Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V06 – Chapter 61 Invasion RM

Sharpe is moving along this building side. It is the middle of the night, inside a small town in the Special Region. Above he hears this dragon roars as it flies byes.

In front of him, he sees an Imperialist soldier standing there, on guard. He has not seen Sharpe yet, looking away as he is smoking some kind of drug.

Sharpe slowly moves up, swapping out his rifle for his knife. He slowly gets close and then stealth kills the guard, slashing his throat. He places his hand over the guard mouth to keep him quiet until he dies.

Checking to see if the close is clear, he moves the body and hides him.

Once the area is clear, Sharpe moves to the target buildings. He hears a few people inside the room, where his target is. He reaches down his shirt and pulls out this small golden cross and kiss it. He then puts it back in his shirt.

He pulls out a flash grenade and tosses it through the window. A small explosion can be heard as the flash grenade blinds everything; he hears people freaking out inside.

Sharpe burst through the door and quickly pulls out his SIG P320 that has a silencer on the barrel. He rushes to his first nearby target and rams his knife into the man's throat. He then fires his pistol, killing the man next to him. He then backs away, pulling his knife out of the man's throat and aims his pistol, killing a third man that is by this fireplace.

The other two Imperialist recover from the blindness and pull out their swords. They charge right at him, yelling.

The first soldier that gets close to him and swings his sword. Sharpe shots that man in the leg, making him fall to his side. The wounded soldier blocks the other soldier, stopping so he does not trip over his comrade.

Sharpe then aims his SIG at the stairs as another soldier rushes down. He dies from a headshot instantly. He then aims at the other standing soldier and shots him in the head.

That soldier falls on his back, leaving only the wounded soldier. He is trying to craw away, reaching for a sword.

Sharpe sees this and walks over to him. He takes his knife and stabs the man in the throat, killing him.

He pulls out the knife and stands up. Making sure that the room is clear, he walks towards a door. The package he is looking for should be in this room.

Sharpe opens the door and does his surprise it is a young Mexican woman, around sixteen years of age. She is not supposed to be here, confusing him.

"Jackson…" The girl says quietly.

Sharpe tilts his head, completely confused. He then recognizes the girl. "Lizzie?"

The girl looks up at her. "Why didn't you save us, you promised my family to help."

Sharpe closes his eyes, not believing what he is seeing. When he opens his eyes, he sees Lizzie there but engulfed in flames now. She is being burnt to death as she screams from the pain, screaming out his name. All her physical features disappear as her body turns into a dark charcoal color.

Sharpe takes a step back to get away from what he is seeing. He trips over one of the bodies he killed, falling on his rear.

He looks down and sees Alicia face with a bullet in her head. He then looks around at the other bodies, all-seeing the faces of his Ranger team.

"Fuck!" Sharpe yells, panicking. "No, no, no."

Sharpe then gets up and rushes back to the girl in that door. He sees the body of Lizzie, still intact however covered in this black ash.

He takes her in his arms and wipes the ash from her face, praying to God that she is still alive. This time though he sees this younger girl with these beautiful blue eyes and dark brown hair.

That is when Sharpe realizes it is Selina. Before he can say anything, she burns up in his arms and her body then disintegrate into ashes.



--- Fort Alnus ---

August 8th, 2025


Sharpe opens his eyes and sits up. He is breathing heavy, sweat all over his body. Looking around he sees his small officer apartment. It is very dark in the room.

He looks over to the cloak and it shows 0337.

He places his hand on his forehead, regathering his thoughts. "Damnit…"

Once realizing where he is, he takes a deep breath to regather his posture.

That is when he notices someone else is next to him. After bending over he sees Selina sleeping by the edge. She was not there when he went to sleep last night.

"Hm… struggled to sleep too it seems," Sharpe mumbles to himself. This is not the first time this has happened. Once and awhile, he finds her sleeping in his bed, usually after a bad dream or something close to that. Most likely for the same reasons he is going through.

Selina, Rory, and Lelei sometimes like to have 'sleepovers' at his place, unless they want girl time then they stay at their place. He gave them each and key to his apartment, just in case of emergencies. This allowed them to come in and out anytime, something he quickly regrated as they took over his space. This time, all three of them were in their assigned quarters. Selina must have walked all the way here during the middle of the night.

