Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V03 – Chapter 28 Birth of Liberty RM


--- Alnus Community, Apex Liberty Tavern ---

May 18th, 2025(1)


Delilah looks around in a panic. All around her are hungry and thirsty American customers. When she first came to Alnus she was surprised how different the Other Worlders are. From buildings to wagons, to clothes and rules are so different.

After the Siege of Italcia(2), she talked to Mamina on what her opinion of the Americans and their friends. Both agreed that they are different than the Empire however that does not mean they can be trusted. They are clearly the most powerful force on Falmart, second to only the gods. However, that power doesn’t mean they can be trusted(3).

She agreed with Mamina that more information needed to be gained by these Other Worlders and that she would come to Alnus to learn more about them.

“Hey Jalin, I need another three burgers. The Americans are coming in waves today,” she said in a frustrated voice.

Since when the first refugees came to Alnus, the American government agreed to build a town next to the military base(4). The place has grown rapidly in a short period of time. Besides being the safest place on Falmart, it has become a trading hub with the occupied cities in the region. While still small compared to Italica and Valtris, there has been many different types of industries that have been establish. There is an entertainment center, black smiths, farm markets to help supply the growing military and civilian presence and many different kinds of textile and luxury stores.

That is only some of the growth of the town, where I work is the local tavern, or as the Americans call it a bar. The British soldiers however call it a Pub. Those two groups come in here and argue about the difference after a few drinks all the time. All these people have different names for the same damn thing.

The owner of this bar was able to find a good menu from both worlds. I don’t get to see him much, but I was lucky to get a job here as a server. I been traveling for years, moving place to place just making, day by day. However though, I am currently missing that life as the bar, known as Apex Liberty Tavern or otherwise known as Apex, right now the bar would be unusually busy.

“More? Where are they coming from? Isn’t there a war going on or something?” Jalin said, taking the order from her. He is one of the head cooks in the back that runs the back. I do not know much about him but so far, but he seems fine.

“USA! USA! USA!” Rants and cheers coming from a crowd that just came in. It will be another wave of Americans, acting very goofy for some reason. You usually get these soldiers someone in and relaxing, blowing off steam or acting a little bit flirty but today just seems overkill.

“Beats me. It has been like this all day,” She said back to him as she prepares seven drinks. Looking around, she sees some of the other servers moving around in a panic, trying to serve everyone.

That is when one of the Alnus customers that is sitting at the front booth said something. “Can you please tell them to stop yelling? Damn these Other Worlders.”

“Look sir, I will get you your refill in a second. But it is their bar, if they want to act like a bunch of fertile cats, that is their problem,” she said back to that customer.

While most of the Alnus residents are happy and loyal to the NATO forces, some are not fully convinced of their true intentions. They have shown extreme kindness and restraint on dealing with the common folk here, which is very unusual for a people with so much power.

I personally agree with those people; it does seem weird, and I cannot trust them. Not after what happen to my people by the Empire. However, I do feel safe here and my gut has not let me down yet.

That is when she hears something break, coming from a crowd size of eight over to the left. She looks over there and see two broken plates.

“Hey! You are paying for that!” she said shouting at them, with some swear words that followed that. “Damn bastards.”

“See! They cannot be trusted. They are so full of themselves.” The man said, grumbling again. He seems to personally hate those people.

After spending much time serving food and drinks to many of the customers, it seems that more and more people keep coming in. Something must be happening for all these damn Americans to be off duty all at once. It must be the Americans because there has been some of the other foreign soldiers acting professional and on duty today.

A few Alnus residents walked in but they seem annoyed by the over energetic Americans. It seems that a little tension is building up. That is something she does not what.

“What the hell is going on?” she said again, getting annoyed that she must keeps breaking up these groups. She thought this would be a nice calm job, enough to get stable again.

That is when an off-duty soldier at one of the nearby front booths speaks up. “It is their birthday.” After saying that he takes a drink.

Based on the flag patch on his side arm, he is part of the Italian force station here. “What do you mean their birthday?”

He stands up after finishing his drink. “Today is the birth of their nation. They celebrate it every year. Parties, beer, hotdogs, fireworks, everything. Today is when they declared their Independence from the British Empire, a once powerful State throughout our world.”

