Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V04 – Chapter 44 Operation Nightwing RM


--- Apex Liberty Bar, Alnus Community ---

June 26th, 2025


Delilah is currently washing some glasses while at the bar. Today is just like any other day, soldiers and Alnus villagers enjoying themselves. There is laughing, parting, flirting, getting drunk, everything you expect with a bar.

Unlike everyone else who are enjoying themselves, she sees this one man who is sitting at the bar booth. Alone and quiet, drinking from his massive mug.

She decides to walk over to him. "Hello, Wolfe."

Wolf, he is a Volralden, a tall and strong wolf race. He reacts to her, not liking the cute nickname.

"What is on your mind, Wolfie?" she asked him as she winks at him. She can tell that something is on his mind.

Wolf pushes his mug over to her. "I just like a refill."

She signs and takes the mug. She begins to refill his mug.

"Come on. What is going on?" she asked again.

Since becoming a waitress, she has learned a lot about people. She is always impressed by how people open, especially to someone with a pretty face. Probably because people are looking for a place to let out what they are thinking.

Wolf breaths. "I feel useless."

She left her ears bent, confused by his meaning. Wolf is a Volralden, there are a lot of uses for someone like him. "Your joking, right?" As she talks, she brings his mug back to him.

"Look around and tell me what you see," Wolf asked her.

She looks around. She sees the usual stuff, some of the soldiers getting a little too friendly with the wait staff. People getting drunk, playing games.

She looks back at him. "I don't see your point."

Wolf takes the mug and takes a drink from it. "When I go from town to town, people usually need me to help fix some problems. Rescue someone that was kidnaped. Kill some goblins, bandit group or do heavy labor that needs to be done. After that though, people can't wait for me to leave."

"Now. Everyone here is very friendly with each other. No fear of the world. Protected. How does someone like me make a living?" Wolf said.

"Hmm…," she thinks about what he said. She agrees with him, he has a point. Since her kingdom fell to the Empire, she has been on the run. Trying to avoid being enslaved by anyone. Having to do many things she now regrets, just to survive.

Since arriving here, most of all those feelings disappeared. Never once in the past three years, she even felt more welcomed. With the military might of the Other Worlders here protecting them, nothing seems like a threat anymore.

That is when Delilah realizes what he is also saying. This new peace puts people like Wolf out of work. If people do not need to hire security, what does someone like him do?

"I understand. I used to be an assassin for the Warrior Bunnies," she brings up. "Once my kingdom fell, I didn't know where my place was. But I am here now. The soldiers annoy me at times, but I enjoy this place."

"I agree. That is why I haven't left yet. I still feel useless though. How can people thrive when they let others fight for them?" Wolf said. "The Empire is the enemy of all and yet everyone here lets people form a different world fight for them."

That hit home for Delilah. She was a soldier for her country, the Empire either enslaved her people to be raped or were murdered. Yet here she is, waiting for a bar booth as others fight her enemies.

The topic made her think about recent events. Those Other Worlders nearly formed a peace with the Empire but then throw it away from one girl.

"It is impressive though," she said to herself.

"What is impressive?" Wolf asked her.

Not realizing Delilah said something out loud, she looks up and smiles. "That they threw away peace for one person. Not many would do that." She thinks more about that. "I just wished the Gate open three years ago. Maybe these people could have saved my people."

Wolf nods his head. "I agree. Most wouldn't. Especially taking the prince slave."

"Wait… Prince? Do you mean Zorzal?" she asked, having a new interest in the topic.

"Yes. From what I heard, Zorzal brought the girl into the throne room. Probably to show off his prize." Wolf takes a drink from his mug and reflects his thoughts. "From what I heard, that is when the Americans flipped out and shot up the throne room."

Delilah is surprised that he knows all that. NATO has been noticeably quiet about what happened there. "How do you know all that?"

That is when Wolf points to his ear.

Delilah rolls her eyes, realizing the obvious. Volralden is known to have great hearing, just like bunnies.

Her eyes pop wide open with a new realization. "Wait, that girl was with Zorzal!? Where is she?"

Zorzal was the one who her queen surrendered to. If she is alive, that is where her queen would be.