Sharpe moves his hand to give her a light supportive pat on the shoulder but stops himself. Deciding against that, because of his dream he gets out of bed. He grabs a shirt and puts it on, heading to the bathroom.

Once there he grabs a bottle and takes out this medication. As he tosses a pair of pills into his mouth, he sees a dark burnt stain on the wall. When Rory and Lelei were taking a shower and destroyed his bathroom with magic. While the maintained team fixed everything, Lelei's magical spell still scars the wall. “What is an interesting world this place is.”

He then takes a drink from some water and investigates the new mirror. "Need to stop this man. Get out of my head." He finishes with a deep breath.




"Thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one…," Selina counts as she sits at the end of Sharpe's bed, watching Sharpe as he does his push-ups. "Wow, you do this every morning?"

"I thought… you were counting…," Sharpe says, realizing he lost count. "And mostly yes, every morning at the base."

"Sorry. I think you are at fifty." Selina responds.

"Fifty-three," Sharpe responds.

Selina sits there watching, amused by what he is doing. She then gets an idea in her head and smirks. "Can I sit on your back? I want to see if you can lift me."

Sharpe pushes up and stays there. He looks to his left to face Selina. "You're too heavy."

Selina glares at him and crosses her arms. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Defiantly," Sharpe says quickly and then gives her a wink. He then looks back down and doses another pushup.

Suddenly, he feels Selina jump on his back, sitting down on top of him. He was not ready for that, so he falls right down to the ground. He then glances over and sees her smirking. He looks back down and slowly pushes back up.

"Wow! There we go! You can do it!" Selina yells all energetic.

Very slowly, Sharpe continues to do another five pushups.

"Alright kid, that is enough. Get off." Sharpe says, his arms feeling a bit rubbery now.

"Ahh… ok," Selina gets off his back and turns around.

Sharpe turns around and sits there on the floor, catching his breath.

Selina walks away and grabs bottled water from his mini refrigerator. She walks back to him and hands it to him. "Here you go, Major."

He takes it and nods the bottle to her. "Thanks squirt."

As he takes a drink from the water bottle, Selina looks at him. "So, when are you all leaving?"

Sharpe finishes drinking and looks to her. "1115. Then we're off to link up with everyone else."

"To war. And I still can't come?" Selina asks him, feeling left out.

Sharpe looks at her and then stands up. He understands her feelings, wanting to come along again. "Not right now, it is too dangerous. Hopefully, soon we will go back on our exploration missions. Then you can tag along. Just like last time."

"I know, I just hate being alone," Selina says.

Sharpe thinks about it. "You are never alone. Always remember that."

Selina smiles and then thinks. "If we have time, can we go into town?"

Sharpe looks to the clock and thinks. There is a lot to do but there should be enough time. He looks back down at her. "We have a bit. Let me get clean up and suit up."

A big grin appears on Selina's face. "Ok, I didn't bring a pair of clothes, so I need to go back to my room. I have this bluish skirt and this pink top I think goes well with it."

Sharpe just smirks, having no idea how fashion works. Even from her it sounds like so much more work than clothes should be. "Will meet you at the girl's place then."

She gets all excited and then rushes out. "I won't belong."

"That is what you said last time, and it took an hour." Sharpe gabs as she rushes out the door. "Kids…"

He then heads to the bathroom to take a shower, getting ready for the day.



--- Fort Alnus ---

August 8th, 2025



Nearly an hour later, Sharpe is outside the girl's quarters. He is in the standard MULTICAM uniform with his duffle bag and backpack, ready to go to war. He is wearing a blue cap with the Autobots symbol on it, his helmet hanging on his backpack.

As he stands there, he then looks to his watch, realizing that she is taking forever. "By God, the thing she takes from American culture is the whole teenage girl being late for everything act… or is that just genetic…"

Deciding he had enough, he opens the door. "Selina, let's go… wha?"

As he opens the door, suddenly everything seems to be thrown at the door, targeting him.

"Close the door! We are not decent you pervert!" Rory yells as she continues to throw anything she can reach. throwing pillows, knives, other things.

