Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V05 – Chapter 50 Earth RM

“Army Engineers have finished their inspection of the Valtris Bridge. The point of the inspection was to confirm if the bridge can withstand the weight of armored vehicles. The bridge is the only bridge on the Row Stream, west of the Dumas Mountains. The Row Stream is about one kilometer wide, making the bridge costly to maintain. Lieutenant General Stanford has stated control of this bridge is vital for the war effort.

The Army Engineers said the bridge needs to be reinforced at key points however the bridge will need to be monitored. Count Gallus Dun Gerardus of Valtris said the bridge was built by the Dwarves long ago.

Once the bridge is officially clear to be used, the 1st Calvary Division will begin deploying forces to the Elie Region to attack the breadbasket of the Empire.” – Free Alnus News



--- Gate Transition, to Earth, Early morning ---

July 13th, 2025



 "By the gods!" Rory yells with much excitement in the back seat of a HUMVEE. She is barely able to stay seated, wanting to jump out of the vehicle with the amount of energy moving through her body.

They had to get up early in the morning to come to Earth. However, though everyone's attitude would not make you think it is early in the morning.

"Calm down Rory," Lelei said to her, scooting away.

Rory looks to her. "How are you not excited by this? We are finally going to see Earth!"

"I wonder what it is like there?" Selina asked sitting there. She then looks to Sharpe. He looks so different, in what his people call civilian clothes.  "What is the city we are going to? Is it like Alnus Hill?"

While they are going to Philadelphia, they must keep a low profile. They can spend the day here in the city before heading at an out-of-town resort to meet the President. Out of the way.

Sharpe looks to her. "Not at all. You will see."

"Philadelphia is an old but beautiful city with lots of history. You will be able to see the history of our country. It will be good for you to learn who you are fighting for." Sarah tells them, thinking it is amusing to see how excited they all are.

Sarah then looks over to Rory. "Dear, you really shouldn't be wearing that." She is talking about Rory gothic style cloths.

Rory crosses her arms, looking away. "I wear this style. It fits the will of my God. Anything else would be a disappointment. And besides, it makes me look good when I am slaughtering my enemies."

Then a big argument happens about clothes, shopping and how Rory should not kill anyone while on Earth. Soon after, the driver tells them all that they are arriving on the Earth side of the Gate.

All three of the girl’s rush to a window, looking out. There is a massive amount of excitement just radiating from them. Even Lelei is struggling in hiding her excitement.

Everyone sees light at the end of the tunnel. The light gets brighter and brighter and brighter.

They finally exit the Gate and the first thing the three see is what looks like the inside of a hanger.

"What the..." Rory said all disappointed by the sight.

"Hold on Rory. We built this hanger to protect our world from anything that comes through the Gate." Sharpe explains. "The world is right past this door."

Rory glances to him annoyed. "Still, a total let down."

While in the facility they are now in, they see dozens of soldiers standing around. Heavy weapons everywhere all pointing towards the Gate. The place looks fortified. Already to destroy anything that comes through the Gate.

The HUMVEE drives up to a security checkpoint. Then Sarah window goes down to talk to a security guard that walks up to them. She hands the guard some paperwork. After the guard looks it over the documents, he lets them pass.

The big giant doors slowly begin to open, a bright light leaks through the opening. The girl's interest reappears as the watch the thick doors move. Once the doors open the HUMVEE drives forward.

Once through the door, the see nearly a thousand soldiers all around them with heavy weapons, vehicles, and equipment everywhere. Pass all that though they see tall towers all around.

As the HUMVEE drives down the street, heading to a command post. They see all these different looking buildings with all these different designs. Some are made from bricks, some look like they are just made from glass, others concrete like what they are driving on.

"Is that tall one over there made out of glass?" Lelei asked shocked to see how common glass is here.

"I see people in that building. Some more in that one." Selina said, just shocked in seeing how many people there are. "How are they so tall? Dose it takes decades to make them?" It takes a long time to make complex buildings in her Kingdom, like making a large castle."

"Can we visit all these buildings?" Rory asked, trying to count all the people in the windows. "They're so large. How many people can fit in them?"

"Depends on the size of the building. Those towers over there can hold thousands of people." Sarah answers Rory's question.

"What are we doing then?" Lelei asked, thinking out loud.

All three of them look to Sharpe.

"Yes, we have a two-day liberty pass. We have a good portion of the day to explore. There is a place I like to take you all." Sharpe tells them. "I think you will like it." He hopes.

