Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V03 – Chapter 32 Elies Forest Campaign RM


--- Elies Forest ---

May 23rd, 2025


Out of the thirty Imperialists that were at the camp, only three of them remained alive. Everyone else that was at the camp is either dead or ran away during the firefight. The fight only lasted about seven minutes and the Rangers destroyed the Empire convoy. The three that remained were arrested and place by the side as they search for any useful intelligence within the camp.

Because some of the enemy soldiers did escape, Sharpe ordered Johnson and two other Rangers to secure the perimeter and prevent a counterattack. Once and a while you hear a few gunshots in the distance, Johnson team engaging the rouges.

As everyone else either secures the area or searches the camp for information, he is on the radio again, giving Alnus Command an update. "Lieutenant Colonel, three prisoners. Two Human and one Dwarf."

"Your job isn't gathering prisoners Major. It is to find our boy. You are taking way too long Major."  Lieutenant Colonel Kasen says with an annoyed tone. "Should I have to find someone else?"

"…No sir. We will get him home," he says in a calm voice.

"Good,” Kasen says. “I don't understand what the problem is. They couldn't get that far on horses."

"Sir, even on horses, we have a massive area to look without any assist. If the Air Force gets off their lazy…" he says, protesting a little.

"Don't give me excuses Major. I don't care if the Air Force is taking their sweet time setting up. Get it done. Over and out." Lieutenant Colonel Kasen says as the radio goes out.

"Roger," Then the conversation ends. "Jackass," he mumbles to himself, frustrated by the conversation.

He has not worked with Kasen for long; he only recently being posted to Alnus. But he is beginning to see that Kasen is one of those leaders that prefer lead from behind type of officer. Since the number of troops being committed to the region, Lieutenant General Stanford decided to place a higher-ranking officer in command of the operation.

That is when Alicia walks over. "Sir, the other teams have reported in. Peterson platoon has broken through the Rigrent River, only light resistance. They are heading north on Gagus Highway However, the Vanguard-3 lead ran into a dead end. He is requesting new orders.

He is glad to hear some good news. He just wishes he head this five minutes ago.

"Alright. Tell them to rendezvous here," he says to her. He then looks to the three prisoners and thinks. Before Alicia walks away, he looks back at her. "Alicia, where is Lelei?"

Alica stops and turns around. "Ahh, over there I think, by those wagons."

He nods and then walks towards that direction. As he walks in that direction, he steps over the few bodies and small pools of blood and mud.

He then sees Lelei looking through a wagon. She sticks her head up after hearing a gunshot in the distance. "I think they are enjoying themselves…. Oh hi, Major Sharpe." She says after seeing him walk up.

“Yes, they are but if they stop a counterattack, I am fine with it,” he comments.

"Hello there. I think your right about that but as long we’re not attacked, I am fine with it," he says to her, ignoring the random sounds of gunfire in the distance.

He notices that she is ignoring the sounds of gunfire to, far better then he expected from a native civilian. Especially for a sixteen-year-old. “You seem to be doing fine.”

“Yes Major,” Lelei says. “If I hear gunfire that means it is you people, so I am safe. And I am a Nomad remember. We already were at risk of danger until I moved to Rondel to become a mage.”

“Well, you have more balls then most sixteen-year old Lelei,” he says. “I am impressed.”

“I don’t know what it is like on your world, but girls do not have balls to speak of,” Lelei says, confused by the reference. “I assumed you people had the same male-female reproductive parts as we do, sense we are Human.”

He chuckles hearing that, needed that. He enjoys how innocent Lelei is on such jokes. Being a smart young girl and yet sarcasm goes right past her. “Na, you are right. Boys and girls. It is just a saying back on my world about being brave.”

"Oh," Lelei says back at him as she begins looking through a chest. "Is there something you need sir?"

He leans over the edge of the wagon, looking at what she is doing. "Actually yes. I am looking for advice. We are running out of time and an interrogation going to take too long. So far the three of them have been very defiant."

"Well, have you gotten a chance to see what they were transporting?" Lelei asks.

"Nope, I haven't had a chance," he responds.

