Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V05 – Chapter 56 Reflection RM


--- Nadris Expedition force camp, somewhere in the northern parts of the Elias Region, far south of Rondel ---

July 20th, 2025


Lord Lashin walks around his tent thinking on what he should do next. Two of his scouts have recently reported back to him about Princess Selina's where abouts(1). They saw her in Italica alone, well until this strange knight helped her.

For just over a decade he has been trying to gain vengeance for what King Juleas of Edras, the ex-leader of the Edras Kingdom had done. He was a Crown Prince at the time but still; he murdered my wife and two children in one of the raids. That man took everything important from him.

He even switched gods to help his chances of getting justices. His people worship the god of Wareharun, the goddess of trees and the forest. The Nadris people or otherwise known as the Northern Wooden Elves by the lesser races, consider themselves as the protector of the forests and are willing to slay anyone who dares define their god.

However, Wareharun is going to be no help for his life mission. After years of failed attempts in trying to kill King Juleas, something had to change.

That is when Lashin decided that he had to switch gods so he could gain enough support to complete his task. He hopes that Palapon, the god of revenge would be able to grant him the power necessary to finally claim justice.

And then over a year ago, those fucking Humans of that god's forsaken kingdom murdered their king and most of the royal family. As part of some arrangement with the Empire, they turned on their leader and killed them. Edrans and their power-hungry cults.

Hearing that news infuriated Lashin. Years of work and commitments, switching gods and killing hundreds of Humans in trying to kill that man just suddenly gone. Justice was suddenly disappeared not now, how can he take revenge? Palapon demands payment otherwise Lashin's soul will not be free.

It was only a few months after that is when he learned that one of that bloodlines has survived. The second daughter of King Juleas, Princess Selina. The new leaders of the Edras Kingdom gave her away to some of the Empire mercenaries, to be a gift to Crown Prince Zorzal, to become his new fuck toy.

Based on reputation, Crown Prince Zorzal is not pleasant in bed. A known idiot but also a brute, an extremely dangerous combination. However, Lashin does not consider that faith to be harsh enough for that bloodline. Nor does this help him please his new god. The only way for vengeance is for her to die by his hand. To be tortured for weeks and then finally end it by fire. Even then, that is not enough.

As Lashin walks around his tent, the anger that has been building up in him and so he flips over his table to release it. "God damn these fucking Humans! How do they always fuck everything up? Those short life bastards!" He said in much anger.

With the approval of the other Wood Elf lords, he took his most loyal and skilled elves from his clan to kidnap Selina from Zorzal. They all knew raiding Sadera, the capital of the Empire would be hard however, they all knew how important it is to finally end Juleas bloodline.

This recent news complicates his plans. It is now clear that she never made it to Sadera and she is now wandering around the region. It is good that they do not have to assault Sadera however now the size of their search went from a city to the center of the continent.

His scouts said she had some help from someone in Italica. Has she allied with the city or was it just a random encounter? Is she alone or with a party now? Is she even still in Italica and if not then where?

Right then a wood elf walks into his tent.

"Is everything ok my lord?" He asked.

Lashin looks over frustrated. He sees that it is his longtime friend Haoulis. "Everything is fine. The recent news is just complicating things."

"I know my lord however we will follow you to whatever end," Haoulis responds. "And believe me, we will find her. Palapon is on our side and your cause is just."

"She can be anywhere. This is a far and big land. It will not be easy to keep our presence a secret to the Empire." Lashin said.

Haoulis walks over and picks up the table. "I don't think we should worry about the Empire my lord."

Lashin understands the context of what Haoulis is saying. "You mean these Other Worlders we been hearing about? They mean nothing to us."

"I think we should worry about them Lord Lashin. If the rumors have it, they are even more brutal and powerful then that Empire. They have already slaughtered half a million people. Slave camps on this hill called Alnus and are occupying the nearby towns, including Italica." Haoulis explains.

Since arriving at the heart of the Empire, each town and passing traders talk about these people group of Humans that came from this magical Gate. That these Other Worlders are waging war against the Empire and have been destroying them.