“That is weird to celebrate your people country birthday,” she replied, confused. “Tribes and countries rise and fall all the time. And besides, why are they acing like it is a big deal. I don’t recall the Empire or any other kingdom celebrating this founding.”

“I am not American; it wouldn’t be proper. But according to them, they were one of the first free nation of the modern world. Liberty, rights all that.” The Italian soldier said. “It is not often when a weaker country defeats a more powerful one. Especially when you’re trying to succeed from them.’

The other man from before would just grumble. “Bullish, I don’t believe any of that. You all look good on the outside but inside…,” he takes another drink form his mug. “Never trust the outside. You’re all hiding something, expectably them.”

She looks back at where the Italian soldier was at, but he would already be gone. Guess it was just quick drink.

That is when she hears the street intercom system that the Other Worlders established. It is one of the few features that they included in the construction of the town. It allows them to speak into the town somehow. Send message if they want to.

“For tonight show, please report to the Alnus Airfield, lane Three. The show will start by 9pm.”

That is when she hears another crowd on the other side of the bar getting a little to reckless. “Hey! I told you to keep it down!”

She then feels a slap on the ass.

“And hands off the goods!” she yells.

“Sorry!” One of them say as they all laugh at whatever they were talking about.

After some time in dealing with this, finally five Military Police showed up. “Finally, I requested you guys hours ago.”

“We are sorry. We been busy preparing for tonight,” Myuute said. “What is the… oh.” She would not need to finish her question as she looks at some of the Americans. “Any issues?”

“… Yes… they are being annoying. Already some small property damage. Get them out please, there annoying my customers.” Delilah said, wanting thing to get back to normal.

The man next to Myuute points to the other three MPs, ordering them to escort them out of the bar. There would not be a problem as the current crowd leaves the bar. Once the last group leaves, the bar would finally feel clam.

“Finally,” she said, letting out a sign of relief. “Thank you. I don’t understand how you guys put up with them.”

“Good reddens,” That one man said out load.

“Excuse me sir?” The soldier next to Myuute said. He seems to take a little offense of his attitude.

At first, she thought he was an American MP. But then she sees the flag on his arm, and it would look different.

“You heard me, glade there gone. Just wish for the rest of you leave as well,” The man said, turning around.

He would not be the only one as a few other customers overheard what he said and jump into the conversation.

“Sir, please be respectful. The Americans and their friends are here to help and protect us. We own them a lot.” Myuute said, trying to calm that man down.

Then someone else would speak up. “Let him speak, that man has a point. How do we know they are not just as bad as the Empire? Any day they could turn on us.”

“Yeah, we are powerless if they turn on us,” Some person said add and then a few others start to talk about the topic, starting a debate. Some of the customers are explaining how great things are now with their help, but others say it is just an illusion.

Then Myuute would be trying to calm everyone down, telling her story on how they offered her a job. It seems that only confirmed some of the people that some people are selling out.

“Look, we have just accepted it. We are being occupied; you have soldiers outside walking around all the time. They even convinced some people in Alnus to occupy their own people,” she said that in a convincing tone. “Look, the Empire went to Kingdom to Kingdom, promising peace and better times. Acting all friendly and once we let your guard down, that is when our women being raped, your men being murdered and our children as servants. I have seen it happen many times.”

After saying that, it seems that point convinced some people began to doubt the ‘good’ intentions of the NATO force, mainly the Americans because they are the largest force here from the other world. It definitely shows that not everyone has been sold on this alliance.

The Myuute seems to be struggling to find a way to reply to that. It is a good point, because they saved them from the Flame Dragon does not mean they can be fully trusted.

That is when that other soldier would finally speak. He has just been listening the hole time. “My name is Miloslav Suchánek, I am a First Sergeant of the Czech Republic Army.”

Almost everyone stops to listen, only because he has been so quiet until now.

Miloslav continues what he wanted to say. “When I was a kid, my grandfather told me stories about the NAZI’s occupation, an evil empire from our history. Like yours right now but much worse. He would say that the Americans liberated my country eighty-five years ago. Honestly, I did not care. It had no meaning to me.”

