Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 139 Takin Care of Business

--- Fort Minick ---


Staff Sergeant Andrew Steele walks into the new Vanguard-7 barracks. He sees the rest of his team, walking over and patting him on the back.

"Welcome back," Scott said.

"I don't know," Frost said with a chuckle. "You have no idea how quiet Alicia is when you're not here."

"Hey," Alicia mumbles.

Jerry walks over and looks at his bandaged arm. "How is the bite wound?*"

Alicia pushes everyone out of the way and then looks at his arm. "Yeah. How does it feel getting bitten like that?"

He looks at everyone and then at his arm. "All I can say is that was bad. That kid’s teeth can go deep. I don't recommend it."

"Was he trying to suck out your blood?" Alicia said with much excitement.

"Down woman," Jerry said as he placed his hand on Alicia shoulder to calm her down. "And I think that's Vampires, not Bats.

He thinks back on getting bit. "I don't remember feeling my blood being sucked out. It just felt deep."

"Well, welcome back Andrew," Scott said.

He looks around feeling very welcomed. He looks over and even sees the new Ranger Sergeant Sofie Everett standing behind everyone. She also seems happy that he is ok. While things have been acquired for how much she hates the 'girls' but it is good to see she still cares about the team. At the end of the day, we are all on the same team after all.

He walks through and tosses his bag on his bed. From what he can see there is a main lounge for the unit. Then there are these rooms which have two beds in each. He finds this better than the last barracks as everyone slept in one long room.

He looks at the other bed and notices it is the team medic, Jerry. It looks very spartan, just a few things here and there.

"Anything I missed?" He asked as he walked out of his joint room and headed back into the lounge.

Alicia walks up to him and begins to explain what happened when they went back. That Lelei is becoming a walking missile launcher* and that they ran into a Dark Elf raiding party. She then explains the leader of the party is named Yao and was forced to raid traders to feed her people because of the Flame Dragon they fought before.

"That pretty much sums it up," Alicia said in a casual tone. "Right now, there is a bet going on if the Major is going to go save the Dark Elf tribe from the Flame Dragon."

"Ready? Where?" He asked and looked to the wall where Alicia pointing at. He sees the bets and notices everyone sees betting on intervention. "Yeah. I kind of agree. When are we going?"

"No idea but not for a few days. They recalled Johnson so probably happening soon." Alicia said. "Anyway, we got beer!"

As Scott walks away from the mini-fridge and hands him a beer. "Are you still being able to fight?"

"Yeah," Andrew said. "Their main worry was if I was infected with something. I turned out to be clean. No zombies today."

He sees Frost sitting on the couch. He looks to the screen and sees one of his favorite podcasts, Every Frame of Pauses or better known as EFAP*. He started watching it when he was in High School in California back in 2018. It is a show by other major media critics who review media and other critic's responses. They believe in the objective side of media and art, laying down standards and building up from that.

What he likes about the show is that the podcast is very funny. Media critics are usually boring, but they have a ten-hour podcast that is fun and enjoyable. At the same time, the podcast is very educational because while they criticize other career online critics, they have debates with people who disagree with them. While it started as a joke, it became a major platform for a conversation of ideas and critical thinking which he likes.

The show has a long love from the fanbase because what makes the show fun to watch is that it is edgy. Not everyone likes the adult language the hosts use. Also, the biggest criticism of the show is the core premise of the show, the debate between objective vs. subjective. On top of that it has become a mem generator. Meme he never could think of. In the end, he likes it because he made him appreciate good content. He has motivated him to one day start his manga.

"Cool man. Is that episode 547?" He asked.

"Na man," I am still catching up. I didn't have a week to lay around and catch up." Frost replies. "I still hate you for getting me into this."

"Sweet love and war man," He replies, and he watches six people on the podcast having a debate on the most recent Pixar film. "By the way Frost, how did the kid go with the bat? What was her name again? Mentiv?" He asks as he takes a drink from his beer.

"Everything went well," Frost said as he sat on the couch watching the TV. "Nothing to write home about."

"He has a date," Alicia points out. "He just doesn't know it yet. You should have seen her eyes." 

"God damnit Alicia!" Frost said as he stood up frustrated. "Stop budding in on everything."

"What?" Alicia asked. "You saw her eyes. The sparkles, the shine. Aww."

"Just ignore her," Scott said. "She is just upset that she can't find a man."

Hearing that he automatically gets between Scott and Alicia to keep Alicia from throwing a punch at Scott.

"You’re just jealous that a woman can kick your ass!" Alicia yells.

"By the gods, you people are loud,"

As he holds Alicia back, he and everyone else looks at the door and see four Knights standing there. It is Beefeater E Caty, Bozes Co Palesti, Suissesse Co Mein but the one he cares most about is the brown hair girl Hamilton Uno Ror.

To his and everyone else’s surprises, they all are wearing different kinds of robe clothing. All with what looks like roman design. He has seemed natives wear clothes like this before, being normal for them. Unlike the peasants, the robs they are wearing look expensive and beautifully detailed.