Sharpe closes the door, eyes wide open. "What just happen?"

"Domestic troubles Major?" This female voice says behind him.

Sharpe turns around and sees that green birdy woman Myuute. "Hi, Myuute. What brings you here?"

"I just saw you standing there. I wanted to say hi and thank you." Myuute says.

"Well yeah, just waiting like… wait. Thanks for what?" Sharpe asks, looking confused at her.

Myuute signs as she looks at him. "What do you mean what? I wouldn't be here if you didn't pick me. If I stayed with those bandits, I definitely would have been raped by them." She now feels frustrated that he doesn't even remember. It was not easy to work up the courage to walk up to him.

Sharpe thinks about it for a second, remember she was one of the prisoners from Italica. "Oh yeah. Well, no biggie. It is ok and most likely not. You probably would have killed them."

"Well, it isn't no biggie. I spent months working on the courage to say thank you," Myuute says.

"Well, sorry. Didn't meant to sound like a prick," Sharpe says and thinks. "Well, I am happy that you have to settle in well. It shows people from two worlds can work together. How's the MPs treating you?"

Myuute looks over to her arm patch and then back at him, smiling. "It feels great. It is good doing good for once. I feel like I finally have a place in this world."

She then looks out into the crowd people that are filling the streets. "But it seems to be getting harder to maintain the peace recently."

"Is there a problem? Kind of been out of town recently," Sharpe asks her, concerned.

Myuute looks back at him and smiles. "Nothing we can't handle. Just the town is growing faster. More and more people are coming here to trade. Some even try to bring slaves here to sell, not understanding slavery is abolished."

"Ahh… glade you are dealing with it then," Sharpe responds.

Myuute tilts her head confused. "Why you say that?"

"Because I would have just shot them," Sharpe says, referring to the slave traders.

Then the doors open behind him and Selina walks out in this bluish skirt and pink jacket. "Sorry I am late. Rory was hogging the bathroom."

"No, I wasn't!" Rory yells from the room.

Sharpe turns around. "All good, let's go." He then leans to the open door. "Hurry up Rory and Lelei. We are going to war soon. We leave with or without you."

"You’re not leaving without me!" Lelei yells, scaring everyone.

Sharpe backs away and turns around. "Well, Myuute, catch you around."

Myuute looks at him and then Selina, smiling. She looks back at Sharpe. "Good luck in the war. Kill those Imperialist bastards for me."

"Be happy to" Sharpe gives her a thumbs up. He then looks to Selina and both begin walking down the street, walking on the wooden floor sidewalk.

As they walk, Sharpe looks down at her. "Is there a place you like to go? I can't be long though."

She looks up. "I am sorry for taking too long. I saw this new place. You walk up and walk away with food. A food stands. It has these strange looking circle sandwiches that you eat for."

"I know what you are talking about." He says in his commanding tone. He looks forward but as he did, he got a glimpse of her reaction.

He knows he needs to sound nicer around her and other people. Was not that long ago that this wasn't an issue and deep down inside he doesn't like it.

He looks back and smiles. "Do you know where it is though?" Saying in a more friendly more tone.'

Selina looks up at him and nods. "Follow me."

Selina rushes forward, wanting to be with him. Sharpe follows, surprise that when she moves, she moves.

It only takes a few minutes to reach this food stand. It looks new, selling breakfast sandwiches. On the menu, most of the ingredients are from this world and not from Earth.

Sharpe walks up and orders two sandwiches. They have this greenish-purple fried egg and this blue kind of meat. The only thing that looks normal is the beacon.

"Interesting," Sharpe says and then smells it.

"You are so silly," Selina says and then takes a bit from her food. Her eyes are grown big, loving the taste. "Wow!"

Sharpe smiles, enjoying the fact that she is enjoying it. He takes a bit and tastes a lot of alien tastes he has never tasted before.

Selina sees his face and just laughs.

"Its… interesting," Sharpe says. "We should walk back." He then pays for the food and leads her back down the wooden sidewalk.

As they eat, Sharpe glances at her. "So, what brought you to my place? Is everything ok?"

