Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V11 – Chapter 128 Jasis Fun

--- Naiktai, local Tavern ---

January 8th, 2026


After a few days of driving, Vanguard-7 got to Naiktai, west of the Schwarz Forest and settled there for the night. Their destination is still a few days away but Major Sharpe though Naiktai would be a good midway point. He is happy they finally on a 'normal' mission for once.

Not fighting fly monsters or rescuing lost tribes, fighting mysteries generals or play a key role in negotiations with royalty. Just a simple supply mission to a space camp. What could possibly go wrong?

Selina is laying on bed, cuddled up in her father's arm, head against his shoulder. The team is staying at a local tavern and while the rest of the team doing whatever, she is happy to get alone time with her father. Something she rarely got with her other father.

In his hand is her tablet that he got her for Christmas(1). They are watching an anime called 'Cells at Work'. It is about red and white cells that live in a person's body. So far, she has learned about the Human body and has learned what cells are. She cannot believe that her body is made up of smaller issues called cells. While she is still confused about the more advance stuff, the show is helping her with the basics.

The cells in the anime are shaped like normal Humans to help follow the story. There is a white male cell that goes around killing cells called germs. There is a cute red blood cell that tries so hard to do her daily job but always needed to be saved by that White cell. She relates to the red blood cell a lot because its reminders her of herself and her father always being there when she needs him. It seems the White cell protects the body while the red one keeps the body running.

What she cannot believe this is how the Human body works. She knew about blood because she can see it, but she never has seen white cells when she was cut before. Plus, all the other stuff on how the body operates and heals, and the show explains it in a cute way.

She glances up at her father with a question. "Father. Are there really little people inside us? Are my blood little people that I cannot see? I mean, doing all this work every day?"

Sharpe chuckles. "No. There are not little people inside us. They did that to make the story more interesting and easier to follow. And because it is cute. It is met to be fun and educational then realistic." He looks back to the tablet. "That Japanese Lieutenant made a good recommendation."

She looks at him wondering who he is talking about. She then smiles and giggles at him.

"What are you giggling about?" Sharpe asks.

"It is funny hearing you say cute," she said. "You are supposed to be a big scary warrior, but you are saying cute, so it is funny."

Sharpe looks down at her and smirks. "Fine, be like that." He pinches her in the side. "That is retaliation."

She jumps a little and then slaps him in the arm. "Stop it." She said in a happy tone. She then gets comfortable again and continues watching the show. She watches as the white cell kills another germ, protecting the silly red blood cell.

She looks up at him. "What are germs? Are they really that dangerous? Every episode has them trying to kill the cell people home."

"Germs are tiny things that are all around us," Sharpe answers. "They are bad for our bodies and that is why we protect ourselves from them. Just like in this show, our bodies fight them off without us knowing." He stops to think of an example. "You have seen us clean everything correct?"

She thinks of the answer. She has seen them use sanitizers and other cleaning material when cleaning their offices and barracks. She heard and has seen the term germ before but thought nothing of it. Just like one of the hundreds of other silly words they have. "Is that why you people clean a lot?"

"Yes," Sharpe said. "Germs can lead to infections or sickness. That is why we clean, to kill them. It is just part of being healthy. A healthy soldier is an effective soldier"

After hearing that, she looks around the room. "Are there germs in here?"

Sharpe chuckles and holds her close. "Yes, but don't worry about it. If you stay healthy you will be fine. The body is designed to fight off daily germs. Besides, they only come when you are asleep…, ouch…-"

Hearing that she elbows him in the chest. "Not funny, don't scare me." She then snuggles him and continues watching Cells at Work.

"You hit me!" Sharpe said, finding it amusing. "And besides, I could have said far worse so you should be thanking me."

She giggles and then looks up at him as her head rests on his shoulder. "Sarah said I am allowed to when a boy is being mean. And before you say you are not a boy; she did mention you by name." She said that with much pride in her face.

"Speaking of Sarah, what do you think of her?" Sharpe asks softly and carefully.

She looks at him confused by the question. "Why are you asking?"

