five-day ride by wagon."

"What is the town?" he asked.

"You don't know Italica…, oh yeah, you wouldn't." Lelei said but then corrects herself. "Italica is a famous trading town. They are an especially important trading town within the Empire."

"Then no Lelei," he said. He is confused by why she wants to go to an Imperial city after joining his side. "If they know you are with us then you're dead."

"I don't think so," Lelei said. "Unlike most of the Empire, Italica is known to be exceedingly kind. They treat others with far great respect. As long as we don't come with the intent to fight, they will open up their gates to trade. Colt Formal is an honorable man with an honorable house."

"Also," Lelei continues. "If they know we came to trade dragon scales they will want to collect them. And you said your mission is to make contact with more towns. Italica will be a good start."

He leans back in his chair and thinks. He is impressed by Lelei's logical mind. He has started to notice that she thinks through everything, almost to a fault. Everything she said makes complete sense. "Alright, Lelei. Spend the day collecting your scales. We will all go to Italica to make the first contact."

He then looks at Sarah. "Lieutenant starts with the MRF(3). I like to leave in two days."

"Alright Major," Sarah said. "In will have it done by the end of the day."

He then looks to Johnson. "Lieutenant Johnson. Get two of our guys to escort Lelei out there. I don't want them going out there alone."

"Thank you, Major," Lelei said. As she is about to leave, she stops herself and looks back at him. "One more thing."

"I am going to start taxing your questions and requests," he said, joking. "What is it?"

"Selina has been wanting to talk to you," Lelei said. "She has just been too shy to speak. She wanted to come in here to say high, but she got scared and walked away."

He noticed Selina by the Gate with Rory and Lelei yesterday(4). He noticed that she did not say a word like she was hiding. While he does not want to say it publicly, he has been avoiding her. Not because of her, more because of his reasons related to himself.

"Thank you for telling me Lelei," he said. "I will go see her."

"Ok," Lelei said. "I am going to go with Rory and head out to the field."

"Alicia and Andrew will meet you at the Gate tomorrow at 1430," Johnson said. "They will be your escort."

“Thank you, Lieutenant, and Major,” Lelei said.

"Are you going to go see her?" Sarah asked.

Sharpe thinks about that question. He has mixed feelings on the matter. For one thing, he is an officer of the US Army who is at war. He could die at any point and the last thing he wants is to get involved in Selina's life just for him to be snatched away. On top of that, he does not feel like he could be a good influence or role model. She is going through a hard time in her life and he has no idea how to help her. He also sees that he will be the death of her, so the best chance is for him to maintain distance, for her safety.

However, some part of him wants to keep an eye on her. To help her and be there. He has been around many kids while during his time in the Army and he has never felt this need before, and he does not want to lose this feeling.

"Yeah," he said as he stands up. He grabs his cap and glasses.

For some reason he sees Sarah smiling, strangely looking at him. "Lieutenant?"

"Nothing sir," Sarah responds as she looks back at her computer. "I will take care of everything for you. You brought her here, so you do have some responsibility towards her."

"Only until I find someone who will adopt her," he said, making sure she understands that point. "Contact me on the radio if you need me."



--- Fort Alnus, Refugee construction zone ---

May 3rd, 2025


Selina is standing by the internal base fence, watching what is going on outside. In the nearby field within the Alnus perimeter, she is watching these big monster machines tearing down trees and clearing out a large area.

She is continually amazed by the wonders these people have. Back where she is from, it would take days if not weeks to clear out that much land and hundreds of men to do it. They did it in so much faster and with just only a few dozen of them.

As Selina watches those soldiers work, she hears a voice coming from behind her. She turns around and sees Major Sharpe arriving.

"Hello there Selina. Mind if I join you?" He asked her, wanting to get permission first. He does not want to put her through any more stress than she has already been through.

Not knowing what to say, she nods her head shyly. Her body locks up, feeling insecure next to him. Not that she is afraid but, honestly, she does not know how she should feel. But it is just not fear.

He walks up to her side and just stands there. For a few silent moments, both just look at the machines and engineers working.

Sharpe is the first to speak, breaking the unsettling silence. "Do you want to know what they are doing?"

"... they are clearing up that area." She said quietly to his question. "Are... are you going to do something there?"