Selina halfway finished with her sandwich, she looks up at him, a little nervous. "I thought it was ok to…"

"Oh no, anytime you want. Don't feel bad. I was just wondering." Sharpe says, trying to have a more supportive voice.

Selina looks away and thinks. "I was just scared, that's all."

"You don't have to worry about it. This isn't like Sadera. And besides, I can still talk while I am out there." Sharpe says and then looks at her. "You do have your phone still?"

Selina looks back up and nods her head yes.

Sharpe nods back. "When I am not in the field, I can check-in."

Selina smiles and then takes a bit from her sandwich.

"Here is something I would like you to do while I am gone." Sharpe begins to say. "While I am gone, try making some friends. It doesn't have to be a lot but try. You never know."

Selina looks up at him and then looks away, not comfortable with that idea. She struggles to reply to him, so he doesn't. Talking to others in this town seem scary, what if someone knows her like what happen in Italica? Maybe someone won't like her because she is Edran?

Sharpe notices that she is quiet. He has noticed for a while now that something has been on her mind but refuses to talk about it. So far, he has not wanted to push any topics on her, not wanting to bring up unnecessary memories. However, that does not seem to be working. If anything, making things worse.

"Hey, Selina."

Selina looks up at him, wondering what is happening now.

Sharpe takes a light breath as he carries his gear. "I just want to let you know that I am not good at these kinds of things. If I ever made you felt uncomfortable, not able to trust me. I am sorry." He says, struggling to find the proper words. "When I get back, we can talk more… well, what I am saying is. If there is anything you ever need to talk to be about, you can. I never will be mad."

Selina walks as she watches him. She found it funny how hard it was for him to speak. Before she can speak again, he continues.

"And besides. I understand why if you feel scared. I said it before, but I will say it again. What happens to you before will never happen again. I will make sure of it." Sharpe says, forcing out what he wanted to say.

Selina thinks for a moment and smiles. She loves her father, how could she not. However, he was rarely home and seem like everything he did only hurt her. While her father was planning on trading her away for a political reason to maintain his cult alliances, Sharpe seems to care nothing but protecting her.

"I know." She says quietly, all happy."


--- 25 minutes later ---


Major Sharpe is with Captain Bailey while both teams finish final checks. Vanguard-5 has been assigned to Sharpe command while they head to Elies.

"Hi everyone, this is going to be great!" Delilah says as she walks past them.

"I see you been cured too," Sharpe says, watching the Warrior Bunny walk pass them.

"I blame you," Bailey states.

"You and everyone else," Sharpe states.

"Going, to be honest, I thought you were crazy for allowing those girls with you. Not very professional." Bailey says. "Then she popped around and…"

Sharpe looks to him, already knowing what he is going to say. "When they can kill in your sleep with ease, best to just say ok."

Bailey chuckles. "I guess no doesn't mean no."

"I think guys can use that phrase," Sharpe replies. "Anyway, glad to work with you again."

Bailey then looks to Sharpe's team as they get ready. Rory and Lelei are finishing backing everything in Sharpe JLTV. Selina is running around, saying goodbye to everyone, the Rangers, and the girls.

"So, you going to do it?" Bailey asks.

"Thinking about it. Let us focus on this campaign," Sharpe responds.

"That's what I thought sir," Bailey says.

That is when Selina rushes up to Sharpe and Bailey. "Can I see your helmet, Major Sharpe?"

Sharpe reaches around and grabs his helmet and hands it to her. "What are you doing."

"Nothing," Selina says as she pulls this small white flower out of her purse. She then puts it on one of the straps. She then holds it up to him.

Sharpe watches and then takes the helmet.

"It is so you don't forget," Selina says. Before Sharpe could say anything, Selina gives him a big hug.

The hug felt a bit strange, but he gives her a pat on the back. He then gets down on one knee. "Thanks kid, I will keep it on there. Now, remember what I said?"

Selina rolls her eyes. "Stay out of trouble, read those books, harass First Lieutenant Rose."

"Yes and go make a friend. Consider it your mission. When I get back, we can go shooting and you can tell me all about your friend." Sharpe says.

Selina stands there and thinks. She then nods her head.

Sharpe then pats her on the side. "Alright, got to go." He nods her head to get moving.