The bar goes quiet, everyone stopped eating, drinking, talking, even the staff has stopped working to listen to what this soldier has to say. She even notices that she was interested in what this man had to say.

“He would tell this story over and over. I just did not understand why it meant so much to my grandfather. Ten years ago, the Russians, one of the other great powers from my world started attacking other countries nearby. We were once brutally occupied by them to for over sixty years(5). We finally achieved freedom and liberty. My people feared that they will become a vassal again.”

He looks around the room, unfazed by his story or by the amount of people listening.

“I love my fellow English and French Comrades however it was the Americans who came to our aid. I was still a kid when I saw over a hundred of their armor vehicles carrying hundreds of their troops through my country. As they passed us, my grandfather gave one of the Americans a glove from a sport that we play on Earth. That glove was given to him by an American when he was a kid. They came back to guarantee my home against the Russians. My country is a small, poor nation. If we got invaded, you would barely notice it on a map. They came anyway to protect us, willing to risk their blood and treasure for nothing in return(6),” Miloslav explains.

“They are still there today, in my country protecting us again threats on my world. Even after your world attacked them. We don’t always agree but there is no other country you want behind your back.” Miloslav said as he finishes his story. Once he is done, he would just turn around and walk out the door, going back to his duties. The other Military Police would follow him, still in deep thought.

Most of the other customers would remain quiet, thinking on that story. Some would leave, others would finish their meals and go back to their own business.

She then goes back to work after listening to him. As she pours new drinks, she would still be in deep thought, reflecting on that story. The fall of her Kingdom, the Warrior Bunnies hit her hard. The betrayal destroyed her home and family. But if half of what Miloslav said is true, maybe it is worth trusting in these Other Worlders.

This could be the opportunity her and Mamina been hoping for.

Once she is done taking some orders, she would walk outside. Seeing some soldiers walk by, enjoying the day, she would wave them down. “Hey! You look thirsty! Come on it!”


--- Alnus Airfield ---


There are hundreds of soldiers and Alnus residence on the pavement of the airfield that is under construction. Lieutenant General Stanford gave most of the base the day off because it is the American holiday, Independence Day. Because of the bravery of the NATO soldiers who have ventured into a new world to face the unknown wonders, he arranged a special day to show their nations gratitude.

Just like any Fourth of July celebration, there is beer, grills making burgers, hotdogs and all other kinds of food and loud music. You have soldiers, airmen and civilians talking about past adventures, playing games, or talking about their families, having a good time.

As Rory looks around, she sees thousands of soldiers standing around, talking, and having fun. She finds this sight strange. The only time she has seen events like this is after winning a war

“Mm…, this is so tasty,” she said as she takes a second bit. “What do you call this again? A dog?”

“Hotdog Rory,” Alicia corrects.

Lelei looks at her hotdog that is right in front of her. “I thought you people don’t eat dogs.”

Randy looks at her and chuckles. “It’s not a real dog. It’s just the name.” He said as he eats.

“Close your mouth Serge,” Alicia said to him as she tosses a piece of popcorn at him. “Eat up Lelei, you don’t want to eat it when it’s cold.”

“It’s Sergeant Major,” Randy replied.

“Hmm… then what is it made of?” Lelei asked as she tries analyzing the hotdog.

Vanguard-7 team members at the table will stop and look at each other. It is Scott to respond to her question. “You don’t want to know.”

She looks at them confused on why they all refuse to answer that question. She gives then an evil glare. “What do you mean by that.”

“Trust me, just enjoy the food. It’s something you don’t want to think about,” Alicia said, implying to them to drop the topic.

She has grown to like Randy, seeing him as a humble man. He is also well experienced as a solider. She finds his war stories remarkably interesting different. How he would patrol the streets of the Middle East during the War on Terror.

Based on what Randy stories, she has learned how different wars on Earth are. A part of her feels jealous, wishing she could see and experience those wars.

Alicia, she became a quick warrior sister after the Siege of Italica(7). To take a man phrase, she learned that Alicia has a ‘pair of balls’ and willing to fight. She gained a new respect for her.