"Yes, you know those refugees that we brought" Sharpe responded. "We decided that they could stay here, for their safety of course. We're clearing an area outside the base, so they could move freely."

"Yeah, but why...?" she asked, confused by the motivation.

"Hmm...?" Sharpe replied. "Well, we can't just keep them in the base. This place will end up like a prison and was not just going to send them back out there..." He stops being interrupted.

She looks up at him, but her eyes refuse to look at him directly. "No... I mean…" She tries to say, struggling to say what she wants to say. "Why did you help them?"

This has been bothering her since the day she was freed by him. She thought she was going to become his personal slave. Just like all the other men she has seen and been with, a part of her is still struggling to believe that she is free again.

Sharpe looked very intimidating at first, killing those slavers. She has not seen war, but it was clear he knew how to fight, and he is good at it. The men he fought were highly trained Imperial mercenaries. On top of that the equipment he wears and the clothes that blend in with the forests, the strange-looking weapons.

It is the Law of Nature. Her father told her many times that the strongest controls and dominates the weak. If you do not rule from strength, then someone stronger will always come and control you. Everything in life is about the power of strength and if you can, you should before your enemy's controls and dominates you.

Sharpe looks at her confused, trying to figure out how to answer the question. He then put his arm on his side as he thinks. "Well, they are not our enemy and they needed help. We are at war with the Empire, not its people. But we are not here to conquer this world, just to help and protect."

Sharpe thinks for a moment, just realizing the meaning of the questions.

"And about you." Sharpe gets onto his right knee and places his hand on her shoulder. He then looks directly in her eyes, smiling. Trying to show some positive support however struggling at it.

She looks a little nervous, still trying to understand him.

"What those four men were doing to you was wrong," said Sharpe. "There is no excuse to enslave a person, especially a child. I don't know what children do here but where I am from kids about your age should be playing with dolls, picking on boys, playing sports, watching TV, and getting good grades in school."

"You are not a prisoner and you can leave whenever you want," Sharpe continues.

When we figure out where your home is, we try to get you there. But, as long as you are with us, no one will hurt you again like that. I will personally guarantee it."

Hearing that made her heart feel warm. All she wanted to hear was that she is safe now and the horror is over for good. "Ok."

She looks at him and sees him smiling.

"Hey," Sharpe said. "I got you a gift."

She watches Sharpe pull a box from his bag. It is a long but thin box. Suddenly he hands it to her.

"Open it,"

She opens the box and sees a dress in it. It is white with yellow flowers around it.

"It is a sundress," Sharpe said. His hand goes behind his head as he looks embarrassed. "I didn't know what to get. I am not good with clothes. The Army picks out my clothes usually. It is ok if you don't want to wear it."

She looks back at the sundress and thinks it is pretty. "Can I wear it though?"

Sharpe smiles. "Of course. It is yours. So, you don't have to keep wearing baggy military clothes or rags."

She then starts taking off her clothes to change. She then feels Sharpe’s hand on her arm.

"Hold on," Sharpe said in somewhat of a panic. "Not in the open like this. Come to my tent and you can change in private."

She had to think about it for a moment but then she realized what she was doing. "I… I am sorry…" She mumbles as she starts to cry a little.

Sharpe holds her close, not knowing what to do. "Let us go to my tent. Then you can show off your dress."

Sharpe stands back up. " After that, we can get something to eat at the mess hall. I can get something special from the head cook. He owns me anyway." He said with a chuckle, thinking of a memory.

She begins to realize she can trust him and these people. Maybe even more than that. She smiles, tearing up a little and hugging his leg. She wants to say thank you for helping but the words do not form. But the message is clear.

A few moments pass and both start to his tent. As they walk, she holds onto his pant leg, holding onto it tight.

"Oh yeah," Sharpe said. "Tomorrow we are heading out to Italica, 1000. Rory and Lelei need to sell some dragon scales. You’re welcome to come." Sharpe offers her.

She nods, accepting the offer. The desire to learn who he and these people are, why they are so different from the Kingdoms of this 'world' and maybe, just maybe they could help her people.





(1)Chapter 8

(2) DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

(3) MRF = Mission Request Forms

(4) Chapter 9


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