Selina turns around and waves goodbye to Vanguard-7. After getting a wave back, she walks away, back to Alnus Community.

Sharpe stands up and notices Bailey smirking. "Shut up."

He then walks forward. "Alright, Rangers! Prep up and lets Roll Out!" He yells, giving the order to leave the base.

Once Sharpe gets in the passenger seat of his vehicle, he looks over to the left.

Alicia slowly moves her head through the middle section. "Aww…. That was so cute…." Sergeant Alicia Moore states, acting all adorable.

"Shut up," Sharpe snaps back.

"Sorry sir, I am with her this time." Staff Sergeant Andrew Steele says, supporting Alicia. "For the next eight hours what we all saw is going to be a thing." He finishes in a cocky attitude.

"Yup. Mister Major Sensitive." Alicia says, patting Sharpe on the shoulder.

"Yup! This is going to be fun!" Rory states, jumping in on the fun.

Lelei was watching Alicia but then looks to Rory. "Really? I figured you would get angry about that? I thought you wanted to get that close."

Rory was about to respond to Lelei but then stops and thinks. Her eyes grow big with a realization. She moves forward and grabs Alicia and toss her in the back of the JLTV.

"HEY! I thought we were best friends!" Alicia yells, shocked by Rory.

Rory just waves Alicia off. "This is more important."

Rory then peaks her head slowly through the gap between the front seats. She gives that flower on his helmet an evil suspicious glare. Shen the slowly looks up towards Sharpe.

Sharpe sees all of this and gets scared. "Yes…?"

"What is the intention of what that means?" Rory?"

"Could you have said that in any weird way?" Steele asks, confused about how she said that. That's when he feels Rory give him a hard elbow jab. "ouch…"

"Answer the question!" Rory asks again.

"…" Sharpe then looks forward. He takes his blue transformers cap and places it on Rory's face. "This is going to be a long ride." He finishes chuckling.



--- Elies Region ---

August 12th, 2025



In the Greater Elies Region, is the sun is high in the sky. The day is clear, with little clouds.

After the Raid of Sadera, President Emily Pots declared that the gloves were coming off. The United States Military and her allies have one simple mission, to hunt down any Imperial forces and annihilate them. The goal is to hammer them into submission, starting with the key agriculture region of Elias. The doorway to the west of Falmart.

This is not the first time NATO forces invaded the Elies. A small rescue operation happens at the edge of the region, by the main forest area. During the operation to rescue a kidnapped Ranger, NATO forces occupied towns Valtris(1) and Etlia. Both cities being the border of the Elies and Alnus regions, where the Row Stream flows between them.

These towns have seen a massive upsurge in NATO forces, being used as a forward springboard for the invasion. There was a-kilometer-long bridge between both cities, the only bridge large and strong enough for NATO armor to use. Still, Engineers from the US, British, and Italy had to reinforce the bridge to support sustain operations.

Major Bronston, leader of a mechanized battalion of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division is moving down the Orgo Highway, the main route through the region. They are one of the spearhead companies of the invasion, busting the door open for the other eighty-five thousand strong invasion force.

Normally a Lieutenant Colonel would be in command of a battalion however this previous leader, Lieutenant Colonel Zackery was relived from command right before the war for misconduct. As second in command, Bronston had to step up and take command. He has gained much respect from his men and his superior Colonel Robert Barnes.

His battalion was one of the first units to come through the Gate(2). Then defended Alnus Hill against a counterattack against the Empire allies(3). 1st Cavalry has been the spearhead Division for the war and his command has been at the tip of their campaign.

"Fucking A man, it is hot," The man sitting at one of the stations in the M1286 Mission Command APC.

"Knock it off and stay focus. The enemy is out there somewhere," Bronston says. He then picks up the radio.

"This is Cav-Alpha-Six contacting Bulldog. We have yet to engage the enemy or even seen them. Proceeding down the highway," Bronston says.

"Roger that Major. Only light contact so far from elements from 10th Mountain, 1st Brigade in some village. Keep going for forty-five clicks then set up a checkpoint or until you engage the enemy," Colonel Robert says over the net.

"Roger that, over and out," Bronston says and hangs up.