"You people are loud," Bozes said as she walks in.

There is this awkward silence between the two groups. This being the first time they interacted like this outside a mission, excluding the time when they watched the Hobbit at Italica*. But that was different because it was arranged by the Major.

"Yeah, we are celebrating that he is alive," Frost answers. "If we're quiet then we’re dead."

"True statement," Alicia said with a chuckle.

"Salutation everyone," Bozes said as she and the rest walked into the barracks lounge. "We heard you that Andrew was back."

"Yeah," Beefeater said and then gets an evil grin on her face. She then elbows Hamilton. "You should have seen it. She was pacing back and forth wanting to come over but scared too."

"Not true!" Hamilton yells. She then looks over to Suissesse. "Tell them."

Suissesse looks at Hamilton. "What? It is true."

"Some friend you are," Hamilton signed as she said that.

"I just came for the snacks. I like their snacks." Suissesse said and then looked to the table with chips.

The four Knights walk in and join the rest of the Rangers. They seem to be interacting well with each other.

At first, you might think there might be issues, soldiers of two worlds but everyone quickly realizes both groups have been through a lot already. Their faiths have been interconnected since they first met.

"I heard you got a new team member? A girl too. Where is she?" Beefeater asked.

He looks around and sees all his fellow Rangers, tell her with their hands to shut up. "She does her own thing. She will come out when she's ready." He said softly.

"Oh," Beefeater said. "Sounds like Panache."

He takes a drink as everyone starts doing their thing. Suissesse starting to eat all of the food, Beefeater suddenly challenges Alicia into an arm-wrestling match and Bozes asking questions about the TV and what is on.

And then he sees his girlfriend Hamilton walking up with a big cheerful smile. She then takes his bandaged arm and looks at it. The rob she is wearing is this light blue mixed with white parts. The golden parts that keep all the different designs and parts together. He wonders if the gold pieces are real gold and not painted on.

"Nice to see yeah when you're not yelling at me," He said thinking back at the hospital. She was behind the quarantine window yelling through the microphone, saying how he shouldn't have gotten bitten like that and scared her, and how that it is considered rude from where she comes from.

"Not now," Hamilton said as she blushes a little and looks away.

He was going to say something but noticed that she looks nervous. "Is everything ok?"

"Y... yes," Hamilton said shyly. She then looks back at him. "Do you want to leave? I have a place I want to show you?"

He looks down at her and then looks around. He is ahead level taller than her. Everyone seems to be busy doing their own thing and honestly, he has never been a party person. Whatever event they are doing today they will be doing again tomorrow. After spending time in quarantine, he would like some time alone with her. "Yeah sure. Let's get out of here."

Hamilton takes his arm and heads out of the barracks.

Outside he sees the line of other barracks. The one to the left is Vanguard-5 and the one to the right is Vanguard-2.

"So where are we heading?" He asked, confused about what is happening. To his confusion she did not respond, just pulling on his arm and heading down the street.

"Are you ok Hamilton?" He asked. "If there something wrong we can talk…"

"Shut up," Hamilton said, her tone was a mix of nervousness and anger.

She pulls him to this supply building and let's go of his arm. She pulls out this key and unlocks the door.

He looks around completely confused about what is happening. He knew she wanted to be alone with him, which is understandable, but this is going far. "How did you get a key?"

"I got the key from my Princess," Hamilton said as she turned the light on. "Each week one of the units has the responsibility to keep the base clean. This week is the Rose Knights, so we got the keys to this supply building." She takes a deep breath and looks at him. "Come on."

That makes sense, everyone is responsible for the health of the base while they are not deployed.

He walks in and then hears the door close. "Well, you wanted to be alone, we’re alone." He looks around and sees how closed this place is. It reminds him of many horror films. "This is how a lot of horror films start."

He turns around and sees Hamilton standing there without her nice robe, standing there naked. His eyes widen as he turns red. She is standing there naked, holding her arm with her other hand. "Ahh."

He tries to find the words, but he is finding her to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. His manga does not come close to the real sight. On her side, he can see the small scar that she got from Legrath*.

"I hope I don't look silly," Hamilton said.

"You… you do not look silly at all," He responds.

Hamilton walks forward until she is right in front of him.

As he looks down at her, he can see those beautiful jade green eyes. He places his hand around her and pulls her close, giving her a deep kiss.

He can feel her start to lift his shirt until he is shirtless. He takes her and moves her around and leans her against the wall. "Are you sure?"

"I love you, Andrew," Hamilton said as she looks at him with a smile.

He looks at her and then kisses her again. "I love you too."



--- Fort Minick, Vanguard Headquarters ---


Major Sharpe leans against the digital table at the new Ranger Command Room. He is in the operational room with Colonel John Yang, the head of Ranger Exploration and Operations Lieutenant Colonel Kasen and his Logistical team, Captain Sarah Rose.

"The Dark Elf Yao said her village is around here," He points to the map.

