Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V06 – Chapter 58 Krysist RM

“There were protests yesterday in thirteen State capitals. The protest leaders said they are upset that the government has not done a better job in finding more American who were taken by the Empire. That the military should do better in finding anyone who were turned into slaves.

While most Americans are still struggling with the concept of people being kidnapped and turned into slaves. A recent poll showed that many do not understand how an act like this is possible. Most want the government to prioritize searching for any possible missing survivors.

The government has responded by stating all resources are looking into the matter.

A think tank group from the Hudson Institute has stated that the government was overwhelmed by the invasion and many now obvious mistakes were easy to miss during the invasion. The government was trying to understand how such an event could happen in the first place and fears of multiple Gates appearing around the world. The realization that the Tolkien Mythology is fact, not fantasy. The discover of alien life outside the solar system and it being hostile.

The battle damage much of Philadelphia and it was easy to assume a few hundred missing were part of the casualties. As seen on life TV and online feeds, monsters eating people alive, others being ripped apart, at the time no one in government, think tank, media, or anyone talked about possible kidnapped and enslaved Americans and other national tourists.

The Hudson Institute has also stated that because seven months have already passed since the war began, it will be almost impossible to find all of them, assuming any of them are alive. According to reports from the recent rescue, the liberated Americans and Brazilian said that many where split into groups and send to many parts of the Empire as gifts. They also based this off the 72 hours rule for searching for missing people investigations.

The key problem is that the world called Uros is completely foreign to the nations of Earth. There is no starting point for NATO troops to begin a search. That it took six months to learn the location of the enemy capital and its proper name. That NATO forces have only recently learned the region around them. Any hope to find any kidnapped survivors will require local support like Italica, Valtris, and Elbe.” – SCNR



--- Sadera, Imperial Senate ---

July 27th, 2025



Emperor Molt Sol Augustus is sitting on his throne within the Imperial Senate chambers. Since the attack by those American Other Worlders, the senators and the city noble generals have been here scrambling to find a way to end the war. All have been trying to find ways to defeat the enemy, none seem to work though.

Before the attack on his city, Molt did not take the threat as seriously, overconfident that the Empire would overcome the enemy in time. The Empire has been in bad spots before however has always come on top in the end. Even when these Americans killed his guards and beat his son in the Throne room, all for one of their weak girls. He thought he found this weakness.

After witnessing their attack on the city but only a few of their soldiers and the near destruction of the Royal Guard. The full reality of their power and might hit the Emperor. The Empire has struggled before however, this is quite different.

When he first learned about his daughter's attempts to form a peace treaty with the Other Worlders, at the time he decided to play along with the idea. He saw it as a chance to buy time so he could reform his army. Then he planned on restarting the war to retake Alnus and beyond.

Now, he believes that his foolish daughter was completely right all along. That peace was after needs to be the number one priority for the Empire otherwise there will not be an Empire left.

Below he hears his incompetent son speaking about waging war to the Americans and their allies. That pretty much has been the topic for the past few weeks. Just attack the enemy and we will win. His only real military accomplishment has been against the Warrior Bunnies and that is because Molt stepped in and sent goblin reinforcements to help, scaring Queen Tyuule into surrendering.

Since his daughter peace plan failed, it only empowered the pro-war faction within the senate. The pro-peace faction lost much influence and support since then. Most of the time they are just ignored. If he fully understood their power, he would have empowered the pro-peace side more, even keeping his son out of the process completely.

Molt wanted his son to be there and bring that American slave with him(1). The intent was to show his power, negotiate in a position of strength. He wanted to show that he did not fear them. He expected them to get angry, but he never expected them to shoot up his throne room.

Crown Prince Zorzal El Caesar is walking around the center of the senate chamber. "My fellow Senators, what I have in my hand is the recent news from the front line. It says that Italica, Valtris, and the Elbe Fiefdom have allied with the enemy".

Cicero La Moltose stands up from his seat. "How could they do this? They are subjects to the Empire".

Casel El Tiberius stands up. "Because you people sent King Duran and our other vassals to their deaths. Why wouldn't they switch sides after such a betrayal?"