He sits back in his seat and thinks. "Where the hell are, they? The Reaper said they saw a large mobilization of the enemy pouring in the region. Did they fall back to the fort"?

"Maybe they just got scared sir? We have been pounding them back to hell," His driver comments.


--- Imperialist View ---


Coming up the road, the enemy American convoy is in their sights, riding down the Orgo highway. Their mission is to delay them for as long as they can. After inflicting damage, the survivors retreat to the next defensive line around Gotras.

"Here they come". A soldier says in a calm but scared tone. He is looking through the hole of this makeshift grass bunker.

"By the gods, Emroy help us". Another says as he looks out the bunker. His voice sounds scared, knowing the stories of how these Other Worlders have whipped out full legions with easy.

"Haven't you heard; the god Emroy has sided with them. Rory Mercury is serving them now". A third soldier comments as he prepares a Scorpio that is inside the bunker. "Now lets hurry, they are almost here".

"Your joking? Emroy has abandoned us? What about the other gods"? The second soldier asks as he helps pick up a ballista spear and behinds loading the Scorpio.

"We still have Taylin on our side. He killed a few of them in Sadera, Idos will guide us to victory. Maybe the others will rally to us. We just need to show that we are still in this fight. Glory to the Empire". The first soldier states.

"Still, how can we win against these beasts? We are all going to die". Another soldier says.

"No fear. General Krysist is taking control of the Army. He is on his way here to fight," A soldier says as he walks into the bunker.

They all turn around. "Wait, that traitor? Did they give him a command? Why not Crown Prince Zorzal and his generals? They are the ones who want this war," A soldier states, not happy about the news.

One of the soldiers looks to him. "You’re kidding? I don't give a damn about the elites in Sadera think. If he is here, then we might stand a chance. We might even have a win for once."

As they watch the incoming Other Worlders, they see those impressive horses' wagons approaching their kill box. The plan is to do the first strike with their Scorpios that are hidden. Then the archers that are hiding in these small man-made trenches scatted all around. Once in range, they fire everything they have all at once.

So far, the war has not gone well for the mighty Imperial Army. The once proudful and feared Legions of the Imperial Army have barely put up a fight against these invaders. Low morale has hit the Legions hard since they have yet to win a major engagement yet.

"Alright, we can do this. If Krysist is nowhere from exile, and this new war strategy, maybe we can regain Emroy support and drive these demons back to the Gate," A soldier says, feeling confident again. The odds are against them however that does not mean they can fight back.

One of the soldiers points towards the fourth metal wagon in the line. It is the big bulky one compare to the others upfront. "Let's take out that one. It looks important".

"Let me check the directions". A solider says. He pulls one of the many training documents that they were given from their superiors. He looks at the different wagon sizes and looks back to the convoy. "No, the manual says that will just deflect our attack. Aim for that smaller wagon right there. The second one."

All the soldiers look at each other and finish the preparations. Once the Scorpio is loaded and the finishing lining up their target, waiting for that light metal wagon to get in range.

"Steady… steady… fire."




Bronston looks around at the camera screens. These screens are networked with other cameras that are on other vehicles and soldiers. All of this is part of the U.S. Army NETT Warrior program or NW, to network all the infantry.

On Earth NW is standard throughout the Army. On Falmart, it has been useless. NW needs local communication node and satellites for the network to function. The Air Force had to use UAVs like Reaper and Global Hawks as makeshift satellites. While this has helped the communication situation, bandwidth has been an issue, and this only works on a local level. Until Space Force is able to find a more permanent solution, soldiers have to fight like it is the early 2000s.

Currently, their mission is to assault the major city of Voldale, a major trading town in the Elies region. Taking the city is considered the first stage of NATO campaign in the region, with that they will be able to assault the other major cities in the region.

His gut suddenly is telling him that something is wrong. "This is just too easy."

So far in the war, the Imperialist Army has used its traditional line formations in open fields. Having hundreds if not thousands of shield infantry in the center with cavalry on the sides. Those tactics have greatly benefited NATO forces, allowing then to easily crush them.

Then the radio comes to live as someone over the net trying to warn one of the vehicles taking point. One of the HUMVEES in front of his M1286 Mission Command gets hit in the driver side by a ballista spear.