Lelei stands up in the wagon and points to two of the wagons in front of her. "Both of those are carrying ore. I guess wherever the dwarfs mined it, they were shipping it to that fort."

"Yeah, that is why I was hoping to extract the location… from...," he then looks at the two wagons with the ore again. He then begins thinking about how Dwarfs are portrayed in his world stories.

"Lelei, can you tell me what you know about Dwarfs?" he asks her.

"I am sorry, but I don't know much about Dwarf culture, but their kingdoms are in the mountains. They rely on trading what they mine with the outside world for other goods. All I really know is that they are a major ore source for the Empire. That is what my master told me," Lelei says.

"Hmm… all I need to know. Thank you." he says. He then begins walking away, thinking on what Lelei said. He just needed to talk to someone to put all the facts he had together.

He walks over to the three Imperialist prisoners; they are sitting on the ground as Randy standing next to him guarding them. More accurately, he is semi tormenting them.

"That is enough Sergeant Major," he says to him as he walks up.

Randy looks at him, a little upset. "But I was about to pull out my nice big knife. I wanted to see who screams the loudest."

"Maybe next time,” he says. “I might enjoy that. Now get everyone ready to leave."

As Randy walks away, he sits down and pulls out his special ordered Colt M1911 pistol. What was once the standard pistol for the United States military, now many special force units prefer this sidearm. While not as modern or module as newer pistols, this pistol has one massive punch with its .45 caliber bullet. One-shot and the enemy go down and then stay down.

"Well, times up people. I must admit, all three of you have impressed me. I figured at least one of you would have spoken by now," he says, just talking freely. As he sits there in front of them, making sure the Dwarf can see his pistol but in a none threatening way.

"See, I respect loyalty to your country. I do, but here is this one problem," he continues. Over to the side, a few of his teammates stop and watch what is happening. "Correct me if I am wrong here but I think it has crossed your mind to. We are here to stay in this world."

He takes a short pause and then looks over to their JLTV. "See that, that's our metal vehicle." Then he looks back at them. With his hand he lightly knocks on his rifle, making a metallic noise. "This is our weapon."

Then he looks directly at the two Human prisoners. "We are not going anywhere. That pretty much leaves two options on the table. Either he continues to do this." With his hands, he expresses the recent battle that just happens. "Or…" Then with his free hand reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a coin. "This. We can fight and fight but for everyone one of us you kill, we can kill ten thousand of you."

He leans back a little, looking at his coin. "We prefer to do business. We like business." After saying that he looks directly at the dwarf. "So, what do you say?"

There is a short pause in the conversation. The two Imperial Humans are confused about what he is talking about. The dwarf however understands what he is implying. Most of what he said meant nothing to him, but that wasn't the important information.

The Dwarf again looks at the vehicles and then look at the other soldiers, clearly thinking. He then looks to the three girls that are with them. They are clearly natives to this world however they are also working with these other worlds. Finally, the Dwarf looks to be. "I believe we have an understanding of Sir Sharpe."

"Major Sharpe will be fine," he says as he stands up. He then signs to one of his men to release the dwarf. Steele removes the handcuffs from the dwarf.

The Dwarf stands up after being freed. "I am Dulon Ioslon, of the Jaslo Mountain Kingdom. I will tell you where the location of the Empire fort."

"Thank you," he says, looking at him. He then holds out his hand. "On my world, a handshake is a sign of trust and honorable intentions."

The Dwarf looks at his hand, a little confused about the gesture. After the explanation, he accepts that handshake. "Now what."  

Before he can answer, the two Human Imperials begin to protest on what just happen, just realizing that they were sold out. Saying some strange slurs towards the Dwarf. The protests did not last long as Randy points the barrel of his rifle into their faces. "You had your chance boys, now shut up."

After that interruption was over, he looks back at Dulon Loslon. "You are free, I will give you a document. You or your representatives can go to Alnus Hill and we can begin trade talks. Make sure you bring the document. First, the fort."



--- Elies Forest, Biblus Hill ---

May 24th, 2025


After Dulon Ioslon gave Sharpe the location of the Empire fort, the team leaves the camp behind. All three teams are gathering close to what is called Biblus Hill. Apparently, the fort was only thirty-five kilometers where Vanguard-3 was at. However, they were heading in the wrong direction meaning they have missed it.