He then looks at the three girls and sees this energetic excitement in their eyes. Seeing them look out the windows, trying to absorb everything they see. They are talking to each other, pointing at everything, asking each other questions, or seeing if they can figure out whatever they are looking at is.

All these months of intense fighting and war, witnessing so much horror and barbaric acts. The huge amount of stress everyone has been on in recent weeks. It is nice to see them this happy and excited.

Sharpe looks to Sarah and then they both smile, happy for the three.

As they drive, they pass this large weapon.

"What is that?" Selina asked as she looks to Sharpe.

Sharpe looks and sees a MIM-104 Patriot defense weapon. "That is a missile launcher, it targets enemy aircraft and missiles. Its job is to protect the area it is defending.

"Why is it here?" Lelei asked, looking at it. She has seen one of them on the other side of Gate. Since the Empire does not have aircraft it does not see much action. "The Empire can fly here. Everything has to come through the Gate."

"It is not for the Empire," Sarah said. "It is here for two reasons. One to show the military strength to the local population. To make them feel safe and more comfortable. The second and more important reason is to prevent the Russians from launching missiles here."

"Why would they do that?" Selina asked, looking to them. "Isn't the Gate important."

"The Russians have an interesting view of life. They consider this a disease in the world. And they are the only ones who actually could strike this location." Sharpe explains to them. "We are not just fighting the Empire but completing with other countries in our world."

Sharpe then looks to them. "But don't worry about any of that. That's not why we are here."

The HUMVEE drives into a military garage.

"Alright, this is your stop." The driver said.

Everyone gets out of the vehicle.

"Why are we inside a building now?" Selina asked, looking around.

"This military design doesn't look like the one from Alnus. Do all your bases look so different?" Lelei asked, noticing how different the layout building looks then from Fort Alnus.

Sarah looks to Lelei. "This was once an office building. There was no permanent federal base here until the Gate attack. We had no choice but to buy out the surrounding buildings and turn them into military facilities."

That is when this Lieutenant walks up. "Yup. Honestly though with the amount of property damage, most of the property owners were happy to sell."

"What can I do for you, Lieutenant," Sharpe asked the soldier.

"We have been expecting you. All of you please follow me and I will get you situated." The Lieutenant tells them before walking into the main lobby room.

They all follow them. As everyone walks in, the door opens automatically.

When the sliding door opens all by itself, that scares the crap out of Selina. She jumps back, grabbing onto leg Sharpe tightly. Then she points her right hand at the door, waving it nervously. "Dark Magic! I thought you said there is no magic here!"

Sharpe looks down, kind of a surprised by this. "Selina, it is just a door. I thought you are used to things like this."

She looks up at him. "But, why isn't it in Alnus then?"

Sharpe thinks on that for a second. Fort Alnus was set up very quickly. Features like this are not necessary for a military base on foreign land. That is something he should have warned them before coming. "It is ok. Everyone, you are going to see things you haven't seen at Alnus."

Lelei walks up to the automatic sliding door, amazed by it. "Does everything here do things like this all by themselves?"

Sarah chuckles, loving how genuine they all are right now. "Not yet but it is getting there."

The lieutenant watches them, completely confused. "We need to go."

"Let's go, everyone," Sharpe said. He helps Selina through the 'magical door'. Everyone else follows them.

"To remind you all. This is a classified mission. None of you came from the Gate." The lieutenant said. "Now follow me and I will give you your orders and supplies."

Sarah looks to Sharpe. "I will take care of that, wait here with them."

Sharpe nods and Sarah follows the lieutenant.

Rory rushes to a window and watches cars and people moving past the building. "Wow… Look at all the different kinds of vehicles. They all have different colors."

Selina walks up beside Rory, looking at all the different cars and trucks. "I just thought they all were that tan or green color." She looks and then points to a yellow beetle car. "It is bumblebee!"

“It not actually bumblebee,” Sharpe side.

“But… bumblebee….”

Lelei walks over and watches the activity outside. "So Major, what are we doing in the city?"

Sharpe walks over, noting Selina staying close to him. She will get used to this place after some time. Before he answers the question Lelei question he realized that she called him by his Rank, not by his name. That is the first time it has dawned him that they all use his rank rather than his name.

"Ok ladies. Some ground rules." Sharpe said, giving them his order voice. "No using rank while in the city. Just names."

Rory looks over to him smirking. "Full name?"

"… no." Sharpe bluntly said back to her. That answer did not seem to please her though.