So far getting any real solid information about these people have been hard. The only real source of information has been the Empire propaganda or hearsay from passing people. Or the random conversations by townsfolk who are more likely making up stories. Even then, the people who claim to have seen them have struggled to explain what they have seen which makes the information worthless.

"Damn Humans," Lashin said with growing frustration. "If they have Italica then maybe she has allied with this new group? No."

Lashin thinks on the topic for a moment. "Edreans don't allow their women to be education nor allow them to hold power. Their role is to provide troops to the Army and serve the will of Miritta. I highly doubt she can form an alliance, not even with those Bunnies."

Lashin looks to his friend Haoulis. "As long as we stay away from these new Humans, we should be fine. I do not care what Humans do to other Humans. All I want is her."

"I will deploy more scouts and see what I can do." Haoulis kneels.

Lashin looks down at his friend. "Thank you Haoulis. One of these days you will replace me as Lord of our clan. I know you won't fail me."



--- Kingdom of Alguna territory ---

July 20th, 2025


The Kingdom of Alguna was considered the slumps of the Empire. The kingdom is ruled by a very brutal and powerful family. While small compare to the Empire's other vassals, they are still a powerful force to reckon with.

They are one of the few kingdoms that have been able to deploy Ogres and Goblins in their ranks. The location of the Kingdom is close to where the Dark races are located, on the Swestual Mountains Peninsula. With the Elias Region on their northern border and sea to their west between the Swestual Kingdoms and Alguna, they are close to them.

The Swestual Kingdoms house many Dark races like Goblins, Vampires, Orcs, witches, Bat people, trolls and much more. Long ago they were driven to that region, being blocked by three seas. The only land route out of the peninsula is to the north, a perfect natural defends against them.

The Rose Knights march through the mud while on their horses. Up ahead is the capital of the kingdom, Galuoa.

The Kingdom of Alguna is known to be very harsh, even by the Empire standards. All around they see these plantations houses. On the agriculture fields, the Knights see nothing but slaves with their Alguna masters either wiping them or torturing them if they fail to keep up.

The slaves in this Kingdom are remarkably diverse compare to most others, there are common, beast, and dark races. Humans, elves, bat people, dwarves and much more. Because of the small size of the kingdom, they need to be highly efficient which means they need a large pool of slave labor. To maintain the fields and the army.

Over in the distances, they see this large building that is known as the pin.  That is where Alguna houses their Goblins lives and when needed, breed more. That is how they control them, control their numbers and breed loyalty into them. The story is there are a few of these pins scattered around the kingdom.

On the other hand, the Empire has a treaty with the Swestual Kingdoms. For staying in their territory and serving when the Empire calls, the Swestual Kingdoms get slaves as a tribute. So, the Dark races can fill their deepest desires and maintain their ranks.

While the Empire was able to turn them into vassals, it took decades to subdue them in many bloody wars. It has proven to be the most efficient way to maintain peace, to just buy their loyalty in slave tributes. That has resulted in a large need to expand into new lands and enslave the conquered people. Otherwise, the Empire must start enslaving their people or risk civil war against the Swestual Kingdoms.

"My god... this place is disgusting." Beefeater E Caty comments as she looks around.

Over to their right, they see this man being beaten by some guards. There also is this woman by them being publicly raped by one of the Alguna goblins.

These people are not the only ones. The Knights begin to see a few wagons full of people, all divided by sex. Goblins swarming the ones with the women in it, wanting what is inside. Most likely for breeding reasons. The men most likely are either going to be used as food for the Goblins and Ogres or as slave labor on the fields.

 All along the roads are these wooden crosses with people on then, all being publicly crucified. All most likely slaves, serving as a warning if any of them defy their masters.

"What are they doing? This is barbaric. Especially in public like this." Bozes Co Palesti said with this disgusted look as she sees what is happening.

"They are from Clan Elbe. It seems that the Algunas have recently captured these people." Grey said, unfazed by what he sees. He just looks forward, to the city. "Everyone, keep your eye focus on the city."

"Wait. Clan Elbe is on our side. Vassals of the Empire. Why would the Alguna Kingdom attack an ally?" Beefeater E Caty asked, confused.

"While I was in Italica, I heard that King Duran signed a peace treaty and form an alliance with the Americans," Grey said.