"Calm down my fellow men," Zorzal says, waving his hands down to calm them down. "If my father didn't send our vassals then we would be facing a far larger enemy force right now. Sending them to their deaths was the right thing to do. And besides, we can do as we please with our vassals. The only reason they are switching sides is that they fear them more than us."

Molt listens to that debate about the vassals switching sides. He does not regret sending them to their deaths, which prevented a full out rebellion(2). The Americans now cannot use the vassal's armies to help their own, forcing them to do more of the heavy lifting. Still, that turned out to only be a short-term solution with long term consequences.

General Calasta walks up to Crown Prince Zorzal. "He is correct. We need to remind our vassals that they should fear us and not the Other Worlders. The enemy loves for their people are their weakness. We need to remind them all that they are subjects to us, they fear us."

"Correct. We must send out the Oprichnina to remind our vassals that they should fear us," Zorzal states. "I will personally take command of the Oprichnina and resolve this problem."

Some of the pro-war senators clap to Zorzal boldness, showing approval with his plan with the Oprichnina.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Casel asks.

"Easy, we will make examples to anyone who does not pledge allegiance to us," Calasta explains. "If anyone even thinks about aiding the enemy, we will crucify them."

"And how do we do this? The war is not going our way…," Circero says before being shut up by another senator.

"Look, your side had your chance to end the war and failed. Because of you, the only option is war. As stated, your side continues to refuse to help win the war. This Senate should motion that they should be stripped from the Senate and hanged." A senator yells.

A senator next to Cicero taps on him, telling him to just sit down.

"That is what I thought," Zorzal says as he watches the senator sit down. "Now, all we need to do is gain a victory."

"And where will we get this victory dear brother?" Prince Diabo El Caesar asks as he stands up. "And are you going to be the one who leads the army into battle?"

Zorzal looks over to his brother and shots him a hateful glare. "What brings you here? Why don't you go play with Pina where you belong."

Diabo brushes off his brother's insult. "Answer the question. For weeks, this chamber has been debating on what to do with the war however no one has yet to propose a real plan to win or to even survive. So, I ask, what is this victory you speak of?"

Zorzal thinks and then smirks. "We burn Italica to the ground and crucify them all. We take the Countess and make an example of her, bring an end to the Colt Clan. That will show all our vassals that if they betray us, they will burn. On top of that, we cut off a major hub for the enemy forces."

"Brilliant." This man's voice can be heard coming from the Imperial Senate entrance, in a chuckling, cocky tone.

Everyone looks at the entrance and see this man walking in. Seeing who it is, almost everyone stands up with the realization. It is this man in full standard Imperial armor, think and short haircut and this long deep old scare down his right cheek.

"How dare you return to these chambers!" Cicero yells, in an offended voice.

Calasta stands there and gets frustrated. "Krysist, what are you doing here?"

Krysist walks into the center of the chambers, not caring about all the insults and questions that are targeting him. He takes a long look at the chamber, which is still heavily damaged from the Sadera attack. "I see you have decorated; I think it is fitting for a crumbling Empire."

"How dare you speak like this!" Casel says with anger. "Leave or be escorted out."

"Oh, mighty threats. If that is how you plan on waging war against the Americans, then I am impressed". Krysist snaps back at the senator.

Marcus, the Emperor long loyal servant steps forward. "Krysist, what brings you here now?"

Krysist looks over to Marcus. "I will explain. As I stood afar, I saw our Legions dying in the tens of thousands. While you all just sit here and talk and do nothing. The enemy is gathering in the west and will strike the Greater Elies Region soon."

"We know this already," Calasta says, clearly annoyed and threatened by the presence of this man.

"Really? So, what is your plan to defend Elies them? Or are you going to continue to do what you are doing now, letting our Legions die a pointless death"? Krysist asks, glancing at Calasta. Clearly showing how little respect he has for the man.

Calasta gets flustered after hearing that, knowing that Krysist is insulting him. "They are soldiers of the Empire; they will do their duty and fight. And Legrath will hold the enemy back. No army has ever overthrown the fortress".

