Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V01 – Chapter 12 Heritage RM

--- Fort Alnus ---

May 8th, 2025(1)


The clock is 0953 hundred and Ranger team Vanguard-7 is currently getting ready for their mission. Doing their final checks and making sure they have all the supplies they need. They will not be the only team getting ready, Vanguard 3 and 6 will also be preparing. There is also another team there, called British.

Rory is sitting on the hood of one of the JTLV. She is watching as the soldiers putting supplies into them.

She sees Major Sharpe and Lieutenant Sarah talking to the other team leads. It is interesting that in their world everyone is Human, but they name themselves based on their respective Kingdoms, or as they call it, nations. The ones she has been dealing with call themselves American, the so-called leader of the free world. The 'British' are supposed to be there closest ally. Same with the Canadians and the French who have arrived.

She also finds it interesting that in their world these Americans are the dominant power, just like the Empire of this world. She has yet to get to spend a lot of time with these other nations that are coming through the Gate, but it seems there is this mutual respect between them. She wants to find out if these Americans are just like the Empire or different.

In her nine hundred years, she remembers a time before the Empire. They started out from a small city called Sadera six hundred years ago and expanded from there, brutally conquering nearby lands and kingdoms. The vassals they have now are more like slave states that the Emperor can use at will.

She finds it funny that the Empire is the most powerful power in this world. They have expanded far and wide, conquering not just Human cities but other races and creatures too. Goblin kingdoms, many different elves tribes, the Warrior Bunnies and other hybrid races.

And right then, a loud noise comes there that they call 'speakers'.

"Attention, this is Lieutenant General Stanford. As you all know today is June 6. Eighty-One years ago, an allied force invaded France in the largest assault in Human history. Over a hundred thousand men stormed the beaches, dropped from the air to begin the greatest crusade against the Axis who wanted to engulf the world in darkness. This was the beginning of allied forces pushing back against the forces of evil and tyranny.

Since that day, the flame of liberty has stood tall against the red menace during the Cold War. It defeated the Evil Empires of communism which had the sole goal was to enslave the world.

Today is a new chapter in the course of liberty as we enter this new unknown world. Just like our great grandfathers who storm beaches and our grandfathers fight against communism, you are the first to visit and explore this alien world with all its wonders and mystery, facing the unknown. Fighting against a new threat the likes Humanity has ever seen.

Just like then, we stand together with our great allies, preserving the free world from a second Attack of Philadelphia. Remember the courage of the brave souls who fought eighty-one years ago on that day and when you are out there, exploring this unknown world, either facing the Legions of the Empire or building relations with the common locals. Just like every step they took on Normandy, every step you take will create history. Let us always remember our values that were guaranteed on that day and let them guide us through this new chapter.

- Stanford out"

She hears this and then jumps off the hood. She looks around and sees all the soldiers from that world standing tall, saluting or celebrating. The message clearly was some kind of historical moment point to them. A time in their world’s history that seems like a turning point in their history.

She looks over to Randy, the team pathfinder who was right next to her. "Hey Randy, what was that all about?"

He looked over after hearing his name, putting his M4A1 down. "Today is D-Day, the Day of Days. The war the General was talking about is considered the largest and most deadly war in our history."

Sergeant Jerry William leans over the gunner port on top of the vehicle, overhearing the question. "Yeah, over seventy-five million died in that conflict."

"Seventy million!?" she said in shocked because of how high that number is. She would give a big smirk, thinking how her god Emroy would have loved that.

She then looks back at them and sees that they looked a little concerned and afraid of her. Good, always good to keep them a little afraid of her. "Don't worry boys. But what happened?"

Both of them look at each other and then back at her, kind unsure what to do. 

Randy then speaks, breaking the sudden silence. "Ahh... well there was this alliance of nations called the Axis, like your Empire you can say. They were trying to conquer and enslave the world and install a racial hierarchy."

"Yeah, after nearly five years of fighting, an alliance of nations, led by us, the Russians and the British. We invaded the continent Europe and liberated them from the bad guys." Jerry would add to that.

"Hmm, interesting. Is that how you see yourself today? Here?" She asks all happily.

"That is way above my pay grade mam, but I will say this Miss. Rory. We are not conquering, we are liberators. We make mistakes like anyone one else, but we do not conquer people." Randy states as he finishes the final preparations on his vehicle.

Before the conversation could continue, they hear Major Sharpe start calling out. "Alright everyone, we don't get paid by the hour, we got a job to do. Load up and roll out."

As everyone loads up into the vehicles, she gets into the one with Sharpe, the command vehicle. She could tell that these groups of people are going to be incredibly fun, with a lot of adventures and battles. On top of that, there must be a reason why they are here, and why has the Gate has opened now.




*Note: Hello, happy D-Day. I wanted to write this one like this to celebrate this special day. Let us always remember what they done then so we can live like we do today.

(1)Holiday Note: Holidays will not match the story calendar. They are considered holiday specials. The events in the chapters are cannon, just the real-life dates are not. It is for fun and the special moment.



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