That news shocked everyone around him. The idea of a vassal, especially from a well-respected Kingdom like Elbe seceded and side with the enemy is unheard of. The only one who is not surprised is Princess Pina.

Pina is ahead of everyone, taking the lead of their little group. As she rides, she is looking around, watching everything. While everything she sees does seem extreme, even by the Empire standards. The truth is that the only difference is that these people are more open to what they are doing to their slaves and 'prisoners'. The people in Sadera prefer to keep it out of sight.

Hamilton rides up closer to her. "Your highness, you shouldn't get too far ahead by yourself. You never know what these people might do." She looks around, scared at the sight of everything.

"It is ok Hamilton. Nothing will happen to us. They are still subjecting of the Empire." Pina replied to her. "Still, we don't have much time."

"Why do you say that?" Hamilton asked her, confused by that last statement.

Pina looks to Hamilton and then to everyone else behind her. "Look, Grey is right. These people are from Elbe. And if they have allied with the Other Worlders, that means they will be coming."

Pina can see the confused look on all their faces, except for Grey. He seems to be the only one who understands the full gravity of the situation. He always does, all her life he has been a beacon of wisdom when she needed it to most.

"Wait! It will be a Sadera all over again." Beefeater E Caty replied, just fully understanding the meaning.

"Why on earth would they come all the way down here? This is a backward country." Jalin Tu Fendro asked. "I think they have better things to do than dealing with these low lives."

"Are you stupid Jalin? If Grey is right and they formed an alliance, they will be honor-bound to help." Beefeater said back to him.

Jalin looks over to Beefeater. "You are assuming they have the honor, to begin with. Look how they fight, staying as far away from the enemy. Never meeting their opponent face to face. Willing to kill thousands just to save a few. Where is the honor in that?" Jalin responds. The warrior code has been driven deep into him.

Pina stops her horse and turns around. She begins to ride to him, going slowly and remaining quiet. Everyone notices this sudden change, and all are staring at her to see what she is doing next.

Honest, Pina is not mad at Jalin Tu Fendro. It was not that long ago she might have said something similar. However, things have changed.

She rides right up to him and looks at Jalin right in the eyes. After a short direct stare into his eyes, she points to a cage wagon full of many different female races prisoners with Goblins wanting to get in and guards holding them back as they process them. "Where is the honor in that?"

Jalin looks over to the cage. He must be honest with himself, he finds the sight disgusting. He slowly looks back to his princess. "I mean no disrespect, your highness."

"Known taken," Pina said. She turns around and heads to the main gate of Galuoa.

Everyone remains quiet and follows their princess. However, Bozes is lagging a little and looks at the cage. She sees them all crying, begging for help. Hearing someone calling her name she rushes back to the group.

It will not take long for the Order of the Rose Knights to get through the city gate and head inside. As the group rides through the city, everyone can tell the population is preparing for war. All the blacksmiths are making weapons. The citizens stockpiling food.

Of course, the citizenry is not doing heavy work. Everywhere are slaves being used as forced labor. Many are chained up at auction platforms. Cages after cages of people in them, waiting to be used when needed.

Beefeater rides up to Grey's side. "Hey Sir Grey, mind if I ask you a question?"

"What is it Mis Cety?" Grey asked back.

"Well. Why are we here? I know we are looking for the Other Worlders slaves but why here." Beefeater asked.

"I believe you just answered your own question," Grey responds.

Beefeater signs. "Not what I mean. I mean how do we ever know if they have one of the Other Worlders here?"

"It is not a secret that the invasion of the American world was a complete failure. Many of our vassal's tribute troops to the invasion with the promise and treasure and glory. However, we only brought over a few dozen slaves if that." Grey explains.

Beefeater thinks about that. "So, the Emperor sent some of the slav… prisoners to some of the kingdoms. Like a better than nothing gesture."

Grey just nods in the head in agreement.

"But wait, that doesn't answer my question," Beefeater said. But as she said that she begins to think. "You knew. Is that what you were doing in Italica?"

Grey looks over to her and then forward. "Let me explain something. The world is changing, regardless if we like it or not. Your all young and have not seen what wars bring. The Empire is bloated with incompetency and corruption. With people who care more about their own statues than the health of the Empire."