"I shouldn't say. I don't want you to get-." Wolf said before Delilah grabs his fur and pulls him close to her. He sees this killer looking look in her eyes.

"I said where she is!" she asked again, not accepting any other answer.

Wolf is surprised by this. Most people would never threaten a Volralden. "At the hospital. But that is all I know."

Delilah lets go of him and takes off her apron. "Thank you." She turns around and then leaves.


--- Army Hospital, Fort Alnus ---


Noriko Mochizuki is laying on one of the hospital beds, recovering from the trauma of being a Zorzal sex slave. The shock that she is the last of her family haunts her.

Her body is demanding for her to go to sleep, but her mind does not want to go asleep. She fears that he might appear and taking her. Her mind has been racing, memories of everything that has happened to her, physically and mentally. All the sexist, abusing, and demeaning thing he said, making sure she understands where her place was in the world. He did that by raping her, beating her, making her do humiliating things. For some reason, he considered her one of his favorite playthings.

"Mommy… daddy… I miss you so much," She said in a soft voice, lightly crying.

Her mind races on what should happen next. There is no home to go back to, no parents. Maybe it was better to just stay at that palace since she has no worth elsewhere. As he said, she is just a whore now.

"No!" She said softly, trying to yell but cannot.

Noriko tries to reject those thoughts. How could she think that after everything her people done to save her?

"Why me…," Noriko said to herself.

"To answer my questions."

Noriko takes a breath, and her eyes open wide open, realizing that was not her voice. She sits up to look around. "Who's there?"

This strange-looking woman walks through the curtains that are around her bed.

Noriko sits up on her bed; her body is shaking with fear. "Are you here to take me? Back to him?" Saying that makes her think what everything Zorzal will do to her. He will not be, please.

"I am not here to hurt you. I just have questions. My name is Delilah."

Not fully believing her, she looks at her. "What do you want? I don't want to go back," Tears begin forming around her eyes, scared.

Delilah walks over and sits down on the side of the bed. She notices the girl scooting away, to the edge of the other side of the bed.

Delilah realizes how scared this girl is.

"I am sorry if I am scaring you. I know what you been through and there is no justice for that." Delilah said. "I am an enemy of Prince Zorzal."

Noriko sits there, not knowing what to say.

Delilah seeing that this girl is not going to be engaging in the conversation and that she must lead it. "I know it is going to be hard to remember your time with him, but did you see another bunny like me?"

Noriko thinks. She places her palm on her head with the stress of remembering Zorzal raping and abusing her. "I think so. He has so many… but he had one favorite."

"Was she a bunny?"

That is when Noriko realizes Delilah is a bunny. She has long orange fur with pointy ears. Her teal blue eyes bring some comfort to her. "Your… you're a bunny?"

Delilah nods her head, trying not to be aggressive in any way.

"Yes. There was… is a bunny," she said, trying to answer the question.

Delilah smiles, seeing progress. She leans forward. "Describe her."

She thinks. "Well, she looked like you but. She has white fur. No, silver fur with red eyes. She, she didn't like me, thinking I was weak." She then looks down. "I don't know how she put up with him. She was so defiant. Those eyes."

Delilah smiles. "Was it Tyuule?"

Noriko looks at her. "I… think so. I don't know… My mind is very fuzzy right now… wait, I think so yes. White hair?”"

"That is all I need to know, thank you," Delilah said and begins to leave.

As she walks, she can hear the girl crying a little.

Delilah stands there realizing that she put that girl through hell again, just to get some information. She turns around and looks at her. "By the way, you're not weak. You are one of the strongest girls I know to survive that. Not many could survive Zorzal brutality, but you did. And because of you, others are going to be saved."

Delilah said, gives her a big smile and waves goodbye.

Noriko looks at her. She hears what she is saying. "Maybe..." She lays back down and cries.



--- Headquarters, Fort Alnus ---

June 27th, 2025



Lieutenant General Stanford is currently in his office having one last meeting with his officers. Operation Night Wing is going to start soon. All they are is waiting on the CIA to provide the intelligence they need for a raid.

There are two men in front of him, Colonel John Yang, leader of the Vanguard Rangers. The other man is Air Force Colonel Steven Hence of the 8th Special Operations Squadron.