Kasen was happy that they finally got some solid leads. The rest of the operation is going well. The French unit has engaged a large force close to the Gagus Highway and is in the process of beating them. Sometimes they can hear their heavy weapons being used in the distances from the French forces. That is good because that means their southern flank is secured.

It only will take a few hours to Biblus Hill. By the time Vanguard-7 reach the location, the other teams will set up there, setting up in a defensive perimeter. After a short meeting with the other officers, it was decided to wait until the next day to attack the fort. Doing at night assault might be too dangerous, even with night vision.

Rory is walking around the camp perimeter. Usually, these people are continually active, either telling interesting but probably half made-up stories, playing card games or other activities but this time, she notices everyone is quiet tonight.

She sees most are asleep or in light chatter. Andrew over by a table playing some card game with give others. It looks like gambling of some kind. Randy writing a letter to his family and Lelei reading a book.

That is when Alicia walks up to her. "Hey Rory, shouldn't you be getting some sleep… actually, do you need to sleep?"

She giggles a little from the question. "Yes, I can sleep. But I do not need to rely on it as mortals do. It is more for pleasure than a need."

She knows it is more complicated than that. She cannot go a month without sleep, but she can go days without feeling a negative effect from lack of sleep. It is just like hunger. Apostles do not need to eat food to live however that dose not mean they cannot starve.

She always wondered why the gods give their Apostles the abilities not needing to sleep and eat however still feel the negative effects from lack of it.

"Ahh… that sucks. I love to sleep." Alicia says, walking up to her side. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just keeping watch. I don't want anything to happen to you until the fun starts tomorrow." She says, laughing at that last part. She then glances at Alicia. "By the way, thank you are running in after me. You are crazier than me."

Alicia smiles at her and places her hand behind her head. "Ha, yeah. I can be. I get way into it sometimes. Besides, I can't leave my girlfriend hanging."

"Hmmm? Girlfriend?" she says in confusion. “I am not into women.”

Alicia laughs. “It is just a term we girl use. While it can mean a romance relationship but most of the time it means we are best friends.”

Hearing that she smirks, enjoying the feeling. “Alight girlfriend. But we are going to be ‘girlfriend’ than you need to keep up.” She then gives an evil chuckle.

"Damn your good at that," Alicia says as she looks away.

"Years of practice Alicia," she says back to her.

Alicia thinks about what she just said. She is having a hard time even imagine living that if her has. "So, what is it like, living that long?"

She smiles and go away as she thinks. "There isn't a word to describe it. I have seen so much over the centuries, most of the time I just wander around place to place, doing Emory will."

"In all that time, you never worked for someone, loved someone?" Alicia asks, lightly bumping her shoulder.

“If you are saying if I had sex then yes,” she replies giggling.

“But I usually stay alone, not working for a group of people. I was interested in some people once and a while, never long term though. Most people see me as this distant figure, like how you see a statue," she says, holding her halberd close.

Alicia listens to what she said. "Wow, that sounds somewhat lonely. You never tried to settle down, find a man?"

"Honestly, I never really found someone that was interesting,” she says. “While most saw me as a distant figure to be worshipped, I also felt like I don't belong here. I try to do good with my abilities, anyone who defies Emory but after nearly a thousand-year things are still the same."

She is surprise how much she is opening with her past. She usually keeps a tight lip on her past. Now that she thinks about it most of the time no one ever asks.

Alicia is able to say something, but Rory prevents her. "When I first meant your team back in that village, I was going to kill all of you. I thought you were doing harm to those villagers and were taking Selina to enslave her, like the others."

That is when Alicia realizes what nearby happened back at that village. That seems so long ago now, helping those villagers against that Flame Dragon(1). “Hey Rory, I heard a rumor that you were planning on attacking us when we first met?”

She laughs when she heard that.

“Don’t worry, I have no interest in betraying you people. Your people have done more for this world in a shorter time then what I have done in the past thousand years," she says, taking a deep breath afterword. "You mortals stood face to face against the Flame Dragon when you didn't have to. Saved the refugees after that and then help the people of Italica. No one would unless there was something to gain. You have nothing to fear from me."