On the digital table shows the regional map around Alnus. It is the sector called the Schwarz Forest, the northern tip of the Tuba Mountains. The Goat path Vanguard-7 and other units took is just north of the forest with this small section that cuts through the forest to the west side of the forest, close to Naiktai.

The map he is looking at is one of the old ones that were created by RQ-4 Global Hawks after the Airfield was established. The new satellite is currently creating newer and more detailed maps but that is taking time, prioritizing areas of importance.

"Probably in the valley here. They are a valley people who farm and hunt," He said.

"Another hunter-gatherer society," Kasen said. "At this point why don't we take in everyone in Falmart."

Yang walks around and looks at the map. "Major. As Kasen pointed out every time you go out it seems like you bring more people back."

He looks up at Yang. "Your point sir?" He then looks to Kasen. "If there is a problem with how I conduct my duty I am more than happy to discuss it. I am out there, and I must make a choice. I do not factor what someone will point out in hindsight but the facts in front of me."

"Calm down Major," Yang said. "No one is being critical here. Just bring up a point. As you said yourself*, we can't take in the world."

He looks to Yang and then on the map. "I know. I try to be careful and check myself."

"That is not true," Kasen said. "You rightfully brought these Dark Elves back and tossed them in the bridge. They’re bandits and that's that."

"Bandits because we pushed a dragon to their lands, burning their crops," Sarah points out.

He sees Kasen shoot her a glare. "Thank you for that fact Captain. But they are lucky we haven't shipped to Tubet Castle yet. The reason we are meeting today is that you feel guilty."

"Kasen," Yang said.

Kasen looks at him. "Am I wrong?"

He can see that Yang is hesitant to respond to that question. While he hates Kasen, being a lead by the desk type of officer. Not to say that soldiers who work from a desk are bad, Sarah mostly works by the desk, but she and others use that position to assist the troops on the field. People like Kasen think they know better because they work at a desk. His type has this attitude that rubs him the wrong way.

But the truth is he is right. At first, he was going to hand Yao and her Dark Elves to the AMP* but when Yao explained what happened. When she brought up the Flame Dragon* and explained what happened he understand they were not bandits. Bandits where the ones he fought at Italica, not people trying to feed themselves.

The battle against the Flame Dragon, they wounded it by destroying its arm. That was the day he met the girls. Saving Selina, Rory intervenes and prevents the Dragon from frying everyone and Lelei saving him by putting up a deflective shield. The dragon flew away, and he always wondered what happened to it but more pressing concerns took priority.

When the Alnus Airfield was built, RQ-170 Sentinel, MQ-9 Reaper, and RQ-4 Global Hawks drones were deployed to search for the Flame Dragon. During the early days of the invasion, the US presence was still vulnerable, and Alnus Command still had no idea what was past the base walls.

After a month of searching and two Reapers were destroyed by the Empire Wyvern Corps ambushes, the search was canceled to support the continuous expansion of the war front. The Intelligence Community believed that the Flame Dragon flew outside of the area of operations and considered it a low threat.

Still, based on what Yao said, the attack on her people happened after his run-in with the dragon and he sees that as his fault. In war, the law of cause and effect is extreme, he had to learn that the hard way.

"Yes, I feel a little guilty, wouldn't you?" He said. "Technically I had a hand in their destruction so yeah, I feel responsible."

"And you want to go and be prince charming and slay the mighty dragon? Don't you have a big enough harem Major?" Kasen said.

He glances over and sees Sarah wanting to strangle Kasen look. He looks back to Kasen and down at the map. "Of course not, Lieutenant Colonel. Hunting down a super Dragon would be stupid, especially for a PR job. The Army doesn't train officers to think that stupidly."

He looks back at showing the Lieutenant Colonel he won't get under his skin.

"We shouldn't do anything that risks our position. The last thing we should do is lure the Dragon here," Kasen said. "And besides, At least I went to Ranger School and earned my place here Major. Not because I have friends in high places."

"You’re right," He replies. "I just spent the last ten years in Delta fighting the Chinese while you sit back at home."

"Ceasefire you two," Yang said. "I thought you two got past this. We are here to finalize a report for the Lieutenant General. Sharpe, it sounded like you have a different proposal."

He looks to Yang, finding him to be the more reasonable one in command. He must admit he is still used to playing fast and loose, acting independently than in a strict command structure. "Yes. We go in and get their people out. That’s it. It should only take a day to evacuate them."

"If we bring armed troops that might anger the dragon, and forcing a confrontation," Kasen said.

"We have no idea where the dragon is. For all we know it is farther south or east. I am not proposing sending in a Brigade, she said there are only like fifty of them left." He counters. "We can assume we are not responsible for what happened all we want; they are dying, and they are down south. People will ask why we didn't do anything when we learned."

He sees Kasen about to oppose again but Yang intervenes.

"I am approving the mission," Yang said. "Not because I feel bad. Next month we were going to send Vanguard-6 down there anyway. We got readings from the satellite showing promising signs of ore to mine. We either deal with this now or then."