"What the hell was that?" Bronston asks as he looks at his Blue Force Tracker screen.

Outside he can hear 30mm autocannons from the M2 Bradly's and .50 caliber rounds lightening up the area. It sounds like every vehicle is opening firing, attacking something.

Bronston stands up and grabs his rifle. He opens the back hack and once open, he runs out. Soldiers all around him are dismounting of their HUMVEEs and APCs, all rushing upfront. NCO's yelling at the infantry, getting them organized.

As everyone rushes to the front, arrows being raining down at the convoy. Incoming arrows are bouncing off the vehicles harmlessly however that does not mean a lucky shot at one for the soldiers could do serious damage. An arrow does hit a soldier in the leg as he was organizing his fireteam.

Bronston looks to his left and points to someone. "Lieutenant, get those two Bradly's and flank left. Off the main road. We are in a kill box."

As he gave the order, a few vehicles begin to move left, forming a defensive line. He then looks back in his APC. "Tell Colonel Robert that we made contacted the enemy. Unknown size force, vehicle down. Requesting aerial support."

"Roger that sir," The radioman says.

Bronston then rushes from the safety of his APC and rushes forward. As he runs, this ballista spear flies right above him, overshooting its target.

He feels the ground trembling as a M1A3 Abrams rolls up behind him. He gets out of the way so the tank can pass. As the tank drives pass him to assist the forward units, about a dozen Cav infantry rushes up behind it.

The sound of gunfire only intensifies as more troops enter the fight.

Bronston gets back up and rushes to the forward units. He sees that same Abrams tank stops right where the damage HUMVEE is, on its left flank. A spear hits it and wooden pieces shatter in thousands of smaller pieces after the impact. The tank suffered no damage because of its heavy armor, now acting as a shield for the infantry.

Right after the ballista spear hit the tank, the tank fires its main 105mm cannon. The shot seems to hit its target, destroying what it thinks that spear came from.

When Bronston reaches the damage HUMVEE, he sees two soldiers pulling out the driver. He is screaming from intense pain as blood coming down from his side. Most likely wood shrapnel from that strike.

"Medic!" A soldier yells in the background.

"What is going on up here Staff Sergeant?" Bronston asks.

The Staff Sergeant looks to him. "Ambush sir, driver dead. A ballista spear hit the armor plating, that is the only reason everyone else is alive sir."

Bronston looks away as they put that soldier down on the ground. Three soldiers rush up and prepare a stretcher. Looking to his right now, he sees two soldiers pulling out another wounded man that is in the passenger seat. He is screaming from pain, suffering from the same wooden shrapnel over his body.

He sees these two Bradly's and HUMVEEs get off the highway and get into the farm fields. The battalion weapons begin to light up, firing where those arrows and ballistae are coming from.

"First Sergeant, get those APCs to unload and engage. Get them all in the fight. I want Charlie company to hold here and suppressive fire on those bastards. Alpha and Bravo attack the sides. We will crush them." Bronston orders and then looks around at his men. "All right boys, you been waiting for this. Let them have it."

That is when an arrow just misses him, so he rushes behind cover from the damage HUMVEE.

Bronston looks around, seeing four soldiers carrying the wounded from this vehicle away to the back. All around soldiers still dismounting and getting into the fight.

Right in front of him, he sees a soldier gets hit in the helmet from an arrow. It was enough to knock him on the ground, but he was alive. He is glad to see the armor is effective against arrows. It is just those lucky shots in the unarmored spots are the threat.

Bronston gets up and grabs him, pulling him to his cover. The soldiers seem to panic for a bit, realizing he was hit in the head.

Bronston checks him out and sees that the arrow bounced off his helmet. Good to know American armor can withstand the enemy arrows. "You’re ok soldier. Get back in the fight."

The soldier gets up, checking his helmet. He looks to the major and nods. "Roger that sir."

When that soldier rushes off, Bronston pulls out his binoculars and looks forward. He does not see any formations of the Empire however sees people poking their heads out of what seems to be a trench system. However, though, there seems to be this cover over the trenches.