Alicia looks away, into the distant darkness of the night. "Well, don't give our world to much credit. We fall short all the time. So, for you have only seen one side of us. People are still people and they do bad things. Besides, that was Major Sharpe who ordered us to do that. He is just trying to look good with the brass. Officers."

She holds her hand out. "You don't actually believe that?"

"Yeah Rory, I do." Alicia. "You have only seen him here, not back on Earth. One day he just appeared in our unit as our leader. If you are a Ranger, we know who you are. But no one knows where he came from. He has been quiet, closed off and is hiding something. We all see it. He has proven to be a good commander, but trust has to be earned and I can't trust him."

She lets Alicia rant until she says what she wanted to say. "Alicia, what does my god Emroy represent?"

The random question confuses Alicia, it seemed to come out of nowhere. "Ahh, War, Darkness, being Insane, committing a Crime and other things like that," Alicia says as she is questioning herself.

"Correct. But there is another that is less commonly known. Most people do not identify it with Emroy at all," she says, still looking out into the distance.

Alicia seems to be lost now. She has heard Rory talk about her god many times. This just seems strange to her. "Ahh… I don't know."

She smiles as she looks to Alicia. "Love. Emroy is the god of love too. Love is essential for all acts. You cannot fight without it. You cannot commit a crime without it. Love is the core of everything, of all motivation, it is what makes us alive.”

"Yeah… I guess I can see that." Alicia says, thinking on that. "But why are you telling me that?" Then an idea pops in her head. "Wait, are you implying that about the Major?"

She nods in agreement. She can see the confused and protest look on Alicia's face. "I can sense everything my god represents in people. I have to admit I was confused at first at the village and at Alnus(2). But everything he does is about love."

"Well, that is not good." Alicia says in their shocked tone. "You are telling me our CO is secretly addicted to war and violence, that he is insane? And how am I supposed to take comfort in that?" Alicia says, thinking on the meaning of what Rory said.

This time she is a little annoyed at Alicia. "My gods, you people can be hardheaded. Look into his eyes next time you face him. Fighting the dragon, helping those people, getting involved with Selina, Lelei life. Even right now, his sole motivation is finding that missing Ranger. He just loves his people, his country, all of us, including you." She finishes, giving Alicia a big smile. "It is easy to see if you just look. Everything he has done is because of love."

Alicia takes a deep breath, thinking about it all. "I understand what you are saying. I just naturally distrust officers; they are usually full of themselves. How he became our CO just raised red flags to me."

“I normally would agree with that statement,” she says. “I rarely trust nobles myself, but I think your leader is different. If you just give him a chance.”

Thinking about the conversation, she then asks she another question. "Since we're on the topic and you seem to be a good sign of character. Why do you think our CO is like that?"

She swings her halberd and land the blade into the ground. "I have no idea and that is why I want to find out. Love is like a two-edged sword. One side can be beautiful, and the other side can be nothing but pain. I'm going to help so he can become the man he is meant to be."

Alicia thinks about that, reconsidering some of her ideas. "Is that why you stay around with us?"

She nods. "I can make the biggest difference here with you people. If you succeed, then this world might change for the better and that would mean my life was not a waste. I have spent over nine hundred years trying to fix this world and when I finally transcend it would be for nothing. With all my power, nothing in the grand scheme has changed"

"Is that it?" Alicia asks her.

"Yes, and I am going to help him for as long as I can and maybe help break that shell that is around him," she says. "Besides, you should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

Alicia waves goodbye and then investigates the darkness. "What a strange girl she is. But… interesting." After spending a few moments thinking about the conversation, Alicia head back to camp to her JLTV.

Once there, she sees Andrew pissed that he lost a round of poke, paying out. She gets in on her side and then sees Lelei and Selina laying there on the floor asleep. Lightly she pat Selina shoulder, proud of the team's little cheerleader.

That is when she looks at the dashboard and see the two figures. "Hmm" She thinks about that and everything that has happened since coming to their world.





(1)Chapter 6

(2)Chapter 8


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