He nods glad he got the approval.

"Sharpe," Yang said, looking directly at him. "I know you already know this, but I have to state it. Do not go searching for the Dragon or any other enemy force. If you run into any trouble, contacts Fort Talas. They will take care of any problems if you face any."

“What can go wrong sir?” He replies in a smartass tone.

Yang looks at him. “Do you want the list? Now end of meeting.”

"I understand sir," He said.

After the meeting, he heads out with Sarah by his side.

"Well that could have been better," Sarah said.

"It doesn't matter," He said. "I can't believe you have to deal with him on a daily basis."

Sarah shrugs at that. "We just avoid each other. But he is the head of Operations."

Sarah then looks at him. "You do realize it is not your fault. Things happen."

"I know," He replies. "When does Bailey and Johnson come back?"

Sarah looks at her clipboard. "Vanguard-5 is here, but Bailey is currently on Earth with the Bunnies. They should be back in two days. Same with Johnson. But it will take a few days to mobilize a few M1083*. I think we will need four?"

He nods hearing that. "That sounds good. We have a few days. It's time to get everyone else up to speed."

Sarah lowers her tablet and looks at him. "Training? It is going to be hard. It's easy to train one at a time. You can focus your efforts on that one person. A full group, tribal mentality starts to take effect. While everyone is here, some still seem to still be resistant to our ways."

Part of the reason for Fort Minick's creation was to provide a specialized training center for native forces who wish to join the US effort. Natives do not have the history of development and because of all the different races, it was decided a special training program was needed.

"I noticed," He replies and thinks.

He thinks about that fact and nods his head. "I know what to do." He then takes an annoyed breath.

"What is wrong?" Sarah asked, seeing his reaction.

He thinks back to his days in Southeast-Asia. "I can talk to Brigadier General Kōichirō Hazama. I worked with one of his units a few years ago. First Lieutenant Yoji Itami. Shockingly he was the one who introduced me to anime but I think he is a Captain now."

“So, he was the one who introduced you to Sailor Moon,” Sarah ask with a giggle.

He looks at her and frowns. Noriko introduced Selina to the 2012 Sailor Moon. He is fine and supports Noriko introducing Selina to shows like this, a real female lead show, not the Hollywood crap. He wants her to see females winning and good morals, showing that she does not have to be a victim but a winner.

But he didn’t expect to get dragged into it. Two days ago, Selina wanted him to watch the show. He spent three hours watching it and it was hard. “Selina told you?”

Sarah starts smirking and nods his head. “She texted me about it. She was so happy, and I was shocked that you did it.”

“Well,” Sharpe starts to say. “It is not fair if I only make them watch what I want. It made her happy and that was enough.”

“That is sweet-,” Sarah said but then Sharpe continues.

“And at least I got a good view when they’re transforming.” Sharpe said with a smirk. He then looks at her and sees her giving him a look. “What? I am a dad now. I get to make dad jokes.” He chuckles from that. “I embarrassed her a few times, it was hilarious. Surprisingly, when she wants to punch she can punch.”

Sarah shakes her head and smirks. “You’re like my dad. He would say things like that in front of me and my sister just to pinch a nerve. Mom always said my dad could look at the menu but couldn’t order form it. There so close.”

"Anyway, let us get back on topic,” Sarah said.” “I assume Itami is Special Forces? Let me guess you two hate each other," Sarah said, assuming based on his track record with the Navy Seal-3 leader Daniel.

"Actually, he and I got along well," He said. "My home station was in Japan and in 2021 his team and my team did a joint-operation against a Chinese backed cult organization. This dude Aum Shinrikyo was trying to recreate a cult that conducted the Sarin Gas attack in Tokyo decades before. China supplied them with a VX bomb."

"Holy shit," Sarah said in shock. "Every time you speak about this secret world you lived in it seems to get darker. I am shocked that didn’t make it in the news."

"Because we did our jobs. You will be surprised what you don’t hear about. China plays for keeps," Sharpe said. "After the Virus hit, China saw it as a chance to knock Japan down a peg. I got pinned and Itami saved my life, so we’re cool after that."

"And?" Sarah asked, already knowing there is more to it.

"He is the laziest man I have ever met," He said in a baffled tone. "I have never worked with or met a lazier man in my life. And yet I have no idea how he gets away with it. He explained it like an ant pack and I just do not know. I cannot describe it. But I know he recently was assigned here, and I know we can work together."

"Ok," Sarah said and thought about that. "But do you think he will be enough? Training these natives will not be easy. I think half of them want to kill each."

He takes another deep breath knowing that she is right. He nods and he comes to the same conclusion. "That is why I requested one of the few men that terrifies me. Chief Master Sergeant Carlos Cruz of the Philippines Special Forces Regiment. Crazy mothers they are…" He finished with a slight hint of fear in his eyes.

"He helped us train the Hong Kong resistance fighters," He adds as he thinks about his past. "Anyway, I will take care of that."

Sarah takes her tablet and places it between her arms. "You can deal with your old friends."