“Well, I don’t care; I think it is good,” Selina said as she finishes her hotdog.

As they talk Sharpe walks up to his team and then sit down. He has a paper plate with a big burger on it.

“How the hell did you get that!?” Randy asked once he sees it, all jealous. It would nearly be twice as big as his.

“Easy,” Sharpe replied in a sarcastic tone. “Become an officer and kiss ass.”

“Kiss ass you say?” She said as she looks up at him, giving him a wink.

“Again?” Sharpe replied.

To her horror she watches Sharpe winks back at him. She hates and loves it while he counters her flirting. Her intention is to poke fun and control the narrative. How he responds prevents her controlling him. She hates that but loves the challenge he gives her.

On the other hand, she has grown to like Sharpe. At first she had mix feelings with him but after properly introducing herself to him that night(8). But when he gave that speech in Italica, rallying everyone to the defense she was sold on him. He is not a traditional leader compared to the Empire. He takes control of a situation and leads however he does not do it with an iron fist. He willing to ask around and learn, seeing other people point of view. And more important, he cares about the innocent and weak which has been a rare sight for her.

“You have to suck up to your chain in command to get promoted,” Sharpe explains. “That didn’t sound any better…” Mumbling that last part.

“Must be great being an officer,” Alicia asked sarcastic.

“It is great expect for the paperwork,” Sharpe said.

“I wouldn’t agree with that,” Sarah said as she walks up. “Lots of work. Especially working for this lazy man.”

“Hey!?” Sharpe shouts, giving her a soft elbow jab into her arm.

Selina laughs at him.

She looks at Sarah. She is confused by her. Sarah is genuinely nice but also seems strong. She does not look like the warrior type and she stays back at base all the time. However, she sees to be very loyal to Sharpe for some reason and she is always on top of everything. Every time Sharpe needs something, she already has the solution or resources he needs.

Once she is finish with her hotdog, she looks around at everyone. “So, you celebrate this every year? On this day?” They answer her question yes, that this is a special day for their country. “All just because this is the birth of your country?”

“Correct, but it isn’t just that,” Johnson adds to her question.

She sees the black man in the unit, Johnson. To her surprise the Americans have many different skin colors compare to other Other Worlders nation. He seems like a reasonable man

“Then what is it? That direct piece of information has always seemed fuzzy to me,” Said Lelei, wanting to join into the conversation.

She looks at Lelei. She became close friends with Lelei, mainly because she is a native like her and because she has been able to understand these Other Worlders easily. Every time she feels confused by something; she can ask Lelei for an answer. What surprises her the most is her views on the Empire and now negative they are. She believes this is because she was not born in Rondel, one of the Empire crown-jewels cities. She is a nomad, so she got to see the world before being influence by the Empire propaganda.

“Countries come and go,” Sharpe said. “But what we celebrate is the founding values of our country. The people having a say in their government. Having control in their own lives, without government interference. You have your own destiny, and you should control it.”

“Yup. And to top that off, the right to bear arms and blow stuff up.” Randy said in a cocky voice. Once he finishes saying that Alicia then tosses another popcorn at him.

Sarah chuckles at that. “Yup. America has many different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, and even political ideologies. Point is, we can all come together under a share core values. Liberty and Freedom.”

“And that is a good thing,” Andrew points out.

She looks at Andrew. He seems like a nice kid. A little shy but he seems to have a lot of respect for Major Sharpe. Out of all the Other Worlders, he seems to have the best understand of this world. She has seen Sharpe go to him to explain some things about ‘fantasy’ while they are driving or in down time.

“So, normally you all would celebrate this day with your family?” Selina asked everyone as they finish talking.

“Oh yeah. Usually talking about the kids and how fast they are growing up,” Said Randy.

“Still can’t believe its legal to let you have kids,” Johnson said with a chuckle. Randy gives him the death clear hearing that but then chuckles.

“May I see your kids?” Lelei ask Randy.

He pulls out his wallet and show his wife and two kids to everyone. They all look at the picture, enjoy the picture. It would not be long before some others of the team begin pulling out pictures of family or other relationships. All talking what it is life back home.