Sharpe becomes hesitant to respond. "Well, you have spent a lot of time around her recently. She has stepped in while I am gone so I was wondering what you think of her. I just want to make sure everything has been good between you two."

She thinks about his question for a moment. Sarah has been there for her, going back to when she first arrived in Alnus. At first, it was just check-ups, making sure her basic needs were met while Sharpe was on the field. Her involvement in her life only increased from there.

While her dad has been creating the rules for her, like getting an education, teaching her about life and responsibility(2), Sarah has been helping her follow through on it. When on Earth, she took her shopping and been there when she had feminine questions about growing up.

Now that she thinks about it, Namantio's mother from that farm remains her if Sarah and what she has been doing(3). Her mother in Edras was more of a priestess then a mom based on what she has seen. While she was nice and warm, she viewed her as a future priestess then a daughter, so she remembers.

She looks back at her dad. "I like her. I always thought she was just babysitting me for you but more I think about it, I think she cares about me."

"I know. She thinks your adorable," Sharpe said.

"I think everyone does," She said, rolling her eyes.

"Maybe," Sharpe replies. "But I am glad you two are getting along. She talks about you a lot in our staff meetings."

"Yeah," She said with a smile. But as she thinks about the past, she remembers both of their recent interactions. At first, it seemed like they were work friends, Sharpe treating Sarah just like anyone else. Then it looked like they became closer as friends. She saw that the first time they went to Earth at that resort(4), they seemed to enjoy each other company, but everyone was having fun, like a big happy family.

Then again during Thanksgiving and the second time to Earth. The more she thinks about that Christmas day(5), the more she questions how truthful Sarah was. She said that the mistletoe kiss was just a game in their world. She has noticed Sarah asked her about her dad a lot more recently. Now her father asking about her.

She smirks and looks at him directly, something she has seen him so to make sure his point goes through. "Do you two like each other?"

She can see him struggle to react as she caught him off guard. For as long as she has known him, almost nothing has fazed him. He knows how to react, respond in a calm and cool manner. But she can see him stressing out a little.

"By the gods, you do like her," She said with a smile. She gets up and sits up on her knees, facing him. "Are you two making babies together yet?"

Sharpe looks at her baffled and struggling to respond. "Hold on kid, we are not… sleeping or making babies… together." He said in an uncomfortable tone. "We are co-workers. We just work well together and we both care about you and the other girls. She is my second in command at the base now and that is a big no and... anyway why are you asking that question? You shouldn't think about that yet... or ever."

She gives him a look. "That is pretty much my religion remember. About becoming a mother and all."

She then thinks about that, seeing his more negative reaction. "You still don't like my religion, do you? You two have the same reaction when I talk about it."

Sharpe takes a deep breath. "We both mean no offense. It is simply different from where we are from. It's not as casual as your goddess makes it. We… I don't want you to get tricked by some boy because he wants to play baseball. You are a pretty young girl and boys your age only thinks about one thing."

“What is baseball?”

“It is a game we play on earth and there is a reference with the bases, and… never mind.”

She knows what he is talking about. Sharpe has never been a fan of the method of how you become blessed with Miritta touch. But then she remembers what Karlin Daolo said, about other ways to gain Miritta favor(6). More she thinks about it, Sharpe might approve the other things Karlin said besides just the prostitution part. And if Karlin is telling the truth, she would enjoy a different option to have Miritta blessing.

"Don't worry dad," She said, knowing he is just looking out for her. It usually annoyed her but after what happened with the Wood Elves, she does not mind right now. "But I been talking with Karlin and she said there are other ways to honor Miritta, so you won't have to hate her anymore."

Sharpe looks at her and then takes a deep annoyed breath. "I am sorry if I made you think that Selina. I… I don't hate your Goddess Selina. I guess, I just don't understand."

"In my line of work and all the countries I have been in, I have seen parents sell their kids for beer money and never thought twice about it. Mothers and fathers turning their kids as whores for rent money and not allowed to do anything with their lives. Slavery is banned in my world but still, people do evil acts." He said.

Sharpe adjusts himself, feeling uncomfortable with the topic. It was a nice evening of them being silly and watching something cute but now it became serious. He takes another breath as be collects his thoughts. "Look, I know she is important to you and I respect that. How about this, when we get back home, you can educate me more. We can do it together."