He smiles and nods. "That is fine. Let's go. I know the girls are putting their rooms together. I got Rory and Selina a new gift."

"Those bicycles?" Sarah said with a big smile.

"How….? Oh yeah. You do all the paperwork. But yeah I think it is important for them to learn how to ride something." He said.

Sarah nods and starts walking. "Let's go. It is a nice warm day."




"Takin care of business!" Rory yells as she uses her Halbert as a pretend guitar.

She spins around as the stereo plays the song 'Takin Care of Business'.

She stops and spins around her weapon above her and then starts using it again as a guitar. She places her left foot on the main room table and bangs her head as she tries to mimic the words of the song.

She looks over to the corner and sees Selina. She is on the couch dancing to the music. In her hand is a remote that she is pretending to be a microphone.

She notices Selina having a strange dance. She is walking side to side with hands going side to side. She then pushes them out. The rhythm is every move she does is twice. She goes side to side twice and extend her arms twice and then repeats*.

"There you go, girl!" She says as she swings her hand around. “What is this? Your people dance?”

“Yes!” Selina said as she dances. “In the Cult I… was in; we have a special dance like this. We call it the Dance of Miritta. We do it after we give ourselves to Miritta. It is a celebrating dance.”

“Cool girl,” Tuka said. “That is a cute dance.”

"Takin care of business!" Selina yells as she jumps off the couch.

As she sings, she looks over to Tuka. She is using the wooden lute she got for Christmas*. She suddenly starts doing a solo part from the song. While the sound from the lube does not match the rocking sound of the soundtrack guitar, she is impressed by how well Tuka can make the sound from her lute to the soundtrack. Her god Lunaryur, the goddess of music really shows how talented Tuka is.

Seeing Selina as she jumps on top of the table and starts dancing on there. "Selina watch this." She starts hopping on one foot on the table.

"How are you doing that?" Selina asks and then tries to mimic Rory. After the third hop, she falls.

She stops and looks down at Selina as she rubs her butt. She looks at her little friend and laughs at her.

In all her life she never thought she would spend so much time in a group like this before, especially when none of them are her worshippers. While she does not care about things like that, always wanting to act good and help regardless of who they worship, she still finds it strange.

Most Apostles would never befriend a little girl like Selina unless they are devout follower, which only makes sense. She knows Selina is a follower of Miritta and by extension Karlin Daolo, Miritta’s Apostle. While Selina does not know Karlin is her Apostle, she has been helping them get close so Karlin can remove the Edras Priest indoctrination. So far it has been working.

That goes with Tuka. Besides the issue of her not wanting to help Selina when she was taken* since then she has been stepping up in being more part of the group. It is an open secret on what happened, only Selina does not know that Tuka’s refused to help.

But Tuka did in the end and she has been working hard to earn that trust again. She is happy that Tuka is spending more time with her but at the same time she will not let Tuka take Selina out alone, not until she feels like Tuka is ready.

Tuka walks over and helps Selina up. "Be more careful."

"Come on," She said with a giggle. "I am Rory the Reaper, the Apostle of Darkness, no! Wait! I am The Dark Knight!"

"You copied that from Batman," Tuka said.

"But…. I liked it," She mumbles.

Lelei opens the door from her room and peeks out. "Can you two knock it off! You are so loud!"

And then there is Lelei. She looks over and waves at her. She was the first girl that she met after the Flame Dragon. Both of them helped Vanguard-7 during the battle and have been there since.

Lelei goes back into her room but then pops out again. "And put some clothes on!"

She blinks and looks at Selina. Both her and Selina have been partying, so they’ve been in their shorts and bra. Tuka, on the other hand, is only wearing shorts and that was a massive debate to make her wear that. High Elves, they hate Human clothes.

"What? We are having fun," She said.

"Yeah Lelei," Selina said with a smile.

"Ok…" Lelei said with a massive sigh. She then looks at Tuka. "What about Tuka?"

"I hate western cloths. Accept it," Tuka said as she crosses her arms. "Besides, I am a High Elf. We are not ashamed of our bodies like you Humans are. We wear clothes but it is our style. We never understood why Humans wear so much."

"It is their wear Tuka," Lelei said. "And I approve."

"You are just saying that because your breast are smaller than mine," Tuka said as she places her hand on her chest.

She looks at Tuka and then at Lelei. She sees Lelei with this devilish look in her eyes. All of a sudden, her eyes glow blue and she sees this lamb lift up from a table and swings right at Tuka.

"Hey!" Tuka said as she gets out of the lamp way.

Her eyes widen as she gets a realization. She holds out her hand. "Wait, everyone. I have a question." She then looks to Tuka. "You said you won't wear western clothes?"

Tuka looks at her, placing her fist on her hips, taking pride in her body. "Yeah? I willing to compromise on my people's customs and traditions but there are lines."

"I get that," She said and looked at Lelei. "Lelei. Why do they call it western clothes?"

"Because they consider their civilization western," Lelei replies.