There are two other men over the speaker. Colonel Robert of the 1st Cavalry Division and Colonel Shunya Kengun of the 4th Combat Regiment.

The men over the speakerphone are part of the advance force. Their job is to get in range for the three AH-64 Apache they are transporting. They have three days to find a launch site somewhere in the Dumas Mountains that is close enough to Sadera. Since the city is too far for most helicopters, excluding the Air Force V-22 transports.

It became clear to everyone that there were no good options on the table, only bad to worse. Going trough, the Dumas Pass like Vanguard-7 did is impossible for heavy vehicles. There is no other direct path through the Dumas Mountains and Sadera is about thousand kilometers away over mountain range bigger than the Rocky Mountains(1).

According to Duran there is a path to the south however that would take eat least six weeks to move around the mountain range and loop round with the highway poor quality. The only option is an Air Assault however that is a logistical nightmare. Only a few units can be carried that far, and it is somewhat a one-way trip. If anything goes wrong, they are on their own. All aircraft will have to use in air refueling from Air Force KC-130 tankers.

"Sir, I still think you should let go just roll in," Robert said over the speaker. He has a cocky attitude but always is sharp in combat.

"Yeah, and they crucified the prisoners while you're going through the front door." Yang points out. “They did that with one of my men in the Elies Forest(2). They will do that if they see us coming.”

"What is up with your Americans in using brute force?" Kengun asked.

"It's fun," Robert replied.

The second reason a large ground force is escorting the Apaches is just in case of a Black Hawk Down situation. The Rangers and Navy Seals will not have enough forces and time to protect both the prisoners and protect and a down helicopter. If that happens, Robert and Kengun will attempt to strike the city to save everyone there.

"Stop bull shitting Robert," Yang said. "Explosions solves all problems."

"That is a lie," Kengun said back to Robert, not thrilled with that answer.

"Calm down man. I am just trolling you," Robert said jokily. "Besides, it did fix my neighbor dog problem growing up."

"Keep your game on Colonel. The threat is real, we need to be ready to go in if needed," Yang replied.

"What is up with you man? Why are you so worried? They are using sticks," Robot explains.

"Sticks with magic. We still don't know a lot about that ability. And we still do not know much about the different races on this planet. We have no idea what we might face," Yang points out.

Stanford hates hearing this much negativity however it is necessary. During his eight tours during the War on Terror the Army always had plans and made sure to do their research. The problem now is that they are not on Earth but on an alien planet.

Now that the Air Force set up the airfield, they started launching drones to start reconning and mapping the surrounding area however they only mapped a faction of the territory. The fog of war on Earth is not knowing where the enemy is; the god of war on Falmart is not even knowing where the landmass is. Or the types of races they might face.

While the Empire is a Human led nation, there have employed many different races within the lower ranks within its military. That opens the door to any possibility. While every US soldier know how to kill a human, they must assume the same weakness apply to an elf, or an orc, or a bunny, or whatever they might face. He thanks god that the Empire is technology weaker otherwise he cannot see a way the US would have won the war. 

"He is correct," he said, listing to what Yang said. "Everyone needs to keep their eyes out and expect anything. One screw up and the game is over."

That is when they all hear something happening outside the office.

The door bursts open and this orange bunny pops through. She closes the door behind her. Once closed she begins breathing heavily. "Damn there is a lot of them."

Delilah looks up and sees the three officers. Normally she does not care about people's titles or feel small to others but right now she feels like she is staring at titans. The leaders of the Other Worlders army, the ones who slay armies.

"Ahh…, hi there." Delila said, waving and smiling, feeling nervous.

"What the hell is going on?" Robert asked over the speaker.

Delilah's ears pop up, trying to find who said that.

He leans forward. "Robert, room service just arrived. I will get back to you later." Then he hangs up.

The Air Force Colonel Hence stands up, protesting her presence. "What is the meaning of this? Guards!"

Delilah jumps forward as she feels the door behind her burst opens. Three armed soldiers walk in.

"Enough," he said, waving everyone to stand down.

The three guards leave his office and the door closes. Hence sits back down.

"Now what bring you in here Delilah?" he asked her.

"Well, first… Wait, how did you know my name?" Delilah asked, confused. This is the first time she ever has seen anyone of them.