She smiles hearing that. "I will introduce you to Karlin. She seems to know more than I do." She then reaches out and pokes him on the forehead. "Besides, you didn't deny what I said. You love Sarah."

She can see him glare at her. He then grabs her and pulls her back to his side. She laughs at it.

Once they calm down, she looks up at him again once she is back in his arms.

"Selina," Sharpe said as he struggles to speak. "Sarah has been there for me for the better part of two years now. I owe her a lot, more then I like to admit. So yeah, I think I do like her." He then looks at her. "But I love you."

She smiles hearing that. "I love you too dad."

"Hold on," Sharpe said. "I don't say these things much, but I should. I am proud of you. Most children, most adults who have been through what you been through would not be able to function. I know things can be hard at times but never feel down. You are strong… always remember that."

She smiles hearing that. She scoots up and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you, dad. You are strong too. I always know if anything happens, your always there. So, I know I don't have to be afraid."

She then snuggles back into his arms and hold up the tablet and continue 'Cells at Work'.


--- Hours later, middle of the night ---


Selina slowly sits up and rubs her eyes after waking up. "Wha…?" She looks around and sees that she is in the tavern room they rented.

Right then she hears her father snoring next to her. She has gotten used to his snoring but for some reason, he is louder than normal. She turns around and looks at him. "You are loud…." She said in a tired annoyed voice.

She gets out of bed and stretches. She then adjusts her olive color tank top and tan shorts as she grabs the flashlight. While she has gotten used to artificial light, it still amazes her that they can create light out of nothing, no fire or Flare needed. She feels thirsty and now that she is up, she wants some water.

As she digs through her bag, she notices she cannot find her water bottle. "Damn... did I forget it in the JLTV?"

She sits back, glancing up. "They were right. Saying JLTV is so boring and strange to say. I better go get it."

She stands up and heads to the door. She then stops and looks to the dresser. She then quickly walks over to it and grabs her Glock 43. She takes the strap and clips it around her leg, securing the holster.

Sharpe gave her this pistol around the time they first met(7). He wanted her to be able to protect herself against anyone who threatens her. He said it comes with a lot of responsibility and trust, something he was entrusting into her. It was so she did not have to be afraid of someone coming back to take her and enslave her. So, she did not have to be afraid anymore.

At first, it was for him to teach her self-defense but over time it became something more, a bonding adventure. Both having something in common and learning more about each other.

She heads out the door and heads outside of the tavern. The bar area looks quite different in the dark, like from one of those horror stories the team talks about.

She heads outside and goes to her vehicle. She opens the door as she lets out a big yawn. "It is too early."

She looks through her seat and sees her water bottle. It must have slipped out of her bag when she was gathering her things. It was getting late when they arrived so she must have overlooked it.

She takes it and starts drinking from his. "That is much better."

Right then she hears someone walking up behind her. She quickly reaches down to her leg and unclips the holster. She pulls out her Glock 43 and turns around, aiming her pistol at the person creeping up behind her. "Die you!"

"Wow… hold your horses young lady," Scott said. "Just on my patrol ma’am."

She blinks and sees Scott standing there. "Why were you sneaking up on me?"

"Hmm," Scott thinks, clearly being a smart ass. "I saw this person who opened the vehicle and starts going through our stuff."

She tilts her head as she thinks. "Hmm… I guess that makes sense. I will forgive you this one and only one time."

Scott laughs. "Seems like the boss is raising you well."

 She smiles hearing that. "I am sorry for pointing my gun... I mean pistol at you."

Scott laughs. "Wow, he really got you down on the terms. But I have to say, nice reaction kid. I am impressed. Sometimes you will have to show me how you shoot."

She then thinks about Rory and wonders how she would reply. She sees Rory always playing these games with the boys, teasing them and trying to trick them. She then smirks. “I am going to tell my dad that your hitting me, on me.”

Scott stands there and blinks, “I am going to go before the FBI appear.”

She watches Scott leaves she giggles and leaves.