After looking at Randy picture, Rory looks over to Alicia. “Correct me but don’t you have a sister?”

Alicia looks over to her. “Yeah, she is my younger sister. She’s adorable.”

“Is she a soldier like you?” Rory asked her.

“Na, I am the only military brat in the family. She trying to build up her streaming channel. She’s an independent journalist.” There is a short pause. “Well, trying.”

“That is cool, trying to become an independent journalist. That’s not an easy thing to do.” Andrew adds. “Hmm… if she’s doing that, she must be hot.”

Alicia glares right at him. “Hey, that is my sister… wait. What does that mean? I am far better looking than her!”

Over the past five years more people get their news more from independent people then multinational corporations. It has become far more common in people trying to make a name for themselves in trying to establish a streaming brand.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Once Alicia begins to threaten Andrew, she starts to encourage the fight. It would not be a real fight, just two teammates poking at each other buttons.




As they all talk, Selina looks over to Sharpe and Sarah. “Major.”

Sharpe interrupts her with his hand. “You can call me Sharpe. It is ok.”

She nods hearing that. “So, I don’t fully understand why all of this is so important.”

Sharpe put down his burger and think on her question. He notices Sarah and some other listening in, probably wanting to hear what his views are. More likely because he keeps his views and beliefs close to the chest.

Sharpe looks at her. “The average person can accomplish great things; they just need the chance to do so. In our world, all the power has always at the top until that point. The Kings and Emperors do as they please and the people always forced to followed.”

She glances at her and realize she is paying close attention to what he is saying. It seems like she is more interested in an in-depth answer then just being curious. “People shouldn’t be attacked and harmed for what they believe. As Sarah said, people from all walks of life can bring value and ideas that a King could never think of.”

“The foundation of our nation is based on that all men are created equal in the eyes of god. That everyone is politically equal, and no one can control or own someone else. When you are born, you have these rights and that no one, a government or a single man can justly take them away from you. Everyone, regardless of their class, ethically, rich, or poor, all has the same unalienable right. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. And if anyone tried to take that away, you are justified to resist and if needed to, replace the tyrant.” Sharpe said.

As she listens, everything Sharpe said is do different then what her father told her. She was raised to believe that power rules but how that power is used determines your place in history. However, you must keep the peasants in line, or they will rebel. Everything Sharpe said defy that.

Johnson, the team second in command add to what Sharpe said. “Selina, let me give you an example. His people enslaved mine for generations until we had a civil war that ended it. Clearly, the institution of slavery transcends Earth but because of that document that we are celebrating, and it established that everyone has these rights. Those values alone created the opportunity to end that institution, freeing not just my people but people around our planet.”

“We didn’t become a great power because of one man but on the backbones of millions,” Sharpe adds. Seeing that she is listening, he smiles and pat her on the head. “Besides, you never know where greatness will come from.”

That has been a lot of information for her to take. Most of those concepts are very foreign to her, to this world in general. It is almost the exact opposite on what she grew up on, where the people serve the crown. What there walking about is so strange, but good. These people have been some of the best people she ever meant, maybe, just maybe if her country adopts something like that, they could have great people to. “So, the government is there to protect your people. To protect all the rights your governments has. And a piece of paper freed him and others?”

“Close, we don’t get our rights from the government. What is given can always be taken away,” Sharpe points out to her.

Rory has been listening in to the conversation. “Selina, think about it like this. Emroy is a god. Emroy gave me my powers, they are mine. What they are saying is that their god gave them their rights and because of that, no one can take it away. Just like no one can take my powers away.”

“That is a good way of looking at it,” Said Sarah, liking Rory personal example

“I get it, but… what if someone is doing what you don’t like?” she asked.

“Because you disagree doesn’t give you right to oppress them,” Sharpe said. “Even if you don’t like it. Having the right to say what is on your mind is the core part of liberty. If you cannot say or express what you believe in, then you are not free. Just remember, what you do to others can always be done to do you.”

“That is why you should always respect other people rights,” Said Sarah, adding to the conversation.

She smiles at Sharpe. She likes how much attention he is giving her, him trying to explain things about her world and life lessons. She feels love and safe for some reason.