Sharpe just moves on. He uses his hands and points as he speaks. "No splitting from the group without one of us with you. Do everything that we day."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like always." Rory said, looking back out the window.

Lelei looks to Sharpe and smiles. "Can we go to one of your libraries?"

"Of course, you want to go there. But we are on Earth!" Rory comments back to Lelei.

"Look at all the different cloths everyone wearing," Selina states, noticing how different the fashion is. The clothes look far superior in quality and that people are not wearing basic robs like in their world.

"Everyone has those phones I see you guys use," Lelei states, noting how so many people that are walking are looking down on a cell phone. Like they have been captured by a spell.

Sharpe realizes they are not listening to him now. "Both of you calm down. I have something you all will like."

Now that interested all three of them. Everyone loves food.

"As long as everyone is good, and no one kills anyone." Sharpe looks to Rory.

Rory points to herself. "What?"

He then pulls out three cell phones. "Just in case, these are yours. If you get lost or anything, you can call me or Sarah." He then begins to show them how to use the basics, like turning it on, the password. How to reach the contacts and how to call. No need to go into deeper details.

Each one of them and glances at it.

Lelei looks at it. "It is like a computer."

"I don't think Lelei should have one. She going to become enslaved like everyone out there." Rory said jokily, remember how Lelei fell into a spell when she was introduced to Sharpe computer.

Lelei looks at her and hits Rory on the shoulder. "You will break yours by the end of the day."

"No, I won't!" Rory states, looking at her. "What are you implying!"

Sarah walks back with some paperwork. "Well, I have a game plan. We have to be back here by seven pm at the latest." She then hands him some paperwork, a map of the area and a credit card.

"What is this for?" Sharpe asked her.

"It is a prepaid card. Set limit so if you want to go crazy, it is out of your pocket."

"What else is new." Sharpe shrugs his shoulder.

"It is meant for you to spend on them. The State Department's way of saying thank you for your service." Sarah explains. "That is what the guy said."

"Alright. After heading to the historical area, we can stop by the shops." Sharpe said to her. He then looks to the girls. "Alright, let's move out."

They all walk out of the military administration building. Right then they walk out the three looks straight up, noticing how tall the building is. It is an impressive sight.

"How do you keep it from falling?" Lelei asked, trying to understand how it does not tip over.

"They are designed not to fall. Exactly what they do to prevent it from falling I do not know. There is a lot of engineering in the planning stages. These are not even tall towers, other places in the nation, even the world have taller ones." Sharpe responds.

Lelei turns around to face him. "Really? Can we visit them?"

"Sorry, not today. I will see what I can do some other time." Sharpe responds again.

"We need to go. There is a subway here that we need to take to get us close to the historical site." Sarah said, pointing to a subway station.

Everyone moves down the sidewalk and stops at this traffic light.

"Everyone stop, wait for the light to turn green." Sarah comments, pointing to the light with a red hand on it.

"What does that mean Sarah?" Lelei asked her, looking at it.

"It means stop. It is to stop people, so they don't walk in traffic and get hit." Sarah responds.

Rory looks at the signs and then at the cars driving by. "I think I can take them." She said in a cocky tone.

"Not everyone is this badass demi-goddess Rory," Sharpe replied. When the light turns green, they walk across it.

"And whose fault is that?" Rory asked proudly.

Sharpe glances at her and then smirks as he gets an idea. "Well. There is one man who can beat you. Chuck Norris."

Rory looks up at him, shocked that even dare to think that. "Who is this Chick Norris you speak of? I will show him who is the real demi-goddess."

Before Sharpe speaks, wanting to mess with Rory more. Sarah stops him. "Don't get her all active. Please."

"Fine. Next time though." Sharpe said as he chuckles.

"No! I want to know who this Chuck…" Rory then stops her sentence, looking down the tunnel. Her eyes widen and her body trembles a little. "You didn't say anything about going underground."

Everyone looks at her confused by this sudden side of her.

"What is wrong Rory?" Selina asked.

"I… nothing. Just… that is where Hardy lives." Rory said, scared.

"Rory. Who is Hardy?" Sharpe asked her.

Right then noise can be heard from underground, one of the underground trams passing by them. When that sound is heard, Rory rushes to Sharpe's side, holding him very tightly, scared like a little kid.

Sharpe stands there, not knowing what to do. "Its… it is ok Rory. There is nothing bad down there."

Lelei looks to Sharpe. "Hardy is the goddess of the underground and ruler of hell."