"Yes, but that doesn't make sense," She said. "That makes sense if their world was flat, but it is round. Remember we learned that recently. So, isn't all of Earth west then?"

She sees that Lelei is about to reply but then stops herself. The truth is she does not care but was trying to defuse the situation.

Lelei looks at her. "I don't care right now."

Selina looks around. "Well, I like their clothes. They are comfortable and pretty. I like wearing dresses."

"We all know Selina," Lelei said and smiles. She then looks at her and everyone else. "And shouldn't you all be setting up your rooms?"

"Ok," She said. "I just wanted a break and have some fun."

As Lelei slowly goes back into her room she believes she catches something. "Wait just a minute."

"Stay out of my room Rory," Lelei said as she tries to close her door.

She quickly rushes to her door and stops her from closing it. She looks up against the wall and giggles at what she sees.

She sees a poster of this shirtless dude. She recognizes the dude, a man named Lucer. He is a character of a recent story she has been reading online. He is supposed to be a badass soldier.

She evilly smirks and she glances back to Lelei. "Lelei… Lelei… Lelei."

"Don't you dare!" Lelei said as her cheeks turned red.

She remembers when Sharpe got wounded when he fought Krysist. His Apostle Frayen got a magic blast in the chest, leaving a burning mark. When Jerry was treating him while he was knocked out, she notices Lelei was unable to stop looking at Sharpe bare chest*. She found it adorable how hard she was trying not to stare.

She does not blame her, there is nothing sexier than a strong man with scars. While she is very smart and able to quickly learn new things, she has a lot to learn about the opposite sex, assuming Sharpe would ever allow her to be as overprotective that he is.

The truth is that she loves that side of him. There have been a few times he went out of his way for her because he was worried. Her favorite time was when she was struggling during a fight against two Minotaurs*. He appeared out of nowhere and helped turned the tide of the fight.

"You and your online stories," She said. "It makes me wonder what you do all day alone with your computer."

Lelei looks at her with a blank face. She then blinks. "Rory… do you even know what that means? You're only saying that because you heard Scott say that."

"That is true," Selina adds.

She glares at Selina. The one thing she has learned about her is that she switches teams all the time. The worst part is, she is correct. She honestly has no idea what the phrase means. All she knows is that they use that joke when it comes to the Internet.

She looks back at Lelei. It is what she expected, three bookshelves full of books, a personal computer, and a dresser for clothes. "I hate you." She then closes the door.

She goes back into the main room where Selina and Tuka are at. When they arrived, she got a good chance to get a good look at this place. Everyone has their own room like in Philadelphia, all connected to this main lounge room for everyone to gather. There is a very small kitchen section for quick meals. Sharpe's room is down the hall.

All this was allowed to happen because he is in charge and it is the US Army way of saying thank you for their service. While she didn't originally join because of the good food, soft comfortable beds, and her deepest and darkest secret, their nice clothes.

Right then she hears the main door open. She stops the music and sees Sharpe walking in.

Sharpe stood there and then looks at everyone. "What the…?"

She looks at him and grabs everything that's nearby and starts throwing what she grabs at him. "You pervert! Get out of here!"

As Sharpe gets hit by a couch cushion, he takes cover around the door. She then sees Sarah peek around the door.

"Ceasefire Rory, we surrender," Sarah said.

She blinks and smiles. She waves her hand at her. "Hi, Sarah. What brings you here?"

"Apparently to negotiate a cease-fire," Sarah points out. "It might be best if you stay out here. Maybe get the thing ready."

She blinks and then looks to Selina. Selina looks at her and shrugs with confusion about what they are talking about.

Sarah then talks in and closes the door. "I see you’ve been having fun… and making a mess.

Sarah then stops and looks at Tuka. "Tuka… why are you halfway naked? Go put a shirt on, a man's here now."

"So?” Tuka replies, holding her hands up showing she doesn't care. "Back in my village, it is cultural acceptance. I am not ashamed of my body and I am proud-."

"Tuka go put on a shirt!" Sarah yells in frustration.

Tuka blinks and then rushes into her room.

After seeing then she looks to Selina. Both of them chuckle from the sight.

"That goes for you too," Sarah said and then looks around. "That goes for you two and where is Lelei."

Lelei slowly appears out of her room. "Thank you. They were getting out of control."

"Yeah, yeah," She said, brushing what Lelei and Sarah off. "First I want to know what is going on!"

Sarah takes a deep breath. "Well. Jackson got all of your bikes."

She had to think for a moment. She remembers hearing that word before. For some reason, she can't recall what.

"Isn't that the one with the wheels?" Selina asked as she thinks about the question.

"Correct," Lelei said. "A bike or otherwise known as a bicycle is a mode of transport. It has two wheels and paddles. It also has this bell on the right side of the right handle."

"Yup," Sarah comments. "He's getting them ready now. While Lelei the only one who can drive right now this should help everyone get around easier."

"Driving is not natural," She replies as she crosses her arms again.