Krysist looks at him and then smirk. He then looks at the senators in the chamber. "He is correct. Our soldiers will perform their duties." He walks around the chamber floor. "They will bravely fight this new enemy. It will be a tough fight, but they will fight. All they need is proper leadership and that mighty Fortress Legrath shall stand tall".

Krysist stops walking but continues to look at the senators. "In this grand crusade that is coming, the legions need a clear leader. I will lead our Legions into the grand battle this world has ever seen. I have committed my entire northern Legions to aid in the effort and all my war stock. Everything to this cause".

Senator Baron Clayton stands up and speaks, not thrilled by the statement. "You abandon your exile in the north? How disgraceful of you! And even if we desire your aid, your forces are too far to make a difference".

Another senator stands up. "You don't have the right to take command after what you have done!"

Krysist lets the senators and general’s protest. He then raises his hand and speaks. "My army is entering Elies as we speak, to assist Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk in the defense. They have brought the war stock that I promised and new ways to fight the enemy."

"If this chamber wishes this, I shall take my eighty thousand strong Legions, my coin and war stock back to the north and watch you crumble to your knees. Now answer this, who shall lead the army in my place?"

Krysist makes clear that he is not joking. He knows the Imperial Army's manpower is becoming depleted. Even if they can all upon the rest of the Empire for aid, it will take way too long to mobilize. On top of that, he knows none of these people will risk their lives in leading an army against this threat, thinking that they have too much to lose if they do.

Krysist then looks to General Calasta and Crown Prince Zorzal. Seeing them both squirm in their boots with the thought of leading in the frontline in a guaranteed defeat. They are the worse kind of leaders, lead from behind. They act all grand and intelligent however they rely on their position and their nobility to lead.

No one will speak up after he presents his question. All the senators and generals are willing to talk and brag, willing to send thousands to their death but not willing to risk their station. Perfect.

Seeing that no one wants to challenge him, Krysist continues in a much upbeat tone. "The Imperial Army is a respected battle harden force. It must face unbelievable challenges in this conflict. This will be the test of tests and generations from now, future warriors will look back to this battle and hold their heads up with pride. That we, the Legion was able to shed our mighty enemy blood. And do it with honor." He then stops for a moment to let everything he said sink in. "And… The Empire will survive. I guarantee it".

That is when Calasta walks up, angry at this man. "You are trying to take the glory all for your-!"

Suddenly, Krysist grabs Calasta noise without looking and force him down to his knees. Calasta grabs Krysist arms, trying to force him to let go however all that effort is just making Krysist squeeze harder, nearly breaking his nose.

"I will do all of this and more. I shall fight these Other Worlders, these Americans and their allies. We will fight them in the mud, in the forests, in the trenches, in the towns. We will give them everything we have, and we will make 'them' bleed." Krysist says, adding a much deep tone towards the end of his speech.

While the chamber does not like him, many of the pro-war senators like what he is saying. A new sense of confidence emerges in many of them. Many of then begin to clap with patriotic pride. They all want a fight, to show the world that they still matter.

Krysist lets the pro-war senators clap for a bit. The only ones who are not are the few remaining pro-peace senators and Zorzal and his goons. Perfect.

As Krysist wonders around the chamber floor, he continues with much devotion and confidence. "I have done much research on the enemy; I know their weaknesses and I already sent my servant Frayen with a new strategy to fight the enemy. I promise that I will bring the war to an end that empowers the Empire! That will show everyone that we are a respectable power of this world".

"I have two demands. While we, the Legion fight for you in glorious battle. That Prince Diabo is declared Crown Prince and heir to the throne. And then once the last blood is shedder, I demand that you allow me back into the north, in permanent exile," Krysist proposed.

When the word came out of Krysist mouth, the air in the senate chambers seems to vanish as everyone was stunned with such a bold demand. The fact that he was willing to make a demand from the Emperor himself also shocked everyone.

That is when Prince Zorzal begins to laugh but it is not a confident laugh. He seems to be scared, not understanding what is happening in front of him. "I see your game. You are trying to gain a position in the government. This is not about noble duty but your pride. My fellow Senators, we can trust this barbarian".