Sharpe looks to Lelei. "Ok, but why is…"

"Because she wants to marry me," Rory said not pleased by it. "I hate her. She has been trying to claim me for hundreds of years now." She said in a scared tone. "This is her domain and if I go down there, she will take me."

Sharpe thinks and then smiles. He then knees to Rory level and pats her on the shoulder. "Look, I promise you that nothing is going to happen. Do you trust me."

Rory looks at him and then nods her head.

"Then let's go. You can hold my hand." Sharpe said as he feels her grabs his clothes tighter. "Or my clothes."

"Ok," Rory responds.

Sharpe stands up and everyone walks down into the subway, Rory holding onto Sharpe. He keeps his hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her that everything will be ok.

They get downstairs and get inside one of the trams.

Rory just stands there while holding onto Sharpe cloths tightly. Looking around like she is waiting to form something to appear and kidnap her. She mumbles to herself, saying some positive self-talk. Which he finds adorable.

Sharpe looks to Selina, making sure she is not out of sight. He can see that she is nervous too. This is all new to her and the rest of them and probably seems unnatural for someone from their world. "Selina stays close."

Selina turns around and looks up. She then nods and stands close, keeping an eye out on the tram.

The only one of them that seems to be fine is Lelei. Her reaction to all this seems to be like viewing this as a science project.

He then looks up to Sarah and sees her giggling. "What?"

Sarah glances away. "Nothing. Just find it interesting."

It will take about twenty minutes until they get out of the subway system. Once back on the surface, Rory collapses to her knees, thanking Emroy for living through the underground. "Thank god Emroy. Can we never do that again? Please?"

"Well, I told you nothing bad would happen," Sharpe responds.

"Who is that?" Lelei said in a shocked voice.

Everyone looks forward and sees this large, tall statue of a man on a horse high in the air. There are all these different kinds of animals all around him on the base of the statue. There are other people and birds all around the base of the man riding a horse.

"That is George Washington, the Washington Monument," Sharpe answers the question, impressed by the statue himself. This is the first time he got a chance to see this.

"Wow…," All three of them say at once, impressed by it. The statue is tall and project greatness to everyone who sees it.

"Who is that man?" Selina asked, looking up at Sharpe.

"It is one of the fathers of our nation. One of the most respected men in all of history. A man of firsts." Sharpe explains. "When our country rebelled against the British Empire, he was our revolutionary Commander and Chief. He led our armies into battles, keeping a ragtag group of rebels together in the darkest of days. Then he became the first President of our nation."

"So, he is this great general?" Rory asked.

"If you mean by him wining battles then no. He lost almost all his battles." Sharpe and then thinks. "I think he won three out of his nine battles. I am not one hundred percent sure on that number, but he lost most of his battles."

What he said confused all of them. How could a great respectable general lose so many battles? They all look up; their facial reaction demands an explanation.

Sharpe places his right hand on him hid, looking at the statue, inspired by the pride that the statue represents. He then looks down.

"I don't understand. Why do you people worship a failure?" Selina asked, taking great interest in the topic.

"Let me tell you all a story. At one of his camps during a brutal winter. There were some soldiers setting up camp. This corporal who was overseeing them was barking orders at them, giving them the business for not setting up camp fast enough." Sharpe looks down, making sure they were listening. "That is when General Washington on his horse. He saw what was happening and ask the corporal why he wasn't helping them."

Sharpe stops to gather his thoughts and then continues. "The corporal told Washington that he was a Corporal and that was beneath him. Guess what Washington told him?"

Rory, Lelei, and Selina look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

"Did he kill the corporal?" Selina asked. "For his disappointments? To make an example of him?"

"I don't know, that sounds like a normal response to me," Rory answers, not seeing the big deal.

All of them are from a world where nobility and royalty are the norms. Speaking above their class usually means punishment.

Sharpe expected them to struggle to answer the question. Which is good, that means everyone can learn together. "Washington told the corporal that he was just a general. He then got off his horse and then helped the soldiers set up the tent."

After the story, Sharpe begins explaining more about Washington, the character of the man. "See, this wasn't some normal war. The reason we call it a revolution was because we were not just trying to separate from another Empire and become independent. We were challenging the way the world thinks. Up until the Founding Fathers, the world operated a kind of like the Empire of your world."

"Wow. No one from the Empire would get their hands dirty like that." Rory said.

Selina stays quiet, thinking the same thing about her people.

Lelei looks at him. All this sounds familiar to her, from a recent conversation. "I see the differences between you and Princess Pina. She doesn't lead by example. I see that you were comparing her to him and judging accord."