"That and you can't reach the gas and brake pedals," Tuka said as she walks out of her room with a tank top on. She would chuckle at her joke.

"Don't chuckle Tuka," Sarah said. "You need to learn to drive too. Now Rory, Selina. Get dressed." She then looks to Lelei. "You might want to change to honey. A robe or dress won't work on a bike."

It did not take long for everyone to get ready. Once they are all done, they head outside to see what is going on. A

Outside she and the others see four bikes. They match how Lelei described them. Two wheels and handles. Each is a different color to help separate them.

She then sees Sharpe standing by one of the bikes. For some reason, she is picking up a new vibe from both Sarah and Sharpe.

But she heads over to the red and black bike. As she studies her bike, she notices more features than the others. "Why does mine look different?"

Sharpe walks over and kneels next to her. "well because you are super strong and a badass."

She smiles with pride in hearing that.

"It was hard to find a bike that could support you," Sharpe said and then pats the seat with his hand. "Hop on."

She looks up at him finding all this strange. She does remember seeing this vehicle back in Philadelphia, people riding around on the streets. But there was so much going on the first time she went to Earth she barely had the time to register it.

She gets on and balances herself. For a moment she thought she was going to fall to the right but then feels Sharpe hands on both of her arms. She glances at him and blushes.

"Everything ok?" Sharpe asked.

"Completely Jackson," She replies. "Now what?"

"You put your feet on the pedals and then you start pedaling," Sharpe said. "The key is balance. It is very easy to learn once you get a hang of it."

She looks at him and then looks down. She looks forward and starts to pedal. To her shock, the bike starts going forward. She goes about a foot and feels herself tipping to the left. While she knows she can't get hurt or if she gets a wound it will heal quickly but for some reason, she feels a fear deep inside her. She wonders if it is because she has never done this before and scared about what might happen or because people are watching.

Again, she feels Sharpe holding onto her and helps balance her. "I got you. Just focus on the basics."

"Ok," She said as she focuses on steering and pedaling.

She keeps pedaling and picking up speed. She takes a few turns and after some time she finally figures out how to ride a bike by herself.

She had to admit she feels a lot of pride. Being an Apostle, most things in life is easy to do. Most of her challenges and training ended centuries ago when she became a master at her weapon and abilities. Learning new things like riding a bike becomes rare making life kind of boring.

After her turn was done, she watched the other girls give it a try. To her surprise, Lelei is struggling the most. It became clear that she was trying to use her head to ride her bike and not trusting her heart, taking the new challenge as a math equation.

After an hour and a half of Sharpe helping the girls learning to ride a bike, they went back inside to settle down.

When she noticed Sarah was still there is when she figured out something is going on. When Sarah is around both of them are usually fighting or bullshit about something. Sharpe always trying to piss her off about something. So far, they have been quiet.

Once everyone is inside, she sees that both Sarah and Sharpe requested them to sit down on the couch. She and everyone did as requested. By this point she can see that Lelei has figured out something is up.

As Sharpe and Sarah talk to each other quickly she leans to Lelei. "Hey. You're smart. What is going on?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Lelei replies. "You usually have a better understanding of what's going in the Major head."

"Usually yes but right now I am baffled," She replies. "They both seem different today."

"I picked that up earlier," Lelei said. "This is nothing like Christmas."

Selina's head moves up. "What are you two talking about?"

She takes her hand and pushes her down, kicking her out of the conversation. "You have a big mouth so enough of you."

"Attention ladies," Sharpe said. "There are a few things I need to talk to you about."

"About time," She said as she crossed her legs and arms. "Was debating if I was going to kidnap you if you didn't tell us what is going on."

Sharpe looks directly at her. "You can kidnap me, but you won't like the roughen you will receive." He then gives her a wink.

She laughs but turns red. "Only in your dreams Jackson."

"I know," Sharpe said in a cold dark tone.

She blinks and glances away. How he said it scared her. Then she hears chuckles coming from the girls. She looks at them and glares at them.

"Ok," Sarah said as she steps forward. "This is getting way too rated R. I swear you two together… not even going to finish that thought."

"You never commit Sarah," She states as she looks at her. “You’re an easy target.”

"Ok, ok," Sharpe stated. "There are going to be some changes coming. As you’ve already known this base was constructed to help train native forces in our weapons, equipment, and tactics. Just like Selina here each one of you will be getting a sidearm for self-defense."

"But I am happy with my Halberd," She responded quickly. "I don't want to get rid of it."

"And I have put so much effort into developing my magic," Lelei counters. "Plus, all the spells I have been developing. My missiles and hypersonic and I am getting close in perfecting my gravity spells and…"

"Calm down girls," Sarah said.

"This is for personal defense," Sharpe said. "You already know the basics like radios, Driving with Lelei. You all know how to use computers and other things."

As Sharpe goes on about how they should learn more about their tactics and weapons, she notices Sarah right behind him looking at him, with a strange smile.

She pulls out her phone and secretly texting Lelei.

"I think they are mating," She texts to Lelei.