"I make sure I know everyone on my base," he said, looking directly at her.

Delilah picked up what he said and did not say. She notices he said, 'my base', heavily implying that he is the one in control. She also notices he did not repeat his question.

"Well, I have a request. I want to join the mission," Delilah asked.

"Wait, there is no way we can do that," Yang said. "We already have enough unknowns on this mission. We are already cramming every Ranger we can into these Osprey’s. Besides, why do you even want to join us?" Him saying that shows an interesting fact. While the Americans like the Alnus residences, they do not trust them by their side. In combat at least.

"… well. Ok, I think Zorzal has my queen. He was the one who took her after he slaughtered and raped my people," Delilah explains. "If there is any chance, she is there, I have to try and save her."

"No. No," Hence said, protesting her presence. "If we add another target, I will have to include a fifth Osprey."

"And I will have to add more Rangers," Yang adds. "I don't have any more to add anyway. Almost everything is being sent on this mission."

Yang and Hence continue to protest, explaining everything that can go wrong and the logistical nightmare with adding another strike team.

Delilah hears all this. Is this what these people are like behind their desks when we cannot see them? She notices Stanford though, just staring right at her like he is looking into her soul.

"Mis Delilah. This is the United States military. We are not an organization for hire. We do not use our power for personal needs or to enhance our statues," he states in a controlled but calm tone. "Our number one mission is to prevent a second attack on Earth. Our job is to protect our people from any external threat."

Stanford pauses for a moment, letting what he said settle. He then continues to speak in a calm orderly manner. "We are not here to solve this world problems, to fix past sins or to pick sides on civil conflicts. We cannot be this world problem solver, especially on matters that predate us."

"Living at Alnus is not a right, it is a privilege given to a select few of this. Anyone that abuses that privilege will be sent out of this city," he said. "We are soldiers. We cannot act as a sword for people revenge."

Delilah's ears drop down low. Her head is low, realizing that he is not just rejecting her request but rejecting it her completely. She takes a deep breath, holding back some tears. Once she hears a pause in the conversation. "I understand." After saying that, she begins to reach for the door.

"I did not dismiss you," he said. "If you are going to join our ranks you need to act like it."

Delilah is very confused now. What else does he want to say? He made his point clear.

"Now saying all that. I do see the potential in helping a political prisoner break free. If you understand the motives of this mission. And not have your own personal agenda interfering with it. I will approve your proposal," he asked her, still looking directly at her.

Delilah stands there, trying to figure out what he just said. Wait, that means he just agreed to her mission to save Tyuule. He wants her to play his people's rules, no hidden motive. "I understand."



--- Sadera, Akusho ---

June 28th, 2025


When the SAS and a detachment from US Marine Force Recon arrived at Akusho, taking Bessara warehouse was easy.

The warehouse was full of drugs. The number of drugs had to be close to about two, three million dollars when converted. James knows that the crime lords will not like that.

Early in the morning James, Sean, and Tycen step right inside the main crime lords building.

There were a few guards outside who did not want them to walk in. After a few life-altering events, they decided to let them inside anyway.

The three walks inside, five more shady looking guards stand up, grabbing their weapons.

"I wouldn't do that. Unless you want to be like your friends outside?" Sean said, waving his figure.

"Yeah, we gave them new sunglasses. They go inside the eyes." Tycen said. He then points his P90 at them. "I dare you."

The five guards look at each other, not knowing what to do. They are only guns for hire, cannot spend money if you are dead.

One of them decides to attack. That is when Sean shoots him.

The guard falls dead, scaring the others. They are shocked at how quickly how he died.

They drop their swords and run out the door.

After they ran away, Tycen looks to James, their leader. "Man, I wish Libya was that easy."

"Can only wish. Now, let's do this. We are on the clock." James said to them.

The three walks up the stairs, heading to the upper room.

James open both doors.

Inside the room is a half round table with five seats. Someone is sitting in each chair.

The man in the middle stands up, looking at the three American spies.

"What is the meaning of this?" This human male asked, clearly not pleased that they are here.

The three walks inside, Sean and Tycen holding their P90s up at the guards.

"I am a door to door salesmen. I am here to sell you insurance. Not just any kind of insurance but life insurance." James said, waving his hand around.

