Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V06 – Chapter 70 Road to Legrath RM

“The Senate Alnus and NATO Expeditionary Forces Committee agreed to the State Department to allowed to a defector economist to help lead the Alnus economy. The defector is Ekloias El Fremis, was once a proud member of the Imperil Ministry of Economics. He helped his superiors managed the Imperial economy.

During the Raid on Sadera in which five civilians were freed from slavery, Ekloias was key to finding our people. What allowed the Rangers and Navy Seals to rescue them so quickly was thanks to Ekloias providing all their locations.

After disavowing the Empire, he agreed to help set up the growing Alnus economy. State Department economics have been deployed to help manage the economy however struggled to make headway. The main issues it that they and other NATO personal are sill learning the economics of this world and do not have the trading contacts.

From freeing slaves, slaves trying to escape to NATO occupied territory, or other people from all races looking for a fresh start have been flooding the Alnus Community. The goal is to help provide jobs and regulation to help manage the situation.” – Free Alnus News




--- Sharpe Command Vehicle ---

August 24th, 2025



After picking up Tuka and Hardus from being chased by a Troll, both Vanguard teams are now heading off on their new mission. While Sharpe is upfront of his command vehicle, doing his commander duties, Lelei is in the back listening to the two elves as they speak.

As Lelei listens to Tuka explain their story, she cannot help but notice how expressive she is. Her arms are waving around as she describes her story. She always thought Rory Mercury was express however she seems to be, the difference is that she is more focus when she expresses herself. Tuka, on the other hand, seems to be all over the place.

Lelei looks to her left and sees Rory. She watches and Rory slowly turns her head to face her. Based on her expression, she is thinking about the same thing.

"Am I like this?" Rory asked quietly.

She slowly shakes her head no. "You are more focus and trying to press people buttons, as Alicia describes it. She, I don't know."

She looks back at Tuka and notices that she is still going. As she listens to the story, she feels a little inferior. Growing up she has always been the quiet one. Carefully picking every word before speaking. This has resulted in her showing some emotion in conversations and as Major Sharpe explains it, she is an academic.

There are times though she wishes she could be more like Rory, Alicia, Sarah or even now this girl. Whenever one of them talk, they always get everyone's attention. Able to tell an interesting story and always getting people's attention.

To Tuka credit, she is impressed by the story. Eight years of on and off running from their home. Coming from the far west, not a close-by place. Starting from how their people were betrayed by the Edras Kingdom to being hunted by the Centurions to being betrayed by many people who took them in and now the Empire. She wonders how she will react to Selina, assuming they will meet.

"That is an interesting story Tuka," She said.

"Tell me about it. You two have been through a lot. I am glad you two are back together." Rory adds.

"Why thank you. It is all thanks to Hardus. He risked his life to save us, I feel bad that all his people died in the attempt," Tuka said in a cheerful voice

That is when she sees Hodor elbow his daughter on the arm. "Tuka."

Tuka looks at her father and then rolls her eyes while smiling. She then looks back at Rory. "And of course, thank you and your friends."

"It is no problem; we are kind of use to it by now," Rory said with pride. She then looks over to Sharpe. "Isn't that right Major?"

There is a delay reaction from Sharpe and all he did to respond is give Rory a thumbs up.

Rory crosses her arms and looks away. "There he goes again... going all stiff."

"What do you mean?" Tuka asked.

"Let me explain how things work around here," Rory replied and then explains a sum up the history of our time together.

As Rory spoke, Lelei sits there and thinks as she looks towards Sharpe. She has not seen him like this since they first meant. Since the conversation with Colonel Yang about this rescue mission, he has been completely focusing on the mission. Working on that computer in front of him, doing research. That is not the issue, something telling her something else seems to be on his mind. All since Tuka and Hardus arrived.

Hearing that, Rory is finishing up her story, she looks back at Tuka. "Tuka, can you please tell me what you know about Hardus? You seem very fawn of him."