Krysist ignores everyone in the chamber who is protesting, just staring right into Emperor Molt's eyes. Warrior to warrior stare.

Molt looks down at Krysist, a man that he deeply hates but deeply respects. He has always been an outsider, never truly one of us. And right there, looking at Krysist, all he can see is this deep determination, his commitment, his desire and more importantly, his duty. An outsider might be what the Empire needs right now.

Crown Prince Zorzal is the oldest son, which makes him the heir to the throne. If there is any chance for the Empire to survive, he cannot be the next leader. He is too stupid and shortsighted to understand the new geopolitical reality we live in. All he will do is wage costly wars and turn Sadera into his own personal whore house.

"I am the heir to the throne. You walk in here and question otherwise is treason. Guards! Take him…" Zorzal says before being interrupted by his father.

"Shut up son," Molt says, just looking directly at Krysist.

Zorzal looks up to his father, in complete shock.

Molt stands up from his throne. "If you can take the enemy head-on in battle and make them understand the taste of their own blood, I will declare my second son Prince Diabo El Caesar to Crown Prince Diabo El Caesar. Once you arrive in Elias, take command of the Grand Legions and do what must be done".

After Molt gives his short speech of approving Krysist plan, he gives him a nod of approval. Singling that he gives the banished general his full approval.

Krysist returns the nod, seeing that his plan has gained approval. Quietly, he turns to the exit and walks right out of the Imperial Senate, heading to war.



--- Roma Highway (between Italica and Alnus) ---

June 27th, 2025


Mentiv Dor Alis, the female bat humanoid that was saved by the soldiers from Vanguard-7 is currently sitting in one of the lounges rooms at the American Diplomatic Outpost(3). Her wounds have mostly recovered from her attackers. The only real issue that is left is that her right-wing is still hurt.

She is looking down at this plate of food. Even though she does not trust Humans or any of these common races for a matter of fact. She must admit, their food is great.

That is when Mentiv watches as that soldier that saved her, that they call Sergeant Harvey Frost sits down in front of her.

"Why hello there. You are looking better," Frost asks.

Mentive gives him a short glare and the takes another bit from whatever the meat is.

Frost just shrugs off the glare and gets to business. "I was wondering if I can get your help?"

"Help with what?" Mentiv asks suspiciously.

"Well I know you don't care about this, but it seems a formal treaty between my people and Italica is going to be signed soon. The Ambassador wants us to help Italica to hunt down these traffickers and raiders that are in the forest. Like the ones who attacked you," Frost explains.

"Please get to the point. I hate politics. That is the worse trait Humans have… pointless politics," Mentiv states, only halfway listening now.

That statement would annoy Frost a bit. "Point is, there have been many children kidnap from this city. We are still new to this region and since you were out there already. Do you have any clues on where these bastards are based at?"

Now that attracted Mentiv attention. "So, you are going to save Human kids then?"

"What do they have against Human?" Frost asks her.

"Because they are your kind. Why else," Mentiv responds.

"That is a stupid reason". Frost responds in an annoyed tone again. Not fully understand the point of these questions. "Where I am from, we protect kids. Regardless of what race they are".

"I thought Humans were the only race on your world"? Mentiv asks him, testing his motives.

Frost stands up. "I don't have time for this. It does not matter if the kid is Human, elf, a cat or what you call Dark and Common. There are kids, that is all that matters". Then Frost leaves the table, heading to the door to join the rest of the team.

Mentiv thinks for a moment. Her past tells her these people cannot be trusted however her heart is telling her something else. She is not sure what that something else is. However, if what he is saying is true, she does not like the idea kids are being taken.

"I think I have an idea where a camp is," Mentiv states right before Frost walks out the door.

He turns around, surprised that she said that. "What? Where?"

"I want to go through. That is not up for debate," Mentiv proposes.


--- Roma Forest ---


To Frost's surprise, Lieutenant Johnson, Vanguard-7 current leader accepted the proposal quickly. That is probably the team that has a history of working with aliens at this point.