"Their security is garbage," Jasis said as she chuckles. She jumps off the roof of a nearby building and lands on the roof of the three-story tavern.

 She starts to sniff, trying to locate her target. The leader of the Empire Oprichnina branch Svenhard Lupus Moon is one of her subjects and worshipers her goddess Siflis. The one true goddess which makes all other gods and goddess worthless. The day will come that all the gods will be purged, leaving only her goddess to be loved.

Svenhard contacted her with some problems. She rarely takes requests from mortals however he has been nice to her, sending her sweet slaves for her to play with. And not just any slaves but only the most fun and challenging.

He said that there was this man who has been making trouble with the Empire, considered to be a massive threat. She cares little of the Empire and its politics, but he said something she could not resist. There has only been one man she could not seduce and take their essence, General Krysist.

Long ago when he was exiled to the North, Emperor Molt sent her to assassinate him. The challenge was so great, just thinking about it today still makes her crazy. Svenhard promised another challenge like that and she could not resist that excitement.

It was not hard to find these Other Worlders. The spies in Alnus were able to get a pair of her target clothes. From that, she was able to catch man sent she needs to kill.

She then takes a sniff of these strange looking short like clothes. The sent helps her finds the direction to her target. From what Svenhard said about this man, he has beaten Taylin many times, fought her beloved Krysist, killed hundreds of Imperial soldiers, assaulted the Emperor and more. All that checks all her boxes and wants to know more about this man.

As a Succubus, she can control men, dig deep into their deepest, most primal urges and take control of them. And once she fully seduced them and with a single kiss, the man's essence flows out of his body and enters her, empowering her. And she is addicted to it.

"Still… this is too easy," She said.

"I said you should wait until daylight," She said.

"I told you to shut up," She said back to herself.

She pouts and then climbs down the wall until she reaches the window of her target. "So Major Sharpe it is? What is a silly name you have. I hope you live up to the hype otherwise this is going to be boring. If you are just some pathetic weakling like most men, I am going to be pissed."

She swings her bow around her and then opens the window. She peaks in and hears this snoring sound. "Definitely a male. But he doesn't sound so tough."

She then peaks in and sees this man lying there. The pheromones are telling her that he is the target. She then grabs the edge and quickly sneaks inside, slowly stepping onto the bed.

She then moves up close, barely making a dent into the bed so he will not wake him up and deserve him. This is not the first time she has done this to a man.

Looking at his sleeping head, she must admit he is an attractive one. She moves her hand and touches the thin beard he has. "Oh… rugged. I like it when there wild."

She then starts pulling the sheets down to his waist and sits on top of him. She studies his frame and places her hand on his tank top. With her sharp nail, she cuts his shirt in half, being incredibly careful not to cut his skin.

Her eyes widen as she sees his chest. She sees all these scares and signs of past bruises. "By my goddess look. You have seen so much. Your chest tells many stories about your life. I can feel each old wound story." She then places her hand on this large scare on his right shoulder. "I don't even know what this one is, but I can feel it. Svenhard was correct. You are special."

She can feel all the tension and pain from his body. She can feel that he is no normal man but for different. This is a sensation she has only felt once this century.

She places her hand back on his face and starts chanting, letting her words slip into his head. She wants him to be comfortable and has sweet dreams, so she can claim him.

"Gre… wha…" Sharpe said, and he starts to move.

She places her hand on his chest and starts moving to relax him. She kisses his cheek. "My love. Don't worry. Your soul will belong to me. Just hear the sweetness of my smooth voice."

As she feels his body relaxing after hearing her sweet chant. Men are so weak when it comes to the voice of a woman. The stronger the male, the stronger his desires, the purer their soul but their resistance is always weak. Beauty and power are their weakness, and she exploits it.

"Wha!" Sharpe said and awakes. He tries to sit up, but she holds him down with her Apostle strength.

"Wow, I am impressed. You awaken from my chant." She spoke.

She watches his eyes wandering around in confusion. Then she sees it in his eyes. Not fear but calculating, looking to overcome his current threat. Those eyes show a beast within, trying to defy her.

Before he can say something, she places her hand over his mouth. "I can't believe it. I think Svenhard is correct. You are one of a kind. I am going to enjoy you."