Thinking what has been said, she looks around and then towards Sharpe. She smiles, enjoying how different that view is. “I think I get it. Hmm.”

As everyone talks, Rory stands up. “Ok, so is this it? Food and talking?”

“Oh no, we still got the main show,” Randy points out, smirking.

Scott leans back in his chair. “Yup, it is almost dark. You ladies are going to love the fireworks.”

“Fireworks?” Lelei ask, confused on what he means.

“They are small explosions, use for entertainment. Trust us, it is epic.” Said Andrew.

“What is up with you people in explosion?” Said Lelei. She begins to realize so much of their technology is related to something exploding. Either in a small scale like firing a bullet to their missiles.

Everyone chuckles at that, all realizing she has a point. Everyone gets up and start heading to the other side of the pavement.

“I didn’t realize how many people live here. Wow.” Rory points out as she sees all the thousands of people around, gathering for the main event. The military is very large plus the town is nearby, so the local population is more scattered. Here, you clearly can see how many people there are on this one hill.

Right then they all see these flares going up into the sky and then explodes into many different bright lights. Everyone at the airfield looks up and watch all the different kind for fireworks going off.  They all begin to see many kinds of fireworks, some that makes loud sounds, other with big bright and colorful explosions, others bigger and other smaller.

Seeing all this she grabs on Sharpe jacket and holds it, so nothing could take her and feel safer.

All three Girls are amazed by how pretty they are.

“Lelei, you should try doing something like that with your Magic?” Said Rory, lightly nudging her arm.

“That wouldn’t be appropriate. Magic is not a tool for someone’s entertainment, but to be used in a responsible way. Also, I would not want to ruin everyone good time,” Lelei replied.

She overhears that. “No, Lelei do it. It would be so cool! Please!”

Lelei turns around after hearing her agreement. She then looks up at Sharpe to see what he thinks.

He nods with approval. “This is a good time. Show everyone what you can do.”

Lelei agrees to Rory request after Sharpe’s approval. She then closes her eyes and begin chatting a spell, concentrating as much as she can.

As Lelei begins chanting the spell, she begins to glow a bluish color as energy forms around her. It takes a few minutes as she spends that time focusing on her spell. All around her energy begins to build up around her as she powers up and chant her spell. Her cloths begin to flap around a little like she is in the middle of a windstorm.

Slowly Lelei raises her staff up into the air. Once raised, she finishes her chant and open her eyes. Right then this beautiful white shaped bird that looks like an eagle comes up from the ground. She will be in the center of the bird as it materializes around her.

And right then the spell burst into the air. Short streams of energy trail its wings as it flies around as fireworks explode around it. The white energy bird flies around and after about five minutes, it would stop, extending its wings out and then explodes. Fifty-Two(9) states in three different colors, red, white and blue would appear from the eagle. Fifty-two stars to represent the fifty-two states in the United States.

Those fifty-two stars would slowly fall into the audience. Everyone around would all be clapping enjoying the show.

As the fireworks continue, everyone enjoys the time together.



Happy Fourth of July everyone. Have a great time. Lets all be thankful that we live in a free nation. Be proud to be an American. Let’s always remember all the people who fought so we could be free., free to blow our fingers up once a year!!!  




(1)Holiday Note: Holidays will not match the story calendar. They are considered holiday specials. The events in the chapters are cannon, just the real-life dates are not. It is for fun and the special moment.

(2)Chapter 14-20

(3)Chapter 20

(4)Chapter 10

(5)Cold War 1949-1991, Soviet Union occupation

(6)Baseball Mitt Links U.S. Army Generations in Europe's Defense,, 11 Apr 2015

(7)Chapter 18

(8)Chapter 8

(9)There are 52 States in the Union, Guam and Puerto Rico became states within the 6 years of the story beginning.




The first park with the Czech solider is based on a true story. I will put the article here. I really like that little piece of story. I love the U.S., we are a great nation. We have great principles, not always living up to them but it is a bar always worth pushing towards. A lot of people around the world gives our country crap (sometimes for legit reason) but I think what really maters is stories like this.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.