Another man stands up, a lizard humanoid. The lizard is taller than he expected. Interestingly, James remembers playing as one in a game called Skyrim when he was younger. "Guards kill them! End this."

"Na! Na! Na!" James said. He reaches behind him and pulls out the drugs his people stole. "If you touch us, all of this burn. Just disappear."

"Stop!" The man in the center yells. He looks at the drugs, genuinely concerned. Clearly, he is the owner of them.

"As I was saying. I am here to offer your life insurance. If you act now, I might add in some snake oil." James continues, having a good time.

"Speak your meaning peasant!" Another human man said.

James snaps his figure and points to that man. "Hey, that is an insult to the peasant community."

He then looks at them, getting down to business. "Alright. Here is the arrangement. I think you know who my two deplorable and I am so let us skip the interdictions. My people are here and here to say."

James reaches his hand into his pocket. "Right now, we have no interest in putting you out of business. We want your services. The Empire has taken a few of our people as slaves. Some of them are here in Sedera. I want to know where they are, simple as that."

The big man in the middle begins to laugh, sitting back down in his chair. "Your joking. You think you can come in here and make these demands."

"Yup," James said. He then takes out a cigar and places it in his mouth. He then lights it, making sure they all can see what he is doing.

At the corner of his eye, he can see that a few of the crime lords are taking interest in his cigar. Just as he planned, the message is clear. We are here for business and we have interesting and exotic things to trade.

"Well, if you refuse my offer." James stops and drops his match. He then steps on it, making sure that the match is out. He then looks at the in a profoundly serious look. "Your life will end far shorten then you expected. You have twenty-four hours to find my people!"

That is when Tycen speaks. "So, buy now and get your life extended."

After making their point clear, the three turn around and begins walking out.

Right before James leaves, he raises his hand in the air. "So, find out people and buy now so you can have your life extended."


--- 35 minutes later ---


The three are in the back of a wagon, laughing their asses off.

"Where did you come up with that insurance thing?" Sean asked as he laughs.

"I don't know, it just came to me," James responds. "Do you think I overdid it?"

"O hell no. It worked perfectly." Tycen said.

"Do you think they will do it thought?" Sean asked.

"All we need is one family to work with us. One of them must break. I think the message is clear."

As they celebrate, the wagon passes this small thin dark alleyway. A voice can be heard coming from it.

All three of them point their P90s, ready to kill whoever it is.

"Stop the wagon," Sean said.

All three jump out of the wagon, calling for the person to walk out of the shadows.

This skinny cat person man walks out in a cloak. "Don't hurt me please." He sounds and looks scared.

"What do you want?" James asked.

"I… I represent the Medusa family." The cat said.

"And why should we care?" Sean asked him, intentionally putting pressure on the cat.

The cat looks at Sean, clearly scared of him. "To deal. Don't kill me. I am just here to send a message."

"Then speak up, if I like the message then you have nothing to worry about," James responds.

The cat stands up straight.

"The family I represent is interested in working with your kind. The drugs you have stolen is from the Bessara family." The cat man said.

James has heard of that family before. Everyone fears them. They are considered the worst of the worst. They make gangsters look like angels, so the rumors say.

"Your point?" James asked him.

"The man you insulted, the one you stole from. He will not give you the information you want. It will be sake and he will warn the Empire." The cat man said.

James listens now, getting real information now. "So?"

"… Here. If you agree to take his family out. The other families will work with you. The people I represent are interested in what other kinds of goods you have for trade." The cat man said, getting more comfortable.

James thinks about that offer. "I want the information I want first. If it is good, then I will help."

The Cat man looks at him. He reaches into his cloak and pulls out this document. "Here is the information you want."

Tycen grabs it and looks it over.

Sean looks confused. "How the hell did you get this already?"

"Do you really believe that the family I represent wouldn't keep track of something like this? A powerful new power enters our world from the Gate." The Cat man said. "The people that were brought back from the Gate are very exotic and rare. Valuable."

James understands what this man is saying. He dealt with Human traffickers before, in the middle east. It is a very profitable business in failed states. People don't like to think about in on Earth but it is still a massive problem. Even after two hundred years of outlawing the practice globally.