She then leans forward and looks directly at him. She makes sure that he can see her body frame. "Look my handsome sweet. I am going to move my hand. Do not make a squeal yet, I want us to enjoy our fun alone." She said in a flirtatious tone.

She then leans forward and kisses him on the forehead and starts kissing down his head to his neck. She removes her hand from his mouth and starts massaging his old bullet scare.

Sharpe slowly sits up. He blinks and feels that his mind is starting to get fussy. "What... who are you?" He said struggling to speak and to form the words.

She sits back up and gets more comfortable on top of him, rubbing her hips into him. She makes sure that he gets a good view of her breasts, covered by a purple and black two-piece skirt and a short top. Her goal is to get him to transfix on her natural beauty. Men are visual creatures, which makes them easy to manipulate.

"My name is Jasis, the Apostle of Siflies. And I was promised you," She said. "Please do not think. Thinking only ruins the mood. If you be nice and follow my voice, everything you see is all yours." She places her hand on his head and forces him to look at her. She slowly leans down closer to him, gets becomes more intimate. "Just gaze upon me."

She can see him blinking and trying to resist. Right now, her chant from before should be taking effect on him. The second he gazed on her body and if he found her attractive, which all men do, it takes effect, blurring his mind, allowing her to seduce him.

She gazes into his eyes and sees her chant taking effect. She moves her hand down to secure his head with both hands, so she can finally give him a kiss now that he is ready. Once she kisses him like this, she will consume his essence and absorb his soul through their lips, renewing her spirit and become strong again.

Suddenly she sees him grab her hand before it touched his face. She freaked out a little and back away, not expect that. "What? What just happened?"

He leans forward a little, struggling though. "No…" He grunts.

She looks at him and sees her chant is working. It is not normal for a man to at this stage to resist her. He should be trying to make love with her. "What do you mean no? Your heart belongs to me now."

Sharpe struggles to hold on her arm as she puts pressure on him. "I… said… no… I do not belong… to you…."

She takes her other hand and pushes down on his chest, forcing him down. She leans forward and sniffles. She then gets a big smirk on her face. "See, I told you he was the one."

Sharpe looks at her confused. His mind is still fuzzy and most of his mental energy is trying to fight whatever spell she placed on him. "What?"

She glares at him. "I am not talking to you." She then glances to the right. "Fine, you were right. My spell didn't work." She slowly looks back at him and grins happily. "Perfect. It has been far too long I have an essence like yours."

She starts giggling all excited. She leans forward and gets right up to him. "You don't belong to me? Ha! I wonder who you belong to then. If you were able to resist me, then the stories are true. The man who defeated Taylin, you brought Rory to her knees. Defied the Empire and defeated my beloved Krysist."

Sharpe struggles to take a breath and focus his energy to look directly at her. He then uses his other hand and grabs her by the throat. "I don't care…" He struggles to say. "You… are… not my type…!"

She blinks, unable to believe that he is resisting her enchantment. She completely cannot believe it. She underestimated him and realizes that she should have used all her tricks. She smirks and gets close. "You should have succumbed to me. Because now it will only be painful for you. But I like it when my man struggles."

She uses her Apostle strength and takes control of him. She then leans in and kisses him. She starts to feel his essence and it is very sweet and tasty.

Right then she hears these loud bang sound and feels this metal piece go into her side.

She stops and sits up, looking to the side and sees that she is bleeding. "What the? That tickles and not the fun kind of tickle."

"Look over there," She said to herself.

She looks to the doorway and sees this Human girl standing there holding this strange-looking device. The device makes another sound, and something hits her in the chest. "Hey, stop doing that!"

"Leave my dad alone you monster! He doesn't belong to you!" The girl yells.

She glares at the girl as she holds Sharpe down. "You little brat. I am going to kill you."

She realizes that she cannot move as Sharpe refuses to let go of her. "No, you don't..."

Before she bursts forward to cut her in half, the wall suddenly shatters.

"What is going on!" Rory yells with her Halbert ready to fight. She is in her gothic nightgown.