"Ok, I agree with you. This new enemy is a challenge. But it is not like we can just lay down our arms. Even if we attacked, they are the attackers us now. We need to defend our lands." Bozes adds, jumping into the conversation.

"Have either of you even talked to the Americans yet?" Grey asked them, knowing the answer is no. "I have at Italica. I talked to the man that is hunting Princess Pina right now. Right before the battle, I was able to have a private chat with him. It was a very respectable conversation. It is not their weapons but ideals that is their strength. For us to survive and have peace, our world needs to understand those ideas."

"Is that why we are doing this? For some soul-searching journey?" Bozes asked.

"In a manner yes. The Princess has a decision to make. When we went to Alnus, she fully knew that she was going to get torn apart in that argument, but she knew she needs to hear it. She has a choice, to become the leader we know she can be. The leader this world needs her to be or be just like her brothers and father." Grey finishes.

After saying that, they all stop. They have reached the palace. While not as glamorous as Sadera, the marble blue walls and pillars still bring the palace some life.

As everyone dismounts from their horses, a greeter walks forward to meet them. "Why hello their travelers. I am sorry to say but the Princess is not available right… hey, wait!"

Pina just walks right past the greeter and head into the palace. Walking through Pina sees many guards and commanders, talking about their upcoming invasion. About a dozen of her knights walking right behind her. They all get this strange danger feeling, that they are not welcomed.

Right in front of them is a small elevated throne. In the chair is this young woman, about the age of sixteen. She is in this pinkish-red rob.

"What can I do for you Princess Piña Co Lada. This isn't the best of times." Princess Claymen states not happy that they are here.

Pina walks up and stands there and looks right up to her. "That is fine, this won't belong. My father gave your king a gift. One of the women from to another side of the Gate. Is that correct."

Confused by the question, the girl leans forward. "Yes, why does this matter? You came all this way just to ask about a slave?"

"As you know the Empire is at war with the people on Alnus hill. As part of the peace negotiations, they want their people back. I came to collect her back." Pina said.

Princess Claymen leans back into her chair, placing her fingers together. "No."

Pina's eyes widen after hearing that. Did she just reject this request form her? From a Princess of the Empire?

That is when Bozes burst out with anger. "You can't just say no to the Princess. She is above you, watch your station."

Pina holds up her hand, telling Bozes to shut up. "Your highness, it will be wise for you not to reject my request."

"I say again. No. I am not going to give up the only thing we gained from your damn wars. My King, my father, my army was wiped out during the battle to retake Alnus. And I know that your father used my kingdom as ponds, fully knowing that they would be wiped out." Princess Claymen said in a cold voice.

"That is true. But again, it will be wise to give me the prisoner. Once we have her, we will be on our way and you won't have to see me again." Pina states again, determined to get the American women.

Princess Claymen shoots Pina a glare. "Or what? Your hand full of knights are going to war against my Kingdom?" She begins to get annoyed at the fact that Pina keeps calling that slave a prisoner.

"No. Here is the thing, you either give me that prisoner or the enemy will. And you don't want that to happen." Pina states, looking at her right in the eye.

"Let them come. I am building a massive Goblin army. My Ogres will eat their forces alive. My new army will be able to sweep across their lands, killing everything. No one can stop the horde." Princess Claymen explains, confident in her plan.

"I notice that. I also notice you have people from Elbe. How do you explain enslaving your allies?" Pina states.

"Elbe signed a peace pact with the enemy. They are no longer allies of ours and besides, I am reinstating our claims on their territory." Princess Claymen said and then stops to think. "Besides, you should be here to help us. King Duran is a traitor to the Empire, working with the enemy. Because of this, we declared war on them. Otherwise, our country will fall if we sit back and wait. See Princess, we are surrounded from all sides. If we do not expand now, we will dwindle and die."

Pina stands there and listens to everything. Everything Claymen is saying sounds like something that she would have said in the past. Is this really who I am? Is this how I spoke to people? This short-sighted and desperate? Trying to make the right big decision while being so clueless about what is going on around me? Pina thinks to herself.