"Well, I don't know much about him yet,” Tuka responded. “He calls him a freedom fighter, wanting to ride the Empire from this region and help people. He said he was inspired by your people and hopes to one day earn a place by your side. That is what he told me since freeing me."

"Freedom Fighters, that sounds funny when it is not coming out of an American mouth," Rory said with a chuckle.

Tuka giggles at what Rory said. "I guess… now that I think about it. It does sound funny when you say it out loud."

"Now, I wish your husband would let him ride with us, besides being alone in the other… what are these things again?" Tuka said.

Hearing that, she looks to Rory. Rory race turns bright red and this death looking glare.

"He is not my husband…" Rory said in a not convincing mumble. "And besides, this is a Vehicle! Got it!"

Before anyone would respond to Rory, Lelei sees Rory looks back upfront. It seems to her that Rory was again trying to push his buttons. She has found that those two loves to get on each other nervous. This time, nothing. 

She knows about Rory's personal mission to fight off the presence of Palapon. She has found that little games helped, however, every time she thinks she won, Palapon's influence comes back. She believes it has to do with that he still blames himself for what happened in Mexico and that he does not want that to happen again.

She sees Sharpe turn around and face Private First-Class Alicia Moore.

"Alicia, tell Bailey to stop. I am walking up to him." Sharpe said. Once the vehicle stops and he gets out with some notepads and walks up ahead.

"…what did I say?" Rory asked.

"Nothing Rory. He is just busy," She responds, and she holds her staff tight.

"Your husband… I mean…. What did you call him, Major? What is that by the way?" Tuka asked.

As Rory lectures Tuka again, she notices Hodor moves around his daughter and sits down right in front of her.

"Lelei, correct?" Hodor asked.

She looks to him and suddenly feels nervous after Sharpe left. "Yes."

She can see that this elf can see her nervousness. It bothers her that he can read her emotions so well.

"You have nothing to worry about young one. I just want to know what is going on with your commander. Why is he acting so different than this morning?" Hodor asked her directly.

She thinks on the question, it is clear Hodor has noticed the change of character too. "He gets like this before a mission. He takes his job very seriously, sometimes too seriously." She responds.

"I know you do not like Humans, but you should give these people a chance. They do not believe that you should judge a group because of one induvial. Doing that only continues the violence," She continues.

She sees Hodor sitting there in deep thought.

"Is there something else?" She asked, confused.

"Nothing. I am just thinking. Do you believe your people can help mine?" Hodor asked.

Hearing the question, she can help but to smile. "Of course. It might not be easy, but Sharpe always has a plan. If there is nothing else, he is a soldier to his bones. He might not be good at social events, but this is what he does." She responds, thinking about all the crazy battles they gotten themselves in.


--- Bailey Command Vehicle ---


"How many Imperials have you killed?" Delilah asked Hardus.

"How many have I killed? What kind of question is that?" Hardus asked.

She found that responds funny.

"Well, you said you are a rebel. You must have seen a lot of action." She said and then looks to Bailey, who is sitting up front. "Is that how you describe it, action?"

"Yes," Bailey responds as he does some work.

"You people are strange. This is not how I imagine meeting you Alnus people," Hardus responds.

"Then why did you name yourself Alnus Freedom Fighters if you haven't been there? I take it you have never been there." She asked, looking back at him.

She sees him hesitate to answer the question, which she finds it strange. Any group would know why they name themselves something, especially after another group.

"Well, it wasn't my idea, it was my friend Gidrash. He survived the first battle of Alnus and saw that the Empire was falling. He spent some time in Alnus before decided to leave to free the people of Elies from the Empire. Seeing how the Other Worlders… is that ok to say?" Hardus said.

"Oh yeah, they don't care being called that. They think it has this ‘space invader' feeling to it." Delilah responds with a cheerful smile. "So, your friend once lived in Alnus. I don't remember the name, but he must have told you much about the place. Are you excited to see Apex Liberty? People come from all over the region just to come to visit."