It took about two hours to get to where they found the humanoid bat girl name Mentiv Dor Alis and another few hour searching through the forest. It was decided it would be best to start where the first found the Imperialist soldiers.

The Vanguard team is currently going through the forest, slowly moving up the low hill that is full of trees and bushes. The ground is wet from the past few days of rain, but nothing they cannot walkthrough.

"Where is this camp, you said you knew where it is?" Scott asks, getting annoyed on the fact they are just wondering around.

"I said I had an idea. I never saw the camp, but they had to come from somewhere," Mentiv responds, not happy at Scott. It is bad enough they made her wear this thick green clothing they call a jacket and this uncomfortable helmet.

"What were you doing out here anyway? This is the first time we have seen someone like you". Alicia asks her, walking close by.

"Well, to be honest. It is not like we have gotten a chance to explore this world. It would be short-minded thinking that we have seen everything this world has to offer already," William responds to Alicia.

"You people are so dumb. You walk around like you know everything, but you know nothing," Mentiv snaps at them, still not fully trusting them.

"Well, these dumbasses did save yeah," Alicia shots back in a defensive manner.

"Hey! Sergeant be nice," Randy orders to Alicia. "Everyone stays focus, we don't need to walk into an ambush".

"Yes, sir," Alicia says to Randy. She then thinks about it and glances over to the batgirl. "I am sorry. I naturally get aggressive. I usually take it out on my CO or BS with Rory to control it."

"I heard worse," Mentiv replies. "I came from the east. I am fleeing as from a genocide. Some of the Dark races are in a civil war since the Empire pulled out their legion."

"Wow, I had no idea that the Empire was doing something… good". Frost says, somewhat surprised by that fact.

"Don't fool yourself. The Legion was there to keep the peace but that did not mean they were not brutal. And they were very brutal," Mentiv comments.

"Fooly…?" Frost asks, confused by that.

A few of the Rangers begin to laugh at that name.

"Oh, that is your new nickname, Frost. Fool…," Scott says, laughing.

"It took an alien to figure come up with that one," William states, thinking the new nickname is funny.

"Yeah… I have to admit, it is nice having an alien with us again. It feels strange not having Rory or Lelei with us". Alicia says.

Mentiv just follows, confused by these people. Everything about them seems strange and confusing. And what do they mean by an alien? They have so many meaningless words that are just confusing.

She looks around and sees a small lump in the hill. She remembers running past it as she was being chased by those men.

"That way. They chased me from that way," Mentiv points to that direction.

Johnson rallies the Rangers, and everyone begins to hustle in that direction.

It would not take long before they discover some tracks on the ground. Heavy tracks like from an ox or some other beast like that.

Johnson looks to Mentiv, asking her to come closer. "Does any of this look familiar? Did you see them using a horse like animals to pull wagons, anything"?

Mentiv takes an annoyed breath. "I don't know… my kind doesn't have the best of vision. I just remember landscapes that I was close to…"

Right then her ears perk up, hearing something. "There nearby."

Johnson not convinced. "You just said that you don't remember."

"I have good ears". Mentiv shots him a glare.

Johnson looks at her, wondering how his CO Major Sharpe makes it so easy in trusting these people. It seems so natural with him. He raises his hand and rallies everyone, ordering them to move forward.

Vanguard-7 spread out and quietly move to the direction Mentiv said. It would not take long to see some smoke coming from a camp up the head.

Everyone gets close to the ground, not wanting to be seen as they sneak closer. That just left Mentiv standing there confused. "Why is… hey!"

Frost grabs her by the shoulder and lowers her. "He ordered to get down. So, they don't see us."

Randy moves forward, waving his team to move to the right.

The team slowly moves forward until they get close enough to see the camp.

Once there, they see about seven people. Two of them are in the standard Imperial armor while the rest are wearing ragged clothes. They might be traffickers of some kind or traders, clearly not soldiers though.

They all see only one wagon though, clearly showing that this is a small operation.

"Orders sir?" Randy asks over the team radio.

"Vanguard, stand down. We don't know if they are the ones we are looking for. They could just be traders," Johnson says over the radio.