"I understand. Tell your family that they have a deal." James said and got right into him. "However, if your fucking with me. I am personally going to go to your bosses and rip their skulls out."

The cat man eyes open, taking the threat seriously. He bows and then runs off.

"Load up, we need to get this info to command ASAP."



--- Hanger, Alnus Airfield ---

July 3rd, 2025


When word that the CIA agents on the ground discovered possible locations of the prisoners, the Rangers and Seal Team-3 began assembling at one of the Airfield hangers. Operation Night Wing, the largest military operation so far in this new world.

The Vanguard teams and Seal Team-3 have been assembled for this operation. Everyone knows it is going to be tough however, everyone is determined to get our people back.

Over in the corner of the hanger, a small last-minute briefing is being held.  There re high-ranking non-commission officers and normal officers.

Sharpe stands there taking notes of the operation.

Colonel John Yang is in front of them aboard. "Alright people. We will be heading out any minute now. This is a last-minute run down."

"Also, I like to introduce Lieutenant Commander Daniel from Seal Team-3," Yang said, pointing to the Seal leader. "His team specializes in hostage rescue. We will work as a team Rangers."

"Thank you very much, Colonel. It is an honor to work with you Rangers," Daniel said to everyone.

He then points to a picture of a plaza next to a drop-off. The location is by the palace, where the nobles, wealthy and royal family lives. The elite part of Sedera.

"Right here is our extraction zone. It is called LZ X-Ray. Once we have the packages, everyone regroups here. Load up on the V-22s and we go home.

He then turns to Major Davis, leader of Vanguard-2. "Major Davis. Your team plus Vanguard-1 and 3 will be holding this LZ. You hold at all costs. Because of how compact ancient cities are, this is the only area where we can extract the number of forces we have deployed."

"Yes, sir. We have it locked down," Major Davis said.

Yang nods to him and looks to everyone else. "The next section is this large intersection here." He points to another picture. "From what we can tell, this is a key midway point to where the brothel and residential sections are. Holding this will allow the Seals to go get the packages and prevent the enemy from flanking them."

Yang then looks to Sharpe. "Major Sharpe, that is your task. You hold this intersection. You will have Vanguard-6 with you. You do not leave this location until the Seals arrive."

Sharpe nods his head. "Roger that."

Yang nods to him and takes a step back. "Alright, Daniel, you have the floor."

Daniel walks forward, taking the stage. As he walks up to the board. Before he starts, he gives Sharpe a warning glare.

After that, he looks back at the crowd. "Alright. The Seals will be deployed at the Intersection. We will split up into two teams, my team will go to the residential sector, looking for the Brazilian man and the Arab-American women known as Amira."

"The other team will be heading to the high-class brothel. We still don't have a name for the two women there. But we will get them," Daniel adds.

Daniel then looks back to Sharpe. "I am reassigning Rory Mercury to my second team as an escort."

"You better make that optional, sir," Sharpe said to him, shooting him a warning glare.

That annoyed Daniel. "There is no such thing as optional in the military Major."

"She is not in the military. She and Lelei are volunteers. We cannot make them do anything. Sir." Sharpe brings up, also annoyed. He is giving Daniel a disrespectful glare.

Daniel gets angry hearing that. But Colonel Yang steps forward. "Lock it down, both of you. Sharpe, your correct but I agree with Daniel on this one. If Rory or Lelei don't like their assignments, they are off the mission. If there is an issue, then your job is to convince them."

"Yes, Sir," Sharpe responds, not thrilled with them messing with his team.

"Good," Yang said. He then looks at the crowd. "Alright, people keep your game on. We are professionals. This is what we do." He then looks to Daniel and dismisses him from the leading the meeting.

"Alright, to guarantee that we don't face the Imperial Wyvern Corps, the Air Force is deploying two F-15EXs Super Eagles as air support. They will be keeping the skies clear for us. An F-35 will be providing back up support and IRS. They will be remotely controlling two MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones. They will be flying around to provide updates in real-time. Once we leave the city, the Air Force will bomb the military bases and what we believe is the Imperial Senate building. As a final warning."

"In addition to that, we will have an AC-130 overhead. They are considered emergency support only. Just in case of a Black Hawk Down situation or if we are about to be overrun. That is my call to make." Yang said, making sure everyone understands. "Apaches will be our main air support. Remember though, this is a civilian population center so watch your fire. Dismiss."