She sits into of Sharpe, keeping him subdued. She looks at Rory and blinks. "Rory… you are here?"

Rory looks to her and glares evilly. "Jasis." She then looks to Sharpe.

She blinks, getting scared. She looks to where Rory is looking at and that is Sharpe. "They didn't tell me you would be with them." She then looks back at Rory. "Ah shit…"




Rory charges at Jasis. She rams right into her and both flies out of the building and land into the next building.

"You fucking whore!" She yells. "How dare you try to seduce him and steal his soul! I am going to kill you!"

She sees Jasis get up and jump out of the way. "Why do you get all the fun, Rory? His spirit is strong and will only be wasted with… Hey!" She yells as Rory slashes at her.

She retracts her Halbert and looks at Jasis. She cannot believe that she is here. This is not her territory. She understands that Major Sharpe has only gained a reputation within the Elites of the Empire. While they worship Idos and Emory, it does not surprise her that they would ask for her help. Sharpe is just a meal to her and nothing more.

"I am going to cut you into pieces!" She yells and jumps towards her, leaving the building and lands on the street.

A high-speed arrow passes her. She can dodge it, spin around and use her momentum to burst forward.

"Ah!" Jasis yells as she dodges her attack.

"Stay still you bitch!" She yells and looks to her right and sees Jasis standing there, reloading her bow.

Jasis is the Apostle of Siflies. She has run into her many times and fought. Jasis hates all Apostles and their gods, believing that everyone should only worship Silfies.

While she has no idea how it happened, Jasis developed a split personality, always talking to herself. Now that she thinks about it, Jasis reminds her of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, always talking to himself.

Out of all the Apostles of this world, Jasis is literally insane. She is the literal definition of masochistic, wanting to take men and cause much pain and suffering to them for fun. She looks for strong will males and then sucks their lifeforce for pleasure.

Unlike Rory and Taylin, who specialize in melee weapons, Jasis is a coward when it comes to battle. She prefers range weapons like her Longbow. "What are you doing here? How did you know we were here?'

Jasis jumps up in the air and spins. She aims her arrow and fires.

She looks up and sees the arrow. She jumps out of the way and the arrow leaves a small crater in the ground. While she is weaker in close range, that does not mean her arrows will not hurt.

She moves around and bursts forward and slashes where Jasis lands.

"Hey! That nearly cut me!" Jasis said in a scared voice.

"Answer my question and I promise to cut you slowly." She said in a pissed tone.

"But who do you want to answer? Me or me?" Jasis asks.

Her two-side personality has always annoyed her. It has always been hard to talk to her. Not like she says anything useful; she is insane.

"Screw it," She yells. "I don't care. I am just going to kill you."

She attacks and swings at her...




Selina rushes over to her dad and jumps on the bed. "Dad, are you ok?"

Sharpe lays on the bed, hand on his head. He looks like he went through hell and seems to be struggling.

"Dad!" She yells.

"What the hell is going on?" Alicia rushes in with her pistol. Right behind her are Andrew and Frost. She notices most of the are halfway dressed, only just getting some of their gear on.

"Rangers, fall in line!" Randy says as he walks over and passes through everyone.

Lelei and Tuka come through the hole Rory made in the wall.

She looks at everyone. "A succubus attacked him and tried to suck his lifeforce. I think Rory and she knew each other."

Frost walks forward. "What the hell is a succubus?"

Everyone looks to Lelei for answers. She was about to say something but Randy interrupts.

"Never mind to questions. Jerry gets up here and checks on the Major.

Lelei blinks. "Let me help."

"Fine," Randy said. "Sofie stay here and guard everyone. Everyone else outside and back up Rory. Alicia and Andrew, get Scott and bring the JLTV around."

She watches the Rangers rush out of the room. Jerry walks over with his med kit. Lelei walks over and places her hand on Sharpe's head. "Major, focus. She places a daze spell on you."

Sharpe grabs Lelei's hand and sits up slowly.

She sees him get up and smile. "You are ok!"

"Yeah… but I have a massive headache though… god, what the hell hit me?" Sharpe asks as he places a hand on his forehead.