"We should check out the wagon at least. You never know," Randy responds.

"Agreed. Randy, take Scott and move down and check the wagon out. Everyone else spread out and be prepared to cover fire," Johnson says.

"Hold on!" Scott says over the radio. "There is a man behind the wagon. He is walking out and there he is. Is that an Elf?"

Everyone looks and sees this dark elf tossing this child white elf into the back of the wagon.

Mentiv, unable to hear the conversation over the radio. She just thinks they are all strange for talking to themselves. "Why are you talking to yourself."

Frost looks at her. "I am not. I'm talking to the rest of the team through this device."

Mentiv looks at the device that Frost has, confused by it. "Strange magic. What are you talking about?"

"There are kids in that wagon. My CO is forming a battle plan," Frost says.

"Ok… wait for kids!" Mentiv then stands up and rushes to the wagon.

"Wha… Wait!" Frost yells.

"What is she doing?" Scott yells over the radio.

Mentiv runs down and gets close to the wagon. That is when she stops, hearing two men to her left. She looks and sees these two heavily armed men.

They begin rushing to her but then their heads blow up right in front of her eyes.

Loud sounds can be heard as the Ranger opens fire at the men around the wagon. Most of the unsuspecting soldiers and traffickers begin to panicky, trying to figure out what is going on.

One by one they are going down dead.

As the Rangers light up the small camp with selective fire, Randy runs up to the batgirl. He grabs her by the arm and rushes to the Wagon. Once there he slams her into the wagon side. "What the hell!? You nearly got killed"!

Mentiv looks up at him, tearing up a little. "My little brother might be in there".

"…god damnit." Randy is not surprise hearing that at this point. He turns around and waves forward.

Sergeant Scott and Alicia runs up to the wagon. "Ok, you two flank around. Clean up."

Both Rangers nod to him and rush around the wagon.

Mentiv, leaning against the wagon can hear those two Ranger move around. She hears the scream of these traffickers on the other side as he gets shot.

Confirming that there are kids, she, and everyone else can hear some kids crying inside the wagon.


--- 15 minutes later ---


The area is finally secure, and the Rangers begin policing the bodies. One of the traffickers is wounded but alive. Scott and Steele are binding him to be taken back to Alnus. William is helping the kids out of the wagon, making sure they are visual ok.

Randy and Johnson walk over to Mentiv.

"What the hell was that about?" Randy asks her.

"I… I am sorry. I thought my brother was in there." Mentiv explains. "I didn't mean to mislead you, but I didn't fully trust you people".

At first, they were going to chew her out for doing that and misleading them. But hearing that made it hard for them to get angry at her.

"Next time, you need to be forward with us. Because next time you wouldn't get so lucky. You can't help your brother if you are dead" Johnson explains to her. He then looks to Randy. "Alright, let's get out of here".

"Sir! You need you to see this". William yells, calling over for them.

All three of them walk over to the wagon.

"What is it doc? Are they sick or something"? Johnson asks.

"Health-wise, I don't see anything iffy with them. But that isn't why I called for you". William says and then points to two of the kids, one a human boy and the other is a cat hybrid girl. "These two are from Alnus, not Italica."

"Wait, how do you know?" Randy asks, looking at the kids.

"In my spare time, I go into Alnus to volunteer with some clinic stuff. Details do not matter but I meant these two before. There are orphans," William explains.

"This is a problem," Johnson says.

Alicia walks over, hearing the conversation. "That means there is a trafficking ring in Alnus. How is that possible?"

"I don't know Alicia, but we will have to inform the MPs". Johnson says back to her. "Alright, we're taking them all to Alnus and then let command deal with this."

"What about my brother"? Mentiv asks, feeling a little shameful for misleading them.

Frost looks over. "Don't worry. We will help find him. We just need time and some leads."

Mentiv looks to him, then at the camp and then to the kids. Humans were the ones who took her younger brother but maybe these Humans can help get him back. "Ok."

Johnson rallies everyone and escorts the prisoner and the kids back to their JLTV's. Once there, they head back to Alnus.




Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 41

(2)Chapter 3

(3)Chapter 51




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