As the meeting ends, Randy and Johnson walk over to Sharpe. The three of them begin to walk where their team is at.  That is when Sharpe hears someone calling his name.

"Fuck… why him," he mumbles. He turns around and sees Daniel walk up to him.

"You have a minute?" Daniel asked in a disrespectful tone.

"Yes, Sir," he responds in the same manner.

"Look, I am going to make this clear here and now. I don't like the fact that we are working together again, but I am in command. You will obey my orders. None of that crap from Jovellar(3), understand?" Daniel said.

He glares at him and points this figure into his chest. "That never would have happened if you didn't bail on the mission. If you did-."

"No, you're not putting that mistake on me. The situation was too hot. The insurgents where everywhere and about to be surrounded. It was a trap and there was a tank. The mission was a failure, and you know it. I know death loves to travel behind you but not with my team. I was not going to sacrifice everyone on a failed operation," Daniel yells at him.

"Remember, you are under my command. If you bullshit with me, I swear I guarantee I will get you to throw out of the Army this time," Daniel said, slapping Sharpe's hand away. "Then what, you have nothing."

"That means little from you. The hostages died because you failed to do your part. While we are out there, don't forget to pick up the prisoners before coming back," he said and then leans closer. "That BS back there, you do not mess with my team. If anything happens to Rory, I will finish this conversation afterward."

"What can happen to a demigod?" Daniel said.

"Demigoddess." he quickly responds.

"Whatever. Point is, they are probably safer away from you. Oh, I know what happened in Mexico," Daniel said back to him. "Besides, what kind of man uses children in battle." Implying something far deeper than what he said. “How the hell did the military allow you to employ children as soldiers.”

Both look and see nearly a dozen Rangers, Air Force personal and Seals watching. Both look back at each other and Daniel walks away to his unit.

Randy walks up, all confused. "What the fuck was that sir?"

"Something we should know about?" Johnson asked.

He thinks this is not the best time to bring up history, right before a mission. He deeply regrets that just happen in front of everyone. "Fuck…," He mumbles.

He looks to them. "We were on a joint Ops a while ago. Rescuing the daughter of this politician. It went sideways badly. All you need to know now is the mission in front of you. Get your head in the game, now!"

Then Sharpe walks away, heading to his team.

That is when Rory and Lelei walk up, wondering what their role in the mission is.

"What is our job boss?" Rory asked, in her cheerful self. She saw what just happen and trying to do her flirtish things to cheer him up. Or distract him, whatever comes first.

Sharpe takes a deep breath, not happy about this order.

"Lelei, you are going with Colonel Yang. Rory, you are going with the Seals," he said, getting the order out. He can tell they did not receive the order well.

Rory looks like she is going to explode while Lelei looks a bit scared.

"Are you kidding me? Why the hell-" Rory yells before being interrupted.

Sharpe stops Rory from complaining. "Look. This is optional. If you don't like the orders, you can stay here at the base."

He then looks to Lelei. "Lelei, Colonel Yang personally came to me and ask for you. He has been impressed by you and thinks you can bring much-needed help to his mission. He has taken an interest in your abilities. I don't like separating myself, but I know you will do great."

Lelei, not liking leaving the team nods her head. "I will try not to displease."

Sharpe places his hand on her shoulder. "You never do."

He then looks to Rory. "You on the other hand. You are just a badass and everyone knows it. There is no other way to describe you."

Rory holds her arms together and rolls her eyes. "You could have said sexy badass." She mumbles to herself. That is when she heard Randy commit to what she just said, making her blush.

Sharpe chuckles, hearing what she said to. "Maybe so but the whole point of the mission is getting the hostages. That is our number one priority and that is why the Seals want you. You increase the chances of that happen. And besides, that's probably where most of the fighting going to happen anyway."

Rory takes a deep breath, not thrilled by this. Not at all, leaving Sharpe side.

That is when she smirks and giggles. "Well, if these grown hairy men need little old me help. I guess I can't say no."





(1)Rocky Mountains is one of the largest mountain ranges on Earth.

(2)Chapter 34

(3)Jovellar, Philippines




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