A radioman rushes up to the Major. "Sir, I am uplinked to your APC. Orders sir."

Bronston looks to him. "Keep the first platoon here, cover fire our location. Once helo support arrives, have second and third platoon to take those trenches. Weapons free."

The radioman nods his head and relays the orders. After that, he looks back at Major Bronston. "Sir, two French tigers redirected to us. Reapers inbound for I-Spy support."

"Roger that, have the Tigers target the bunkers first," Bronston orders.

He then looks over to his right and sees these soldiers taking cover by some small dirt piles and the vehicles. All of them suppressing firing at the trench network. One of them is sitting down with an arrow in his armor vest. Another solder pulling it out, making sure he is ok.

While the arrow fire is still intense, it does seem to lighten up. It seems the 1st Cav infantry marksmanship and firepower are picking off the enemy, even though they are in cover.

Bronston takes his M4A1 and fires at the trench line. Another explosion appears as the M1 Abrams fires another round, destroying a trench formation. A body can be seen flying out of the trench, going a few yards backward.

It would not be long until everyone hears Apache helicopters in the distance. Looking up, he sees these two French Eurocopter Tigers coming. The second one stops in its place and begins firing its chain gun. The first one continues to fly, firing its 70mm rockets.

Rockets spray into the trench line, the Imperialist soldiers engulfing from the blast.

Hearing the excitement from his men, Bronston looks to his radioman. "All platoons, move up and secure the trenches."

He then gets up and rushes forward. "All units, move forward."

Everyone around him begins to move forward, charging the trenches. The two Tigers flying above, targeting other bunkers that seem to be farther along the highway.


--- 35 minutes later ---


When the rest of the brigade arrives, Colonel Robert walks along all the vehicles and men gathering around. The sound of battle can still be heard, father up the Orgo highway. The other companies capitalize on Bronston company push, driving the enemy back.

"Great job everyone, all of you. This is what we call Shock and Awe." Robert says as he passes his men, encouraging them all.

Over to his left, he sees this UH-60 Black Hawk landing, a medevac variant. Soldiers rushing three wounded soldiers to the helicopter. He sees all these other soldiers that seem fine, some of them have their uniforms ripped apart from arrow fire. Their armor protecting them though.

Robert continues, seeing Major Bronston and some other NCOs and Officers over by this makeshift bunker.

Once he finally arrives, everyone salutes. "Hello, gentleman. What do we have here?"

"Sir, this is a bunker. They had a Scorpio here. The Abrams took it out." Bronston states.

Robert looks down at the bunker, impressed by the new tactics. "Give me a sitrep Major."

"I have five critical wounded, one death. About three more were wounded from arrow fire. The medics say they can handle them until a proper ground medevac arrives." Bronston explains and then looks around. "My battalion is looking around for any survivors or any intel."

"Roger that Major," Robert responds as he looks around.

Farther up ahead, they all suddenly hear this loud explosion. They look up and see this B1-Lancer bomber fly away, conducting bombing missions ahead of the advance.

Robert then looks to Bronston. "Why didn't thermal detect them?"

"Don't know sir," Captain Samuel Murillo of Alpha Company said. "But we did find some of these strange tarp-like blankets over some of the fortifications."

Bronston looks. "Yeah, but there is no way that they know we can see their heat signatures."

"I am not too sure about that Bronston," Robert responds. "When I was in Iraq during the three Phantom operations. Insurgents found ways to hid from our thermals using blankets like this. It was a bitch clearing out those streets. They must know by now that we can see at night, maybe they put two and two together."

"You really think they are that smart sir?" Bronston asked, not convinced.

Robert looks closely at the blanket, made out of some kind of beast hide. “Why not? We have no idea how animals evolved on this world. We cannot limit our thinking to what we know on Earth. The rules might be different here. There are animals on Earht that can hide their thermal so never know.”

Robert looks to the major. "Besides, I don't rely on luck. Alright, get your company ready to move out in twenty. Lieutenant General Stanford wants us ready to invade Voldale in three days."





(1)Chapter 26

(2)Chapter 1

(3)Chapter 3






Special Thanks to flamewolf902 for inspiring the first part and Tomrichman for recent help in the upcoming story

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.