"Yeah, I heard that was brutal," Sarah said, thinking about it. "I wish I was there."

Sharpe just nods his head, wishing he could forget that conversation happened.

"I still don't get it though. So, he wasn't so egotistical. So what?" Rory said, analyzing the statue.

Sharpe looks at her. "Look. There are two major things that he did that no one has done before in history. These two acts changed how our world." He takes a quick breath, gathering his thoughts. Making sure he remembers his history. "Once we won the war, he had full support from his army and the people from all thirteen colonies."

He notices that they were confused about the thirteen colonies' part. "Will explain inside. Anyway, his officers demanded that he declare himself king and take power. Away from Congress. He could, everyone was demanding it. He said no and retired back to his farm."

Now that attracted Rory's attention. "Ok, that is impressive. A man with that much power and just gives it up."

"You said two. What was the other thing?" Selina asked, wanting to know why this man is so special.

"You have to understand. The revolution was a change of how Humanity though. How government works. A system for the people, by the people. A republic that represents its citizens" Sharpe said. "When our constitution was created ten years later, a new position was created, the office of the Presidency. That office is the leader of our union. The President is elected and once elected, that person serves a term of four years."

Sarah jumps into the conversation. "See, at the time someone could just get reelected continually. See, you need to understand that Washington was so popular by everyone that he could have just won term after term until death. Which could have led to a power vacuum if he did that. Just like what happens in the empires of old."

"Wait," Selina said, connecting the dots. "Does that mean he step down from being the President?"

"Yes." Sharpe answers. "After two terms being President, he refused a third term. He understood the need for a peaceful transition between leaders. No family members competing for power, no rival leaders trying to hold onto power. Him doing that shocked our world because no one did that back then. Now, we live in a world where many western nations have peaceful hands overpower."

All three of them are quiet, all shocked by that. That is a strange idea, an exceedingly rare feat among mankind. Willing to give up power peacefully.

"I am old enough to remember the five or so civil wars the Empire went through. All family members and other nobles trying to take the throne." Rory said, thinking about her life. "It sounds too good to be true."

"Don't worry about it. He is not a perfect man. He was a slave owner. But he and the other Founders set up a system so we could end slavery and other discriminatory practices in our country in time." Sharpe said to her.

"Alright everyone, we should head to the museum. There shouldn't be a lot of people yet so it should be nice." Sarah said, realizing they should get going.

They nod in agreement and all head to the Museum of the American Revolution.

Once inside, they see a few people walking around. They see all these young kids all in a line, walking around. They look like an elementary school.

All around they see uniforms, the weapons the soldiers used at the time. More information that Sharpe was just explaining to them outside and much more. A list of battles, all the leaders who led the nation through the war. How the thirteen colonies operate and worked together during the war and much more.

As they walk around, seeing all these paintings, cloths, tables showing battles details and much more.

"I don't understand. From what I understand, these people seem wealthy and noble. Why would they do this?" Selina asked, looking at the painting that said, 'The March to Valley Forge'. "Why would anyone go through something like this?"

Sharpe walks up and sees the painting. "Well, mainly because of his and the Founder's leadership. He was loyal to his men, so they were loyal to him. He suffered just like they suffered. A true leader is not about using your position for personal benefit. A true leader is willing to go through the same situation was his men or women." He said making sure he understands what a true leader is.

Sharpe then thinks about her first question. "To answer your question. We had a tyrannical crown thousands of miles away who thought they could just tax the colonies and pass laws to oppress them. A common saying was no taxation without representation. It affected everyone. Everyone was equal in the crown oppression."

"The Founding Fathers understand that something had to change. If a government can harm its people without any protections to their interests. Then what are we? They wanted to make sure that the government didn't interfere in people's lives." Sharpe explains. "Many were wealthy but that doesn't mean they had political connections or were nobles or came from some ancient bloodline. The Fathers came from many different backgrounds, most with no political background. That is how they were able to figure out a system that not just benefited one group of people."

Sharpe then thinks about that. "Well, during their time. See, they all suffered from a tyrannical government and did not want their new country to suffer the same thing. They put their self-interest aside for what is best for their people. They understood the gravity of the situation."

Rory walks over to them, looking at what they are looking at. "It is still hard to believe that people would do such a thing. Act so much out of their self-interest."

Sharpe stands up and thinks. "I think this will be easier. Follow me, we're heading to the Independence Hall."

Sharpe takes them to the nearby building, labeled Independence Hall.