She sees him tilt his head in confusion. It reminds her of when she first arrived in Alnus. Just a dead beet bunny who was trying to stay away from the brothels. Starting as a waiter, she heard there but at least it was honest work. As a waitress, she was able to meet the Other Worlders on a more personal level.

She sees this confused look on his face from her question.

"I am sorry, I said I haven't been there. I do not know of this Apex placer you speak of," Hardus said.

She can see that Hardus is nervous for some reason. Anyone that came and left Alnus knows of the bar. It is the most popular social center in Alnus right now.

However, as he said he never been there and maybe does not understand the context behind what she said.

"That is ok. When you come to Alnus, I know you will love it." She responds.

As she looks at him, he seems a little nervous.

"It is ok. I remember when I first meant these people. I did not them at first. I thought they were just some arrogant assholes." She said, chuckling on the memory. "But then I started to notice that they were nice people. Friendly… too friendly, but nice." She finishes as she thinks about how many times her rear end gotten slapped.

"Interesting story. Are you and the other two Human girls the only ones helping them? I haven't heard stories of them enlisting aid from the locals," Hardus said and thinks for a moment. "Besides Rory there, the story of her working for a new government again has confused many of her followers."

She sits back and thinks about his question. She finds it a strange question, who cares about how many people from this world are helping the Americans. There is nothing the Empire can do that can stop them.

"Well, they really haven't. I have found that they like to do things their way and it seems they haven't found a role for us," She responds.

"And yet you are here," Hardus quickly responds.

She looks at him, not liking how fast we responded. Something about all this seems off to her.

"Well, I have proven myself and I make friends with some of the American Rangers. As a Warrior Bunny, they have found my abilities useful. Besides, I own them for their help in freeing my Queen Tyuule from Prince Zorzal grips." She responds.

"Interesting," Hardus comments as he leans back and rubs his clean shaved chin.

That is when she hears Bailey speak back to them. "Hey, you two. Sorry to interrupt the chatter but Hardus, the Major wants to talk to you."

She looks forward and sees Captain Bailey. Since the raid in Sedera where he lost two men in helping her save her Queen, one being a bit to death by a Volraden and the other wounded critically by an arrow. Since she has given him and his team special treatment back at the bar Apex Liberty.

Since then she has developed some feelings for the Captain. Trying to spend some more time with the man. While trying to keep that a secret, even her Queen Tyuule has noticed the change in her. If the day ever comes where Tyuule wants to liberate her country, she wonders if she could leave Alnus for that grant journey.

Looking up at Hardus, she sees this nervous look in his eyes. His body is solid like a rock, unnerve and discipline but his eye tells a different story. She thinks that maybe he is just nervous that the Major is coming. From her limited experience meeting the man, he seems to be hard to approach at times.

"Is everything ok?" Hardus asked.

"Yes, he asked questions about the fortress. Since you been there, he just wants intel," Bailey responds.

"Intel?" Hardus asked again, confused by the word.

"I am sorry, it is short for intelligence," Bailey responds.

"Ahh, thank you. Interestingly, your people make up new words to mean the same as the main word." Hardus said, chuckling.

The vehicle stops and the door opens. Major Sharpe gets in and moves through the back, sitting down next to Hardus.

"Hello everyone. Hardus, do you have a minute? I have questions for you about the fortress. I need information," Sharpe asked.

"Anything you need Major Sharpe. The Captain told me you have questions for me," Hardus asked.

"Yes. The mission is a go, but I need you to run through that secret entrance, room by room." Sharpe orders.

Delilah sits back and watches as these two talks. As Hardus explains what he knows about the fortress, going through the route his now deceased group went.

As she watches and listens to Sharpe and Hardu's meeting, it becomes a very military heavy tone. Hardus is impressed by the pictures that Sharpe is showing him of the fortress, they are being high detailed and a large amount of them on the device Sharpe holding.

Even then, something about how impressive he is with American technology does not seem right. It might just be the fact that Hardus once work for the Empire. The thought of when the Empire matched into her country and slaughter and enslaved her people. Being through in executed, through in cages and being raped by the Empire soldiers after Tyuule was forced to sue for peace. She was barely able to escape the terrors, but her sisters were not as lucky.