"Sir," Jerry said. "You really should relax. You look exhausted."

"Correct," Lelei adds. "The spell is a mental spell. For most, it is a simple spell but with a succubus, it has a far more powerful effect. You should listen to the Doc here."

Sharpe looks around and then to Lelei. "All I need is my Colt…" He then looks to her. "Selina, mind getting it?"




As Rory falls from the rooftop, she is heading right towards Jasis. With a single swing, she cuts her arm off.

Jasis jumps away but holds her arm. "Hey! That is my favorite arm!"

"Actually, it is the other one," Jasis said to herself. "Oh, right. Anyway…" She then whistles.

She stands there and picks up Jasis's arm. "Jasis… you always are a pain in the ass."

Jasis looks at her. "I am the pain in the ass? You are the one who dumped Taylin. What a cute little boy. People think I am crazy but we both know after you dumped him, he became a cold blood psychopath." She leans forward and gives Rory a cute wave.

She feels her blood boiling after hearing that. She sexually assaults the man she loves and now she is lecturing about her past dating life. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

She charges forward. She swings her Halbert in all directions and continues to chase Jasis around the town.

She sees Jasis running away but not like she is trying to escape but trying to buy time. She stops and looks to the right. She smirks and rushes down the alley. As she runs, she jumps on the right wall then the left until she gets to the roof. She jumps off one and onto another.

When she gets to the intersection, she jumps and throws her Halbert down, aims right in front of Jasis, stopping her from running.

Jasis falls on her rear and looks around. "What just happened?"

She lands on the ground and grabs her handle. She swings her Halbert around and then aims it right at Jasis head. She looks down at her with this evil look. "You cross the line this time. You should have stayed in that pathetic place you call a castle."

"Yeah, but I was getting bored," Jasis said. "There are only so many quality men you get stuck in a castle. And the slave tributes are fun and all, but it gets boring. I want a challenge again! I want someone tasty!"

"Then taste my blade," She said. She raises her Halbert, ready to slice Jasis head off.

Before she could charge, she catches a glance of something approaching her left. She jumps out of the way and lands on the other side of the plaza.

This large Werewolf lands right where she was at. In its mouth is Jasis arm, the one Rory cut off.

"So that is why you whistled," She said.

She hears a JLTV rushes up to her right. It stops and Andrew and Alicia get out. She notices Alicia has her combat vest on without a shirt underneath while Andrew only has his pants on and no shirt. Scott who is on the M2 Browning .50 caliber is fully in uniform.

"Scott! Use the .50 Caliber on that Werewolf!" She yells.

"You have to be kidding me?" Alicia yells as she looks at the beast. "How the hell is that a Werewolf?"

"Holy shit," Andrew said as he looks at the Werewolf.

"Yeah!" Jasis yells as she jumps up and down, excited that there is an audience. "More men to flirt with. Fuzzy, fetch!"

"Fuzzy?" Scott, Alicia, and Andrew ask all at once, confused by the Werewolf name.

Scott open fires from the .50 caliber, aiming for the Werewolf.

However, the Werewolf moves fast, taking large leaps, moving faster than Scott.

Seeing that her friends are in trouble, she jumps and intercepts the Werewolf. She ramps him hard, forcing the beast into a nearby store.

Scott adjusts his .50 and aims it at Jasis and opens fire.

Jasis reattaches her arm and she starts running as a trail of .50 blasts hit behind her, following her. "What are those!? That is not fair!"

She jumps and aims her bow at the .50 caliber. She fires her arrow, and it hits Scott weapon, destroying it.

Seeing that the team heavy weapon is down, and that the Werewolf seems to be weakened, she burst forward and lands between Jasis and the Rangers.

"Wow… you are protective of these people?" Jasis said. "Interesting. You have changes, Rory. The rumors are true."

"What rumors?" She asked.

Jasis looks at a direction. "Don't tell her."

"I was not going to," Jasis said to herself. "I just want to easy her."

Jasis aims her arrow at the Rangers. "I now know your weakness. I might not be stronger than you but now I have the upper hand. If you attack then I release my arrow, killing those soldiers there."