It is a small building compared to the large towers around the site. The building is made from red brick with a tall clock tower with a bell on top. Once inside they see this beautiful layout with wooden chairs and tables. Maps and art form that time.

They walk into the main chamber, where the Founding Father gathered.

"This is where the Continental Congress meant. While Washington was our General, these people were the true leaders. Reach one of them representing their colony, or State by today's standards." Sarah said as they walk in. "They believed in representative government so much and feared a single man or colony gaining too much power they did everything they could to prevent a tyrant from gaining power. Whatever form that might be."

"There it is," Sharpe said, pointing to some documents. "In this room is where they created one of the most important documents of our world history. It literally changed history. Even people today quote it when they are trying to gain freedom from an oppressed government. It is the gold standard of our civilization."

"How does a piece of paper do all this?" Rory asked, not taking a great interest in the topic. It is more like she is struggling with how this could even be true, based on her failed experience.

She begins to reflect on her time in how she helped Taylin create the Empire. She had similar ideas like these, not in name or paper, not as well thought out or developed as these people had. But she had some of these ideas and feelings in her heart. How did these people achieve what she failed; they are mortals after all?

"Because it is everlasting." Sharpe answers. He points the Declaration of Independence. "This is what started it all. Our founders tried to find a peaceful solution and the crown refused everything. They believed that rights are not given to anyone, but you are born with. And no one could ever take them away from you. Because they are yours by birthright, by god."

Then Sharpe begins to read it out loud for them:

During the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and God's Nature rights entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world…


The rest of the document begins talking about what the British crown did to push the thirteen colonies away and the justifications for independence.

"Sharpe," Selina said and then looks to him. "Do you think my world can adopt something like this?"

Sharpe looks at her and sees this is not just some random question but some depth with it. That she is taking it seriously is impressive. He is happy about that but to what manner he wonders.

"It is possible. It is not easy though. People must want liberty and freedom; you cannot give it to someone. It must be a desire. Many nations on Earth have tried and failed. The desire for power and corruption is very strong." Sharpe said and then looks to the document. "We tried implanting the values in other countries and it didn't… go as fully planned."

Sharpe thinks more about the question. "But you never know. If you had the right leaders, the will of the people and the right situation, anything is possible." He then looks at Selina and gives her a light warming pat on the back.

"Rory, Lelei, Selina. There is something I wanted to make sure you understand. It is the main reason why I wanted to bring you here in the first place." Sharpe said and then gets on his knee, so he is more engaging with them, eye level.

Once he knows he has their attention, he begins explaining his true purpose here. "Look, I am glad you are taking this seriously. I am happy that you are on our site and you be helping us in our war efforts. I truly mean it. In your way, you have helped us in ways I cannot even imagine. I and my people can't see a path without your help."

All three of them look at each other smiling. Rory's chests punch herself, taking pride in that. That just made Selina giggle.

"But!" Sharpe said, making sure he has their intention again. Which it did, his officer tone always gets people's attention. "So far you have seen the best. I want you to understand the good, the bad and the ugly."

"What do you mean by that?" Lelei ask.

Rory smirks, already seeing where this is going. To her, this is what separates the Empire and America. The will to self-reflect this past and grow from it.

Sharpe continues. "This is what I mean. We created a system, so people are not judged based on religion, skin color, ethnic background, whatever." He said, using his hand to help explain what he is talking about. "But it was not an easy path to get there. We have not always lived up to those ideals as a people."

"You are talking about those slaves we save in the other building. And what you call Native Americans." Lelei adds. Always the one who sees the details. In the last building their pictures and stories of what happened to those groups of people during that time and the context behind it.

Sharpe nods his head in agreement. "While we take pride in our nation. We see ourselves as exceptional in the world because of the ideas and values I just listed. It was a very painful path to get to this point where we are today. Those values allowed us to end slavery in our nation, allowed us to let people like Martin Luther King end segregation in this country. Someone natural rights should not be based on something they cannot control but by the content of the personal decisions. Everyone rises or falls based on what they do, not from some external factor."

"We also have done some bad stuff. Invade countries we had no business in. Overthrown countries just because we could. Mainly for selfish reasons. We ignored genocide that happened around the world and even committed a few of them yourself in our past." Sharpe explains to them.

"I just don't want you to think we are all sunshine and rainbows. We screw up and error. The reason I say this is because I don't want you to follow us because of some delusion that we are perfect just because we are not the Empire. You never should be loyal because of what is on the surface, just because one looks cleaner than the other." Sharpe continues to explain.