Lelei texts back. "Are you sure or are you trying to pull another prank? Like when you stole her bra three months ago?"

She smirks thinking about that. "She deserved it for that kiss on Christmas and no. Look at how Sarah looking at Jackson." She texts back.

There is a short delay for Lelei to text back. "I think you are right. But I do not think they call it mating. I think it is dating."

She smirks at that. Lelei has always been the technical one of the groups. She loves her for that. "What is the difference?" She texts back.

"Rory, are you paying attention?" Sarah asked. "Can you put down your phone?"

She puts her phone on her look and looks at both of them. "Are you two together now?"

Sharpe looks to Sarah and then back to her. "Yes. Ladies. We are dating."

"Yes," Sarah said as she takes a step forward. "We talked about its last night and felt it was important to tell you all first."

"Are you staying with us?" Lelei asked

"No," Sarah said. "We are soldiers and were at war. We are professionals. You all will stay here to keep him out of trouble."

"Good luck with that," Sharpe mumbles.

Selina jumps onto her knees while on the couch and places her hands on her knees. "So, when is the marriage?"

There is a moment of uncomfortable silence after Selina said that. "What? It is part of the song."

"What song?" Tuka asked.

"Oh lord," Sarah mumbles as she places her hand on her head.

Selina smiles and starts nodding her head back and forth. "First comes love, then comes marriage and then comes the baby and the baby bed."

"Selina," Sarah said. "You’re adorable and way too soon."

"But it is the song," Selina said.

"Rory. Knock Selina on the head." Sarah said.

She raises her hand and knocks Selina on the head.

She takes a breath and smiles. She is glad they are together; they work well together. From the beginning, Sarah has helped him recover and has been there for her and the rest. They deserve each other but she does feel a small hole in her heart.

She is worried that her place by Sharpe’s side will no longer matter. It took centuries for her to be able to follow another man into battle. To believe in one and during her remaining days in this world she wants to be by his side.

"I am happy," She says. "About time."

Sharpe looks at her and then everyone else. "I just want to say this. This is the best part of my life. I do not just mean Sarah I mean all of you. Nothing is changing between us because from the beginning we’ve been close like a family. I will never let that change."

She then sees Sharpe look directly at her and then winks. She smiles and blushes, glancing away.

"Alright," Sharpe said. "I am going to get a movie. I have a good one. Inside-Out."

"What is that?" Lelei asks.

"It is a movie about people living with their insides like their skin," Sharpe said in a smartass tone. He then walks away and heads to his room.

She is confused by what he said. She then looks at Sarah and sees her hand on her face again.

"Oh lord," Sarah said. "Don't lie about my favorite movie."

As Sharpe leaves, she gets an evil idea. She smirks and looks at Sarah. "Congratulations Sarah. I get to play with him, and you have to pick up the pieces."

Sarah looks at Rory and sees the evil smirk. "Oh, lord. This was a bad idea."

She and Tuka giggle from that. And then they hear Sharpe yell.

"Selina! Get your stuff out of my quarters and get them into yours!" Sharpe yells from down the hall.

She and everyone else looks at Selina.

"What?" Selina asked as she looks at everyone

She then looks down at her phone noticing a text from Lelei.

Lelei text says, “You were right. What should we do?”

Reading her text, she smirks. “I’m telling everyone. I will get Vanguard-5 and 7. Can you get Vanguard-2?”

There is a short delay before Lelei replies. “Sure. I will also tell Noriko.”

“Save that for Selina,” She texts back. “She will need someone to brag about.”

“… I need more friends,” Lelei texts back.

“We love you Lelei,” She texts back. “You can text our friends at the Cultural Center, PX Hill and the others.”

She then texts Tuka, seeing that she joined the conversation. “Tuka. Text your father. I know he will love to have more sexist talks with Jackson.”

“Father isn’t a sexist,” Tuka text until Lelei interrupts.

“He has five girlfriends Tuka,” Lelei texts. “He brags about how to manage woman. The Major respects our bodies, he doesn’t.”

She chuckles at Lelei response. She is a quiet girl but there is a beast in her that comes out once and awhile. “Sorry Tuka. Your father funny but its true. Still, it would be funny to watch Jackson and your father debate about how to treat woman. Its adorable.”

“... true,” Tuka responds. “I will tell him.”

She then goes into her contact list and pulls out Vanguard-7, Vanguard-5, Myuute, Delilah and a few others.

“Girls,” Sarah said. “What are you doing? Are you texting people? We kind of want to keep this on the down low for now.”

She looks to Lelei and Tuka. Both of them are looking at her. All three of them look Sarah. “Nope. Everything good.”

Then all three of them press send.






*Chapter 133

*Chapter 137


*Chapter 118

*Chapter 107

*Chapter 9

*Alnus Military Police

*Chapter 8

*Oshkosh-produced M1083 A1P2 5-ton MTV cargo

* (Selina Dance)

*Chapter 66

*Chapter 99

*Chapter 116

*Chapter 74







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