Delilah takes a deep breath and looks back at them. Both Hardus and Sharpe seem to be kicking it all, talking well to each other. It seems that the language of the warrior is universal. Hardus answering all of Sharpe questions about where the entrance is, how well guarded it might be to where the elves are. The sizes of the tunnel and how far they will need to go.

The Americans and the other western nations that have come through the Gate say that they try to judge the individual besides the group. They say one group of people might do something bad, that does not mean you punish everyone because you look like them in some manner. Bailey once told her during their first demi date that there was once this man name Martin something King in his country past.

This King man fought for the belief that his children should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

She like that philosophy, whoever this King man was, he must have been a brilliant leader.

The one thing that has confused her about that man is that she has been told that America does not have a King, they vote for their leaders. So why is a King someone they respect so much? She decides that is a question for another day.

Delilah looks back at Hardus and decides to ignore the part that he once was an Imperialist soldier.

As the two of them talk about the fortress, she decides to move up from the vehicle, fitting through the gap between the two front seats.

Delilah looks to her right and sees Bailey looking at her. She gives him a big smile.

"Everything ok?" Bailey asked.

"Yes, just thinking," She responds.

"What is it? You look conflicted," Bailey asked.

Delilah looks forward, watching the other vehicle in front of them.

"Well, honestly. I am just getting used to the idea of not having someone who once fought for the Empire. Apparently, that is harder than I thought." She said back, trying to find peace in that idea.

Delilah then feels this pat on the head and then a rub. It is from Bailey's left hand.

"It is ok. After saving the elves, maybe that will help change your mind." Bailey responds, smiling at her.

Delilah smiles back and then looks away. Thanks to her big ears, she can still hear the full conversation like she is right next to them. She even can hear conversations in other vehicles too, faintly though because of the sound of the engines. They are just going slow enough that she can hear that far. Just like all Bunnies, she has learned to tune them out.

Delilah looks back at Hardus when he brings up how his unit was killed. While the details are gruesome and she can hear that Hardus cares about their deaths, something seems to be off.

"What is on your mind Delilah, something is bothering you," Bailey asked.

Delilah looks back at him and then leans closer, wanting to speak softly. "Something just seems off about Hardus. How he speaks rubs me the wrong way."

Bailey looks at her and leans forward. "What do you mean? He seems honest to me. No different than all the others who have helped us."

She admits, Bailey has a point. Many people like Lelei, Rory and herself have helped his people out a lot, just out of the blue as they say. Still, something is bothering her. "Yeah. It is just, it is not what he is saying. It is just, how…"

She looks back at him, waiting for a reaction.

After some thought, Bailey finally responds. "Well, when we stop. Tell the Major what you think."

"Me?" She said as she points to herself. "You’re kidding right? You should be the one. You two are friends. And besides, I think my hatred for his kind is getting in the way." She responds.

"Yet this is your thing. You should. I will not be able to describe what is on your mind. Trust me, he will listen," Bailey said, giving a supporting smile.

Delilah smiles back and decides to follow his advice. Before she said anything, her ears perk up. She sits up and looks around.

"What is it?" Bailey asked.

"I thought I heard a scream. Now I think about it, weren't we supposed to meet more of your people?" She asked as she looks around.

She then turns around to face Major Sharpe. "Major, sorry to interrupt but weren't we going to meet up with some more of your people? I thought I heard something."

Sharpe looks up from his tablet and looks at her. "Yes, an 82nd Airborne recon unit. That is still…" He then looks at his screen and realizes something.

"Is everything ok?" Hardus asked. "We should keep going otherwise we risk being detected."

"Hold on, Delilah is correct. We should have run into the 82nd by now. Something is wrong. Bailey, you are in command. Can I borrow Delilah?" Sharpe asked.

"Roger that sir, and yes," Bailey responds.

She reaches by her bag and pulls out her sword. She then follows the Major out the back of the vehicle.








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