"But we try to improve and grow. We try to be that shining beacon on the hill. Every generation we try to improve on those liberties that been granted to us. I just do not want you to blindly follow us. You free, you have the right to choose. To control your destiny and no one can ever take that away from you." Sharpe finishes. He takes a breath after realizing that went on longer than he planned.

Rory pats Sharpe on the shoulder. "We understand since the beginning. No one is perfect but your people character has already shown in battle. War has always been a judge of a person's character. Their true selves come out in the heat of battle. And you passed my test long ago."

Sharpe looks at Rory when she brings up a test, that being news to him.

Selina looks up at the other documents. "What are those then?"

Sharpe stands up and looks. "That is the constitution and the other is the Bill of Rights and the other amendments. The Founders were incredibly careful to make sure that the government didn't become too powerful. Or one branch becomes too powerful."

"They created a constitutional republic. Not a democracy." Sharpe adds. "They were very afraid that the majority might rule and become tyrannical of the minority."

Surprising to Sharpe, Lelei adds to what he just said. "Based on what I read, they also made sure a minority didn't also rule over a majority. A balanced system to make sure no one gains too much power."

Sharpe looks at her impressed. "Correct. You will hear the term democracy a lot. It is more of a general idea that sums up the beliefs of the free world. Everyone has implemented it in their way. But we make sure that one branch of government counterbalances the other. Same with the States. As I said before, we are a union of fifty-one, maybe fifty-two sovereign States down the road soon. We make sure one State doesn't dominate the others."

"Everything is about being fair and balance while maintaining our freedoms. If one branch of government becomes too powerful or one group of people or a few States become too powerful, the system is designed to counterbalance them." Sarah adds.

"This… is very confusing," Selina said, rubbing her head.

"I have a question. Before you were talking about how Washington refused to become a King. What is stopping the military from just taking over or backing one of your Presidents? I have seen this happen so many times in my world." Rory asked, confused by how this system survived this long without a military coup.

Sarah steps in to answer Rory's question. "Guess who we pledge our allegiance to?"

"Well, the President, of course, he… I mean she is your leader." Rory said.

Lelei looks to the documents on the wall and thinks. She then looks back at them. "It is that document correct?"

"Your both semi correct," Sharpe explains. "Our allegiance is to the Constitution. While we take orders from the President, our loyalty is to that document. If the President does something that is against the Constitution or someone takes the office by force, we don't recognize that because it is our responsibility to defend that document. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

"I said it before, and I will say it again. Nothing about your people is simple." Rory said joking.

Sharpe then stands up. "Well, I think that is it."

Sarah has been standing there watching, proud of her CO. One she hears him say that she thinks. "Well, what about the Bens? I think Lelei might like that."

Sharpe thinks and nods. "That works."

They leave the building and head to a nearby facility that hosts Benjamin Franklin. Right when they enter the building, they see this large statue of this man sitting in a chair, right in the center of the museum.

"Why is this man important? Was he one of your Presidents?" Selina asked.

"No, but he was very important in building the foundation of the union," Sarah answers Selina's question. She then looks to Lelei. "I think you will like him Lelei. He was a scientist and a major author, or how your people describe it, a scribe. On top of that, he was one of most senior diplomat."

Now that got Lelei's attention. So far everything has been interesting, politics and history never really been her main interest. That has been Selina and Rory's main point of interest. Seeing that one of their Founding Fathers was what they call a scientist does explain why these Americans value science so much.

"What did he invent?" Lelei asked, looking around with everyone else.

"If my history recalls, electricity." Sharpe answers.

"Wait, he invested all this?" Selina points to the lights above them all.

"Sorry kid but no. That was someone else a hundred years later." Sarah responds. She then walks over to a plat. "He was the first discovered its existence and the properties about it. For example, the law of the principle of conservation of charge."

"Interesting," Lelei said, thinking on that. She walks around.

Sharpe walks around, reading some plats. "Ok, I'm impressed. They didn't cover a lot of this in school."

"Yeah…" Lelei said, getting lost in reading all the information on the plats. Benjamin Franklin has tribute or help started many theories that the modern world takes for granted today. From the concept of cooling and refrigerating to help started the science of meteorology and oceanography and much more.

After spending a few hours learning and experiencing the foundations and principles of the country they volunteered to aid, getting a deeper insight, and understanding of why these people act the way they act. They are off, heading to another part of the city.

Back underground on one of the city subway trams, Rory is again holding onto Sharpe tight, worry that Hardy is going to appear and take her away.

"You are afraid of her?" Sharpe looks at her, really shocked to see this side of her.