"You are a fool. I respect that you are trying to save your Kingdom. I know the feeling because I was a fool. Trust me, these Americans are going to come here, and they are going to roll over your army. It does not matter how many women you kidnap for your goblins to breed with. For every ten thousand you breed, you will be lucky to kill one of theirs." Pina states, making sure she is clear in what she said.

Princess Claymen sits there and then laughs. "You are joking, right? How can an army be that powerful? It took the Empire thirty years of constant warfare to subdue the Dark races. It took my people over three hundred years in fighting them just to learn how to control them. I do understand that the enemy is powerful, but no one is more powerful than the gods."

Pina takes a deep breath, realizing she had similar thoughts before. "I am sorry to inform you, Princess, however it is all true. I need that-."

Princess Claymen stands up from her throne and holds her hands up. The guards in the throne room pull out their swords. They begin to surround the dozen Rose Knights. "I had enough of this conversation. I have a war to prepare. If the Empire is not going to aid us, then we have no business being part of it."

Pina had no idea it was going to be this hard. Before the war, no one would have dared to speak like this to someone of her station. Things have changed but no matter. If she can get the prisoner at their first stop then how in the world could she even get anyone else?

"You are going to get a war, Princess. Do you think the horde is going to help you? I have seen thousands of soldiers wiped out within minutes. They killed thousands of soldiers in Sadera just to save a few of their people. You have one of them and they will go to great lengths to get them back." Pina states, not backing down.

As the two continue to argue, everyone in the palace suddenly hears these loud faint noises. Everyone stops and looks to each other, confused. Expect the Rose Knights, they all know that sound all too well.

They all hear it again, the guards looking at each other confused about what they sound means. Princess Claymen leaves her throne and walks over to the balcony to the right.

Pina sees her leave and then follows her, seeing this as an opportunity to use this new situation against her.

Princess Claymen rushes to the balcony stone rail and looks out in the distance. "What is that sound?"

"That sound is from their bombs. When you attacked Eble you provoked the wrath of the enemy." Pina explains to her.

Pina looks out into the distance. The sounds are far away, most likely the Americans and their allies are attacking the Alguna boarder. Looking up she notices these small dark figures high in the sky. Their flying machines.

Pina then looks to Princess Claymen and sees this scared confused look on her face. Her imagination is trying to figure out what is happening. However, Pina knows until she sees the enemy, there is no way she will ever comprehend what is coming.

"Princess Claymen, do you want to go back inside and finish our conversation?" Pina asked her, wanting to move quickly on the developing situation.

As the sounds continue, Princess Claymen just looks out with confusion. "Just… just take the damn women and get out…"

Pina stands there with a small sigh of relief. This could have gone far worse, if it were not for the convenience that the enemy is retaliating for the recent kidnappings, a fight could have broken out. As she looks at the Alguna Princess, she begins to feel a little sorry. She did not ask for any of this, just trying to find a way to survive. None of this would have happened if the Empire did not open the Gate.

Pina turns around and walks over to one of the Alguna guards. "By order of Princess Claymen and more importantly a direct order from the Princess of the Empire, go get the prisoner."


--- 1 hour later ---


The Rose Knights finally reached the outskirts of Galuoa. The young American women are riding with one of the knights. She was brought forth back at the palace and they all quickly left.

The American women were Princess Claymen's uncle's personal mistress. The small bruise on her left cheek and the swollen belly implies the experience has not been pleasant. Since the King of Alguna died, the uncle has taken the role of commanding the army and taking his anger on the ex-slave for the death of his brother.

Pina stops and looks back at the city. She can hear the bells ringing, a call to arms.

As they were leaving, the Alguna hordes of Goblins were being mobilized with the chained Ogres being ready for battle.

Pina was impressed with the number of Goblins that we can breed in such a short period. Had to be thousands. Unlike most other races where it can take about a year to have a child, Goblins and many other Dark races have a shorter pregnancy period. Too bad none of that will matter with the overwhelming superior firepower the Other Worlders will bring.

Bozes rides up to Pina. "What is wrong your highness? We should leave before we get caught by the enemy or these people decide to betray us."

"The enemy. Right." Pina mumbles, wondering what that word means. "Let's go."





(1)Chapter 42






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