She glances back and sees the three Rangers standing there, rifles aimed at her. She sometimes forgets that they are just mortals and do not have to same reaction time as she does. There is a reason why she preferred to work alone for so long.

She notices the Werewolf recovering and starts approaching. She glances back at Jasis and gets ready to swing her Halbert towards her so she can charge at the Werewolf.

Before she did anything, she hears a gunshot. Jasis hand burst with a hole in the middle. She then reacts and holds her hand, jumping up and down.

"Ouch!" Jasis said. "That was not nice!"

She looks over and sees Sharpe and the rest of the Rangers with him, all weapons aim at her.

Sharpe is standing there with Lelei holding him up. He is holding out his favorite weapon, the Colt 1911. ".45 caliber with incendiary rounds. You can thank Taylin for that."

She smiles, always impressed by how he never accepts laying down. Always finding a way back into the fight. She looks back at Jasis. "Give it up to you brat. You are outnumbered and outgunned."

Jasis looks around and agrees with Rory. "You are right. There is to many people, even for me." She then snaps her fingers and Fuzzy jumps over to her. She jumps and lands on his back.

"Rory, this isn't over," Jasis said and then looks to Sharpe. "And you. I had a taste of you, and I can't resist. I will be back for seconds." She says and then licks her lips.

Then the Werewolf jumps on the roof and then jumps away.

She lowers her guard as she watches Jasis jumps away. She did not know that she got herself a new pet. She killed her last pet, but it seems she upgraded anyway.

As everyone walks over to her, she looks to her right and sees Alicia stopping by her side.

Alicia looks at everyone. "Alright, I am going to say what everyone is thinking about. What the fuck just happened?"

"I will explain later," She said. "Her name is Jasis, the Apostle of Siflies, the Goddess of evil. She is crazy, like crazy, crazy."

"No kidding," Frost said.

"Rory is not kidding Frost," Lelei said, correcting him. "It is odd that she is here though. Stories say she lives in the east."

She looks to Lelei and then Sharpe. "True but she came for him."

Now that she thinks about it, she has not heard of a story of a man resisting her. If it was not for Selina shotting here when she did, no one would have known Jackson was in danger.

She looks to Selina and smiles. "Good job kid. You saved the day."

Selina puts her hand on the back of her head, embarrassed. "It was nothing."

Sharpe reaches out and messes up her hair, embarrassing her some more.

She smiles and looks to Sharpe, still confused by something. He looks tired, his face looks pale and everything. How did he resist long enough for Selina to warn everyone? "Jackson, mind if I ask you something?"

"What?" Sharpe responds in a broke voice.

"How did you resist her?" She asked. "When a Succubus gets ahold of you like that, especially Jasis, a man always falls for her."

"What does that mean?" Andrew asks, confused.

"I read about Succubus during my training," Lelei said. "What they do is dive deep into the man's deepest desires. They have a chant that affects the brain, so the primal side of the male brain comes forth. The desire of a woman's warmth a Succubus takes advantage of."

"Yeah... that just got wired," Frost said, speaking for all the guys in Vanguard-7.

Alicia chuckles. "Wow, such to be a dude."

Lelei looks to her. "I wouldn't laugh Alicia. There are Incubus who do the same towards females."

Alicia crosses her arms. "Well shit... I guess we have to teach this world no means no."

"Back up," Jerry said. He then points to Rory and Lelei. "Both of you just said these things bring out the deepest of desires. Sir, how did you resist?"

She sees everyone looking at him. She looks to him, wondering the same thing.

Sharpe looks around, not knowing how to respond. He takes a deep breath as he recovers from the assault. "Deepest desire you say? Hmm... God and Country. And everyone right here. Vanguard family. Nothing more. Now let's get the hell out of here. Roll out."

She was about to say something but stops and thinks. She smiles as she watches everyone walking away. It is easy to play into stereotypes about people, as fun and jokes but deep down, you never know.

"Hmm, figures," She said as she starts to follow them. "More than meets the eye."





Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Chapter 100

(2)Chapter 38

(3)Chapter 126

(4)Chapter 52

(5)Chapter 99

(6)Chapter 124

(7)Chapter 38




Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman



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