"She is a Goddess; I am just an apostle. If we get in a direct fight, she can overpower me. I have spent many centuries trying to stay away from her." Rory said nervously.

"Why does she want you that badly?" Sarah asked her, confused by that. "If she is a god after all."

"Because she is a creep. And a self-egotistical monster." Rory explains as she keeps her eyes out for Hardy.

Once above ground again, they are walking down the street. Unlike before they see far more people walking around. Far more traffic happening.

Suddenly Selina pulls Sharpe shirt. "What I that in the air?"

He looks and sees airplanes. "Those are passenger airplanes. It is quite common to have those planes in major cities. It is how we travel the world."

"Your world is so different," Selina said as this big freight truck drives by them. She is finding that she doesn't like to be outside, all those vehicles and how crowded the sidewalks are.

"Don't worry kid, we will be going inside any minute. Got some surprises for you all." Sharpe said.

Following Sarah, they walk into a nearby mall. All around they see electronics and cloths. Once inside she turns around and smiles. "Alright, now that the history lesson is over. Now for the real fun. I have this cute outfit idea for all of you." She then glances to Rory, remember how much of a pain in the ass she was last time. "Including you."

"As I said before, I don't wear anything besides this design. I do not worship fashion as you mortals do." Rory said all pridefully and confidently.

"… well fine then. You can sit here with Sharpe while we have some fun!" Sarah said, slightly annoyed by her. "Let's go, girls, I have this cute outside in mind for you."

Sarah takes both Selina and Lelei into this clothing store. Sharpe then starts walking off. "Follow me. No one stays alone."

Rory hears him saying that and rushes up beside him. "Where are you going?"

"Something I been wanting to do. A gift for Selina" Sharpe said.

Rory smirks. "O really?" As she follows, she begins to think. "You had all this planned out for a while, now haven't you?"

"Yeah, for a few months now," Sharpe answer her question. "Didn't think it would go this well though. I thought it was going to bore you all."

"Come on Sharpe. Have some more confidence in what you do. It was great." Rory said to him. For her, this has been a massive eye-opener. It reminds her of her and his ex-boyfriend Taylin and forming the Empire. A lot of regrets from that, it is why she feels so responsible for trying to fix things. It is why she hasn't worked for a kingdom or nation for six hundred years, until now.

But this has shown her some of the mistakes she made during those early years. It has been something she has been distancing herself from but is now starting to feel comfortable in sharing it. For her past vision is to take hold of her world, the truth needs to come out. Only then things can improve.

More importantly, maybe if Rory shows some strength in talking about her inner demons, some of the others might be more willing to open. She thinks to herself as she glances up at Sharpe.

They walk into this jewelry store. Rory looks around taking an interest in all the different designs. "Wow, these are well crafted."

"Yup. The benefits of mass production and capitalism." Sharpe responds, not caring about jewelry. He begins talking to the lady who works there. She then gives him a package and pays.

"Let's go, Rory," Sharpe said and then leaves.

Rory rushes up close to him, looking up. "What did you get?"

Sharpe hands her the box he got from the store. "I ordered it a few weeks ago. It's not the fanciest thing in the world but I figured it would look good."

Rory takes it and opens it. It is this star with six points with this small blue stone in the center of it. "What kind of star is this?"

"It is the star Polaris or more commonly known as the North Star. During ancient times Humans used the North Star to help navigate the lands and seas. When someone is lost, this star always helps people find their way home. It was always there when lost souls went missing." Sharpe said.

"I figured it might be a nice gift for Selina. Help her build up some confidence and feel more." He then struggles to finish that last part. "Part of the team." He said, copping out on what he wanted to say.

Rory giggles and roll her eyes. However, though, she thinks it is sweet of him to do this. She puts the lid back on the box and hands it to him. "That is sweet of you. You just need it… to…"

That is when Rory stops walking. She leans around him, looking to the other side of the mall.

Right before Sharpe's eyes, Rory disappears. He looks around and sees her by this window of this clothing shop.

"Mmm… that looks lovely…" Rory said to herself, looking at this shiny white gothic-looking style dress in the window.

"I thought you don't like clothes shopping?" Sharpe said as he stands right behind her.

Rory slowly moves her head to glance at him, giving him an angry stare. Expressing that he should shut up and do not call her out for what she said just ten minutes ago.

"Alright. Go in and get what you want. No more than two outfits." Sharpe said, seeing that she likes the outfit inside.

Rory gets all excited and bursts into the store.









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